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    Minecraft Striders should sink under the lava when threatened

    Minecraft Striders should sink under the lava when threatened

    Striders should sink under the lava when threatened

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    Alternatively, they could comically stick their face into the lava, still showing 90% of their body, a completely fruitless attempt to hide from their impending doom.

    submitted by /u/Xoduox
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    Chickens should drop feathers as well as eggs

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    So you got your chickens wandering around, dropping eggs wherever they please, not a care in the world. But let's say you're low on arrows, and you need to craft some. But to do that, you need feathers. And for some reason, the only way to get feathers is to slaughter the chickens for a maximum of like two per chicken. Are the feathers glued on? Is the chicken's skin comprised of feathers? I propose chickens should drop feathers occasionally, in the same way they drop eggs. Maybe not as frequently as they do eggs, but it should still happen. I mean it just makes sense really

    submitted by /u/No-BrowEntertainment
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    Zombies knocks Villagers unconcious on easy difficulty.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    So one thing that has long been bothering me is the way that villagers are either killed or converted to zombie villagers when attacked by a zombie.

    If playing on easy they have a 100% chance of being killed. I understand the reason behind this is to not create more hostile mobs making it more difficult for a player to survive the situation compared to on Hard difficulty where the villagers has a 100% chance of converting to a zombie when attacked by a zombie, thus creating more hostile mobs towards the player.

    However I think this system has a big flaw and here's why.When a player spends a long time caring for villagers, getting them set up in accommodities and trading with them to get the best trades possible, then it is really frustrating loosing them to being killed by a zombie when playing on easy difficulty.. On hard you at least gets the chance to save them by curing them but on easy, everything is just lost.So players are forced to play on Hard difficulty to make it easier keeping thier villagers safe.In my oppinion, and others aswell, this is a weirdly balanced gamemechanic...

    My solution to this problems is to keep the propabillity for a villager to convert the same as it is now. i.e. 100% on hard, 50% on normal and 0% on easy. But instead of the alternative where the villagers gets killed, they should instead be knocked unconcious for a while. Laying on the ground and no longer be a target for a zombie.

    This prevents players on easy and normal game difficulty from loosing their villagers when they are attacked by zombies and still keeps the difficulty balance on normal and hard in regards to creating more hostile mobs against the player.

    Additionally this mechanic could even be extended to also happen when villagers are attacked by any other type of hostile mob, for example illagers. Even extend it to also happen if the villager is hit by the blast from a creeper or TNT.And ofcourse still keeping the propabillty of them being killed or knocked unconcious by an attack the same as now with the 0-50-100%. I.e. on Easy, villagers will never die from any form of attack but only be knocked unconcious for a while, whereas on Hard they will be killed 100% of the time if not converted by a zombie.

    Edit: This will not make villagers invincible except against zombies (unless extended over other mobs aswell) they are still able to die from falldamage, fire, drowning etc.

    Pplease comment and discuss this, also point out any flaws or suggest alternatives if you have any.Thanks for reading :)

    Edit: I have created a suggestion on the Minecraft Feedback site for this. Please vote for it if you like: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360062757151-Zombies-knock-Villagers-unconscious-on-easy-difficulty

    submitted by /u/Gintoki_87
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    Piglins should not be Hostile to Players that Barter with Them

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    This simple change would make piglins seem more intelligent. If you threw gold on ground near aggressive piglins and they picked it up, they should become neutral, as if they were wearing gold armor. However, if the piglins had been provoked by means other than you not wearing gold armor (like attacking a piglin, breaking a gold block, or opening a chest), then bartering with them should not make them neutral towards you.

    submitted by /u/goatman12341
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    Right-Click on Farmland with a Shovel to Flatten It Back into Dirt

    Posted: 10 May 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    When removing larger areas of farmland, it would be a huge time-saver to be able to right-click farmland with a shovel to turn it back into dirt.

