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    Minecraft Nether Structures Feedback and Changes

    Minecraft Nether Structures Feedback and Changes

    Nether Structures Feedback and Changes

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    All posts on the new nether structures (Bastions and broken nether portals) feedback and changes will be removed and redirected to this post. Posts from before this post will be linked in the comments. If we missed any, be sure to link them yourself!

    —Previous Feedback Posts—

    —Frequent points of interest—

    • Design changes: What do you like or dislike about the look of bastions, and what would you do to improve it?
    • What do you like about the layout of bastions? What works and what could change? Are the challenges good, or could they use improvement?
    • Loot: Does the bastion have good loot? What would you like removed, or added to bastion loot?
    • What do you like or dislike about portals? Do they need improvements?

    —Do not forget—

    Keep things civilized and constructive, we will be moderating the comments!

    submitted by /u/Martijndebakker
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    Ruined Portals need to be changed.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    tldr: Ruined portals are way to common, break progression, and are an overall pain. Make them a rare structure worth searching for to balance them.

    The problem

    Recently, Ruined portals were added to the overworld and nether dimensions. The purpose of these is to serve as a mini tutorial on how to get to the nether. However, to put it bluntly, in their current state they are VERY flawed.

    Firstly, since they can spawn on the surface or underground, they generate commonly to make sure they are not too difficult to find. However, this has made them much too common. The first world I generated, I found a portal ruin about 40 blocks from spawn. Which brings me to the next problem.

    They completely mess with progression. Many of them come with loot chests as well as gold blocks. The loot chests can contain all sorts of helpful resources, enchanted tools and armor, and even golden apples. This is not the sort of stuff players should be able to obtain on the first day just by walking around the world.

    Ruined portals can also be a huge pain for new players or people in the early game. Imagine you want to build a house somewhere, but oh no, there is a Portal ruining the landscape with lots of netherrack, lava, and obsidian. Since players in the early game won't have diamond tools, a person would have to leave the portal as it is until they find diamonds. Keep in mind finding diamonds takes a while, and even longer for new players. You either have to just put up with it or mine out the entire thing with an iron pickaxe.

    It takes ~40 seconds to mine 1 block of obsidian with an iron pickaxe. Just imagining holding left click on a block for that long hurts my brain. And then you have to do that again for about 10 more obsidian blocks minimum. That sounds super frustrating.

    These portals also come generated with tons of netherrack and lava. Why, just why? I can already see a ruined portal burning down an entire jungle because the lava set fire to the bushes.

    Finally, the way that these broken portals handle loot does not make any sense. For every other loot chest in the game, the value of it's contents tend to reflect how difficult it was to get it. Burried treasure rewards you for adventuring, End city chests reward you for getting to the End, Desert temples reward you for not falling for it's trap, and so on. So what do these easy to find portals reward you for? Just happening to stumble across one. And what do they give you? Good loot as well as crying obsidian which is needed for respawn anchors.

    I think you get the point I'm trying to make; in their current state, they are BAD.

    A Solution

    I have seen several people proposing solutions, here is a solution that uses the best ideas I have seen so far.

    Firstly, they should only spawn on the surface of the overworld. They could be burried in dirt or sand, but always slightly visible. (nether has no surface so would generate in the same places)

    Secondly, they should be made more rare. The rarity should be somewhere in between villages and ocean monuments. To find them, you could buy a Portal Ruins exploration map from a cartographer villager. (on second thought, have the wandering trader sell maps to all sorts of ruins and temples, including portal ruins)

    The Ruined portal could be somewhat similar to the current one, but surrounded with many stone/quartz pillars and beams: remnants of a some sort of ancient structure. (Sort of like Stonehenge.) Chests with some sweet nether related loot could generate near the portal.

    Lastly, portal ruins in the nether would also be made rare, but still 8 times as common. Just to keep with the 1 block in the nether = 8 blocks in the overworld logic.

