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    Minecraft Mob spawners should be blast resistant

    Minecraft Mob spawners should be blast resistant

    Mob spawners should be blast resistant

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    We all know that feeling. We finally find a mob spawner, and think "YES! I can finally have a good xp farm!" And then next thing you know, hisssssss BOOM. A Creeper blows the dang thing up, and now you are left with no xp farm, or bone and arrow farm, or strung farm, or a rotten flesh farm. I think mob spawners should be blast resistant just because theyre pretty rare.

    submitted by /u/Spiderstaats
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    Phantoms Remastered™ - Make them spawn only after you use a Totem of Undying!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    You cheated Death. And now he wants revenge.

    Phantoms are one of, if not the most, hated mobs in the entire vanilla game, and for good reason. A flying undead enemy in theory sounds cool, but botched execution and poor game design choices means that no one is really fond of the mob.

    I think the main cause of this is their spawning mechanic. They spawn if a player has not slept for 3 nights in a row, which discourages exploring as players would often prefer not to change their spawn point by sleeping, and annoys other parts of the player base, such as builders.

    I would fix this by making phantoms spawn after a player uses up a totem of undying, regardless of whether you sleep or not. The number of phantoms that spawns scales up each time a totem is used, but resets when the player dies, starting with 1, 3, 5, ... (or any convenient sequence).

    But.... why?

    1. It makes phantoms far less annoying when they are seen as goons (or even avatars!) of death to reap your life than as random monsters that appeared because you didn't sleep.
    2. This does not discourage exploring, unlike the current mob (as explained above).
    3. Phantoms are now easily avoidable as well, and when they appear, they do so in more controllable numbers.
    4. Totems are rather common too, so I feel this would give them a very slight nerf. It could also be seen as a sort of buff in that phantom membranes now require totems.
    5. This change would also benefit multiplayer servers greatly.

    Edit: Ok, some users have brought up how it would be annoying to have phantoms "every night" in hardcore. I'm not sure where the confusion arose, but phantoms spawn once per totem. Also, the phantom wouldn't spawn immediately, seeing that they'd likely burn up in the day anyway lol. This would also give you time to heal, and so on.

    Thanks for reading, and have a good one! :)

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    Spider should not be able to climb on packed and blue ice

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    This is a simple quality of life change.

    It would be one of those things that would not in any way effect most players but it would make since and be a nice little feature.

    But most of all it would SiMplIfY SpiDer GriEnDeRS!

    I did it! I said the thing!

    Thanks for coming to my ted talk!

    submitted by /u/Alex_Delf
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    Droopers (Strider Variant) and a New Mechanic for Striders/Droopers

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    Droopers would be a unique variant of a Strider. Being a colouring that is more similar to that of the Warped Forest, a sort-of teal/cyan colour that is, as well as having of course droopier expressions. A nickname for these mobs then could be Sadder Striders, lol. But did I mention that they're upside down? (Except for their facial expression.) Yes, their feet/boots are now on top, head on the bottom, but their face is still upright. What's up with that?

    - Droopers have one key feature about them that makes them stand out from every other mob in Minecraft- their gravity. It's essentially inverse, behaving nearly the same way except for well, upside down.
    - You can ride Droopers! By some mysterious method, riding a Drooper causes their gravity to temporarily affect the rider. This also means that your sight will be inverted, similarly to an old Super Secret Setting! This might find a cool niche use in gaining new perspective on builds, maybe for puzzles, or just to see the Nether upside-down in vanilla! They are still led by a Warped Fungus as normal. Just keep in mind, as soon as you dismount, you're affected by the normal gravity again, so dismount above somewhere safe!
    - Droopers can also be sped up by Warped Fungus on a Strick right-clicks.
    - They're quite the shivery bois! Similarly to Striders, they're just so cold! When not in lava, they shiver a lot! Maybe a little too much! This causes the excess of whatever caused them to become Droopers to fall off as blue particles- similar to Crying Obsidian's particles. These can be used to locate where a Drooper might be, or even as a useful natural particle decoration for some builds.
    - Droopers are a little more fearful than Striders, and similarly to Foxes, Ocelots, and Rabbits, will slowly run away on sight. Well, run... They are still incredibly slow on land, like normal Striders are. Lead them in with a Warped Fungus to tame them, and they'll allow you to ride them, and they won't run away anymore!
    - When it comes to lava, Droopers can interact with it, and may swim up Lava like Striders do (even though it'll look like they swim down, of course), and will stop shivering as they do. Their colouring also becomes slightly reddened.
    - Back on swimming, uh, don't. Striders, like Endermen, are really weak to Water, Rain, and Water Bottles. If they're around water, make sure they aren't! Wouldn't want them to be hurt. :(
    - Baby Droopers don't grow up.
    - Droopers can't be bred.
    - Droopers can be attached to a lead.
    - Passive.
    - Levitation causes them to go downwards, which is their up.
    - Like most other things Warped Forest, a Drooper's noises are distorted from that of a regular Strider.
    - Droopers are afraid of Glowstone unless they are tamed.
    - It may not be healthy for them, but they naturally walk towards Ruined Portals more often than not.