    Jumping on the farmland (which doesn't even work 100% of the time, even when jumping on the center of the farmland) or placing and then removing blocks above it takes unnecessarily long.

    A similar mechanic to remove grass paths would also help out a lot, although - with the implementation of the feature above - you could just till the path and then flatten it into dirt again. Using a shovel again on a grass block to turn it into dirt would be a bad idea for obvious reasons.

    submitted by /u/Wand_Platte
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    Striders should pick up their babies in real time and drop them off when they mature

    Posted: 11 May 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    It doesn't really make sense that striders spawn with babies on their back but don't actually pick up baby striders when bred, nor that they just stay like that forever making them unridable. Additionally, just having this unique behaviour would make them much more interesting as an animal, because currently the only cool thing you'll see them doing is randomly climb out onto dry land.

    submitted by /u/Just_A_New_User
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    Striders should have their colors slowly transition for blue to red when cold and vice versa

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    This would be like one of those meaningless but nice additions to Minecraft. I think that Striders should have their colors slowly transition from red to blue when they are out of the lava, to represent that they are slowly getting colder. The same thing would work when going into lava, the Striders would slowly turn from blue to red, again this would just be a completely aesthetic update to them which would make them look nicer. This idea is similar to the fog transition for when you enter a different biome.

    submitted by /u/The_Tem_Channel
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    Enchantment Table Redstone Interaction

    Posted: 11 May 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Enchantment tables give out a redstone output (no comparator required) based on how many levels of bookshelfs are around it on a scale of one power level per two enchantment levels.

    This would add a fun level of redstone interactivity to enchanting which currently doesn't have any redstone purpose, and it would let redstone players make somewhat automated enchanting setups and fun redstone contraptions.

    submitted by /u/Benny368
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    Flowerpots don't have a bottom but have earth inside. Add a bottom to the mesh to make it whole

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    Hello! this is my first suggestion on this sub, and I have a suggestion for a block that has been bugging me for some time.

    With the new chains added in 1.16, you can make nice hanging vases in this fashion. However, when looking from the bottom, flowerpots don't have a bottom, and you can see right through them. When viewed from the top, this is clearly not a problem.

    So I wanted to suggest that flowerpots get a bottom, to avoid this little sore eye on what could be a nice looking decoration

    PS: the chain on the screenshot is from the Quark mod, but I've tested it with the new chains added for 1.16 and it looks the same as in the screenshot

    submitted by /u/Red_Serf
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    The new Farlands

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Currently the border of minecraft is pretty much just a boring wall, with nothing to see. But as many people know it wasn't always this way, in older versions of the game we had the "Farlands" a mysterious place at the end of the world that formed because of a bug in terrain generation. So what if we brought them back not as a bug but a feature. First off they would not spawn at the world border but close to it. The biome would look the same as it used to but would actually be a biome that only spawned nearly the end of the world. This biome would be a kind of "last challenge" for the players, and I'm not just talking about getting there. You see the Farlands would have incredibly hard "corrupted" mobs that could easily kill you. Maybe these mobs would have a "Farlands" look (floating body parts, etc.) When you eventually get to the actual end of the world you won't be met with a border but the terrain keeps going on, but you will slowly take damage (kinda like the void). Anyway the idea is a bit under developed so I would was wondering what you guys thought.

    submitted by /u/FreezingLlamaReddit
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    Barrier blocks shouldn't interact with weather

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Currently barriers block rain and snow fall and prevent it from reaching blocks underneath. Ideally, barrier block shouldn't effect the environment like this. Barrier walls and ceilings become very obvious if they prevent weather effects from reaching the ground, especially due to the rain splashes generated on top of them when they're hit by rain.

    The precedent for a solid block that is permeable to weather does exist in the game: if you manage to suspend a piece of carpet in the air then it still clips with entities like players, mobs and arrows, but both rain and snow still fall through it and a snow layer can even build up on the ground beneath it. As far as I can tell, carpets are not block entities so copying their properties (except, of course, for the fact that they require another block to sit on top of) to barrier blocks shouldn't result in the game lagging from having to track a bunch of extra data.

