• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Salve Craft reopens applications [SMP] {1.16.3} {whitelist} {Discord}

    Minecraft Servers Salve Craft reopens applications [SMP] {1.16.3} {whitelist} {Discord}

    Salve Craft reopens applications [SMP] {1.16.3} {whitelist} {Discord}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:59 AM PDT


    Inactivity from previous members led to 6 new spots to the server and we are willing to let people applicate again. Keep in mind, only the best can have a spot!

    By filling in this google forms: https://forms.gle/Q7oQUdMj8Caouaef7 you will receive a Discord invite by mail.

    Who are we?

    We are a Minecraft server that looks like the Hermitcraft server. We also have a shopping district and we are looking to build a fun community.

    What are we looking for?

    *Mature people

    *Salve Craft wants unique gamers, so don't send screenshots of builds that aren't yours during the interview


    *Salve Craft is going to take an interview with everyone, as we don't want any toxic people. With an interview we can get a view on someone's personality


    *Don't be upset if we don't accept you, as we are looking for specific people to join this server.

    *We are mostly looking for player +16 years old, if we see that you're mature enough. You're more than welcome

    *We are looking for players who are most likely going to be active

    submitted by /u/SalveCraft
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    Mine-Civ [SMP] {Towny} {Bridge} {Brewery} {1.16.3}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Lords, Ladies and Adventurers, welcome to the land of Minecraft Civilizations.

    Embark on a new Towny experience with a vanilla twist. Join us at Tutorial Island to find out everything we offer our community.

    Rise in our Title Trees.. Explore Kingdoms far and wide.. Trade/Represent/Battle or become a Monarch.. Earn Riches, Earn a Knighthood! (and Hermit Friendly!)


    • Added Brewery
    • Bug fixes
    • An MCKZ plugin, the minigame Bridge! (Authored by mr. Hammer himself!)
    • [REDACTED] added to farming..
    • Added TownyFlight

    Build your nation become truly dominant!

    The lands of Minecraft Civilization are welcome to all and home to all.


    IP address: play.mine-civ.com

    Join us now, make your coin, make your mark on the World.


    1. Be respectful
    2. Be ethical
    3. Use common sense
    4. No Hacking

    We look forward to seeing you guys online.

    See you there.

    - Mine-Civ Staff Team.

    submitted by /u/bbretomart
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    Honeypot Survival [Semi-Vanilla] {Greylsit} {Epic Custom Terrain Generation}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    TO PLAY: Connect using play.honeypot-mc.net (JAVA)

    SERVER SPECS: US NY Hosted - Intel i7 9900k & 8gb of ram

    GREYLIST: The greylist means that you can check us out but need apply to build. Signup on our discord or comment below: https://discord.gg/VCVvEfm


    • Custom made 1.7.3 Beta-Style terrain generation (livemap view) - Still has all vanilla biomes and normal things you'll find - but with epic cliffs, overhangs, and even floating islands!
    • NEW 1.16.2 Map
    • Friendly & laid back community
    • Themed shopping districts at spawn (Steampunk, Medieval, Futuristic, Western)
    • 100% survival and vanilla-gameplay experience (No /spawn, /home, etc).
    • Race for mayor and other in-game roles/events


    1. Don't grief/steal/hack
    2. Respect other members
    3. Don't advertise/spam

    If you're interested in joining us, or would like to know more about our long-running community - don't hesitate to reach out and start a convo :D! We'd love to have you apart of our laid back community. Hope to see you online!

    submitted by /u/HPSurvival
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    E Project UK [SMP] {Mature 21+} {Whitelisted} {1.16.3} {Survival} {Java}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Welcome E Project UK

    E Project is a built community of UK and EU friends, our server mostly consists of players in their 30's, which is why we set a 21+ age requirement to try to cater to a similar age maturity. We promote a low-stress environment, helping one another in-game and out.

    The server is based in Falkenstein, Germany, we run the latest PaperMC with several Quality of Life Enhancements. Friend referrals from the community are welcome if you wish to bring others along.

    Website: https://www.eproject.uk/

    LiveMap: http://map.eproject.uk

    Server Setup:

    We are a simple setup, a few changes to better cater for multiplayer along with several additions on top of the standard gameplay.

    ✅ Night Time cycle cannot be skipped. ✅ Phantoms are disabled - Bats drop membranes. ✅ Default world with Amplified Biomes at the border. ✅ /RTP - Random teleport around the Overworld. ✅ /TPA to friends in Overworld & /Home ✅ Toggleable auto fill hand. ✅ Lightning Fire Spread is disabled. ✅ MCMMO - With some OP aspects nerfed, mainly for score tracking. ✅ A library of heads for small block decoration. ✅ Item Frame Hopper filters. ✅ Shift-Click toggle visible/invisible item frames. ✅ Armor stand editor. ✅ Big Movable doors/drawbridges. ✅ Faster Minecart system. ✅ Secret Switch system for your hidden doors. ✅ Dragon drops Elytra. ✅ Shift Toggle Tree Felling & Vein Mining ✅ Creepers, Enderman, Ghasts, cannot pick up/damage blocks. ✅ Pet Protection. ✅ Sign Chest Protection. ✅ Mobs Head Drops. ✅ Vanilla player controlled trading. ✅ Optional Visual Improvement resource pack. 
    We do have some rules we require players to follow.
    1. Please speak English in public chats.
    2. No griefing or stealing.
    3. No harassment in the chat of any kind.
    4. Avoid being inappropriate in chat, most notably sexual comments, and media.
    5. No Cheating of any means to give an unfair advantage (Duplicating, X-Ray resource packs, map modification mods, obtaining seed, scripts of any kind, flying, ...).

