• Breaking News

    Minecraft There should be an advancement for getting your first diamond pickaxe.

    Minecraft There should be an advancement for getting your first diamond pickaxe.

    There should be an advancement for getting your first diamond pickaxe.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    It's one of the biggest milestones of the early game, and the game doesnt recognise it with an advancement. There's one for getting a stone pickaxe (pretty insignificant imo), but not a diamond pickaxe.

    submitted by /u/PhantomMembrane102
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    If a player places a cake on top of another cake, it becomes a layered cake (similar to placing a chest next to another chest).

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    Once a player places a cake on top of another cake, it would become a layered cake. This cake would still decrease per each bite at the same rate, although it would give the player twice as much saturation and food.

    submitted by /u/TheUltraFusion
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    Name Tags Which Haven't Been Renamed Should Be Able To "UnName" Mobs

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Currently, you can name a mob by renaming a name tag, and applying it to the mob.

    However, once you name a mob, that cannot be undone. You can give it another name, but you can't "un-name" the mob, no matter what.

    I think this should be changed, by allowing name tags that haven't been renamed to remove the custom name from mobs.

    This would (possibly) also cause the mob to drop a name tag.

    submitted by /u/Tovitik
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    Elytra Should Be Exempt From Becoming "Too Expensive" To Repair

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    As some of you might already know, you can only repair (or enchant) an item a limited number of times on an anvil before it becomes "Too Expensive" to work on an anvil.

    This is because of a mechanism known as the Prior Work Penalty, whereby items have a higher experience cost for further repairs/enchantments every time they are repaired/enchanted on an anvil.

    I understand why this was put in place, to make it difficult to get items with too many enchantments, and to make players seek out the mending enchantment, as it is the only way to make an item last forever.

    However, Elytra, unlike other tools and armor, are unique in that they are very limited in quantity and very non-renewable.

    Because of this, I feel like Elytra, unlike other tools and armor, because they are soo limited, should be allowed to be repaired without a limit. Their Enchantment cost should be capped at 39.

    Yes, I know what you're thinking, I should Enchant my Elytra with mending. Yes, I can do that, but I don't think it should really be a requirement for Elytra in order to sustainably use them.


    submitted by /u/Tovitik
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    Chorus Boots- A Quick Escape

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Have you ever been cornered by a horde of mobs with no way out? Digging wouldn't work, since mobs would fall into the hole. Building wouldn't work, since the mobs are too close. You can either fight or die trying. What if there was another way out?

    Chorus Boots would be crafted using 4 chorus flowers, so that you wouldn't just go up to one plant and get a couple pairs. They are worn in the boots slot, and can only be enchanted with the various protections (not feather falling), and mending. No unbreaking, and you will see why.

    Chorus Boots are similar to Totems of Undying, in that they can get you out of a sticky situation. When the wearer takes damage of any type except void, status effect, or falling, there is a 30% chance that the boots will trigger, and the player will be randomly teleported to a solid block nearby. When triggered, they break, and can also lose durability from taking any damage.

    I know this may sound overpowered, which is why I've made it unable to get unbreaking or any of the boot specific enchants, as well as being single use.

    EDIT: I have received feedback that this is actually quite underpowered, which is why I will be buffing it.

    New stats: Has a 100% chance to trigger from taking mob, player, void, or lava damage. Can trigger up to 8 times before breaking. It can now receive unbreaking, but no longer mending. Each level of unbreaking adds a set amount of uses, depending on the level. The max is 11 uses in survival. It has the durability and protection level of chainmail boots. Lava damage uses twice the durability, and void damage uses 4 times, and only triggers once the player has reached 5hp (2.5 hearts), meaning it can save you from the void twice, with the cost of most of your life. This is only here because chorus fruits can save you in a similar manner.

    submitted by /u/TerraGamer9384
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    In Creative Mode, Players Should Once Again Be Able To Extinguish Fire With a Sword or Trident

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    In previous versions, although creative players could not destroy blocks while holding a sword or a trident, they could extinguish fire.

