• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Block Party SMP [Vanilla] {1.16.3} {Whitelist}

    Minecraft Servers Block Party SMP [Vanilla] {1.16.3} {Whitelist}

    Block Party SMP [Vanilla] {1.16.3} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I've been running a vanilla SMP on and off for about a year now, and over the months new players have come and gone, and a smaller group of core players have stuck around as regulars. We've all had the itch to play again lately, so we're looking to recruit more players - preferably people that will be up for sticking around! - to really build out the community again.

    Some features of the server:

    - Active Discord server, optional voice chat

    - One-player sleeping

    - Whitelist-protected

    - Running Java 1.16.3 on Hard Mode

    - 100% server uptime

    - Player-run economy with dedicated Shopping District in the spawn chunks (Mooshroom biome, so no nasty Creeper surprises!)

    - Regular End resets for elytra/shulker respawns

    - Friendly, mature playerbase

    Players of all kinds are welcome - newbies, experts, redstone gods, master builders, you name it. We've got quite a mixture already! The server is run on the principles of trust - any items, redstone machinery or builds that you come across are to be left exactly as you found them, without explicit permission to the contrary from the owner. We've had a great record over the past year of players respecting each other's property and possessions, so I'm keen to maintain that above all else.

    Even with a smaller number of players, quite a lot can get done on a server in the space of a year - there are some pretty elaborate bases dotted all over the map, and we're constantly expanding our shopping district, and our work-in-progress minigame district (Oof Land!)

    I'd love to see more builds cropping up in both of these, as well as just generally out in the world.

    If you think you'd be interested in joining us (and hopefully staying a while!) then give me a shout on Discord at StudioSeraphim#5263, or comment on this thread and we'll have a chat. If you have any questions not covered by the above, ditto!

    Hope to play with you all soon!


    submitted by /u/StudioSeraphim
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    BeastPrisons [PvP]

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Beast Prison is a next generation Prison server with $100+ in Payouts brand new ideas that have not been seen before in any other prison server, So join today at: discord.gg/beastprisons or beastprisons.com

    It has so many custom features with more on the way!:

    • Fully custom coded core
    • Private mines + Upgradable
    • Gangs
    • Gang mines
    • Custom Enchants
    • Key backpacks
    • Events
    • PvP

    And a whole lot more!

    submitted by /u/TideOPL
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    Allium SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Dynmap} {Greylist} {Dedicated players}{1.16.3}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Welcome to Allium!!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/eySfvMJ (uses a greylist)

    Server IP: play.alliummc.org

    Allium is an SMP server. Allium has been running since June of 2019. Season 3 has recently started. That means a fresh map for our 360 players.

    Our only rule is to respect others! This means no stealing or griefing, and no picking on anyone (unless as a joke, obviously). We love to pride ourselves as a community that does what other communities dream of. We build the most elaborate farms, take on the largest projects, and have the most fun doing so. Most active players run a shop and talk in our discord. If you're interested in that kind of thing, we would love to have to aboard.

    We run on 11GB of 3200 MHz RAM and an overclocked i9-9900k.

    To get started, you can join our discord or check out the server! You must register on discord before playing. Also feel free to check out our Instagram page, our subreddit, or our incredibly impressive Dynmap!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/eySfvMJ

    Server IP: play.alliummc.org

    Instagram: allium.server

    Reddit: reddit.com/r/allium

    Dynmap: map.alliummc.org

    submitted by /u/Knights1045
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    TellusMC [SMP] {1.16.1} {Roleplay} {EARTH MAP!}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Server IP: tellusmc.com

    Welcome to TellusMC!

    TellusMC features a unique Minecraft experience. The main goal is to make a town and nation and grow it. The fun part is, you make a real life town/nation at the REAL LIFE location!

    We have fun ways to grow your kingdom!

    Jobs! Player shops! Auctions! Why should you join?

    Community orientated Well optimized server with low lag Plugins that increase functionality but don't take away from playing through the game Great community Create alliances and become a global superpower Livemap to check your location These are only a taste of TellusMC. Check it out!

