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    Minecraft Recovering Despawned Items with Archaeology

    Minecraft Recovering Despawned Items with Archaeology

    Recovering Despawned Items with Archaeology

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 03:27 AM PDT


    In addition to the planned archaeology features, a way to use archaeology to recover some despawned items should be implemented as well.


    Every chunk would have a small, invisible storage, equivalent to a chest or two. When items naturally despawn, they are added to this storage.

    Using the archaeology tools that will be added in a future update, these stored items can be recovered from dirt, gravel, and sand blocks. This applies to blocks found outside of the designated archaeology site structures. The items can be randomly pulled from the storage of the chunk the player is in, and have a smaller chance of being pulled from adjacent chunks as well.


    When a chunk's storage is full and an item despawns, older items from the storage are replaced. But some items would have priority. This priority only affects which items get replaced in the storage, not which ones are recovered by archaeology.

    Items or blocks that have been renamed would have the highest priority, shulker boxes, tools and armour would have secondary priority. Other items would have tertiary priority, and blocks would have the lowest priority. Certain rare blocks and items would have a higher priority than normal as well, such as diamond blocks and beacons. This could be a property that can be changed by a data pack. Duplicate items would also have a decreased priority. Despawning items will replace only items with the same or lower priority.


    This would allow a chance to recover despawned items without causing lag, in a unique and fun way. The only cost is a little bit of extra data stored in each chunk. It would also give archaeology a genuine sense of history. Not the history that happened before the game started, but the actual in-game history of each place. It would be useful in Single Player for recovering items after death and failing to reach the place in due time, but it would really shine in Multiplayer where you might find items from other players, or get your friends to help you dig up your lost stuff.

    Extra Ideas

    These aren't essential to the idea, but might be nice addons.

    There could be enchantments for archaeology tools which increase the chances of recovering certain types of items, eg. Tools, armour, renamed items, books, etc.

    Items lost to explosions, lava, and cactus could be added to the storage as well. This makes less sense, but it would be nice.

    Some items could have a chance to transform upon recovery. It could be existing items, like meat products turning into bones or rotten flesh, or new items, like wood turning into petrified wood. This is a property which could be added to items using data packs.

    submitted by /u/alex_fantastico
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    The Brainwasher (Illager Boss Mob)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    The Brainwasher (Illager Boss Mob)


    The Brainwasher is a Illager\Boss Mob, Its has 150 Health Points (75 Hearts) and is the among the most powerful Illagers in the Overworld.

    It is described as a green-eyed illager, with a blue robe with light blue dots, it posses a brown purse, a cape, and a big hat.

    The Brainwasher

    The Brainwasher (Backside)

    Boss Fight\Abilities:

    Brainwasher Boss Bar

    Stage 1:

    When you encounter the Brainwasher, it will start levitating 1 block of the ground, the Brainwasher then immediately charges at you to use its first attack.


    The Brainwasher when close to the player, will pull out 8 giant spikes from the ground around its the radius, being hit by the spikes will cause 4 hearts of damage.

    The Brainwasher preparing its attack

    The Brainspiker attack

    Stage 2:

    Vindicate Summon:

    At the start of Stage 2, the Brainwasher will pull out 4 stone plates from the ground with the symbol of a blue eyed Illager, it will summon 8 Vindicators to aid the Boss,

    during the summoning the Brainwasher's eyes turn blue until the summoning stops.

    The Vindicate Summon

    A Vindicator

    Membrane Bullets:

    The Brainwasher will pull out 5 blue bullets, the Brainwasher then points at the players location and one of the bullets will be thrown (The Brainwasher can repeat it 4 more times until depletion), the attack will inflict 5 hearts of damage.

    luckily you can deflect the bullets and throw them back at the Brainwasher.

    The Membrane Bullets

    Stage 3:

    Royal Summon:

    Similar to the Vindicate Summon, but instead will summon 8 Royal Guards to aid the Boss.

    The Royal Summon

    The Royal Guards are freaking difficult they have double the health of a Vindicator, they have maces, shields, and diamond armor.

    The Royal Guards


    This is the Brainwasher's most interesting attack, the Brainwasher will force the player to look at it, the player will slowly move towards the Brainwasher, as the player start to slowly damages itself and the more you move towards it, the damage increases.

    To avoid this keep pressing S or the down arrow until you break free, do not press W or the up arrow whilst being brainwashed or the process will be faster.



    The Brainwasher will drop 40 Exp, and a new useful Item

    (Although I will let the ones in the comments talk about that)


    The Brainwasher and the Royal Guards will spawn in their own structure,

    known as the "Detached Airlift" a floating airship made out of weathered copper, using propellers and hot air balloons up in the sky, the structure can be located via the Airlift Explorer Map found within Woodland Mansions.

