• Breaking News

    Minecraft The death message for dying to a Phantom should read “[Player] lost their grip on reality.”

    Minecraft The death message for dying to a Phantom should read “[Player] lost their grip on reality.”

    The death message for dying to a Phantom should read “[Player] lost their grip on reality.”

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Phantoms are essentially manifestations of your sleep-deprived hallucinations. I think this would be a fitting death message for them.

    submitted by /u/SoupMayoMaker
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    Netherite Tridents for riptide to work in lava

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    Okay so my idea is that if you used a netherite ingot on a trident it becomes a netherite trident, which would allow the use of riptide in lava as well as of course not burning in lava or fire. This could also have some other effect for another enchant which I haven't thought of yet. This would also increase the attack damage by 2 and make the charge up to through part a little faster.

    submitted by /u/DiamondMon103
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    Trading system for the witch

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    As we all should know, a witch is just a villager struck by lightning and has been consumed into the ways of the mystical arts. Even though the lighting has corrupted them, they haven't gotten over their lust for emeralds. My idea is that you can trade with them, hold a emerald in hand and they'll see that you want to trade with them. They'll stay docile for a while but they are short tempered, if you take too long, they'll attack. Once done trading they'll hold a harming potion in hand to threaten you to leave before you get hurt. One of the trades can be should contain a "grocery list". A written book with ingredients for different potions. Once you have gathered the items, drop them in front of the witch and they will drop the prices of their trades. The system for the leveling (Novice-apprentice-etc.) will be visually shown by a badge of a mob head on their hats going in this order starting from novice: Spider-Zombie-Skeleton-Creeper-Wither skeleton. Adding a trading system for the witch would bring use to your over supply of spider eyes and other items only used for brewing.

    submitted by /u/DR-PEPSI-COLA3
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    A separate game rule to stop hostile mobs from spawning

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    It would be cool if there was a separate game rule to prevent hostile mobs from spawning without stopping peaceful mobs and neutral mobs from spawning. I love playing with hunger on (so on normal or easy difficulty) but without fighting mobs, and the only command preventing hostile mobs from spawning also prevent peaceful mobs from spawning too

    submitted by /u/hoptians
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    The Deep Abyss - A eerie new ocean biome hidden in complete darkness

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    It's been quite long since another suggestion, anyway...

    I know, I know, there already are deep oceans out there. But, they aren't as deep. Nor does it feel like being in the darkest depths. So let's venture even deeper to a new biome... The Deep Abyss (yes I know these ocean ravines are similar)


    The abyss would be a rare sub-biome of the deep ocean (including it's variants) found below 30 blocks (the maximum depth of all deep ocean biomes). The seabed here would be abundant with gravel and new marine mud. The biome would be so deep it would almost reach bedrock level. Of course traversing deep down there could be tricky cuz you may drown and going there would require a potion of water breathing or two. Because of how deep it is, going below 30 blocks will obscure the player's view with a dark-navy fog which is (slightly) murkier than in the swamps. This change would also apply to other sources of water below this level. Particles of marine snow would also be found in these depths. Because of how dark this biome is (like in real life), vegetation would almost never generate here (other than dead corals and tube worms which will also be on this post).


    Already Existing Structures

    Deep on the seabed, would commonly generate ruins and shipwrecks. In fact the ruins and shipwrecks here would be slightly commoner than in any other ocean biome. Ocean monuments the abyss however would have the same rate as in other ocean biomes. Patches of magma would also be found here.

    Hydrothermal Vents

    Basically underwater volcanoes that would spout out campfire-looking smoke particles (I'm not sure how it could work though). Tube worms (which are actually animals in real life) can be found on these vents and are the underwater equivalents of tall-grass (can come in smaller versions too). Mobs can also spawn around these vents (such as squid, anglerfish, etc). The volcanoes themselves would be composed mostly of basalt and possibly magma.