    - A Drooper would spawn on the ceilings of Warped Forests, likely between Y-levels 80 through 127. But they are ridiculously rare to find. Like, ever heard of Pink Sheep? Yeah.
    - Unlike Striders, no other mob can spawn riding them, but baby Droopers may still spawn next to them as part of the pack spawn.
    - Droopers can also spawn by right-clicking/selecting use on a Strider with an Eye of Ender, which will cause the newly spawned Drooper to slowly fall towards the ceiling. After the initial fall, their falling speed (or well, rising speed) is the same as falling speed for other entities. Conversion will keep status effects, remaining health, equipped saddles, etc. However, mobs riding a Strider whenever they are converted fall off, and of course, if a Strider riding another Strider is converted, it also falls off.

    - Droopers drop the regular String drops that Striders give, however, also grant Blaze Powder or Ender Pearls on death, with a 0-1 drop on those, affected by Looting.

    The Overworld/The End:
    - Please don't bring your beloved Droopers to the overworld or the end. Their gravity will send them flying into the sky, and in each dimension above Y-256, will slowly start taking damage... until they pass away. You can always build platforms for them, however! (If you want a Drooper in the End, hit with with a Potion of Slow Falling or a Shulker's Bullet to apply Levitation before it enters, then enter the End yourself and attach a lead, and lead it somewhere with a platform for it to stand on before the effects wear off.)

    - Right-clicking a Strider or Drooper with a Fireball heals 3 hearts of damage, or 6 damage total.

    Reasoning/Why Should This Be In Vanilla Minecraft?:
    Droopers are something I feel fits the theme of the Nether, at least in my opinion. Striders already love the Warped Fungus the Warped Forests are so plentiful with, which also happens to house Endermen, so I figured a variant of the Strider that deals with something maybe even related to the End (in this case, Eyes of Ender) would be fitting for them. Eyes of Ender are used for the conversion process, which I figure makes sense, since the Eyes of Ender when used, float up on their own in search of the Stronghold. While the Stronghold isn't in the Nether, I figure the floating upwards part of that is something that could be used to excuse the Drooper's reversed gravity. I think it's also a really neat mob for the lore of the game, since it requires Eyes of Ender for it to manually spawn, and well, in all likelihood, it's natural spawns came from off-screen Eye of Ender use too. But who would do that, and why..

    As for Fireballs healing Striders and Droopers, I feel it kind-of makes sense. It's an item with not too many functional uses, for one, so it grants another use (if not the best) to it. Still not the most useful item, but now you might have more use for all those Fireballs you find in Ruined Portal Chests.

    A lot of Minecraft's mobs have variants, including the new Hoglins and Piglins, with the Zoglins and Piglin Brutes/Zombified Piglins. Slimes and Magma cubes, Skeletons, Strays, Wither Skeletons, etc. So what if Striders had a unique variant too?

    submitted by /u/NyoraCat
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    Add more stews and make them be cooked in the cauldron

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    Different recipes for them, for example a creamy seafood stew with milk and salmon

    You can now only cook them in cauldrons and they take around a minute to cook

    the other upside of making it be cooked in the cauldron is that the stew has more than 1 ration (you pick it up by right clicking with bowl) kind of working like a cake

    Also make it so stews are superior in saturation than other normal foods so taking the time to cook them and getting the ingredients pays off

    just a fun way to introduce cooking in minecraft

    submitted by /u/ihateredditlmao
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    Minecraft should add a feature to "lock" your hotbar, so you didnt accidentally drop your items everywhere

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    there has been countless times that ive dropped my items onto the ground or off a cliff because i accidentally pressed the drop button, it would be nice to have a feature like in Terraria where you can lock the hotbar to prevent stuff from being dropped

    submitted by /u/LobsterWomanGal
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    Softened obsidian

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Softened obsidian is created by placing a lava bucket in the bottom of a blast furnace and a water bucket in the top of the b.f. it takes considerably longer than most things to 'cook' and takes a full bucket of each. I.e. it's an expensive item to make but not to farm. Buckets empty and are not consumed.

    Softened obsidian has two main uses.

    1. Obsidian bricks (stairs/slabs/ etc) has a design like crying obsidian but red and black not purple and black and can even potentially have an intricate design.

    2. (Optional) can make a spawner (recipe on separate post)

    Softened obsidian is easier to break than normal obsidian (faster) But still requires a diamond pickaxe.

    submitted by /u/ridiculous2me
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    Slingshot concept!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Currently nuggets are pretty useless, and this would give them real purpose: Slingshot!

