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    Minecraft Why not .. A dynamic update ?

    Minecraft Why not .. A dynamic update ?

    Why not .. A dynamic update ?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Dynamics means understanding all the systems of cause, effect and consequence initiated by the player or the game itself. Villagers who go to sleep at night are an example of dynamism in Minecraft. Because dynamic systems interact with each other, a small action can cause huge things.

    Minecraft isn't dynamic enough, and that's why you get bored. Adding dynamism would make it much more interesting.

    I mean, let's say I cut off access to water near a village in the desert. The villagers might gradually die of thirst and ask you for water in exchange for something. You see what I mean? Just this simple possibility would bring even more creativity and freedom to the game. It would be possible to intentionally block the water coming near a village to impact its economy. Likewise if you burn down a forest, or mine any nearby resources.

    See for yourself the impact that adding dynamism could have on the game:

    Imagine if nature became dynamic, the seasons and so on, every action we took would have an expected or unexpected impact on our environment and the term Sandbox would take on its full meaning.

    Imagine that your actions would have an impact on the loot you collect. The feeling of satisfaction with the increase in power would be even stronger and the Progression would suddenly be much more rewarding.

    Imagine how a player could try to take advantage of every event he encounters or, on the contrary, be bullied by them. Survival mode would instantly make sense again.

    Credit : Minecraft-france

    submitted by /u/TheTntExpress
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    Bees can go through honeycombs

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    I was just thinking how they really have no use other than aesthetics but maybe bees should be able to pathfind right through honeycombs and fly through. They wouldn't be transparent and no other mobs could go through. also wyrocks20 added Maybe the bee could go in and out of it like the nests and hives, and an observer could detect the change.

    submitted by /u/Universeturkey
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    Horse acts like boat mechanics when riding

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    My friend who hasn't got reddit suggested this to me and i thought it was a nice idea, the ability for horses to act like boats and carry mobs such as villagers, sheep, cows, zombies or turtles it should also be able to carry 2 players. Mabey you might even have to have a special type of saddle to be able to use this feature wether thats adding an extra 3 lether to a saddle or something else. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/captain_abcxyz
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    Ender pearls should be able to collide

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Ender pearls should be able to collide in mid-air and teleport both players to the collision point. This would make combat so much more interesting when it comes to ender pearls and would be really fun for the developers to add. Thank you for coming to my ted talk

    submitted by /u/GrimChicken64
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    striders should stop shivering when they walk on magma on land

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    exactly what it says on the tin, i feel like they'd probably walk normally on any hot surface, not just lava right?

    submitted by /u/wrathx4
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    You should be able to craft Concrete Powder with Red Sand

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    A simple suggestion, but a needed one in my opinion. Red Sand is just mesa sand, it serves the exact same purpose as sand and has the exact same functionality, so why shouldn't we be able to use it in place of normal Sand to make Concrete Powder?

    submitted by /u/PrismaCrafter
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    I have a safe place for miners - Glowworm cave

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    They are not really worms, just plants named glowworm hanging on the ceiling of the cave.

    In glowworm cave, the ceiling is mostly covered by glowworms, they shine greenish blue, cyan light. They are also sticky, like berry bushes, but doesn't deal damage. Glowworms can grow up to 2-4 blocks, only if they are hanging on stone, and when is dark. Breaking it will give you glowworm, only for eating tho.

    Glowworm cave is a type of wet cave, so usually it contains cave lake, cave river or something. Lava will not/rarely spawn in here. This place also have higher amount of lapis lazuli, like how mesa have large amount of golds (maybe). Hostile mobs will rarely spawn in here because it is bright, giving miner a safe place when they were in caves.

    Glowworm ravines

    I suggested this cause I wish there can be more type of ravines. Glowworm ravine will not appear in sea ravines and exposed ravine. Similar to cave, glowworms spawn on the ceiling and higher amount of lapis. Not like other ravines, the bottom of glowworm ravine is filled with water, instead of lava.

