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    Minecraft When a horse bucks you off, it should actually deal some damage.

    Minecraft When a horse bucks you off, it should actually deal some damage.

    When a horse bucks you off, it should actually deal some damage.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    In real life, you're going to have a VERY bad time if you try to ride a wild horse. Seeing that Mojang doesn't want to "spread lies" about animals by overrating or underestimating how dangerous they are (which is why they avoid adding irl animals), I feel that this change fits in with that vision.

    As it stands right now, many young, impressionable minds would probably learn that all horses are tame, and will allow humans to ride them readily, because rn, that's what happens in game(apart from the damage-less bucking off).

    This would probably deal 1.5 hearts of damage, or half heart + knockback.



    To all the people telling me that kids aren't stupid enough to try and ride a wild horse or make irl turtle farms or whatever, this isn't my stance on it. It's Mojang's.

    As u/JOY_TMF put it:

    Irl hostile mob in minecraft. Shark, Eagle, lion etc. Mojang doesn't want to add these because they want to educate people. Notch added a few though, which is why we have wolves for example.

    Hostile mobs in minecraft according to Mojang from now on will be fictional. For example the Phantom. Obviously the phantom doesn't exist irl, so they're not damaging any animals reputation by making it hostile.

    And as always, thanks for reading! :)

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    Animals sleep like villagers and foxes

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    When night comes all animals should seek shelter and lay down for the night. It could be under a tree's leaves, a cave entrance or under a village house's roof overhang. Just imagine a herd of sheep heading to the nearest forest to sleep as the sun sets. Or maybe even your own farm animals going into their barn after roaming in their enclousure the whole day. It would add some life to the soulless animals in the game.

    submitted by /u/y3aboi
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    Deep Sea Neutral Mob: Spyfish

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Deep Sea Neutral Mob: Spyfish

    The Deep Sea Spyfish

    The Spyfish may look intimidating from a distance, but up close it seems harmless. Probably still shouldn't hit it though.


    The Spyfish (name up for debate) is a medium-small deep sea fish which would inhabit the deep ocean ravines, which are currently largely empty. The idea was to have an additional non hostile mob (I think the ocean should stay relatively safe away from guardians & drowned), but add some ambient variation with a pigman/enderman like behaviour.

    The design was originally supposed to be some kind of glowing fake eyes to scare predators/protect the actual eyes. It was intended to be something more fantasy/less realism based, which seems to be the theme for mobs that can attack. It also seemed more unique than the usual realistic anglerfish style features. If possible they would be a weak light source, or at least remain visible in the dark, similar to enderman or spider eyes. The glowing 'eyes' mean the fish can drop glowstone powder, which provides a more reliable (still slightly dangerous) overworld source of glowstone, than witches or villager trades. This opens possible potential for farms.


    The spyfish would spawn in ocean biomes below a certain y level, roughly y=30 or even lower at y=25. This would mean it primarily spawns in ocean ravines, or the very deepest parts of a deep ocean. This would also allow the possibility to spawn in and provide dim light to underground cave pools. They can spawn in groups of up to 5.

    The fish is not a hostile mob, but will attack a player if hit. Additionally, nearby Spyfish will also target the player similar to the old pigmen. This could prove dangerous to careless players, but it should not be hard to avoid accidentally aggravating them.

    Its movement would be similar to a normal fish, swimming slowly but preferring the deeper elevations. When angry their motion will become faster and more erratic, targeting the player.


    Health: ❤️ × 4 (8)
    Hit: ❤️ × 1 (2)


    • 0-2 Glowstone Dust
    • 1-2 Bone Meal (5%)
    submitted by /u/MerlinTehWizard
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    Pistons should behave like logs when they are being placed

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    Ever tried to build a piston door that had some funky angles, but because of those angles you had to position yourself in the right way to make the pistons face the right way? I find this annoying, same story with the log blocks in older versions.

    It would be like placing a log, except that the head of the piston would be facing away from the block it was being placed on/touching.

