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    Minecraft Shulkers named “Jeb_” should cycle colors as sheep do.

    Minecraft Shulkers named “Jeb_” should cycle colors as sheep do.

    Shulkers named “Jeb_” should cycle colors as sheep do.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    Because we can dye shulker boxes, I think this would be a fun and reasonable addition.

    submitted by /u/grimeshake
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    Piglin Brutes should drop more experience

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Piglin Brutes are great. They make exploring bastions much more challenging, whilst giving more variety to the enemies you'll encounter in the Nether. I've seen some complaints about this mob and a few suggestions on how to improve it but personally the only thing that bothers me is the amount of xp they drop. I don't think it's rewarding enough for the amount of trouble they give you.

    I think Piglin brutes should drop 10xp, and I'm going to explain why.

    Currently, Piglin brutes drop 5xp when killed. Piglins drop 5, plus 1-3 additional xp per armor piece they have equipped. This means the weaker variant ends up dropping more experience.

    For comparison, Pillagers and Vindicators both drop 5xp. Evokers, the stronger Illager variant, drop 10xp. That means this change would keep the drop mechanics consistent and intuitive.

    submitted by /u/XxBom_diaxX
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    End islands on different heights

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Now we all now the end islands are all in same height but the height limit of the end is 256 in both java and bedrock so we have a lot of space.I think end should be like one end island is near the void another one is much more higher and so on.End islands on different elevations.Like astroid fields(but with end islands)in sci-fi films.

    submitted by /u/German-Turkish
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    The ability to eat cookies (and beets?) way faster than before.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    An idea i have always stuck in my idea when i discovered Cookies in minecraft, At first view, when you craft cookies in minecraft, it gives you, it look tasty and yummy at first view but when you eat it, we all did say : BRUH ; Seriously ? ; It's useless... For only one cookie, it gain half a heart in the hunger bar, so what about we gives some help to that poor cookie that was forgotten by the players ?

    My idea is : The ability to eat cookies way faster than before.

    When you eat a cookie, normally one cookie = 1 second. Remember we have 20 hunger in Minecraft, So imagine if my hunger bar is at 6, by only using cookies it take 14 seconds, like seriously ? If i get attacked by mobs, you can say goodbye instead of steak that take 3 seconds, so i want to speed up a bit when eating a cookie.

    For those that are minecraft veterans, you may probably remember that in the very very oldest version of minecraft, we didn't have a hunger bar, when we eat, we eat instantly the food, not like one second or something, it's instantly, it only used to heal the health bar !

    Let's not try to make it instantly but atleast like... 0.4 ? 0.3 ? 0.5 ? 0.2 ? Tell what seconds is great to eat a cookie for you, i respect that the cookies gain only a half a heart in the hunger bar so why not do it fast ? Wait... Has anyone forgotten the beet too ? It has the same utility as the cookies i don't know why. So why not do it in the beets too ? That was my idea, i hope you liked it and you agree !

    See ya everyone !

    submitted by /u/Stephanoi_Gamer
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    Naming a Chicken ‘Quack’ will result in it’s colours turning to those of a duck.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    This would be cool because ducks have always been a wanted feature in the game but they wouldn't serve any use, so they wouldn't be added.

    This could also be good because a small percentage of the community call Chickens 'Ducks'. Hence why on the Xbox One Edition loading screen says 'Is it a chicken or a duck'.

    Comment below if you can think of a better name!

    Edit: it would be a Male Mallard, which is a popular type of duck.

    Edit 2: My grammar died when I was writing the title, which is unfortunate to say the least.

    submitted by /u/6LeggedCat
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    New advancement: "Splash!"

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    A new advancement titled "Splash!" that can be achieved by saving yourself from a great fall with a water bucket from 50 meters up from the ground.

    submitted by /u/iFyre20
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    Improve Bat's AI, Make them Nocturnal and Photophobic (A Repost with the Approved link to the Official Minecraft Feedback Site)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Currently, Bats are one of the most disliked mobs in game. It's not only because they're useless, but because their AI is completely stupid. Bats don't need any useful drops or a retexture but atleast, improve their AI. Just because they're ambient mobs doesn't mean they don't need enough effort in their AI and Pathfinding. It's a small change but it could make them a bit more useful and desirable than they are right now. Give them some improvements and changes. Make them more than just eerie little flying critters, make them fascinating and amazing mobs ambient mobs that everyone would love!

    -Make them Avoid Light: Like Hostile Mobs, They should avoid high light levels and take shelter from it. This would be useful in caving, placing a torch near these bats would make them fly away and find a darker spot so this would be useful in two-way cave entrances to find which one should the player enter and which one is a dead end. It could also be useful in finding dark spots in your house that could spawn undesirable and hostile mobs.

    -Make them Nocturnal: Minecraft Bats aren't nocturnal, they only sleep when undisturbed but their sleep cycle isn't time-based, I think it should be. Bats should only sleep at day and perhaps, spend time flying outside caves at night. Foxes already have this kind of behaviour so it should be possible with Bats. This would be useful for Cavers that spend their whole minecraft weeks exploring caves, they could observe bats to determine what time it is in the surface.