    Website: tellusmc.com

    submitted by /u/xKingAura
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    TrimboAmplified [Semi-Vanilla] {1.16.3} {Amplified} {Java}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Trimbo Amplified (Java)

    • Almost a Vanilla Minecraft Server
    • Generated as Amplified, huge mountains everywhere and beautiful terrain!
    • Freely build anywhere
    • Version 1.16.3
    • Small but fun community, come introduce yourself!
    • Extensive history, come explore the world and make your mark!


    -Don't be an asshole

    -Don't Grief

    -No use hack

    Server IP: TrimboAmplified.us.to


    Join our discord! It's linked to our servers so you can stay in touch even from your phone when you can't play Minecraft! It also has a range of other great channels to keep you entertained! -


    (You can find the IP in the #info)

    We are always trying to improve the server and community! Feedback (positive or negative) is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/TrimboOfficial
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    Vanillarite [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {16+} {claims} {no-grief} {player-shops} {1.16.3}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    "I got really lucky finding Vanillarite. It was just in a long list of other servers. I don't really remember what made me click. I know I wasn't looking for a server that offered a better way to play Minecraft. I was looking for a server that offered community and collaboration. I think those are our strongest traits. Yes we have good builders but being on a server isn't about the virtual atmosphere (for me); it's about the social atmosphere." - Calonan

    Vanillarite is a vanilla server, with some plugins, that keeps the players in mind. We have claim blocks to protect your builds where you can enable PVP if you so desire, active staff, and a supportive community. Player shops to sell your items as well as iceways to travel fast across the map, the blue lines on the Dynmap ↗ connect the stations where you can walk onto the pressure plates to tp to other stations.

    Bring your friends or make some new ones. Hope to see you there! Don't forget to join our Discord ↗ to keep up to date on things like maintenance, changes in rules ↗ or just to chat with other players. Access to all channels will be given once we verify you have joined our server (#read-this-to-get-access).

    Join us today play.vanillarite.com

    submitted by /u/Aitnys
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    Royal Asylum Prison [PVP] ]{Non-OP Prison} {1.16.1}{Quests}{Medieval}{Kingdom Roleplay}{Duels}{Towny} {Guards}{Custom Enchants}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    IP: royalasylum.mcraft.pro Discord: https://discord.gg/bFRgSKa

    Forums: https://royalasylummc.enjin.com/

    Tired of the traditional prison experience?

    The time has come to flee your war torn country and begin your new life as a prisoner of war at the Royal Asylum in the Lost Kingdom! Start as a peasant and mine,chop, and fight for your life to rankup and achieve Noble status through the kingdom. This is a prison experience like no other. We've taken the classic prison formula and refreshed it with aspects of a RPG server. Climb through the ranks (Peasant, Farmer, Craftsmen, Vassal, and Noble) by completing quests around the different prison blocks and mining, chopping, and fishing like done on classic prisons.

    After you rankup out of the prison, as opposed to the typical survival world as done with other prisons, you are thrown into a Noble world where you are tasked with exploring different regions and dimension so that you can start building your OWN kingdom. You will also be able to complete Royal Quests to climb the ranks even furthur in the future.

    We have new ranks and content coming out this week! So join now so you don't miss a thing!

    We have cool features like:


    Non Traditional Prison



    PvP Mines

    Engaged Community

    Active & Responsive Admins

    Here are some old pics of the prison if you're interested: https://imgur.com/a/cQGeoNa

    submitted by /u/Crafter409
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    POGCRAFT [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    PogCraft is a brand new SMP starting this Saturday morning GMT its a mature server so teens and above only please but other than that that's the only restrictions! we aim to be inclusive and have an in game economy as well as a shopping district and community events. Also feel free to dm me if you have any questions!

    were using simple plugins but are open to suggestions for more!

    just join discord fill out an application and well be on our way :)


    submitted by /u/pringlex_33
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    Quest Infinite[Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.16.3}{HermitCraft-Like}{US-Europe}{Discord}{Fresh Map}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    Mature Whitelisted Community

    Server Name:Quest Infinite


    Info: We currently are on season two of the server due to unforeseen circumstances so we are having applications open once again. One season lasts minimum 8 months to a year or longer depending on server vote but the goal is always long term and restart when everyone's dried out. The seed is available to everyone from the start and we have a well managed shopping district that people can make lots of diamonds from. We have great server location for players from all around the world being apart of our server. Join Quest Infinite today.

