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    Minecraft Let me use my blackstone!

    Minecraft Let me use my blackstone!

    Let me use my blackstone!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    I'm currently doing a nether only survival challenge where I go from nothing to netherite, all without leaving the hell dimension. So far it's going pretty well, but one thing that annoys me is that blackstone, the so called alternative for cobblestone has such limited usage. It's been advertised as nether cobble, but all I can make is furnaces and stone tools. To be better aligned with its overworld counterpart, blackstone should be interchangeable with cobblestone in all recipes, not just the tools and furnace. To further this, polished blackstone could be used instead of normal stone or smooth stone as well. This would allow players in the nether to craft all sorts of things such as brewing stands, levers, grindstones or stonecutters to name a few. It was a major oversight on Mojang's behalf not to include this from the start.

    submitted by /u/GabelDaGoob
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    Elytra should show, on the model, when they're broken

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Although the Elytra, in item form, show's when it's been broken, the same cannot be said for the actual model when you're wearing it. Often you'll be flying, only to suddenly drop from the air wondering what happened. In addition, it can be sort of tedious to constantly open the menu to check item durability. Honestly this is true for most of the tools and equipment, but at least when your sword breaks, you're not going to fall out of the sky.

    submitted by /u/Tacman215
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    Different Types of Pie

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    So, we can make pumpkin pie right? Why not be able to make apple pie? Or berry pie? Seems like it would make sense, and it would give these items more use (particularly the berries).

    On their own, the berries only give you one heart and I believe it would make a lot more sense if we could turn them into something more nutritious like other types of pie!

    There are so many things in this game that are made into pie in real life, so giving those foods more use and creating crafting recipes that literally just change one ingredient would be extremely easy.

    submitted by /u/TheHowlsWord
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    Overworld Mushroom Hyphae makes white wood

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    It's a fairly simple idea, just like the warped and crimson hyphae, you can make white wood out of the hyphae from large mushrooms in the overworld.

    submitted by /u/vvoce151
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    Piglins have a small chance to get a new piece of gold armor after you barter with them

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    When you throw a piglin a gold ingot, there is a 10% chance for it to equip a piece of gold armor in a slot that is currently empty. The small chance to get an armor piece combined with the 8.5% chance for piglins to drop an armor piece means that this is not a viable way to quickly farm gold armor.

    This feels to me like a nice immersion feature, like the piglin has decided it has enough gold to make itself a new armor piece.

    submitted by /u/MerlinGrandCaster
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    Make the bottom of soul campfires look like soul soil instead of coal

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    currently when crafted, soul campfires have the same bottom texture as a regular campfire, with coal on the bottom. However, the soul campfire is crafted with soul soil in place of coal, so it only makes sense to change that texture.

    submitted by /u/OleksaHryciw
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    Overhaul granite, diorite, and andesite generation

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Does anyone else ever get frustrated while mining because of the 1.8 stone variants clogging up your inventory? I always end up collecting more than I need or want, except when I actually want to collect them. And when I do want to collect them, it always takes longer than it should, because I'm hunting around for little hidden pockets that can and do spawn literally everywhere, and alongside both of the others.

    A better way to generate these stone types would be in larger, rarer veins, and only in certain biomes. Several hundred blocks per vein, and spaced far enough apart that finding one feels a little more special. Perhaps granite could generate in mountains and deserts, diorite in forests and swamps, and andesite in plains and ice plains. Or something along those lines.

    It would allow the player to know what biome they are in by what stone variant they're finding. It would make managing these stone types easier, since they're in larger, rarer veins, and only in specific biomes. It would encourage the player to explore for more biomes, since if andesite is needed for a project, it will have to be mined from a biome which contains it.


    submitted by /u/salthecrawfish
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    Bring back the tutorial worlds from the legacy consoles

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Tutorial worlds were a thing that existed on the legacy consoles (XBOX 360, Wii U, PS3) teaching new players how to play and other features. I honestly believe getting rid of tutorial worlds was a bad idea. Perhaps a future one could have you start in The Nether? Edit: Players on PS4, Switch and Xbox one can still play the Update Aquatic version in editions.

    submitted by /u/Angry_Memist
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    F3+L goes into light visualization mode, and marks areas under light level 7 for easy correction.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    The current system of guessing light level, or painstakingly standing on every block in a room with f3 on should change. Instead, a command or keybind could highlight mob-spawnable tiles in a red hue, which would greatly help in survival.

    submitted by /u/QuantumPCMR
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    Your pets aren’t affected by your sweeping edge.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    We all know that pain.

    submitted by /u/22demerathd
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    Beds and respawn anchors exploding when in the wrong dimension should be toggleable in creative mode

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Respawn anchors are a cool block to build with but if you right click the wrong thing you lose all your progress which doesn't make sense in a creative world

    submitted by /u/Epic_Bonobo
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    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    I don't know why no one suggested this sooner but i guess i better do it

    Speakers are block that can link to a jukebox and plays the music of the jukebox its linked to. They are crafted with an iron bar surrounded by wood. The way they could link could be by using a comparator or using an entirely new redstone component.

    submitted by /u/TACOTONY02
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    Make light blocks visible