    (IMO, if Mojang wants to keep them as they are at the very least they should get rid of the loot chest.)

    edit: As people have pointed out, they are probably common so that they are easy for people to try out in the snapshot, and will be made rare later. However, I personally like the idea of it being a bigger, more rare structure so I stand by my post.

    submitted by /u/k00ji
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    If a chain is hanging from a ceiling, right-clicking with more chains will add them to the bottom of the stack.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Imagine you're in a dark cave and you've just stumbled upon a pitch black ravine. You'd place a lantern on the ceiling, and right-click it with a chain. The lantern is replaced with a chain and the lantern itself is pushed to the block space below.

    And you can just keep doing it and lower the lantern into the ravine to provide light.

    It's like how ropes function in Terraria. But instead of using it for climbing, it's for a unique function of lowering lanterns, and spawners and probably other blocks too.

    Dispensers could also make this process automated for maps and contraptions. Although with a dispenser, I'm not sure how the process would be reversible.

    submitted by /u/Axoladdy
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    Ghasts should have solid hit boxes like shulkers

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    So imagine this, you are in the nether and below you is a ghast floating above the lava ocean. Before it has a chance to get to your level you shoot you, you jump down and land on top of it. The ghast's hitbox is solid (much like a shulker) and behaves like blocks. I'm not saying you should be able to place blocks on them, I'm saying it would be cool to have these opportunities to parkour across the heads of ghasts. Maybe give them the bounciness of slime but without the slow movement of walking on them? Maybe if you stand close to one of their edges you can trick the, into flying into that general direction?

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/E_McPlant_C
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    Replace shipwreck and ocean ruin chests with barrels.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Shipwrecks and ruins have chests inside them, and would make sense to replace them with barrels.

    It would make sense, as barrels are used on ships, and were used in costal cities.

    submitted by /u/xXNugget25Xx
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    New danger in the bastions - Royal piglin

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    image of royal piglinRoyal piglin is new type of piglins.He will spawn in the treasury (most often in a group of 2 individuals) and on bridges(always 1). He wears full netherite armor and is armed with a netherite axe(Always enchanted on knocback 2 and fire aspect 2). Any part of the armor can be enchanted with fire protection, protection with a 60% chance, and thorns with a 35% chance. Each piece of armor(and axe) also has an 80% chance of being cursed by of vanishing, which prevents it from dropping. In the left hand, royal piglin always has an enchanted golden apple, which eats at low CP(this process takes 26 ticks). If you managed to kill it before it had time to eat the Apple, it will fall out with a 100% chance(this will encourage players not to push the royal piglin into the lava). This type of Piglins will never change its netherite armor to golden armor, but you can use it with netherite ingots, the chance of bartering for rare items increases by 4 times, and new barter items are also possible for it(I haven't come up with it yet).

    submitted by /u/KnightOnHorse
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    Flying over magma blocks / lava with an elytra causes you to rise up.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    Kind of like the glide minigame added before to Console edition. It would function as a 'reverse' to the boat mechanic, perhaps even dragging the player down over soul sand.

    This has many opportunities to be made into maps, mini games and could provide some interesting mechanics to minecraft that could provide new ways of transportation. e.g. a sky highway that allows players to glide without the use of rockets.

    Edit: with suggestions from comments, it would probably be best if it was an elytra enchantment which could be called something like "Windcatcher."

    Edit 2: Instead of magma blocks, updrafts could instead be caused by normal fire, while soul fire drags you down.

    submitted by /u/skratadiddlydoo
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    A change to how Bastions are looted

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    Currently, it seems that the majority opinion on the new bastions is that they are too easy to loot for too much loot gain, which is something I agree with. I propose a change to Piglin behaviour regarding chests.

    When any item container (i.e. chests, hoppers, shulker boxes, etc. This includes ender chests.) are opened or placed down, piglins within a fairly large radius (~10 to 15 blocks, would probably need tweaking) will run over to that item container, but will not aggro until an item is removed from that container by any means (except though a hopper), or the container is broken. Piglins (if this is not already the case, it doesn't say so on the wiki) should also gain the ability to "chain" their aggro state to other piglins, resulting in the whole bastion swarming unsuspecting thieves

    This would, ideally, reward players for building a theft system slightly more complicated than one hopper, and requires some degree of planning to extract the items from the Piglin's chests. For example, a hopper chain leading out of the bastion, or a minecart system running though the bastion. This requires forethought to acomplish though, as you can't grab your items from your ender chest once within the bastion.