    Sea Mines

    These bombs can be found in groups generating on chains from the sea-floor (like in real life). They would be pretty uncommon though. If a daring mob, entity or player runs into one of them, the mine will instantly explode. The sea mine block itself can also explode instantly when mined, however it can't be ignited with flint and steel. Whereas the average TNT can explode on land, the sea mine can explode in water, which can now let players destroy things in the sea. To get one without having to go deep into the abyss, it can be crafted with a TNT block in the center of the grid along some iron ingots on the sides and iron nuggets (for spikes) on the corners.


    Already Existing Mobs

    Theres not much to say about this paragraph but the only current mobs that could spawn here would be squid and drowned (these zombies would spawn more frequently in the abyss (about the same rate as Bedrock Edition's current drowned spawning) than any other biome), not to mention the guardians (and their elder cousins) in the monuments).


    Just the same as normal fish so they're basically ambient. The only differences are spawning in the abyss, have glowing photophores and travel in large groups (as long as the game doesn't lag).

    Glow Squid

    I know it's already comfirmed that if they win the vote will be added but here are my ideas for it. First, the glow squid would be a slightly smaller variant (more like rabbit variants than the hoglin and zoglin) of the normal squid exclusive to the Deep Abyss sub-biome. Normal squid themselves can also be found in the abyss but the glow squid would be much commoner than their average counterparts if spawning in the deep. Second, they would squirt out glowing ink (not like in Minecraft Earth). And finally, at night (if it were able to code), several glow squid will swim to the surface and create a light show (like real life firefly squid in Japan), when dawn comes, the squid will head back to the deep. I'm not sure what this special squid would drop though (you can request it in the comments). I'd vote for the iceologer as well but I'm pretty much gonna vote for the glow squid (I still hope the iceologer could win though).


    This spooky fish is also an extraordinary exclusive to the abyss. It would have 10 HP (5 hearts) and be a neutral mob. The anglerfish would attract fish and squid with it's bioluminescent lure and eat them (even though it deals half a heart to it's provoker). Like normal fish, it will die from suffocation. Obviously the anglerfish's lure and photophores would glow like an enderman's eyes do. Aside from dropping raw cod, bones and sometimes bone meal, the fish could also drop something rare: the anglerfish lure. This special item would be used to make an anglerfish bandana. The bandana can be crafted with 3 leather in a horizontal line across the middle with the anglerfish lure above the centre. Whilst wearing the anglerfish bandana, the player won't recieve any defense but fish and squid from a certain radius will swim towards it (which can make hunting at sea easier if you're on a survival island and struggling to find food), along with that, the bandana would also give the player the glowing effect indefinitely. However, the anglerfish bandana would only be fully functional if the player is in the water.

    You can request me ideas for this spooky sea-worthy biome in the comments 😉

    Ideas from other users:

    u/KrazyKazooKnight: Urchins can be found in the abyss along with all other ocean biomes. Can also be found on ruins.

    submitted by /u/Bigmikail2009
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    Snow storms should should heal snow golems

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    I mean they are made of snow so why are they not healing from it?

    submitted by /u/BIsForBruh
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    Piglin brutes could drop the "totem of greed". A new one time use keep inventory tool that, that response you at your spawn point with all your gear.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    The brutes would probably need to be a little more rare, or just have a chance of dropping the totem of greed. I know the piglins aren't really magic, but they are greedy. So I think it would make sense.

    submitted by /u/Cu_Chulainn_is_cool
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    Now that we can set the gamerules before the game, PLEASE add presets!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    I hate having to spend a minute or two setting up game rules *every single time* I make a world. It would be nice to be able to import gamerules from another world and set a default ruleset. Presets could include a hardcore ruleset, a creative builder preset, a redstone preset, a PvP/E preset, and many more!

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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    Phantom death message

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    "[Player name] Should have got their beauty sleep" when you die to a phantom

    submitted by /u/Danimator666
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    The Enchanter's Assistant - Knowledge Is A Power (and an unexpected ally)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    I present a concept for a new 'tamed' mob: The Enchanter's Assistant.

