• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Quarantinecraft [SMP] {Economy}{1.16.1} {Social} {Fresh map} {Java} {Dynmap}

    Minecraft Servers Quarantinecraft [SMP] {Economy}{1.16.1} {Social} {Fresh map} {Java} {Dynmap}

    Quarantinecraft [SMP] {Economy}{1.16.1} {Social} {Fresh map} {Java} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Server IP: quarantinecraft.nl

    What's up guys! Quarantinecraft is a community of social-minded individuals who just want to play Minecraft and have fun. We started roughly three months back, and recently had our first map reset, making now the perfect time to join. Do you consider yourself laid back, and crave a likeminded group to play with, then you'd fit right in!


    • A laid-back, social experience
    • Some 'quality of life' providing commands for every player, such as /tpa, /sethome
    • Anti-griefing plugins that allow us to reverse any damage that griefers have done.
    • A pretty spawn area with plenty of buildings or room to build in
    • A server with no 'pay-to-win' donations/game mechanics. Every player is equal.
    • Chest shops and the iConomy plugin
    • A dynmap website


    1. Both griefing and stealing are forbidden
    2. Killing another player is only allowed when both players consent
    3. Do not use any hacked clients
    4. Don't spam the chat or advertise your own server
    5. Don't halt other players' progress for no reason other than just that. (Example: Blocking ender gateways, end portals)

    Discord: https://discord.gg/FkrJvsV Dynmap: http://quarantinecraft.nl:8123/

    submitted by /u/salared
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    Project Nebula [SMP] {1.16.2} {16+} {Whitelist} {Hermitcraft-like} {Discord} {LGBTQ+ Friendly} {UHC/Community Events & Projects} {Datapacks} {Paper MC}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Project Nebula

    We recently updated our server to version 1.16.2!! Join us for all that new content; and by that I mean just for the sideways chains :P

    Project Nebula is a Hermitcraft-style SMP started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi. We love playing as a community and generally interacting with new people, which is why we started a server. Our community is tight, welcoming, and full of personable, interesting people! I hope you give our server a shot!

    About Us

    Colin and RavingPlatypi are college students looking to play with new people! We're both engineering students and love to fiddle with redstone and farms; but we also love building beautiful structures and planning a nice base, and just generally hanging out and relaxing with some games. We encourage all playstyles and love to see the creative ways you guys play this game! We have experience hosting multiple servers in the past, such as Colincraft and Nebula Network, and have joined/played on many servers, too.

    Our goal is to not only create an active Minecraft server, but an active community and group of friends as well. While our community has a solid base, we are always looking to expand our group and we'd love to get to know you! We'd love to play other games with you in addition to Minecraft, such as Terraria, GTA V, Smash Ultimate, or whatever else you may have on Steam (or other consoles, like Switch). We've found that many of our players tend to be college students majoring in engineering, but of course, anyone is welcome and will feel at-home with us!

    You can reach our Discord by clicking this link. You will receive a private message upon joining with more detailed instructions on how to accept our rules and apply. Most of our channels are hidden until you become a member. You must first agree to our rules using !agree and will then be able to apply for whitelist, with a message DM'd to you with instructions. Please make sure you allow DMs from server members, otherwise you will not be able to apply. Upon acceptance you will be whitelisted and granted access to the rest of the Discord!

    Our Dynmap can be found here.


    We are hosting the following servers:

    • Minecraft 1.16.1 Vanilla - Updating soon! (Running Paper MC with no major plugins. Our map started June 8th 2019 :))

      -This server uses quality-of-life datapacks, which are designed to aid the experience and efficiency of the game without altering the Vanilla feel. Examples include one-player sleep, logical uncrafting, and Ender Dragon dropping elytra. A full list of datapacks can be found here! To improve server performance we've been running the latest builds of Paper MC because it has better chunk loading and is generally more stable than Vanilla. No game-changing plugins are used; we only use plugins to optimize villagers and pillagers, as well as core protect for admin purposes.

    We run Paper just for the better performance. Full Vanilla experience!

    • Minecraft 1.16.1 Creative

      -Flatworld for our community to test their builds and other creations. Uses the same datapacks and plugin configuration as the main server for consistency. Also has a limited world edit available to all players.

    • Terraria Server

      -We recently finished our playthrough of the Journey's End update, but we're willing to start a new playthrough if there's enough community interest!

    • Modded Minecraft server

      -We recently created a joint modded server with the Dominion community mentioned previously. We began this modded server on August 13th, running the FTB Revelations due to its emphasis on performance, stability, and easier learning curve for newer players. Just give yourself the Modded Minecraft role in our self-assign-roles channel once you are accepted onto our server to gain access!

    • Other Minecraft gamemodes & community events

      -We've hosted numerous UHC events and other gamemodes in the past and they always go down really well! These events are a great way to socialize with people on our server that you would've otherwise never spoken to before, so we hope you join us! We've also hosted other community events, like build battles on the Vanilla server. Let us know what you're interested in and we'll see what we can do!


    The complete list of rules can be found on our Discord. This is an abbreviated version of the official Project Nebula rules:

    • Don't be a dick (aka: the Golden Rule ™)

    • No griefing or stealing.

    • PvP is allowed only with consent from BOTH PARTIES.

    • No hacked clients or client-side mods that provide an unfair advantage. Ask a staff member if you are unsure.

    • No slurs or offensive statements that attack someone's religion, gender, or other beliefs.

