• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers NostalgicCube [SMP] {1.16.2} {Minimal plugins} {Homes} {Toggle Phantoms} {Friendly Community} {Non-Resetting}

    Minecraft Servers NostalgicCube [SMP] {1.16.2} {Minimal plugins} {Homes} {Toggle Phantoms} {Friendly Community} {Non-Resetting}

    NostalgicCube [SMP] {1.16.2} {Minimal plugins} {Homes} {Toggle Phantoms} {Friendly Community} {Non-Resetting}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    NostalgicCube may have exactly what you're looking for: simple rules, minimal plugins, and a friendly community!

    IP: nostalgicCube.club

    The unique features that set us apart from any other survival server:

    • All players get one home
    • Ability to toggle phantoms
    • Death coordinates
    • Ability to teleport to spawn for community interaction
    • Normal mode, 100% villager zombification rate
    • Stairs as chairs
    • Right-click on a beehive to see the number of bees in it
    • Multiplayer sleep
    • There are no vanilla gameplay modifications

    Join for the features, stay for the community:

    If you're looking for a chill, no-frills SMP, NostalgicCube just might be for you. Our community is actively holding weekly events (spawn building contest, photography contest, etc.) so that you can show off your skills to the community. If Minecraft gets boring sometimes for you then consider the fact that our community gets together frequently to play other games, be it from Among Us, jackbox, bed-wars, and more!

    Simple Rules:

    • No Griefing (all griefs are rolled back with no permanent damage)
    • No Hacking
    • No Toxicity
    submitted by /u/CubedMan1044
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    Wondercraft SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {HermitCraft- Like} {Java} {Discord} {1.16.2}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    About us

    We are an active community of avid Minecraft players who enjoy the game in it's vanilla state. We are looking for long-term players want to participate in an active and friendly community as well as players who equally enjoy the simplicity of Minecraft vanilla gameplay.

    The community aspect of the server has always been (and always will be) the main priority, we will always hold public votes on anything that affects the server to make sure everybody is happy. We also have bi-weekly build challenges and bi-weekly community events which everyone is welcome to join!

    Our server is heavily Hermitcraft inspired and is built on trust. Having said that, we do have the ability to rollback any form of grief or stealing from shops, and check for both of these regularly. So you rest assured that your stuff is safe!

    We have a website which serves as a hub of information on the server, as well as quick access to the live-map!


    Vanilla Changes

    • Singleplayer Sleep
    • Coordinates HUD
    • Player-head Drops
    • Mob-head Drops
    • Customizable Armour Stands
    • Double Shulker Shells
    • Elytra Drop on First Dragon Kill

    For a full explanation on each of these, you can check here.



    1. Follow chat rules:

    • Act maturely and be respectful and mindful of others.
    • Keep it positive – friendly banter is tolerated, but absolutely no drama in chat.
    • No offensive jokes or content in any form.
    • No irl politics in chat.
    • No spamming or use of excessive caps.
    • Swearing is allowed as long as it isn't excessive, obscene or immature.
    • English only in public chat please. Use /msg for other languages.

    2. Don't grief, steal or cheat.

    This one goes without saying really. We have plugins to check for and rollback grief.

    3. If you're reading this include 'cereal' in your application.

    Just to make sure you've read the rules.

    4. Use common sense.

    We all have it, if you're not sure whether or not something is allowed, just ask.

    5. AFKing is allowed.

    We allow all types of AFK farms but if there are an increased amount of players online or the server starts to lag, you might be kicked.

    6. You must read the shop rules if you want to open a shop.

    Available here

    As a side note: TNT/carpet duping is allowed but other more extreme exploits are not. Just ask if you're not sure :)


    If you want to apply just join the Discord and use the application format in #discord-info. All applications should be made on the #whitelist-application channel! We look forward to welcoming you to our community!




    Testimonials from our players

    submitted by /u/wondercraftsmp
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    Java Survival [Semi-Vanilla] {SMP} {1.16.1} {No Whitelist}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Java Survival SMP Server

    Server Address = mc.javasurvival.com

    Java Survival is a multiplayer server dedicated to providing a legitimate Minecraft experience! Every block you see has been mined and placed by hand. Moderators and admin play like everyone else, they never abuse commands.