    This would also make stealing the Piglin's items harder from a combat perspective, as upon stealing the items the player can be mobbed by Piglins even if the chest is isolated in a dark hallway.

    EDIT: clarification on what will aggro a piglin or not

    submitted by /u/No_64
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    Skeleton horses spawn along with Skeletons in the Soulsand Valley

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    Skeleton Horses spawning along with Skeletons in the Soulsand Valley as their "ride" would be a really cool addition

    They are rare in the Overworld, so they are as rare in the Nether. There's only a 25% chance of a Skeleton Horse spawning in a Soulsand Valley and only 1-2 can spawn in that biome

    Just as piglins attack any player mining their gold, skeletons will attack the player if they get too close to the skeleton horses

    Skeleton horses could also be used as a form of transport in the Nether and take damage from lava. Such horses spawned in the Nether could also be a source of some loot, as they are really rare

    submitted by /u/saviounderscore
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    Snow Golem Overhaul

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Snow Golems will now spawn naturally in cold biomes.

    Snow Golems spawn naturally 75% of the time without pumpkins.

    Snow Golems now do 1 damage instead of 0 with their snowballs.

    Snow Golems spawn in cold biome villages, sometimes with the iron golem, or replacing them (for every 1 iron golem, 3 snow golems will spawn)

    Snow Golems can now put snow on any block except water, soul sand, lava, and magma.

    Snow Golems can now put snow in any biome.

    Snow Golems can now replace ferns and tall grass with snow.

    Snow Golems actively avoid entering water, fire, lava, hot biomes, or Nether Portals in the overworld. In the Nether, they do the same but also actively seek out and try to enter Nether Portals.

    Snow Golems can now be made sideways again.

    Snow Golems are immune to snowballs fired from other Snow Golems.

    Using a snowball on or throwing a snowball at a snow golem heals it.

    Snow Golems now have a melted appearance when they are hurt.

    Baby villagers play with Snow Golems.

    Pumpkin patches can sometimes be found in cold biome villages.

    Snow Golems have a sort of berry bush type interaction with ice, where they'll heal when on it, but only when moving.

    Snow Golems have a rare chance of spawning (like spiders with potion effects) with Frost Walker.

    Snow Golems aren't effected by Soul Sand.

    Baby Villagers will sometimes throw snowballs at snow golems themselves as a friendly gesture, whether or not they are hurt. Snow Golems, if not busy attacking any mobs, will then start a snowball fight with the baby villager back, but they don't deal damage to the baby villager.

    Snow Golems that spawn in villages naturally (not by player building) protect the villagers and cats aswell as players and iron golems.

    Snow Golems are friendly to endermen.

    Snow Golems can have their sheared pumpkin reattached by using it on them.

    Snow Golems with pumpkins on their head are immune to rain.

    Snow Golems are immune to soul fire.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Chains recipe crafts more than just one single chain block

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    Considering how many things that needs iron in the game, the actual recipe of chains doesn't sound like a little too much for just one? It should be increased to 4 or at least to 2 or 3 to make it more interesting

    submitted by /u/JoKrun83
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    Nitwits should be charismatic

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Nitwits as they currently stand are just villagers that get killed after you find one in your villager breeder but they shouldn't be.

    Nitwits should go around and talk with other villagers while they work or just lounge around because Nitwits don't have jobs to worry about. When they talk to a villager they give off happy hrmms and that villager they spoke to gets a deal on his first three levels of trades and villagers around him get it on their first one only. If two Nitwits talk to a villager in one day the villager directly they get better deals on all their trades.

    Deals DO NOT stack and will be reset at nighttime. In order for a Nitwit to talk to others is if the Nitwit has direct access to the villager and can move at least two blocks in two directions or 4 blocks in one direction.