    How do we stand out?:

    • A pretty active community with 5-10 players average

    • Great premium host.

    • A well-rounded server with no p2w ranks.

    • No anti-lag modifications

    • Fresh map.

    • Staff is over the age of 19 plays survival and contains 3 buds

    • No non-vanilla/vanilla handouts from staff.

    • Active.

    Things you should expect from Quest Infinite:

    • Shopping District

    • Community projects.

    • 100% Server Uptime.

    • A close-knit community of respectful gamers.

    • A long-term place with freedom and acceptance for all kinds of players.

    Data Packs Installed:

    • One Player Sleep

    • Double Shulker Shells

    • Dragon Drops Elytra

    • More Mob Heads

    • Player Head Drops

    • Wandering Trades like on Hermitcraft Season 7


    • Mutual respect of your fellow players, including no griefing, stealing, or insults.

    • Involvement and investment in our community.

    • You must use Discord at least semi-frequently to be a member of Quest Infinite.

    Join the discord to get whitelisted:


    submitted by /u/TitusT94
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    JoeshCraft [semi-vanilla] [pvp] [pve] {bedrock} {discord-req} {small}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Joeshcraft is a semi-serious nationRP SMP kinda thing, in which sovereign nations claim land, expand, go to war, participate in politics, etc, on a scale map of the real Earth

    Here you can expand, colonize and conquer till your hearts content or at least until you get captured and sent to a penal colony. You can found your own nation based on historical countries or fictional, customize it however you want, build your Capital city and grow your influence from there. There will be war, intrigue, chaos. Only the strong shall survive.


    submitted by /u/Shlargo4
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    OneMoreMinecraftServer [Semi-Vanilla] {Active Community Server} {Hermitcraft-Style}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    - Welcome to OneMoreMinecraftServer Ad! -

    - Join today And make Internet history! -

    - We are a community of Minecraft players ranging from all levels of experience! -

    - We communicate and connect with other web surfers & gamers on OneMoreDiscordServer https://discord.com/invite/HspuDYR -

    - Come join for server IP and more information about our server! -

    submitted by /u/OneMoreReview
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    Evercraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] [Realms] {Whitelist} {Bedrock/MCPE} {18+} {Discord required}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    Hello! Evercraft is looking for new players!

    Evercraft is a survival, vanilla+ (1-player sleep, fire spread off, and custom traders), HARD mode always enabled, 10-slot Bedrock realm. We currently have over 40 active members in our Discord, and are looking to expand!

    A little about us...

    • Evercraft was founded in September 2019

    • Our community has a unique mix of miners, explorers, redstoners, and more to help you out with any project.

    • Evercraft v2 had a great run with over 30 active members contributing countless amazing builds. We reset at the beginning of June in preparation for the upcoming 1.16 Nether Update.

    • Evercraft v3 features a thriving diamond based economy, with an mooshroom island based shopping district for safety and convenience.

    • Streamers and video makers welcome!

    • Our Rules

    Our "Vanilla+" Modifications

    • 1-player sleep: We use the same command-block 1-player sleep system used by the Truly Bedrock server. It is very reliable, the only drawback being, you must be standing on your pillow before sleeping to trigger it. This will be replaced with a more user friendly behavior pack based system after 1.16.

    • Activity Tracker: This simple tweak allows players to track thier total minutes played on the realm from the pause menu.

    • Craftable Blackstone: Our realm features a custom plugin to allow you to craft blackstone using basalt and coal.

