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    Minecraft Two-Handed Weapons

    Minecraft Two-Handed Weapons

    Two-Handed Weapons

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    (I apologize in advance if this is on the FPS list, but unfortunately I get a message saying "the wiki is down" when I try to open it)

    The thing I like most about post-1.9 combat is the possibility for a variety of combat styles. Axes now have increased damage and shield disabling but a longer cooldown, so now there is a debatable choice between using an axe or a sword. But what if there were reasons to choose NOT to use something?

    Consider this: if you have something in your off-hand, your weapon functions as it normally does. WITHOUT something in your off-hand, your weapon gains a buff because you can use both hands to swing it. This results in your swings being faster and/or dealing more damage and/or having a more powerful "special" (i.e swords have better sweeping edge, or axes disable shields for longer), with which buff you recieve being dependent on the weapon you use. However, this fighting style opens you up to attacks because if your off-hand is empty, you can't use a shield and weapon at the same time.

    submitted by /u/SmithyLK
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    Shift right clicking a spawn egg on a boat/mine cart should place the mob in the boat/mine cart

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    Something i thought would be a nice QOL feature for creative mode.
    Shift right clicking so the player doesn't go into the boat and this solution already exists for spawning baby villagers with spawn eggs on adult villagers.

    Edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/dotEXEdotCOM
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    Diamond in the Ruff

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    If you right click on your dog with a diamond, it will show a little diamond hanging off of his collar. This adds nothing else but some comfort for your doggo.

    submitted by /u/Thee_Mooch
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    Iron Golem should give a poppy when repaired with iron

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Well, it's maybe a useless feature, but imo it would be kinda cute if iron golems gave you a poppy or a flower when you repair them with iron ingots

    submitted by /u/TarkFrench
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    Loyalty 3 trident brings mob drop(s) to you

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    (i think this is the right flair lol) i basically said all i can say in the title. if you kill a mob with loyalty 3 trident, it would work like a fishing rod. bringing the mobs drop(s) to you and into your inv, it would have a chance at dropping some/all the drops at loyalty 2, and at loyalty 1 it would only have the ability to pick up 2 items, loyalty 2 picking up 4, and loyalty 3 picking up 7, and loyalty 3 also not having the possibility to drop items, it can also be thrown at items to grab them from a distance. lets say you died to lava in the nether with your netherite stuff, you grab your loyalty 3 trident, and go to the nether, and start throwing your trident at your drops and grabbing them. now, here's the downside, certain items would weight to much and 1 of 2 things could happen, 1 being the item is dropped from the sky, or 2 the trident slows to a stop and crashes before reaching you, meaning you'd have to go grab both the trident and the items manually, heavier items would also slow the trident down, so the trident would be faster if it was carrying 1 piece of paper compared to a block of netherite, the trident with the paper would be normal speed, the trident with the netherite block would be going 3 times slower then the paper one, loyalty 3 wouldn't stop heavy items from dropping/crashing the trident but it would allow the trident to be able to go faster holding heavier items.

    sorry i typed a lot i just got excited

    tl;dr tridents with loyalty can bring mob drops to you (still would recommend reading the big text i typed for more details)

    submitted by /u/InsertValidUserHere
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    Gamerule piglintransformation

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Making this false will make piglins not change into zombie piglins when in the overworld. True would be on by default.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Flint Blocks

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    Flint. Possibly one of the most useless items in Minecraft. Used for three things, as follows:

    • Flint and steel, which people only really need a few of, if that
    • Arrows, which most get from skeletons
    • Fletching tables, which most people only need a few of, if that

    All that happens with flint is that players collect a lot of it, bemoan that they didn't get gravel instead, and shove it in their chests, never to be used or seen.

    Imagine if this was different though. Imagine a world in which players celebrated getting flint as the perfect block for what they're building. Flint as an item has a beautiful texture, why not embrace it? We have so few blocks with dark textures, let's just add one more.