    Books, when placed into an Enchantment Table with maximum enchantment power, have a rare chance to offer a new enchantment called Animate. Animate will have no immediately obvious effect; but right clicking the book in your hand will remove it from your inventory and spawn the Enchanter's Assistant.

    The Enchanter's Assistant would have two hearts of health, hover similarly to a bee, and resemble the book that hovers above the Enchantment Table. It would remain closed most of the time. It would follow closely behind the person that placed it and, when encountering a hostile mob, would flip open and spray a short-range burst of magic (using the same 'Galactic Alphabet' particles that fly from bookshelves surrounding Enchantment Tables) that deal random, negative status effects that last for five seconds each. The Assistant would be unable to kill mobs by itself- only debuff them or reduce their health to a near death state.

    The Assistant can be shift right clicked with an empty hand to return it to the player's inventory. Only the player that spawned the Assistant can do so. Renaming the Enchanted Book will change the name of the Assistant that is spawned from it. If the book is 'killed', the book will drop onto the floor, and will cause durability damage to the Enchanted Book, which can be repaired with Paper in an Anvil.

    Now for the less likely to happen parts of the suggestion,

    Animate could potentially come in three levels that would be accessible through different levels of the Enchantment Table. The higher the level, the greater selection of debuffs it can spray, and the longer the debuffs would last up to a maximum of 15 seconds. Each level of enchanted book would spawn the Assistant with a different cover color as well- Animate I would create Red Assistants, Animate II would create Blue Assistants, and Animate III would create Black and Purple Assistants (matching the colors of Endermen and the Ender Dragon).

    Right clicking an Assistant onto a bookshelf will consume the Assistant and create an Enchanted Bookshelf. These have all the functionality of normal bookshelves, but will glow and spray puffs of debuff runes at any hostile mob that comes within fifteen blocks of the bookshelf.

    Crafting an Animated Book with a feather and ink would create an Animated Book And Quill. Instead of having any combat abilities, this book would hover near the player and remain open constantly. Right clicking on it would open a standard Book and Quill menu; once the book has been written in, if you are in multiplayer you would be given the option to 'Send' the book to another player, at which point the book would play a small animation of it warping away like an Enderman, and appear near the player it was sent to, allowing them to read it with the option to send a note back. This would function somewhat like a "vanilla", plugin-less version of a private message.

    These books would be a good alternative to wolves for those who want a combat oriented companion, but don't want to have to constantly worry about them falling off of cliffs or into lava; if you're in danger, just snatch them up, pop them in your inventory, and be on your way.

    submitted by /u/INV_IrkCipher
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    The Void Snatcher

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    The Void Snatcher

    So. I believe that this month's theme is an ender mob. Right? I made this "Extensive" diagram/concept. I can change the flair if it isn't ender mob

    Exhibit 1: this is what the mob will look like. The head is different, as seen in Exhibit 4. The Void Snatcher will have wings attached to the arms (I probably got the orientation wrong since it can fly and I know nothing about aerodynamics) As you can see, the wings are dark gray with a magenta glow around them.

    Exhibit 2: The Void Snatcher has claws which inflict a debuff called "Incapacitated" which I will cover in a future post as too not make this too long and will grab the player and attempt to either drop them into the void, or cause the player to take a lot of fall damage

    Exhibit 3: The arms have spiky/scale things similar to the second image, however more curved back for better flight maneuverability

    Exhibit 4: The Void Snatcher has sharp teeth that it uses to bite the player as an alternative to "snatching" them. Doing this will inflict the "Void Sickness" debuff, which will be covered in a future post.

    Exhibit 5: The Void Snatcher has an attack where it shoots out a tongue at 40 blocks per second that can extend to a maximum of 35 blocks.

    Exhibit 6: The tongue has a set of spikes which it uses to latch on to the player and quickly pull The Void Snatcher towards the player. Upon contact, the Tongue will inflict Slowness II.