    The Royal Guards will spawn all around the structure, whilst the Brainwasher will spawn in the Airlift's Arena.

    As a Boss, it will have a way for it respawn, at the bottom of the structure there is a ancient pillar block with a button on top, pressing the button will cause all the mobs within the structure to respawn, including the Brainwasher although it will drop 20 Exp when killed, and will not have a special drop, so no farms.


    The 1 Brainwasher along with its Royal Guards will have a 30% chance to spawn in raids, during wave 6, wave 7, or extra waves, It will spawn Independently or as a Raid Captain.

    It will also have a interesting encounter with Villagers, 30% of the time the Brainwasher will kill the Villager but 70% it will brainwash 1 or multiple Villagers.

    Brainwasher Celebrating

    The Controlled Villager:

    The Controlled Villager is the byproduct of the Brainwasher brainwashing villagers in raids, it will act like the Vindicator in some way.

    It posses blue eyes, has 20 health points (10 hearts) and causes 3 hearts of damage by hitting the player or other villagers.

    To return it back into a Villager, you must kill it, then it will return back into a Villager, who has a short celebration dance and will also give you good trades after the raid.

    The Controlled Villager

    submitted by /u/TimtheWardenReddit
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    A Copper Gauge that shows what the signal strength of Redstone is.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    I think it would be cool to have a gauge that shows the signal strength of Redstone almost like a reverse item frame. You would place it down next to a redstone line and the redstone would turn into it and it would show how strong that redstone is. It would act sort of like a redstone lamp and look like a block with a clock on it almost.

    submitted by /u/SteveyMcSteve07
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    Customizable Migration Cape Colours

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    With Mojang starting to migrate accounts to Microsoft, I have just recently picked up my free migration cape. One thing that I've noticied is that everyone who migrates (Eventually everyone with a Mojang account) will receive one of these capes. If everyone playing the game is using the same cape, it may get a little bit boring. Therefore, I propose the ability to change the colours of the cape. Of course, it would be fairly simple, you would only be able to change the colour of the top (Currently black) and bottom (Currently red) colours, but this would surely add new flair to the capes, and let yours stand out a little bit more. One other reason for the ability to change cape colours would be to better fit a person's skin. The default red and black cape may not look the nicest on everyone, and being able to change the colour would allow everyone to have a cape that fits their character design.

    submitted by /u/Shreddie_boi
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    A unique dye for every dimension

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    Everyone wishes for more colour variation in minecraft, and I understand adding 50 different blocks just for colours is a waste. That's why I think adding one unique dye for every dimension would sooth that crave, and add a new reason to explore.

    Enderen: would be a purply blue ish black that fits with the end atmosphere, you could have a chance of finding it in end city chests.

    Soulish: a neon blueish green that would give off a mystical and magical vibe. Some say it's the color of our souls. You would obtain it by farming soul shoots, a new vegetation found only in bastion remains. They would be plantable on soul soil.

    Sunset: if there were a color that depics the overworld it would be that of the sun sets we have in the game. It would be a calm orangey yellow with a bit of blue. It could be obtained by smelting the new glow berries, thus adding more uses to an existing item.

    TLDR; a dye for every dimension that would fit every said dimension. And would add a little more color option in the game without overwhelming the players with 100 different blocks.

    EDIT: Enderen Should be obtainable via void Vines that generate below end islands, as to make enderen less rare!

    submitted by /u/xBigChadx
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    Create your own CD's

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    I'm a musician who loves playing around with noteblocks. On our realm server i've made an opera house with music playing. Just as you can write your own books, i'd love to be able to compose music and put it on CD's.

    I am aware that you can change the music files locally, but i think it would be awesome to have a compose block or something like that and being able put the CD's inside a jukebox.

    submitted by /u/emilflarsen
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    New inventory slot for clocks compass or spyglass

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 05:45 AM PDT

    The new slot would appear above the off hand slot and if you put an item in it the item will be shown on the right side of the hotbar.

    You can put there a clock, a compass, a lodestone compass and "ADDITIONALLY" a spyglass or even a map (to use the spyglass or to show the map you would have to press a binded hotkey for example "c")

    This feature would help a little bit with the limited space of the hotbar.

    As for other things that I'm not sure about it could be used for enderpearls, firecharges, fireworks (also work for crossbow), potions or totems. Hovewer these might be quite OP so share your thoughts.

    Additionally the item you have in the pocket slot could be shown on the right side of the players waist.

    submitted by /u/WujekWojtek
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    A Second Illager Beast (The Marauder)

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 07:17 PM PDT

    A Second Illager Beast (The Marauder)

    I really like the concept of the Ravager, it's kind of a cow warped by the Illagers to become a weapon. My mob idea expands on this concept: The Marauder.

    Instead of a twisted cow, the Marauder would be more like a horse. They would be tied up with leads at pillager outposts, come along pillager patrols, and join in on raids.

