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    Minecraft Rain grows crops

    Minecraft Rain grows crops

    Rain grows crops

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    IRL, water is a necessity for plants and rain helps plants greatly. This should be reflected in-game. When it is raining or storming, every 5-120 seconds, a crop will grow 1 stage. This would also mean rain finally has a use and doesn't make survival players decide that's the day to organize their items inside and creative players instantly clear the weather.

    Edit: This doesn't replace crops growing randomly at any time. That still happens.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Piglins don’t attack the player when they open a chest that they placed

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    If you are trying to build something and you have to constantly open your chest to get your stuff it gets kinda annoying

    submitted by /u/DmitriJefferson
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    Quartz crystal biomes generating in the Nether

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    This biome would have a bigger abundance of nether quartz than any other biome in the Nether, so it is ideal to go there if you need to obtain large amounts of quartz. It contains large veins of nether quartz, which decorate the biome in streaks and spots. The terrain is slightly uneven and chaotic, but not so much so you can't traverse it easily. Bastion remnants are able to generate in this biome, but less commonly.

    Giant "crystals" of smooth quartz sprout out of the ground, ranging in size and width. They can take the form of spikes, irregular growths, or broken chunks, sometimes being split open. These structures usually generate on the floor of the biome, but can also generate on walls and ceilings to give a more "natural" look. Dots of smooth quartz litter the ground, but usually cluster around a giant crystal, otherwise generating randomly. If there is a lava sea next to the biome, there would be chunks of smooth quartz "growing" out of the lava, as well as crystals near the coast.

    This biome is essentially a sub-biome, but it only generates in the Nether Wastes and in Crimson Forests. It can also generate in Warped Forests, but the crystal structures would appear distorted and misshapen.

    submitted by /u/mrshapestone
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    Coal should have a chance to generate around diamond

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Diamond is condensed carbon so it would make sense and would give a reason to not ignore coal when strip mining

    submitted by /u/Discruff
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    Make Skeletons shoot at target blocks if they are not doing anything else

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    I feel like this would add more character to the skeletons, and could even be used in mob farms to detect them. It would be even better if they celebrated a bullseye.

    submitted by /u/Skeletonofskillz
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    Bats should avoid light

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    It's strange to see a bat coming out of the caves when the sun is high or even flying aimlessly above lava pools, This happens most of the time. Sure there are diurnal bat species but our Minecraft bats look nothing like them. Minecraft Bats mostly live in caves and spawn in extremely low levels which would make sense why they should avoid light like how hostile mobs do. We have nocturnal foxes and hostile mobs that avoid daylight so this wouldn't be hard to implement in bat's behavior. It just doesn't feel right to see bats circling around an underground lava pool even flying towards it to burn and kill themselves. They should avoid light, lights that come from blocks and the Sun. They should atleast fly away from any light-source and sleep underneath caves, ceilings, and trees during the day instead of flying around aimlessly under sunlight when disturbed by a player. The behaviour of avoiding any light source should also help them avoid burning themselves from fire or lava which frequently happens. I've also ocasionally seen bats leaving caves during the day which shouldn't happen, instead, they could retreat further to the darker parts of the cave or find a tree to rest underneath if the whole cave is fully lit. Bats should only come out and fly during the night or when disturbed by player(and afterwards, find a darker spot to rest on).

    Thanks for reading my post and Have a nice day! (Or night if you're a bat :P)

    submitted by /u/HoveringPigs
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    Pig variants

    Posted: 10 May 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    I would love to see muddy pigs and some mud pools in Minecraft. Maybe some other colors of pigs too like brown, black, spotted or multi-colored.

    It would be cool if we could pick up mud with buckets so we can bring the mud home and make our pig enclosures more fun for the pigs and it ofc will add more detail.

    submitted by /u/BrittWijnands
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    Gamerule doCropTrampling

    Posted: 10 May 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    There should be a new gamerule called doCropTrampling affecting what entities can trample/walk on crops (wheat, potatoes, etc) and break them.

    /gamerule doCropTrampling true is the default setting, and allows players and mobs to break crops by walking/jumping on top of them, as is currently the case. /gamerule doCropTrampling false makes players and mobs unable to break crops by jumping/walking on them. /gamerule doCropTrampling mob means only mobs can trample the crops, while /gamerule doCropTrampling player means only players can trample the crops.

    submitted by /u/Laurent_Spaghetti
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    Tools appear cracked when severley damaged

    Posted: 10 May 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    To prevent players from accidentally breaking tools they should appear cracked when on a low durability.

    The texture doesn't need to be fancy with pieces missing, all thats needed is noticeable cracks.