    We don't use the same old plugins you're tired of seeing like Essentials or GriefPrevention. We have our own plugins for lightweight land claiming and more.

    We have a Discord server: https://discord.gg/NAs8nQw

    Server goals

    We will always strive to:

    1. Be your primary Minecraft home: By providing an up-to-date Minecraft experience with longevity. We'll be around for a while and we plan to stick to the same overworld map for as long as possible.
    2. Champion our community: We value our community. Java Survival exists for the players, not for the staff.
    3. Provide a legitimate gameplay experience: We will never abuse teleport commands, spawn items or install plugins that affect the vanilla experience and we take cheating seriously.

    We have simple rules

    • No excessively offensive language
    • No cheating
    • No griefing/stealing
    • Keep build claims reasonable
    • Be respectful

    Server specs

    AMD Ryzen 7 3700X

    16GB DDR4 RAM

    We are hosted on a dedicated server located in Los Angeles.

    Join us at mc.javasurvival.com

    submitted by /u/Weatiez
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    ✨��NEW 1.16 Minecraft Server! Looking for dedicated players to chat and chill with!��✨[Semi-vanilla] [Hub] [SMP] {Java} {1.16.1} {Freeplay} {Discord}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:33 AM PDT


    We are looking for new players on our server and would love to have you on The Loft!

    We would love to have you join our NEW Freeplay server! Freeplay was released on May 1st, 2020, and is the first server to open on our network. Don't worry if it isn't your type of server, we have Factions and Survival releasing in the near future!

    Our Freeplay server offers...

    ✔Survival/Creative Modes

    ✔Frequent Events

    ✔Towns and Shops

    ✔Crates with Rewards

    ✔Grief Protection

    And more!

    ❤ Our server usually has 10-25 active players online every day! This server is laid back and perfect for making new friends! ❤

    More information on the server [ https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/the-loft-mc/ ]

    Discord [ https://discord.gg/3Df7qYV ]

    IP [ play.theloftmc.com ]

    ❤ We would love to have you join us as we grow! ❤

    submitted by /u/cr_k
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    StirnCraft [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    StirnCraft is Reopening Applications!

    StirnCraft is a Hermitcraft like server with many active members. We are reopening our applications for more people to join. To apply, look at the post pinned to this account for an invite. Remember the more detail in the application means the higher your chance to get in is.

    Current Version: Fabric 1.16.1 (updating soon)

    Slabs and Stairs Back to Blocks,
    Dropper To Dispenser,
    Afk Display,
    Anti Enderman Grief,
    Double Shulker Shells,
    Dragon Drops,
    Durability Ping,
    Husks Drop Sand,
    More Mob Heads,
    Moveable Armor Stands,
    Player Head Drops,
    Silence Mobs,
    Track Raw Statistics,
    Track Statistics,
    Wandering Trades (mini blocks),

    Server Mods:

    Carpet Features:
    Respawning Shulkers,
    One Player Sleeping,
    Missing Tools,
    Combine XP Orbs,
    Stackable Shulker Boxes (when empty),

    *I apologize for formatting it appears different on different devices

    submitted by /u/StirnCraft
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    InfinityCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Datapacks} {Discord} {Whitelist} {16+}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    InfinityCraft is a Semi-Vanilla SMP inspired by Hermitcraft. The server is brand new and we are looking for some new friendly and active members to join. We want to host community server events and have lots of player interaction as well as have personal bases. We want to have server wide goals and events throughout the course of the world. Also, our server has no restrictions on cursing or any language that could be considered offensive to some. We hope you consider joining our SMP!

    < Rules and Information >

    < Application >

    submitted by /u/fnervig7
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    SwordlandSMP {semi vanilla} {discord} {whitelist} {new}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    Sword land SMP is a small new vanilla survival server. It started 13th August 2020 and has very little players so it needs more. There is a wide verity I f timezones so you won't be the only one online at once that much.

    In the server diamonds are used as a currency and there are player shops in game at 0,0.

    And the server is whitelist so you need to apply in the discord application page and then you have to do a 1 day discord trial until you get in.