    Even if the block somehow didn't end up looking nice, what's the harm in having it? What's the harm in giving an old item just a little more love. My friends, I hope you'll join me in saying that flint blocks would make an excellent addition to the game.

    submitted by /u/rhysharris56
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    Daylight sensors should go nuts in the End and the Nether, and add an "overload" or "short-circuit" mechanism to them, also an aquatic daylight sensor should exist.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    Because time is invalid in those dimensions. Anywhere where time is invalid, like the Nether, the End, daylight sensors will rapidly flicker on and off, same with inverted daylight sensors. It would also make a useful and fun thing for pranksters to do - griefing others by the use of light to make them go insane. In a similar way, if a daylight sensor has too much redstone wiring around it, it should go haywire because of power overload. The difference here, is that the sensor short-circuits and shuts down for half a minute. It cannot be used during that time until after, when it will automatically power back on.

    In water, a daylight sensor should also short-circuit, but you can craft a special daylight sensor that works underwater using a Sea Lantern in the recipe. This is called a Sealight Sensor, and is the undersea counterpart of the daylight Sensor block. It can be inverted. Does not work on land, or under lava.

    If a daylight/sealight sensor is struck by lightning, it will go haywire and shut off for a while to protect its circuitry with a loud bang, but no terrain destruction. This also damages entities a little.

    This mechanism can be turned off by a gamerule called doShortCircuits, which can be updated to false or true at will in World options without cheats turned on. Because people can find this to be extremely irritating, and for those few who are photosensitive, this gamerule exists to help retain epilepsy-friendliness and for those who get annoyed with this happening in their worlds.

    Sealight sensors scare away hostile undersea mobs, but only in a 4 block radius to keep it balanced, and only underwater. They only work underwater, and are completely useless on land.

    Irl, a lot of electronics are made to be waterproof. Take the iPhone X for example. I think even the original Gameboy could be used underwater a little bit, I'm not too sure.

    Redstone wires should also be coded not to wash away just like in carpets, rails, etc, this would open up more Creative mode possibilities and carpets should darken a little when waterlogged and dry out over time, making a squelching sound when wet and stepped on.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    A Sound Update

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Minecraft has a sound problem. Almost 80% of all the sounds are placeholders (wood/stone sounds). I think there should be a dedicated update to giving each and every block a sound that fits it.

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Piglin Brutes should drop gold nuggets or gold ingots

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    The title says most of it but let me explain

    Piglin brutes are very strong mob,capable of killing a unarmed player in 2 shots.The mob dropping its axe and exp is not a good reward for defeating this mini-boss. So it should drop 3-7 gold nuggets(increased if the sword has looting) and a rare chance of dropping 2-4 gold ingots.

    It cannot also be farmed since there is fixed number of piglin brutes in each bastion

    submitted by /u/Bradcouchreddit
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    Rafts: bringing back "old" boats

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    A raft is crafted with a block of hay, one plank on both sides, and 3 sticks on top.

    The raft is less durable, breaking when it crashes. However, it travels slightly faster than a regular boat (up to 9.5ms). It is only big enough for one person. It also moves on land at 3ms, a slight boost from regular boats.

    I believe old boats were faster, hence why this raft is. For the sake of nostalgia, I'd love to have both kinds of boats.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Activities for Witch Hut Witches

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Witches that appear on Witch Huts most times get out of their hut once you encounter them, and never get back in, acting like ordinary witches. I figured they should be unique, and perform some activities from time to time.

    Potion Brewing
    The Witch would stare at the cauldron, with some sound effects playing, similar to the brewing stand sound effects when a Cleric works with it. The Witch would not be able to spot a player easily when doing this activity, meaning you can prepare a little sneak attack. This activity is disabled if the cauldron in the Witch Hut is broken.

    Mushroom Picking
    The Witch would often go away from the hut a few chunks to find mushrooms(not trees, the ones planted on the ground) and gather them.

    Cat Activities
    The Cat on a Witch Hut should be tamed by the Witch while the Witch is alive(if you kill the witch you can tame the cat yourself). The Witch will sometimes bring the cat with her when on Mushroom Picking trips, feed/take care of the cat - the cat will show the Heart Particles over it -. The Cat will not have a collar. This activity is disabled if the Cat is dead.

    Wandering Traders will visit Witch Huts to trade with Witches. You won't be able to see what they're trading, but they will be shaking their heads and playing sound effects. Players can't trade with Wandering Traders while they're trading with a Witch. If a Witch spots a player during a trade, the trade will stop and she will go after the player. Once the Wandering Trader is done trading, he will go away in a random direction, and will despawn in 100 minutes. The Wandering Trader will often be accompannied by his llamas when visiting a Witch Hut.