    Exhibit 7: The Void Snatcher can also shoot a projectile towards the player that will give them the "Oozed" debuff for 5 seconds. I will also cover that in another post.

    Exhibit 8: 9 snatcher scales, when put together in a 3x3 formation in a crafting table, will create a snatcher claw, and two of those + 7 snatcher scales will make you a "Snatcher Gauntlet" which cannot be enchanted with normal books. Instead, it can be enchanted with either a Potion of Slowness, a Potion of Slow falling, or 4 Snatcher slime and a lead. the Potion of Slowness will create the "Incapacitation" enchantment, which will inflict the Incapacitated debuff for 5 seconds upon striking a mob, although this only works every ten seconds. The Potion of Slow Falling will make the "Snatcher's Wing" enchantment which acts as an elytra, however using the gliding feature will not decrease the durability (700), and the Snatcher slime and a lead will create the "Snatcher's Tongue" enchantment. this will, when your L2/right click is pressed, will shoot out a tongue similar to The Void Snatcher's tongue is shot out, however this only extends 25 blocks. It can also be used to latch on to mobs but will inflict no damage upon contact.

    Exhibit 9: The Void Snatcher will drop Snatcher Scales (100% drop rate, anywhere from 3-7 scales) used to craft the Snatcher Gauntlet, or Snatcher slime (20% drop rate, anywhere from 6-9 slime) used to craft one of the enchantments for the Snatcher Gaunlet. Very rarely, (5% drop rate) The Void Snatcher will drop it's head, which can be worn on your head like other mob skulls, or crafting into the Snatcher's Hood which will give the player 4 Snatcher Scales as well.

    Exhibit 10: The Snatcher's Hood is crafted with with a Snatcher Skull and will boost the effects of the Snatcher Gauntlet. Incapacitation will now inflict the Incapacitated debuff for 10 seconds, although the cool down is increased to 15 seconds. The durability increases from 700 to 1400, and the Snatcher's Tongue will now extend 35 blocks instead of 25 and will deal half a heart of damage upon contact with a mob.

    Exhibit 11: As seen in the third image, The Void Snatcher will have wings that are significantly larger and pointier than the ones show, but this is just a mock-up of where they could sit. They would come out when The Void Snatcher has either snatched the player, or has missed and is going back up.


    --The Void Snatcher--

    Health: 60 hp (30 hearts) classifying it as a mini-boss according to the community

    Armor: 5

    Damage on Normal: Claws = 4 hearts, Tongue = 2 hearts, Slime Projectile = 1 heart, Bite = 2 hearts

    Spawns: 40 blocks above the outer islands (Same spawn rate as Piglin Brutes)

    Drops: Snatcher Scales (3-7 and 100%), Snatcher Slime (6-9 and 20%), Snatcher Skull (1 and 5%) and 25 XP

    Aggro Range: 50 blocks

    Flight Speed: 15 blocks per second

    Turning Power (In Air): Excellent

    Best Ways to Kill: Power V Bow, Sharp 3 Netherite Sword

    Avoids: Nothing

    Hitbox: Same as Player

    --Snatcher Gauntlet--

    Claw Attack: Normal = 3 hearts, Incapacitation, 3.5 hearts, Tongue, 0.5 (only if using the Snatcher's hood)

    I feel like this would be a good addition into the game because,

    A: We don't have many flying hostile mobs. We have the vexes, phantoms, and ghasts.

    B: We don't have many "Mini-bosses" as the only ones we have are the Elder Guardian, the Piglin Brute, and even then, those are just classified as mini-bosses by the community.

    C: Most mobs aren't that interesting in their attack patterns. Skeleton shoots bow, Zombie punches you, spiders bite you,

    D: Not one mob grabs you and attempts to kill you with fall damage.

    E: Other End mobs are kind of boring, especially Endermites.

