• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers No Man's Land [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] [Anarchy] {No Whitelist} {Java 1.16.3}

    Minecraft Servers No Man's Land [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] [Anarchy] {No Whitelist} {Java 1.16.3}

    No Man's Land [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] [Anarchy] {No Whitelist} {Java 1.16.3}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    No Man's Land is a vanilla semi-anarchy Minecraft server launched on August 4th 2020, designed to give players total freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended. This means there are no game-changing plugins and very few in-game rules. Everything is left up to our players. Griefing and raiding are permitted and there are no grief-prevention methods. However, players that build far enough out from spawn are able to live peaceful lives.

    We use several Anticheat plugins to ensure No Man's Land strictly upholds the Minecraft vanilla experience. Players who hack will be banned swiftly.

    Server IP: nomansland.gg

    Discord: discord.nomansland.gg / https://discord.gg/WHtjqkc

    And check out our new fancy-pants logo: https://imgur.com/o1oUvDj

    Key Features

    - No game-changing plugins and almost no in-game rules

    - PvP is enabled and encouraged

    - The server is set to Hard

    - The map will never reset

    - The server is based in the UK

    - No payments, no ranks


    - No hacking, X-Ray or other major exploits

    - No lag machines, massive lava flows or extreme lava casts

    - No excessively offensive language

    submitted by /u/Miniimac
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    Horizons [SMP]{1.16.2}{Whitelisted}{Discord}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    Welcome to Horizons!

    We are a Whitelist Vanilla SMP server, who reset on July 5th, playing on hard difficulty and no exploration limits. We've gathered a lot of amazing and fun people during our first season, but we are always looking for new players who can make our community even better! We are home to a lot of talented players, who's skills and talents range from (huge) builds to crazy Redstone contraptions.

    To become a part of our amazing community, please join our Discord server and use the template. You can start you application by heading over to the #applications channel. Here you can introduce yourself, to be considered for Whitelisting!

    We hope to welcome you all on the server!

    We are using the following Datapacks:


    - Anti-Enderman Grief

    - Anti-Creeper Grief

    - Anti-Ghast Grief

    - AFK display

    - Playerhead Drops

    - Custom Armor Stands

    - Multiplayer Sleep

    For more info on the above, or applying, you can visit our [Discord] https://discord.gg/vrKzdj9

    submitted by /u/HorizonsMC
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    ColdWarCraft {1.15.2} {Towny} {Earth} {Guns} {Vehicles} {Dynmap} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    Hello people, we're currently looking for players to join our private earth semi-vanilla towny server. Our server is called ColdWarCraft and the server consists of two sides, the communists and the capitalists. Each team has different weapons, vehicles and economic/social system, and we have different territories, capitalists west and communist east, with Africa being the neutral zone. The main goal is to develop your nation and help out your friends to gain an advantage over the enemy, but at the same time have fun and be part of a special community which glorifies geopolitics. Let me know if u want to join by upvoting and join our Server Discord link so you can join and be whitelisted!

    submitted by /u/viperspecialist
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    Blue Conquest [SMP] {1.16.3} {Survival} {Lands} {Shops} {Aether} {16+} {Dynmap} {RPG}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    📜 Server IP: blueconquest.ferox.host📜

    We use a premium land claiming plugin called: Lands

    It's a towny / factions / grief prevention mix and offers great features like rental, wars and permissions. Create your own town, hotel or trading post. It also has a great GUI.

    Make money:

    Take a job and get paid for every action you do: Woodcutter, Miner, Builder, Fisher, Hunter, and more!

    Sell items to other players using chest shops or the upcoming server shop.

    Improve skills/ability's:

    Level up RPG skills: Digging, woodcutting, mining, farming, fishing, archery, beast mastery, swordsman ship, defense, axe mastery, repair, agility, alchemy, smelting and enchanting. All of these skills can unlock abilities that are useful for every moment

    We vote for most suggestions made by players and see if we can implement them on the server. Want something changed? lets vote for it!