    • Discord and a working microphone are required.

    • This community leans towards applicants that are 18+. However, this is not a strict rule, and we encourage everyone to apply, no matter their age. We base our whitelist decisions based on maturity rather than age, but simply prefer applicants that are a closer age to ourselves (which means 18 years and up).

    • Just be nice and friendly, we're all here to have a good time! :)

    • A full list of rules can be found on our Discord.

    Server Specifications

    We recently purchased a server from DedicatedMC! Here are the specs:

    • Ryzen 9 3900x - 3.8GHz

    • 10 GB allocated

    • 1 TB NVME SSD

    • Hosted in Los Angeles, California

    We seriously value input from all our applicants and members, so if you have any suggestions at all to alter rules or host other games, we'd love to hear them! Feel free to message us on Discord or Reddit with any questions you may have.

    We hope you consider applying to our server!!!

    submitted by /u/princessviddi
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    TurtleSMP [Semi-Vanilla]{Discord}{1.16.2}{Whitelist}{Hermitcraft-Based}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    We are now accepting a wave of new players!

    Join the community of 30+ active players who are always welcoming and happy to lend a hand!
    Absolutely everything on the server is done in survival, we're focused on a big projects and builds but everyone is welcome to play to their own style!

    We are looking for more like-minded players who are respectful, friendly and are committed enough to play regularly for the foreseeable future! Completely free to join and get whitelisted; the community has been running since 1.13 released and isn't slowing down anytime soon!


    Sincethe 1.16 Update we are starting a fresh world save with a twist: Half the world will get reset every major update; so those who enjoy end-game content can play simultaneously with those enjoying the new features, all within mere blocks of spawn!

    • 5GB server up 24/7 located in North America
    • No enderman, ghast or creeper griefing
    • One player sleep
    • Several Vanilla Tweaks datapacks (minor QoL changes, see discord info tab)
    • New events, community projects and themes are regularly organised to keep the community strong and reduce burnout
    • Community run in-game shops, games and projects
    • Dynmap: http://turtlesmp.apexmc.co:5050/index.html#


    Simply no griefing or stealing, be mature and an active member of the server and community!

    Screenshots from past worlds: https://imgur.com/gallery/HL7GBsU

    To join head to our Discord: https://discord.gg/JJwmFQu

    Join our discord or comment below for more info!

    submitted by /u/TommyD_55
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    Corona Capture the Flag [PvP] {Capture the Flag} {Classes} {Custom Abilities} {1.15.2+}

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Ip: play.corona-ctf.com

    Website: https://corona-ctf.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/X756mkt

    Trailer: https://youtu.be/1Z8YlpFU6-U

    Corona CTF is a pure capture the flag server. We offer a deep, rich, class-based PvP experience with a host of custom-coded abilities that add a new layer to 1.15.2 combat. Styled after other action games, we offer a complex and rewarding combat system like nothing you have seen before in Minecraft.

    Here is a gif showcasing one of our Ranger abilities that creates a thorny thicket wherever the arrow lands!

    We offer a progression system that simultaneously rewards you for playing but without making veteran players overpowered. There are no donor-specific classes, abilities, or game altering bonuses. Each class has an ultimate ability that you gain progress for over the course of a match. Activate it to unleash havoc on the enemy team to turn the game in your favor.

    Key Features

    • Capture the Flag PvP
    • 12 Custom Warzones
    • 9 Playable Classes
    • 60+ Custom Abilities
    • Progression System
    • Active Discord with team chats (https://discord.gg/X756mkt)
    • No Donor-Specific Gameplay Rewards
    • Friendly and Active Staff and Community

    If you are interested in game play, I will be streaming the server tonight on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/malatak1!

    Come play with us tonight, at play.corona-ctf.com

    submitted by /u/Malatak1
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    Netherite Hoarders [Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:26 AM PDT


    the Rules to the server are all desribed in the Discord server, but they are pretty simple like don't steal, grief or annoy people.

    one Important tule is that travalling on the nether roof is not allowed. This basicly means, if you go ontop of the roof, you leave through the same portal or hole. You can still build farms and all on the roof and the rules are not too strict, breaking them once surely wont get you banned.


    This is a Hermitcraft-like server with a small Comunity at the moment. We want to get some more players on the server, to make it more intresting. Most active players so far have Netherite or diamond armour and some farms, but were still at the beginning of the server. The other players are kind enough to help you out a bit, but don't expect that we give you netherite gear at the start.

    The seed is available to all players and there are plans for a Live-Map but i could not implement one for 1.16 yet.

    We only have some Datapacks to make life better, but it is still running on vanilla Minecraft.


    At the time of writing this, there are usually 1-2 players online at one time. This is why im writing this. The people on the server are very nice and i hope you would be too. :D


    So far we had no problem with lags on the server. It's was down for some hours a few time, but thats rare as well. When too many new Players join the server, the link might be removed, because the server would lag if so many players would be online.


    If you want to join, you have to join this Discord server: https://discord.gg/bCFTzhh. There is no way around that, the reason for this is, so I can post something there an be sure everybody know, what i wanted to say. I don't want to write updates on 5 diffrent platforms so everybody has to use Discord.