    Interested to be apart of E Project?

    To apply, click here to fill in the form. Please keep an eye out for a friend request via Discord for an invitation to the community if successful.

    submitted by /u/BadContent
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    Chertia [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.16.3} {Story} {Events} {16+}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:58 PM PDT


    Welcome to Chertia! Chertia is a semi-vanilla survival server set in a land of gods, magic and monsters known as the Kingdom of Chertia. This server is heavily inspired by Mianite, but has evolved over time. We've created our own identity with completely new characters and an ongoing story that everyone is able to contribute to in some way or another.

    Throughout your adventures on Chertia, you will encounter and interact with gods. Regular (usually 2-4 times weekly) events ranging from fun games to perilous adventures will keep you engaged with the server in a unique way. We have a bunch of really cool custom-coded features, including an update that adds custom, procedurally-generated dungeons that we have releasing tomorrow.

    The server is on normal difficulty and is hosted in Montréal, Québec. It runs on PaperMC.

    Subreddit: r/theworldofchertia

    Season 2 began on Friday, July 24.

    The Story

    You are thrown into the mysterious world of Ahiro, in the Kingdom of Chertia. More specifically, the province of Hyacinth, which spans the entire server map, corner to corner. The kingdom is inhabited by sibling gods who interact with you and help or hinder your ability to survive in this strange world. What brought you here? What is the purpose of your adventure?

    The sibling gods are:

    • Lady Chertia, goddess of kindness
    • Lord Syenite, god of chaos
    • Lord Variscite, god of power

    There are some other characters that you may come across as well. For example:

    • Luna Aisling, queen of Chertia
    • Lady Claudine, goddess of change
    • Lord Hyalite, god of order
    • Chancellor Robin, the queen's right hand & leader of the government

    Additionally, each player has their own player character. If you want to start making your own player character, click here to view the guidelines and template. The full list of player & story characters is here.

    Server Events

    While the schedule shifts from week to week, the following is the norm at the moment:

    • Every Friday night and most Wednesday nights, we host a major story event where some of the characters will be on the server, interacting with the players and advancing the server's storyline.
    • On most Saturdays or Sundays, we host Roleplay events where players have the opportunity to get into character and roleplay their hearts out, creating their own stories and fun moments that make Chertia special.
    • We host special PVP events where everyone is given 45 minutes to kill each other for fun (and in-game currency).
    • Other days, you might have the chance to run into a god - they'll log on whenever they feel like it and start interacting. Be prepared at all times!
    • We usually try to host 2-4 events per week, including game nights & pvp events!

    The Server

    Chertia is mainly a semi-vanilla survival server. While we do have plenty of custom features, items and enchantments, these are entirely optional and can be ignored if you wish for a more traditional 'vanilla survival' experience.

    There are some commands that might be useful to know as you begin your adventure on Chertia. For a list of most available commands, view the page here.

    While Chertia is not an explicit roleplay server, there is often roleplay going on! We like to distinguish this with a dedicated roleplay mode, where each player can identify themselves as roleplaying (or wanting to roleplay) in the tablist and switch to a special 'roleplay name'.

    Server Rules

    Please keep these in mind as you begin your adventure.

    1. You may not grief or steal from other players.
    2. You may not use a hacked client, x-ray resource pack (or similar), or any other modification which provides you with an advantage over others.
    3. You may not exploit server bugs or glitches to provide you with an advantage.
    4. Be respectful of others. Harassment, bullying, racism, homophobia, or any similar behaviour will not be tolerated.
    5. You may not use macros or external programs to help you with automatic farming. Your farms must be respectful of server resources and mechanics. Raid farms, piglin farms, iron farms, and certain other farms are not allowed. Consult a staff member for specifics; if you don't do this, we have the ability to remove the farm if it is not allowed.
    6. You may not engage in non-consensual PVP. Exceptions apply in certain circumstances, such as single punches and attempts to stop harassment/annoying behaviours.
    7. You must maintain appropriate behaviour at all times on the server, especially during events.
    8. All canon roleplay is conducted on the server. Roleplay outside one of the community's official channels cannot be considered canon.
    9. The answer to the last question of the whitelist application is 'overalls'.

    For a full list of rules and expected punishments, click here.

    Joining the Server

    To request placement on the whitelist, please join the Discord server here. We ask that applicants are at least 16 years of age.

    Our Discord server is a friendly, welcoming place with its own set of rules linked in the document above. We have several different on-topic and off-topic channels, including a 'best-of' starboard channel (which is full of gems).

    Server Content

    Making Chertia content is strongly encouraged! Upload to YouTube, stream to Twitch, create screenshot galleries, draw some art, write character lore, anything your heart desires! Post it to the subreddit and the Discord for some visibility (and appreciation)! Chertia is a place to shape your own story and unleash your creativity. :)

    We have a dedicated community of artists and writers who are consistently contributing to Chertia! Take a look through our #community and #creative channels in Discord to see plenty of examples.

    We also have many meta memes.

    Datapacks & Custom Content

    There are a few datapacks on the server to improve the overall experience. They are:

    • Dragon Drops Elytra (VanillaTweaks)
    • Silence Mobs (VanillaTweaks)
    • Anti Enderman Grief (VanillaTweaks)

    There are also some additional alterations to the server, such as...