    In 1.16, that changed. Creative mode players can no longer extinguish fire while holding a sword or a trident.

    This should be changed back, and allow me to explain why I think this.

    Imagine a creation you just built catches on fire. Naturally, you frantically click around to extinguish the fire.

    In previous versions, you could do this with a sword, which would be ideal, because you wouldn't destroy your own creation in the process. You would only get rid of the fire.

    But now, you can't use a sword, meaning that you can't frantically extinguish fires without accidentally breaking a bunch of blocks, which is annoying to replace.

    In most cases, when you are trying to extinguish fire, you don't want to destroy the other blocks, you only want to destroy the fire.

    With the previous system, this could be accomplished, but now, creative players cannot frantically put out fires anymore in a safe way.

    Because of this, I think this should be changed back to the way it used to be.

    submitted by /u/Tovitik
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    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    Fireflies could spawn in plains, jungle, swamps and all types of forests. They could give a light level of one when flying around bit they could be caught in an empty lantern(crafted like a normal lantern except the torch is replaced with a glass pane). Up to seven could be caught at a time meaning that the maximum light level would be seven but you could also have a light level of 4 for example. You can catch fireflies by right clicking them with an empty lantern.

    To release the fireflies you have to mine the lantern(without silk touch) and the lantern will be given back to you and the fireflies would despawn if it was day and of it was night they would pathfind to outside. Also during the day the fireflies trapped in the lantern would stop producing light so the lantern would only work at night. (This would also give a block update so it can be used as a ghetto daylight sensor). If you mine the lantern with silk touch you can pick up the lantern with the fireflies in it.

    I just think this would make night more beautiful in the game.

    submitted by /u/o_noob_one
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    The jungle update! Mojang, this’d be epic too!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    The jungle update! Mojang, this'd be epic too!

    In this post I will try to cover some of my ideas about a jungle illager or the jungler: guardian of the jungle temple, and what I would think would be the best biome update yet

    new weapons: the spear and blowgun

    The spear would be similar to the trident but would be more functional above land. First of all, the way bedrock does cauldrons and tipped arrows is far superior than Java's. It brings uses to cauldrons and makes tipped arrows something that you might actually use. This might not make sense why I am mentioning this now but you'll understand later. You can craft the spear with a flint in the top, and a stick in the middle, and another stick on the bottom. maybe to make it less op (it's pretty strong) spears would be something you get from the jungle temple. Like the trident, the spear can be used in up close combat but also ranged combat. Up close the spear would deal 5.5 points of damage and at range would deal 6.5 points of damage. Up close and far away, the shield would be pretty good for deflecting Spears. I was thinking about what enchantments from the trident should be possible for the spear, and since riptide, impaling, and channeling are water themed, they don't really fit the theme of the spear. I thought about loyalty though, and I think that could fit, but maybe it would be more fitting if when you crafted a lead and the spear together then it would automatically come back to you. Also like arrows, Spears can be tipped in potions and whenever you click them in a cauldron with potions in it, it will become tipped, they can also become spectral Spears too! Another idea I had that was when you dip a spear or arrow in a cauldron with milk inside, it will become a arrow, or spear of diffusing and would end the effects of any potion effect. (Also add milk bottles) Spears would probably really change PvP, but I think that would be pretty good since Minecraft's pvp can become bland at times, and Spears would be a nice addition (btw to any mods out there, I was told by orangevg that even though it's on the FPS It can still be here.)

    here is a description of the blowgun: When you craft 3 bamboo in a diagonal line in the crafting grid, you will get a blowgun. A regular bow takes about 1.2 seconds to fully pull back but the blowgun would only take would only take 1 half of a second. "But that would be overpowered if you can fire arrows that fast", you're probably thinking, well you wouldn't fire arrows out of a blowgun. You would fire darts! You can craft a dart with one iron nugget above a feather. The quick shooting of the blowgun would make it a valuable ranged weapon. But guess what, that's not all! The darts can be tipped just like arrows! Maybe they could be enchanted with an enchantment I thought of: barrage, this enchantment would all you to fire one dart, but then in mid-fligh, it would split into 5 darts. But thats just barrage 1, because barrage 2 would allow you to split into 10.You would only be able to get back one dart, but it would also only cost one. I wanted the blowgun to have some of the crossbow's enchantments but I think those are all that crossbows really have going for them. maybe a quick charge would be nice, so you can fire even faster (0.3 of a second) But hey! Now we can play darts with the target block! Also the darts would have a low knockback.

