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    Minecraft Death messages for named Villagers

    Minecraft Death messages for named Villagers

    Death messages for named Villagers

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Anyone who runs a village knows that not being able to locate a favorite villager for a trade can be frustrating (when they're not locked in boxes). I spent over 10 minutes looking for my mending book villager to no avail recently and have no idea if he had somehow died. If a villager is named, they should give a death message like a pet if they die because if you went through the effort name name it you probably care for its safety.

    This could also extend to iron golems :)

    Edit: It's already on the suggestions site. Vote for it! https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043652772-Villager-Death-Messages

    Edit 2: ALL named things should have death messages

    submitted by /u/Coledog10
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    Bamboo ought to be able to grow in shallow water

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    I've been building quite a few conventional bamboo farms since 0-ticking will be going away soon. In order to get near lossless harvesting, I'm always forced to employ hopper minecarts. There is way that could replace the minecarts with water while sacrificing farm density if waterlogged bamboo was added to the game.

    By allowing bamboo to be waterlogged, it would be possible to force the water to flow towards collection streams and hoppers. While this would fix some of my automatic farming issues, I think it should be implemented just for the aesthetic and realistic value.

    In the real world, bamboo is capable of growing in water and some species even thrive. I'd love to come upon a shallow lake in game with some bamboo forest encroaching into it. Decorating gardens would be fantastic with an Asian theme as well.

    However, there ought to be limits to the depth at which bamboo will still grow (the shallow part of the title). My quick, but mildly uneducated suggestion is a check of the two blocks above a growing plant. If the top block is air and the bottom is water, it is allowed to grow. If the bottom block is air, the top block can be ignored and the bamboo may grow. If both blocks are water, it is too deep and will not grow. If the bamboo is not waterlogged, it does not undergo this check. Underwater bamboo plants can be taller than two blocks and still grow near the surface, but it must be manually placed by the player or created in world-generation.

    submitted by /u/Viridis_Coy
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    Ghasts turn way too fast

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Such a large creature should turn pretty slowly, seeing them move around can be really jarring. This is especially bad when they run into a corner and start quickly turning around.

    submitted by /u/CoolioAruff
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    Slimes shouldn't take fall damage

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Players don't take fall damage when falling onto slime blocks, so why should a literal sentient slime block? I propose that instead of taking fall damage when they fall, slimes should just bounce back up like a player would falling onto slime blocks.

    EDIT: i posted this to the suggestion site, although it is still under review. i will edit again with a link once its officially posted!

    submitted by /u/_thatcatlady_
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    An environmental hazard from the End, and a liquid that's somewhat alive? The so-far unnamed alien slime mold from the End. (Yes it's technically a block but no it's alive, it's a mob that's a block okay?)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Here's something to make the end more interesting. A substance with unique behaviors, that redstone engineers can find uses for, but also poses a natural hazard.

    So, I've noticed that end stone looks relatively porous compared to the other blocks in the game. Maybe it's not supposed to, but it had me thinking anyway. Surely, fluids could saturate the blocks. But if this were the case, maybe there should be a more solid block on the outside of the end islands to contain it? Maybe not? Let's say that the fluid is released if you mine a saturated block.

    But, what weirdness can this unleash... I propose a new substance that would certainly cause trouble for some players. And also a way to "tame" it to make it useful.

    Slime mold is a real substance that's really hard to explain. It's a living substance, single-cell but with countless nuclei. The stuff oozes its way along, sending out tendrils and feeling its way forward for something to dissolve and devour. Let's use that.

    So. The player mines in the End, and uncovers an underground deposit of what may well be mistaken for a strange purple mineral. But upon breaking the block, you disturb the slime mold, and it begins to seep out of the surrounding stone. It looks like lava, but instead of an endless downward flow of it, this stuff has a set number of blocks. There's no source block or flowing block, just Exposed Mold and Burrowed Mold. It would have no flowing animation, besides maybe a bubbling animation. When it "flows", a block near the back vanishes and a block appears attached to the front.

    This stuff is Dangerous. Do not touch it. You will stick to the side like it was honey, and it will start to dissolve your armor. Once a block of mold forms around you, however, (or if you're dumb enough to decide to take a swim in purple acid slime mold,) it will begin to eat at your health as well as your armor. Strangely, it seems to be repelled by fire resist, perhaps the stuff is poisonous to it. But swimming in this stuff will consume oxygen and hunger at the normal rate water does, because it's a thick jelly-like substance and very demanding.

    The worst thing? It's alive. And the more mold there is, the faster it moves. An individual block moves once a second, and it goes up with each additional block in a logarithmic curve, capping about 4m/s (but takes difficulty level into account, too. Maybe six for hardcore and 2 for easy/peaceful.) It creeps towards the nearest mob, and if there's none in range, it'll seep back into the ground and hibernate. Once it's killed a mob, it gains one more block to work with, kinda like snake. (If there's multiple targets in different directions, each block tries to go towards the nearest one, and the mass splits in two. This slows it down.)

    What can you do? Well, if you try to build in it, it displaces the slime mold, but if you build a box for it with end stone, and it's completely trapped, it'll seep into the stone and stop moving. You can also capture it in a bucket. (Though, because it's alive... maybe a covered container needs to be added...)