    The downside is that you would need to be a lot more careful when traversing the end, but as long as you have a bunch of chorus fruit you'll be fine. Provided you can eat it in time.




    submitted by /u/ChasingFlavors
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    New enchantment for protecting yourself from elytra impact.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Whenever I hit a wall when flying with an elytra I always wish there was an enchantment for reducing impact damage. My solution is either impacting or dampening which is an enchantment for the helmet. It would have 3 or 4 levels that would gradually reduce impact damage when hitting a wall. It's on the helmet because you fly head first. Maybe so players don't accidentally put it on their helmet it can be like soul speed where it's a end exclusive enchantment that can only be gotten by going to end cities.

    submitted by /u/vadernation123
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    Magma blocks should destroy items

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    When you throw items at a cactus, it destroys it, so it should be the same for magma blocks

    submitted by /u/TasDeSuif
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    Iceologers should have a small chance of spawning in an iceberg with a ravager

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    As a little reference to our dear Avatar

    submitted by /u/Channelistic
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    The Destroyer, a useful Redstone Item

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    I introduce to you, the destroyer, a simple yet effective Redstone block. This block would destroy a block in front of it and drop the block as an item whenever it got a Redstone signal. More in-depth stuff:

    • It would only be capable of breaking blocks that can be broken by an Iron Pickaxe
    • It would take as long as an Iron tool on that specific block, so if it had to break dirt, It would take as long as an Iron shovel breaking dirt, just so it is not instant
    • It obviously would not break bedrock
    • If there was a long signal, it could break multiple blocks if the signal powered it long enough
    • It has the durability of Iron tools
    • It could be enchanted. This would be extremely helpful, since you could give it unbreaking, efficiency, etc.
    • It would always drop the item broken, and if you enchant it with silk touch, it could drop the block itself
    • I imagine it would have the same texture as an Observer, however, a small X or something of the like would be on the front. As the durability decreases, the block would start to look broken, like an anvil
    • Crafting recipe would be an Iron Pickaxe in the top middle slot, and Iron Axe in the middle slot, and an Iron shovel in the bottom middle, with Redstone dust in the bottom, left and bottom right corners and smooth stone on the top and middle left and right.

    This would be something that could open up an entire world of possibilities, and it doesn't completely break the game, because it has durability and it does not instantly break something. Also considering the expensive crafting recipe, I think it would still be balanced in the game.

    submitted by /u/xVqid_
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    (Bedrock) Gamerule showCoordinates is true by default

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Title basically sums it up. I play mainly Java now, but I remember back when I played on bedrock, all of the default settings were perfect for a new survival world except this. This would be especially annoying when speed running, as I have to spend an extra 5 seconds creating the world, apart from the 1-second world creations possible on Java. Plus, most people turn it on anyways. There are very few occasions it is necessary to have it off. This is something small, but I think it is a good idea to add for Minecraft. Upvote if you agree. :D

    submitted by /u/Ramble21_Gaming
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    Items frames should work like they do in Java on bedrock

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    It even changed too worse on the console/bedrock conversion and it's annoying as hell.

    submitted by /u/Idk_AnythingBoi
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    Utterly embarrassing

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    An achievement for getting killed by a slime

    submitted by /u/Redd1tRat
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    More synchronized mobs

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    I propose that mobs act in a more synchronized manner. I imagine this would be a choice in settings, so you can turn it on and off whenever you want to. This would cause mobs to act more as... well, a mob. Mobs that spawn in a close enough radius would automatically group together. Perhaps mobs of the same type would even group together INSIDE of that group, with skeletons sticking with skeletons, zombies standing closer to zombies, e.t.c. The group as a whole would mostly move together. So now you have a rather large group of mobs that moves together. This could also be a chance to increase mobs destructive abilities. You know how zombies got the ability to break doors down. More of that. Mobs could break 'weak' blocks with enough effort, such as windows, sand and gravel, some plants, and of course doors. I feel like this would make mobs feel a lot more threatening in terms of Minecraft, and players would have to work together more to defeat mob groups. Imagine how much more strategy this would to multiplayer survival. Imagine hordes of mobs descending upon your base, and having to amass a small army your friends and fellow players to fight them off. Imagine the excitement of readying your swords, shields and bows for the coming onslaught. Sorry if this was a lot, but I really feel like this would add so much to the game. Thnx for reading, and again, sorry for THE LITERAL WALL OF TEXT.

