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    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For September 2020! This Month's Theme is “Cave Mobs"!

    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For September 2020! This Month's Theme is “Cave Mobs"!

    [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For September 2020! This Month's Theme is “Cave Mobs"!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Your monthly reminder that you're breathtaking! Oh and that suggestions do get over 200+ upvotes! Crazy world we live in innit?

    As per usual this is where you'll find all the suggestions for the last month that achieved an upvote notoriety above 200, as well as 10 that were just short.

    Well, guess who's late (again). With school starting for a lot of our mods, things got a bit delayed. Fear not, we still make sure you get your monthly showcase of our community's best post.

    We'll also change up the TMS format just a bit. Tell us if you like the changes or not.

    So, without further ado, let's take a look at the month of September. This month we had a few less suggestions than usual, but still a lot of quality posts.

    This month we have 97 suggestions that made it to at least that sweet 200 mark, with 6 of those reaching 300+ upvotes (Luminous!), 4 reaching 400+ (Super Luminous!), 5 reaching 500+ (Brilliant!), 1 reaching 600+ (Fabulous!), 3 reaching 700+ (Enlightened!), 5 reaching 800+ -- 900+ (Grand!), 9 reaching from 1000+ -- 1500+ (Ascended!), 16 reaching from 1600+ -- 2000+ (Legendary!), 19 reaching from 2100+ -- 2500+ (Mythic!), 4 reaching from 2600+ -- 3000+ (Omnipotent!), and finally 1 reaching from 3100+ -- 3500+ (Omnipotent+!)

    A brief overview of what kinds of suggestions are in this TMS:

    • Mobs: 24

    • Blocks & Items: 20

    • AI Behavior: 9

    • General: 5

    • Structures: 4

    • Sounds: 4

    • User Interface: 4

    • Command: 4

    • Weather: 3

    • Combat: 3

    • Monthly Theme: 3

    • Plants & Food: 2

    • Redstone: 2

    • Gameplay: 2

    • Bedrock Edition: 2

    • High Quality Post: 2

    • Terrain: 1

    • Magic: 1

    • Dimensions: 1

    • Achievement: 1

    • Controls: 0

    • Java Edition: 0

    • Advancement: 0

    It seem like Mobs and Blocks & Items where the most popular this month just like last month. Controls and Advancement stand at the bottom with no posts this month.

    THEME: Cave Mobs

    Last month's theme originated a lot of posts, so this time we'll go with cave mobs. Since the Caves and Cliffs Update is coming, try coming up with ideas for new creatures that roam the underground.

    Monthly Challenges October 2020 1. Get a monthly theme post to 100+ upvotes. Share your post around and get support! (+25 & +5 for every 100 upvotes more, only valid for one post per person) 2. Get a monthly theme post to 20+ comments. Start a discussion and be active with your comments section! (+10 /post) 3. Include at least one piece of handmade visuals in a monthly theme post. Showcase your suggestion with visuals, it really helps! (+15 /post)

    Steps to participate: - Your post must be in r/minecraftsuggestions and you must be in the MCS official discord - Make sure your post has the monthly theme flair - Copy the link to your post and put in the Discord channel "monthly-workshop" and make sure to say that you are submitting the post to the Monthly Challenges - Most be posted within the correct month

    Special mentions

    Congrats to u/Nightfall-memer for being MVP of this month with their 3100+ post.

    The Underrated Post of the Month goes to this idea by u/_Koza.

    The Top Monthly Theme post this time was this one, by u/TheGreatGimmick.


    There's quite a few things to talk about this month.

    Firstly, a warm welcome for our 2 new moderators, u/MrOzone2020 (previously a Discord only moderator) and the lovely u/HelenAngel.

    We've also added a High Quality Posts wiki page, where all of the posts deemed worthy of that flair have been cataloged.

    Also also, this year's Minecraft Live has announced the "Caves and Cliffs Update". In case you missed the stream, you can still watch it here. The glowsquid won the mob vote too.

    There is always lots to do on the discord, so don't forget to check that out and hang out!

    This months wiki changes:

    Rejected ideas

    • Soul particles in the flames or smoke of soul fire. (source)

    • Copper tools

    FPS list

    • Shulker boxes drop all their items/netherite when destroyed by fire/lava/cacti etc

    Finally, here's your monthly reminder to please read the FPS list before making an idea, just to be sure your idea isn't already on there.