    • 33% of players sleeping will skip the night.
    • Discord/Minecraft connectivity - there is a #server-chat channel in Discord that relays communication between the Discord and the server. Like this!
    • Local chat - you can type @[radius] at the start of your message to send a local message (this won't appear in the Discord).
    • Group chats - set up a group chat with our easy-to-use integrated system. You can find more details on the commands page.
    • Emotes - do /e and bring up the emotes menu.
    • Keep inventory is ON in the end to prevent any unfortunate accidents. However, it is off in the overworld & the nether.
    • We have a Dynmap!

    Finally, there are some minor tweaks to mob spawning and other aspects of the server which tie into the story and concept. The server is vanilla survival at its core.

    Player Quotes

    On Chertia, we strive to maintain a positive, friendly environment. Read what some of our players have said about this.

    • "I joined chertia and from the first hour in server I immediately had this feeling like 'These are my people, I found my people'"
    • "Joining Chertia reignited my love of writing, and character creation, I never got to use any characters I made because writing about them alone felt wrong, now there is a place for these lil insanity outlets misfits beings of questionable stability."
    • "before i joined i hadnt gotten invested in a server in a couple years, and i had tried a few vanilla servers but i didnt like it they were bland, then one night i saw one of the reddit posts for the server so i joined and even though i had no idea how to rp or what the story would entail i loved it and continue to love it and hope to have many years in this community"
    • "when i found chertia, it was the first time i stepped out of my bubble. i had never met a group of people so kind and loving towards people they met on the internet. im really glad i found this server and met everyone involved."
    • "You guys have been so amazing to me and so kind and the events are so much fun and I just don't know where i'd be without everyone here and everyone I've become close with. I appreciate you all so much and love you all and I hope you all know that and love yourself too!"
    • "Every single person on this server has contributed something to making this like a sort of family. And to be welcomed in to that family with open arms, respected, loved even, I consider myself to be extremely lucky. Every time I think about this place, it just feels like a warm, cozy hug with people I care about. A home away from home, and it's a miraculous thing which everyone here, especially the staff, have made possible."

    Hope to see you there!

    submitted by /u/NintyAyansa
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    NatureCraft [Semi-Vanilla] {1:1000 Earth Map} {Towny} {Space/Moon} {Custom Quests/Bosses} {aTLanTis}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    NatureCraft is a custom RPG, realistic geopolitical server[java] that uses 1:1000 earth map. The map is reality based with real biomes and mineral deposit.

    We are a new server but we do have a constant player base of around 12 people and we are open to the general public as long as you don't meet the requirement of toxic in urban dictionary, which means there are plenty of space for new players to settle!

    Website: www.naturecraft.world

    Dynmap: map.naturecraft.world [take note at that continent between EU and NA, aTlanTis]

    Discord: https://discord.gg/4SCXUJ

    We are in active development and we will be rolling out our first side quest, Knights of the Round Table, very soon along with space so to allow players to establish bases and outposts on the moon!

    Current feature list

    ➡️ 1:1000 Earth Map with Atlantis ➡️ Towny plugin that's balanced ➡️ Realistic economy with stock trading and tax evasion ➡️ Custom end/nether with more biomes/mobs ➡️ Custom RPG weapons ➡️ Some minigames ➡️ A nice a welcoming community 

    Coming soon

    ➡️ International Space Station and Moon ➡️ First side quest, Knights of the Round Table ➡️ First world boss, Loki ➡️ Second side quest, The Last Samurai ➡️ Custom items and more RPG weapons 
    submitted by /u/King_Of_Barbados
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    MVS [Semi-Vanilla] {Amplified Terrain} {PvP} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Welcome to one of the only Minecraft servers which features an amplified world. Despite the IP being "mc.myvanillaserver.com" this server is not vanilla. We use plugins to prevent griefing, hacking, and to improve server performance.

    PVP is enabled by default, but you won't lose items from dying in PVP combat. There are *no* pay to win ranks, loot crates, or material vote rewards. Everyone has equal access to commands like /sethome (up to 3), /nick, /wild, /time, /compass, etc. The /wild command will teleport you up to 50k blocks away from spawn!

    We highly recommend players have OptifineHD installed to take full advantage of the render distance and amplified terrain.


    IP: mc.myvanillaserver.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/nuDv4tj

    Website: https://www.myvanillaserver.com

    Dynmap: dynmap.myvanillaserver.com

    submitted by /u/Ocintac
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    HelloWorldMC [SMP] {1.16.3} {EssentialsX} {TradePlus} {worldedit} {Long Term Maintenance}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:39 AM PDT


    HelloWorldMC is a 1.16.3 Java version server. HelloWorldMC is an active gaming community which just established July, 2020! We put our focus on an enhanced vanilla Minecraft server. HelloWorldMC is a community of players that enjoy to build, have fun, and occasionally fall in some lava by accident. It is a great place to come around and grow with the amazing community of dedicated players! We strive to provide an inclusive experience for all of our players, regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.