    Discord Server Rules: 1. No spamming 2. Watch your language (no cussing, politics, religion or putting other down) 3. Do not argue with staff 4. You must apply for Discord/Mc Server access

    Minecraft Server Rules: 1. No spamming 2. Watch your language (no cussing, politics, religion or putting other down) 3. No greifing 4. No hacking 5. There will be a one day trial period before you are allowd on

    These rules are subject to change. If you have a problem with these rules or another player please contact staff.

    Discord https://discord.gg/C7865p

    See you there

    submitted by /u/SaltyPlankton3478
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    Invictus [SMP] {1.16.2} {Java} {Bedrock} {Dynmap} {Discord} {Community}

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    IP: invictus.apexmc.co

    Invictus is a small semi vanilla survival server which is community orientated, with no land claims. We are looking to expand the community with new members and everyone is welcome! We info boards at spawn for new players and overall a very relaxed vibe. We have recently added crossplay so we can have Bedrock players join our (Java) server!

    Check out our active Discord Server to see pictures of some of our impressive builds.


    Vanilla Tweaks

    Player Shops


    Grief Prevention

    Bedrock compatible!

    Playtime based Ranks

    Friendly Staff Team

    Occasional Events

    Active Discord

    Long term Map

    Server Info:

    Location: London U.K.

    JAVA / Bedrock

    Bedrock Port: 61235

    Difficulty: Hard (extra)

    24/7 Runtime

    Public (No Whitelist)

    World Border (30,000 x 30,000)

    (Feel free to comment any questions below, or in the discord server)

    submitted by /u/wirelesstree
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    [wanted] [vanilla] or semi vanilla fun +18 server like HermitCraft or TitanCraft

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    Hi there, I guess my title has quite a bit of info in it so far. Let me introduce myself a bit. I'm Mike I'm 24 years old and I've been playing Minecraft back in the days and returned about a year ago. I had a server for a while but couldn't handle having to search for new people all the time.

    I was born in Belgium and now live in the UK.

    I'm looking for a friendly fun server, a bit like TitanCraft and hermitcraft. Where the aim is to play together yet have some parts alone. I love to do community things like shops, minigames and all other stuff such as mail system, nether hubs etc.

    I'm definitely not the best builder or redstone'er but I can manage and love to work with people.

    Let me know if you know or have a server that matches this :) Feel free to write me on discord Azraella#0466

    Cheers !

    submitted by /u/Bullzey
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    Minecraft Forver [SMP] {1.16.2} {Java} {Discord} {Community}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    ip: play.minecraftforever.com

    MCForever is a new, fresh and soon to be fast growing semi-vanilla survival server! We are looking for more friendly players to join us for a fun no-grief survival experience!


    • Fresh Over World & Nether
    • New Server Ran By Experienced Devs / Admins
    • Long-Term Server!
    • Player ran economy with Auction House
    • Unique Land Claim System
    • Gain Ranks, unlock useful permissions as you go!
    • Active Discord
    • Don't like where you started? Use /RTP (random teleport)
    • Teleport to friends and play with them! /tpa

    We hope you'll come check us out and play with us!

    Website: http://minecraftforever.com/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/6DkS7ra
    IP: play.minecraftforever.com

    submitted by /u/Vethyx
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    Lastage [Semi-Vanilla] {whitelist} {1.16.2} {community focus}{Hermitcraft-Like} {events}{Discord}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    We are a curated Vanilla Minecraft experience, with a focus on building a community of like-minded players who want to enjoy Minecraft without crazy game-modes or plugins.

    We are looking for like-minded players who want to have fun together without the hindrance of game modes. Players who seek just to play Minecraft in an environment where they do not have to worry about players or hackers ruining their time.

    We use a whitelist to eliminate the majority of these players who only seek to ruin others fun or have an unfair advantage. If you would like to join, check out our community background below and fill out a whitelist application via our Discord.

    OUR Community

    We are committed to providing a great semi-Vanilla Minecraft experience. We will never add any game modes (Towny, Factions, Mini-games etc) and we will never add anything which will fundamentally make the game different, easier or harder (mcMMO, rankings).

    We are transparent about any issues that may arise such as dismissal of staff, banning of influential players and integrity changes to how the server functions.

    Our Community Voice

    We always pride ourselves on listening to our community. We welcome feedback and honest opinions any time and use it to make changes for the betterment of the player experience and community.