    No more slaughtering helpless villagers. Trading centers will be discouraged but not affected heavily.

    submitted by /u/DaveTheMinecrafter
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    Dye-able books and real bookshelves!

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    My idea is to have bookshelves be updated so that they work as storage blocks that can store up to 16 books. These books are displayed visually in the bookshelf model like some resource packs have, and their dyed color shows in the texture too.

    Then Enchantment tables should be updated to need a certain number of books in the shelves around them instead of the number of bookshelves. It would be 45 books since that's how many you currently need to make the 15 necessary bookshelves for max enchants. This would also mean you have more flexibility in terms of Enchanting room design, since only 3 bookshelves would be needed if you decided just to fill them up, or you could make more bookshelves and spread the books out.

    The main reason I came up with this idea is because I often end up with tonnes of enchanted books that I keep in chests, and I think instead it would make sense to just put them in the bookshelves as storage.

    This would also mean that generated bookshelves in the game like in dungeons and villages could have a chance of having an enchanted book inside, or a book and quill book that has some kind of story/lore written in it.

    Another little possible idea is "trapped books" or "redstone books", basically some kind of book that looks like a normal book apart from a barely noticeable texture change (like trapped chests) and when taken out of the bookshelf it triggers a redstone signal. So you could have a book in your bookshelf at home that opens a secret door when taken out. The dungeons could have this too, where a random bookshelf may have a book in it that opens up something hidden.

    submitted by /u/XanGlass
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    Place torches on top of bamboo

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    The thin bamboo segments that form from newly planted bamboo or placing two on top of each other is the same thickness as a torch. Logically, they would work perfectly as a tall torch. The bamboo is offset on the block it's placed on to look natural so normally this would look weird, but it could be solved by just offsetting the torch or centering the bamboo.

    submitted by /u/crazymachinefan
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    Playing disk 11 will make parrots fly away from the jukebox

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Crimson and Warped Roots can be crafted into red and light blue dye respectively

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Seeing how the nether has a new exclusive banner pattern, we should be able to get colors to use with it in the dimension, since currently, the only color of dye you can get in the nether is white.

    submitted by /u/Gamerbry
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    Wandering Trader spawning in the snowy biome has a "winter clothes" texture, and their Llamas are replaced with a couple of Huskys

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Huskys would be just a palette swap of normal Minecraft Dogs, well, acide from their "owner" always being WT. On death, Husky would drop a dog collar (although I doubt many players would do it).

    But what are those Huskys supposed to pull, you would ask? Well, WT's winter clothes texture would include a couple of short skis tied on WT's back (kinda like a backback), implying that when player doesn't look, WT equips them and then is pulled by his Huskys, holding by a rope!

    submitted by /u/Arventur1996
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    Faceless Nether Fish

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    So I thought about adding a fish into the Nether but I thought just adding in just some hellish looking Cod would be a bit lame. So why not get creative? The lava seas don't have to be exploding with life but how about a rare fish called the Faceless Fish.

    Has anyone heard of a Xiphactinus? For those who don't know, the Xiphactinus was a Cretaceous fish that was considered ugly: https://www.fossilera.com/p/832/Xiphactinus_CGI.jpg

    Now, imagine it faceless and having magma cracks that glow (Incredibly bad image I made of it in like 5 minutes but it gives you an idea: https://i.imgur.com/saME8Bw.png). It'd probably be Squid-sized.

    It'd be hostile and swim in the lava lakes but be decently rare. Upon death, it'd drop itself which could be brewed for a Blindness Potion or eaten for 3 hunger points. While that last part doesn't seem useful, I think this mob as more of a cool aesthetic. Could also be seen hunting any mobs that have accidentally fallen into lava (Other than other Faceless Fish).

    Note: Faceless Fish is a WIP name. Any other name ideas? Btw if you come up with some more useful things this could do, do tell.

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    The Island Update Overhaul (Feedback Wanted)

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    The Island Update

    Here's my idea for features that I believe could make up an expansive addition to Minecraft that would bring a lot of fresh life to the game.