    Soup Crafting
    The Witch will make Mushroom Stew, hold it in her hands and eat it. When she's eating it, the player eating sound effect will be played, but no burp after.

    Stay Hydrated, Folks.
    The Witch will often fill a glass bottle with water from her cauldron, and fill the cauldron with a bucket when it's empty. This activity is disabled if the cauldron in the Witch Hut is broken, and if there is no water near the hut.

    If you want to start a discussion for a certain part, post a comment.

    submitted by /u/_memeboyo07
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    There should be more sharpness varieties

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Right now there are only two sharpness varieties and neither of them are very useful. if we removed the sharpness enchantment and made it so you could stack sharpness variants you could get a Bane of arthropod V, Smite V sword for example. Not only would it make the enchanting process more in depth but also make OP swords harder to get and more rewarding when you do (this was proposed by u/Auximux)

    New varieties:

    (There is overlap between these but it wouldn't do double damage to those mobs)

    Plague of pork- Would effect pig mobs: pigs, piglins, pigmen, piglin brutes, hoglins and zoglins

    Butcher- This would effect all passive overworld land mobs (ie: not fish or strider)

    Fisherman- This would effect all sea mobs including guardians but not drowned

    Scourge of sorcery- This would effect magical mobs: Shulker, blaze, slime, vex, guardian and witches.

    Village champion- (not sure about the name) This would effect illager mobs: Pillager, evoker, ravager and vindicator.

    No name yet- would effect fire mobs: magma cubes, blaze and strider.

    No name yet- would effect flying mobs: ghast, blaze, phantom and parrots.

    submitted by /u/johny1237
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    Fried eggs

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    Cooking an egg in a smoker/furnace should cook it- possibly same hunger as a baked potato. Would be a great early game food source

    submitted by /u/xX36ON0SC0P3Xx
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    You can dye Creeper so that they explode in different colours.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    I don't know if this belongs here I think it is a fun little but also dangerous game mechanic.

    submitted by /u/Tn0ck
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    Using an eye of ender on a mob you "own" allows you to see through its eyes like a security camera

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    Mobs you can use it on:

    -Mobs tamed by you

    -Snow golems

    -Iron golems

    This would only keep your view attached to the mob, you can still move and attack but it will be from your body still. You crouch to end the effect. This would be useful for keeping watch over your base, and give a use to iron golems even for late game players (they do kill mobs but late game, that's not even a problem)

    Edit: by the way, you could change the direction you see but not the position. So wherever they walk is where you're limited to, you cannot control their movements. This is basically how a 360° youtube video works, if you've ever seen one. You can't move but you can freely look around.

    Also to those who feel like this isn't "vanilla", that's how most recently added features are. Back in 2014, I can't say I really expected or thought a bad omen that triggers raids on a village would be added. I also never thought that minecraft (specifically bedrock edition) would have emotes of all things. You could say that's not part of gameplay but it's something you'll see in game, so... the fact is "vanilla" doesn't exist at this point. Those other features would be weird to an older player (and they are, some people hate the nether update), just like how this seems weird to you.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Baby witches

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Baby witches would be created when a baby villager is struck by lightning, or occasionally spawn alongside an adult witch.

    They would have the speed of a baby zombie, but to prevent them from being too annoying, the potions they throw produce very weak versions of the effects (e.g. if you're poisoned by a baby witch, the poison only lasts a few seconds).

    submitted by /u/OptimisticTrekkie
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    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    I think it would be a really interesting idea to add crocodiles into the game as:

    Apart from drowned and guardians (which can only be found in Ocean Temples) the underwater world of Minecraft is pretty danger free and something still feels missing.

    I think crocodiles would be a hostile mob only found in desert or swamp biomes and only when you're within 2-3 blocks of them unless you're underwater in which the hostile sight should be extended.

    They could be 2x1x1 in dimension but vary in size so maybe some are 1.5x1x1 and babies are 1x1x1.

    They could drop leather and occasionally a bone (from an animal they've ate, bit of lore).

    They stay close to the banks of rivers and lakes unless they are depositing eggs which could grow into baby crocodiles.