    This will be a small but well appreciated step towards general quality of life as I am sure that most players have accidently broken valuable tools at some point.

    submitted by /u/TheChannelMiner
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    The Elder Guardian should have a healthbar

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    The Elder Guardian is currently the only boss that doesn't feature a healthbar. It should have a health bar. In order to make it so you don't easily find monuments, the healthbar would only appear when you are in the room with the Elder Guardian, and it doesn't disappear until you go far away or kill it.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Squid's Spawn Rate in Specific Underwater Biomes (Squids should not spawn in Rivers)

    Posted: 10 May 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    When I explore rivers, I occasionally spot squids swimming across the rivers. This is rather strange and as I remember, there are no species of squid that can tolerate freshwater (Brief Squids don't count as they only swim in brackish water and saltwater, which doesn't include rivers). All Squids are found in the Ocean so Minecraft Squids should be exclusive to Oceans and Beaches and remove them from River Biomes. They should also spawn more frequently in deeper parts of the sea and less frequently in the shallow parts of the sea.

    Thanks for reading my suggestion, I hope you have a great day exploring the seas and living the tales of the Fishermen!

    submitted by /u/HoveringPigs
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    Make Clay spawn in patches under the ground!

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    As of now Clay can only be found in rivers this makes it hard to get large amounts of Clay if you're doing a build with it, so i think Clay should spawn in patches under the ground like gravel but higher up, and under dirt layers and not stone. Clay Patches wouldn't be to common but it would be a good way to find Clay and make it less rare and easier to build with.


    submitted by /u/LeviathanSeaMonster
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    Pillager occupied Villages

    Posted: 10 May 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    Similar to abandoned villages, there should be villages that are occupied by pillagers. They would have a mix of pillagers and villagers, and the pillagers wouldn't attack the villagers from that village. They would have a few villagers in cages similar to that of an Iron Golem at and outpost, and the animal pens would have a updated design that looks more like a cage or cell. They would be placed 50-150 blocks away from an outpost, however the outpost would have less or no pillagers stationed at it.

    submitted by /u/JabbaTheBassist
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    Idea for new update: “Mine carts and rails”

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Mine carts have always felt like such fun but under used items and I think it's mostly just due to the fact their inconvenient to set up and very resource intestine. I've always thought they could be great for strip mining and general resource transportation if they were more optimized. I know there's mods that do some of that but I just want them to be more useful in the base game

    submitted by /u/ForgottenWorld
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    Cured Meat

    Posted: 10 May 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    Why would you want a pig farm? They aren't good for riding since horses are better, and you don't need their meat as cow farming is more rewarding anyway. So I propose a way to make pig farming more valuable. So when you kill a pig grab a ghast tear and combine it to get cured pork. Cured pork replenishes 5 shanks and removes any poison or weakness effects. You can also cure beef but it only replenishes 4.5 shanks and has no special effects.

    submitted by /u/ManwichInABox
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    When killed, cows should have a lower chance of dropping beef and a higher chance of dropping leather

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Seeing how obtaining leather can be a nightmare for some players, cows should always drop at least one piece of leather. If this were to be added, cows should also only drop 1-2 beef to not make cows too overpowered and it would give players a reason to farm pigs, as they would be the best animal for food in the game before the payer has access to Hoglins.

    submitted by /u/Gamerbry
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    Pressing c will allow the player to crawl

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    We have crawling using trapdoors, so why not a button?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Mudkip_420
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    With the new wall changes, this is perfect time to add Quartz Walls

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    With the Nether Update getting closer and closer to release, this feels like the perfect opportunity for adding this block. Having a clean white wall (Diorite is too noisy) would be amazing for buildings, especially with the new 1.16 walls

    submitted by /u/121gigamatts
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    Soul redstone lamps

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    This would be made using a soul block together with a redstone lamp, making a blue redstone lamp

    submitted by /u/ShinyStache
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    Splash potions of any kind can put out fire.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    Sometimes your stuff catches on fire. And it's really annoying to douse it.

    So, having a few splash potions will make putting out fires much quicker. This would be most useful in creative where you can spam potions without any commitment, but it's still practical in survival to keep a few water bottles free.

    submitted by /u/Digiboy62
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    Hydraulic Piston

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    A more expensive version of the piston capable of moving any breakable block in the game.

    submitted by /u/fetusmodeactivated
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    Ambient sounds

    Posted: 09 May 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    We already have cave sounds, probably water sounds, but why not add some birds chirping? or sounds of waves when ur near and ocean (well if it even has a lot of water)? also might wanna minimize the amount of rain thats in rain textures cuz its rly annoying lol jusat sayin

    submitted by /u/BWUBEWWY
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    Addition to the soul soil

    Posted: 10 May 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    Soul soil has a great possibility, and I think that it should have additional soul stone or soul sandstone. I know that it is a 'soil', not 'sand', but I think it can have a sandstone variant.

    Crafting recipe

    Soul stone +=soul soil *=netherack



    Soul sandstone +=soul soil



    submitted by /u/Pheonyx-_
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    Falling leaves

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    This is a small change, but there should be a falling leaf animation, maybe not in all forest biomes, but leaves would fall and lie down on the ground for like 5 minutes or something. I'm not talking particles here, I mean leaves. We don't need to pick then up, and when it rains they can all disappear, but i think it would add some aesthetic and beauty to some biomes like spruce forests, dark oak biomes and snowy taiga.

    submitted by /u/CheetahBeeta
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