    If a map maker really needs an invisible block that blocks weather then they can fairly easily retexture one variety of glass, wall, fence or trap door, all of which stop rain and snow fall, don't block light and have lots of variations, meaning that just one variety can be rendered invisible with a transparent texture. That same choice doesn't exist for the players who want a block that's permeable to weather though: there's no solid block that allows weather to pass through which can be made transparent to act as a faux barrier block. Carpets are the closest thing but because they have to be sat on top of another block, they can't be used for making stuff like walls and ceilings.

    submitted by /u/TheColourOfMustard
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    Dying in the void with an undying totem should respawn you on your bed

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    And if the bed is unreachable, on the nearest block That would get rid of extreme frustration when dying on an Ender Pearl shot in the end

    submitted by /u/ItsMeKaZeRr
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    Shield Enchantments

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    I thought shields should have the possibility for enchanting, so I got some enchantment ideas, made specifically for shields.

    Catching I/II/III : On successfull block, with 5/7/9% chance, immediately puts any projectile (except Ender Dragon Breath Charge) into your inventory. If the inventory is full, the projectile is being dropped onto the ground.

    Deflecting I/II/III : On successful block, all projectiles are being thrown back further to 1/2/3 blocks. Melee attacks on blocked shield deal 1/1.5/2 damage back to the attacker.

    Astonishment I/II/III : Upon successful melee block, with 6/8/10% chance, the enemy gets attack cooldown for 1 second.

    submitted by /u/maxchrome
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    The Crimson Leviathan

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:06 AM PDT


    A new boss, the Crimson Leviathan, its home being at a pillar of Netherrack and Crimson greenery (reddery?), a new ranged weapon the Boomerfang,

    Imagine your peacefully riding your strider through the lava oceans of the Nether towards an unnatural pillar piecing the surface with Crimson vegetation taking its roots there. As you get closer you hear a mighty roar as the elusive Crimson Leviathan bursts out of the surface and coils around the column, you're in for one helluva fight!

    What is it?

    The Crimson Leviathan is a massive worm-like animal, with spikes chaotically piecing from its skin and the occasional Crimson plant. It is a whopping 18 blocks long and 2 blocks wide, earning its title of Leviathan. It is said that after a colossal time hibernating, someone woke it up, making it very, very angry.

    Where do I find it?

    As stated before, the strange looking pillar is said to be its 'nest' housing the only other traces of its species, yes this thing is a mother, enjoy the guilt you feel after killing it and discovering its probably unfertile eggs, now knowing that it was only defending its children and would probably stop attacking if you just left. There is only one Leviathan in a world at a time, though the pillars are as common as Strongholds, the only thing they are holding, however, is an empty nests and a few skulls.

    NOTE: The Crimson Leviathan will respawn at a different pillar once defeated after 2 10 in-game days.


    How will this thing kill you, you ask? In many, many very painful ways. It has a few attacks it can do, it will sink under the lava, swim around for a bit, then violently emerge at the location you were about 3 seconds ago, it can also take a delicious gulp of magma then spit it at you, setting you on fire if it hits you, etc.

    The Loot

    So, you've killed it, either legitimately or using some exploit, it's done. What is your reward? Juicy loot. The Crimson Leviathan drops 1 Boomerfang and 12 Netherite Scrap. Your probably wondering 'What the hell is a Boomerfang?' A new ranged weapon.

    Upon throwing it, it will leave your inventory and travel in a straight line of a max of 40 blocks, at about a sheep's running speed, then return to you at an equal speed. It will deal 6 hearts of damage, and pierce enemies but only on the return trip. Its one great flaw, however, is it cannot be enchanted, but is unbreakable, due to once being the Leviathan's tooth.

    I hope you liked my idea!

    submitted by /u/Xoduox
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    [META] Seasonal Farming?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    How would you create the farming system depening on seasons for Minecraft Vanillia?