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    What makes light blocks terrible is that they can't be seen at all. They dont have an outline like other blocks and very, very hard to find once you've placed it. What I propose is that when a light block is held, all light blocks become visible (much like the barrier block). Each block should display their light level. These small changes would make light blocks more practical to use.

    submitted by /u/feralfroggy
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    A new type of villager for the upcoming mountain update

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    This new villager would be a hermit, and only spawn in mountains or snow biomes. He could live by himself, being capable to hunt and kill animals. Other features might include avoiding the player when other than leather armor is equiped, running from other villagers and trading with a similar system to the actual piglins. It could include a poorly built hut as his structure and have the campfire as his "profession block", which would be needed for trading but not needed to mantain his job, since he can't be transformed into a regular villager

    submitted by /u/LastWhisperGG
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    When two enchantments cannot be combined with the anvil ( smite and sharpness as an example ), the UI should make that clear

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    I think that a simple solution could be to show which enchantment is incompatible via writing its name under the item that holds it. A little red cross or something like that next to it could make it clearer, it really made me confused when I realized I wasn't able to combine my sword with smite with a sharpness book.

    submitted by /u/Sniperofworld
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    Way to test how much damage your doing

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    When an observer is placed under an armor stand and connected to redstone, when you hit the armor stand the observer will give off a redstone length of how many points of damage your hit was. This would be an awesome addition and would be really cool in a training room or a game!

    submitted by /u/Universeturkey
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    Cats should purr when near a player and curl when sleeping

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Like in a 5x5 block radius or when they see the player, their tails go up and they purr. Would be a cute aspect. Siamese skinned cats do it least, and Ragdoll skinned cats do it the most. They should also curl up when sleeping, stretching out after a period of time. Cats should sleep more on the sun and beds. When a cat is about to sleep, it does a "kneading" animation shortly before sleeping, but only on beds and soft blocks like wool (carpet does not count). Cats only purr to their owners.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Waterlogged leaf blocks

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    I build with leaf blocks pretty often, and sometimes I build with them in water. Whenever they hit the water there's a weird thing with them where you can just kinda see into the water. It looks weird and I don't know why they didn't include this in updates past.

    submitted by /u/Ooferman12
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    A village alternative for Jungles... Abandoned Villages - Huts!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    It makes sense for why Mojang didn't include actual villages for Jungles. It's simply not practical due to the terrain and trees so I've come up with a simple alternative that would hopefully work.


    • Similar to Witch huts but instead are made out of Jungle wood + logs for obvious reasons.
    • Covered in leaves/vines to show they have been abandoned for a long time.
    • They have a 50% chance of containing a chest with the same loot table as Jungle Temples.

    Abandoned Jungle Villages

    • These villages would have no villagers or any other sentient being residing in them.
    • They are quite rare but only slightly more common than a Jungle Temple.
    • They only consist of a few huts (1 - 3) since large scale villages wouldn't really work in Jungles.
    • As an added extra, a village might contain a "ritual area" where a cauldron with a brewing stand could be found.
    • Rarely, a skeleton skull could be found on a fence post as well.


    There would be NO official lore for this. They simply exist and you, the player, come up with your own theories etc. which is how Minecraft's lore was intended to be.

    submitted by /u/Internal_Recording
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    A few other mob suggestions for the mountain update if it gets announced

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Snow wolf or a Husky just like wolfs but they give a frostbite effect if they bite you or any hostile mobs if you friend it. The frostbite is just taking a few hearts every three seconds or so but doesnt kill you just like poison effect.

    Just as rare as the ocean monument theres a little treasurey at the top of a peak in the mountains like a treasure chest and a secret trader lives up there with op trades. Like eye of enders for 10 diamonds a piece.

    Theres only a few of these in a single world but a peak that goes higher than world hieght like everest (hieght thing explained next) and at the top theres an illiger banner.

    A higher build limit, this is for the everest mountain with the illiger banner on top And also if a sky demesion is added we can do space bases

    That was just a few suggestions only four

    submitted by /u/i_hate_life69420
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    Steak Blocks.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Need I say more? Just 9 steaks in a crafting table makes a steak block. Just a big ole block of steak. Just a big steak.

    And 3 steaks across makes a slab. Just a big ole slab of steak. Just a big long piece of steak. Some good beef. A lot of beef. A big ole slab of beef.

    And 4 blocks of steak makes a smooth steak block. Just a big long smooth block of steak. No wrinkles in the beef. Just a big long smooth wrinkleless block of steak.

    Some mighty fine juicy big long blocks of steak. Some of the best and most compact way to carry steaks. Hella steaks. Just the nicest pieces of meat you've ever seen. Mmmmmm. I love steak. Steak block make the game rock.


    submitted by /u/AVeryPositiveGuy
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    Enderman Builds

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    Endermen tend to steal blocks and other random materials, so where do they put them? Why not have a structure where there are random blocks forming either a building or just a hill?

    submitted by /u/dreezyole
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    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Crafting The net is a item crafted with 5 cobwebs one slab (wooden only counting the new fungi trees) and a random ore Usage If you are in a 7 by 7 area then from fishing you do not get any fish so it is a mini version of AFK fish farms

    You can also craft net boots with the nets 4 nets in the shape of the normal way to craft boots The net boots automatically have feather falling and have 200 base durability

    submitted by /u/ALEXANDER55FISH
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