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    Minecraft If the iceologer wins, he should be named the chillager

    Minecraft If the iceologer wins, he should be named the chillager

    If the iceologer wins, he should be named the chillager

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    The iceologer so far seems like the overall best choice, have your own opinions of corse though, but one gripe I have with the mob is it's name. It just doesn't roll of the tounge, but you know what does? the CHILLAGER.

    i was chatting and chilling on the discord, and this genius was struck.

    submitted by /u/Universeturkey
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    Argument in favor of the addition of "hostile" real life creatures

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    I dont know why Mojang thought it, but how we know they dont want add "hostile" creatures from the real life, they have say it explictly about sharks, but is the same with lions, snakes, cougars, crocodiles, etc. the words wa something like "if we add friendly sharks, kids will learn that sharks are friendly and will touch them, but if we add hostile sharks, kids will learn that is good kill sharks", how I said it can applies to other animals, instead of this ideas the solution of Mojang is add a touch of fantasy, some things like zombie shark, electric snake or nether panther. If it is of this form we can propose a six eyed shark, with the same behavior as real life shark, or a lion with fantasious colors. What if we speak about an extinct (not like a mod just one can be added), maybe an extinct shark with a monstrous appearence like a helicoprion or a sabertooth even a hell pig (search it), does applie the same concept of wrong teaching for the kids?

    The truth is that Minecraft loses many interesting things just accepting thing like a zombie shark, because in this case is just a giant monster that lives in oceans an kill anything that see like an acuatic zogling (or at the least in the proposes that I see). I mean, Minecraft also pretends to be a educative game, for this reason exits the education version and too they start to add animals in dangerous of extintion, to sensitize kids, for this reason mobs like foxes, dolphins, bees, turtles, pandas and polar bears, have more utility alive than dead, teaching that animals are important. So, why not teach kids thing a little bit more complex, like the nature is peaceful, but defends itself or in nature nothing is bad or good just try to survive.

    I made a post explaining how I imagine it for sharks:


    For this I thought that is put the kids in a bubble and assume they are dumbs (I dont see kids punching cows to get meat or searching wolfs for give they a bone) or that their parents, school or family dont teach how are the animals. Yes speaking about me in my chidhood Ive never thought that animals are friendly or bad, I cant assume it for other kids or people, but if Mojang want educate kids, should do it better.

    Now, I thought that in Mojang are a little bit of ignorance or hypocrisy, because there are bees, wolfs and polar bears in Minecraft, which are neutral mobs, just attack you if you attack they, like any animal could work in minecraft and how are animals in real life, NO ONE ANIMAL KILLs WITHOUT A SURVIVAL REASON, can be hunt or defense, but almost none will attack a human if this dont annoy it, because have more afraid of the humans than the human is afraid of it.

    Another quetioning, is about unrideable dolphins, its not priority for me, just I think that minecraft is a fantasy game, with zombies, archer skeletons a dragon and the justidications of why not dont have sense, I heard two justifications, first said that dolphins have skin with dangerous bacterias that can kill people (again speaking about "dumb kids"), and also could encourage animal abuse, but ride pigs is not a suffer they, carrying big masses or for a feral horse is not a suffer be tamed?, taking away they freedom or kill cows with a punch or burnt, again I dont know about kids doing it, come on, we are speaking about a game in which you feed rabbits with carrots just based in a bugs bunny stereotype, when in real life this dosis of sugar can kill they.

    I dont know about a logical reason of why not add animlas, and I dont speaking about that minecraft will become like mod, just I want a little food chain for biome with 2 or three members, even with less, just an interesting animal for biome.

    An idea that could be a solution is negative XP, black orbs from those real creatures that can reduce your XP to the half, like punish for kill protected animals.

    submitted by /u/DraKio-X
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    Add the ability to connect minecarts to eachother by shift-clicking

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Have you ever wanted to make a rollercoaster, but you don't like having 1 rider at a time? Have you ever wanted to transport loads of items over a rail, but couldn't do it well because the minecarts don't travel in unloaded chunks? Have you ever wanted to use a furnace minecart instead of powered rails, but it doesn't go as well as planned? Or you wanted to make a railway on a server, but you get knocked backwards when you hit another player's cart?