    I would make each season last 3 days, each day representing each month of the year and all crops would grow during these "months" like in real life. And we would be able to turn off Seasons and Seasonal Farming in Game Rules (the one from 1.16).

    Spring Summer Autumn Winter
    March June September December
    April July October January
    May August November February
    submitted by /u/Luc78as
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    Not letting the bed bugs bite

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    To achieve: Break a bed in either the End or the Nether.

    What does this tell the player?: That you shouldn't sleep in a bed in these other dimensions due to the explosion it causes.

    submitted by /u/CosmicVSTheWorld
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    Water should be clearer

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Since RTX is coming to minecraft, I feel water is too cloudy at the top of the texture and they should switch it like they did the glass planes.

    submitted by /u/ToughButterz
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    A New Nether Boss: Decaying Lava Beast

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Since 1.16 is coming, we need a new boss for the nether, sure we have the wither but that's pretty old and can be defeated easily by most players at this point, I think there should be a boss the inhabits the murky depths of the lava oceans in the nether, only 1-2 should spawn per nether and it should be dangerous and exciting, and make lava trips more dangerous than just falling in, that's why I'm introducing, the Decaying Lava Beast, part lava monster, part wither skeleton.

    Imagine this:You're walking in the nether and see a strider, you tame it so you can walk across lava pits, as you're riding along the pits the strider stops in its place even though you have the warped fungus on a stick, a hand made of lava and rotten with wither skeleton bones come out, then a large monster, half wither skeleton and half lava comes out and looks at you, you are gonna either half to run, or fight this thing.

    Attacks: -Hand Crush, it raise its hands up signaling its doing the attack and bring them down on the last position of the player. -Hand Clap, it'll clap its hands together. -Lava Wave, creates a wave of lava that goes towards 1 direction. -Lava Cataclysm, a lava wave that goes in all 8 directions. -Wither swarm, spawns a swarm of wither skeletons riding striders(which could be a like a new jockey) to come attack the player. -Wither Effect(I've ran out of clever names), this would put the wither effect in a certain radius of it and anything in the radius would get the effect, sorta like a lingering potion.

    Stats: -Hp, Easy is 300, Medium is 500, Hard is 750 -Behavior, neutral until disturbed, that means either it's attacked or you go over it in a strider or swim over it you'll know where it is by lava bubbles floating above the lava where it is. -Size, about 50 blocks y'all, and 25 blocks wide(idk if that would fit in the nether correct me if it doesn't) -Drops, 1000 xp, Heart Of The Nether.

    Heart Of The Nether: The heart of the Nether is well, the heart of the Nether, I'm thinking it could be used to craft a negative beacon, that doesn't effect the player that created it(I don't think that would be that complicated, they do that for leaves and this would be more complicated to get than leaves so I think it's possible) the negative beacon could just give negative effects.

    That's my idea, let me know any feedback in the comments, I'm working on art for it now, also any more uses for a heart of the nether her would be greatly appreciated!

    Edit:Not the best artist but... Here's the drawings

    submitted by /u/DATBOI1112
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    We need more in the Ocean.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Yeah, we got an Ocean Update. But lets be honest, Oceans are still not really worth exploring. Im talking really deep ravines, and maybe in a way different to the normal ravines (with more differencies than that theyre filled with water). Also, think about gigantic Squids that you have to fight like a boss fight. Underwater skeletons would be cool. And more deserted Island like deserted Islands. With palm trees. Making the drowned zombies scarier. Swirls that suck you down, where you have to get creative with surviving. That would be great, at least in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/imnotgoingbacktojail
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    Underground villages

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Villages, but underground. Very rare, and they should have some unique features. I want some suggestions as to what those features would be

    submitted by /u/Schrutey
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    Improvements to the Ocelot, these are some of my suggestions to improve the ocelot:3

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    As it is now, ocelots have become dare I say useless because there's no real use to them anymore, before the 1.14 update ocelots were kinda useful since you could tame them to get cats and btw, I'm not saying that making cat's their own mob ruined everything because it's now more easier to get cats now, I'm just trying to say that mojang could've made the ocelot more useful by giving it features that would've actually given it relevance in the game and with that said and done, here are two features for the ocelot:

    1. When you feed a wild ocelot some raw cod and gain it's trust, the ocelot will then lead you to a near by jungle temple, similar to feeding a dolphin and it leading you to treasure. (But keep in mind, you'll have to bring a sizeable amount of raw cod since the ocelot will occasionally just become distracted.)