    Some other mentionable features:

    • Custom End/Aether
    • Vote crates
    • 100% NO pay to win
    • Live Dynmap
    • Discord Livechat
    • Better sleeping!


    submitted by /u/ArtamaMeyer
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    Kingdoms of Exilus [SMP] {Towny} {Dynmap} {Whitelist} {Kingdoms} {Politics} {GreyRP} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    A rogue in an unknown land, you don't know who or what is waiting right around the corner.

    It's a dangerous thing to be on your own. Can you best the wilderness and the brigands waiting in the shadows? Or will you swear allegiance to a kingdom in exchange for safety and safe trade? Choose your leaders carefully: peaceful diplomats, wandering merchants, or powerful tyrants. Engage in politics and, if you play your cards wrong, go to war. Gather other rogues and create your own kingdom. Create a name for yourself in the server's lore library. In this fantasy medieval land, the possibilities are endless.

    Many kingdoms here in Exilus seek the legendary relics that bestow the owner with the power to become the High King of Exilus. Rule over the other kingdoms by enforcing your will and collecting your taxes. Claiming the throne can be a heady thing, but watch your back - other kingdoms can assemble to challenge your rule or assemble more relics and take over. Conquer the portal and spawner relics and run a monopoly on resources...if you're feeling lucky.

    If ruling isn't your thing, maybe a trade is - join the legendary merchants of Adstris or serve food and drinks in the hobbit tavern at Periannath. Encourage trade and cooperation with the Kingdom of Renessa. Objectively preserve the history of Exilus and its current and former kingdoms within the Grand Library of Atlantis. For the players that desire all manner of farming, building, and exploring, you can make your home with the viking kingdoms of Midgard and The Lost Einherjar. Fight for your God-Emperor in the Under Empire. Find your calling with the Kingdoms of Exilus!

    Server rules can be found on the website.

    To apply to the whitelist, join the discord and check out the #peasants channel for the whitelist form. Once you're whitelisted, you can dive in and begin your story.

    See you soon, adventurer.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/3bsRmKs

    Kingdoms of Exilus Wiki - Check out our wiki for information on politics, server mechanics, rules, and more!

    submitted by /u/KingdomsofExilus
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    FyraCraft [SMP] {1.16.3}{McMMO}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    IP: mc.fyracraft.com

    Reddit: r/fyracraft

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fyracraft/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/84sWmQ

    Hello all! We are currently looking for players (maybe one day friends xD).

    Our server houses a small community. We are mostly adults but we allow for anyone of any age to join and as such we have zero tolerance for swearing. We want to be a nice server where people can enjoy themselves. You are always wanted in our community doesn't matter your race, sexuality, gender, etc.

    What we have to offer is:

    -Extreme Survival (Hard mode, keep inv is off, and there is a chance of a blood moon where things get insanely difficult)

    -Survival (More lax, keep inv is on, and there is a /shop where you can buy and sell items)


    -The Lab (w/14 mini-games for friends)

    -Arcade (w/ more 8 mini-games also for multiple people)

    - Skyblock

    -Normal Parkour

    -Hard Parkour

    -Super Parkour

    -Bedwars (coming soon!)

    (You can learn more once you join the server)

    Our rules:

    1. Respect ALL players
    2. No hacking or Mods
    3. No Racist/Sexist remarks (No hateful remarks in general tbh as rule 1 respect)
    4. No Cursing/Constant Cursing
    5. No Spamming
    6. No Advertising
    7. No Asking for OP ranks/items
    8. No Griefing
    9. Obey Staff
    10. No Banned items

      Our server is based in the U.K but we have players from different parts of the world.

    We also have a discord and a Mc-Chat where discord users may see who is on and join in the conversations so if you don't see anyone online just text into the chat and someone will most likely see (apologizes if we don't get back to you right away)

    Just say hello and there will mostly be someone to respond (though be mindful that majority of staff are on BST or CEST time zones and most of staff works full time irl)

    If you play for 7 days straight with at least 1 hour of play each time you get a free rank up

    (the rest of the ranks are up to the server owner and senior staff to decide when it's time to promote you based on how active you are)

    We completely understand if you get busy or have other important things to do so your free rank will not be taken away unless it's been several weeks or months.

