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    Minecraft Tamed wolves should play with baby villagers when idle.

    Minecraft Tamed wolves should play with baby villagers when idle.

    Tamed wolves should play with baby villagers when idle.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    This could involve running in circles around them, standing on their hind legs, jumping around. They could also lick the baby villager's face, and both mobs would give out heart particles then.

    The baby villager could also do similar things near tamed wolves.

    This obviously stops when the wolf or the owner is attacked. In addition, u/mcplayer11 says that the wolves could get aggressive when the baby villager is attacked.

    Also, how about the wolf rarely playing with adult villagers with whom it played when they were babies? Like as if the wolf remembers that villager.

    That's all folks, and as always, thanks for reading! :)

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    Basalt bricks (texture included)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    By crafting 4 polished basalt in a 2x2 pattern, you get 4 basalt bricks. These can be turned into stairs and slabs, but not cracked or chiseled variants. This gives a good dark gray building block that isn't as bright as stone bricks but also isn't as dark as blackstone. It also gives a new basalt block that isn't pillar-based.

    submitted by /u/CasualHooligan7
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    Stop hitting yourself

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    Kill the ender dragon wearing a dragon head

    submitted by /u/cm775
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    Empty shulker boxes that get struck by lightning become shulker a of the same color.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    This would make it easier to get colored shulkers in creative, and also make it possible in survival. It would also help with "How did we get here" as it would allow you to get a shulker in the over world without having to trap it in a boat, and take 5 hours bridging it to an end gateway.

    submitted by /u/dig_and_hide
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    Bees should swarm around iron golems when they hold out a poppy for villagers

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    Just to add consistency, and if this was added then perhaps passive mobs should follow other mobs with their breeding item in hand too

    submitted by /u/mouse85224
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    Water falls should be added to Minecraft

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    I know some of you might say "there is already waterfalls" but hear me out

    I mean there should be proper waterfalls, like when you find a river there could be a drop into a lower lake/river. Or there could be waterfalls that drop From a main land cliff and into the ocean. It would really add to Minecraft and it could house potential for hidden caves with loot, or a treasure map could lead there.

    submitted by /u/epic-yolo-swag
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    New Accessibility Options for Epilepsy

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    Simply put, there would be an option that would get rid of, or decrease the speed of nausea (including the portal-nausea effect), redstone clocks wouldn't flash they'd do a fade, on the rare chance you see it, that cryptic font would be slowed down, beacon beams would fade to a color slowly instead of instantly changing, and decrease the enchant glint speeds. This could just be handy for people with epilepsy!

    submitted by /u/wastewitness
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    Updating the old structures

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    With these new updates to the nether adding the bastions and the last completely changing the villages, I now feel like some of the older structures are extremely outdated.

    I mean, how hard would it be to update witch huts, desert and jungle temples, dungeons and whatever else I missed. It wouldn't be too much work, literally just changing the structure so it isn't that hard.

    I just feel like those old structures are so boring and uninteresting now that we have better villages and woodland mansions...

    submitted by /u/ishouldshutupalready
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    360 screenshots that you can set as your title screen background

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    It would be really cool if you could take a 360 screenshot in your world and then apply that to the title screen.

    Would be cool if there was an app for phones that could set them as your live wallpaper too!

    submitted by /u/CentralProcessor
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    aurora borealis should he added in the snowy biomes

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    If it were added it would only really be fire viewing pleasure

    But it could appear in the north so players could use it as a sort of compass when they don't have one in hand

    submitted by /u/epic-yolo-swag
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    Who’s the dragon now?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Beat the ender dragon in mid air using the elytra

    submitted by /u/ReactionRD
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    Rotten/Mossy Planks.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Planks that are overgrown by wildlife. If out of water. then they are darker and with green cracks. However in the water. Overgrown by coral and are lighter. Spawn in abandoned villages, Shipwrecks, Dungeon libraries, Mineshafts,Woodland Mansions. Etc.

    submitted by /u/-_-Kitkat_owo-_-
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    Soul sand should not slow down undead mob and blaze

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Undead mob already dead so obviously the souls don't try to drag them, plus it make skeleton fit more well to soul sand valley, and blaze don't get slow down simply because they fly over them.

    submitted by /u/kudnalod
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    Wither Boss having a death animation.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    Wither is a special mob, its a minecraft boss. It should have its own animation. Maybe making it glow like the ender dragon and then dissolve to pieces with a dark smoke-aura surrounding them and covering their body as they completely vanish. Also add sound effects: Distressed Wither Sounds [Apply to Java Edition]

    submitted by /u/SpinelliOnReddit
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    Bamboo wood type

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    You ever look at the scaffolding block and say that would be a great wood type? Welp I think so how about if you take 9 bamboo stalks in a crafting grid you'll get bamboo planks. You can strip bamboo with an axe and get stripped bamboo. The possibilities are endless.