    <>If there was a suggestion that was missed, please let us know below. Despite our best efforts, we haven't yet reached infallible perfection just yet (we're still trying, impossible as it might be), so some mistakes are still within the realm of possibility.<>

    And here are the 10 honorable ones:

    <>All Monthly Suggestion Posts are cataloged on the subreddit's TMS Catalog Wikipage.<>

    Note: The comments are not for posing ideas unless they pertain to the feedback theme. If an idea crops up in a discussion, then that's fine, but for posting a suggestion for the community and the developers, that is what the "submit" button at the top right is for.

    Finally, you can see some suggestions that have actually been implemented on the Successful Suggestions Wikipage! Maybe one of these will make it on there someday! If you have a suggestion that actually has been implemented in some form or another, please let us know so that we can update the list. Thanks!

    Until next time folks, have a fantastic day/night, and take care! :D

    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    Phantoms need to stop spawning in Mushroom Islands.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    Phantoms are already annoying, and the fact they spawn in the only non-Nether or End biome where all other hostile mobs don't spawn purposefully is even more annoying. I found that to be one of the best parts of the biome before, now I'm forced to sleep every night while getting little progress done on anything I build or do there. I don't understand why it happened. I think there should an exception. Rid mushroom islands of phantoms.

    submitted by /u/TheOneWithManyMobs
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    the new 1.17 telescope, when it comes out should be placed in a crafting bench with 3 sticks and 2 string to make a stand. it can than be placed as a 2 high block and remain functional.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    top row order for crafting: nothing, telescope, nothing. second row: string stick string. third row: stick compass stick.

    I edited in compass cuz many stand up telescopes have them.

    submitted by /u/nimitz12
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    Looking through a telescope should reduce nether fog

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    I think this would give them more of a practical use rather than just vanilla zoom

    submitted by /u/CoolioAruff
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    Oxidized copper should be able to be cleaned with the new brushes

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    I know, I know. The oxidized copper looks amazing but there are a few people out there who like it better in its freshly crafted copper glory. That is where the new brush comes into play. In addition to sifting through gravel, it can also slowly take back the color changes on copper blocks. Yeah, not the best idea but I think it could fit pretty well. If you guys have any ideas, please share them!

    Edit 1-Someone pointed out that a new strong brush could be used for this, and I think that would be a great idea. Maybe it could also be used to decrease the chance of artifacts breaking?

    submitted by /u/Gamer_5000
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    Copper Armor

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    Hey all! So with the introduction of copper in the next coming update, I was really excited to see the new mechanic of a block changing over time. Oxidation is a VERY interesting mechanic and I think it can be utilized to add a bit of strategy to crafting army in the earlier game.

    New Ore

    So with the introduction of a new ore, they always seem to fall under the same format of "Block, Armor, Tools" just with slightly altered stats. The introduction of copper armor would probably be expected and a little bit disappointing if it fell down that same formula, but I think they could really make it work with already presented oxidation.

    How Oxidation Works

    In real life, when copper oxidizes over long periods of time the layer of oxidation actually works to strengthen the copper, by adding a protective layer to it and cutting off exposure to oxygen.

    The way I present this is added to the game is that upon being crafted, copper armor is actually slightly weaker than iron which would make iron the go-to choice for a quick fight, but over the course of being worn, it will (very slowly) oxidize and improve its statistics through age. So while off the get-go iron seems like the material of choice, someone with a different playstyle may prefer to craft copper armor if they enjoy playing the game by taking their time.

    Potential Stats (*)

    From what we know about oxidation in the game currently, it seems to occur in 4 stages over 16 Minecraft days (I personally hope they make it much longer but the 4 stages work fine, so for the sake of this post I'll adhere to what we currently know about its properties) All of these are just suggestions!

    Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
    Helmet +1 AP +1 AP +2 AP +2 AP +3 AP, +1 AT
    Chest +4 AP +4 AP +5 AP +6 AP +7 AP, +1 AT
    Leggings +3 AP +3 AP +4 AP +4 AP +5 AP, +1 AT
    Boots +1 AP +1 AP +2 AP +2 AP +2 AP, +1 AT

    \AP stands for Armor Points, AT stands for Armor Toughness*

    So a fully oxidized set would end up being slightly better than iron, and slightly worse than diamond. Assuming copper is going to be about as rare as iron, having it become a better material with time feels like a balanced trade-off, while also not devaluing anything that comes after diamond. Some players prefer to take their time with the game and can take hours to find diamonds, so this would be a fun reward for their playstyle.