    • Custom Traders: Wandering traders kinda suck. They're ugly, they spawn everywhere you dont want them, and they have awful trades. Our custom plugin changes all that, making a wandering trader spawn something to celebrate.

    A few requirements to join...

    • Must use Discord

    • Must be 18+

    • Must be active in Discord after joining


    q: Why aren't people under 18 allowed?
    a: Our server's average member is 21+ We prefer to play with people near our age, and don't want to have to censor ourselves (Our server is strictly SFW, but adult conversions do still come up). Our server is also very community/discussion-centric, so if you are younger than everyone else, it might be harder for you to feel included. We do however, occasionally make exceptions for 15-17 year olds if they seem dedicated.

    q: Why is it so complicated to join your realm?
    a: While the process can seem complex, it's not hard at all. The system is designed to be as fair and quick as possible. We are very transparent about how it works (info on our website linked below), and try to be upfront that joining usually takes around 1 week. Since we are firm on being application-only to prevent griefers/hackers, the only alternative to our current process would be to just accept or deny people based purely on the first impression of their application. We think our current process of getting to know people, having a voice conversation, and holding a democratic vote is much more fair.

    q: What is Vanilla+?
    a: Basically vanilla with a few small tweaks that do not affect the balance of the game. Think along the lines of the popular YouTube series Hermitcraft. We just don't claim to be a "Hermitcraft-style" server because those are very large shoes to fill.

    q: Why was I voted out?
    a: Almost every time someone is voted out, it is because they joined the Discord, put in an application, and never spoke since then. We are a very social community and not interacting in #general is a sure fire way to get voted out. If this is the case, you can reapply in 1 week and try to be more active next time :)

    q: Why was I banned?
    a: Because you broke a rule. We don't ban anyone without multiple points of evidence being collected and verified in our staff server. If you feel your ban is too long, shouldn't be permanent, or you wish to apologize, we have a Ban Appeal button located at the very bottom of our website.

    [If you are interested, click here to join!]

    We also run a subreddit, /r/Evercraft. Swing by if you are interested in seeing some of our builds! :D

    submitted by /u/ethancochran
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    MCDUNGEON [PVE]{Towny}{RPG}{1.15-1.16.+}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:06 PM PDT


    Welcome to MCDUNGEON

    RPG PVE experience with massive amounts of grinding, leveling, legendary loot and upgrades to find!

    Do you want to become a DeathKnight in search of glory and fame by leveling up against elite mobs or custom boss's to grab the best loot in game? You can.

    Do you want to become a priest, get married make a peaceful town and become a trader with player shops providing much needed items for those battle hardened veterans? You can.

    Do you want to just fish for ancient artifacts and create the most augmented great white shark catching rod and win all our fishing tourneys? You can.

    Do you want to mine and find ancient treasures while leveling up your mining skills and talents? You can.

    Do you want to become the greatest swordsman who creates a nation to rule many towns and run a continent the way you choose? You can.

    Do you want to be a mage that hunts Dragons to find legendary dragon eggs and treasure to share with your friends? You can.

    What will we be adding in the Future?

    We work with top developers constantly adding commits for all minecraft servers to enjoy. This is our beta release with the goal of being foundation complete by january 2021..

    Why spend your time with us?

    Our goal is to enhance the survival aspect on minecraft with optional gameplay mechanics.

    If you love the MMOrpg scene, we have that in all it's grinding glory.

    We love minecraft and MMO's with 10 years server development experience.

    Server administration of spigot community members since 2010.

    Former HavenMC, TwitchMC, MiracleMC, play.HavenMC.com moderators and development

    Thank you for your time. Any questions feel free to join our discord server!