    Also add a REUBEN EASTER EGG!!!!

    submitted by /u/queefextraordinare
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    You should be able to but book and quill in a book shelf

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    It would be cool if you could put them in book shelves instead of your chest, because it'll help save space

    submitted by /u/epic-yolo-swag
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    Curse of Fragility

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    The concept of curses, or cursed enchantments is quite cool. The idea of finding a cursed item in a temple while exploring your world definitely fits in nicely with the game. However, I feel like we should have at least a few more different curses than just the two we have. We already have the Curse of Vanishing and the Curse of Binding. I now propose: the Curse of Fragility.

    The Curse of Fragility is a curse that effectively works as the opposite of the Unbreaking enchantment. Items with this curse lose durability twice as fast as items without. This wouldn't affect the item's total durability as a whole, just the rate at which that durability is lost. So when you swing that cursed Netherite Sword of yours, it'll lose two points of durability instead of one. This curse is not stackable with Unbreaking, and you cannot find items with both Unbreaking and Fragility in your world.

    You can only find items with the curse in Bastion Remnants, End Cities (and End Ships), and Shipwrecks, while you can find books with this curse in all structures with loot chests except for villages. This book is also unobtainable through villager trading.

    We need a new Curse for Minecraft and I think the Curse of Fragility would fit nicely. Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/Dague-Pirate-Dad
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    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Canyons would be a series of connected ravines they would also be more common in the mesa biome

    submitted by /u/datsmoreslover
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    Natural Animal Breeding

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Any mob in the game that you can breed with wheat, seeds, etc, should be given a chance, maybe 12.5%-25% every 10 minutes or 20 minutes, to naturally create an offspring.

    submitted by /u/Emo-Giraffe
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    Adding a Telescope to vanilla Minecraft similar to the Optifine zoom

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    I think it would be cool to have something to view in the distance without any mods. I thought of something like a telescope I made and concept: https://redd.it/g8i1t7

    here´s the link to the minecraft feedback side: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360061730051-Looking-in-the-distance-with-a-Telescope

    Hopefully it works it´s getting approved right now

    submitted by /u/TRIS74N
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    Things missing from the 1.16 Nether Update

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    The Nether update is the biggest and in my opinion best update of minecraft. It has added so much useful content to the game. Although it is the update with most content ever i feel like there could just be some small ones to add. Here is my list

    Ash block: This block would be found in the Basalt Deltas instead of gravel. The block would be gravity activated(I don't know about the texture though). The purpose of this block is to fertelize the vegetation in the nether instead of using bonemeal. This feature would make it so the nether stands out even more. It would also fit in that biome as the particles are ash particles.

    Warped Warts: This would be the warped equivalent of nether wart as the leaves of the trees are nether wart blocks in the crimson forest, and the warped wart blocks in the warped forest. the warped wart would be used to make the blue nether bricks the warped equivalent of the red nether bricks. This feature is just missing, the name already exists just in a block form.

    Fortresses: The fortresses needs to be updated, not a revamp just ad the chiseled and cracked bricks into the builds thats all.

    Sulfur ore: One more ore, it would give nether mining even more excitement and usefulness. The ore when mined would drop sulfur crystals. This item would be used for making gunpowder using two sulfur crystals and 2 charcoal in a crafting bench. With 9 sulfur crystals u could make a sulfur block wich would be another explosive block, if you let it on fire it would explode with a smaller explosion then the tnt. I think that this way of getting gunpowder would be more fun then killing creepers, just another alternative for people like me.

    I know these things are pretty big things, but im not saying everythings should be added jusy some feedback as mojang wanted from there latest sanpshot post.

    submitted by /u/Fladerr
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    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Fly 500 blocks with the elytra in 1 direction.

    submitted by /u/xXNugget25Xx
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    Add chains to the list of blocks the third-person camera can pass through (like iron bars)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    I've nothing more to add.

    submitted by /u/STUDIOCRAFTapps
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    Put a target block in a minecart to make a moving target

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    Think about it, it would be great for mini-games! a comparator could read the signal just like they can for hopper/chest minecarts. it might need to be raised up a bit more than most blocks in minecarts so that you can see the whole front face, but i don't think that'd be a huge deal.

    submitted by /u/The_Dialog_Box
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