    Now for the redstone thing. Mobile, magnetic gel blocks. If you put a bucketed slime mold, magma cream, redstone dust, and two iron nuggets in a crafting table, you have a bucket of Magnetic Gel. And this stuff is weird. It has a rich crimson color, and doesn't really move, it's kinda just chilling there. Until... Well, this is where the fun begins.

    It behaves like a sokoban game on ice. If punched, or given a redstone signal, it will move in the opposite direction, until it hits a block. It can phase through what I will call semisolid blocks, like leaves and soil. And when it hits said block, it delivers a redstone signal to the block it collides with. And just like the wild counterpart, the more of it there is, the faster it moves. But, this substance will stop flowing when it touches something, so it behaves more like a game of snake than the slime mold.

    submitted by /u/VectorLightning
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    Minecarts load the chunk they are in while in motion

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    A major problem with Minecarts which dosen't allow item transporting railways is that as soon as they leave render distance they stop moving.

    Minecarts should load the chunk they are in if they are moving. This prevents them from freezing when they leave a players render distance.

    This could also be useful for making mob farms that require loaded chunks.

    Edit: Typo

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Mushroom blocks shouldn't be a spawnable area for mobs

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    I understand most of them just generate on free mobs places but is a shame you need to put lights above customized giant mushrooms if you don't want a ninja creeper. They should be treated as leaves

    submitted by /u/YaJi222
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    Oasis biome

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Add a mini-biome (idk the term) in deserts called the Oasis. The defining feature would be medium-sized, shallow lakes surrounded by grass and palm trees. It would have the Jungle grass & foliage colours, with a very light water colour. Since the general idea of an oasis is a sort of respite from a harsh climate, it could have decreased or no hostile mob spawns. It could also have increased wandering trader spawns, since they would rest there during their journey.

    submitted by /u/QVJIPN-42
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    Chain Ladders

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Chain ladders that are crafted like a wooden ladder except with chains instead of sticks. A player who climbed or descended on this ladder would move at twice the speed of a normal ladder. I think this would be a good addition because it is expensive enough to not be overpowered, and would add a mode of transport faster than ladders, and slower than water elevators, which are hard to dismount on a certain floor of a structure.

    submitted by /u/SEVEN-730
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    Biome dependent Ambient particles

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    What if some biomes, like forests, had particles that appear, functioning on a cycle like weather. In the case of forests, it could be fireflies at night or after it rains at night.

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Add “Ruins”

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    I was thinking of an idea for a new structure and i thought of a "Ruins" structure. It would be a collection of Stone blocks, arranged in a circle, and pillars of Stone Bricks surrounding them. it would also have a higher amount of foliage (e.g. vines, tallgrass, etc.) and it'd be half-sunken into the ground. The Stone Brick pillars would go 3-5 blocks into the ground; vice versa, and the stone blocks would just barely peek out of the ground. It would also have a chance of having a chest with the stuff you'd find in a dungeon chest, along with a few stone bricks and vines.

    I'll leave a link to a screenshot of a rough draft of the "ruins" structure in the comment section.

    submitted by /u/PhoenixTheKitty
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    Buffet worlds shouldn’t put stone and water in nether/end biomes

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    The buffet worlds(split into single biome, caves and floating islands in 1.16, but I'll call them buffet in this suggestion). You can choose What biome you want to generate in your whole world as well as the generation type. However, even if you choose a nether/end biome, there's just stone under the surface instead of netherrack/endstone and water instead of lava/nothing. This has been the case since 1.13. I think this should be changed. Regardless of world generation type, there should be stone and water in overworld biomes, netherrack and lava in nether biomes and endstone(with no fluid/maybe water) in end biomes. This would be great and would make buffet worlds much prettier as well as more "realistic" and usable. While we're at it, quartz, gold and ancient debris as well as gravel/blackstone patches should generate in nether biomes in buffet worlds, like overworld ores and block patches do.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Floating islands (Overworld, please read)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    At first from reading the title you may be like "What? That's a stupid idea" No, let me explain more.

    Floating islands have an extremely rare chance of spawning in a world. They can have structures on them or not. These structures can contain useful loot. Floating islands normally spawn at Y level 100 or slightly higher or even a little bit lower. They spawn mostly next to the mountains.

    Structure. Tower

    Towers have a 55% chance of spawning on the Floating Islands. They contain 2 chests. They're two levels to the Tower. The first is the very bottom of the tower. The second is at the very top of the tower. The very top will have very decent loot and the bottom will have less decent loot.


    Top Tier Chests Lower Tier Chests Brewing Stands

    Golden apple 1-3 40% Apple 1-10 80% Feather Falling Potions 1-2 100%

    Bread 10-32 69% Iron 1-15 50%

    Diamond 1-4 10% Saddle 1 75%

    Wheat 10-20 70%

    Enchanted golden apple 1 1%

    Golden Carrot 1-15 50%

    Gold 1-15 51%

    Enchanted Book (Always Top Tier) 1 5%

    Why should we add this?