    Join us: https://discord.gg/58ZhzzN


    • Be respectful of each other and their builds, no need to be rude.
    • Don't grief or unnecessarily kill other players.
    • Toxicity (Racism, frequent cursing at others, etc) is not tolerated (this includes in VC).
    • Keep it civil. Don't be immature. Try to have fun, etc etc.
    • If you want to report any suspicious activity, contact a staff member!
    • Do not post any Discord server invites and/or suspicious links.
    • Don't cheat, hack, bla bla bla. It's a survival server, guys. The rules about this should be obvious.
    submitted by /u/yg336
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    HillcrestMC [SMP] {EpicWorldGen} {Ranks} {SilkSpawners}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Hi :)

    HillcrestMC is a greylisted SMP server with some extra additions. We are always looking for chill people who just wanna enjoy the cool world and play some mc. Here are some of the things on the server:

    • An EpicWorldGen custom generated world.
    • Dynmap
    • Spawn is community built - over the next few months as people improve it it will be awesome.
    • Difficulty is on HARD, KeepInv is ON
    • No clunky GriefPrevention plugins, but grief is against the rules.
    • A rankup system that piggybacks of McMMO skills, playtime and $
    • Player based economy (only item in adminshop is diamonds)
    • Plots world for playershops
    • 3 sethomes, /echest, quality of life commands like /rtp, /tpa ect.
    • Shop for Temporary Fly for huge builds ect.
    • 15k x 15k world border

    We are greylisted and you must fill out a simple application for complete server access. Join our discord @ https://discord.gg/fSGwt77 and the server IP is hillcrestmc.dedimc.io. If you join you wont have access to build and stuff by default- you need to apply! You can still check the server out! We have a greylist because we want to ensure people joining the server have good intentions.

    If you are looking for a FULLY VANILLA server, then this is not for you!!- there are heaps of them out there. This is more semi-vanilla.

    I know the specs of a server don't matter if the server isnt good, but incase you are interested we have:

    • 10GB of Ram, Intel core i9 9900k. Hosted in the USA

    This is not some huge ass server. In off hours we typically have around 1-5 players and during peak times we can reach up to 15 players. The server is nearing 1 week of age. World is fresh!

    submitted by /u/colterhmc
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    Quest Infinite[Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.16.3}{HermitCraft-Like}{US-Europe}{Discord}{Fresh Map}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    Mature Whitelisted Community

    Server Name:Quest Infinite


    Info: We currently are on season two of the server due to unforeseen circumstances so we are having applications open once again. One season lasts minimum 8 months to a year or longer depending on server vote but the goal is always long term and restart when everyone's dried out. The seed is available to everyone from the start and we have a well managed shopping district that people can make lots of diamonds from. We have great server location for players from all around the world being apart of our server. Join Quest Infinite today.

    How do we stand out?:

    • A pretty active community with 5-10 players average

    • Great premium host.

    • A well-rounded server with no p2w ranks.

    • No anti-lag modifications

    • Fresh map.

    • Staff is over the age of 19 plays survival and contains 3 buds

    • No non-vanilla/vanilla handouts from staff.

    • Active.

    Things you should expect from Quest Infinite:

    • Shopping District

    • Community projects.

    • 100% Server Uptime.

    • A close-knit community of respectful gamers.

    • A long-term place with freedom and acceptance for all kinds of players.

    Data Packs Installed:

    • One Player Sleep

    • Double Shulker Shells

    • Dragon Drops Elytra

    • More Mob Heads

    • Player Head Drops

    • Wandering Trades like on Hermitcraft Season 7


    • Mutual respect of your fellow players, including no griefing, stealing, or insults.

    • Involvement and investment in our community.

    • You must use Discord at least semi-frequently to be a member of Quest Infinite.

    Join the discord to get whitelisted:


    submitted by /u/TitusT94
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    Sanctuary [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.16.3} {Vanilla} {Realms} {17+}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    I've just started a new realm yesterday and I'm looking for dedicated players, not only to play, but to build a community with kind hearts to be there for each other in this crazy year.

    I'm looking to make this a realm that lasts for a long time and possibly switching over to a hosted server for Bedrock down the line.

    We're doing simple vanilla (1.16.3) Minecraft with focus on taking things slowly. We're not looking for speed runners or people who are just bored and want to join temporarily.

    The community is small now but we've established a tight knit group of very genuine people. We also have a Discord for vc, and stream on Twitch occasionally.

    If this is something you're looking for, there's a short application here: https://forms.gle/LV9nFaSxJcHN7RV47 and I'll be in contact with you via Windows/Xbox Console but please join the Discord as well if you have it.

    My Discord name is: Halcyonrift#4328

    Please keep in mind that this is 17+ only.

    I hope to meet some new players!


    submitted by /u/acindron
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    NRG-Network [Semi-vanilla] [Hub] {survival} {bedrock} {java} {minigames} {1.16.3}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    IP:play.nrg-mc.com, Port for Bedrock:19132

    NRG IS FOR BEDROCK AND JAVA PLAYERS!!! You can play with your friends no matter what version of the game they own!

    Hii welcome to ... well the post about my server xD

    First of all hello i´m Ame the Co-Owner of NRG-Mc a 1.16 minecraft server for Java AND Bedrock players. One of our players asked me a while ago if theres no way for us to let more people know about our server, when they suggested this subreddit i decided to create an account and... well.. post this xD hope you enjoy it and maybe even decide to check out our server ;P

    What can you do on our server?

    we currently have a handful of servers but we´re planning on adding a few more in the near future. Right now we have...

    • Retronix - a 1.16.2 survival server with an awesome community. we have a few nice add ons like quests, an economy, crates, server events like mob partys and boss fights and many more fun things!
    • Creative - creative server that currently runs 1.15
    • Skyblock- an all custom skyblock minecraft server with multiple difficulties, monthly rewards and much more! on 1.16
    • Beta - A server where we're testing what the future of our server might look like. This beta server (which is going to be released soon) will be a Towney server with lots of custom features!
    • Daily Events/Minigames on our Minigame server!! Anyone can join it to play fun games like murder mystery, hide and seek and much more whenever they want!