    submitted by /u/Captain_Cookiez
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    Add Tomatoes

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    tomatos are a new crop that when eaten restores

    2 hunger points (1 shank)

    it will also have a better healing effect restoring 1.5 - 3 hearts over time

    they are a special crop that can be used to make a new stew Tomato Soup

    the tomato soups pros:is a food items that heals 2.5 - 4 hearts over time

    Tomato soup cons:it has the same texture as beetroot soup (just slightly modified) wich can be a problem

    it can also be planted Also requires to go through 7 stages of growth

    submitted by /u/MountainWeird1333
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    The 2020 Minecraft Live mob vote—deep individual mob analysis and a small chat about the community and how much your choice matters and what it should be

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:50 AM PDT

    The world of Minecraft is expansive. That's one thing I'll say.

    You might spawn in a plains biome. Lime grass, small ponds of stone and diorite, small herds of every main farm animal. You may even, very rarely, spot a rabbit or a bee from far away passing by. Minecraft worlds are much bigger than that, though. You have two dimensions other than the friendly, hospitable Overworld you spawn in to explore—the hellish, fiery brimstone plains of the Nether, filled with sand of the long damned—and the floating, rocky islands of the space-like End, where the game's fierce final boss awaits.

    You also have a lot of things in your main home, the Overworld, to discover and uncover the secrets and benefits of! Coral reefs with beautiful "sea pickles" that can be smelted for a dye most lime. Hilly savannas with stunning generation and neighing equines. Fantasy forests of giant mushrooms and trees with unusual, very interestingly thick trunks and canopies. And mountains.

    There's not a lot to note about mountains at the moment. Snowy grass that should stick to biomes like taigas and tundras that make up fairly large hills that don't even reach the clouds most of the time. Yeah, "mountains." Oh, and the ugly flying islands. And constant exposed granite and diorite chunks and coal veins. Oh, I hate the coal veins.

    1.17 is shaping up to include the relatively long-awaited mountain update, with the promise of snow you can actually get stuck in, taller, more beautiful mountains of mainly snow, stone and spiky ice peaks (fingers crossed for snowy stone), and the new goat mob that has no confirmed use as of now. If we're being really, really hopeful, we might even get those desert and savanna updates they've been promising to add "later on" since 2018.

    So, what's the point of this post? Did I just waste a few minutes of your precious life you'll never get back? Are you actually going to start sorting by new again? Uh-uh, we have much more pressing matters than blatant child bullying right now...

    Choice 1 - The Iceologer

    Coming from the recent hit spinoff Minecraft: Dungeons, this cool (see what I did there?) guy is part of its newest DLC, Creeping Winter. This absolute chad lives on top of the new mountain peaks of the Overworld and loves to hurl ice clouds at you whenever you and him come into close contact. Don't touch the Iceologer. There are several different reasons to vote Iceologer. For one, looks. The Iceologer wears a slick blue cape and hood and has mesmerizing red eyes, something no Illager has ever sported before. Second of all, the challenge. Mountains will most likely be getting much harder whenever they update. Snowier snow and the taller peaks promised indicate that the days of using a few simple blocks of dirt or cobblestone as scaffolding to climb "mountains" will soon be over. Having a new mob that spawns on top of these dangerous areas brings a great challenge to the biome, something I'm very much a fan of! Third and lastly, the drops. In Dungeons, there's a special artifact in the Creeping Winter DLC called the "Ice Wand," which summons ice clouds that drop straight into your enemy like an Iceologer's would. Cool, eh? Well, let's see if they happen to ever drop that. I'd settle for basic stuff, too, really. Emeralds, a few blocks of ice, something other Illagers drop or something related to mountain biomes. If you want a unique, fun challenge added to mountains that could be very beneficial to the player depending on its drops, vote Iceologer!