    You can invite friends too, but this might be disabled, if we get too many players on the server.

    submitted by /u/Schoggi0815
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    DornwichMC Minecraft Server {1.16.1} {Java} {Economy} {Dungeons} {Discord}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:15 AM PDT


    IP: play.dornwichmc.com

    Server version: 1.16.1 - 1.16.2 (native 1.16.1)

    EULA: Compliant

    DornwichMC was created so that both Vanilla and those who want something different can enjoy. It is a Survival/RPG server with a lot of custom items which you can obtain in our Dungeons. We have an item based economy with no virtual currency whatsoever. We are a new server, so we hope you have fun. To connect with us and report issues, join our discord: discord.gg/EvEupHa. Some of our awesome features include:

    » Land claiming and anti-grief rules with block logs

    » Auto playtime based rank system with unique perks with each rank

    » Item based economy with no virtual currency whatsoever

    » Dungeons and mobs with rare items and armor drops

    » Due to our item based economy, player shops can trade with anything that they want

    » Warp system to teleport to common locations and player shops

    » Pet system with MyPet, so that you don't lose your favorite pets to those pesky monsters

    Discord: discord.gg/EvEupHa

    submitted by /u/ronssanity
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    Permitcraft [Vanilla] {HermitCraft-like} {Whitelist} {Global} {1.16.2} {Java}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    We're looking for new members!
    We are permitcraft, we're on our second year, and looking for new members to join us.
    We're a hermitcraft like, fully vanilla server, only using Fabric and performance mods like lithium and phosphor.

    What do we offer?
    - Super friendly, laid back, and inclusive community.
    - Friendly moderation/admin team
    - Anybody can play: simply apply!
    - Yearly resets

    When do we run?
    We run 24/7 with support from our patreons.

    Join our discord here: http://permitcraft.atomicvr.co.uk

    submitted by /u/trunkyredstone
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    MONUMENTA [PVE] {MMO} {RPG} {CTM} {1.15.2} {Dungeons} {Classes} {Quests} {Bosses} {Survival}

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    Monumenta is a free, Minecraft-based "Complete the Monument" MMORPG.

    Server IP (1.15.2) - server.playmonumenta.com

    Website - playmonumenta.com

    Trailer - https://youtu.be/nr-V4Ie5Dq8

    Discord - discord.gg/eep9qcu

    Centered around difficult, Survival-mode adventure and enhanced "Vanilla+" combat mechanics, Monumenta provides a unique experience to those looking for a cooperative extension to their vanilla experience.

    • Multiple vast, totally custom overworlds populated by scores of respawning mini-dungeons.
    • 17 huge, unique dungeons, each with their own theme, mobs, and loot
    • Seven player classes, each with special abilities, gear and playstyles to augment vanilla combat mechanics.
    • Dozens of quests, with puzzles, interactable dialogue, and a grand story connecting it all
    • Hundreds of named, custom gear pieces
    • Bosses, races, parkour, daily quests, periodic events, and more!

    Server Rules

    Join today!

    submitted by /u/MonumentaMMO
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    A Scoop of Vanilla [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.15.2}{Paper}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    IP: asov.info

    Subreddit: /r/asov

    Server Location: East Coast

    Current Map Start Date: 07/13/2019

    To apply to join: Application

    Who are we?

    A Scoop of Vanilla is a friendly Minecraft orientated gaming community and has been in operation for over 8 years. We just started our 9th map on July 13th 2019. This is a long-term map with no reset planned for at least a year. Here is a community made photo album of their first week on the last map! While Minecraft is our main love, many in the community also play many other games together such as Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, League of Legends and PUBG. We are a very welcoming, friendly, and inclusive community from all over the world looking to grow and meet new friends.

    What makes us different

    Our community is the defining feature of the server. A Scoop of Vanilla has a server culture of being extremely friendly and social. It is not uncommon for members to end up exchanging contact information or adding each other on social media and becoming friends beyond the scope of the game. As far as server operation goes our admin team has taken it upon themselves to host the server at personal cost, not asking for or accepting any donations. Thus, avoiding all donation scheme shenanigans. Lastly, we run events and stories called Adventure Quests that weave elaborate tales for our players to uncover for exciting rewards!

    Server Features

    • 99.99% Vanilla Gameplay Experience

    • Established Positive Community

    • Fun and Fair Staff

    • Server events and games

    • Ultra Hard Core Events

    • World Border of +/- 8k

    • Grief Protection

    • Dedicated Server

    • Steam Group

    • Very Active Discord Group

    Server Rules

    • No griefing or stealing

    • Be nice. No harassment of any kind.

    • PVP is NOT allowed. Unless both parties agree to it.

    • You break it, you fix it.

    • No Spam

    • Full list of rules can be found here as well as on our subreddit /r/asov

    Want to Join?

    We are looking for players who enjoy building and playing the game. We welcome all players new and experienced. We welcome all ages but expect a high level of maturity from all players regardless of age. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards theft, griefing and drama making. To apply simply click here and fill out a quick application. We look at all applications within 24 hours and will respond in a fast and timely manner.


    Jarl_Big_Johnson, Fh2Hi, Kazra, fo11ow3r, and synthmarie


    Worldguard, CoreProtect, Worldedit, DiscordSRV

    These plugins are only used for rollback purposes in very rare events of griefing. There are no "land claims" or "locked chests" or "teleports" or other any other non-vanilla interactions.