    Islands - Yes, islands do already exist in Minecraft but this would be an entirely new set of island biomes including; 1. Desert Islands - Traditional sandy island, the type you might picture in your head when you think of a deserted or uninhabited island. 2. Tropical/Jungle Islands - Islands containing a tropical jungle like biome. 3. Treasure Islands - These are again similar to desert islands but contain buried treasure and sometimes have shipwrecks naturally spawning in close proximity to them or even beached on their shores. These islands are rare and have a chance of only one spawning in an archipelago. 4. Volcanic islands - These islands contain multiple new mobs, new blocks and more. They would be made up of cracked cobble, obsidian and magma blocks as well as new blocks listed below. 5. Extinct Volcanic Islands/Atolls - Similar to volcanic islands but far less fiery, atolls are coral islands which would spawn wither in close proximity to extinct volcanic islands or in some way be merged together with them. Volcanic islands are rare but not as rare as Treasure Islands. 6. Marsh islands - These islands are very wet and swamp like, new variations of slimes may spawn here as well as new variations or reeds/weeds.

    Now to go into more specific additions pertaining to these islands. Such as new mobs, blocks, etc.


    Mobs: Crabs - Crabs are small red mobs, they are passive unless agitated or unless you come in close proximity to a group of three or more crabs. Crabs can be killed for crab meat which can be eaten raw or cooked or can be crafted into a bisque using the traditional soup crafting recipe but including a bucket of milk as well as crab meat. Crabs could also drop crab claws which function as low durability shears.

    Coconut Crabs - Larger more aggressive crabs, drop twice as much meat.

    Sea Serpents - Serpents spawn more commonly in the water near islands but can also spawn in coral reefs, they are naturally aggressive towards fish and other sea life (including guardians). Serpents are not naturally attracted to the player but are attracted to blood, they will hunt you but only if your health is not at full or you are currently holding some sort of raw meat in your hand. Serpents can drop serpent teeth which can be used as an alternative to flint for arrow tips during crafting and can also drop serpent scales which can be traded with castaways.

    Castaways - Castaways are a new sort of villager that has a chance to spawn only on desert islands (at most two can spawn on an island), they will consider nautilus shells to be high value items for trading and also have a unique skin portraying a villager with tattered clothing. Islands containing castaways have a chance of also spawning with island shelters on them which are makeshift houses used and built by the castaways, sometimes they will instead spawn with a campfire. If you manage to transport a castaway back to a mainland village their texture will return to that of a normal villager and you will be rewarded with emeralds.

    Castaways will also trade most commonly for serpent scales and decorative shells, through trades with castaways you can acquire fishing nets and bait (neither of which can be crafted).

    Seagulls - Seagulls are a new flying mob that will primarily hang around islands. They drop feathers and will also attempt to collect food items of placed on the ground (can only hold up to one god item). If killed a seagull will also drop any food it has collected. However seagulls do consume food (at a rate equal to that of the item despawn rate). Seagulls will also flock players if they are holding a food item, they do not cause any damage but can deal knock back to the player. Seagulls can be bred using bread.

    Tropical Fish - New fish variants that spawn around islands, mostly near jungle islands.

    Tropical Slime - New slime variant that functions the way the tropical slimes in Minecraft Earth do currently.

    Hermit Crabs- Hermit crabs are a new mob that spawn on beaches. Hermit crabs have a protective shell and are much more difficult to kill while hidden in it but can be killed with much more ease when they are walking about. Hermit crabs are nocturnal and therefore more active at night. Hermit crabs are passive until aggravated. Hermit crabs have a wide variety of shell colours and patterns. When killed hermit crabs will drop their shells, shells can be used as decoration. They also have a small chance to drop a nautilus shell. You can tame a hermit crab using fish, they will thusly follow you around unless sat. When a tamed hermit crab is right clicked with a shell it's shell will switch to that of the one you clicked on it with. Tamed hermit crabs will fight for you but don't do much damage, however they would be very well suited for an aquarium or terrarium. Cats and ocelots are naturally aggressive towards hermit crabs.

    Hermit crabs can on rare occasion drop a nautilus shell.