    overall better jungles

    Picture it, jungle villages suspended in trees, lush jungle wildlife with greenery and poison dart frogs that can be an easy way to get poison sacs, and an updated jungle temple with brand new guardians of it. there would also be phirannas fond in jungle rivers and ponds, these guys attack, but it takes 3 to do 1 heart of damage, and do little knockback, so don't worry, I'm sure since they don't have a drop, no player is gonna want to kill these things, in fact i want one for my aquarium. Let's get on to the new plants, I think on jungle trees there could now be bananas, similar to cocoa beans, they hang on the side, or could be in the leaves. There could also be some sort of snatcher plant, like a Venus fly trap mob similar to This one. I would like if the ferns could also have a red fern counterpart. don't forget your new favorite mob, the monkey! Found hopping from tree to tree, sometimes these fellas will get curious and show off some personality. (literally, these guys have personality like pandas) when a monkey sees you doing something, he has a chance to do it too, like if you enter a bed the monkey might close his eyes, or if you eat food, the monkey will mimic the animation, and also the monkey will imitate you using the hand like hitting something or entering a UI. To tame the monkey, give him some bananas and he will gladly eat them, and jump on your head. He will also sit down on barrels. Did I mention that when you send something in chat, the monkey will look at you and go "ooh ooh, ah ah"? Well, he does, the monkey can be found fairly commonly. The monkey also can come in a range of colors from tan to black,and they will form monkey trains of them picking each other's fur. I think the overall ambience of the jungle should be improved, for example after a long rain, you will see fog like in the basalt deltas, and water hear dripping. You can sometimes hear cicadas, or the croaking of the dart frogs. Monkeys would make sounds fairly often. Parrots and ocelots are actually quite rare, so I think it would benefit if they were more common and you could hear more bird and purring sounds. There would also be a new toucan mob, that makes more of a squack sound than the parrot, and it also has more of a real flying animation. Here u/CoolioAruff made this nice model for the toucan:

    pretty good huh?

    The new jungle illager

    I think the guardians of the jungle temple should only be found at the jungle temple like how the sea guardians are only found in the ocean monument. When I picture the guardians of the jungle I thought of the short guys called the Kakamora in the Disney film, Moana. They would be cute and small but also ferocious with their Spears and blow darts of tipped in harming harming potions. Maybe they would terrorize any villagers that wander near their temple. That sounds pretty similar to how pillagers would act in their outpost. Maybe they could be a very short illager variant: the jungler? I would personally like it more if they were more similar to the coconut heads in Moana, but I understand that there are rules of copyright and welcome any new illager variant. The jungle-er could also wear colorful face paint. there would be jungle villages suspended in trees with bridges connecting and thatch roofs that would be hay bale stairs But instead of normal raids in jungles you would have the jungle guardians attack the villagers in trees. Since the illagers can easily jump from treetop to treetop it would really be a challeng. I would love to see an update to the jungle temple, one puzzle could have mirrors and a natural light ray that you have to hit one part of the room by rotating the mirrors but you can't skip because you have mining fatigue! And you can swing on blocky vines and do parkour. Inspired by makenstiens video of course.

    if you liked this post you'll probably love my Beach update post!

    submitted by /u/Universeturkey
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    Improved noteblocks

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Improved noteblocks

    Noteblocks. They are pretty cool, but cool enough? Their use is limited, so let's fix it by improving them.

