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    Minecraft Dispensers should be able to put music discs in jukeboxes

    Minecraft Dispensers should be able to put music discs in jukeboxes

    Dispensers should be able to put music discs in jukeboxes

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    There is no reason that this shouldn't be a feature.

    Also it would work like a water bucket would in a dispenser, so one pulse would play the disc, and the second plus would take it out and put it back into the dispenser.

    Examples for why this would be kind of nice to have:

    You could play multiple of the same music disc at the same time so you could hear it from different places.

    You could shuffle music discs if you have enough of them

    You could set up a trap so when your friend walks into their house, stal plays 13 times without you manually having to place it

    I know that this isn't really an important feature to have, but it would be a nice addition.

    submitted by /u/Succulent_Hat
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    Players should be able to name Villages by putting Nametags on Village Bells.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    A Village's Bell's Nametag could also show up from a great distance, but only if the player has a Map in hand with the Village inside the explored part of the map.

    I'd say make the name display distance right at 1,024 blocks, which would let Bells be used to help determine the minimum distance for placing new Portals.

    The same thing could be done with Banners, if it seems reasonable.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    When Woodland Mansions are generated, they should prevent lava spawning inside and around them in a large radius.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    I've seen this problem occur with numerous woodland mansions. When lava comes in contact with one of them (due to world generation), the whole thing begins to burn down. They are mostly made of Dark Oak wood, which is quite flammable in Minecraft.

    Since woodland mansions are an absolute rarity in a minecraft world, usually 1 in every 10,000 blocks, they are a valuable structure that needs some protection from lava. And I think of Illagers as smart enough to avoid building their mansions within the vicinity of any lava.

    If this problem continues, purchasing a map from a Cartographer to a woodland mansion could result in a bad purchase and a lackluster end to a journey. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Wasthereonce
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    Using a hoe on soul soil turns it into soulsand

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Soulsand is the nethers farmland. This would be nice feature if you want to grow netherwart in the soulsand walley. Right-clicking soul soil with any type of hoe, would take the same amount of durability as used on dirt.

    Just uploaded this to minecraft. suggestions:https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360071236732-Using-hoe-on-soul-soil-turns-it-into-soulsand

    submitted by /u/HirmuinenHirmuinen
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    Lava "oceans" should be considered their own biome and have an orange sky with flame particles

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    Currently, lava "oceans" are somewhat misleading. They can be any biome, yet don't follow the rules of those biomes other than the sky colour and the particles as they're pretty open and empty. I think that lava oceans should have an orange sky to reflect the colour of the lava, along with flame particles and embers throughout the air. Obviously they would have to be toned down for visibility reasons.

    Also, if there are concerns about what spawns here, I think that it should just spawn magma cubes and striders (until a new lava mob is added in the future). There is no terrain, so there is no point of adding special mob spawns.

    submitted by /u/Pigeon1H
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    Make Pigstep obtainable by getting a blaze to kill a piglin

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    I know the idea sounds kinda dumb and random, but its kind of a joke about how a skeleton killing a creeper gives a music disc.

    submitted by /u/FellowChurchKnight
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    Nametags shouldn't require an anvil to add a name to it.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Why the hell are Anvils needed to name a nametags? I should just be able to take the nametag that I got from the local dungeon or any other place and give it a name right on the spot like a sign or a book and quill.

    That's really all. I'd assume the functionality of it would work if it doesn't have a name on it yet and you right click (right trigger), you would theoretically go to a separate GUI like a sign or a book and quill and be able to type out the name there.

    submitted by /u/LuckyBoi57
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    Destroyed Nether Fortress

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    This new structure is essentially just a destroyed/collapsed version of the current Nether Fortress.


    1. The towers/pillars will be crumpled.
    2. Bridges will be collapsed.
    3. Main sections will look similar to the bastions.

    Very few or any Fortress mobs (Blazes + Wither Skeletons) will spawn here. Instead, some Piglins will be found here and rarely, maybe a few Brutes.

    This would indicate a "Battle" b/w the Fortress and the Piglins where the Piglins achieved victory and "took over" the Fortress.

    submitted by /u/Internal_Recording
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    Use for fletching table

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Now only villagers can use fletching table. And many players want to add uses for this block. My suggestions:

    • Crafting tipped arrows

    • Repairing bow and crossbow (remove ability to repair them with strings using anvil, and with other bow or crossbow in crafting table or grindstone)

    • Disenchanting bow and crossbow

    • Crafting bow and crossbow

    UI for fletching table can be same as anvil UI

    P. S. Grinding bow and crossbow using grindstone is weird thing

    submitted by /u/HellLow616
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    "Shine in knighty armour"

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Equip an enchanted item in every slot possible (armor, shield/offhand and primary hand)

    submitted by /u/Tostas300
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    Auto jump should be disabled by default.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:50 AM PDT

    I know it is easy to switch it off, however it really doesn't need to be set on by default. I like to play on many different versions of the game, and it annoying to have to switch it off every time I load up a new version of the game.

    submitted by /u/k00ji
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    Putting a Wither Skelaton Head on will make piglins hate you but wither skelatons neutral

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    If you hit a wither skeleton all wither skeletons nearby will know your not a real wither skelaton or if you get too close (5 blocks). Downside: Piglins hate you no matter how much gold you have on

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Piglins should Trade maps that lead you to Nether Structures

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    That's basically it. They should have be able to give you maps to nearby Bastions and Nether Fortresses. Much like how a Cartographer Villager gives you maps to Ocean Monuments and Woodland Mansions.