    (Other methods of getting ranks may result in ranks never being taken away unless banned)

    Once you are up to the first rank then you may apply to positions but you need to prove you deserve the position (unless it is offered by server owners) and it's up to staff to decide whether you get it or not.

    We are hoping one day to have staff from many different countries and time zones!

    Please give us a try~ We hope to grow our little community :D

    submitted by /u/FluffyDeguian7_7
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    Just Minecraft Server [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.16.3} {Hermitcraft Datapacks} {16+}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Just Minecraft Server is a Java Fabric 1.16.2 Minecraft survival server looking to add to our community. We are on our second year with a solid group of long term players. We've all been having fun doing new map antics and building our new bases. The server is in Montreal and sports 16GB of RAM and hermitcraft datapacks.

    Additionally we have a community creative server available. You can collaborate with other players in creative, or test you redstone contraptions on a server environment.

    We ask that you be at least 16, but this is not a deal breaker.

    We have an active community with vibrantly personalities from across the world. Many players choose to play with friends and family.

    For an idea of what we've made, I've linked a few screenshots from our server, such as someone's base or our nether hub. We've also recently had a big war event of capture the flag, in which lots of players participated. We have more pictures on our discord as well. We have a central town to build shops, and an area set aside just for building mini-games. Our server runs on diamonds and trust for currency, helping reinforce our community as we build out.

    Our specific datapacks include:

    AFK Name Changer - Displays a persons's name slightly lighter in the tab menu when they are AFK.

    Anti-Enderman Grief - Prevents endermen from picking up your stuff. Good riddance.

    Custom Armor Stands - Allows you to pose armor stands with the use of a special book. (The free book vendor can be found at spawn.)

    Dragon Drops Elytra - Self-explanatory.

    Double Shulker Shells - Shulkers will always drop two shells- guaranteed.

    More Mob Heads - Allows you to receive the respective mob head from any mob as a rare drop when killed.

    Multiplayer Sleep - Allows the progression to day with only one person sleeping

    Silence Mobs - Got a bunch of mobs making noise in your base? Rename a name tag to "silence me" without the quotes and the mob will no longer make noise.

    Terracotta Wrench - Do you want to be able to place terracotta without 5 hours of painstaking placement to get a nifty pattern? Then this is for you!

    We also run the HermitCraft wandering trader that allows you to purchase unique miniblocks.

    We run a few mods for server performance.

    Carpet Mod, Lithium and Phosphorus all help with lag and provide a few extra tools on the main server.

    Our creative server also has WorldEdit available and all players have access to the commands from Carpet Mod.

    Our core rules are pretty straight forward:

    No griefing. Griefing is the intentional destruction or deletion of others property.

    No stealing.

    No duplicating items, utilizing cheats, hacked clients, x-raying, or anything else that can give you an advantage that other players do not have. TNT entity duplication is allowed for the purposes of limited perimeter clearing, and in blast chambers for farms. World eaters are not allowed.

    No non-consensual PvP. Killing of other players without consent is highly frowned upon and can net you punishment. PvP that has been agreed to beforehand is allowed.

    Language Policy - No offensive, homophobic, racist, sexist, etc. statements. This is a family friendly server; several player have their children or young siblings play with them so please watch your language.

    Be mindful of other builds. If a creeper blows up you need to make an effort to assist in the repair.

    Pranks may be conducted. However, your pranks must be easily reversible. Examples include building funny (but appropriate) things on top of someone's base or trapping them inside an obsidian or infinity box.

    Joining the server discord is required so you can see announcements. Please ensure your IGN is in your discord name.

    Utilize common sense with any rules that may not be listed. If you are not sure, ask. Admins reserve the final say in any matter.

