• Breaking News

    Minecraft Spawners should be blast resistant and some lore to back it up.

    Minecraft Spawners should be blast resistant and some lore to back it up.

    Spawners should be blast resistant and some lore to back it up.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    Piglins mined up all the netherite leaving nothing but dust of it behind that has fallen deep into the crust of the underworld. Magma Cube spawners are also all over the bastions, what if spawners were made of netherite, so Piglins made Lodestones and Spawners with their netherite?

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Coordinates Block for the spatially impaired

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    I've been playing the game for quite some time and yet I can't get coordinates quite right. I always end up wondering if I'm standing on the coordinates that I'm supposed to use. Even when I'm on 3rd person view, I end up messing the coordinates for fill, tp and command blocks.

    What about a coordinate block?

    You place the block on the space you want to use for your commands and just like how a name pops up on command blocks when you label them, the coordinates block will show the coordinates on top of it instead.

    It will really help someone like me who just can't seem to judge the distance of blocks correctly.

    submitted by /u/thebentobear
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    Villager eyes actually close when they go to sleep.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    There's no reason not to add this. Just take a look at a sleeping villager and you'll immediately see the problem. They sleep with their fricking eyes open!

    This wouldn't affect anything in the game, but it'd still be a good detail to add because villagers sleeping with their eyes open is just odd.

    submitted by /u/Runn12
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    Knowing that gold ore is the only metal who appears in the Nether, why not a gold crossbow instead of normal crossbow wear by Piglins.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Iron can't be found naturally in the Nether this is why for me the crossbow needs to be made of gold instead of iron.

    Craft :

    The craft is like the normal crossbow but instead of iron, you will have to put gold.

    Mechanic :

    The gold crossbow would be a version of the normal crossbow with the same enchantments but more powerful than a normal crossbow. Its damage would be between 8 and 14 instead of 6 and 11 and its strike speed will be even higher than the crossbow, the gold crossbow attracts good enchant but he will have two weakness. The first one will be the fact that he is weak in durability because of gold and the second that his reload time is more slow than the crossbow.

    Where can i find them ?

    The player can find these crossbows in the Nether Forteress or the Piglin Bastion. But he have a chance to obtain this crossbow after killing a piglin.

    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Behaviour and Spawning!

    Bears would be a animal which spawns in forests. They would have all of the same mechanics as Polar Bears. My idea is that polar bears should be renamed to bears but bears would change colors in diffrent biomes so it seems nothings removed! Bears would have some diffrent mechanics though. For example, they would eat honey from bee hives but wouldent kill any bees (this would make bees extinct), Bees would be mad at them and would chase them away but wouldent sting them. They would also eat salmon from rivers (like they already do), they would attack foxes, wolves and sheep (sorry sheep!). They would be conditionally neutral to players, but if you get too close to their babies they will run at you. Babies will run away from you and wolves while wolves try and hunt them down, babies will not kill any thing. In addition, Bears would eat berries from bushes and would also eat apples, grass and saplings. Lastly, Bears and cubs can be seen sleeping under trees or in caves where they will snooze in lower light levels at night, for about 14 ingame minutes unless a player or wolf comes near. Note; they will not take damage from going through berry bushes


    65hp (70 on normal and 72 on hard)

    8 hp of damage (10 on normal and 12 on hard)

    Cub Stats:

    15hp (gains 1 max hp a minute as a cool feature to show its growing, it will become adult after 50 minutes)

    0hp damage (no damage)

    Drops (adults only):

    Grizzly Bear Variant: 0-2 honey comb, 1-3 salmon and 1-3 leather

    Polar Bear Variant: 1-4 salmon, 0-1 cod and 1-4 leather

    Cubs: Absoloutely Nothing.

