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    Minecraft Arrows Should Stick on to Shields Instead of Bouncing Off

    Minecraft Arrows Should Stick on to Shields Instead of Bouncing Off

    Arrows Should Stick on to Shields Instead of Bouncing Off

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    After two posts, here is the third post about combat. So I thpught that habing arrows stuck on a shield looks cool so I tryed to make it into the game. It would be a little cool feature to have because shields don't have slime pads to bounce off arrows, right? If you toss it into the groubd, the arrows will still stay there until it despawns like the ones on the player's head, shoulder, knee, feet...

    submitted by /u/Ancient_Derbis
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    Blaze Rods shouldn’t burn in lava or fire

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    Blazes literally are covered in fire, so it should make sense that their rods shouldn't burn, and could float like Netherite items

    submitted by /u/munner-raze
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    Baby Piglins can grow up. If they were harmed by a player as a baby, they turn into Piglin Brutes instead of normal Piglins.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Title says it all (note that currently, they can't grow up at all).

    Piglins clearly (and (mostly) aptly) see players as colonizers and have a strong distrust for them. It would make perfect sense if they grew up to utterly hate them and decide to dedicate their life to fighting them if players attacked them during their formative game ticks.

    On a technical side, this would make Brutes renewable, but with a unique mechanic that should be a fun challenge to completely automate.

    Brutes are most likely supposed to be rare (they currently only spawn in bastions, after all), so maybe there should only be a small chance of this happening.

    submitted by /u/ralokt
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    Explosions from Creepers that are on fire should put fire everywhere.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    Similar to a ghast's fireball or a bed in the nether.

    submitted by /u/Cheese1tz
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    Vexes need weak spots / fears

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Vexes are the most annoying mobs of the entire game, taking the throne of creepers. Because their hitboxes are small and unfair, can go through blocks, spawn in packs and they can even kill heavily-armed players.

    This makes them unfair, because you need to have a way to kill them easier or they need to be scared of something - just like creepers are scared of cats (for some reason?). Maybe add a new weapon that is good against them or maybe make them fear mobs like cats (I dont know what, but they need to have a way to easily scare them away) Also about the weak spot part, maybe add a enchantment for weapons that can kill them easier like Bane of Phantasms, which acts like Bane of Arthropods, but works instead on Phantoms, Ghasts and/or Vexes.

    submitted by /u/DanielTheRedditor
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    Changing biome grass colour

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    If you place enough exotic trees in a biome it's grass colour should change with it. (For example putting a jungle tree in a taiga biome should change the grass colour below it to a more greenish colour instead of staying dark green

    submitted by /u/ThomasA2018
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    Using leads on villagers should anger them

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    This would decrease your reputation because you're trying to enslave them. Iron golems will attack you as well, and would add some morality to the game.

    submitted by /u/gsAngel56
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    Drinking Purified Water Bottles should add the "Hydrated" effect.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    When hydrated, you can either eat food faster, or have food fill more hunger bars. It doesn't have to do anything drastic. To get purified water bottles, you can smelt a water bottle in a furnace. The effect lasts 3 minutes.

    submitted by /u/A-Pizza-Pie
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    When reaching any biome, its name should be displayed in a corner of the screen

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    The position could be changed to any of the four corners of your screen, and of course, an option to disable it.

    submitted by /u/iFerrer00
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    New nether biome: Blackstone plains (name is a work in progress)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    The terrain would be flat like in a regular plains biome, but covered in nothing except for blackstone.

    The fog in this biome is also black, and thicker than the fog in other biomes, adding to the dark effect and making it hard to see. A good comparison to how the fog would be is the blindness effect that already exists in the game. The only thing that can penetrate the fog from a distance would be lightning that would strike on the surface very frequently from the roof of the nether.

    The effect of this nether biome would be a chaotic, stormy and difficult wasteland. It will present an extra challenge in the nether, by potentially disorientating players if they are not careful. The only light that would naturally exist in this biome is the lightning, and perhaps the fire produced when it strikes. However the fire should be extinguished very soon after the strike due to the high winds that would be present in the biome. Also due to these winds, any particles would be moving almost horizontally in one direction.

    Mobs would rarely ever spawn in this biome. Although, zoglins should have a 5% chance to spawn in this biome. All other mobs have a 0% chance of spawning in this biome.

