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    Minecraft Glowsquid should change it's color when it crosses a different biome

    Minecraft Glowsquid should change it's color when it crosses a different biome

    Glowsquid should change it's color when it crosses a different biome

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    If glowsquid wins, I think that it should change the color of the glowy part of it's body when it enters a new biome as a form of camouflage/adaptation to it's new surroundings. Here are some of the examples that I could come up with: 1. Underwater ravines: Normal 2. Coral reefs: Blue, pink, yellow, orange, purple 3. Frozen ocean: Grey and light blue 4. End: Purple

    If you want a glowsquid to retain it's color permanently you can use dyes to change it's color according to your needs similar to sheep. You can also right click the glowsquid with a bottle to get a neon dye of the color respective of the color of the squid you collected it from. Plus items crafted with this dye will actually glow when placed down as blocks.

    submitted by /u/Qzimyion
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    The glow squid should be themed around XP. Here's why (and why this would be even better than giving it a unique drop).

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    So first impressions of the glow squid (as a mob itself, and not the false fantasies of dynamic lighting) have been a bit disappointing, and I'd like to make it more interesting (and give it a use) by giving it a tangible theme:


    The logic behind it is that although irl scientific explanations for bioluminescence exist, the game should have a more light hearted reasoning behind it. So, the lore is that these squids have stuck around for years, absorbing xp from adventurers, drowned, etc., compacted it under their scales and eventually starting radiating energy from the xp.

    But you might not want to get too close. They've become a bit too good at absorbing xp, and will (very) slowly drain your xp too! They will also gladly pick up and store any xp orbs they find lying around.

    1. This mechanic is dead useful, because it allows for the creation of highly effective albeit time-inefficient XP banks. Just get one of these guys to your swimming pool, AFK for a while, and name tag your new friend! There will, of course, be balances such as a cap on max XP.
    2. Killing them will drop a lot of xp, and not necessarily anything unique apart from the normal ink sac. I'd be down for a unique ink sac, but I don't think it's necessary (read below).
    3. This would give the mob a unique reason to exist and look for, while also negating the need for a unique drop, such as glowing ink and the like, which have been doing the rounds on this sub.
      1. Imo, the xp bank utility is a lot more useful than any drop, which just seem forced, and don't fill a niche.
      2. Just to be clear, I am 99% sure that dynamic/coloured lighting is not happening.
      3. This is also better than other suggestions I've seen, such as them pacifying hostile mobs, specifically because this fits so well with its aesthetic and general vibes.


    I suggested this way back in January as a separate fish (link), but the recent mob vote made me think of revisiting the concept for the squid. It was supposed to be part of ADR, so rip for that :(

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    Husk should drop sand

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    As in the tittle husks should drop sand so we can have a renewable (not glitch) way to have sand, also the looting enchantment should increase their sand amount, also this will come along with some husk spawners in the desert.

    This would be awesome to have in a future desert update :)

    submitted by /u/smartan01
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    if the iceoleger wins the mob vote, they should spawn during raids in snowy villages

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    this would add something unique to raids and might give you the motivation and go and explore. this would also be a way to see them more often as most people don't want to go to the top of a mountain just to see a new mob.

    submitted by /u/Trans_DemonTM
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    Ice and Fire (Put an Iceologer in the Nether)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    If the player is able to bring an Iceologer into the Nether dimension they will receive the Ice and Fire achievement.

    submitted by /u/dino_took_my_wallet
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    We should be able to place signs on floors and ceilings!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Just like item frames, and buttons we should be able to place signs on the ceilings and floors!

    submitted by /u/Zeta090
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    Baby villagers go trick-or-treating around Halloween.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    In the evening, they will equip pumpkins, some kinds of mob heads, ir dyed leather helmets, and walk around the village to the adult villagers. Adult villagers (maybe excluding nitwits?) will give out sugar, honey bottles, apples, sweet berries, cookies, and melon slices.

    I feel like this would help give more personality to the villagers.

    submitted by /u/mayuyguy
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    Iceologer Fortress

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    Iceologer Fortress

    The Iceologer Fortress will be a fortess in the great heights of the mountains. In the fortress the player will find Iceologers.