    Double Note Blocks

    for a long time, noteblock enthusiasts have wanted to hold notes, so here is my concept, place one noteblock right next to another one while shifting to make a double noteblock, then when it recieves a redstone signal, it holds that note for twice as long, i think it could go up to a five block long chain. You can still place two note blocks next to eachother like regular, just don't shift while placing them. Also the texture changes, it would basically be like optifine glass, where borders dissapear down the middle and it just turns into, well a double noteblock.

    Better interaction with note blocks

    currently, if you want to check what note your at, you have to change it, and it takes a while to shuffle through the two octaves. Now, in the f3 screen, when you look at a note block, it would tell you it's note, and the instrument. The awesome quark mode has a good UI, that makes everthing faster and more intuitive, it would be nice to see vanilla get a similar UI.

    thats almost all, i think it would be nice if we could add that comparators give off a signal strength equal to the note being played. also my last thing is that I wish if you craft a noteblock with a paper, you would get the smart noteblocks on vanilla tweaks

    like this one

    Thanks for reading and bye now!

    submitted by /u/Universeturkey
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    Drowned should be given an actual swimming animation to swim after the player

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Just like the player, they should be able to swim horizontally/normally instead of vertically and somehow getting closer to you with no limb movement whatsoever. Think about how scary that would be if you saw them swimming towards you, all you could see is their head looking at you, their feet kicking, and an arm reaching for you. The ocean needs to be more terrifying and this is one way to do it.

    submitted by /u/TheReal_WoodWorker54
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    All pets should be able to tell us they are low on health.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    We all know when Tamed Wolves are on low health when their tales are down.

    All other animals that are tame able should have way to tell us players that. I have a couple of ideas for how some pets cab indicate their low health and I'm sure you do too.

    The segments of Cats' tail will be at different angles depending on its health.

    Horses, Donkeys, Mules and Llamas will have their necks at strange angles.

    Foxes will be slow while attacking.

    Parrots will continuously but slowly flap their wings even when sitting but not go up.

    submitted by /u/S-K_215
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    When you disenchant something in the grindstone, it should tell you how much xp you will receive

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    Below the output slot, it should say how much points (not levels, points) of xp is disenchanting whatever you introduced going to give you. Similar to he anvil, only instead of telling you what it will cost you, it tells you what it will give you. So players can make use of batter judgement before deciding if disenchanting a certain item is worth it or no.

    submitted by /u/TheDragonWarrior2284
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    Make fishes breedable.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    It would be nice if we could breed fishes together using the Fish Bait item, craftable from rotten flesh and wheat.

    submitted by /u/TarkFrench
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    Chainmail under armour

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Chainmail armour should be able to be used as a layer underneath armour as a way to increase armour protection and durability. It should work with all armour types (except itself maybe). Furthermore, since this would probably be an early game thing, I propose that it should be craftable.

    I don't think it should need any more inventory slots, just make sure you put on the chainmail before the armour.

    submitted by /u/Alienguy500
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    New food sources, Oranges and Lemons

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Oranges and Lemons will be found on specific Orange and Lemon trees that are found in Forests. They'll give 2 points of hunger.

    submitted by /u/CurtbroGYT
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    Foxes should steal food that is being cooked on a campfire

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    I think this would be a fun mechanic that would make players pay more attention to their surroundings while cooking

    submitted by /u/FeliElCruc
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    Drinking soup should have the same sound effect as drinking potions or milk

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    Every time a player drink a bowl of soup, the potion/milk sound effect should play instead of the regular eating sound effect.

    submitted by /u/TheUltraFusion
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    The Locust - A threat to your fields

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    And the Lord said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand over Egypt so that locusts swarm over the land and devour everything growing in the fields, everything left by the hail." - Exodus 10:12

    How about a Locust for a new mob? A creature that could be a good source of food or a nightmare to handle!


    A Locust would be a (fairly) small mob that flies around, similar to Bees, whilst having health similar to Endermites and Silverfish.

    Health 8 (4 hearts)

    Locusts would be classed as an Arthropod, and so would be susceptible to the Bane of Arthropods enchantment.


    Locusts would appear in swarms, creating a buzzing sort of sound. They would attempt to eat wheat, potato, carrot, and beetroot crops by attaching themselves to it.