    If you're interested, great! We have a short application we would like you to fill out. Its nothing too expansive, but it is the only way for us to get to know you, so please fill it out. In the meantime join our discord and chat us up. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have, or show you around the latest screenshots and announcements.

    submitted by /u/ScottRadish
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    Dawn MC [Vanilla] {Datapacks} {Whitelist} {Hermitcraft playstyle} {18+} {1.16.2} {Season 4 – 2 Week old map}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Dawn MC is a Vanilla server featuring some data packs to add some quality of life. All the data packs are inspired by Hermitcraft. We are looking for some very active players to strengthen our community. We spend a lot of time on Discord together and like to build big projects.


    · 18+
    · Have Discord
    · Be mature, treat each other with respect.
    · No duping/cheating of any kind
    · Must be active
    · No stealing, PVP-ing without consent of both parties.

    Use this template if you are interested in joining Dawn Vanilla (post below or send a pm, I will add you on Discord):

    Discord IGN#:
    Year of Birth:
    Location (Timezone):
    How often will you play on the server?:
    What is unique about your playstyle?:
    Why should you be whitelisted?:
    Tell us about yourself:

    **Or add me on Discord and send me your application there: Astrovalk#3722*\*

    submitted by /u/Astrovalk
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    EpicMineWorld [SMP] {1.16.3} {Survival} {Dynmap} {McMMO} {Jobs} {Quests}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Server IP: play.epicmineworld.net

    Discord: discord.epicmineworld.net

    Minecraft Version: 1.16.3

    Live Map: https://map.epicmineworld.net/

    Earn money:

    • Do Jobs and Quests: Select from jobs like Lumberjack, Miner, Builder, Digger, Farmer, Hunter, Fisherman, and More!

    Improve your skills:

    • Increase your McMMO power level to unlock special abilities by performing tasks!
    • Level up abilities like Acrobatics, Alchemy, Archery, Axes, Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Repair, Salvage, Smelting, Swords, Taming, Unarmed and Woodcutting!

    Extra Features:

    • Temporary fly for everyone! (earn fly minutes by voting)
    • Grief prevention and recovery for everyone!
    • Test our MVP Rank free for 1 week
    • The ender dragon respawns every day
    • Pets
    • Parkours
    • Mobarena's
    • TNTRun
    • Cosmetics
    • And so much more!

    Things you should expect from us:

    • 19-20 TPS
    • Only 1 cheap donator rank
    • Light anti-lag modifications
    • 100% Server Uptime.


    1. No griefing
    2. No cheating
    3. Be respectful to other players
    submitted by /u/Callandt95
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    RandomSkyBlock [PvE][PvP]{SkyBlock}{1.16.3}{Custom Enchantments}{Custom plugins}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Happy to announce we just switched over to a dedicated server! Check out the new lightning performance.

    For a limited time we're also giving away a free rank on join! Type /iwantrank to redeem and enjoy! Can't wait to see you.


    RandomSkyBlock is a unique twist of the classic gamemode: Skyblock. You will be given a random item every 15 seconds (10 for new players) from any of the materials in the entire Minecraft catalog. Your luck will be tested, and you'll have to engineer your way to the top just as you would on an ordinary Skyblock server! If PvP is your jam, you can hop into our expansive warzone with the gear you acquire to pillage even more, whether it be through other players or our unique events that happen within. If PvE is more your style, we've got some offerings coming soon that we think you'll like like mob arenas and dungeons on top of the existing normal mob generation as well as spawners.


    • Extremely in depth island UI to tweak every setting imaginable
    • Random falling key shards you can combine to create full keys
    • Mob Coins (currency for killing mobs)
    • Boosters of all types to boost your islands output
    • Full custom enchantments system
    • Random rare items
    • Regularly planned updates
    • PVP arena with "Randocrate" loot drops (Similar to Supply Crates).
    • (Coming soon) A full fledged mob arena with custom quests and mobs

      Just added:

    • New player tutorial
    • Full 1.16 items and support
    • Custom achievements
    • Catalysts: A new custom item that instantly spawns in 10-32 random items depending on its strength
    • Booster overhaul with manual and automatic pausing


    • Use commonsense
    • Don't be racist
    • Don't advertise
    • Don't spam
    • Don't use ALL CAPS

      Discord: https://discord.gg/hU6vUaV   Website: https://RandomSkyBlock.net   IP: play.RandomSkyblock.net

    Also, if you're a content creator and like what you see, feel free to reach out to us at contact@randomskyblock.net. We'd love to get some people on board, paid of course, based on your channel performance.


    submitted by /u/RandomSkyBlock
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    Flavor Blast [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {Hermit-like} {1.16.2}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Flavor Blast is a survival server, based out of Chicago, with the intent of playing casual Minecraft with a tightly knit community. The server is currently about a month old and I am actively trying to grow the player base.