    If we are ever going to make a change to our community, be it a new plugin, a config change, or anything that would affect the vanilla or community dynamic, it will be polled. Polled content/changes only take effect if the community votes at a 75% approval rating. If a poll fails, we look at why it fails and then make changes until most of our player-base are content.

    We Love Working Together

    The server was founded on this major principal to create a space for players to come together and play Minecraft without limitations set by game modes. So, this allows us to bring players together, we work on large projects such as shopping districts, minigames, mega builds… and also want to run exciting events such as Racing and PvP tournaments. Above all else, we are about playing with other people!


    White list Application

    To join, please copy and complete the application below and post it on our Discord or reply to this thread.

    Minecraft Username:



    How often are you likely to play?

    Why would you like to join?

    What is your favorite aspect of playing Minecraft with other people?

    Do you/will you use Discord & Voice Chat:

    Applications are approved at random times throughout the day as our team check this thread.


    All players are welcome to join our Discord. This is where we host our rules, FAQ and run sign-ups for events. All are welcome whether whitelisted or not. To join, click HERE.

    submitted by /u/dlongjr21
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    MOGL [Semi-vanilla] {1.16.1} {Life Simulation} {Cops Vs. Criminals} {Bladder} {Happiness} {Businesses} {Role-Play} {Vehicles}

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 04:45 PM PDT


    IP: play.mogl.today

    Version: Minecraft Java Edition 1.16.1

    MOGL is all about giving players a unique Minecraft experience. Although it incorporates elements of Role-Play, GTA, The Sims, etc. It doesn't restrict you to one play style. Adventure in our Darkzone. Role-play with friends. Farm promotion levels in your job. Get into real estate. Become a drug manufacturer. In MOGL, the opportunities are endless!

    Core Features


    There are a variety of Jobs you can select from. For an example, we'll talk about Miner. As a Miner, you head into the city mine and start mining. Each ore gives you different amounts of money and a little EXP for that Job. Earn enough EXP to level up and get PROMOTED. After being promoted, you'll receive an increase in pay. Reach max promotion level, and you can prestige! Some of our jobs include: Miner, Lawn Mower, Waste Collector, Farmer, Cop, Plumber, and more!


    If you're looking to become a criminal, it's easy! There are no procedures or knowledge requirements. Just like in real life, if you want to be a criminal, you just have to commit a crime (we do not endorse real crime). Go break a window, murder someone, rob a store, break into a home, or even start brewing illegal potions!

    If you're tired of being a lowlife criminal, create a GANG and start making money off of your gang member's crimes.


    After a while, renting doors may not be as exciting as it used to be. You want to build! You want to start a business! You want a customized hideout for your gang! Properties allow you to do all this, and more! You can even open up your own HOTEL! Manage it, build on it, sell it, corner the market, get into real estate!


    Uncover the mysteries surrounding the city. Fight mutated creatures and make your way through a handcrafted, overgrown city. Traverse the toxic landscape and delve deep into the ancient factories that started it all. Farm for Darkpower to increase your strength against the mutated. Find Honey Traders along the way to sell the Honey you collect from the mutated. Explore and discover hidden paths, shortcuts, and secret rooms.

    The Darkzone expands with each new update. Grab a couple of friends and see how far you can make it!


    Since MOGL is in beta, we're always adding new features, items, custom sound effects and textures. Stay updated by joining our Discord, and help us create new features by submitting your ideas in the #suggestions section.


    Link to rules page: Rules

    EDIT: New rules link.

    submitted by /u/playmogltoday
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    Hillcrest [SMP] {McMMO} {Ranks} {SilkSpawners}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Hi! Hillcrest Survival is an SMP server with PVP being toggleable by the player. I played minecraft alot back in 2015, and this game has had a profound impact on my gaming experience. I am attempting to recreate that fun, inclusive and relaxed environment I loved so much!

    Join us at HillcrestMC.apexmc.co. Going to get straight to it though- Why should you join?