    If you like it give a comment. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Nonerrorfred
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    Other Bookshelf type

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    I always wanted to make a library with a. Actual purpose other than an enchanting table setup. Which is why I think it would be cool to have bookshelves you can place custom book and quill in.

    To make this book shelf it's three wood planks on the top and bottom row and a book and quill in the middle and normal books on the side.

    The use of this book shelf is to put cool custom stories in from book and quills. You can put four books in one shelf.

    (Idk if I worded this well. If you have any questions feel free to ask)

    submitted by /u/Jarkels
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    Wandering Trader needs an update

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    My idea for the wandering trader is that he could have different variants to make him useful. His cloaks could change with them too.

    Dark Green- Plains, Forests and Mountains: Sells saplings, ferns, seeds, carrots, and potatoes

    Regular- Ocean: Sells kelp, coral, sea grass, nautilus shells, and very rarely prismarine

    Light Blue- Frozen Ocean: Sells ice variants, snow blocks and very rarely treasure maps

    Yellow- Desert: Sells red sand, cacti, sandstone, and rabbit feet

    Rare Variants:

    Jungle- Light Green: Sells jungle saplings, bamboo, and melon seeds

    Mushroom- Purple: Sells both mushroom variants, mycelium and maybe mooshroom eggs but that's a stretch

    End and Nether (Combined) (Extremely Rare) - Dark Purple and Dark Red: Sells ender pearls, eye of ender, blaze rods, blaze powder, end stone, phantom mebranes, and extremely rarely elytras

    submitted by /u/Savin090_
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    New block - melter

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    New block idea - melter


    The uses of the melter are pretty much the same as the blast furnace and smoker, except with glass and stone.


    Furnace, magma block, 5 iron ingots and 2 smooth stone.


    submitted by /u/bruh-man_
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    The ability to put anything in your offhand in bedrock just like in java

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    It is really annoying to repair mending items that aren't armor or swords because you have to kill monsters with a pickaxe or shovel. It would be great to be able to put anything other than shields and nautilus shells in your offhand.

    submitted by /u/TriTowel
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    Allow players to feed Striders Magma Cream, Blaze Rods, Blaze Powder, and other hot items to stop them from shivering for a while.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    This will remove the need for dangerous lava pits in their pens if players want their pet striders to stop shivering.

    Maybe allow striders to go full speed on land if you feed them. Or don't, it might remove the usefulness of horses. Or maybe do, because getting a strider would then be worth the effort and risk.

    submitted by /u/BongusWongus
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    Nether Crops

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I thought maybe we could have Nether plants, we basically have nether "dirt" and maybe each "dirt" (Blue and the red) could make different plants. An instead of water you use lava.

    submitted by /u/MemeCreator098
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    Shooting Stars

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    A rare weather pattern could be made to be shooting stars, and if a shooting star falls and you wake up you could get a diamond or netherite (rarer). Even more rare than netherite could be a diamond block, which has a 0.1 chance of appearing. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Savin090_
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    Add giving ambient/unimportant mobs a helpful use to the FPS list

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:24 AM PDT

    Gosh, I'm going to get downvoted to hell for this...

    Listen, I know that this subreddit can, admittedly, have some very spammy, ridiculous suggestions from users who we all already know don't read the FPS or rejected list. But gosh, every day I have to see a billion posts calling for, say, bats to scare away hostile mobs or something like that. So I'll say it once, and I'll say it twice:


    Polar bears are supposed to bring life to the otherwise completely dead frozen ocean biome, although sometimes a school of cod or a stray do appear. They're not supposed to be golem-like body guards or be farmable.

    As much as I hate to say it, bats don't need a use either. They're meant to be ambient mobs for caves, not a source of leather, limited protection or a farmable mob.

    Parrots aren't supposed to lead to treasure or be farmable.

    And for the love of god, tropical fish are not supposed to be farmable or REMOVED. They're supposed to be a nice ambient mob for a pretty looking biome.