    All of this (and more) would be fixed if we could connect minecarts to eachother to create a "train". You make a train by shift-clicking with any minecart type on another one (even if they are a different type, like a chest minecart and a regular minecart). Trains have the exact same physics as single minecarts and can thus go as fast and far as a normal minecart.

    You would be able to connect up to 10 minecarts to eachother. The speed is always decided by the half of the train that is going forward.

    submitted by /u/GamePlayXtreme
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    If the Iceologer wins, it should be able to summon hostile snow golems

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    As you probably already know, Minecraft Live will host a new mob vote, where you'll be able to vote for the Iceologer, among two other mobs.

    The description we have so far is:


    This cold-hearted illager from Minecraft Dungeons thrives in snowy, icy, and rocky areas. If you vote for this hostile mob, they will move into the new mountain tops that tower over the Overworld. Do you really want that? These mountains are so tall that vegetation doesn't grow on them – just spiky ice formations, rocks, and snow as far as the eye can see. The Iceologer would make these mountains even more challenging, since they don't just want to hang out up there. Oh no, when you meet one of them they will hurl flying ice clouds at you. Vote for the Iceologer if you want to experience hardcore snowball fights with a stunning view!

    Shooting flying ice clouds is fun, but another fun ability would be summoning hostile snow golems. It would also introduce new players to snow golems.

    These snow golems would be hostile to players, as they were created by an Illager. Their snowballs would deal a little bit of damage (1/2 - 1 heart, maybe). The summoning spell would have a cool down of 20-30 seconds, as to not make it too annoying (values up for discussion). Each time, 2-3 snow golems would be spawned.

    Also, if it's not too OP, the iceologer could drop an item which let's you make your snow golems deal damage.

    Do you think Iceologer doesn't sound that good? u/Universeturkey has made a suggestion for a much better name here.

    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    When hearing the cat music discs, cats bob their head

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    In this meme, the cat is vibing. It is quite adorable, and a cat bobbing their head in minecraft to the cat disc would be really nice to see.

    Not much to say other than that, but some cats do indeed enjoy music so it's fairly believable that a cat could do that on their own when hearing something really nice. My cat likes lord of the rings music.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    If the Icologer wins, it should sometimes ride goats.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Minecraft just announced the mobs for the 2020 mob vote, and one of them is the Icologer.

    This cold-hearted illager from Minecraft Dungeons thrives in snowy, icy, and rocky areas. If you vote for this hostile mob, they will move into the new mountain tops that tower over the Overworld. Do you really want that? These mountains are so tall that vegetation doesn't grow on them – just spiky ice formations, rocks, and snow as far as the eye can see. The Iceologer would make these mountains even more challenging, since they don't just want to hang out up there. Oh no, when you meet one of them they will hurl flying ice clouds at you. Vote for the Iceologer if you want to experience hardcore snowball fights with a stunning view!

    They live on mountains but they need a way of transportation on them so it would be cool if they rode on goats since they both live on mountains.

    submitted by /u/MoLikesReddit
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    Apply glowstone dust to blocks for a more spam friendly lightsource.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    One of the major complaints about playing in a survival world is that in order to prevent mob spawns you have to spam lighting everywhere in your build. Torches spammed on the ground everywhere can ruin the aesthetic you are trying to create, and whole block light sources require things like carpet or trapdoors if you want them to be hidden.

    If we had the ability to apply glowstone dust to blocks, this would be a less intrusive way to light a build.


    It would work simply like this:

    1. Any full block would be able to take a maximum of 4 glowstone dust, and each level of dust would increase the amount of light the block emits by 3. At 4 glowstone dust applied to a block, the block would emit 12 light.
    2. For each glowstone dust applied to the block, a gold glittery texture which would increase the more dust that is applied to the block.
    3. Adding a glowstone dust to a block would also make it non-mob-spawnable.



    Glowstone applied to a non-lighting block would never be able to exceed the value of an actual lighting block, and thus using lighting blocks still have greater efficiency and value.

    If you break the block, you would receive the dust applied to it back (maybe less depending on the balance), or you could right click the block with your pickaxe (similar to how you create a path block with a shovel) to reclaim the dust.

    If the dust was applied to a lighting block like a sea-lantern, it would only apply the texture and not increase the light emitting value.


    What would this feature mean?

    • If you've ever been building in an open field, and don't want to spam torches everywhere, you could apply 3-4 glowstone dusts to grass blocks in the field to prevent mob spawns, while creating the illusion a magical, wispy field instead of lame torches.