    Sadly, my Photophobic Bat post didn't make it in the Feedback Site, but my Nocturnal Bat post did! Here's the link to my Nocturnal Bat Post: If you liked my idea and want to see it ingame, please click this blue text and upvote my post in the Minecraft Feedback Site,

    Thanks for Reading My Suggestion Lads!

    submitted by /u/HoveringPigs
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    Warped wart blocks should be smelted to obtain cyan dye

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    This would give warped wart blocks a purpose aside from being aesthetic.

    submitted by /u/BashoBoi
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    Nylium Paths

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    Obligatory I hope this hasn't been suggested before:

    You should be able to right click on nylium with a shovel and scrape the top gritty disgusting dried fungus layer off to reveal the bright soft under layer. This would be a super cool nether alternative to grass paths.

    See a demonstration of it here.

    submitted by /u/GoldenPenisOfDeath
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    An Endgame Battle Mount Idea

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    When we saw the ravager the first time, I'm sure we all went: "I wanna ride that into battle."

    However we couldn't because it doesn't fit what the beast was designed for. So how about a new mount that can pack a punch as much as a ravager?

    I know it sounds op but it's an endgame exclusive mount. You can only find it in the outer end islands. It's called a Chorus bull. (The name is a work in progress so any name suggestions are very welcome.)

    HP: 120 Hearts (60 points)

    Damage: 4 Hearts (8 points)

    Ram damage(explained down below): up to 9 Hearts (18 points) in full charge






    To obtain this mount you need to travel to the outer end and find an area where there is lots of chorus fruits. This is where the bull spawns. It's a neutral mob so approaching it isn't a problem. Just go up to it and feed it chorus fruits. It will be tamed like a wolf. However it will not follow or attack your target. Just protect you if you get attacked. Once tamed, you can equip it with a chorus bull saddle which can be crafted with a saddle a lead and a diamond. This will allow you to ride the beast.

    It cannot jump or sprint like horses but it can charge and ram. Which causes a little knockback upwards like an Iron Golem but way little. Just one block up. To charge on a bull, hold space and a bar fills like the horse jump. But instead of jump charge, this meter is the ram charge. When you release the space bar, the bull starts to run with it's head down. And when you hit a mob with this you deal way more damage then it's standard damage. The damage and the ram speed is based on how much filled the ram meter is.

    To get the bull back to the overworld you need to ram to the end gateway and you will end up on the main end island.

    Any suggestions or questions?


    submitted by /u/knucklesthedead
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    Specters: Friendly Spooks of the Land Deep Down Under

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Many would agree that so far the Soul Sand Valley is an extremely hostile biome, so much so that many players simply avoid it, with ghasts, soul sand and skeletons hardly outweighing the benefit of harvesting soul sand.

    To combat this, I propose a second passive resident of the Nether, the Specter. These friendly fellows glide across the landscape, passing through soul sand and soul soil blocks as they please. The only way harm can come to the specters is if they come in contact with soul fire, including being hit by a soul fire torch - the flames damaging their incorporeal form.

    These mobs would not just add much needed ambience, but would guide lost players towards forgotten buried treasures, in the form of chests containing moderate value loot, similar to dolphins. After the player opens the chest, the specter becomes happy, now forming a bond with the player. The specter would then loosely follow the player. This provides the player with a light increase of soul speed movement while nearby the ghost.

    As an optional secondary feature, they may also distract up to one ghast when it spots the player, decreasing its accuracy temporarily. That feature may be unbalanced however. A player may only have one specter bonded at a time.

    submitted by /u/david_this_isnt_weed
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    A new drop for elder guardian and a new weapon

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    The Elder Guardian drop is really bad so I propose that if you kill one, then you have a chance to get a Guardian eye fragment. Get three of these and an end crystal, you get a Guardians eye. craft this with a crossbow and some iron (for fastenings), and you get a Guardian Crossbow. this is like a Laser that shoots the guardian beam, doing the same base damage as a Guardian. It runs off of Prismarine Shards.

    submitted by /u/AnOperative
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    Idea for a "cave update" that could tie with the aquatic update

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    What if the Y level instead of the deepest it could go was 0, it was -200. The deeper you go the darker it gets, the more mobs there are and the harder it gets, but the more powerful ore there is. And the caves get weird. And with water the deeper you go there could be a rare chance you find a giant fish able to easily kill you without the right materials. The faster it is for the player to drown. And the darker the water. Making it very, very, eerie. Making the water more deadly. And with underground there could be weird mutated zombies and skeletons. Sorta like super versions. However they are practically blind and you can sneak past them by holding down shift and walking by. Since they would use a sense of hearing instead of sight. Since that far below ground I'm sure anything wouldn't be able to use a sense of sight. And also add the feature from Optifine allowing you to hold a torch.

    submitted by /u/PlushieGamer1228
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    The Debug Menu shows the name of the current music playing

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    The title is self explanatory, just a small bit of text telling the name of the current in game music playing

    submitted by /u/skitgoneget
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    Please don't monetize emotes. They are more than just a cosmetic feature.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    First and foremost, what is the core gameplay of minecraft? There isn't any, since it is the ultimate sandbox where you choose your own purpose of it. It could be a plain survival game, messing around in creative mode, a competitive multiplayer, a minigame, or even a platform for making your own short film like in the good old days.