    Discord: discord.mcdungeon.com

    submitted by /u/playmcdungeon
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    [Wanted] [Vanilla] server to become a member of

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Hello! I have played for quite some time, although never on a server with more than a few friends. After a long hiatus I am back to playing nearly daily, 10+ hours a week. I am looking for a server to join that is either vanilla or very close to it. I keep up with the HC server, and dream of something similar as far as friendly players, collab, no worries of theft/annoyances from other players, etc. A big thing for me would to be able to ask the chat if they have X item I could trade for/buy (would love a shopping district type area but realize that's probably unrealistic, but a currency system is awesome). Preferably ~20 members active at least weekly. A discord chat is a plus but not a must. Let me know if you have what I'm looking for! Note - I don't have much work to show for myself as I lost both of my worlds during my hiatus.

    submitted by /u/backupbatboy
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    Kindred Legacy [Anarchy] {Vanilla Gameplay} {Friendly} {Tempbans}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    The howling of the wind abates a moment. Through the thick swirl of snow, I can see the flat ice of a shoreline spread before me. I have reached the new land in the north. A new beginning.

    Server IP: kindred-legacy.com

    Version 1.16

    This server is HARD MODE. No coordinates, no TP, or admin help! If you cant play minecraft hard mode without help or handle the risk of getting raided by others, this server may not be for you.

    We are a friendly community with players from the States, Europe and even Australia. All the settlements on the server are built against the tide of griefing. From Greater Cobbleton to Origin the server stands strong. See you in the North!

    • Server runs Paper. No game changing plugins. Pure vanilla experience.
    • Dedicated server
    • World will never be reset
    • No coordinates
    • Large biomes
    • Hard mode
    • No TP, help or protection
    • No OPs or creative players
    • No donator privileges or perks
    • 40 slots

    Server Rules:

    • ​No hacking (6 month temp ban)
    • No doxxing, death threats, etc
    • If you keep getting banned, it's longer every time. ​

    Addendum : Yes, it is Anarchy. You can do anything you want while playing the same unmodified vanilla game as everyone else. The same way athletes compete without performance enhancing drugs to keep it fair. A server that allows hacking is a 'Chaos' server. Search for those if you want to speedfly and killaura people.

    submitted by /u/LegitYarik
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    SevTech: Ages to the sky [modded] {1.12.2} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    Hey! Im looking for a long term group to play the new SevTech: Ages to the sky with. The pack is the same as the original but has a whole bunch of new mods and runs so much better (70+fps for a 1060 while I have a shader and resource pack running). I have a dedicated server that runs it no problem and own a active gaming discord for us to chill in. Originally the pack is a Skyblock world but I changed the world gen to spawn a normal map. So essentially its just a newer version of SevTech. If you are interested in playing or would like to join our discord to play with others in popular games hmu @ xiRite#8689 REQ. English speaking, Decent knowledge of mods (its a big pack), 16yrs+ Thx :)

    submitted by /u/i_Rite
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    Enter the Rift! [Semi-vanilla] {RPG} {Discord} {Dynmap} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit! My name's Psynexus and wanted to finally share a project I've been working on for nearly as long as Minecraft has been out. I've been playing Java since late alpha and realized early on that I love to build in survival and creative and have recently tried my hand at some scripting.

    I'm creating a world based around an RPG concept I've had for a long time and would like to enlist the help of builders/scripters who are interested and would like to contribute to the project. The basic concept is you, the player, wake up to find yourself in a strange place you've never seen and must explore the world and help its inhabitants in order to find a way home.

    I have no real requirements other than have experience with different building styles in Minecraft, ability to take direction, and motivation/dedication to build the world I'm planning out. Ideally I would like to start with the following type of players to get off the ground:

    • Moderators to manage the Discord and answer basic questions about the server/world
    • Builders to help with build projects and potentially planning out future builds
    • Artists to help with the creation/modification of resourcepacks as more features are added to the server
    • Programmers who can help make quests for the RPG elements as well as build/maintain the other features of the server, which will involve custom leveling/skills/enemies/etc.