    The difference between the Ravager and the Marauder would be the Marauder has half the health, half the damage, and none of the destructive properties the Ravager has. It's not supposed to be as threatening as the Ravager is. It would be used by pillager patrols to be more mobile and defensive. Maybe they could circle the player, allowing the Pillagers to fire from a distance, and once in a while swoop in to bite them. They are not stopped by shields, but maybe they can be stunned with firework rockets. They can carry and drop a little of the loot from outposts.

    I'd think that they would like somewhat like the concept art of the Illager Beast, except cleaned up a little.


    If you guys have anything to add onto this idea, tell me and we can talk about it maybe.

    If not this, than maybe Pillagers could ride horses as a much simpler implementation.

    submitted by /u/tuluk_aruk
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    Spyglass and Maps

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    Spyglass and maps seem to offer a nice opportunity for a feature that would bring them together. My idea is pretty simple: while holding a map in one hand and using a spyglass with the other, map drawing distance doubles from 128 to 256 blocks around the player.

    Make the spyglass more useful (and thus copper and amethyst), and make those level 4 and 5 maps not taking such long trips to completely draw them

    submitted by /u/parishiIt0n
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    Making Llamas More Practical, (With Fire)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    Making Llamas More Practical, (With Fire)

    Llamas are a great concept, they're good for moving in bulk and can spit. Both are not very effective in what they do, but they're still features, and I feel like they could improve.

    (This is a Llama)

    Tamed Llamas will be protective towards livestock and players and will try to chase away or fight hostile mobs. In caravans, all Tamed Llamas will aggro onto the same mob. Tamed Llamas will not attack Tamed Llamas who accidentally hit them, but normal Llamas will not be spared. This is to make caravans more useful in day-to-day Minecraft, serving as a little personal army (Which is not constantly fighting itself). They will be better at this than Iron Golems because they target Wolves, Foxes, and all threats to the livestock.

    Llama Army (Now More Threatening)

    To make Caravans more useful, I think they should also be able to move animals instead of moving items. Everyone knows how awful of an experience it is to get mobs from point A to point B, so I suggest bonding: a way to make Llamas part of the flock. Llamas have a wonderful property to bond with other animals, like Sheep, Goats, even Chicken in the real world. If a Llama caravan is started around livestock, they will become part of it. This could even work with Villagers, who will sit on Llamas in caravans. The Llamas would be pretty effective at scaring away any monsters that would try to harm you making it safe travel.

    New Caravan

    However Llamas still only have 1 attack damage, making them horrible at killing things. A new block could be made by putting 9 crimson roots into a crafting table, the Crimson Root Bale. (I don't know if Crimson Roots actually have this property, but it was this or blaze powder and I don't want to feed a Llama that.) Feeding a Llama the Crimson Bale would set its spit aflame, allowing it to do burn damage. This would be temporary but last a few in-game days. It would be visible by having the Llamas's mouth give off flame and smoke particles. These would act like other flaming projectiles by setting the enemy on fire. (Side Note: The Crimson Roots Bale would have to be accompanied by the Warped Roots Bale.)

    Crimson Root Bale Crafting Recipe

    Crimson Root Bale Texture

    A Llama shooting out Flaming Spit.

    The last idea may be a little gross. If Llamas see that you, or any mob, are on fire, they will attempt to help you by spitting on you. It may extinguish you but it will also give you Nausea(Reasonably). If you manage to catch the stuff in a bottle, you can brew it into the potion of the "Llamas Blessing", giving you Fire Resistance and the Ability to create bigger caravans (I don't know why you would willingly ingest it, so it's better to make it a Splash Potion).

    The Llama's Blessing Effect

    These changes would hopefully make Llamas an unstoppable force and man's (and Animal's) new best friend.
    If anyone has any suggestions for these please share (don't just say there's no point, try to improve it).

    submitted by /u/tuluk_aruk
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    Pillager captains always have enchanted cross boys

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    Right now it's random what pillagers have enchanted cross bows. Pillager captains (the ones with the flag) should have a 100 percent chance of have a enchanted cross bow.

    submitted by /u/SteveyMcSteve07
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    Dark prismarine wall.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    We have prismarine brick wall, but there is bo dark prismarine variant

    submitted by /u/reverser89
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    End crystals should require amethyst

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:50 PM PDT

    Amethyst shards are a new item that can only be obtained by finding amethyst geodes; however, despite their somewhat rarity, their use is quite limited and the item kinda feels lackluster considering that they're only used to make telescopes (which isn't used for anything atm) and tinted glass.