    Back to the topic - this recent addition to minecraft is controversial, But in my opinion the emotes are not necessarily bad. Quite the opposite actually, since they can add a lot of possibilities to minecrafts' gameplay. It could be a fun way of communicating with other players on a server, a cool storytelling tool for your cinematic videos, or even a new minigame variety (e.g guessing games or a dancing games).

    Monetizing this feature will restrict players who bought this game from utilizing the full potential minecraft holds. I would rather pay a few bucks more for a full game than paying it as a service.

    submitted by /u/dankdannyk
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    Warped and crimson mooshroms

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Piglins and Hoglins turn into there zombified forms when in the over world so most players would agree that if a mooshrom enters the nether it should become a warped or crimson mooshrom

    submitted by /u/dac30
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    Lecterns should be able to combine enchanted books instead of anvils/A list of ideas for lecterns and enchanted books!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    As of right now, lecterns are probably one of the more useless blocks in the game. Yes, they are super useful in terms of villagers, but other than that, they aren't even the best in terms of decoration - plus, they really don't have any functionality aside from the somewhat useless redstone mechanic.

    I think that the lecterns should be able to combine enchanted books instead of anvils. That would include upgrading enchantments (2 efficiency I enchanted books into one efficiency II book) or combine two separate ones. However, I really just want the lecterns to do something with enchanted books, because I think it could give lecterns a cool, new purpose. Here are some other ideas I had:

    Placing an enchanted book on a lectern gives an AoE effect of said enchantment, but the book is disenchanted when reclaimed (might be too OP/exploitable)

    Lecterns can remove the enchantments of items and turn them into enchanted books for the price of XP and durability (I actually like this idea)

    Remove individual enchantments from enchanted books (not curses, of course)

    Can split the enchantments into multiple books

    Any other ideas for lecterns and enchanted books would be wonderful to hear.


    submitted by /u/a_depressed_mess
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    Lava fossils

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Fossils that inside of lava very rare also very big(like 40,50 blocks long) made out of mostly bone blocks,Blackstone,Coal Block and little patches of netherrack,nether ores,soul sand/soil and so rarely ancient debris.(like 2 or 3 ancient debris per fossil)

    submitted by /u/German-Turkish
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    Holding shift and right clicking a shulker box should change its color.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    It's already a little annoying to have to break it and then put it in a crafting table. It would be so much easier to just shift click on the shulker to change its color. We do that for sheep (obviously without shifting, but same concept). So why not for shulkers?

    submitted by /u/OMEGANINJA0247
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    Piglins can spawn on Striders

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    I know Zombified Piglins can, but why can't normal Piglins? It doesn't make much sense.

    So, I suggest that Piglins can spawn on Striders. Similar to the chicken jockey, the Piglin would have control over which direction the Strider walks in.

    Perhaps the Striders with Piglins on them could have a unique texture? Some decorative gold armour on the Strider would be neat.

    submitted by /u/squibfishe
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    Using a hoe on sand or gravel makes lines on the block like ones in a Japanese garden.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    The Japanese gardens I'm referring to

    This wouldn't really have any practical uses, but it would be useful for builders and gardens. Unlike the lines on farmland blocks, the direction of the lines change depending on the direction of the player. The lines would connect in a manner similar to rails; the lines would curve if the direction of the "raking" changes, and raked lines would be able to run parallel to each other.

    submitted by /u/JebediahKerman001
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    @n in commands

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Currently for commands we have

    @p (nearest player)

    @s (yourself)

    @a (all players)

    @e (all entitys)

    I think we should also have

    @n (nearest entity)

    submitted by /u/gavinvlogs
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    Grave Glass

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    This would be the Nether version of glass, made in the same way as regular glass, but with a twist. Visually, I imagine it's more in-line with actual stained glass, though only a single color. It can of course by dyed, but the unique part is that it actually has some functionality. Specifically, it glows in the dark. This would allow you to have illuminated windows for night builds, while still making them functional as windows.

    submitted by /u/Realshow
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    Sakura forests in the new mountains

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    I've seen a LOT of people suggesting adding Cherry Blossom (Sakura) forests into the game.

    While I absolutely love this idea, all the concepts I've seen have looked way too similar to normal forests. If they were added like this, they wouldn't bring anything special to the way we play Minecraft.

    But with the mountains recieving an update, I think this would be the perfect time to add this well - requested biome. It could be found in amongst the mountains, containing hot springs and snow monkeys.

    This would help add some crucial colour and life to the mountains, as well as Minecraft in general.

    submitted by /u/Jestar07
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