    Seed: 1083719637794


    A large mushroom island is located at 0,0 in the world and is reserved for a HermitCraft style shopping district where players purchase plots of land for shops. Surrounding the island is a small ocean with almost every biome type touching the coast.


    1. Player Head DropsPlayer Head Drops
    2. AFK Display
    3. Anti Enderman Grief
    4. Armor Statues
    5. Double Shulker Shells
    6. Dragon Drops 1 Egg 1 Elytra
    7. More Mob Heads
    8. Multiplayer Sleep
    9. CoreProtect (Plugin)
    10. Craftable Nametags
    11. Universal Dyes
    12. Silence mobs
    13. Mini blocks from Wondering Trader


    1. Family Friendly content in game and in chat
    2. no use of third party programs or cheats
    3. no griefing including but not limited to item theft and player build destruction
    4. no 1x1 towers or holes
    5. no unwanted PvP
    6. Gentlemen's Rule (if you prank, trap, or kill another player there must be a mutual involvement or agreement)
    7. all collateral damage of PvP or pranks must be reversed if the victim doesn't approve
    8. You must be a member of the Flavor Blast Discord to be Whitelisted
    9. Do not destroy the biomes listed on the above map (map in discord). If you need mass resources that will alter how the biome looks you will need to find them elsewhere.
    10. ---- We are all friends here and I understand it's fun to pull pranks, but both sides have to be laughing at the end. If a player doesn't consent or is upset with your actions you will be held accountable to any rules broken

    More information can be found in the [Discord](https://discord.gg/y958cbK)

    To apply, complete the following application and submit it below or dm me on Discord

    Minecraft Username:



    How often are you likely to play?:

    Why would you like to join?:

    What is your favorite aspect of playing Minecraft with other people?:

    submitted by /u/StrawBerryCrunch
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    Astra [SMP] {Whitelist} {Survival} {1.16.1}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Astra Survival

    Hello everyone! Astra is an incredibly old non-profit server and through the years, we have grown a community and I myself have learned how to manage a server properly.

    We recently reset our server, around 24 days ago to introduce the changes of the 1.16.1 update. Our average players online are ~20 and our highest is 44.

    How can I join?

    Simply DM either Nemo#4639 or NOTReeses_#8663 on discord and we'll take it from there.

    Information about Astra

    We have formatted our server in such a way that promotes the creation of cities and businesses. Currently, there are 5 official cities (there are requirements for creating a city), and it's really enjoyable traveling to these various destinations and seeing what our community has put together. Despite the fact that we're a lot in this community, we all get along, and that's something rare that I haven't seen on many other servers.

    No, you don't need to be 18+ to join our server. I have always found that rule on other servers quite idiotic considering people mature at different ages, so that's not something you should worry about.

    We also have an active staff team, not staff members that are flying around in creative mode and scaring players by teleporting to them. All our staff members are players of our server as well-- handpicked players that I find suitable to be staff.

    We also have a few custom plugins just to spice it up a little (e.g. you can vote in chat for the time of day, report others, list all cities, create your own city command, view relics (exceptional or sentimental builds handpicked by staff & the community), a world map, and much more. There are quite a few data packs as well.

    Server Rules:


    Help Thread:


    Please don't live millions of blocks away as the premise of this server is to interact with one another.