    What will we be adding in the Future?

    • basically anything you´d like us to add - we´re always open for new ideas and both I and the other owner try to stay in touch with our players, so if you´d like to see a certain server in the future just let us know and we´ll try to make your dreams come true

    Server Rules

    1. Respect other users.
    2. All language and content must be friendly. (No NSFW content)
    3. Keep your profile clean. Make sure you use your In game name. Do not use inappropriate names, game displays or profile pictures.
    4. No discussion of politics, religion, race, mental illness, or other serious issues.
    5. No spamming, EXCESSIVE CAPS, or aLtErNaTiNg CaPs
    6. No griefing or building inappropriate stuff
    7. Do not argue with staff.
    8. Do not ask about the punishments of other users.
    9. You are allowed to show your work in our discord channels #media and #builds. However, shameless advertisements are not allowed.

    NOTE: These rules apply on all of our platforms.

    Why should you choose our server over other survival servers?

    Ofc its up to you what server you play on but when i asked our players they came up with the following reasons

    • On our server you can actually sleep to avoid phantoms - MrPranklez, the other Owner, put his heart and soul in configurating our plugins. He created a system that lets players speed up the night by sleeping. If there are 4 players online and 1 sleeps the night will go by 25% faster
    • Even if you dont donate you can still enjoy cosmetic features like /hat, /pets, particles and Disguises
    • We don´t tolerate bullying or being rude - doesn´t matter if a players i best friends with the owners and staff, they´ll be treated just like every other player. If they break rules they get punished. We keep a close eye on Players that break our rules and even if they don´t actually break a rule but they bother another player we´ll always try to resolve things and ensure they leave you alone if you want
    • The backend isn´t something just admins+ know about - Our developers update our players whenever they change something (even if its just the colour of a rank) players get the chance to talk to the devs and ask questions or suggest things
    • We´re a young, growing community - that means playing never gets boring, we´re constantly looking for new stuff to add (not just for our donators) we try to reward our community for playing on our server

    Here are the links and stuff for you to join the community!!

    Server Ip: play.nrg-mc.com

    Discord: www.nrg-mc.com/discord

    Forums: http://www.nrg-mc.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nrg.minecraft/?hl=de

    Thank you for reading this, have a wonderful day <3

    now just some general info about our server and how it all came together...

    Originally this Project started out together with another member called Grims. Mr Pranklez and him both started this joint venture as main sponsors and agreed that they would both be active owners/members of this community that we were trying to create. Although he was present throughout the entire process of starting up this project, he no longer has the will/time to dedicate to this amazing community/project. This brought us to the point where we had to bid him farewell as owner of Retronix Network.

    Mr Pranklez soon realized that running a server alone is very hard so he offered me (an admin with the Staff Manager role at the time) to join him in managing the community and keeping the server open as his partner. We then decided to spilt the work in two parts. While i take care of the frontend and do such things as promoting the server, taking care of players and asking for suggestions to improve the server, he takes care of the backend as our main developer.

    Thank you again for reading this post and i hope to see you online at some point. If you have questions feel free to ask me here or Mr Pranklez and our staff using our discord server!!

    submitted by /u/AmethystMallow
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    Westloch [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {1.16.2} {Survival} {Community Focus} {No Grief} {Collectible Series} {Community Events} {Land Claims}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Here at Westloch we strive to create a Semi-Vanilla Minecraft server reminiscent of the good old days of survival while also breathing new life into the tried and true format. Our passionate, veteran, team of staff achieve this with custom-made plugins, personalized items, and fun and unique community events. We focus on creating a fair playing ground for all players, regardless if you donate to the server or not. All perks are available to you simply by voting. We also strive to create and maintain a strong community, one that will respect and be accepting of all people, regardless of age, identity, or background. So come join us today, and welcome to Westloch.

    ❖ Server Information ❖

    ❖ Map Information ❖

    • Overworld: 30k x 30k
    • Nether: 50k x 50k
    • End: 50k x 50k

    ❖ Features ❖

    • Custom-made plugin that resets the main End Island every 12 hours, reviving the dragon without the use of end crystals and rewarding the player who kills it with full xp.
    • Vote keys used to get fun and custom items from our vote crates!
    • 13 cumulative vote ranks, each rewarding you with extra sethomes, claimblocks, commands, and specialty items.
    • Collectable, custom made server item series that refreshes every month. It's a collector's dream!
    • A player run shop world
    • Anti-grief plugins that allow you to claim your home and your items, along with a staff team to help reverse any damage to your hard built homes that may take place.
    • Fun events the whole community can take part in!
    • And an active and friendly Staff team that's always looking to help

    This is a passion project for our staff and everyone works incredibly hard to make it a fantastic experience. We are in it for the long haul, so strap in and take the journey with us.

    submitted by /u/Westloch
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    Victory Hockey League [SMP] {Hockey}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    Do you want to play Hockey in Minecraft? Well, now it is your chance to join the Vindex Hockey League! Where you can play in intense games with your team during the regular season against other fierce competitors and compete in the playoff to win the Cup!

    We got games throughout the week and our discord members are always active to help with the new guys. We are looking for new players in the league to give them the chance to play against the big boys and develop into there own in our league.

    We currently have 4 teams in the VHL (Vancouver Wolves, D.C Dragons, Seattle Bears and the Miami Marauders). We also have all-star games, Winter classic, free agency, draft, salaries, everything!