    Stray skeletons will spawn around the structures like the pillagers.

    You can find snow golem in the forteress who spawn with the Iceologers.

    Loot :

    You can find a lot of chest, knowing it's a forteress you will find rarely in the mountains, you can find good enchant, weapon enchanted, ores etc... The chests in this forteress will be like the treasure chests.

    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    The Icelogoer should just be added in the 1.17 mountain update and a new mob replace it in the vote.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    1.17 is confirmed the mountain update. As Mojang plans to release 2 updates per year and Jeb has confirmed, here, that the mountain update will be this year, leaving the last update to be mountain.

    As the Iceologer is going to be exclusive to the mountains, it would make most sense for it to be added in the mountain update.

    The moobloom and glow squid should also be added to their respective biome updates. I believe Mojang wants to eventually update every biome. And the 2 mobs that lose the vote will probably not be seen for a while. Along with the biomes that lost their votes.

    submitted by /u/BeanyEcho
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    Some assembly required

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Spawn in an iron golem, snow golem, and a wither at least once

    submitted by /u/Maritow3rd
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    If Mojang wants true democracy, there could be a mob contest every Minecon.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    I understand they like democracy for voting, but it would be way cooler if there was a change to the voting. Mojang could now add every one of those mobs that we are meant to vote for gradually or in one same update, and the voting could be left to a contest where people could submit there mob models and ideas. The most popular would be voted for, and implemented to the game. This could also make player suggestions better, because barely anything in the feedback site or suggestions subreddit gets implemented. Please let me know what you think, because I know a lot of people are sad at the mob contests seemingly scrapping good ideas.

    submitted by /u/Ardilla3000
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    Glow Goggles

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Glow Goggles are goggles wearable on the head slot. They'd either be their own item or an addition to turtle helmets.

    When worn, they make everything on your screen brighter, such that it always looks like it's light level 10 at minimum. This has no effect on the actual light level, it just makes it look brighter. The light level seen obviously goes up if the area is illuminated somehow. The glasses could be tinted.

    They'd be craftable by some recipe involving glass/glass panes, some drop from the glowing squid suggested mob. I was thinking 1 glass surrounded by 8 glowsquid drops, or 2 glass panes and 7 glowsquid drops such that the glowsquid drops form an I shape.

    I think this would be a good addition because it allows for a portable light source, without being incompatible with Minecraft's lighting or removing the need for actual light. It'd be useful if someone were exploring the deep ocean (where it's hard to just place torches everywhere), or if someone wanted to explore a cave/dark place without leaving signs of their presence/bringing stacks of torches. It could also be useful for fixing/building dark structures (like mob grinders) where illuminating the place would be annoying. It's not OP because the light doesn't prevent mob spawning, it's not super bright, and it can't be combined with OP armor. I see this as being a thing that's useful for certain expeditions/projects, but not something you'd use all the time. Kind of like turtle helmets.

    submitted by /u/creeperflint
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    When bees interact with mooblooms, the mooblooms should breed

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    Bees help flowers in real life by helping them spread pollen to breed. It would be cool if bees pollinating the flowers on the moobloom helped the mooblooms breed with each other. I imagine that pollination would either replace player breeding or serve as another way for the mooblooms to breed.

    submitted by /u/Awesomes_R_Me
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    More Alloys

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    On one of my old posts here "Forge" had a couple ideas for some alloys that you can make with the forge. I got 2 original ideas from some contributors that was only White Gold from u/crazy_al01. And Steel from u/Ancient_Derbis. I've got some of my own ideas for alloys but it would be greatly appreciated if you could send me your ideas for alloys and their details. You can count in fan made materials as well but make sure that they aren't too far out and atleast 1 is an ingot or already existing alloys in the list below. Also only 2 materials can be used.