    And for my last example, who cares if all Husks do are drop rotten flesh and give you hunger when they hit you? They shouldn't be farmable or drop some sand trident or whatever. They're a slightly tougher version of zombies who can actually stay alive during the day without water or a helmet. And they give life to an empty biome just like polar bears, although I guess rabbits do provide minimal reassurance in the desert biome.

    All in all, some mobs are just meant to be there. Some are meant to be your pet, some ambient, some for fun and some for survival. They don't always have to have a rare drop that's "nOt Op BeCaUsE iT's HaRd To GeT!", or scare away zombies or something like that.

    submitted by /u/TheOneWithManyMobs
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    Make Wandering Traders better.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    The Wandering Trader Trades most of the time aren't really good so i came up with some trades that I think would make them better.

    1. Nether Wart Since They seem to have an infinite supply of Invisibility Potions. They would cost 4 Emeralds for 1 Wart.
    2. Some Ores like Gold and rarely they'll have Diamonds. The price would vary depending on which ore.
    3. Name Tag. Name Tags will cost 5 Emeralds.
    4. Turtle Eggs. 1 Turtle Egg will cost 2 Emeralds.

    They're are probably some other trades that would be good so feel free to suggest what other trades could be in there.

    submitted by /u/ComradeDespacito
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    The raids need to be more like raids then attacks

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Raids are more like attacks because in a raid they destroy things and steal but in attacks they just attack the village

    I think the pillagers should steal something that is in a chest that they can see. Pillagers can only carry 10 items and if the die they drop those items. The guys with axes should break wood so pillagers can get to the chest or villagers. They will attack the player if he tries to interrupt their looting. But the pillagers will only be able to take a total of 30 items then they run away. They only do this on hard/hardcore mode. It will make defending villagers hard because you will have to defend your things if you live in the village.

    And that will be what I call a raid

    submitted by /u/im_big_mad
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    Make chesplates fit slim skins

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    They should make chesplates adapt to slim skins (3px arms)

    Right now, it looks like you are wearing a shirt that's too big for you.

    submitted by /u/JustWyren
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    When attacked baby villagers should hide behind a villager or golem

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    When baby villagers are attacked by a player or a raid, they should hide behind an adult villager or an iron golem. They should also shake and shiver like a strider out of lava.

    submitted by /u/XtokenY
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    Bookshelves should have the wood texture that they were crafted with

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    It's annoying how when I go to craft bookshelves for my enchantment room, and despite the fact that you can any type of wood, it will always turn out as oak. I play on BE so there's no way to actually make a resource pack to change this, I would have to make a modpack, which would remove achievements.

    Personally this feels like something that should've been changed long ago, especially as now there's another two different types of wood that came with the 1.16 update. It always feels out of place when you build a base put of acacia wood and there's just bookshelves made out of oak wood despite the fact that you used acacia planks to craft it.

    submitted by /u/ITSICYBTW
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    Farmable blackstone

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Blackstone is such a beautiful decorative block than can only be mined in patches and will be able to barter with in 16.2 I think. But I think it would be cool to have some sort of black stone generator like a cobble or basalt one. If cobble is from water and lava all we would need is a substitute for water personally I can't think of a good substitution other than maybe slime or honey.

    submitted by /u/Jarkels
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    Some raid updates.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Even if its not longer the village and pillage update i think these thing can be features:

    Fixing the spawn area for the Waves, they should be around the same y level as the village because many times the raiders spawn underground.

    The raiders should reatreat if the rest of the group is defeated, its just boring to find the last one.

    An actual pillager should use the horn, then its better to navigate where the raid wave comes from, we also know how the horn looks like (from minecraft duengons).

    I think updating the raid like this makes it easier to defend against raids in technical ways.

    submitted by /u/NEXTpepe
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    Snow and ice

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Snow and ice

    Please make water able to froze on halfblocks or stairs, and snow too. It will look more realistic


    submitted by /u/PetkoOkal
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    Add dynamic lights back into the game

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Seriously, why were they removed? They were so useful. Can you imagine riding your horse in the night with a lantern?

    submitted by /u/Vito2706
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