    Thanks for reading and if you feel that A Scoop of Vanilla is a good match for what you seek in a server I invite you to apply today!

    submitted by /u/ASOV_Server
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    PlexusMC [SMP]{1.16.2}{Custom Plugins}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    IP: play.plexusmc.net


    At Plexus we strive to be open, honest, fair and transparent in everything we do. Our growth plan is built around four key areas: extending our leadership; maximizing value; Indifference; and nurturing talent. Our community is depended on trust, freedom of speech and equality. The Plexus team have successfully created a unique aspect to Minecraft with out taking away the original idea that had made the game popular to begin with.

    The current server that we are running as a Minecraft Survival 1.16.2 server based on Towny. The server has been in development by some of our awesome volunteers for the past 8 months, and is getting close to the end. Every aspect of this server has been tested and thought out by a lot of people, and the entire server is based on 3 years of player's constructive criticism. The server is play to win and based on building the best Minecraft community.


    Jobs: Make money and upload cool abilities and permissions as you rankup though the heavily-configured jobs plugin

    Rankup: Work your way through the rank ladder to gain more permissions like /fly with nothing but in-game money

    Towny: An advanced land claim plugin, build massive nations of people and start wars with others. Create public grinders, farms and shops and control the permissions how you want.

    Mcmmo: The new MCMMO plugin, like the classic but revamped. Get to the top of the list and unlock the awesome abilities with it.

    Hidden Lore: For those who want a challenge of the mind, solve the various puzzles best the bosses of the server and be the first unlock the store behind the server.

    Custom.Enchants: Absolutely insane enchantments you can buy with xp, like the ability to mine a 7x7 area by breaking one block, or the ability to make 30 levels of xp in 10 seconds by mining stone.

    submitted by /u/Nikki_PlexusMC
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    Xbox Servers [Wanted] [Vanilla]

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm new here (both reddit itself and this subreddit). I love Minecraft and I've owned it since its initial release on Xbox 360, then its release on the Xbox One. I've never really played online as my internet connection has been awful in the area I live, but I've recently got decent internet so I can finally play games online properly. I'm looking for a server to play on that is compatible with the Xbox edition. Roleplay is optional. I'm also not bothered whether it's creative or survival. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/NinjaGremlin94
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    Beyond Bedrock Beyond Bedrock [Semi-Vanilla] {21+} {Whitelisted} {1.16.1} {Survival} {Java}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    ▬ Welcome to Beyond Bedrock ▬

    Beyond Bedrock is a Java Edition Minecraft server hosted by UK players from long term

    Minecraft communities since 2011. Through the years we have made many friends with whom

    we still talk to on a day to day basis. We continue to grow our community and welcome more

    members to join.

    Live Map

    We keep exploration hidden to maintain the fun of discovery and only show bases that players

    submit to be shown: map.beyondbedrock.com


    We allow players the ability to send TPA requests to their friends.

    Game Mechanics

    Here are some alterations we have made to our server.

    ● Phantoms are disabled - Bats drop Membranes.

    ● Day Time cycle increased from 10 to 20 minutes.

    ● Night Time cycle cannot be skipped via beds (can still set spawn point).

    ● Lightning Fire Spread is disabled.

    ● Replant crops automatically with hoe tool.

    ● Sponge blocks are craftable.

    ● Sandstone can turn back to sand.

    ● Faster Minecart system.

    ● Dragon drops Elytra.

    ● Tree Felling & Vein Mining

    ● Chest Sorting

    ● Creepers, Enderman, Ghasts, cannot pick up/damage blocks.

    ● Pet Protection - Pets cannot be harmed by players.

    ● Sign Chest Protection (Unprotected chests do not warrant theft).

    ● Market to trade items with other players.

    ● Mobs have a chance to drop their heads.

    ● Additional Advancements - Can be viewed in Advancement Tab.


    We do have some rules we require players to follow.

    ● We are an English speaking server, please speak English in public chats.

    ● No griefing or stealing.

    ● No harassment in chat of any kind.

    ● Avoid being inappropriate in chat, most notably sexual comments, and media.

    ● PVP is allowed, however, you must gain the consent of the member who you plan to

    PVP with.

    ● No Cheating of any means to give an unfair advantage (Duplicating, X-Ray resource

    packs, map modification mods, obtaining seed, scripts of any kind, flying, ...).

    Server Information

    Server IP: beyondbedrock.com

    Website: https://info.beyondbedrock.com/

    Want to join us?

    To apply OR find out more about us, join our [Discord Here!]

    We look forward to playing with you!

    submitted by /u/Nassaluu
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    Chicken Pie Craft [Vanilla] {1.16.1} {whitelist} {Discord} {old geezers}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    The Chicken Pie Craft community was started in december 2013 and is populated by a steady group of 'old' players, mostly age 30+. We enjoy longterm vanilla survival gameplay to unwind after our daily tasks. Our maps usually last at least a year, and some of us build some amazingly large projects! We launched our current world in the first week of july.

    We have a creative server for redstone and design experimentation. We have a second server with a different jarfile and a webmap. We use Discord for voice communication . We do not use the nether roof. We welcome players from all over the globe. Our experience is that your connection will be good. If you are an old geezer or geezette just like us and you think this is just the right community for you, please send me a pm. Tell me why you're interested in joining the server, what kind of member you would be, and what you think of the third rule. I will get in touch with you and I'll send you a Discord invititation.

    • Server Name: Chicken Pie Craft
    • Server Location: Chicago, USA
    • Whitelist: yes
    • Version: 1.16.1 Java
    • Game Play: SMP, vanilla
    • Difficulty: hard
    • PvP: on for those who engage with mutual consent
    • Our subreddit for occasional boastposts: https://www.reddit.com/r/chickenpiecraft/
    • See the owner: owner

    Rules: We happily provide a safe and fun community experience. You're most welcome to join and enjoy it. You're required to contribute to the safe and fun community experience at all times.