    Slingshot shoots nuggets dealing less damage than bow and being more inaccurate at long ranges, but depending on the nugget you use; If you use gold nugget its a bit more accurate, and if you use iron nugget it deals more damage. With slingshot, if you shoot glass pane it breaks, and if you shoot glass block it takes damage like anvil after used. The recipe would be like this, needing 4 sticks and one leather


    air |stick | air

    air |stick | air

    So far I've gotten only one idea for enchantments - Precision. It would make shooting less rng, but still not as accurate as bow or crossbow.I am not sure if this has been posted before, I apologise if so. For some reason I can't access FPS list at the moment.

    submitted by /u/BackAfterHalfAYear
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    Make finite worlds editable/designable by the player

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    When a player creates a new finite world in Bedrock Edition (yes, there is an option to do this), I think it would be a really cool idea if they could select each biome the world has, its size and every generated structure that could appear. This would have 2 main purposes:

    Fun: Players could just go crazy creating a Nether made up entirely of a massive Basalt Deltas biome with like 50 bastion remnants and 40 nether fortresses in it. Or in the Overworld a giant forest with 15 villages, 10 woodland mansions all stick together and a jungle temple in the center. Or literally anything at all. It would be really cool and Bedrock players (the majority of Minecraft players) would probably have a lot of fun with it.

    Inquiry: Curious players that instead of looking at tables and graphs on the Internet would rather test and find out by themselves could create, for example, a world with a stronghold in the middle of the air (Y: 100 for example) in an ocean biome, so that the stronghold is completely unobstructed, and then they could examine it, examine its size, its loot and everything. Same with the nether fortress and a lot of other structures players might be curious about.

    I think this would be a really interesting, cool and fun concept to add, that a lot of Bedrock players would really enjoy, because otherwise, right now there is no real reason to create a finite world in Bedrock edition.

    submitted by /u/TheDragonWarrior2284
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    Toggleable Plane Controls w/ elytra

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    TLDR Add Traditional Plane Controls to elytra flyingㅤㅤ

    The current elytra control, where you fly where you look, is really innovative and smart, don't get me wrong, but it is a bit wonky at times. When on long flights, I find it a little annoying that you can't look at the scenery you're flying by without also doing a nosedive into it.

    I propose we add traditional plane controls for elytra flight, controlled by the asdw keys (they aren't used when flying normally anyways). A and D would control the roll of the player, while S and W would control the pitch. You can customize the sensitivity of your keys in the settings.

    The cool part is that your camera follows your bearings, which means you can now fly upside down, do barrel rolls, etc. Generally make the flying experience more thrilling and fun.

    You can also now look around whilst flying without crashing into the ground, so that's a plus. And because looking around might disorientate you a little bit. I propose that, when you look around, a red crosshair be left behind where you looked away from. This lets you know exactly where you're flying even when you're looking away, and let you snap back to it if you want to face where you're flying again.

    This would open a lot of options for map creators, Minecraft cinematics, and just gameplay overall. Imagine an elytra course where you fly around a mountain, doing loop de loops and whatnot while also being able to take in the scenery with your now freed up mouse.

    Now, this change carries with it a big learning curve. It's not easy to fly a plane, even in a video game, which is why this feature should be toggleable. You'll always take off using the old school elytra controls, but once in the air, you can hit Ctrl (or another key idk), to switch to the new controls. This means you can still fly with the mouse if you want to (and make those sudden stops by quickly spinning around), but also have the option to fly with the keyboard.

    submitted by /u/WueyWu75
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    Something missing from Update Aquatic

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    When I first heard about Update Aquatic I was really excited. But when I heard they weren't adding sharks into the game I was incredibly dissapointed. I know Mojang has said they aren't adding sharks because they are afraid that it would promote the killing of them in the real world.

    My suggestion would be to make them neutral so they don't attack you unless provoked and if you were to kill one you get nothing, not even xp. The only thing you get is a negative potion effect that only gives you 'trash' items when fishing. Mojang could also add a hunger bar to the shark so they only attack a player once if they are starving so you have a reason to keep your distance. The sharks would also be very rare so killing it would be even dumber. If Mojang want the sharks to have more use they could lead you to Ocean Monuments simularly to dolphins which lead you to shipwrecks.

    Now you may ask "Why add a useless creature in the game?" And my answer to that would be why did they add pandas into the game? The pandas are completely useless and they're quite boring in my opinon.

    On another note Mojang should remove a lot of the dead coral in reefs because they look really ugly with all that dead coral even if it's more realistic.

    TL:DR Sharks would be cool, rare mob to have in the game and they wouldn't attack on sight.