    In their consumption, the crops would be "eaten" by decreasing in age, as though they were "growing backwards". Players would have to take a bit more care with their crops to stave off locust attacks.


    Killing a Locust yields an Inedible Locust. It can't be eaten, but it can be cooked in a Furnace/Smoker to yield a Cooked Locust, which is edible. Both would be stackable.

    Cooked Locust
    Health 5 (2.5 drumsticks)
    Saturation 7.2
    Time to eat 0.865 seconds

    This would make it worth somewhere between Bread and Beetroot Soup in terms of Health and Saturation, whilst being quick to eat (almost twice as fast), similar to Dried Kelp.


    So there you have it, the Locust - a new source of food with some interesting mechanics. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Gleareal
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    Legging enchantment: Bracing

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Bracing would be a Pillager outpost exclusive enchantment.

    Bracing allows you to crouch to increase effectiveness with bows/crossbows, much like how in real life your stance when shooting has a large impact on several factors.

    Each level: Increases the damage by 2%

    Increases range by 5%

    In the case of crossbows, decreases multishot spread by 4%, making it easier to hit people with all three arrows.

    Knockback while crouched is decreased by 0.4 each level (making level 5 equal to two pieces of netherite)

    You also move 3% slower for each level when crouched, however.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Raccoons - A new mob with an interesting mechanic and use.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I've come up with an interview idea for how raccoons could be added to the game.

    The idea is that they will mimic how raccoons are known for eating trash in real life, and will eat/steal from chests and barrels left outside.

    This in itself would encourage base building - I STILL haven't built a base in my world of over two years, so if chests now needed to be covered by a block to stop raccoons from stealing from them, it would encourage players to build houses and/or storage facilities.

    So here are the imgur posts describing the raccoon:





    Yeah, they were originally one post, but somehow got split up. I have no idea how to use imgur properly - if anyone knows how to fix it, that would be appreciated.

    Anyway, thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/DTCHBOYZ203
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    Totem of the void

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Dying to the void can be really annoying. So I propose a totem of the void, a totem that acts as a normal totem but, if you fall into the voidC, you are given levitation and slow falling as to return back to land.

    But wait "this is too OP" To balance this I suggest that the crafting recipe should be a totem + an elytra. This would balance it and also make having more than 2 elytra a use.

    submitted by /u/RyanK_10
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    Milk Bottles

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    First, some notes:

    I know that splash potions of milk are on the FPS but this is regular bottles. You could potentially extend this idea to splash bottles, but this idea is only about regular ones.

    Also, I flaired this as magic as I feel it's more closely associated with potions than other edibles. Just to be clear, milk bottles wouldn't refill any hunger slots, and could be drunk at full hunger.

    Okay, let's begin for real:

    So, milk is a very useful thing to have as it can clear all status effects instantly when drank. The thing is, when you drink it, it's gone, so you'll have to either refill your bucket or have multiple buckets of milk if you want to keep cancelling potion effects. This is where the milk bottle would come in.

    Milk bottles would be filled from a cauldron with milk in it (i.e. you milk a cow with a bucket, as currently, and then use it on a cauldron to fill the cauldron with milk). Like water, each bottle would take 1/3 of the full capacity of the cauldron. The bottles would stack up to 16, like honey bottles and potions in the combat tests.

    This may seem a bit overpowered, but fear not! Milk bottles are inferior to milk buckets.

    Where milk buckets remove all status effects you currently have, a bottle would only remove the earliest one applied to you (or maybe a random one -- the point is it's only 1). Additionally, there would be a cooldown* of, say, 30 seconds or so, to prevent you from just drinking lots of bottles to remove multiple effects at once. This means it's not going to be useful if you're stacked with effects, but it's good if you come across a pillager patrol and don't want to start a raid. It could also be useful for going around end cities, but then again there is the cooldown.*

    *EDIT: The cooldown may be a bit too far. Perhaps the time of drinking it will be enough, as well as the effort required to fill the bottles.

    submitted by /u/Ninesquared81
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