    Although challenging in survival, this may be appealing to creative builders for creepy/evil builds.

    This biome would not present itself as one of the vertical biomes. It would need direct access to the nether ceiling due to the nature of lightning. There could, however, be slightly mountainous terrain (hills, valleys, etc).

    submitted by /u/TheAwesomeG2
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    Feeding striders fire charges can keep them warm for a while

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of comments from people who seem genuinely sad seeing striders cold. Even while playing, seeing them get purple just doesn't feel right. I think adding something like this would be neat, if relatively minor.

    submitted by /u/Realshow
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    Being near a lit campfire applies the "Comfortable" buff, slightly increasing the potency of all food eaten.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    Just a fun little passive buff I thought of while I am equipping my tundra castle with plenty of campfires.

    Basically, being nearby a lit campfire would give you a buff increasing the potency from eating food. I don't think this buff should be massive, but more so a minor increase to both the saturation and the hunger bars received. The proximity to the campfire should be very nearby, within 5 blocks. This "Comfortable" buff should apply to any food meant to be eaten, such as Cooked Chicken, but not to items such as Rotten Flesh or Spider Eye.

    Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/jarrybeansman
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    Wither Summoning change

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    When you summon the Wither and it explodes when it gets to full health, the explosion area would have netherack and black stone covering the area.

    This could make finding black stone and adding to the Wither coming from the nether

    Any Feedback is appreciated

    submitted by /u/Questioning-Redditor
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    Boats made out of Warped Planks and Crimson Planks, but they blow up due to intentional game design when you try to use them in lava

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    I'm tired of people suggesting lava boats, if you couldn't tell.

    submitted by /u/JackSpinorex
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    A new End structure, and a new Liquid to go along with it

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    My idea is to add new "Ruined Nest" structures in the end. There would be islands like the main end island generating in the outer end, but they would be smaller. The pillars would be made up out of about 25% crying obsidian, and around them would be the new Liquid; which i haven't thought of a name for yet. It's meant to be the liquid that comes out of crying obsidian. It would obviously be purple, however generic that would sound, due to the liquid from the crying obsidian also being purple. It could be placed in the nether, but it would flow slower than lava in all dimensions. When you entered it, you would sink and you could not swim up. The only way to escape it is to break blocks. It could waterlog blocks, and when mixed with lava it would make Crying Obsidian. Mixing it with water would cause an explosion equivalent to that of a bed in the nether. Any source blocks of either water or the new liquid within a 20 block radius would instantly evaporate after the explosion, meaning it could not be used to make an infinite explosion machine. without commands.

    I wasn't sure what to flair this, so I went with Structures

    submitted by /u/Brickbuilder567
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    New End Biome with Altered Gravity

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    It would be really cool to have a biome in the end where you walk on the bottoms of the end islands, or the sides. Water and entities (including falling blocks) would fall upward instead of down.

    It has been pointed out that gravity is something a few mods have played with, but this is not a request specifically to play with gravity (though that might be a happy side effect) It would either be a property of the biome, or it could be a type of block that provides it's own gravity that is found in an "upside down" biome.

    I'm not sure which would be easier from a technical perspective. Seems a block that spawns only in the new end biome would be easier to me, but I could see problems with generation. If instead it was a property of the biome, it might be simpler to implement.

    submitted by /u/person_who_cares999
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    Fishing Update

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Right now, fishing is only a way to get fish in small batches or in an emergency situation or to get loot if you are desperate. My friend and I talked the whole morning, and we revamped fishing entirely.

    Pearls: A new item in the game, this acts as another currency for villages along the coast. There's a chance to fish pearls up. There would be 2 new mobs in the game, mussels and oysters. Both look similar, and they are almost impossible to discern if you are not in the water. Oysters have a 90% chance of having pearls, and mussels have a 10% chance.

    Fishing nets: A net that could fish up multiple fish at once. An item will get trapped in the net at the same rate a fish gets hooked to a line. The net can hold a maximum of 7 items. To make this not just an AFK fishing farm, the net will break in 7 minutes if the player is AFK and is not catching the items in the net. The recipe will also be hard, it would be made with 5 string, 3 leather, and a pearl.

    There ould be a chance to get gold nuggets in taiga and mesa biomes.

    You would get more fish if you were farther away from land, making fishing in boats and sea exploration more likable.