    List of current alloys - 5 Iron + 5 Gold = White Gold - 10 Iron + 2 Coal = Steel - 5 Copper + 3 Titanium = Surge - 3 Steel + 7 Titanium = Dirium

    submitted by /u/Deplizz78
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    Because it has become apparent that mooblooms will have a new flower, and mooshrooms have that brown mushroom counterparts, then mooblooms should have a chance of spawning blue of lily of the valleys

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Just an idea, will they have a counterpart? Likely not, so this just popped into my head. Ideas and criticism welcome!

    submitted by /u/Maritow3rd
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    If mooblooms win the vote, we should be able to “milk” them with a bottle to get honey.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    While I'm personally voting for the iceologer, I think implementing the moobloom would be a nice way to expand on 1.15 content. Not only do mooblooms interact with bees, they should be able to be "milked" for honey like normal cows are for milk and mooshrooms are for mushroom stew. It's a small feature that might make using honey as a food source more accessible, and it might also make it easier to make honey blocks. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/ThePrimeJediIsTired
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    they should make it to where all sand blocks (sand , red sand , soul sand , etc.) make you take less fall damage .

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    i think this because sand can absorb a lot of force because one time my friend fell from a 5 story house and he survived because there was sand beneath him that he ordered a week before

    submitted by /u/lightcar44
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    The Furnace Golem: A vanilla take on an Earth mob!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    With the glow squid and moobloom being contenders in this year's mob vote, I thought I'd take a stab at suggesting a Minecraft Earth mob for the base game! Here's an image link to what it looks like: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/4/4f/Furnace_Golem.png/revision/latest?cb=20200312043713

    Now that the introduction is out of the way, let's get on to the stats!

    Furnace Golem Stats

    The furnace golem has 100 health (50 full hearts), the same as a regular iron golem. Its height and attack strength are the same as well. It can drop 3-5 iron ingots and 0-2 coal. (How much coal is dropped is determined by the amount of coal in the golem. Any amount greater than 2 will drop 2 coal.)

    Furnace Golem Behavior

    The Furnace Golem walks around aimlessly most time. However, when it sees almost any neutral or hostile mob, it will begin attacking. These attacks have a 20% chance to light the mob it's attacking on fire as well. It is summoned like a normal iron golem, except with a blast furnace in the middle. However, there is a downside: fueling the golem. The golem needs fuel to work. It will freeze in place, and its eyes and furnace will be pitch-black. Using coal or charcoal on it will fuel it for 10 minutes, similar to a furnace minecart. Another, smaller downside is that the furnace golem takes damage in water. An interesting thing that the furnace golem does is that it hands out torches to baby villagers, and sometimes even the player!


    I hope you liked these ideas for porting Minecraft Earth's furnace golem! Feel free to ask any questions in the comments, and remember, happy suggesting!

    submitted by /u/LordOfAllEggs
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    Why not make a treasure room with rare loots in the top of the Mansion.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    It will be more logic , knowing the Mansion is a structure you find rarely in Minecraft and where the head of the illagers and pillagers live. Instead of finding always empty chest, random structures it will be more good to have at least one treasure room in the top of the building.

    Like you have a reward after after fighting a lot of Vindicator and Evokers.

    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    Lining a Microsoft account to a Playstation should keep your custom skins.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    If you own a device that allows custom skins, such as a kindle, and have the Microsoft account linked to your PS4 (or PS5/PS3) you should be able to transfer custom skins. I think it is really annoying to have to only use the inbuilt character customizer to make unique skins, so being able to do what this post is suggesting would be a wonderful addition to the game.

    Edit: The only drawback I that you would have to own an external device

    submitted by /u/ChasingFlavors
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    "Repeat Shot" a new enchant for the crossbow

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    The idea is that this enchantment allows the player to have a repeating crossbow (not a full auto crossbow or a spam click weapon don't worry). Where the player shoots one more arrows for each level of enchantment. Knowing that the enchanted bow is more powerful than the crossbow and that it is more suitable for a 1vs1 unlike the crossbow, the enchantment would make the crossbow more useful in combat and especially in 1vs1 but with this new good ability

    Level of enchantment:

    Repeat Shot I = 2 arrows can be shot each time before reloading

    Repeat Shot II = 3 arrows can be shot each time before reloading

    Repeat Shot III = 4 arrows can be shot each time before reloading

    Enchantment Mechanic :

    The enchantment would not be compatible with Quick charge, Multishot and Piercing.