    Let me know what you all think and if you have any improvements to my concept. Thank you for reading.

    Edit: Dragonfish would also be pretty cool. They would basically just be a retexture of the pufferfish but the more creatures the better in my opinion. Will update if I come up with more.

    Edit2: as u/Gintoki_87 suggested mojang could add anglerfish to the bottom of underwater ravines.

    submitted by /u/MassiveDong42069
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    Breaking boats should make mobs inside them invulnerable for a very short time

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Pretty simple post I'm just asking for mobs to be invulnerable after coming out of a boat

    I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally killed a mob that I had travel thousands of blocks for storage because of hitting them accidentally after breaking their boat

    submitted by /u/TheGriffin11
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    I really want something like glowing skin

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    I really want something like glowing skin

    I got this idea from black plasma studios ( they made a Minecraft movie) since then I really wanted something like glowing skin which glows in dark something lie this:

    this is what I mean

    submitted by /u/MinecarftTime
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    Strider Fortress

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    You should be able to give striders warped fungus and then it will walk towards the fortress as long as there is lava and 1 warped fungus should be enough to keep them going for 15 seconds.

    This will make locating a fortress easier cause they are so rare now.

    Edit: they breed with warped fungus so lets make it a mixture with warped fungus and the other red one

    submitted by /u/Yoopicul
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    New Mob: Mimic

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    "You´re exploring a cave and find a dungeon and see a chest so You open it. And then it attacks you."

    You probably know what a Mimic is, they are one of the very common creatures in RPG´s and other media. Basically a creature that tries to trick You by disguising itself as an item, normally a chest, and when opened it attacks you.

    The game already have a mob that do something like that, Silverfish, but they are very rare and aren´t a real treat, lacking the "surprising" effect. Mimics would be a very interesting creature to be added in a possible cave update, as they combine perfectly with the theme.

    They look almost exactly like a normal chest, but the player can see what it really is by some small differences, like small movements or some texture change. Mimics can be found in dungeons, mineshafts, strongholds or others structures that normally have chests. They could drop a chest and more rare dungeon chests loot.

    submitted by /u/Marcio_Macho-Alpha
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    Transferable Pet Ownership

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    There should be a way to transfer ownership of a tamed animal, or perhaps dual ownership of said animal. The owner would have to either let the pet go, or somehow hand over control to another player. Also I'd recommend a command to do so without owner consent so a server or admin can do so if the owner never comes back (save abandoned doggo).

    submitted by /u/Azura4k
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    Lockable Chests and Doors

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    So, how about making lockable chest and doors, I know the doors are accomplishable by redstone but a key for a chest does sound handy on adventure and survival maps, even though you can just break the chest in survival. Not to mention it would be kinda interesting to add in dungeons with keyed chests that need to be unlocked by finding the key.

    submitted by /u/Azura4k
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    Tautness (Revamped)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Enchant Type:Crossbow

    Effect:when on a crossbow,will make the arrows fly faster and do more damage at the cost of reload time and durability.

    Stats/Tiers:Tier |:Arrow flies three times faster and dose eight damage but the reload time is two seconds and takes one more more durability damage.

    Tier ||:Arrow flies three times faster and dose ten damage but takes three seconds to reload and takes two more durability damage.

    Tier |||:Arrows flies four times as fast and dose four twelve damage but takes four seconds to reload and takes four more durability damage.

    Other:if a crossbow has any tier of tautness it can't also have quick charge,if a crossbow breaks with tier three tautness it will "shatter"doing one heart of damage to the player,(your idea here)

    If you disagree with my idea or have some advice for balancing please let me know in the comments.

    submitted by /u/slenderender64
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    Cooking Pot

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Well, wouldn't it be nice, to have the ability to create your own recipes? To add potatoes and carrots or whatever to the cooking pot, and to give your meal a name? Example: Let's add water, potatoes, salt (why is there sugar but not salt?) and a cooked chicken. Now let us name it "Chicken Soup". BANG. You've just created your own Soup. Isn't that nice? (Btw: The cooking pot should look like a little fire and three vertical sticks with a pot on the top)

    submitted by /u/TitusTestes
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    Placing a cobweb makes a wool or vine sound

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    So it now makes a stone sound wich doesn't make sense at all.. That this was in the old days is understandable but now it needs to be fixed so i suggest it makes a wool sound or a vine sound

    submitted by /u/xNielsSwitch
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    Command shortcuts

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Open your options: Now you can type in custom inputs, for specific commands. Example: "/gamemode survival" turns to "gm 0". And everytime you type in your shortcut in the chat, it works like the normal command. And when you are playing multiplayer, and you type in your shortcut, it looks like the default comand in the chat, to avoid issues. Doesn't work on servers, only with permission. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/TitusTestes
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