    Fire Lizard - Non-Hostile but can cause fire damage if touched. Drops Fire Lizard meat which inflicts burn damage when eaten unless cooked (Cooking it makes it more edible).

    Flaming Bats - Larger bats (see my "Neather Bats" suggestion for further explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/g2krqb/neather_bats/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf )

    Magma Worms - Hostile mob that can occasionally spawn like silver fish or endermites when volcanic stone is broken, has health/attack equal to silverfish but has chance to light you on fire.

    Worms (Might Alter Name) - Just like magma worms except they spawn in extinct volcanoes when volcanic stone is broken, they act the same as magma worms but can not ignite the player.

    Pirate Illagers - Pirate Illagers occasionally spawn around beaches shipwrecks? They wear pirate hats and are of course hostile.

    Frogs - Frogs are mostly aesthetic, spawn on marsh islands. Perhaps drop slime balls and will attack bees if they encounter them.


    Blocks: Palm Trees - Palm trees are already to be added to the game in the future, they will spawn on both desert and treasure islands. They will also sometimes contain coconuts which hang from them similarly to cocoa beans.

    Treasure chests - A new more decorative chest variant which can only be found buried on treasure islands (perhaps "X marks the spot").

    White sand - a new sand variant that can sometimes be found on island shores and beaches. Can be used to make white sandstone and any concurrent blocks.

    Sails - Made by crafting a boat together with a banner, increases the boats speed to 130% and could be used a new way to display banner designs while Traveling.

    Black Sand - A new sand variant that can also be made into black sand stone and any concurrent blocks of that nature. Spawns on volcanic islands.

    Ash - Like snow, usually appears in carpet like layers above the terrain surrounding the volcano, breaks very easily and simply emits a burst of ash particles when broken. Extinct volcanoes have more ash surrounding them.

    Volcanic Stone - New solid decorative block that's mostly black with some shiny particulates on it. Spawn within volcanoes.

    Bullrushes - Spawn on marsh islands.

    Rafts - Rafts can be pulled behind a boat via a lead, up to 6 connected rafts can be dragged. Each raft reduces the boats speed by 5%. You can place one block atop each rage with it remaining towable, allowing you to carry double shears, furnaces, etc but each block towed reduces the speed by an additional 5%.

    New Coral Variants - Spawn around atolls.

    More - Taking suggestions for further additions.


    Food: Crab meat - See above.

    Bisque - See above.

    Lizard Meat - See Above.

    Coconuts - Spawn on palm trees, can be right clicked with a bottle to collect coconut milk which acts similarly to regular milk but recovers less hunger.

    Tropical Fruit - A variety of new tropical fruit/fruit trees can spawn on jungle islands including things such as pineapples.


    Items: Serpent Teeth - See above.

    Serpent Scales - See above.

    Crab Claws - Taking suggestions on this one.

    Nets - Can not be crafted, when placed in water will accumulate fish overtime (a 5% chance of catching a fish every two mins). The frequency of catching specific fish can be increased using bait which is acquired via castaway training.

    Bait - Increases the frequency of specific fish types being caught via net (each fish has its own type of bait)

    Legendary Bait - Increases the frequency of catching items in fishing nets, specifically enchanted books.

    Island Treasure Maps - Can now be found in shipwrecks, lead to treasure islands and specify the general digging location with an 'X'.

    Potion of Repellent - Repels sharks and other mobs that aren't always naturally aggressive (llamas, wolfs, crabs, bees, etc) the potions effects are rendered irrelevant however if you go out of your way to attack one of these mobs while under its effect.

    Island Tracks - See below.

    Sea Shells - can be used for decoration, spawn on beaches and can also be traded to castaways but are lower value than shark fins.

    Magma Giant Skulls: Found in the depths of volcanoes, see above.

    Starfish - Decorative, used in Potion of Repellent.


    Features: Sails - See above.

    Magma Giant Fight - See above.

    Docking Boats - Boats can now be docked using leads.

    Rafts - See above.

    Island Dungeons - Sometimes treasure islands will spawn with underground dungeons protecting their treasure.