    Our server is located in a Minecraft Sports Server with over 200 members. There is a football, baseball, and a basketball league if you are interested in those instead. The hockey league is new and will have around 60 players once we start the season.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/kK4ETP8


    Rules for Minecraft hockey

    Section 1 Player Gameplay Rules

    Rule 1.1: 3 Players 1 Goalie. 4 vs 4 including Goalies.

    Rule 1.2: Offsides will NOT be called in this.

    Rule 1.3: If the slime hits the slab it is a goal.

    Rule 1.4: If the slime goes out of play it will be called down and the play will reset .

    Rule 1.5: You MUST crouch on the faceoff if you are taking the faceoff. Being caught once will result in warning then after a penalty shot. If the uncrouch is ruled intentional then no warning will be given out and just a penalty.

    Rule 1.6: On faceoffs your teammates can lineup anywhere on your half of the ice.

    Rule 1.7: If you show up late you can only sub in at the start of the next period.

    Rule 1.8: Corner delay will be called as a penalty. Time delayed with puck in corner could be altered depending on the referee.

    Section 2 Goaltending Gameplay Rules

    Rule 2.1: Goalies are allowed holding 64 webs but are ONLY allowed to place 1 on the ice.

    Rule 2.2: If you place the web OUTSIDE of the crease, it will result in a penalty shot for the other team.

    Rule 2.3: The goalies crease is the blue concrete (or whatever block is being used around the net) around the net and that's where you can place your web.

    Rule 2.4: When the goalie doesn't have the web placed down, he can walk around to the BLUE line. If he has the web placed down he cannot leave the crease.

    Rule 2.5: Your goalie can be changed throughout the game but ONLY to a player who has had 0 playing time during the game and showed up to roll call.

    submitted by /u/Jtv123FTW
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    Mystery - A Minecraft Server [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Are you by chance looking for a community to be apart of for life? Do you want to make friends playing Minecraft who are in it for the long run? Well I have a place for you. Mystery is a community made for Minecrafters who enjoy playing together, building together, and learning together. Here we encourage players to be as active as they can be. No, we dont have a mushroom island shopping district. No, we don't charge diamonds to have a shop. No, we are not Hermitcraft wannabes. We believe in order to have a thriving community we must do something original for a change. Our spawn is a community project spanning 500 blocks from the spawn point. Our shopping district is in a separate location than the spawn project. Our nether tunnel system is under the bedrock ceiling. All the more reason to stand out. We strive to have players online at any time of the day encouraging all countries and time zones to join.

    Our Minecraft server does not tolerate grief, stealing, hacking or cheating and all cases will result in an instant ban. Also any damage to the server will be reverted in seconds thanks to a few plugins we have. We have plugins to view an overhead view of the world, that connects the chat with a discord channel, and to inspect block, container, enderchest and player inventory logs. We also have datapacks to even out multiplayer grinding as if it were singleplayer.

    Our only requirements are that you should be 18+ should have a discord. If interested dm me for application form.

    submitted by /u/Primewren
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    SoulShifted [SMP] {Whitelisted} {Bedrock} {1.16}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    SoulShifted is a chill peaceful SMP started by me and my minecraft friends. It is also a creative smp meaning this is a server where you can enhance and express your creative skills while trying to survive the cruel nature of minecraft survival. One of our goal is to make a huge community of builders from the bedrock side of the minecraft community and also help non builders to be a good one. Our server is set to open Oct. 5th but we have our discord server already open for the past 6 hours. If you are interested, you can DM me on discord (mertzkie89#1343) and i will respond to you. I might not be able to respond to you immediately because i am currently moving to a new place but i will try to respond to everyone as soon as i see them.

    submitted by /u/mertzkie89
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    SoulShifted [SMP] {Whitelisted} {Bedrock} {1.16}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    SoulShifted is a chill peaceful SMP started by me and my minecraft friends. It is also a creative smp meaning this is a server where you can enhance and express your creative skills while trying to survive the cruel nature of minecraft survival. One of our goal is to make a huge community of builders from the bedrock side of the minecraft community and also help non builders to be a good one. Our server is set to open Oct. 5th but we have our discord server already open for the past 6 hours. If you are interested, you can DM me on discord (mertzkie89#1343) and i will respond to you. I might not be able to respond to you immediately because i am currently moving to a new place but i will try to respond to everyone as soon as i see them.

    submitted by /u/mertzkie89
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    Offbeat SMP [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.16.3}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Offbeat SMP is a survival multiplayer server that is geared towards content creators and their friends, creating a tight-knit community that encourages growth and meeting new people! All types of creators and demographics are welcome!

    The server itself will take after that of Dream SMP and SMP Live, with the gamemode being survival and the goal of the server being driven towards fun/relaxed content and interaction. PvP is allowed and encouraged as long as it is not repetitive or without meaning, with content being a valid reason for PvP to an extent. Griefing is banned, but agreed declarations like declarations of war do bypass this rule to an extent as well. The economy will be built in-game and include shops and such!

    The only plugins/datapacks right now are sitting in stairs, single-player sleep, and mob heads.

    This server is intended for content creators and friends as to build a bigger community! There is no exact streaming or content requirement (ex: precise upload schedule), but we do desire some consistency in content creation from either main platform. If you have a reason for not streaming or recording at a time, or are not a content creator, please make note to SSlothh if accepted.