    So, that's it. Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/SubCosmos1003
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    Spicing Up Minecraft With Animals (Animal Update Suggestion)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    --This post is about spicing up current biomes like Jungles, Swamps, Etc with new animals that bring unique things to the table, I also go into a bit of detail on how I would like these animals to behave.

    I always feel like Minecraft has many missed opportunities, but with the updates that have recently been coming out I feel they are realizing the potential this game has, I love Minecraft and how it is now, I have been playing for years but often times when I am leaving home to set off on an adventure I most of the time realize how empty some of the biomes are and just how awesome they could be, Jungles, Snow biome, Swamp, they are the three that spring to mind instantly.

    Here are some of the things I feel would add a unique danger to some of the biomes!

    Obviously, I would love to see some new mobs that are dangerous in these biomes, lets start with some realistic ones... So the jungle right now only has the biome as the danger, the huge trees and massive bushes blending creepers in perfectly, but at night time it just seems... dull, when you enter a jungle in real life you hear so much wildlife and in Minecraft, you hear nothing, the dangerous animal I would like in the Jungle biome would be a Gorilla, these deadly brutes could charge you down and be the most fearse animal in Minecraft (not including bosses, obviously) if you are unlucky enough to get hit by this guy, I'm imagining damage as big as a golem, these guys could kill you if you aren't prepared!

    Let's move on to a dangerous animal I would love to see in the swamp! personally, the first one that comes to mind is the Alligator! this thing would be lurking in or near the shallow lakes and rivers of the swampy water, whether they are in the water or on the rim they would mostly look like a log from the top but if you get close to this beast, this thing could tear you in half! moving very slowly around the dangerous waters this animal could maybe even rock your boat and possibly break it if it hits it enough times! leaving you to fall into the water right into their mouths! this thing could be growling every now and again adding towards the audio side of things!

    Now for the less realistic side of things, the snow biome, obviously this biome has the polar bear but they aren't too common and that as the only mob, really? let's add a Yeti into the mix, this thing would be in his icey cave with icicles dripping from the ceiling, when he's out lurking for pray he will be blending into the white obis around him, if you happen to step in his path he will sneak up behind you then with a mighty roar take you out in a few swipes, this mythological giant could take your loot back into his cave and feast on any food you had!

    Now, things that can kill you are cool and all but what about nice, peaceful animals that live in their biome specific environments?

    Let's start at the Jungle again! what about Hippos? these guys could be peaceful until provoked, they would swim in the Jungle lakes and feast on grass or maybe even fruit trees! one that springs to mind would be a banana "tree" this would also be what the Gorillas feast on to feed their deadly appetite, the Hippos could also feed on little fishies in the water! also, these guys sound really cool so that would add to the audio side of things too!

    So would this next little guy! The Frog! now, this little dude was left out and it feels like such a missed opportunity, again these biomes are so quiet! a frog would instantly add to the environmental sound, This would mainly be the food of either the player or the mean, lean eating machine that is the Alligator! but the Frog would also eat the annoying little flies that are Mosquitoes, and that brings me to the second swamp "animal" that is an insect... shush. this guy would sting the player every now and again taking some health off of the player, again adding to danger in the swamp, if you haven't got any food this little pest could end up killing you! this would add a mini-ecosystem in the swamp since the Alligator eats the Frog, the Frog eats the Mosquitoes and the Mosquitoes eat you (lol)

    Now, for the snow biome, again this place is very spacious and so it should be but it still needs a bit more life in it, the first being Penguins, these little cute fellers would live near the water so they can catch fish or squid on the regular! they will also, unfortunately, be prey for the big beastly Yeti, Now for the Elephant Seal! this chunky boy could be found along most coasts and cold waters, if attacked this guy could give you a nasty bite! so don't go hitting this feller on the head any time soon! this guy would mainly feed on fish and will scare away that big nasty Yeti, have you seen elephant seals fight? they can be really scary. also, this guy sounds really cool so again, the audio side of things!

    Just to go over things, What do I want done? Preferably an animal update, or slowly add these animals over time, but these are just ideas/suggestions, not requests. Why do I want it done? It would add such amazing qualities like a circle of life, a sort of mini-ecosystem for one, and it would also add many dangers in the currently bland biomes, thirdly, it would be a good chance to add unique blocks/items like fruit trees, icicles, etc. And I think I have explained how I would like it done.