    The player can have this enchantment at level 30.

    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    Tnt upgrades

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    You can make a stronger block of tnt by crafting 9 of them together

    Edit: everyone is saying call it charged tnt but I was thinking that you could make even stronger tnt with that stronger tnt

    submitted by /u/Redd1tRat
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    Tea and Coffee

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Tea- A plant uncommonly found in Flower Forest in small groups. Tea plants have 4 stages of growth. Immature to Somewhat Immature to Mature to Harvestable. When harvested it will give you 3 tea leaves. Tea leaves can be crafted with a water bucket and a glass bottle to make Tea. Tea can be either drunk on the spot for saturation II for 4:30 and Speed I for 1:30 or smelted in a smoker or furnace to make Warm Tea. Warm Tea will also give Saturation II for 9:00 and Speed II for 3:00. Tea Plants, when broken will drop 1 Tea Leaf. You can replant Tea Plants by placing Tea Leaves on types of dirt not including coarse, path, or tilled dirt

    Coffee- A plant somewhat rarely found in Nether Wastes in patches of 6-7. Coffee plants have identical growth stages as Tea Plants. When harvested you will get 2 Coffee Beans. Coffee Beans can be cooked into Roasted Coffee Beans. Roasted Coffee Beans can be crafted with a water bucket and a glass bottle to make Coffee. Coffee can be drunk for Speed III for 3:00 and a new effect "Insomnia" I for 3:00. Insomnia makes it so no matter how many days you've slept. Phantoms will always spawn at night. Coffee can be put in a brewing stand with a fermented spider eye to make Potion Of Hypersomnia. When drunk you will get Slowness II for 1:50 and yet another new effect "Hypersomnia" for 6:00 Which makes it so Phantoms will never spawn in the duration of the potion.

    submitted by /u/Deplizz78
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    Shulker box Variants: Buoyant, Fireproof and Recall

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Now, some of you may know that I am particularly fond of the shulker box: It's rare, it's cool, and it is SO USEFUL!!! So, as a result, I think it might be interesting to introduce a few variants on the idea. First, I'd like to go over all of the pros and cons each variant would share with each other, mostly because I've already discussed the idea of a fireproof shulker box(twice), and so the shared cons for each variant are:

    Shared balances:

    1. Hard to craft: shulker shells, and boxes in general are incredibly rare, so that's one thing that would make them incredibly hard to craft. However, a second balance is that the other materials might also be hard to find and gather in large quantities. For the Recall Box, one would need 4 eyes of ender and 4 crying obsidian in order craft the box. The Buoyant Box might require Soul Sand, pufferfish, or an enchanted book of some kind(I think in this case, riptide makes the most sense). And finally for the Fireproof Box, you'd need to get obsidian, magma cream, or magma blocks(netherite has NOT been considered for this post due to it's presence on the FPS list, though I've already made a post on that idea), which isn't even covering the other balancing mechanics for the Fireproof Box in general. But that's all I have to say on the issue of crafting, so I'll move on to my second balance.
    2. Requires an empty box: If the box has a single item in it, it can't be crafted into a variant box. That's all. It's simple, but it might keep players from trying to craft the item on the fly.
    3. Non-dyeable: One shared balance is that the player would be unable to dye the box. Now, a lot of players don't think about it, but dying a shulker box is one of the most helpful mechanics tied to the shulker box, as it helps you better organize your equipment. Remove that ability from the special variants, and suddenly, it becomes harder for the player to remember where they left their equipment. Especially if they have multiple copies of a variant box.
    4. No take-backs(possible): If a player crafts a variant box, then it might not be able to be turned back. Of course, there's a variant I'll cover later, but if a player doesn't visit the end all that often, or the nether, then the Recall and Fireproof boxes are basically useless. Which is a problem when paired with the next possible balancing mechanic:
    5. Reduced storage: This is a very simple but also INCREDIBLY effective potential balance to the variants, as a reduced storage(let's say 12 items for simplicities sake) forces the player to pick and choose what's important to save: Is it the expensive items, or the wool from that random pink sheep they killed that they've been holding onto for sentimental reasons? Paired with the no take-backs idea, this would force players to do a lot of picking and choosing. However, that wouldn't make any difference with the next balance:
    6. The de-spawn timer: Just because a player's items are safe from the pool of lava doesn't mean that they should be patting them selves on the back just yet for having that special variant box. You've got a finite period of time between when you died and when the items despawn naturally. So if you don't have any fire resistance potions in your base and you died in the middle of a lava lake near your house, well those are some tough beans, and your items are gonna be gone anyways. Or, if the developers want to be extra cruel, they have reduced de-spawn timers.
    7. Regular shulker boxes and variant boxes can't be stored within each other. That's been the rule about Shulker boxes that's kept them from being overpowered, so I see no reason to change that.