    Beyond this, the rules for the server are rather free-form! Basic Minecraft server rules apply (no hacking, no X-ray, no pointless theft, etc.), but the rest is up to you! You can interpret this as the server being anarchy, but please keep civil or you will be talked to and or kicked.

    If you have any other questions, please DM me at SSlothh#8342 or ping me in the help channel of our discord!

    Application: https://forms.gle/EV6f78yAJAkc7f8j7

    Discord: https://discord.gg/RpwF4fe

    submitted by /u/Sl0thhy
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    Ingenium {SMP}{Technical}{Semi-Vanilla}{Carpet}{1.16.1 updating soon}{Long-Term}{Discord Community}{Looking for builders aswell}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    Who are we?

    We're a bunch of friendly guys playing in 1.16.1, focussed on making unnecessarily large farms/ builds, while being beautiful as well. The server started out in the beginning of September last year and we are here for the long run, no resets, just a big beautiful world we are creating together.

    The server is fully technical and shares all the resources and most of the projects are built as a team. We have about 15 active members both fully technical players but also a few builders.

    Why should you join?

    To have fun and also be a member of a team of open-minded people from different parts of the world, with different ages, sharing the love for this block game. We have a big discord community including people from other technical servers that you can learn from aswell. Don't feel intimidated by the scale or complexity of the projects, that is the power of a bunch of derps putting their minds together.

    We provide you with the best gear so you can have the headstart straight to the endgame.

    If you want to check out more about the server, here's our imgur album with some of the things on the server:https://imgur.com/a/SJwITaQ .

    What are we looking for?

    We are looking for builders that think they can be up to the task of taking on big projects in both Creative and Survival. Also if you are a redstoner you can apply aswell because we are still a technical server.

    How to join?

    Go join our discord and read the how-to-apply channel. You will fill up a form and then open up a ticket so you can show us the great stuff you have built.

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/AZ7xvN

    If you have any questions you can ask them in discord or you can send me a PM.

    submitted by /u/Charge420
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    AeriaCraft [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist}{Discord} {1.16.3}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Hello Everyone!

    We are looking for players who are kind and community oriented with a sense of humor. As long as you are mature, we do not have an age restriction. However, we DO NOT want high pitch voices screaming through our discord server.


    With that being said, before getting down to the smaller details, here are some of the details that will determine if you really want to play on our server or not:

    Discord is required:

    As a small community this is the easiest way for us to communicate. It also brings our server closer together, allowing us to actually feel the emotions projected from our voices. (let's face it -- typing is so mono-toned)

    We have defeated our Ender Dragon:

    I know most of you people who want to apply for servers are looking for something fresh, and well, we're not. However, even if we are well-established, we do still have lots of Community Projects and Events going on that you can do with other Players.

    Activity is the number one priority:

    In order for us to create the tight-knit community we have, we do require our players to be on for a minimum amount of time. Most people do meet this requirement with no problem, but some people do hate this rule, so I thought I'd mention it.

    We are based in the US of A:

    This really doesn't matter that much, but if you're in a different time zone, you may not see a lot of players. While we do have some players from the UK and AUS, most of us are located in the States, particularly along the East Coast.


    Now, here are the rest of the details to our server:

    Server Version: 1.16.3, Hosted in Ontario, Canada

    Server is java based not bedrock, but in the future we may have plans on hosting a bedrock server for those interested.

    We switched to Semi-Vanilla. Adding datapacks (Head Drops, Enderman Griefing, Death Coords, Shulker Drops, Universal Dying, SinglePlayer Sleeping)

    We added a few plugins, Nothing game breaking, IE. Coreprotect, Dynmap, SlimeChunk Detection System

    Maximum whitelist is 30 players -- we currently have 18

    Our Server is based off of MindCrack & HermitCraft -- we talk about them often.

    Our PVP system is based off of Etho's amazing Death Games, you can read up with this in the spawn death games hall.

    We are well-established: We began our map in April, following the 1.14 update.

    We host events mini-events every week and larger events every 2 months. (Our next Event is Cube Control)

    Our Spawn is Medieval Themed located on a mushroom island.

    Our Community really means a lot to us. We try to keep spawn looking nice, make strong bonds and always have a good laugh.


    Here is a list of our server rules:

    No griefing, x-raying, duping or stealing

    No seed will be given to players to prevent abuse.

    PVP must be agreed upon by both parties

    No modded clients (Optifine is okay!) (e.g. clients with x-ray integration)

    No AFK Fishing allowed.

    Cannot build within 500 blocks of spawn - to leave space for spawn projects!

    Cannot build within 250 blocks of another players base unless permitted by said player (People here love big builds)

    Be in Discord voice chat while playing on the server - This is just to create a real community of friends!


    The preferred method of applying is through our website: aeriagaming.com

    After creating your account, you must make an introduction post

    Only after that can you apply through: https://www.aeriagaming.com/applications (The Apply button at the top right corner of the website)

    Now you just fill out the application and press submit! You will receive a message or comment from either AstoriaPlays or ArtosPenn within 24 hours on whether you have been accepted for your second Interview or not.


    The second method of applying is through reddit. Just copy and past this application in the comments with your information: (For Privacy's Sake, Email/Skype is Optional, but we will ask you eventually)

    * Name:

    * Age:

    * Country:

    * Email:

    * Minecraft Username:

    * Why do you want to be whitelisted on our server?* In a paragraph, please describe yourself.

    * How long have you played Minecraft?* Will you be helping with Community Projects?

    * How active will you be on our server? (Hours per Week)

    * Do you understand that Discord is Mandatory?