    • Rankup system, each with a kit.
    • First being Guest, last being Veteran.
    • The last rank has /fly.
    • McMMO
    • Jobs to help you earn your way up the ranks.
    • Auctions
    • Pandas that mate and produce offspring
    • Staff are not given any special permissions and must play like the players (Including me!)
    • RTP for an easy start
    • PlayerShops
    • Small, fresh community
    • No donation ranks. We are strongly against the P2W mentality, hence the rankup system
    • KeepInventory true
    • PvP Arena with KeepInv off so it isnt boring PvP.
    • Minimal chat restrictions, however advertising and disrespect are strongly against the rules.
    • Active Staff and players

    Just a well made server that I put alot of effort into The staff and I hope to see you online! Thanks for taking your time to read up until this point 📷

    submitted by /u/colterhmc
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    Project Overcraft [SMP] {16+} {Lands} {MythicMobs} {MMOItems} {MMOCore} {Brewery} {CustomBiomes}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Ever wondered what it would be like to become a mage and fight with magic? Or to stumble across new structures in the middle of the jungle? Well, if you did, I have a server for you to experience it all!

    A Java RPG server for all of you to join. A completely unique experience made possible by a lot of hard-working people.

    Whitelisted and chill Adult community to get the best adventure possible.

    <-> A newly generated world, with more than 40+ new biomes.

    <-> No need to learn tricky commands, everything is done via wand to make it as comfortable as possible for players.

    <-> Complete remake of getting to the Nether and End. Involves a boss fight and many things to figure out beforehand.

    <-> We use advanced plugins to provide a very intricate and unique experience, all about the grind. Be prepared to work hard to achieve - the way that it's meant to be!

    <-> Lands - create and manage everything about your Land, from members to flags.

    <-> Mythic - we use the FULL MythicMobs plugin set, we have a true MMO RPG feel and are working daily on making it the best it can be.

    <->Whitelisted community - You can whitelist yourself within the discord group.

    <-> Weekly awards - We recognize the things that our members do, we give weekly awards and prizes out.

    Join us today!

    Website: www.projectovercraft.com

    Discord: http://join.projectovercraft.com/

    submitted by /u/HyperionH
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    SimPvP [SMP] [PvP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Never Resets} {Started 2011} {Vast History}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Server Address: simpvp.net

    Version: 1.15.2

    Rules: No hacking, including flymod, xray, or any other mod which confers a significant gameplay advantage. Also, no doxxing.

    Description: SimPvP is designed as a vanilla player versus player survival server, where people have complete freedom to do and say anything they want, as long as it is not spamming, cheating, or doxxing.

    The server is set to hard mode and the players are not given any extra help in the form of kits, vote rewards, or commands such as /home. Players succeed or fail depending only on their own skill at the game. The core playerbase is mostly adults who can hold their own in PvP, but prefer to build.

    If you're curious about SimPvP, feel free to check out our server wiki, which contains information about the server's long history and many bases. Or just log in and play!

    submitted by /u/ChikoNeko10
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    DizCraft [Modded]{1.15.2}{Custom Resource Pack}{Discord}{Disney Park}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Please note that resource pack must be enabled!

    *Special its Halloween time in our server with seasonal items just dropped and special events!*

    Not able to go through with your Disneyland plans and stuck at home? Well no problem, Project A113 is bringing the Disney Spirit to you!

    Come and join a great community who bonds over our love of disney and minecraft beautifully blended to one. With a hardworking staff to constantly bring you the best experience, come on by and join the wonderful community of Project A113.

    This server will allow you to ride some of Disney Theme parks favorite attractions from Autopia, Splash Mountian, Peter Pans Flight, and so many more while collecting many toys and custom achievements! Can you collect everything the park has to offer?

    Active Dev daily to keep things fresh and new as well as always adding in new items & things to do.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/es8GbPQ
    Server IP: mc.projecta113.com

    submitted by /u/ItsArkayian
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    EarthPVP [Semi-vanilla] {Earth Map} {Player Tracking} {Soup PVP} {Rare Items} {1.8 - 1.16}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    IP: mc.EarthPVP.cc [​1.8 - 1.16]

    Use your compass to track down and fight other players. Hunt or be hunted. Traverse the map alone - or group up and play together. And the map? - the Earth, in Minecraft.


    - World map replica - approx 10,000 x 5,000 blocks
    - No grief prevention or tile claiming
    - Old MCPVP style soup healing mechanics (1.8 combat0
    - Use your compass to track down players
    - Look out for 'rare items

    Rules - No hacking

    submitted by /u/Few_Stress_3921
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    Constellia II [Semi-Vanilla] {SMP} {Whitelisted} {Java 1.16.1} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Join our Discord!