    submitted by /u/The8bitdin0
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    The Refinery, a compromise for automatic crafting.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Im sure automatic crafting has been recommended again and again, the idea of some sort of block that can craft recipes automatically when fed the items through a hopper, however, such an idea is kind of overpowered, and doesnt quite seem like something that would be natural in minecraft, and because of this, is unlikely to actually be a feature. so, what about a system like that but nerfed a bit, maybe an idea like that would be more natural in vanilla minecraft. heres what i propose:

    the Refiner: crafted with a crafting table in the center of the crafting grid, with a hopper above it and a furnace below it, the remaining sides filled with cobblestone, the refinery would be a block that automatically crafts items when fed the appropriate items in the top, HOWEVER, the refinery only has one slot for items, and can therefore only craft recipes that include a single type of item. Bread? yeah, its 3 wheat, but an Ender Eye? nope, that has two different items and needs to be crafted manually.

    items could be fed into the refinery through the top or dropped into a slot, which would take a short while to be crafted, where they would then be taken from the bottom through a hopper or in a slot within its interface. Still too overpowered for you? how about this, the refinery needs fuel like coal, wood, or any other fuel used in a furnace to operate, which it would consume just like a furnace when crafting items, fuel could be funneled in via a hopper on the side of the block, like furnaces.

    with this, we could automate things just a but further, turning our wheat into bread automatically, crafting large amounts of items like stone bricks, condensing our valuables into their block forms automatically when dumping them into a chest, and all without compromising the ballance and general game of minecraft

    submitted by /u/LemonScented60
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    Mulch block and Wet Mulch block

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    The Mulch Block should be a block that behaves like Sand or Gravel as far as gravity goes, and is dropped when a player strips a wood log with an axe. If the block comes within 4 blocks of water, it becomes Wet Mulch which can then be used as a fertilizer by right clicking on crops. Dry Mulch should also be used as a fuel in Furnaces and the such.

    submitted by /u/Duckrachnid
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    Ravager pins

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    In every pillager outpost there should be a pin with a ravager in it. It would be made with stone walls. It would be 10/10 or 5/10. It would be 5 blocks out from the outpost.

    submitted by /u/gavinvlogs
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    A small camping update like 1.15

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    We have campfires and newly added soul campfires and the update could be: Marshmallows (crafted with 3 sugars) Marshmallows on a stick [Insert Meat item here] on a stick and you can roast the marshmallows and meat

    submitted by /u/CirculaPhobia
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    Scaffolding tweaks

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong, I love scaffolding. It is incredibly useful in builds, to get up, down, and around. And I agree with the way it is placed: aiming at the sides etc. makes it very easy to place. However, there are a few small tweaks that I think could further improve QoL when using scaffolding.

    • When your head and feet are both in scaffolding (i.e you are inside a pillar of it), placing should place at your feet, not your head. This means that you can easily go down your pillar to extend a branch and walk on it without getting confused about where the scaffolding was placed
    • Sneaking and holding jump at the top of scaffolding should not jump (you very rarely need to sneak and jump at the same time), but instead act like the scaffolding were a solid block and sneak. This way you can place blocks next to the top scaffolding without having to go down 2 blocks (or 1, with the suggestion above), place another one, then place your block on top. Unnecessarily complicated.

    (I've flaired this with controls, but let me know if you think a different one would suit it more)

    submitted by /u/lolgeny
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    Question, are we allowed to post whole update ideas?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    I am asking this due to rule 5, because as someone who has a lot of ideas that could be explained better as a 1 post update idea it would be very useful instead of having to post a new suggestion every 10 hours to avoid flooding the sub

    submitted by /u/Tostas300
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    The End Update just wasn't enough. We need more End content.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    Yes, I know the end is supposed to be kind of barren and unnatural, but the outer end islands could use some more content. You've probably already heard about the dev team saying they want to update our current dimensions before adding a new one, and we've just received an end, ocean, village, and nether update. So what's next? Well I don't know about you, but the outer end islands ended up being slightly underwhelming to me. The cities are great, but the rest of it is just a barren landscape of endermen and chorus fruit. So here's my idea: We don't need too much, we don't need to make the end too exciting like they did with the nether, but I think end caves would be cool. Maybe it could be filled with a new purple gemstone. I had this idea before the Nether update, and I thought it could dethrone diamond as the top armor, but now Netherite is a thing. So I guess it could just be a decorative block? Maybe it could have some kind of magical teleportation properties. A new special biome would be cool. Maybe a forest or something? Or it could be a new structure with a little military camp-looking thing. Similar architecture to end cities, just smaller. End ships have a chance to spawn there as well. Next, a new end mob. Maybe a rare mob only found in the end islands, a small fast creature, similar to baby zombies, or a large scary beast that deals huge damage. Also, a different kind of end plant would be cool. It could grow by spreading horizontally and covering the ground. It could have uses in brewing for making a potion that boosts xp gain or something? Finally, this idea is less realistic but would be cool. Re-fighting the ender dragon (these don't drop on your first time killing the dragon) would cause him to drop "dragon scales" maybe about 10-13 per time. These could be crafted into armor, the same as any other armor, but the chest plate would require an elytra. It would have similar defense to iron armor, but the bonus is that you can wear an elytra and the chest plate at the same time. Each armor piece would also slightly boost elytra flight speed. The armor can be enchanted with all the regular enchantments, and repaired with more dragon scales.

    TL;DR: More end content, a new biome or a structure the looks like a mini end city where end ships could spawn, a new end mob that's a challenge to take on, end caves with a new gemstone that has teleportation properties, a new plant that grows horizontally, and re-fighting the dragon would drop dragon scales that you could craft into armor that boosts elytra flight speed and the chestplate has a built in elytra.

    submitted by /u/Spicybarbecuesauce
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