    Castaway Reuniting - Castaways reward you if returned to a mainland village.

    Island Shelters - See above.

    Nets - When stepped on/through have a slowing effect similar to spiderwebs.

    Turtle Change - Turtles are now found primarily near islands.

    Archipelagos - Islands sometimes spawn in chains.


    Ambient: Ripples - Water now ripples when interacted with (jumped in, swam/boated through, has item thrown into it)

    Island Tracks - New 'tropical' sounding audio tracks that can be found in treasure chests and in island shelters. Crab Dance - Crabs will dance like parrots to a specific island track.

    Fossils - Bone blocks can occasional spawn on extinct volcanic islands.



    Magma Giant - The Magma Giant is the only new boss mob included in this update, it is summoned using a beacon setup requiring a base layer of magma, followed by one of volcanic rock, finally followed by one of neatherrack and then a beacon is placed on top, to activate you must place two Magma Giant skulls (which can be found in the volcanoes depths).

    The magma giant can shoot fire charges like a ghast, throw you in the air like a Gollum and ignite the ground it steps on/turn it to magma. It can also spawn in magma cubes that get larger the lower the giants health is.

    When killed the Magma Giant will drop the beacon as well as an exclusive "Enchantment of Burning" in book form, it also will drop fireworks. (Taking suggestions for additional drops)



    Burning - When placed on armour causes any mob that attacks you physically to ignite (50%) chance. Is dropped by Magma Giant.


    That's all I've got for now, be sure to post additional suggestions below if you feel so inclined.

    submitted by /u/EmbarrassedWrangler0
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    New Curse: Curse of Dropping

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Any tool held in the hand with this Curse, will be dropped by the player whenever the player takes damage. the item will not be dropped if it is stored in the inventory, or the players hot bar. only if it is in either hand. This Curse Also Applies to Mobs if they are holding the item, Such as Zombies or Foxes.

    This Curse would make Armor too useless and that's not what curses are meant to do. They're supposed to raise the stakes of making in-game choices. Therefore I have decided to make this Curse exclusively for tools. A great counterpart to the Curse of Binding which is only for armor. Like Curse of Binding, it can be stacked with Curse of Vanishing to Make For an extra careful trip into the mines.

    Available wherever Curses are sold!

    If you like this idea and you want to see it added to the vanilla game, Please vote for it on the Minecraft official Feedback website to let Mojang see!

    submitted by /u/Rhonoke
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    Bees and golems

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Bees should fly to am iron golem holding a poppy

    submitted by /u/Mace1237
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    Piglins shouldn't steal bartered items.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Say you bartered with a Piglin and got some nice iron boots. If any other Piglins are in the area, they pick up and equip those boots. That shouldn't happen.

    Feedback Link - waiting for approval

    submitted by /u/_spacedino_
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    The Island Update - Crabs, Coconuts and More!

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Here's my idea for features that I believe could make up an awesome excellent and expansive addition to Minecraft.

    Islands - Yes, islands do already exist in Minecraft but this would be an entirely new set of island biomes including; 1. Dessert Islands - Traditional sandy island, the type you might picture in your head when you think of a deserted or uninhabited island. 2. Jungle Islands - Islands containing a jungle like biome. 3. Archipelagos - Clusters of small islands, mainly consisting of the aforementioned dessert islands but sometimes also containing jungle islands. 4. Treasure Islands - These are again similar to desert islands but contain married treasure and sometimes have shipwrecks naturally spawning in close proximity to them or even on their shores. These islands are rare and have a chance of only one spawning in an archipelago.

    Now to go into more specific additions pertaining to these islands. Such as new mobs, blocks, etc.


    Mobs: Crabs - Crabs are small red mobs, they are passive unless agitated or unless you come in close proximity to a group of three or more crabs. Crabs can be killed for crab meat which can be eaten raw or cooked or can be crafted into a bisque using the traditional soup crafting recipe but including a bucket of milk as well as crab meat. Crabs could also drop crab claws although I can't currently think of what these might be used for.