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Hay Practicing Dummy

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    You can craft it with an armor stand surrounded by Hay.

    The practice dummy has the same stats as a player, and can be equipped with armor by right clicking it. This allows players to easily test out a weapon to know how useful it is. When "killed" the dummy drops itself and any armor it had.

    This is basically like how in real life, ballistic dummies exist to figure out how flesh reacts to different things, but this is made of hay.

    Edit: as suggested by u/The-Real-Radar the dummy would emit a redstone signal based on hearts it has. This means you could check the health with relative accuracy. Armor on it also takes no durability damage but still protects the dummy. Not OP, since it's not going to fight back or anything.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Add Chieftain Villager

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Elevator Pitch: On the surface this proposal is pretty simple: villages should have somebody in charge--a chieftain or mayor! This would be a new villager occupation and the only one to be unique, meaning a village could have only one chief.

    But under the surface, aside from a chieftain with an official-looking hat being a neat bit of flavor, it could also serve as a sort of catch-all solution to a whole bunch of perpetual requests regarding villagers.

    Mechanics: Chieftain would be an occupation not corresponding to any particular occupation block. Instead, it would automatically be added to any village with a population of 20 or more, and every villager without an occupation would have a chance of becoming chieftain along with any other available jobs. As long as a chieftain is associated with a village no other villager there can become a chieftain. (A second chieftain transported in from elsewhere would revert to being a generic villager upon joining the new village.)

    Chieftains would not offer standard trades (i.e. a set list of swaps for emeralds), and would not be upgraded via repeated trading. Instead their available offers would be tied directly to the player's popularity in the village. Attempting to interact with the chieftain with popularity below 10 would simply result in the head shaking animation. Above that up to maximum popularity various "treaties" would unlock.

    Treaties: A treaty is somewhat like a trade in that something is swapped for something, but they differ in that what is given isn't goods but rather something to do with villager behavior. Thematically, you arrange with the chieftain to tell his people to behave in certain ways. (All sorts of longstanding requests to do with villagers and their behavior could be easily handled here.)

    Here are some ideas for possible treaties:

    • Charter - A charter would enable the player to found a new village. It would be an enchanted document carried in the inventory. When used on a placed bell not already part of a village that bell would become the site of a new village, and up to four villagers would spawn nearby if their were available beds for them. (And thus the all problems to do with villager transportation would be solved.)
    • Boundary - A boundary would be a kind of "keep out" sign for villagers. Placing it would establish a 3x3 no go zone for villagers from the relevant village. It would not physically obstruct them (they could fall into the zone, for instance) but would operate on their pathfinding. Jobsites and beds within one of these zones would not be claimed or used to calculate population cap. (This could finally keep certain beds, jobsties, or areas, from being taken over by villagers even in the hart of an active village.)
    • Pact of Protection - An agreement to protect the village. This wouldn't be an item at all, but simply a switch that would temporarily shut off golem spawning. Thematically the player is promising to defend the village. The pact would automatically end, and a significant penalty to popularity incurred, if a villager were attacked by a hostile mob or player.
    • Retraining Order - This would be an enchanted document usable on a villager. It would cause the villager to de-rank and re-role their trades while keeping their profession.

    Of course there are all sorts of other options, and none of these treaties are "baked into" the idea. But it seems like this would both add to the flavor of Minecraft and, potentially, offer solutions to problems people have been looking for since 1.14 was released.

    submitted by /u/sitontheedge
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    Make wither/decay potions craftable with wither roses

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    They're useful items, and would be really hard to obtain which would help balance them.

    submitted by /u/Yung-Egg-Yolk
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    When you die, you drop half your exp.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    It's extremely unfair that when you die, no matter if you have 17 or 6900 exp (nice) you always end up with 7. It's too dumb and annoying!