    The fact that my structure being in Minecraft would make it easier would be a downside. But when it's extremely rare I guess it's not so much of a downside anymore. It also adds much more to the game. Making the game even cooler. Finding it is very hard but at least you can check out the epic loot. Or when you're even traveling from long distances a floating island could be handy. I know we already have floating islands but they're rare and aren't properly generated so they look trash. And they weren't on purpose added to the game. So actually giving them attention kinda makes them cool.

    submitted by /u/Redioverz
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    The Void Eagle

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Found in the end spawning in the the wide open void it is rare though has the chance to spawn if a 10x10x10 area of void or air blocks are around then the same property of spawning like a wild pink sheep.

    The void eagle is 2 times has big as the phantom and behaves the same minus it targets people with elytra and will pick them up and only damage there wings. the Eagle can be tamed by feeding it a dragon skull once tamed it will be able to breed with an other eagle you have tamed to make babys these babys will not be tamed but will not be hostile and will only need fish to tame. The eagle will be able to work as a better elytra when you are falling it will pick you up and help you. Glide quicker and better elytra movement so you can have a chest plate on. it will attack any mobs that atack you a team of 25 and kill the dragon and a team of can take down the wither,

    Drops It has a rare chance to drop an eagle feather which can be used in a crafting table with 8 of them and one elytra to make eagle wings which are quicker elytra and do not break or if they need durability then 1000 base they will also act like the totem of undiejng if you die in the void you will be swept up and land on the nearest block

    submitted by /u/DrBURG3R
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    Chicken soup

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    We have rabbit soup, why not chicken soup?

    submitted by /u/DuranGan
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    Various types of weather and how I would personally implement them.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    Please note: I'm not saying all of these should be added nor am I saying all are good ideas, I'm simply putting the suggestion out there

    Wind: Represented by line shaped partial effects moving in the direction the wind is blowing, causing the all mobs and the player to be gently pushed in that direction. There may also be stronger or weaker wind levels resulting in stronger or weaker pushes, this can also apply for being on mountains where the wind would naturally be stronger.

    Fog: Basically acting a forceful decrease in chunk rendering, the fog would appear as a light grey misty effect that is visible in all directions and similarly to the wind it can be stronger or weaker randomly and could even be natural in specific biomes.

    Sandstorm: This weather would be exclusive to the desert biome and would appear as a large amount of sand particles bowling around the player, causing a similar effect to the blindness effect or the fog or it could just be the particles, this weather would also have the blowing effect that the wind would have or alternatively it could cause slowness.

    Hail: This one may be a bit of a stretch but similarly to snow the hail would only occur in snowy biomes. The difference here is that the hail can hurt the player if they aren't under some kind of cover such as actual cover or a helmet.

    Rainbow: This one doesn't have any effect on gameplay but is simply a nice visual following a daytime thunderstorm or rain storm, the rainbow appearing on either side of the sun and moon's rotational cycle.

    submitted by /u/Realist-demon
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    Breeding Polar Bears

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    Polar bears could be bred with raw cod or salmon. A baby polar bear will occur from breeding,and it's parents won't become aggro towards you,unlike with natural-spawned polar bear cubs.

    A baby polar bear's growth can be sped up using raw cod or salmon. The baby you get from breeding will trust you and protect you from monsters that atack you.

    The "trusted" polar bear,just like "trusted" foxes won't follow you unless you are using a lead.

    I hope you like my idea.

    submitted by /u/OldCandyYtb
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    Add a beacon power that replenishes hunger.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Eating food in minecraft is tedious. And in endgame on servers and in single player, players usually have a couple beacons and endless food.

    If you're in your base, regen and defense powers are useless because you're likely sheltered. And jump boost and speed boost aren't helpful in smaller spaces. I tend to accidentally break blocks in my base with a haste boost on so I usually only use that boost for large mining projects.

    A hunger replenishing power is perfect for beacons located near bases. Food would still be important for mining and exploring, which is situations that would realistically require food replenishment. And you wouldn't need to eat while organizing and collecting items in your base.

    submitted by /u/CloudCider911
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    Looting on Other Weapons

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    Why can't we put looting on for ex. bows and tridents? Their is no reason! Because swords and bows are similar, they are combat weapons. Pickaxes and shovels are similar, they are tools. Swords and bows have the same enchantments just different names, (excluding sweeping edge) but that would multishot, a enchantment on crossbows. Pickaxes and shovels have the same enchantments. The only reason I would think that bows don't have looting, is because swords are melee, and tridents and bows are long-ranged.

    submitted by /u/BryanTheCuber
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    Add a "placedByPlayer" tag.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Being able to tag blocks that players have placed with a "placedByPlayer" tag would make PVP, adventure and story maps so much easier to manage.

    • Tools such as pickaxes could only break blocks that have been "placedByPlayer"
    • The /fill command could be used to reset maps! For example, '/fill 52 63 -1516 33 73 -1536 placedByPlayer 0 replace air' could remove every block in the desired radius with blocks that were placed by players, easily resetting maps.

    This would give both mapmakers and players so much more freedom as players could build freely, being able to make their own house etc, while mapmakers could reset combat arenas for another game.

    submitted by /u/LockeSimm
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