    Sharks - Sharks spawn more commonly in the water near islands but can also spawn in coral reefs, they are naturally aggressive towards fish and other sea life (including guardians). Sharks are not naturally attracted to the player but are attracted to blood, they will hunt you but only if your health is not at full or you are currently holding some sort of raw meat in your hand. Sharks can drop shark teeth which can be used as an alternative to flint for arrow tips during crafting and can also drop shark fins which can be traded with castaways as a high value item similar to villagers with emeralds.

    Castaways - Castaways are a new sort of villager that has a chance to spawn only on desert islands, they will consider shark fins to be high value items for trading and also have a unique skin portraying a villager with tattered clothing. Islands containing castaways have a chance of also spawning with dessert shelters on them which are makeshift houses used and built by the castaways. If you manage to transport a castaway back to a mainland village their texture will return to that of a normal villager and you will be rewarded with emeralds.

    Seagulls - Seagulls are a new flying mob that will primarily hang around islands. They drop feathers and will also attempt to collect food items of places on the ground. I'd killed a seagull will also drop any food it has collected.

    Tropical Fish - New fish variants that spawn around islands, mostly near jungle islands.


    Blocks: Palm Trees - Palm trees are already to be added to the game in the future, they will spawn on both desert and treasure islands. They will also sometimes contain coconuts which hang from them similarly to cocoa beans.

    Treasure chests - A new more decorative chest variant which can only be found buried on treasure islands (perhaps "X marks the spot").

    White sand - a new sand variant that can sometimes be found on island shores and beaches.

    Sales - Made by crafting a boat together with a banner, increases the boats spread to 130% and could be used a new way to display banner designs while Traveling. —————————-

    Food: Crab meat - See above.

    Bisque - See above.

    Coconuts - Spawn on palm trees, can be right clicked with a bottle to collect coconut milk which acts similarly to regular milk but recovers less hunger.

    Tropical Fruit - A variety of new tropical fruit/fruit trees can spawn on jungle islands including things such as pineapples.


    Items: Shark Teeth - See above.

    Shark Fins - See above.

    Crab Claws - Taking suggestions on this one.

    Nets - Crafted using string, when placed in water will accumulate fish overtime.

    Island Treasure Maps - Can now be found in shipwrecks, lead to treasure islands and specify the general digging location with an 'X'.

    Potion of Repellent - Repels sharks and other mobs that aren't always naturally aggressive (llamas, wolfs, crabs, bees, etc) the potions effects are rendered irrelevant however if you go out of your way to attack one of these mobs while under its effect.

    Island Tracks - See below.


    Features: Sales - See above.

    Docking Boats - Boats can now be docked using leads.

    Island Dungeons - Sometimes treasure islands will spawn with underground dungeons protecting their treasure.

    Castaway Reuniting - Castaways reward you if returned to a mainland village.

    Island Shelters - See above.

    Nets - When stepped on/through have a slowing effect similar to spiderwebs.


    Ambient: Ripples - Water now ripples when interacted with (jumped in, swam/boated through, has item thrown into it)

    Island Tracks - New 'tropical' sounding audio tracks that can be found in treasure chests and in island shelters.


    That's all I've got for now. Be sure to post your opinions and your own additional suggestions :) Thanks

    submitted by /u/EmbarrassedWrangler0
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    An option for consistent plant placement.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    This option would only appear while creating a world or in the world settings. I honestly just hate the way a lot of plants look when they're placement isn't centered, personally. There would also be a gamerule for this that would require cheats to be used while the player executing the command is still in the server. The reason for this is that bamboo is one of the few blocks that gets effected gameplay wise due to this.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Netherite Tools and Gear should not generate in Bastion Remnant chests.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Netherite Tools and Gear should not generate in Bastion Remnant chests. The purpose of Netherite is to be an upgrade to diamond, you have to get diamond before obtaining Netherite and finding tools and gear breaks the mechanic, what could be done is only ancient debris and netherite scrap generates in those chests, so you would still have to get diamond gear first.

    Please also vote on the feedback site: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360061428811-Netherite-Tools-and-Gear-should-not-generate-in-Bastion-Remnant-chests-

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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