    • No stealing. No griefing. PvP only with mutual consent. Please ask before harvesting another player's crops or livestock. Breed and replant. You can build anywhere, but please be considerate of your neighbors. Ask permission before altering anyone's builds.
    • No cheating. Please ask before using any mods. No hacks, no minimaps. Do not mess with bedrock or portal blocks, do not abuse (duplication) glitches. Refrain from using the nether roof, it's too OP for vanilla gameplay.
    • Preserve nature. Travellers bring your own food! You're not allowed to kill the wildlife; it is there to be domesticated by those who settle down.
    • Be pleasant and appropriate. Please greet, be polite and helpful, behave like a kind neighbour. No swearing, no belligerence, no inappropriate exchanges. Don't get too personal, don't play the players, just play the game. Regulars refrain from incrowd interactions until the newcomer / casual visitor has settled in.
    • Use the ingame chat. Please let others know when you're on the voice server, so they can choose to join you. Being logged in on the voice server is never an excuse for a failure to be active and welcoming in chat towards those who can't participate in the voice communication. Read and follow the voice server usage rules published in the announcements section.
    • No agitating. If you're confronted with unpleasant behaviour, contact me through whisper or a pm. Public discussion about rulebreaking is not allowed because it ruins the fun. If you have a suspicion, I expect you to involve me and to be frank, firm, factual and friendly towards the player we'll have to sort it out with.
    • No bigotry. No racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.... Not even joking around. Just don't go there.
    submitted by /u/Redaktiv
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    SuperFunTime Survival [SMP][PvE] {Economy}{MCMMO}{Custom Plugins}{Updated to 1.16.1}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Visit our Website: Keep up to date with our recent news! http://www.superfuntime.org

    Join our discord! It's linked to our servers so you can stay in touch even from your phone when you cant play Minecraft! It also has a range of other great channels to keep you entertained! - https://discord.gg/vpKyZk3

    Who are we? Super Fun Time is an active and established gaming community which has been going strong for more than 8 years! We put our focus on an enhanced vanilla Minecraft server along with several modded servers. Super Fun Time is a community of players that enjoy to build, have fun, and occasionally fall in some lava by accident. It is a great place to come around and grow with the amazing community of dedicated players! We strive to provide an inclusive experience for all of our players, regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.

    Our Survival Server: On Survival we have an amazing staff team who are always willing to help, we will answer any questions you have and we even protect your builds for you! We have McMMO with custom XP rates, Slimefun, EliteMobs, Pyrofishing and Pyromining so you will always have something entertaining to do! We have an active economy with an auction house, player run shops and a server shop which is opened by our Managers multiple times a day. There is also SteveCo crates which all have different themed items in them! We have an active EventHost team who host a range of amazing events that you can find in /w3 and we have a big event every weekend with a larger prize than normal! Come and check it out at: play.superfuntime.org

    Our Prison Server: Our Prison server is currently offline right now in preparation for the next release!

    Our Pixelmon Server: Our Pixelmon Server running Pixelmon Generations 2.8.0 has a wonderful community built up over the years. In addition we include features like: NPC Gyms, Player ran Gyms, GTS, Wondertrade, Pokehunt, Teams, Clubs & more! Since we use a custom modpack for our server we can also include unique mods like CustomNPCs, Pam's Harvestcraft, Quark, Chisel, Chisel and bits, Iron chests, Biomes O Plenty and some others that give us a more interesting way of playing Minecraft. We are always expanding and you can see many creative aspects to our take on pixelmon by downloading the SFT Pixelmon Pack on Technic Search this in your technic launcher to find our pack! https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/sft-pixelmon.162655 If you are missing our IP you can connect using: pixelmon.sftmc.org:1339

    We hope to see you in-game! <3

    Our Modded Server: The Modded Server has just launched Stoneblock 2! A skyblock based modpack where you spawn in a cave and follow the quests to journey throughout the pack! We're a PvE server with claims, although PvP is allowed if both sides agree! As well as a great modpack, we have many features to help satisfy this as the best choice; - Events --> Of all kinds to satisfy any boredom; Quiz, Wipeout & more! - Special Ranks --> given specifically by playtime! Containing new kits with both tech & magic paths - Active/Friendly Staff --> always willing to help with your modpack and server struggles. They wont let you down! - Friendly Community --> full of many players willing to help with any of your needs and boredom. To play on the Stoneblock 2 server, download it from The Twitch Launcher and then add the IP: moded.superfuntime.org and come join the fun!

    Creative: If you want to mess around on our creative server join survival and type /creative

    Rules Overview: No griefing/stealingRespect other playersNo hacking, x-ray, or anything similarFor more detailed rules, see the rules list -> http://www.superfuntime.org/rules

    Server Hardware: Dedicated server: - AMD EPYC / 16 Cores 32 Threads / 128GB DDR4 / 1TB nVME RAID1

    Owners: TowelieDOH, Dpa1991, saywhat2365, Blalp

    Did you know CaptainSparklez made a video about us? Check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7HKXMxQbW8

    Don't forget to check out what Jesus thinks: https://youtu.be/C986V0qsuPA

    Check out the trailer for our Survival's new Event World: https://youtu.be/EXBzSJOYLew

    submitted by /u/SFTMedia
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    JeffiCraft [SMP] {Any Age} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Hello! JeffiCraft is a survival Minecraft server with six active people atm. We've been playing on the server for 4 days now. We're looking for about 15 new people. To join you have to do an interview with me, to do that DM me if you're interested and I'll start asking you questions. We don't have a discord server atm but it's coming soon.