    We'll be happy to see you online! Have a great day/night.

    submitted by /u/Snustronaut
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    StarFluxNetwork [Semi-Vanilla] {Creative} {Survival} {Dynmap} {1.16.2 - 3}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:32 AM PDT


    Server Info

    Version 1.16.2 - 3

    Server IP starfluxgames.com

    Discord https://discord.gg/rZnmrZu

    Website http://starfluxgames.com/

    Dynmap http://starfluxgames.com:8123/

    Rules http://starfluxgames.com/rules.php


    The StarFluxNetwork is a server which supports Creative and Survival aspects (with more to come!) developed from the ground up with the player's experience in mind. We have implemented various exciting features throughout the entire server with even bigger plans! Some of our various features are as follows! - Custom Enchantments - Custom World Generation - Crates - Cosmetics - Live Dynmap - Milestone Events

    We can't wait to see you soon!

    submitted by /u/StarFluxGames
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    The Global MC [SMP] [PVP] {Towny} {1.16.3} {Survival} {16+} {Shops} {Dynmap} {Custom Plugins}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    This is Actually Vieja, Owner of The Global MC (SMP) Towny Wars Server . Our version is 1.16.3 and we orient our server to a more mature audience that´s willing to enjoy the fun that startegy and wars bring to the table

    We have been working for a long time to create from scratch a new and original Towny-wars server. I have a goal in mind, to make the most people to enjoy our server, just as we enjoyed making it.

    You ask what do we offer?
    Currently we have the First released gamemode Towny-Wars, as a mixture between Factions and towny, in which you will encounter the possibility of making political alliances with other nations or towns, to get more might and Power. With our revolutionary system Java AND Bedrock players are able to join, and offer a variety of stuff to do and enjoy with our small but steadily growing friendly community. We offer:

    1) Custom Redifined Towny system
    2) Help 24/7 with custom Ticket system.
    3) Towny Wars and Big Towns
    4) Kit PVP & Live PVP
    5) 10 + /Rankups / 10 + /Jobs / Players Shops
    6) Minigames: Parkour and Among Us hybrid with TTT
    7) Discord Live Chat!
    8) Service 24/7 of our mature staff (All +16)
    9) Rank Kits coming with each rank.

    Where to find us?

    Discord: discord.gg/DhB8GRT
    Webpage: https://theglobalmc.com
    Twitter: @TheGlobalMC
    (Java IP): mc.theglobalmc.com
    (Bedrock) IP: br.theglobalmc.con

    PS: We want any kind of feedback. We want to improve as much as we can and you to help us make the server what you, the community, really wants.
    Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/ActuallyVieja
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    Weekend-Craft! Hermitcraft inspired! {Semi-Vanilla}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    SMP That has just started, opened 2 days ago, has approximately 20 members, 7 of which are active daily, Very kind and generous community

    We love to share, but please don't build too close too eachother!

    • No hacks
    • No Xray
    • No Begging
    • And lastly have fun!
    • (No tp's unless dire)



    Discord: https://discord.gg/6s4NvhH

    submitted by /u/TomuTsuki
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    Simply Vanilla [Vanilla] {1.16.3}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Want to experience anarchy without everyone hacking? And without having to play on one of those "vanilla" servers where you can't grief or raid, then join Simply Vanilla. Simply Vanilla is a Vanilla Anarchy server where the ONLY rule is no hack clients. Similar to 2b2t, but without everyone using cheats, and the very long queues. Other than the no hacking rule, the server has absolutely NO other rules and NO other game-changing plugins. The server is completely Vanilla. Feel free to raid and grief bases, team up, build empires and kingdoms, and say whatever you want in chat. The server has never been reset and never will be. Join Today!

    Also, join our discord to get in touch with the community and staff! https://discord.gg/dP7SqPF

    We now have a reddit at...


    submitted by /u/Codeditx
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    EternalCraft [SMP] {Towny} {20+Ranks} {700+CustomQuests} {Jobs} {Auctions} {1.16.3}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    Server IP: play.eternalcraft.net

    We love to voice chat so Join our discord: https://discord.gg/pbk2GxA

    Looking for a friendly and chill community? Then join us today!

    We have amazing builders and would love to see more join us and showcase their brilliant ideas! We also have people that want to grind and level up which is why we combined both in order to bring the best server to all of you! AFK Farms are allowed!