    Taming? (Just a expiriement, if you dont like, pretend it was never here): Baby Bears should be tameable like foxes, they will follow you around and will attack mobs that attacked you exept creepers, they will bring you berries. You can only tame them by bringing them away from their parents and feeding them honey and milk, you keep feeding them untill you gave them 5 buckets and 5 bottles of honey and milk, then they will show love hearts and will be tamed (they have a 2 minute cooldown for feeding). When they hit adult age, you can also breed them with another tamed bear with honey comb to get another tamed bear, adult bears sometime will loose intrest in bringing you berries but will attack enemies. Baby bears will sleep on you when you're in bed untill they are too old where they will sleep in your house, cave or tree.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Axes sometimes pull enemies

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    You know how swords have different attack types? Even though axes can have critical attacks and stuff, it would be cool to have an attack that sort of hooks the player, as an axe would in real life, and pull them to you... Now thinking about that, maybe it's a little too graphic for Minecraft. But I would love to see it, and also I just thought of it because Jeb is working on updating the combat again.

    submitted by /u/TheWack1
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    The higher the invisibility, the closer you can get to mobs.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    There is no difference between invisibility 1 and invisibility 255. Getting within 2 blocks (or 6, I can't remember) of a mob with invisibility will make the mob aggro on you. How about invisibility 3 let's you get closer to mobs than invisibility 1?

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Shooting stars and a potential new ore

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Every 27th of every month, at an undisclosed time, a meteor shower will occur in-game. One particular star will be different from the others; instead of a white shade, it will have a reddish, orangish tinge. This asteroid will actually fall to the ground and can be tracked with a compass. The drop will create a crater and in the midst of the crater, a fallen star which will provide the new ore: starstone. This can be used to craft new armor and tools, which can be discussed at a later date.

    As usual, this has been this week's edition of Stupid Minecraft Suggestions, with me u/crazy_al01. See you next week.

    submitted by /u/crazy_al01
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    Advice for introducing new mobs

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    If you check this subreddit's monthly highlights, you'll probably notice that most of the highlighted (most popular) suggestions have the "Mobs" flair, and from my experience here I can tell you, 'mobs' is definitely the flair I see the most in this sub.So I thought I'd give some advice I may have for newcomers on how to post ideas that introduce a new mob into the game.

    In my opinion, there are 4 main characteristics you should include in your new mobs' ideas, and these are: Design and dimensions; statistics; behavior; purpose.(Of course there are other aspects such as lore, or basically anything else that you can think of, but for now I'm just going to talk about these main 4).

    Also, in this post for all that is numbers and that kind of stuff, I'm going to be using an example mob called 'W-13', now W-13 will be a completely absurd, nonsensical, ridiculous example. It's just a way to present what I'm trying to transmit in a more understandable and intuitive manner for readers. And I'm doing this with W-13 so that good and smart new mob ideas can be posted in actual mob suggestion posts, and not spoiled in this guide. And with all that said, let's get right to it.

    Design and dimensions: It is always encouraged to include a design of what your mob would look like. Even though I love writing, I have to admit that words alone sometimes can't really paint a good picture of what a suggester has in mind, that's why this subreddit encourages people to include designs in their posts. The design can be one you found on r/minecraft or somewhere else (though if this is the case, you should ALWAYS GIVE CREDIT TO THE AUTHOR). Or, the design can be made by you, using apps like Blockbench or Blender, or infinite more (my personal recommendation is Blockbench) where you can make your own designs for ideas you may have. I think it really helps a lot to understand what the suggester has in mind. And as far as dimensions go, it's really quite simple. After you've included your concept design, people already know what the mob would look like, and have a fair estimate of its proportions. But, the final touch to give everyone an accurate idea of what you're thinking of with this mob is giving it dimensions, the design and the dimensions complement each other perfectly, they can give people an idea of what it would look like if they were in the game, standing right in front of that mob you're proposing. An example for dimensions could be something like:

    Name of the mob Width Length Height
    W-13 2.3m 1.6m 4.3m

    Statistics: With statistics I mean some basic values that can help people understand what this mob would be in gameplay, such as health, damage, effects caused, and drops. Of course, names and numbers can always be changed if Mojang thinks it's appropriate, but it always helps to give an idea of what you would want for this mob, all these numbers might seem uninteresting to some people, but these values are the one that define the mob, the mob will be what this values say it is. These are some example values for our example mob (W-13):

    Name of the mob Health Damage Effects Drops
    W-13 120 Easy: 12 Normal: 16 Hard: 23 Poison VII for 50 seconds in easy (poison VIII in normal and poison IX in hard) 12-17 beacons (maximum increased by 6 per level of Looting). 700-850 xp points.