    2. Ocelots should become a bit more nocturnal, similar to the fox, they will be found during the day sleeping and resting and will become more active after the sun has gone, they'll also become more playful and if they encounter other ocelots they will then proceed to chase each other and play fight. (Play fighting will not deal any damage to the other ocelot)

    submitted by /u/Retard-Cheekz
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    Better Potion Ideas (Potion Improvements)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Here are some ideas we could add to improve potions beyond where they are right now.

    • Improved Brewing Stand, which allows you to take potions one level higher than the current brewing stand could. Maybe only spawn in Bastion Remnants, in rooms where there would normally be a Piglin 'Cleric,' I guess? Could also be craftable, but I haven't thought of a balanced recipe yet.
      • Possibilities from the improved brewing stand:
        • Invisibility 3 (Same time as Invis 2 but no particles. Invis 3 also hides particles from other potions activated at the moment)
        • Jump Boost 3
        • Speed 3
        • etc. etc. you get the idea
      • How to get higher levels
        • Just like gunpowder makes splash pots and glowstone makes longer duration maybe getting higher level potions requires nether materials added in the new nether update, which currently don't have much purpose. For example, maybe a warped mushroom would make a better potion, or maybe hoglins could drop hoglin teeth or something which you can use.
      • Brewing potions at the same level as a normal brewing stand causes potions to brew faster.
      • Possibly brew more than 3 potions at the same time?
    • Cauldron Potion Mixing
      • Adding two potions into an empty cauldron mixes them, yielding 2 potions with both effects but half the duration of each. Perhaps putting a campfire under a cauldron causes the potions to evaporate which allows you to take 2 potions of the same type and then boil them down to one potion with twice the duration potency. This gives a legit survival way to make potions with multiple effects.
      • If you want a bunch of potions (say night vision) with less duration you should be able to pour 1 or 2 night vision pots into a cauldron and then add water bottles to dilute it. then the number of bottles you fill out of the cauldron divides how much duration you would have.
      • A full cauldron (of potions) can be emptied into a bucket. This presents certain advantages (better inventory space, instead of holding 12 bottles you only need one bucket). To balance this, you shouldn't be able to drink the potions out of the bucket. you should need to put them in a cauldron to draw potions out of.
      • This is only suggested because cauldrons were originally added to make potions, but they were never really used for this purpose after witches were added and you could use brewing stands. To this day, cauldrons have no real purpose, other than to store a bucket of water or for ornamental use.
    • Collectable resources for potions from the new update
      • Examples
        • Obsidian Tears, harvested by using an empty glass bottle on crying obsidian. After this, crying obsidian dries up and temporarily looks like normal obsidian, although after random ticks it becomes crying obsidian once again.
    • More Potion Effects
      • Improved Invisibility
        • Like Invis 3, but also hides armor.
      • Knockback Resistance
        • Works like having armor with the "KnockbackResistance" NBT tag. could have up to 3 levels, although third would be only applicable from the improved brewing stand.
      • End Affinity
        • Makes you die slower in the void, so you can ender pearl out. While in the end dimension, also gives a wide array of minor buffs, like:
        • Jump Boost 1
        • Speed 1
        • Night Vision 1
        • Haste 1
        • Saturation 1
        • etc. etc.
        • This potion should be quite expensive and end-gamey since it is quite powerful.
      • Stryder's Grace
        • Like Dolphin's Grace, but works in lava instead.
        • Provides fire resistance and under-lava swim speed, as well as allowing you to see while you are under lava instead of everything being just blank orange.
    • On the topic of potions, another thing to improve would be zombie villager curing.
      • Using a better weakness potion should reduce the time it takes to cure a zombie villager.
      • You should be able to cure a zombie villager instantly if you use an enchanted golden apple in addition to a weakness 3 potion.
      • Enchanted Golden Apples should be craftable again.