    • If you've ever want more control over how to light your build, without being forced to use non-mob-spawnable blocks everywhere you want to have lower lighting levels, you could apply glowstone dust to preserve that aesthetic, while not having to look at torches or full-block lights.

    • If you've ever wanted to create a street lamp, but feel that it was pointless because having the light high up defeats the purpose, you can apply glowstone dust to the blocks where you expect the streetlight to shine.

    • Ever wanted to recreate a starry sky, without using expensive nether stars and lag inducing item frames? A glowstone dust with a black block would recreate that effect.

    The applications would be endless!


    Edit: Also, if there is interest, I will try making a mod for it as a side project.

    submitted by /u/AbdealiGames
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    If the iceologer wins, it should be able to spawn strays

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    As you probably already know, Minecraft Live will host a new mob vote, where you'll be able to vote for the Iceologer, among two other mobs.

    The description we have so far is:


    This cold-hearted illager from Minecraft Dungeons thrives in snowy, icy, and rocky areas. If you vote for this hostile mob, they will move into the new mountain tops that tower over the Overworld. Do you really want that? These mountains are so tall that vegetation doesn't grow on them – just spiky ice formations, rocks, and snow as far as the eye can see. The Iceologer would make these mountains even more challenging, since they don't just want to hang out up there. Oh no, when you meet one of them they will hurl flying ice clouds at you. Vote for the Iceologer if you want to experience hardcore snowball fights with a stunning view!

    Shooting flying ice clouds is an interesting attack, but it could use some reinforcements. If it spawned strays, it would make for a more interesting fight, as well as make strays more abundant. The summoning spell would have a cool down of 20-30 seconds, as to not make it too annoying (values up for discussion). Each time, 2-3 strays would be spawned. Also, this could also be implemented, making this mob randomly summon either strays or snow golems.

    (inspired by this comment by u/Craftixal)

    Do you think Iceologer doesn't sound that good? u/Universeturkey has made a suggestion for a much better name here.

    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    Repairing iron golems should bring your reputation up

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Repairing iron golems should increase reputation by 1. But this would only work on a few iron golems a day. And you wouldn't be able to harm the iron golems with lava and repair it

    submitted by /u/TroyG1997
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    Glowing squid drops

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Glowing squid drops "glowing mucus" that could be used in potions to craft a potion that lets you see clearly underwater and highlight all nearby submerged mobs like spectral arrows

    Glowing mucus could also be stuck on walls for a light source which would be extended if put underwater

    The drop rates would be similar to ink sacs from squids but a little bit rarer

    submitted by /u/big_G_is_huge
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    Baby chickens should be yellow.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Baby chickens, or chicks are yellow in real life, so why shouldn't they be yellow in game too?

    submitted by /u/S-K_215
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    A full tier beacon should offer Saturation 1 as a possible effect, kind of like regeneration.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    If you have a full tier beacon you can select saturation. This would be useful in stuff like raid and looting trident farms so you don't die from hunger.

    submitted by /u/-FuzzyCactus-
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    How I think the Glowsquid should work

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    So we have 3 mobs to vote for right now. My favorite idea is the Glow Squid. I think it could be made into a useful mob as well as an atmospheric one.

    First, I think it should drop some component that is used to craft Prismarine Lamps. It only makes sense that an aquatic source of light is made from a bioluminescent creature's remains.

    Second, I feel like the Glow Squid should "pacify" all mobs around it. The bioluminescence of the mob could be for the purpose of mesmerizing normally aggressive ocean creatures like drowneds and guardians. I think any drowned or guardian mob within a 16 block radius of a glow squid should be "pacified", and the mob will stare directly at the glow squid in question.

    And lastly, it would be interesting to see a symbiotic relationship between two mobs in minecraft. I think Glow Squids should attract dolphin mobs to it. Since it will spawn in lower, darker depths, dolphins would not normally be able to see in such low light environments, but the Glow Squid would provide the visibility needed. In return, the dolphin would guide the Squid to kelp, which it eats.

    submitted by /u/ligmaenigma
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    what if foggy weather was a thing

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    somtimes in certan biomes you will randomly have thick fog and the light level will lower. you will hear a cackle and maybe you will see something at the edge of the fog

    submitted by /u/Shrekarmy
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    Snow Themed Jockeys

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Iceologers or Chillagers are a proposed mob in the upcoming mob vote, here's my take on a special mount!