    As I said before, W-13 is just a completely ridiculous example to help me make my point, but as ridiculous as it might be, it does help. Now you (as the reader) know that W-13 is very hard to kill and VERY dangerous, but it also drops insane loot. You also know how big it is, and if you had a concept design of what it looks like, you could already picture almost perfectly how it would look, and you can make an educated guess on how hard it would be to kill it (and you already know what you'd get as a reward). But why did I say "educated guess", if we already know all of his stats that are relevant in a fact? Well, not really, we're missing one final part, the thing that ties all of this together you may be thinking it's fighting mechanics, it's sight and speed, it's moving, and acting methods...? well, it's all of those things, and even more...

    Behavior: Though there are plenty of things you could include in behavior, the main that I would include in my post are: Where it can be found (yes, I'm counting this as behavior), attitude towards the player, attitude towards other mobs/blocks, fighting (attacking/defending) mechanics and maybe a bonus small detail (not necessarily in that order). To talk about the behavior of the mob I guess you could use a table, but I'd rather use text for this one, and I don't mean bullet points, I think the best way for these aspects is to mix them all up in a paragraph where everything connects with everything. I will now give you an example of those attributes I just mentioned with W-13:

    W-13 can be summoned by placing a soul torch on a stripped birch log. As soon as a player, pig or bee gets within a clear range of 96m (in other words, 96 blocks) from W-13, W-13 will start running towards them at a speed of 12 m/s, and when it is within 4m of its target, W-13 will shoot a laser at them (which will inflict the damage ad effects we already saw in the section "statistics"), it will shoot this laser once every 6 seconds and there is no way for the player to avoid it, it can pass through any existing block or shield and it will never miss. When W-13 is attacked, it will not receive any knockback and will just continue attacking the player as it was before (with the laser), but when W-13 gets below 40 points of health, it will start shining with a light level of 14. As I said, W-13 is only aggressive to players, pigs and bees. It is completely passive and normal around all other mobs/blocks and all other mobs are completely passive and normal around it, except for poppies and blacksmith villagers. If W-13 is scared of poppies, and will always do everything possible to avoid getting within a 12m clear range of one (if a player places a poppy in the middle of the fight, W-13 will stop attacking and just run away from the poppy). Also, if W-13 is within a 20m clear range of a blacksmith villager, W-13 will dance around that villager and the villager will throw emeralds to the floor until one of the two is attacked, if either the villager or W-13 is attacked, W-13 will stop dancing and target the player who made the attack and the blacksmith villager will stop throwing emeralds and run back to his home.

    Now, I know this all sounds completely ridiculous but again, you have to think about how now you (as the reader) understand perfectly basically everything there is to understand about W-13. You know exactly what it would look like (since you have seen its design and you know its exact measures), and you know exactly how it would work in-game. You know almost everything there is to know about how it works: Its statistics, its fight mechanics, its attitude towards the player, certain mobs and certain blocks. Now, all that's left is to use all that information to give this mob a reason to be in the game. And this is how we get to the final part of this post.

    Purpose: Every mob has a purpose, and the purpose of each mob can be determined by either its attitude (mixed with stats and mechanics) or its drops. For example, phantoms are a way of punishing players who don't sleep for many night in a row, and creepers serve to make miners be really careful when they're exploring caves. Cows are an excellent source of food (and leather), and endermen and blazes are needed to make eyes of ender which take you to the End dimension. And I could just go all day giving examples for every mob, but I think you already got the idea.So now, let's give a final example, with W-13: As we can see in the drops column at the stats table, W-13 is an amazing source of beacons and xp, though, as we can see in the other columns of that same table, and at the behavior description, it is very hard to kill.

    And... that would be about it. Of course, this is just some advice in my opinion, and I'm not some god of suggestions or anything, I'm just one of the 220,000+ members of this sub, who wanted to use his experience posting and commentating in this sub to help new-comers pose their ideas in a better manner, sometimes people can have great ideas but a poor format and end up holding them down. So I just hope that I could be of help to anyone who reads this, I don't know if this is going to get pinned, since it talks only about mob suggestions, but if it does get pinned, I hope that everyone who reads it can take something from it to improve how they suggest mobs for the game.