    I want to keep specifics about the story/world vague at the moment and let the current builds speak for themselves. If you're interested, hit me up and we'll go from there!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/qkq6DaT

    Map: http://rift.apexmc.co:3051/

    submitted by /u/psynexus
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    Peeks realm [realms] {discord}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    Hello players we at peeks realm would like to see if you would like to join, our realm code is hbvXy8-WFk and our discord HTTPS://discord.gg/V8FVfWV

    We have simple rules we want you to follow No cheats or hacks of any kind • No racist or sexist typing in chat or discord server • Toxic behavior will get your privileges taken for a designated time • Any glitches or exploits that will cause lag are also not aloud • Many people ask you are aloud to pvp and offline raid but dont mess with new players

    submitted by /u/Gruntling7
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    Venturecraft [Semi-Vanilla]{Dynmap}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    A brand new server that looks for new players!

    Semi vanilla server with player driven economy.

    • Strong anti cheat and anti X-ray
    • Global market
    • Trades
    • Anti grief
    • Warps [HyperDrive]
    • Clan wars [Lands plugin]
    • Random teleport
    • Dynmap
    • Discord integration
    • Set bounties on other players

    How to earn in game money:

    1. Every hour a random player will gain a 1$.
    2. Selling your items to other players or trading
    3. Completing a bounty.
    4. Taxes or renting your land.

    Discord server: https://discord.gg/pBHm6cw

    submitted by /u/axilirate
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    Shroomlandians II [Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.16.1} {16+}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Why Us?

    There are thousands of SMP servers that have similar goals in mind and that run the same datapacks, but what makes us unique? We are a truly small, but active and close-knit, group. We aren't interested in adding tons of players to our whitelist or filling up the Discord with inactive people. We originally started as a small group of friends playing in anticipation of the 1.16 update but there is just so much more room to explore. So we have decided to invite more people to join us! The players we have in mind are highly technical or skilled builders. However, we are open to adding anyone to our community if we believe you'll be a good fit.

    TL;DR: If you're searching for a truly small, but active, server with players who have automation and large scale projects/builds in mind, then this could be your new home! We're searching for dedicated players who want to be a part of something spectacular. We look forward to meeting you!


    1. Any form of violence and harassment is prohibited. If you're engaging in toxic behavior you will be banned and your ban will not be lifted under any exceptions.
    2. Stealing is unacceptable under any circumstances. Please ask before you take something that doesn't belong to you.
    3. No griefing of any sort is allowed.
    4. Hacked clients, x-ray resource packs, and client side mods are prohibited. Optifine is okay.
    5. Build your permanent base at least 750 blocks away from spawn.
    6. Please fix creepers holes and don't leave floating trees. If you break something ask for help!
    7. No item duping. TnT duping is allowed but is the only item you can dupe.
    8. If you're inactive for more than 2 weeks at a time without contacting an admin you will be kicked.
    9. Whenever you you build a shop you must pay for the plot, even if it's not located within the shopping district. It is 1 diamond block per 10x10 area. The diamond block pile can be found at in the shopping district.

    Current Datapacks

    • AFK Display
    • Anti Enderman Grief
    • Anti Ghast Grief
    • Coordinates HUD
    • Customizable Armour Stands
    • Double Shulker Shells
    • Dragon Drops Elytra
    • Multiplayer Sleep
    • Shulker Box Preview
    • Tag
    • Spectator Night Vision
    • More Mob Heads
    • Player Head Drops
    • Universal Dying

    How to Join

    Join our Discord and fill out a short whitelist application form.
    There's a specific welcome channel in the Discord for new players. We will only consider serious and thoughtful applications, so please put effort into your application and include screenshots or links to previous builds in the Discord if you like. We want to meet new friends as well as find people to play with so tell us a bit about yourself. If you type just a few sentences total, we won't consider you and there are no expectations made for anyone under the age of 16.

    submitted by /u/Jesse_J
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    The Hive [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {18+} {1.16.3}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    What's the buzz?!

    It's not one of Etho's pranks on HC; it's "The Hive" SMP!

    What is the Hive?