    Welcome to EternalCraft! This server has taken us years to finally come up with the coolest and up to date features never seen before. We welcome all players from around the world! We are a custom coded Survival server. Main goal here is to offer a place where you can come on to have fun, relax and play with your friends. We are a very friendly community, staff members make sure it will stay like that forever! We meet all 2020 standards, we strive to create a community where players interact with one another on the basis of friendship and love the game as much as we do! We are a survival Minecraft server, however we have come up with some awesome plugins that will compliment the gaming experience!

    EternalCraft is a server that has been created by a group of friends that has spent the past 10 years playing and having fun on different minecraft servers. We want to bring what we have learned and put it all in one server to give all of you out there the best experience that any minecraft server can provide. Most of our players are a group of friends and looking for more to join our community.


    Relaxed Survival, Great Economy!

    - Redstone Builds are Allowed and AFKing!

    - 700+ Quests, 9 Unique Categories!!

    - Perfectly Balanced Custom Shop and Economy!

    - A Rank ladder that unlocks new commands and perks /rankup

    - SafariNet able to capture all kinds of mobs!

    - Towny build and manage a town you always wanted!

    - Jobs

    - McMMO

    - Auctions

    - And More!


    1. No griefing within protected areas, cities, and estates.
    2. No teleporting in combat or you will be jailed.
    3. No advertising of your own personal website/server.
    4. Keep politics out of discussion.
    5. Be nice to others, we're all stuck on this earth together.
    6. No hacking, cheating, abusing bugs, using X-ray packs, etc.
    7. Do not beg for staff, OP, money, items etc. Work for it.

    We look forward to seeing you soon!

    submitted by /u/WhisperJr
    [link] [comments]

    AnarchyMC [Anarchy] [PvP] {1.12.2} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    AnarchyMC newly found Anarchy Server with 2b2t Ambitions.
    No map resets. No Rules. you can do whatever you want!
    Its Either Survive or Die!


    Even tho i said there are no rules, there are some things you gotta keep in mind!
    -No Sexism, Racism or Hate -Speech.
    -Always listen to Admins and Moderators!

    IP: Anarchy.khplay.nl (soon to change to play.anarchymc.nl)

    submitted by /u/loyaltaco--
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    HurricaneMC [Semi-Vanilla] {All versions} {ASkyblock}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    Are you interested in joining a skyblock server? Do you like to build?

    We're currently looking for experienced Builders to help us in our journey to building spawn areas, shop areas, etc. on our server!

    If you're interested, please leave a comment and join the discord: https://discord.gg/cdutMk

    We hope to see you on Hurricane!

    submitted by /u/MiaG4093
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    A never resting Anarchy server [Anarchy] [Hardcore] [Semi-vanilla] {hacks} {toxic}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    It is also becoming a bungee network soon with a Hub and a PvP server. It has little to no lag and has a growing community on newfags and pro players for you to pvp or troll. Bed trapping is very popular so beware and make sure to install some hacks. I challenge you to survive spawn in vanilla which is harder than you think. Feel free to join our discord and sub-reddit if you want. Enjoy and watch you back...

    The IP is Play.wolfpackmc.net [Java Edition 1.7 - 1.16]

    submitted by /u/Wolfystrider
    [link] [comments]

    SCANDIC [PvP] [Anarchy] {GriefPrevention} {Æther} {MobCatcher} {TreeFeller} {Bounties} {Leaderboards} {1.16.3} {Java/Bedrock}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    Thank you for checking our our listing, and welcome to Scandic! We are a classic style PvP survival server with a quickly growing playerbase. We foster an environment of freedom, equality, and realism where your effort has real value.