    Stray Horses: Stray Horses are found during snow storms, they are ridden by Strays and occasionally Chillagers. They are very useful because they can ride across ice, built in frostwalker!

    Interactive Behavior: When two Chillagers are mounted nearby a goat, there is a chance they will pick him up and throw him back a forth, a reference to this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzkashi.

    submitted by /u/MrOzone2020
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    Snapshot trial for mobs

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Credit to u/SnowyOranges

    The 3 new mobs should have snapshot trials so that we can avoid having another phantom situation

    submitted by /u/TACOTONY02
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    Instead of adding only the most voted mob, add all 3 new mobs to the game

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I'm pretty sure they're going to throw away the other 2 mobs like the last mob vote with the phantom(and some other votes). In my opinion it doesn't make sense since mojang is not a small indie game developer and minecraft is the most sold game ever. All 3 mobs could be great to the game and I really can't see a reason to not add them all.

    submitted by /u/upalome
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    Instead of having 8 loaded crossbow in our bar and take a lot of time to reload them, why not Repeating crossbow for Minecraft ? ( Don't worry it's not a Machine gun crossbow or a spam click weapon)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Instead of having 8 loaded crossbow in our bar and take a lot of time to reload them, why not Repeating crossbow for Minecraft ? ( Don't worry it's not a Machine gun crossbow or a spam click weapon)

    Repeating Crossbow :


    The Repeating Crossbow is a ranged medieval weapon. This weapon will be more faster than a crossbow with quickcharge except it will deal less damage than a normal crossbow, instead of 11 damage he will deal 6 damage by hit knowing he will be the fastest ranged weapon after the bow.

    Drop :

    The Pillager chief spawn with a repeating crossbow.

    Mechanic :

    The player can shot 8 arrows with crossbow very fast, thanks to the bar mechanic, the repeating crossbow is inspired by this mechanic and the fire rate will be similar to this technic.

    The player will charge this weapon with 8 arrows and after can shot 8 arrows with a fire rate better than a crossbow with quickcharge. After he shots all the arrows, he needs to reload this weapon with 8 arrows again.

    The range will be more lower than the crossbow, he will be good at close range, and can be sometimes useful in medium range, but in medium range, the accuracy will be more low than the crossbow and the bow. The charging time will be a bit better than the crossbow but still slow.

    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    varieties of structures

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Glow Squids and their Luminous Ink

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    The Glow Squid originally made its debut from minecraft earth, and it is now included in the latest mob vote.

    Another purpose they can have other else than provide a source of lighting underwater and another glowing mob would be their ink drops. Their Luminous Ink can apply a glowing effect to any colored dye, which can be used for dyable blocks or items, like as leather armor or wool. This is just a simple idea that could provide more creative options in minecraft.

    submitted by /u/Drowning1
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    Adding another use for glow squids

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    While it's not confirmed that glow squids are the mob that's going to be added, I thought it'd be fun to brainstorm another use for them other than, "haha squid go glow." So, I've come up with the option to be able to use them as an early game source of light in the ocean. You'll need to tame them to do this. It works like a dog, where you feed it a certain item until it's tamed. For the glow squid, you'll have to feed it raw cod. After its tamed, you can right click it and ride it, essentially making you into a little beacon of light that you can explore the sea with.

    submitted by /u/StyrofoamNickel
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    There should be creeks/springs in forest biomes

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    In for example the Dark Oak Forest, players can stumble upon a one block wide river coming from a small waterfall/spring. It would be a quality of life change to these quiet biomes adding to the cozy atmosphere one might get while being in a birch or dark forest, etc biome.

    A step further would be to add bubbling noises coming from the spring, but that would require an entire overall to the sounds water makes so I see this as less likely.

    submitted by /u/dino_took_my_wallet
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    "One Cool Dude"

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    This would be a new advancement for the potential mob, the Iceologer. All that you have to do is find and kill him!

    submitted by /u/MrOzone2020
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    Use bees to dupe all types of flowers

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    A good use for bees would be, if there was a flower in range of an active hive, then after a certain amount of time, another of that same flower would sprout on an open grass block.

    Then you could have a flower farm of any kind without being in a certain biome, not just in a flower forest or swamp.

    submitted by /u/CrudeMocha
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