    EDIT: I had a couple comments saying half was too much so I've changed it to 1 third.

    submitted by /u/BinkBonkJosh
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    A revamp of the insomnia system

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    The insomnia system feels a bit rushed and out of place as if it were thrown in at the last second when the phantom was voted for at Minecon Live. After a few hours of playing the game, phantoms become an irrelevant threat to experienced players and new players are forced to google why these sky-bat-things are spawning in higher and higher amounts. I propose a revamp to the insomnia system that goes something like this:

    New Sleeping Mechanics

    If you sleep in a bed that is in a light level below 9 and isn't exposed to the sky, when you awaken you'll receive a message in your action bar saying "You had a good night sleep."

    If you sleep in a bed and the room is too bright, upon awakening it says "You had some trouble sleeping due to the bright lights."

    If you sleep in a bed open to the sky, upon awakening you get the message "You couldn't rest. There might have been monsters nearby."

    If you sleep in a bed with neither, you get the message "You didn't sleep very well."

    When you don't sleep in the proper conditions, only half the night is skipped and you don't get your insomnia timer reset. In multiplayer the full night is skipped but your insomnia isn't cleared.

    New Insomia Effects

    After 3 days of not sleeping, you get an action bar massage saying "You haven't slept well in 3 days. You now have insomnia." This message appears every night until the player sleeps well. Now here's my ideas to make insomnia more noticeable:

    • Brightness is lowered by 1% for every day you have insomnia. Max is -20% of normal brightness.

    • Hunger depletes 5% faster for every day of insomnia you have. Max of 2x faster hunger depletion.

    • 1 second is added to a player's sleep animation for every day of insomnia they have. Max of 20 seconds of sleep. This dosen't occur in multiplayer.

    • Negative potions have double effects after 25 days of insomnia (~8 irl hours)

    • A black haze starts to occur around the screen similar to the nausea effect when you turn off the swirly thing. This haze darkens over time the longer you go without sleep.

    Phantom Revamp

    This has been suggested by numerous other people but I have to mention it here. Phantoms should only be visible to player that caused them to spawn. To other players, nothing is happening and it looks like they are going crazy. Killing a phantom makes them disappear in a puff of black smoke with a poof rather than the standard death animation. When day comes they all fade out of existence until the next night.

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Make it so blaze items aren’t affected by fire or lava

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    My reasoning for this is because blazes are on fire when they are alive, and do the rods disintegrate then? No.

    submitted by /u/ksaurus_YT
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    Renewable sand via termite hills

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    Okay so I still hope that one day we will get the savannah update. So basically imagine there was a way to like catch the termites, maybe by making bait using something sweet like the berries or honey. These termites will then begin constructing a termite hill. When you break the hill without silktouch, then you'll get sand, and then the termites will construct a new one

    submitted by /u/potato_number_47
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    Volcanoes In The Overworld

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Something as rare as mushroom island and would consist of black stone, blackdust (black sand that's affected by gravity), and ores inside of the crater that you must smelt to get the ore, it could be iron, gold, and even diamonds. There is no erupting state, just filled with lava and a huge volcano.

    submitted by /u/Spicy-YT
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    New encahntment for crossbows- Velocity ( repost )

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    this enchantment ( crossbow only ) would increase arrow's velocity and range. it would have 2 levels and for each level the arrows would travel/fly faster by 15% and gain a longer range of 17-20 blocks and deal +1 more damage. this enchantment would be incompatable with quick charge

    submitted by /u/Knezzo
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    Add Navigation Equipment: Sextant & Altimeter

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    I know a lot of us use the debug screen to get precise coordinates for building, mining, and navigation. But this feels immersion breaking, even a bit cheat-y. Thus it would be great if the game added a way to easily access the same information via ordinary play.