    Have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/ElmerPelmer09
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    Pinchcliffe SMP [PvE] {1.16.2} {Survival} {MCMMO} {Economy} {GriefPrevention}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    About Us

    We aim to be a small-medium sized survival server with an oldschool feel. We like the relaxed community atmosphere that comes with being part of a small-medium sized survival server. The server has been around for about 9 years. Both the server and the community have evolved greatly over this time and still continues to do so.

    IP: play.pinchcliffesmp.com

    Server Features:


    Our server features an economy system, wherein players can buy, sell, and trade items and services between each other, the market place, or the shopkeeper. Our shopkeeper sells nearly every item ingame, and likewise players can /sell nearly every item ingame.

    In addition to money, we also use "Merit" points, earned through completing daily tasks and voting. These can be used to purchase ranks, lucky blocks, etc. through the website store.


    We run a PvE server, so you won't find PvP or griefing in the survival world. We have a land claiming plugin in place to help you protect your homes and keep your valuables safe.


    We have mcMMO on Pinchcliffe, a plugin which implements a levelling system for various minecraft tasks, such as mining, woodcutting, taming, and archery. Level up by simply performing these tasks in your play time, and watch as these skills become more and more powerful.

    Extra Hard:

    Our server difficulty is currently set to hard. We have a system in place to increase the amount of monsters that spawn near the player, truly making nights something to fear.

    Daily Tasks:

    To keep you supplied with a goal moving forward, we have a daily task NPC so that each day you log in, you have a goal from the get-go, and an extra means of earning item/money/point rewards.

    Server Info

    Slots: 100

    IP: play.pinchcliffesmp.com or

    Notable Plugins: Paper, Economy, CMI, GriefPrevention, MCMMO, EpicHoppers, EpicSpawners, PocketGames, and many custom features

    Discord: https://discord.gg/5A7Q5MB

    Website: http://www.pinchcliffesmp.com/


    1.) No hacking / bug abuse / exploits

    2.) No griefing / stealing from other players homes / chests

    3.) No spamming

    4.) Treat all players with respect

    5.) No cursing / foul language in excess

    6.) No advertising (Servers)

    7.) Don't beg for staff ranks / items

    8.) Don't impersonate staff members / lie about staff decisions

    9.) No overcrowded mob traps / animal farms

    IP: play.pinchcliffesmp.com

    submitted by /u/PinchcliffeSMP
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    Near Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Mature 18+} {Whitelisted} {Community} {1.16.1} {Survival}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Hey all, thanks for your interest in the Near Vanilla Server.

    If you're 18+ and looking for a fun, relaxed, and community driven server, then Near Vanilla is the place for you! We offer a Multiplayer experience in a Vanilla Minecraft world, where you can create and make whatever you like in a safe and positive environment.

    About the server:

    Oftentimes the multiplayer experience can negatively impact the vanilla minecraft experience, or vice versa. Therefore, the only plugins we have aid grief prevention, administration, and those that enhance the vanilla multiplayer experience. With a dedicated discord and an admin team, we're sure that you'll enjoy a great multiplayer experience on our server without issue. With the game difficulty set to hard, and PVP enabled (although only used for consensual purposes) you'll for sure need to make a friend or two to keep the zombies at bay!

    Who we are:

    We're a bunch of 18+ from all walks of life that have come together to play Minecraft to create, build, collect and explore. Near Vanilla provides that perfect place for us because we have an emphasis on putting real life first and so our server is kept as a place for fun and relaxation with friends. We act and communicate in a responsible manner and therefore expect that others do the same; and as such we are a server free from bullying, griefing, stealing, and general negative attitudes that can unfortunately be found in SMPs often.

    What you can expect:

    The moment you log on to Near Vanilla you can be sure you'll receive a warm welcome, instant offers of help and support, and a server that is really happy to have made an additional friend. Often we run community events and work on projects together, however playing more solo is fine too - there is no pressure! As a group we are extremely interested in your views and opinions, and so generally any changes made to the server are voted on first because we always put our community ahead. Expect to have a say and be heard!

    Lightweight add-ons:

    Deathlog: Let's you know where you died (coordinates), so you don't have to keep your F3 screen open

    Kickafk: Kicks players that afk more than 3 hours

    WanderfulAdditions: Let's you make item frames invisible and control armor stands

    And more, custom plugins created for our server.

    Criteria for being accepted:

    • 18+
    • Being a nice person

    Zero tolerance policy:

    No hacking, glitching or duping allowed. If we see a player do one of these three things there will be no mercy. This will result in a permanent ban.

    No griefing, bullying, insulting or being prejudice to others. Be mindful of the community that you're joining or expect to face disciplinary action.

    Server Specs:

    • CPU reaching up to 4.4 Ghz
    • Fast NVME SSD storage in raid 1 with automatic backups
    • 8 GB of dedicated DDR4 RAM
    • Gigabit internet connection
    • DDOS protection
    • Dedicated server - not shared hosting!

    To apply fill in the following and post it below or use form on our website:

    1. Age:
    2. IGN:
    3. What brings you to our community?
    4. What are some of your goals for this server?
    5. Tell us a little about yourself!