    Any other ideas, guys?

    submitted by /u/FlareStormGaming
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    Zombie villagers are neutral in Easy mode

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Inspired by this post, which solves a problem I've had before but in a way which makes villagers basically immune to zombies.

    It's always bothered me that in Easy and Medium mode, zombies have a chance to kill villagers outright instead of converting them. Sure, this results in fewer mobs which makes the game easier, but it also makes it harder for a village to recover from a zombie attack, whereas in Hard it's always possible to cure the villagers (unless the village golems kill them).

    To me it seems like this feature isn't required because mobs are already nerfed in Easy - the number of mobs can stay the same without making the game too hard. But it does make it harder to defend a village when the villagers become zombies on death.


    So I suggest that zombie villagers be neutral to players (and possibly villagers and iron golems as well) in Easy, and have a cooldown before becoming hostile in Medium. This way villagers could be converted to zombies 100% of the time in lower difficulties without making village defense too difficult.

    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    Clouds and Sky Changes

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Clouds Have always felt weird and unnatural to me. Many people play with clouds turned off Because they Look weird or phase through you build. Here are some basic changes That I would make to the to make them seem Normal or even cool.

    𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞

    As of right now in minecraft, You can go inside of a cloud and see... Nothing ... That has got to change, From now on When inside of clouds, Your screen will be foggy.


    Cloud generation should change that Instead of Big chunky Block clouds, they would be 1/4 The size, This would make them more interesting. Clouds should also be able to generate higher by a few blocks( 1-10).


    Clouds should have a rare chance at spawning In the shape of a flat animal or mob. Imagine looking up and seeing a cloud rabbit, or the signature creeper face in the sky.


    This is an important one, probably why most people turn clouds off, Clouds currently phase through block, causing your skyscraper to be a fog machine(at y level 127 at least).

    Here is my proposal, I think that clouds should collide with full blocks, and when they hit a full block, they stop, and fade away. Clouds would still be able to pass through non full blocks like fences, slabs, and leaves.

    𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

    In Minecraft when it starts to rain, The clouds instantly turn gray and cover the sky. Here Is my Idea: The day before and after it rains, The sky will have 50% more clouds and they would be light gray.


    A small nice detail I would like to add is when it is thundering, you should see electrical currents in the cloud signaling that it is a Lightning storm.

    𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

    When it rains in Minecraft, For some weird Reason, It is raining ABOVE THE CLOUDS... So here is what I suggest:

    The rain should only start at (Y Level 127, aka cloud height) and only If there is a cloud there.( Which there should be unless obstructed by a solid object

    𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐲 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭)

    The sky goes up forever in minecraft, so here is a unique idea

    From Now on There will be a biome that spawns everywhere in the overworld from y-level 150 to y-level 255 called Space's Edge. In Space's Edge It would never rain and you would have a jump boost effect.


    Space would be a biome that spawns from y-level 256 and up. While you are in space, you will take suffocation damage UNLESS you are wearing a respiration helmet. You would still not be able to place blocks above y-level 256. In space, It would appear like it was night-time, and there would be no blue in the sky.

    Now I know this is on the fps list, but I'm not suggesting space travel, merely space.

    Anyway, These are some Ideas That would be cool to have In minecraft, and personally ANYTHING is better than what we have currently.


    Clouds should be more unique, by having dynamic shapes, and being able to collide with a solid block.The sky should also be changed by having the empty void above y256 be a space biome.

    submitted by /u/The-Phantom-Phantom
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