    Choice 2 - The Glow Squid

    The Glow Squid is a partial fan favorite of Minecraft Earth fans, and something I personally find really cute and cool-looking. It's promised to bring atmosphere and ambience to the deeper and darker parts of the Minecraft ocean, something we desperately need. While other ocean biomes have their perks, like coral reefs and icebergs, stuff just isn't so interesting for the deep ocean and deep cold ocean biomes. They're virtually the same and very dark, hard to navigate and not worth living in. They're the ugly, pre-1.13 underwater gravel hills that were "oceans," but with kelp. If you want the darker of the deep ocean biomes to look a bit nicer, and to introduce a mob with an awesome design to the main game, vote squid!

    Choice 3 - The Moobloom

    The Moobloom tries to be the best in all areas. It tries to have function, like the Iceologer, and a pretty face, like the squid, and while not fully succeeding at either, it may turn out to be a nice, kinda cute ambient mob for the flower forest biome, and its secret interaction with bees may turn out useful for all the casual beekeepers, redstoners and honey bottle saturation geeks out there. I think it could also be used for something dye-related, and I have a hunch that it might not turn into a regular cow when sheared...for reasons... Honestly, this guy has little going for it aside from the interaction we won't know about unless he's voted in (unfair on Mojang's part IMO) and the fact he do be kinda cute, ngl. Vote Moobloom for the wholesome vibes.

    There are a few major misconceptions in the community about this year's mob vote.

    1. Mojang did not state that this time around the losing mobs will never be added—good news for the two mobs that'll lose the vote and all those who'll vote for them. This does not mean they'll take back their word on not adding the 2017 mob vote losers, however.

    2. The squids will not bring dynamic lighting into Minecraft. Do you really think they'd rewrite the whole lighting engine for a squid? Mojang's already said they'll glow like Enderman eyes or blazes—just vibrant coloring and no shadow. (And yeah, blazes don't glow, the gamma in the Nether is just really messed up.)

    I think we need to stop treating this year's vote like a Minecraft presidential election. No candidate is truly better than the other. All three mobs are objectively unoriginal and ripped off from Dungeons and Earth. They're most likely the choices so Mojang can advertise their spinoffs—no lies here, folks. Just the perhaps harsh truth. However, I don't think we should call Mojang lazy or anything. You can't just bully the devs into giving you whatever you want. It's something that nearly the entirety of the Minecraft community needs to learn, and yes, this includes the big cave update hype and hating on Bedrock. No one's wrong for wanting a cave update, but don't be obnoxious about it. Don't be a YouTube comment section, please. And hating Bedrock is honestly fine on its own, but calling it a Microsoft money scheme or something to be wiped off the face of the Earth is way, waaaaayyyy too rude and disrespectful to all the devs who work on it. r/MinecraftMemes, r/Minecraft, the people on this sub who end up dying in new for trash FPS list suggestions and spamming, take notes.

    Now, back to the main point of the post. The thing you've been waiting to hear for the five minutes you've wasted reading this post you could've use to bully so many unsuspecting children! Who are you voting for, dear MCS user? Do you want more life, challenge and energy to mountains than a simple, boring goat? Do you want more peaceful fantasy mobs and visual appealing ambience to flower forests and deep oceans?


    Answer: Just vote for which mob you want. I'm telling you this right here and now, ignore all the propaganda for any of the three mobs in the vote unless it's yours. Don't give up on your choice, it's a great choice. Who cares if it's a flower cow, a new Illager or a squid? Choose what you want to choose! Really, please do!

    In conclusion, it doesn't really matter which of these three mobs you vote for. There will be no next phantom because 2/3 of these are passive and one will most likely be as challenging as your normal skeleton and may not even spawn so often. Be cautious, don't be toxic and rock on!

    If you actually read this whole wall of text, tysm! I appreciate it a lot! Now I suggest running off...and perhaps sorting by new?

    submitted by /u/TheOneWithManyMobs
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