    Our IP is: play.nearvanilla.com

    Our website: https://nearvanilla.com

    Finally, be sure you get yourself on discord and join us here so that you can really get the full Near Vanilla experience. We're friendly, fun and keen to meet you!

    No reddit account? Apply here!

    submitted by /u/OfficialNearVanilla
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    Biome [Semi-Vanilla] {HermitCraft-like} {Whitelist} {Australian} {Community Focused}{1.16.2}{Java}

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    About Biome

    Biome is an Australian based server aiming to emulate Hermitcraft's amazing community and incredible events. We are looking for some players to join our whitelisted server as we are still in the growing stages of our community.

    We try to keep our server as vanilla as possible, while staying close to the ideals of Hermitcraft, with alterations such as singleplayer sleep, playerheads, mobheads, double shulker shells, a Hermitcraft inspired Tag, and more.

    type of players we want

    Ideally the candidates selected would have the following qualities:

    -Dedicated, being able to set your own goals and play long term

    -Creative, build awesome stuff

    -Community driven, player interactions are what makes multiplayer so fun!

    -plan big projects, can either be solo or with others

    If this describes you, and you're looking for a fun Minecraft server to play on, then Biome's the server for you!

    We have a whitelist, which is in place in hopes to root out the griefers and hackers, but isn't something to be intimidated by.

    How to apply:

    1. Visit our website, biome.pw.
    2. Join our discord https://discord.gg/Sm7PfDs (compulsory)
    3. Register an account on the website and fill up the whitelist application
    4. Wait for your application to be accepted!

    This will be announced on discord. It's as easy as that!

    We are a tight-knit community, which means we have a few rules.

    #1 No griefing

    #2 Be respectful

    #3 No hacked clients.

    #4 Have fun!

    We look forward to seeing you soon...

    The Biome Team

    submitted by /u/biome_pw
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    ToxicSMP [Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {16+} {Discord}{Datapacks}{1.16.1}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Toxic SMP is a vanilla whitelist survival Minecraft server. We are currently a small group of players. We welcome all countries! Staff do not cheat.They will NOT hand out items or give you any advantages over other players.


    No griefing

    No stealing

    No PVP unless the other player/s agree to it.

    And obviously NO cheating


    Host: GGservers

    Location: France

    Memory: 8GB (Just upgraded)

    Version 1.16.1

    Difficulty: Medium, but possibly going hard in the future.

    Current enabled datapacks: https://gyazo.com/5276cf94f8c6144813610fc2e01f6357

    If you would like to join, comment on this post with your discord name or message me, you will be asked a few questions on disc and then accepted or declined. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/ImNotToxicISwear98
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    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Hey, We are a small community at the moment, Our server is a towny server called Forsaken mc. Forsaken Mc is a towny server with the Earth map and many addons including, Slimefun, Vehicles, and custom abilities. It would mean a lot if anybody would give our server a chance.

    Server ip: play.forsaken-mc.net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/aQQps7W

    Website: https://forsaken-mc.net/index.php?route=/

    submitted by /u/fdrrss
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    Universal Outpost [Semi-Vanilla] {Spleef} {Factions} {Minigames}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Welcome to Universal Outpost! We are a very young Earth SMP Faction. * Server Address: universaloutpost.net * Server Location: United States Eastern * Minecraft Version: 1.16 * Additional Worlds: Lobby, Earthsmp * Game Play Type/s: [Semi-Vanilla] [PvP] [Hub] [Factions] [Spleef] * Plugins: [Action House] [RTP] [Drop Heads] [Essentials] [FactionsUUID] [Holographic Displays] [Jobs] [mcMMO] [Multiverse-Core] [Multiverse-Inventories] [PlaceholderAPI] [Scoreboard-Revision] [Specialized Crates] [Vault] [World Boarder] [World Edit] [World Guard] [Player Particles] [Citizens] [EconomyShopGUI] [TAB] [Anti-Cheat] [MOTD] [Bungee]

    • Features: Loot Crates, Jobs, Economy, Server shop, Custom Generated Earth Map, Discord Server, Raiding and looting is allowed but no griefing, Young thriving community, Content creator friendly discord server, Advertise on the discord server, Vote on changes and implementations to the server (Only on the discord server), Spleef minigame.

    • Direct message any of the staff for questions or concerns about the server.

    • Staff Discords: Owner: powerfuljl#1291, Co-Owner: Unsoppable Awesomeness#3794, Admin: Golden#3664, Developer: resuni, Moderator: Kkoala800boss#6304.

    • Rules:


    Do not use any form of hacks. (If you need to make sure if something is allowed, than it is most likely not). Do not abuse bugs/glitches. Do not Harass anyone. Do not evade bans with other accounts. Do not be super toxic. Do not ignore staff. Do not abuse glitches. (If a bug or gltich is found, report it to server-bug-reports channel right away and do not abuse it)


    Do NOT grief. This includes using TNT on someone's base or just breaking everything they own. You may steal from their chests everyone has access to open any chest in a claimed area. You may break blocks ONLY if they do not have a door to enter into their base. You may ONLY steal if your are enemies with the faction.

    submitted by /u/Unsoppable_YT
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    Simplecraft [SMP] {1.16.1} {Economy} {Events}

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    Server IP: play.simplecraft.org

    Discord Link

    Watch the Server Trailer on Youtube

    Simplecraft Instagram

    Simplecraft Website

    Top tips for starting out!