    If Accepted, what time would you like your Discord Interview?

    NOTE: Discord Interviews occur on the day you apply; if you pick a time that has already passed, it will be moved to the next day. (Delete the answers you would NOT like)

    • 8:00 PM EST
    • 9:00 PM EST
    • 10:00 PM EST

    Do you agree to our rules?


    Thank you for taking an interest in our server!

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comments OR you can go onto our

    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/gTVT98f

    Last but not least, have a look at some images of the server: https://imgur.com/gallery/enlJZQy

    Our IP: Received after interview

    submitted by /u/AstoriaG
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    Survival Fun [SMP] {1.16.3} {Bedrock and Java Crossplay} {Land Claims} {SetHome}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    IP: SurvivalFun.co

    Port (For Bedrock users): 19132


    Survival Fun is a friendly semi-vanilla survival community that has been around for nearly 3 years. Our server is for players looking for a community to interact with and befriend and we aim provide the best survival experience in the meantime. We are actively doing community events and challenges and we would love for you to join us! We have many events and challenges to keep players occupied and our ranks are balanced with all the donations going directly to server upkeep. So come hop on if you are looking for a good ole survival experience!

    Here is an image of our server spawn :)

    Our gameplay is focused towards vanilla with a few additions, quality of life tweaks, and datapacks.

    You can find our server rules here: Rules

    Some Features

    • Land claims to protect your builds.

    • Armored Elytras (Chest plate and elytra merging)

    • Microblocks that you can get from wandering traders.

    • Shopkeepers to make your own shops.

    • Challenge events every two hours.

    • Simple chat tags for personality.

    • Night skipping

    • Crouching while placing an item frame makes it invisible.

    • Set a home and teleport to it later.

    • Horses teleport with you.

    • Quests

    • Dungeons

    Rules (simplified)

    • No griefing

    • No cheating

    • Be nice in chat.






    Staff Application

    IP: SurvivalFun.co

    submitted by /u/SupportThee
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    Kingdom of Starfall [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{16+}{HermitCraft-Like}{Dynmap}{Java1.16.3}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Located on Eastern coast, USA

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Zz4k874

    IP is pinned to the #announcements-and-information section, you need to fill out an application under the #application-for-whitelist section first. Once you're approved you will be white listed on the server.

    Are you looking for a mostly vanilla experience with some quality of life fixes, along with a developed community with a mix of young and adult players? And a fresh map to boot? Come on down to Starfall!

    • Honor based community
    • Free market, with a shopping district
    • Nether roads for travel, absolutely no teleporting
    • Mods and Admins play completely vanilla as well
    • Friendly, we love to chat but we also don't mind if you're the silent type
    • International community


    • No stealing.
    • No grief.
    • No cheating in any way, if you're not sure please ask.
    • Completely chop down trees and don't leave cobble or dirt towers/trails. Keep it looking nice!
    • Don't be jerk. (As in, no cussing at people, no bullying, no racist remarks, etc.)
    • You must live at least 200 blocks away from other people or structures unless you get permission to be closer.
    • All player accounts in the game must be controlled by the owner that applied, not to a brother or other persons with access to the account. Alternate accounts are permitted if they comply with this rule.


    • Dynmap
    • CoreProtect - Only used to log blocks so we can see if someone griefs
    • Harbor(Replacement for one player sleep)
    • Mobheads
    • PhatLoots - Makes Ender Dragon drop an Elytra
    • PlayTimes - See how much time youve played and a play time score board.


    • Armor Statues by VanillaTweaks
    • Larger Phantoms
    • Mobheads
    • Nether Portal Coords (Use /trigger nc_inOverworld to see portal coords in nether- skip the calculating!)
    • Wandering Traders Sell Block Heads

    List of commands

    • /afk - Mark yourself AFK
    • /mail send (username) (message)
    • /mail read
    • /msg (playername)
    • /nickname - you can only change your color, so you need to say like + /nickname &bMitJulia or it wont work. Put the color your want before your username.
    • /ping - Check the servers response time
    • /rules
    • /seen (playername) - see when a player was last online
    • /help
    • /helpop - send a message to any online admins
    • /list - list players currently online
    • /motd

    Copy of the Application

    Please use this in our discord, not in the reddit comments, thanks

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Zz4k874

    In Game Name:


    What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft?:

    What are you looking for in a server?:

    What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?:

    Do you agree to be an honorable member of our community?:

    submitted by /u/LittleMit
    [link] [comments]

    [Wanted] Dream [SMP] Like server?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    Hiya There!

    I am a 13 year old girl who has been playing Minecraft for about 7 or 8 years.

    I have been watching streamers on the Dream SMP lately and I really like how everything is and how entertaining it must be to be apart of. So this is what im currently looking for!

    Also note that I stil am In school I just do online courses :)

    • Active Memebers
    • People somewhat around my age (12-20)
    • A server where everyone is fairly close to each other and spawn
    • People will be ok with things like wars or pranks and minor griefing.
    • People dont care about big bases and stuff (smaller little houses mainly for storage and stuff)
    • Maybe some small content creators (I stream myself)
    • Not a big server. ( I get bored of big SMPS)
    • People who are willing to VC
    • My discord is Makiislive#9400 if anything so please dont hesitate to add me!

    I am not looking for a Huge server just a small one with small content creators!

    If you think that you have a server that can suit what i am looking for, Please DM me or Comment

    submitted by /u/mikan_png
    [link] [comments]