    The Hive is a new whitelisted Semi-Vanilla SMP Spigot server for mature players aged 18+ with minimal plugins that extend functionality or only slightly alter Vanilla Minecraft game play (see full list of plugins and datapacks below). The server is configured to run in Hard difficulty, and has been running under Spigot version 1.15.2 since it's inception on May 4th, 2020. With the recent release via Mojang and Spigot we have since updated to 1.16.3!

    (Note regarding the update: with the focus of 1.16 being an overhaul for the Nether we chose to wipe our Nether dimension with the 1.16 upgrade. As such, our Nether was completely regenerated at first boot on 1.16.1, and is still decently pristine since only a few players have dared venture into the depths to test their mettle in the update!)

    Our focus is on Survival and building a community, but PVP is allowed if players consent. Current Season 1 members are refraining from unnecessary world exploration/location raiding until more players can join so every member can still play the game all the way through from early game to end game without having to jump into a fully established server should they wish (one of our biggest turn offs to well established servers!)

    Who can join?

    Potential candidates must be mature players aged 18+ who wish to join in the ground level of a community that's focused on clean and mature game play with content creation and streaming in mind. As this is a whitelisted server, an application must be submitted and approved prior to joining, but we invite all potential players that meet our criteria to visit with us on our dedicated Discord server "The Swarm" to chat or hang out! It's not necessarily a requirement prior to being whitelisted, but it would certainly improve your chances by getting to know us first!

    What Plugins/Datapacks/Mods are present or allowed?

    The Hive currently has the following Plugins with possible future additions or suggestions considered:

    • BetterSleeping
    • DiscordSRV
    • Dynmap

    We have the following VanillaTweaks Datapacks enabled:

    • AFK display
    • Anti Enderman grief
    • Armour statues
    • Double shulker shells
    • Dragon drops
    • More mob heads
    • Silence mobs
    • Track raw statistics
    • Track statistics
    • Wandering trades

    We also have the following VanillaTweaks Crafting Packs enabled:

    • 12 trapdoors
    • Double slab crafting
    • Dropper to dispenser
    • More bricks crafting
    • More stairs crafting
    • Sandstone dyeing
    • Uncraftable ice
    • Uncraftable nether wart block
    • Universal dyeing
    • Wool to string

    We are prohibiting all hacked clients and extensive client-side modifications except for OptiFine and ReplayMod. BadLion Client is acceptable for players that require the optimization that BLC offers to run on PC's that have trouble running the vanilla client, but we ask that players use the Vanilla Client if BLC isn't needed.

    How do I join?
    If we sound interesting and you think you fit the bill with our criteria listed above, you can join in 4 easy steps!

    1. Come say Hi and chat with us on Discord: https://hive.swarmee.lol/discord
    2. Read our Server & Gameplay rules: https://hive.swarmee.lol/rules
    3. Apply through our Whitelist Application form: https://hive.swarmee.lol/join
    4. Wait to receive your application approval!

    If you have any questions or would like to counter-interview us to see if we'd make a good fit for you, please don't hesitate to drop into our Discord and say hi!

    Keep on buzzing!


    submitted by /u/SwarmeePlays
    [link] [comments]

    RiMC [Modded] [SMP] {1.15.2} {Hermitcraft-like} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    RiMC is a hermitcraft-like vanilla++ community with over 50 friendly and mature memvers with mods spicing things up! Some of the main mods are Create, Biomes O' Plenty, and Gobber 2. If you want to join, just apply on our discord server! https://discord.gg/UWCuRtA

    This server has over 100 mods, yet it's still very lightweight, taking advantage of many optimization mods. A lot of them are quality of life mods, but our custom modpack has something for everyone - an adventurer, an architect, an explorer, or a warrior. This server has something for everyone.

    Ofcourse, in order to keep the server mature and civil, there are very strict rules. If anyone is caught stealing, griefing, or killing people without their concent, they will be banned immediately. A more comprehensive list of rules is found in the discord server

    Hope to see you there!

    submitted by /u/SomeDoge
    [link] [comments]