    Now, it does bare mentioning that a lot of these are only shared between some of the variants, so let's get into the drawbacks and mechanical functions of each box. Starting with:

    The Fireproof Box:

    Pros: Saves your items from fire and Lava, floating to the top of the latter.

    Unique Cons:

    1. Temporary coating: This idea flies in the face of the no take back rule, but if this shulker box has a finite number of times that it can fall into the lava before you need to add a new coat or re-craft the item. That or the item just breaks upon it's final use, and transfers everything into the inventory. Unless your inventory was full already, and then you get to see the items it contained cascade out around you into the flames and/or molten rock that they were being sheltered from no less than a second ago.
    2. Sinking: One unique element of the box is that it might not be able to float in water, and just sinks to the bottom of the ocean, making it far more difficult to retrieve.
    3. No fire resistance potions? Tough luck: You really, REALLY do not want to drop your box in the middle of an ocean of lava if you don't have any fire resistance potions. Need I say anymore?
    4. Only heat resistant: Maybe an interesting mechanic is the idea is that they can only resist fire and lava for about a minute before they burn up anyways. Yes, I know that idea contradicts the idea that it's "fireproof," but it might add a bit of urgency to the concept.

    That's all of the cons for the fire proof box out of the way, but now it's time for the Buoyant Box:

    Pros: It floats to the top of water slightly faster than most other items, and might have a slightly higher capacity than the other boxes!

    Unique Cons:

    1. Ice: If it's trapped under ice and you did not have the time to save your coordinates, tracking it down can be a nightmare. ESPECIALLY if it's in the middle of the ocean. And you'd better hope there's not an ocean monument nearby. Otherwise, you're gonna have to worry about the guardians, and the fatigue...
    2. The air's escaped: Maybe the box only remains floating at the surface for a short period of time as a result of it's rapid rising time, so after about 30 seconds after it hit's the surface. At which point, it sinks much like the proposed fireproof box.

    The buoyant box is probably the box I've put the least thought into, so I apologize if it's mechanics seem shallow at the moment, no pun intended. The same can probably be said of the final box, The Recall Box:

    Pros: When broken, if the player is within 10 blocks of the item, it will instantly teleport to them. This is especially handy in the end.

    Unique Cons:

    1. The cost: The Recall Box might be the most expensive of the 3 variant boxes to craft, possibly requiring an ender chest in place of a regular chest in the traditional shulker recipe.
    2. Charge: Each time the box teleports to the player, it might lose some charge that must be restored. Possible recharging options are:
      Ender Pearls
      Eyes of Ender
      Blaze Powder
      Glow/redstone dust
      A new fuel source unique to an end update!
      Chorus fruit
    3. The lowest carrying capacity: If the box had the lowest storage space of all of the boxes, that would mean players would have to be EXTRA careful about what they carried inside the box.
    4. Whoops, out of room: The teleportation mechanic won't do you any good if you're inventories already full.

    And those are all of the ideas I have for variant Shulker boxes. I hope it's been interesting and informative, and that you found it fairly comprehensive. And I hope to hear your feedback in the comments!

    submitted by /u/firebyte27
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