    I propose that end crystals should require amethyst shards as part of the recipe. The change would be quite simple, three of the glass blocks adjacent to the eye of ender would be replaced with the amethyst shards. This makes sense as something like end crystals, should contain crystal shards in the recipe. Additionally, it gives more of a purpose to go looking for geodes as well as farming amethyst shards.

    submitted by /u/DH0p3
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    Can we please have stonecutter ui upgrade?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    The stonecutter ui seems like it was designed to work well when each block had 2-3 variations like stairs, slabs, and walls. With the addition of Deepslate, which has like 15 variations, it's a huge pain to use now. Off the top of my head, my main gripes are (all on bedrock btw):

    • Highlighting the item on left doesn't show the name, and many items look very similar. You have to select the one you think and then move cursor across to the output slow to check name.
    • you have to move your original block stock into the slot each time, which is really slow when you want to convert several stacks.

    Basically I just wish it worked like the crafting table. Am I the only one?

    submitted by /u/VeryBadNotGood
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    Structures and archeology

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 11:40 PM PDT

    When working on the archeology update, a lot of structures need upgrading, and for this I propose we focus on more traps and decorations. Clay pots can go along way, and so do trip wires and dispensers but there are so many opportunities I would like the community to pitch in. For my first trap I would like toggleable spike traps. Crafted using dripstone, and stone you can use a Redstone pulse to activate them up. And for my decoration I would like to introduce coloured pillars. Now it's the communities turn, what would you want with decorations and traps.

    submitted by /u/Charliepnda
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    Expose more config options for configured features

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    For those not in the know, configured features are things that can be configured by datapacks and then included in custom biomes. There's a lot of them, and some, like trees, expose tons of customization options, but others are almost completely hard-coded, limiting what custom biomes are capable of doing.

    Exposing most of these to the datapack side should take very little dev time, but would add a ton of additional options to what datapack creators can do.

    (I know lists are discouraged, but these are all part of the same general suggestion, and it'd be spammy to make each one its own suggestion)

    • End Islands: What block they're made out of, and their width/height.
    • Huge red mushroom and huge brown mushroom: Height (Cap size is exposed, but not the height for some reason)
    • Ice spikes: What block they're made out of, and how tall they are.
    • Forest rock: Radius
    • Block pile: Size
    submitted by /u/devvoid
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    Endermen spawns more common near end portals

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    It should be a fun addition because endermen may accidentally teleport from the end to the overworld and this might be very helpful to guide you to the stronghold without wasting your eyes of enders.

    submitted by /u/flamingobsidian-
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    If a pig is on a dirt block, it will dig out 1-3 mushrooms every Minecraft day

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    right now, the only use for the pig is to be a food source, which is not needed, as there are many other food sources in the game, and a source of transportation, which the horse does much better. I also think that this idea would be consistent with mojang wanting to give better rewards if you keep animals alive.

    submitted by /u/the_soviet_union_69
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    marble palaces and roman villages

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    lets say, your wandering through the world when you come across a village, but its different. this ew type of village would be made of quartz or calcite, and be roman themed, having red roofs and villagers which dawn robes. in the middle of these villages, would be a palace, with an emperor villager, which can trade you unique things, but will refuse to trade if led out of the building. since villagers are pacifists, there would be no guards, but 2 golden golems instead, which would be tougher than the ordinary iron golem. sometimes, there would be a totem pole near the palace, and have an emerald block hidden inside it. raids would also not work in this village, since the Illagers would be too scared to fight it.

    submitted by /u/spaceyguy42069
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    cathaya trees

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    I have decided to do another post on trees! this tree would have really dark bark and the inside would be a more reddish dark rakish wood. it would be the hardest and only spawn in royal forests, a new biome, but elm trees and oak may spawn with it. these forest would also have bamboo, and pandas and ocelots would also spawn in there. when crafted into fence, it would be a royal fence, and display many koi fish in a yin and yang pattern. the tools made by it would be called 'royal (tool)' and be significantly stronger than ordinary wood.

    submitted by /u/spaceyguy42069
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    Add note duration and volume to noteblocks

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    the longer a noteblock is powered, the longer it plays. the weaker the signal, the quieter it its and vice versa

    submitted by /u/kacoopper
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    Sculk Snapper and Sculk Mirage part 3: Sculk shoes

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    Link to Original post here

    Link to part 2 here

    Sculk shoes are crafted with Sculk and are a way of getting around Streaks / patches of Sculk Snapper, as it will register the step as Sculk, and not something different.

    The Sculk Mirage breaks because of weight, so the boots won't work on the Sculk Mirage.

    The downside is that you steps would be louder, and crouching would only quiet down the steps by 50%, making it only useful in certain scenarios and not all for the deep dark.

    the steps sound squishy while wearing Sculk shoes, and sometimes make Sculk sounds.

    Again, this was posted before 1.18, as such it's subject to change in the near future, like the boots might work on some of the other Sculk blocks such as the Shrieker block.

    submitted by /u/ShadowCandle
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