    · Use /rtp to get teleported to a random location in the world

    · Make sure to use /sethome (home name) so you can get back to your home with /home (home name) (Remember you can set up to 100 of these!)

    · The /warp socialhub will get you to the player built shopping district (You earn $100 per hour of actively playing)

    · Talk to players! Get to know em make some friends!

    · Make sure to read the rules!

    Server rules are simple:

    · No griefing

    · No stealing

    · No hacking or cheats of any sorts

    · Be respectful and mature of other players

    · Use your common sense

    · Although swearing is allowed don't go overboard with it

    Cant wait to see you there!

    submitted by /u/Ma_Boi_Jeremy
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    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    Iperios is a growing server that search new players. We are a whitelist server that want to create a geopolitics and diplomatic atmosphere around the server. we also have a towny plugin to create your own town and nation and,if you don't want to create your nation you can also join one that other players created aswell.We also have ressources camp in-game that you can accumulate ressource for geopolitical purposes.If you like survival too you can also exchange farmed ressources for geopolitical ressource(Iron,leather,wool,dyes,wheat,horses and much more!). We also have a in-depth geopolitical book with lots of buildings and military units variety!

    Plugin lists:






    If you ever wanted to know more about us and the server you click on the link below:

    Our dynmap adress:

    -https://www.facebook.com/groups/203761273381878/?multi_permalinks=594741630950505&notif_id=1548597978086046&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic (Our facebook page)

    -https://discord.gg/3KT7w2P(Our discord page)

    Rules of the server:

    1.Be polite and friendly with all the players aswell as the staff.

    2.No griefing or raiding will be tolerated.

    3.Respect the rp and geopolitics scene at all time.

    4.Respect the geopolitical system and don't try to abuse it.

    submitted by /u/Dazandran
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    Iridium [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Java} {1.16.2} {whitelist} {18+}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    Hi there, it's time for my weekly post here!

    We are a Eu based server called Iridium, we are a small group of people who enjoy just playing minecraft all day. Some of us are builders and some of us enjoys building farms but all of us likes to play with more likeminded players!

    Our goal for the server is to have a place to play minecraft with friends, old and new, where you can do your own thing but also interact with the other players of course. We do that by chatting and setting up a shopping area where we can encourage interaction through business and also stopping by each other every now and then.

    The map is around 1 months old and we do not plan on reseting for a long time (when most of us wishes to do so.) The seed is a very large island with small islands scattered all around it and after that semi-enclosed by landmass.

    We do have some basic rules that so we all can have a good time while playing.
    - 18+ (We are all around 25 so it would feel odd to play with much younger players.)
    - No griefing (We backup often so why bother.)
    - Let us know your general location where you plan to build (to prevent building to close to each other.)
    - Respect others property, aka no stealing or things like that.
    - Relax
    - Don't build if you do not wish to commit to the server (Wastes space for other new players)

    If you check all the boxes above please do not hesitate to contact me on discord where we will have a small chat and then you are ready to play.

    Discord : Raxuin#1750

    - EssencialsX
    - LuckyPerms

    - Multiplayer sleep
    - Double Shulker Shells
    - Tresscapitator
    - AFK Display

    Imgur album with pictures from the server

    submitted by /u/Raxuin
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    E Project UK [SMP] {Mature 21+} {Whitelisted} {1.16.2} {Survival} {Java}

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    Welcome to E Project UK

    E Project is a built community of UK and EU friends. We are looking for other players of similar time zones to join us, though we welcome anyone who may wish to apply. We don't aim to be a big public populated server, but a consistent community to play together in our free time, especially afternoons and make new friends on the way.

    Friend referrals from the community are welcome if you wish to bring others along.

    Website: https://www.eproject.uk/

    Server Setup:

    ✅ Default and Amplified generated world. ✅ TPA requests to players. ✅ Phantoms are disabled - Bats drop membranes. ✅ Night Time cycle cannot be skipped via beds. ✅ Auto swap the best tool for the job. ✅ Lightning Fire Spread is disabled. ✅ MCMMO ✅ A library of heads for decoration. ✅ Live Map - Can add markers. ✅ Hopper filters. ✅ Player Market & Auction House. ✅ Upgradable Chest Storage. ✅ Shift-Click toggle visible/invisible item frames. ✅ Armor stand editor. ✅ Big Movable doors/drawbridges. ✅ Custom crafting recipes. ✅ Fast Minecart system. ✅ Secret Switch system for your hidden doors. ✅ Dragon drops Elytra. ✅ Tree Felling & Vein Mining ✅ Creepers, Enderman, Ghasts, cannot pick up/damage blocks. ✅ Pet Protection. ✅ Sign Chest Protection. ✅ Mobs Head Drops. ✅ Optional Visual Improvement pack. ✅ Backpack for limited item protection. 

    We do have some rules we require players to follow.
    1. Please speak English in public chats.
    2. No griefing or stealing.
    3. No harassment in chat of any kind.
    4. Avoid being inappropriate in chat, most notably sexual comments, and media.
    5. No Cheating of any means to give an unfair advantage (Duplicating, X-Ray resource packs, map modification mods, obtaining seed, scripts of any kind, flying, ...).

    Interested to be apart of E Project?

    To apply, click here to fill in the form. You will be sent a friend request for an invitation to the community if successful.

    submitted by /u/BadContent
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