    By the way, here are some references to what each format I used means:
    Bold and italics: Title (used for each one of the 4 main characteristics I talked about).
    Bold: Highlights, most important concepts of each part.
    Italics: Parts that are not so technical or instructional (and talk too much about W-13) but that I still suggest you read since they help to understand why I'm proposing everything the way I am.

    Good luck suggesting!

    submitted by /u/TheDragonWarrior2284
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    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    Hydragin is a food that hangs under end islands. They grow somewhat slowly and you can harvest 1-2 after stage 3 of their growth. They restore massive saturation and heal you a little bit but they also slow you down. Cooking them gives you Evaporating Hydragin, a item that restores half a hunger bar and evaporates when dropped.

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    /Setbiome command

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    How many times did you guys wanted to create a map or customize a world in a place you consider perfect for building, but the biome in that zone didn't let you? Then you are in the correct post!

    The /Setbiome command let's the player change the current biome in a specific zone, working as the /fill command (/Setbiome from -136 90 765 to ~ ~ ~ Warped Forest replace Swamp) these would come in handy for map makers, or builders that just want to make a swampy island or something.

    This should be possible because since 1.16, vertical biomes stacked each other are now possible.

    Changing biome would make the Flora and Water change Color, same goes for sky color, clouds color (Optifine only) the climate, and mob spawning.

    If this gets added, we could finally have a way of changing biome inside game, thing that would really come in handy for lots of people.

    submitted by /u/-Tamakii-
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    Make fireworks better! [Expanding on ideas from Cubfan135]

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    The YouTuber, Cubfan just released a video suggesting some changes to the way fireworks are crafted and used in Minecraft. His suggestions got me thinking about some changes I'd like to see to fireworks.

    https://youtu.be/cf32IJz26vc Here is Cubfan's video. Among other things, he suggests adding a new workstation for easily crafting fireworks that could be found in pillager outposts, as well as having some pillagers shoot fireworks from their crassbows.

    And here are my ideas:

    -Pillagers could have a unique firework shape that might drop with their loot table whenever you kill one that's holding them. The unique firework could be found in the pillager outpost as well. Similar to the ominous banner, this would add extra allure to exploring the outposts.

    -Fireworks could have colored smoke trails. With a dedicated GUI for crafting fireworks, this could be added without complicating the already complicated recipes and would be something you could add to non-exploding fireworks, thus customizing flight rockets and making them a little more fun. Maybe a whistle effect would be cool too.

    -Ground exploding fireworks! Fireworks that explode without shooting into the air, perhaps with a bit of time delay to run away, would be cool for making firework shows and might make a neat addition to PVP. Ground exploding fireworks are a thing in real life, so why not in MC? Alternatively, this could be implemented by throwing the firework stars onto the ground like you do with fire charges.

    -Firework explosions could emit light. Currently they don't. Idk if the MC lighting engine would allow for this, but it would be cool if it did. Imagine the glow on spectators' faces when watching a firework show.

    -Firework explosions should scare away mobs for a few seconds. Like punching passive mobs makes them run around, a nearby firework explosion should startle low-level hostile and passive mobs. This might make them a bit useful for sticky PVE situations when you're totally surrounded. They might even be something to bring with you when caving, in case you need to get out of a crowded dungeon in a pinch. Of course it should be limited. The wither ain't scared of no booms.

    Those are my ideas. I'm not sure if these are repeat suggestions, but I haven't seen them from other posters in the past. Also, I don't know if I broke a rule for linking to Cubfan's video, but please forgive me if I did. I thought his ideas were really good, and they inspired me to think about fireworks in a new way. If this is out of line, let me know and I'll remove the post.

    submitted by /u/BoomerangVillage
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    "Flake" and "Kyoto" by C418 play in cold biomes

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    I think it's a shame how some of the best music in the game goes unused, especially Flake and Kyoto. These pieces were only ever used in the festive mash-up pack on the legacy console edition, and they would fit in very well with the colder biomes. Biome-specific music is already a thing in the nether, so it shouldn't be too hard to implement. I think this would be a very welcome addition to the game, and make colder biomes much more interesting.

    submitted by /u/GamerGuchii
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    A Potion a Day: Potion of Disguise

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    I have several ideas for new Potions in Minecraft, so I'm going to be posting one a day this week. Tell me what you think!

    Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday

    Potion of Disguise

    Brewing: [Zombie Head/Skeleton Skull/Wither Skeleton Skull/Creeper Head] -> Invisibility Potion = Potion of Disguise


    Replaces the model of the affected entity with the model of the mob whose Head/Skull was used to brew the Potion of Disguise. All mobs react to the affected entity as they would react to the real mob they are disguised as. The base variant (Potion of Disguise) lasts 3 minutes, same as the Invisibility Potion.


    • All variants of Invisibility Potions will produce the corresponding variant of Potion of Disguise. This includes Potion of Disguise+, Splash Potion of Disguise, and Lingering Potion of Disguise.

    • Redstone Dust -> Potion of Disguise = Potion of Disguise+, increasing the duration to 8 minutes.

    • Gunpowder -> Potion of Disguise = Splash Potion of Disguise

    • Dragon's Breath -> Splash Potion of Disguise = Lingering Potion of Disguise


    • Same color as a Potion of Invisibility, but with a small 'face' decal showing which mob head was used if you look close enough.

    • No particle effects are shown around the effected entity, making this the only Potion exempt from showing particle effects.


    This is a bit silly of a suggestion compared to my usual, but the Potion of Disguise is nonetheless quite potent despite being quite difficult to make, balancing the effects.

    In Survival, a Potion of Disguise essentially makes the player undetectable to hostile mobs for the duration, unless those mobs would attack the mob the player is disguised as! Some effects override this - opening a chest with Piglins present is a no-go even if disguised as a Skeleton, for example - but on the whole it is an incredibly powerful effect, since it is like Invisibility but with the ability to hold and use items without mobs catching on. I haven't decided if armor should be allowed to be worn; Skeleton and Zombie disguises would work fine with Armor, but Creeper and even Wither Skeleton disguises would look very weird.

    In PvP it is a bit sillier, as the player must act the part - going through the motions of the mob's AI and not wearing anything the corresponding mob wouldn't wear - to fool other players into thinking they are just another mob. The unique lack of particle effects makes it possible to sell the deception, but it is still arguably more trouble than it is worth. If it can catch someone by surprise, though, it might still be worth it, if you squint. Also, it is fun!

    However, as I said earlier, it is prohibitively expensive to make. Pretty much the only realistic way to obtain Heads/Skulls in Survival is with a Channeling Trident, and even then, one must brew the Invisibility Potions (a relatively expensive potion already, expending gold and having one of the most complex brewing processes), wait for a thunderstorm, and brave the harsh conditions to have a Charged Creeper blow up another entity, all for three Potions of Disguise that last 3 or 8 minutes each.

    What do you think? Thank you for your time and feedback!

    submitted by /u/TheGreatGimmick
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    Obsidian Armour

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Using the new Armour upgrade system, upgrading Iron Armour using An Obsidian bar created by one Crying Obsidian and two normal obsidian (5 bars), to create Obsidian Armour. It isn't more protective than diamond or netherite, but it is able to make the player immune to damage from lava.

    Obviously not all above is final, this is just a concept but I think it could somewhat work in the game.

    submitted by /u/The_Kodex
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    Certain biomes that have a different water texture should be in the creative inventory or picked up with a bucket

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    I find it pretty annoying that water from a biome can't be placed in another biome without it changing color. Like in mushroom islands the water is gray but when moved it turns back to normal water. Same with swamps and deserts. Also in swamps the grass block there is different and also can't be moved without it changing color.

    submitted by /u/Nobody69696969696969
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    Mob fixes

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    im always sad when mobs like squids, beach themselves and die, i always try saving them but it doesnt work. and there are more on the list of things why, but heres a list of mobs and there fixes:
    Villagers at night actually go to bed and stay in bed, not wandering around all night. they also use job stations instead of never getting one.

    squids, dolphins, and fish beaching themselves

    striders walking into water, they should be afraid and walk away from it. same with rain, they will seek
    shelter immediately.

    bunnys dont jump to there death/jump into cactus/lava

    cats dont run into cactus/lava and stuff like that

    piglins dont push other piglins to there death, same with any other mob pushing each other to death

    villagers run away from mobs that attack them (or try).