    Constellia part 2 is up and running since August 21, 2020!

    𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝟐𝟓𝐤 𝐱 𝟐𝟓𝐤.

    The current border for the nether is 3125 x 3125.

    𝐖𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐜𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝟖𝐆𝐁 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐀𝐌 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐬, 𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐬.

    ⋆We do activity checks once a month or so to keep the server active.


    World Basics:

    ☆ We will have a shopping and minigame district set up by the community; you can buy and sell almost anything that survival gives you.

    ☆ PVP is not allowed unless it is agreed on between the players.

    ☆ the end is 100k x 100k

    ☆ ALL of the biomes are within the border.



    ➤imagemaps: allows you to submit a photo in the discord and will be reviewed for placement in the world.

    ➤place items anywhere: lets you shift click items on the ground or walls for decoration

    ➤sethome: allowed you to /sethome ONLY 1 HOME PER PLAYER

    ➤Gsit: allows you to sit on carpet, slabs, stairs, etc.

    ➤dynmap: a website to see the whole map of the world live

    ➤lasso: you can lasso mobs

    ➤/spawn: self explanatory

    ➤/hat: places an item on your head

    ➤discordSRV: you can talk in game chat through discord



    ⊳multiplayer sleep: lets 1 player sleep to skip the night

    ⊳double shulker shells: shulkers drop 2 shells instead of one

    ⊳nether portal coords: does all the math for you and lets you properly link your portals.

    ⊳afk display: your name will appear greyed out when afk after a certain amount of time.

    ⊳player head drops: after a player is killed by another their head drops.

    ⊳more mob heads: most of the mobs will drop their head

    ⊳shulkerespawn: shulkers respawn about every 40 minutes


    submitted by /u/BuiltLasagna
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    Stonecraft [Vanilla] {Hermitcraft} {21+} {whitelist} {1.16.2}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    This is a new 1.16.2 vanilla server with very minor tweaks. We are looking for 21 and older minecrafters to play on this server. We are a big group of people who are all kind and love building and fooling around with redstone. Shopping district is on a mushroom island so there are no mobs.

    Plugins: coreprotect(for you griefers), wither ac (for you cheaters), luckperms, Discordsrv (to talk to people in and out of game) and dynmap .

    Data packs: Double shulker, more mob heads. armor statues, multiplayer sleep, antienderman grief, wandering trades, silence mobs , player head drops, dragon drops, coordinates HUD


    no griefing

    age 21+

    no hacking/cheating

    You must write the application in the comments



    Minecraft name:

    Discord name:

    Why you want to join:

    Pictures of your best builds (not required):

    Join discord then post the link to this thread to be accepted.

    Discord link: https://discord.gg/KHngzYw

    submitted by /u/corlew10
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    INFCRAFT [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Fabric} {Discord} {Dynmap} {1.16.2}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:22 AM PDT


    INFCRAFT is a semi-vanilla server, founded September 2018 on an old 2012 map. Simple, right? Nothing special, boring, but before you click away! It is incredibly free, no spawn protection (Not anarchy, we make frequent backups!), very free movement, and VERY little interference with rules. Have fun and enjoy Minecraft vanilla essentially.



    CHILL ATMOSPHERE, MATURE, >not for the faint of heart<!  





    Simple! Just follow our application here:  

    Minecraft username:  


    will you be active?:  

    Your discord (we have a discord server, and I will add you on discord:  

    Other links:  

    Website: http://infcraft.net/  

    Best video in existence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGJc83jUcHw


    Additional info:  

    The server runs on a VPS with 180GB disk space and 16GB of RAM using fabricloader to be as vanilla as possible. It runs a few mods to also make it run as smoothly as possible and will only work on trying to optimize it as well as possible for your user experience. Also, if you directly want to talk to the main owner, contact alexljn5#1185 on discord.

    submitted by /u/alexljn5
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    BirbMC [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Greylist} {16+} {1.16.2} {LGBTQ+}

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    BirbMC is a new semi-vanilla MC server (Java) that launched on June 13th! We are looking to grow our community of active and friendly players. We aim to keep the gameplay feel like vanilla, so our plugins are primarily QoL and administrative. Our staff are experienced moderators of large semi-vanilla MC servers. We even have our own developers that keep everything streamlined as well as enable us to provide additional capabilities to enrich the experience for our players.