    They're just some of my ideas I would also personally like some ambient sounds in these biomes, like Crickets chirping away in the swamps, Parrots squawking in the mighty Jungle and... wind for the white desert that is the snow biome!

    As I said these are just the biomes that spring to my mind, I think I went into plenty of detail, My personal wish would be for an animal update to add a hostile animal from real life into each biome that has unique qualities with it, on top of that also a peaceful animal that adds to the game in some way, there are a few more biomes I didn't include that could do with a spice of life too, which is why I hope this happens!

    Well, I hope you enjoyed this feedback, thank you for reading have a wonderful day!

    submitted by /u/Embolical
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    Variants on desert temples

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Everyone knows there is a pressure plate on the bottom. Maybe adding variants would make you take different precautions. Here some examples

    • Wooden pressure plate: same a stone pressure plate, but it can be activated with the block you break on the top.
    • Tripwire hook: invisible but intresting.
    • Observer on chest: You will think that are no trap, but is hidden.
    • Trapped chest: Another trap that can go unnoticed.
    • No trap: A small percentage where there is no trap or it is broken. Maybe the trap without tnt or tnt without trap, and also can have worst loot.
    submitted by /u/LOTTA09
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    Hitting the Arrow/Weapon When Face-to-Face Should Block It

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    If you hit an arrow when it is going to hit you at the front, smacking it with a iron tool or higher should deflect it. It wouldn't be too overpowered because an arrow's hitbox aren't very big. If it is a melee weapin, hit it with a higher tier tool to block it. Blocking an arrow cost 0.5 duaibility and 1.5 for blocking a melee attack. If you try to block a mob/player that have a sword, you will like to hold your left-click because if you don't, you will be be knocked 3 blocks backward. Piglin brutes and wither skeletons also know how to do it well(can hold it for 12 seconds and can block 97% of all projectile) Hittting it will cause a partcile to come out. It can't block explosions but it can cause potions to splash where they're hit. If you stopped an arrow from a skeleton with an arrow, you will get the advacement "Sniper Duel"(shooting a skeleton from a far is too lame)

    submitted by /u/Ancient_Derbis
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    Warped fungus should repel hoglins even if it isnt placed the floor

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    i was in the nether and i was going around and hoglins were chasing me i tried to put the warped fungus on a stick in my hand but it didnt repel them and the warped fungus it self didnt repel it when i was holding these two should repel them and not only the ones on the floor

    submitted by /u/kakisako
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    Blaze Lanterns added and able to be held in the offhand slot

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Blaze Lanterns of both types (soul and normal) can be put in the offhand slot and carried with you while you mine. To make this more dynamic it could be powered which requires blaze powder refills as the lantern is used. Lanterns can be toggled on off as you go but every re-lighting would consume another powder. The lanterns are created with blaze rods, lanterns, and one ancient scrap (going along with the update material and a handheld torch idea but with a price). The lantern will glow the respective color of its original lantern but the frame will be golden due to blaze rods and a dark gray\brown bottom and top for netherite scrap incorporation. Any and all criticism and brainstorming is welcome!

    submitted by /u/Cpt-Hendrix
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    Unique drop for Piglin Brute: Golden Gauntlet

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Piglin Brute seems quite unfinished to me without a unique drop, so I propose this: a rare item exclusive to it. The gauntlet has 2 purposes: it can be used to increase defense and just equipped to increase damage.

    Using the gauntlet will give the player 5 more points of armor (2.5 chestplates) (up to change) but stop them from attacking. Taking damage eats its durability. Unlike a shield, it doesn't slow the user down at all or doesn't slow them down as much.

    When the gauntlet is equipped in a main-hand or off-hand slot, the attack damage of your melee weapon will be raised by 2 or 3 points (up to change), but attacking will drain the gauntlet's durability.

    submitted by /u/Buster_therealone
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    swap double f5 to f4

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    double f5 is useless most of the time, so it would be nice if you change them, for example, I put f5 for the middle button, but it would be nice that au instead of having to press twice to go back to the first person, I have to press only once, and also the f4 is unused and it is between the two most important keys

    submitted by /u/Annoyinguyg
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    Breaking a sign with Silk Touch

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    … could drop the sign and the dye that was used to color the text, if any! It would make it less of a big deal to change your mind later on your sign text.

    submitted by /u/Nouche_
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