    This could be solved by the addition of new navigational tools:

    • Sextant - Using the sextant would hold it up in front of the player and, after a moment, if any part of the sky is visible it would display the two number coordinate of the block upon which the player is currently standing (X,Z). (A sextant is also just a cool looking piece of vintage equipment, thematic, but quite distinct from anything currently in the game.)
    • Altimeter - An altimeter would be similar in function to a compass or clock. When used it would show the altitude coordinate (Y) in the same way the sextant shows the other two though without the pause or visible sky requirement. But even when not used its icon would vary (like the clock's does) to give the player a good idea of their current elevation.

    The sextant could be craft-able from glass and gold, while the altimeter would require steal and redstone.

    Neither would work in the nether (the sextant would always fail to give a coordinate due to a lack of sky, while the altimeter dial would just quiver while showing max depth).

    Alternatively, if this seems too complex, both functions could be combined, and the sextant could simply give the three coordinate readout the debugging screen currently does.

    Edit: As a long-time PC player I didn't realize that coordinates were displayed by default in Bedrock. That said, this would still be a really nice feature in Java. And also, as u/GetShrektPoggers points out, you could always make the feature in Bedrock contingent upon having these tools in survival mode.

    submitted by /u/sitontheedge
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    Netherite beacon should give the player fire resistance as a bonus effect.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    When a player activates the effects in tje beacon, the beacon should give the player fire resistance. It would be shown visually in the beacon UI. This would occur when minimum of 9 netherite blocks are being used in the pyramid. This would be very useful in nether. The beacon beam goes trough the nether roof so it would work don't worry.

    submitted by /u/HirmuinenHirmuinen
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    Nether Superflat Worlds

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    I had to create my own superflat preset to make a basalt delta superflat world. Thankfully, I know how to do this, but many players probably don't.

    submitted by /u/Judboy21
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    Netherite armor should increase aggro range.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    It's higher defense, durability, and higher knockback resistance reminds me of tank builds that are present in real-time strategy games.

    What if someone got horded by an army of monsters, and needed someone to direct their attention away for a bit?

    What if someone needed to be a meat shield?

    The player with the most netherite armor will be prioritized as the target. Peers with the same amount of armor will be chosen by other factors.

    Better yet, it could streamline hostile mob relocation.

    Like the knockback resistance, increased aggro would be an attribute that is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Some players would prefer to be left alone and not hounded by mobs.

    This attribute will also be less niche than the knockback resistance.

    I think this is better than encouraging players to jump into a pit of mobs and go unga bunga. Netherite is difficult to obtain, so netherite items should have their value determined by creative utility, like every rare Minecraft item.

    Example suggestion:

    For every piece of armor worn, an additional 5 blocks is added to the aggro range, and an additional 1 block is added to the wall-ignoring aggro range. So when wearing a full set of netherite armor, a full 20 blocks of aggro is added to the hostile mobs' normal aggro range, and a full 4 blocks is added to the wall-ignoring aggro range.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Randomly generated airships or hot air balloons.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    I was thinking that there could possibly be random generated things such as airships or hot air balloons that would just float up in the sky and don't really have to move. Some could be on the ground destroyed possibly. There could also be different varieties with some acting as stores and others being for cargo which would hold the typical loot on found in a place such as a dungeon. These would be like the shipwrecks in the ocean but they would be up in the sky floating. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/username_669
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    Attachments for crossbows/bows.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Putting on scopes or sights would be really useful. Or bayonets! And better arrows made with different materials. If you have any more ideas, leave them in the comments.

    submitted by /u/BcapperWasTaken
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    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Type:trident enchantment

    Effects:when thrown at a mob,it will drain its health and give it to the player,if the player is at full health the hit will have a higher chance of being a critical hit.

    Tiers: Tier I-drains two hearts and has a 15% chance of being a critical hit.

    Tiers II-drains three and a half hearts and has a 35%chance of being a critical hit.

    Tiers III-drains six hearts and has a 50% chance of being a critical hit.

    submitted by /u/slenderender64
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    Wandering traders on the ocean

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Wandering traders that spawn in the ocean should be in boats

    submitted by /u/Netherbips
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    Enderman AI tweaks

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    In 1.16, people have been having problems with enderman escaping enderman farms.