    Please stop by! We have a greylist so anybody can come look around before applying! :)

    Our server address is play.birbmc.com


    • Custom Advancements
    • Dynmap
    • Dedicated Server (more info below)
    • Periodic Community Events
    • Stats Page

    Server Showcase

    General Info

    • Server Address/IP: play.birbmc.com
    • Server Locale: East Coast (Canada)
    • Game Play Type: Semi-Vanilla Survival on Hard Difficulty
    • Version: 1.16.2

    Server Specs

    • Intel i7-7700K - 4c/ 8t - 4.2GHz/ 4.5GHz
    • 64GB DDR4 2133MHz
    • 2x450GB SSD NVMe Soft RAID
    • More info at https://birbmc.com/specs

    Come gib sed

    submitted by /u/ZeroHD
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    SwordlandSMP {discord} {semi vanilla} {new} {whitelist}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Sword land SMP is a small new vanilla survival server. It started 13th August 2020 and has very little players so it needs more. There is a wide verity I f timezones so you won't be the only one online at once that much.

    In the server diamonds are used as a currency and there are player shops in game at 0,0.

    And the server is whitelist so you need to apply in the discord application page and then you have to do a 1 day discord trial until you get in.

    Discord Server Rules: 1. No spamming 2. Watch your language (no cussing, politics, religion or putting other down) 3. Do not argue with staff 4. You must apply for Discord/Mc Server access

    Minecraft Server Rules: 1. No spamming 2. Watch your language (no cussing, politics, religion or putting other down) 3. No greifing 4. No hacking 5. There will be a one day trial period before you are allowd on

    These rules are subject to change. If you have a problem with these rules or another player please contact staff.

    Discord https://discord.gg/C7865p

    See you there

    submitted by /u/SaltyPlankton3478
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    Kingdomsfield [SMP] {1.16.2} {Towny} {mcMMO}

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    IP: kingdomsfield.ml


    Kingdomsfield is a new server I've been working on for a few months in my spare time, it features quests, RPG elements, and a unique survival experience.

    I'm not going to write out a super-duper long post as to not bore you, but if anything of the above sounds interesting to you than you're more than welcome to try it out.

    Discord: https://discord.com/invite/hyevYVk

    submitted by /u/Aviside
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    Arcadia [SMP] {Jobs} {1.16.1} {Daily Rewards} {Daily Quests} {Ranks} {Quality of Life}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    What is Arcadia about?

    Arcadia is a SMP server that prides itself in its excellent community. We are heavily economically driven, using in game currency to purchase from our Auction House, the server shop, or ranking up. We offer 12 rank ups, and each of them will give you Crate keys and mcMMO credits to redeem. We also have a few quality of life plugins to make playing MC a little more enjoyable.


    Homophobia, racism, and sexism is not tolerated. Tasteless jokes have no place here.
    Any clients that provide an unfair advantage (e.g. clients specializing in cheating) will be permanently banned.
    Do not use exploits or glitches.
    Do not claim another person's land without their consent.

    I believe in a strike system, and with the exception being the top two rules, permanent bans are not given out lightly. You must be a repeat offender to meet that kind of consequence.

    PVP is allowed as long as both parties agree to it.

    Major Plugins:


    Jobs Reborn

    Crazy Crates

    Crazy Auction




    Quality of Life Plugins:

    As mentioned before, Arcadia has Quality of Life plugins offered to make that experience more enjoyable. You will notice that when you destroy trees, the leaves will decay almost instantly without a loss in drops, you can replant crops while right clicking, hold bonemeal down on crops to grow and harvest, chest sorting, and even set up auto crafting using chests++.

    Arcadia offers many perks for playing on the server, such as a Daily Quests, Vote Rewards such as streaks and milestones, and getting in game currency for playing every 10 minutes.

    Check out our website here: https://arcadia.enjin.com/home

    Join our discord for weekly giveaways and monthly contests! https://discord.gg/xzMA6nS

    Our server address for those interested! arcadiaeco.us.to

    We desire contributing community members who desire to be active on the server and the discord!

    Thank you for your interest, and I hope to see you on!

    submitted by /u/Roran2Arcadia
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