    bats dont fly into lava

    cats and dogs avoid death, even if they wouldnt die they would avoid cliffs, ravines, lava, fire, stuff like that

    striders dont walk out of lava and wander land, they will on rare occasions but they will spend a big chunk of there life in lava

    thats all i can think of off the top of my head, but im sure there are more bugs. but these are the ones that i see the most

    submitted by /u/InsertValidUserHere
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    Food animation

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    I think a simple an subtle change that would make the game feel more complete is that you should have your skin's hand holding the food. Currently, it just has you with a flying potato or a flying carrot or whatever food you are eating. So, I just think that the hand on your skin should show whilst eating would be a bit of an improvement. Also I didn't know what flair to put so I just put general.

    submitted by /u/Dantheyan
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    Piglin factions

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    There should be different piglin factions depending on the biome they are in. All of them should have different structures

    The crimson forest will have to normal piglins

    The warped forest will be less greedy and don't get mad when you open a chest or break gold ore. The structure that they will have is a camp like structure

    The basalt delta will have stronger piglins that have 15 hearts so they can survive lava and fire. They are greedy like piglins. They like stealing tho. Their structure is a run down castle with a blaze spawner.

    The nether waste will have the zombified piglins which will have no structures.

    Hopefully you guys like this suggestion.

    submitted by /u/im_big_mad
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    Do NOT implement auto-crafting the way ilmango or mumbo have proposed

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    I highly suggest watching mumbo or ilmangos videos, they go into more detail.

    My issue with this implementation is that it's so overly complex and obtuse to do even basic crafting with it that it's laughable. It wouldn't be useful to really anyone but dedicated redstone players and even then the systems would be so big it's not like you can put it in your base.

    What I suggest is to let you save a recipe into a table (probably an entirely new table), pump items into it in any order (only accepting items that are part of the recipe), and only taking out the completed items. With an item like this anyone with even a basic understanding of redstone can implement it, it can be put into bases, simple farms, and people who are much less experienced can still use it.

    Crafting by hand will still be much faster and convenient, you still need to gather the resources to actually craft the items in the auto-bench, you still need to put the auto-bench into your systems, all it would do is automate the tedious step of crafting up resources in bulk.

    As for the argument that it would change the feel of the game, I'd strongly argue that other things have done that FAR more then an auto-crafting bench would to change the feel of the game. Beacons that introduced instamining, enchanted gear, ELYTRA AND ROCKETS, VILLAGER TRADING, have all drastically altered the way people play the game to a much larger degree.

    I would much rather there not be any auto crafting system, then to artificially gate people out of the feature by making it too complex. I think these super technical players want something to tinker with but they're not thinking about what's best for the whole minecraft playerbase.

    submitted by /u/Personzoo
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    [OC] Animals/Mobs should dance to their corresponding music disc names.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    So you know how Piglins dance to Pigstep, and Parrots dance to all music discs? I got inspired by PhoenixSC's ''I made Pigs dance to 🎶 Pigstep in Minecraft'' video. What I mean is, the mobs should dance to their corresponding music disc names.

    • Chickens - Chirp
    • Pigs - Pigstep
    • Cats and Ocelots - Cat
    • Striders, Endermen and Shulkers (Head only for Shulkers) - Blocks
    • Cows - Mellohi

    Think it'll add some little details to the music discs, so animals and other mobs could enjoy them too! It'll add more variety of depth, since only Parrots and Piglins can dance to music discs.

    submitted by /u/RaymondCrossing
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    Emeralds for gunpowder

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    It would probably nə very expensive and not as viable as making a creeper farm mabey 3 emeralds a gunpowder but this would make a way to get rockets before you make a expensive creeper farm

    submitted by /u/elongatedmuakrat
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    Brightness should go at least 25% higher

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Brightness isn't bright enough. I've always wanted brightness to be higher, and I've mistaken the highest brightness setting for moody.

    submitted by /u/EandCheckmark
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    If drinking invisibility potions turns you invisible, should splash potions of invisibility also turn armor invisible?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    This is something I've thought about lately and it makes me wonder if this should be the case.

    As a tradeoff, splash potions already last significantly less time than their regular counterparts

    Another question posed to me by my Girlfriend: if you drink a potion, it affects you, so would a splash potion only affect worn armor if applicable?

    submitted by /u/GreyWastelander
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