    Just a thought.

    submitted by /u/j4k3yz
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    vanity enchantment

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    this enchantment would only be added to armor, function: makes the armor invisible, only when equipped Benefits: You will be able to better appreciate the skins in the game and improve the gameplay in PVP with the fear of whether the player has armor or not. Reason: because in most cases the community buys skins and during the game their skins become obsolete, because the armor visually obstructs them. I hope you take this idea into account and improve it. I have been playing the game for 9 years and the work seems incredible to me, that they continue like this, they are very original.

    submitted by /u/Blylzz
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    Possible Moutan update food:Goats cheese

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    When the mountain update eventually comes out there could be a new unique food item along with it.

    Makeing:to make goats cheese you would need goats milk,goats milk would be slightly more base that regular milk but would pretty much act the same but with the small chance of getting the nausea effect(because of lactose intolerance),to turn it into cheese you would need to first put in a cauldron with a lit campfire under it,then you would wait for 1-2 in game days then it would become cheese,then to harvest it just use a bucket to pick up the curds,then you would combine it in a crafting table with sweet berries(would use something more "acidic"but minecraft doesn't have anything closer)then you would get goats cheese.

    Stats:The goats cheese would fill four hunger and also have the potion canceling effects of milk while also being stackable up to 64.

    Other:when you first make cheese you would get the achievement "We forgot the crackers!",you could by cheese from farmers on tier two of trading,witches would eat cheese when affect by potions like posion or withering.

    If you have any other ideas or balancing suggestions please let me know in the comments.

    submitted by /u/slenderender64
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    Sugar Rush Effect

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    This sugar rush effect would be a hidden effect given too you after you eat certain foods (like saturation). Different foods will give different levels of this effect.

    Sugar Rush 1: Your movement speed is increased by 3% and your attack cooldown is decreased by 4% along with a 4% mining buff.

    Sugar Rush 2: Your movement is increased by 6% and your attack cooldown is decreased by 5% along with a 6% mining buff.

    Sugar Rush 3: Your movement is increased by 10% and your attack cooldown is decreased by 7% along with a 8% mining buff

    Sugar Rush 4: Your movement is increased by 16% and your attack cooldown is decreased by 10% along with a 12% mining buff

    Sugar Rush V: Your movement is increased by 20% and your attack cooldown is decreased by 13% along with a 15% mining buff and a 7% faster shield cooldown.

    After Sugar Rush, you will get something called Sugar Withdrawal which will last a fourth of how long the rush lasted but with opposite effects (slower movement, cooldown, etc..) both of these effects would be hidden though.

    Berries: Gives 5 seconds of sugar rush 1 (stackable)

    apples: gives 10 seconds of sugar rush 1 (stackable)

    golden apples: gives 20 seconds of sugar rush 2 (stackable)

    God Apple: gives a minute of sugar rush 5 (nonstackable)

    Cookie: Gives 30 seconds of sugar rush 1 (stackable)

    Cake: Gives 50 seconds of sugar rush 2 (stackable)

    Pie: Gives 40 seconds of sugar rush 2 (nonstackable)

    Sugar (fed to horses): Gives the horse a minute of sugar rush 3 (nonstackable)

    Honey Bottle: Gives the user Sugar rush 5 for a minute (nonstackable)

    • Stackable means that if you eat other sugary foods the time will increase unless what you ate is a higher level in which the time will be reset to the time of the higher number. So if i ate 5 berries consecutively i should have about 22 seconds of sugar rush 1.
    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Shulker Boots

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Shulker Boots would be made with 2 shulker shells for the bottom of the boot and 2 diamonds for the top. The boots would have 2 armor (one less than diamond) and would make you have reverse gravity. Meaning, you would see upside down, you would have reverse gravity (like you have the levitiation ability forever) and your character will jump down. This would be helpfull for the nether and getting glowstone but would be horrible for the end and overworld unless your trying to go up.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Piglin Brutes Drop Gold Blocks/ingots

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Piglin Brutes should drop Gold blocks/ingots because it is like they are hoarding the treasure because they believe that the treasure is best kept with them. Since they don't respawn you couldn't make a crazy farm and there is only about 8 brutes per bastion

    Edit: Grammar

    submitted by /u/Jedis_R_cool
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