    Server Highlights:

    • 100% survival mode! Every block we place is a block we mine, including all of spawn
    • Unrestricted gameplay, with only a minimalist set of common sense rules
    • Free-for-all PvP meaning no player you see is off limits, not even staff
    • Cross-Platform! Java Edition? Bedrock Edition? Both? No matter how you play, we've gotcha!
    • Grief Prevention plugin so you can claim and protect your land from griefing (which is legal)
    • Tree Feller plugin - because manual tree chopping is so last decade
    • Strong economy with player-run shops, auctions, and even automatic inflation control
    • Custom Æther world of lush floating islands, in case the Nether and End weren't enough for you
    • Quality if life plugins such as Essentials, MobCatcher, MobHunting, SleepMost, and WildTP
    • Quality staff who are held to a high standard and know not to get in people's way

    Gameplay rules:

    1. No modded clients (vanilla client please!)
    2. No exploiting duplication bugs (if you find one)
    3. Respect other people's claims (no "bypassing" or claiming too close)
    4. No lava moulding with nefarious intent (lava + water building)
    5. Give new players a chance to settle

    Chat rules:

    1. No spamming or advertising servers
    2. Don't be rude, don't use slurs

    Please do come visit us!! May I suggest you place down a chest as soon as you can, which will create your first player claim, to protect yourself from any rude head hunters that may be online. The quickest way out of the spawn protected zone is the /wild command. I hope you enjoy our server! :D

    submitted by /u/ScandicMinecraft
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    Enra [Vanilla][SMP]{16.3}{Whitelisted}{Discord}{Java}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    Welcome to Enra!

    We're a small community loving to hang out and building awesome things in minecraft. We're planning to launch during this week and I'd like to see how many people I could assemble!

    Server Rules

    1. Try your best to stay friendly to all players at all times. In other words: Don't be a dick.
    2. Don't steal shit, dupe, or grief.
    3. Cheating and Hacking is obviously not allowed
    4. Pranks are okay as long as you're not destroying stuff with pvp or seriously hurt someone
    5. Sign your stuff, keep the server easy to navigate.

    More info on the above, or an application can be found on our Discord.

    submitted by /u/SaltyRadio789
    [link] [comments]

    My Minecraft Realm {Survival}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:44 PM PDT


    Me and my Friend decided to start a SMP. We were looking for new players. It kinda runs like Dream's SMP. Here are the Rules.


    1. No Griefing : This will Result in a ban and a loss of all of your objects. Little Pranks are allowed.
    2. No Stealing : No Stealing from anyone's house except the main house. The main house is located in the middle of the lake.

    3)The Main House: There is no killing in the main house and no stomping on crops. This will result in death.

    Thank you all for Listening. Join the Realm's discord. It runs on the Latest version no matter what(1.16.3 currently). 10 Players MAX are allowed at a time.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/YGAhUyY

    Expect an invite to the realm 24 hours after submitting your Name.

    Ages 14-16 Only.

    submitted by /u/rocketfurbur
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    Flour's Mentlegen Collective [Semi-Vanilla] {1.16.3} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:15 AM PDT


    as time flies more and more ppl seem to get bored of playing so here I go again looking for some fresh members (15+ but it's the maturity that matters). This server is for those who are looking for the long run experience (we don't change the map.) and don't mind playing on a semi-active server.

    For the rules common sense is all I ask, you can even use modded clients to an extent (no fly, x-ray etc.). I don't want to limit the way you want to play the game.

    Server is in the EU (Paper 1.16.3) and has been rollin' since 16.01.2020 19:00 UTC and there are no plans to stop it even if noone plays anymore. More detailed info/rules/commands etc. are in the discord when you get approved.


    • Datapacks: More Mob Heads
    • Plugins: DynMap (check our map here), FMC (collection of vanilla tweaks and stuff)

    So if you wanna play join the discord and post your application in #applications channel and I'll accept you ASAP!

    submitted by /u/Flourick
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    SlimyTown Server {Slimefun} {1.16.3}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    So whats so special about this server?

    It Has it's own set of unique plugins for the latest 1.16.3 Version of Minecraft, Featuring some of the famous plugins:






    -Ingame RANKS!

    -And MUCH MUCH MORE!!!!

    So if you want to be a part of this Amazing adventure, Make Sure to join at: https://discord.gg/rarbjYB

    Sidenote: Feedback is very much appreciated!

    IP: (domain is on the way)

    Just got released!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/rarbjYB

    submitted by /u/israeli_warlord
    [link] [comments]