    I checked the wiki and found that they can now teleport to any block with a hitbox, including the glass and leaf blocks that are used to spawn proof enderman farms.

    I think that enderman should not be able to teleport to transparent blocks. Because if they can't spawn on that block, they shouldn't be able to teleport to it either.

    submitted by /u/Jedi_Master211
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    Sea Urchin

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    They never wander 2 blocks away from water. They looks like a baby slime with spikes on it. It slowly crawls around the seabed. Whenever you touch it or punch it, it will deal the same damage as a cactus. It have black, dark purple, yellow, white, red... Some of them are toxic. It will drop raw sea urchin, which can be made into sea urchin roe(although I don't like how it taste), or of you placed it on the sand till it despawn naturally, a sand coin, which you can sell it to villagers with 4-8 emeralds. Have a magma urchin variant that lives near lava, and deal 1 heart and 2 extra from fire. Crabs will either place the urchin on its head, hide inside it(baby) or try to eat it(only if it is starving).

    submitted by /u/Ancient_Derbis
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    There should be a more organic, less cheesy way to get rare and powerful enchantments (such as Mending) from Librarian villagers.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Make it so you can't exploit villager job site mechanics with librarians to get the best enchantments with very little effort. Gate rare enchantments like Mending behind Expert/Master level librarians, but make them guaranteed. To compensate make Librarian trading better without having to resort to said exploit.

    The History

    Before villager job sites were added, Mending used to be an incredibly rare and valuable enchantment you could only obtain as treasure or through lots of tedious fishing, generally reserved only for your most valuable pieces of equipment.

    The Problem

    Now, ever since Java 1.14 (the Village and Pillage Update), literally all you need is one villager, a lectern, and a simple farm to get emeralds, and you can have Mending on every single piece of equipment. I do appreciate that there's now a more reliable way to repair enchanted equipment than the anvil, but even I feel this makes it too easy to trivialize the game's entire durability system. I talk about Mending, but this goes for any enchantment you haven't had luck in obtaining.

    (For those unaware, you can fence the villager in, destroy their job site block (if any), and keep placing and breaking the lectern next to them till you get the enchantment you want.)

    The Suggestion

    Note: Treasure enchantments are those unobtainable via the enchantment table. This includes Mending, Frost Walker, Curse of Binding, Curse of Vanishing, and Soul Speed. Soul speed is excluded from villager trading (it can be obtained from Piglins/Nether treasure), and should stay that way.

    I propose that the enchanted book sold by by novice Librarians be limited to mid-level, non-treasure enchantments, which can be commonly obtained by normal, non-optimal enchanting setups. This way, you can elect to use trading (and job site cheesing) to get the mid-level enchantment you want if you have emeralds but not too much spare XP, or if your enchanting setup is poor/you don't have one yet.

    The next enchanted book sold should be strictly high-level, but non-treasure enchantments. These should be able to compete with optimized enchanting setups (level 30, 15 bookcases), maybe even surpassing them, e.g. Sharpness V or Efficiency V. Note that unlike before you can't control the enchantment you get by job site cheesing, as villagers keep their trades once you've traded with them once. So once again relying on trading here has its own advantages/disadvantages.

    The final enchanted book sold should be only treasure enchantments, which would be the reward for leveling up the Librarian. So you can choose to breed and level up multiple librarians to get Mending/Frost Walker instead of spending hours fishing.


    • The changes are minor and (presumably) easy to implement.
    • The player would no longer able to trivialize the iconic durability system of minecraft very early into the game.
    • There would be a strong incentive to level up librarian villagers instead of just cheesing with job sites for a few minutes and being done with it.
    • There would be a rational progression in the librarian's trades, so they don't end up selling a very strong enchantment as their first trade, then sell weak/obsolete enchantments as they level up.
    • Trading for enchanted books would be more powerful in general (i.e. without cheesing) but less exploitable.
    submitted by /u/abood97
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