    The last suggestion I have is that copper should only oxidize when it's being worn, as that's technically when it's being exposed to air. This doesn't necessarily mean the player has to be wearing it, though, as it would also add a more technical use to armor stands.

    That's a Wrap

    All in all, I think this would be a really unique and interesting mechanic that would serve into the cave update's goal of reaching as much of the player base as possible. While unlikely, I really hope a feature like this is considered for the update and I'd love to hear your thoughts.

    Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/Cubey_Cake
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    Furnaces speed up while Player is sleeping.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    It makes a lot of sense to me, honestly.

    Furnaces go the same speed, even while the night is passing by. Why? It'd decrease the amount of waiting needed to finish smelting up a big vein of Iron.

    It wouldn't be a humongous increase, but more like, the same speed the Night in increased by.

    Maybe this could work with other things! I can't thinknof any that eould remain balanced, buf if you do, put it in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Jely710
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    Axolotls should have personalities like the pandas.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Just like the pandas, axolotls should have different personalities. They could be associated with their color or maybe not. They could have different attack strengths and you could breed them to be stronger just like you can with horses. I feel like this could be a great feature but I need other suggestions as well!

    submitted by /u/LlettuceMan
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    Allow Players to Automatically Filter Items Into their Bundles

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    One of the biggest feature announcements for me was the new bundles. They are a great step in the right direction for inventory management. I believe Mojang should take a step further and let players automate which items go into their bundles.

    Bundles seem like a great solution to all the junk you pick up into your inventory. I have no use for the rotten flesh, bones, and spider eyes in the late game. With bundles, they would only take up one slot.

    The issue is, filling up a bundle manually would take just as much time as throwing the item out of your inventory. I propose they solve this issue with...

    Bundle Filters

    Bundle Filters would be a new mechanic that lets players easily choose which items they want in their bundles. By simply combining a bundle and an item of your choice in an anvil, you can create your own filtered bundle.

    Here's a quick mock-up I made to demonstrate what it might look like.

    Any item you pick up off the ground will try to go inside one of these bundles before it goes into your inventory. If I set up a bundle to filter rotten flesh, I can kill zombies and their drops will go directly to that bundle.

    Creating a filtered bundle would cost a little bit of XP, and it would consume the item you want to filter. I like to think this would add a sense of progression to the game. I think it would be fun to have a bundle that collects every mob drop.

    submitted by /u/SK4T3RG4M3R
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    Use a Fletcher's Table to modify a crossbow to have a Scope feature with the addition of the telescope.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    I have no idea how many people directly went here to ask for this feature, but I personally think that the Fletcher's Table Should now have a feature in 1.17 where it allows the player to mod their crossbows to have a scope, thanks to the Crossbow.

    This would significantly help with aiming, as well as taking down long distance targets.

    submitted by /u/Preston_of_Astora
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    The Copper should replace the Quartz in Redstone related Crafts

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    The Cave Update will introduce the Copper. A new or for vanilla, but a verry common and usefull one in modded. Mojang decided to use it only as decorative block... But what about a crafting material for advanced redstone, instead of Quartz? Such as in comparator and observer block.

    submitted by /u/Grenade_37
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    Update Idea: The Deep Sea

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Ok, this update is dependent on how the new cave generation is, and rather they raise the sea level for the Deep Dark. If this does happen, this will be perfect for another update.

    [What is the Deep Sea?]

    The Deep Sea is found only in the Deep Ocean biomes. It is never guaranteed to generate in this biome, however, if it does, it will be seen as a hole in the ocean floor. Once you pass this said hole, the water will get MUCH darker. In this hole and in this Deep Sea, you will find monsters much more terrifying than before.

    [What kind of Passive Mobs are to be expected?]

    Well, as of now we have multiple types of tropical fish so I believe we should have some deep fish such as the angler in water. Just like the Warden, this fish will be blind and movement is what attracts them. These fish require darkness to survive. If exposed to light, they will slowly die.

    [What kind of Hostile Mobs are to be expected?]

    A new tier of Guardians that are a little bit stronger than regular guardians. They will drop new form of prismarine drop that brings more possibilities of prismarine blocks. I would say Guardian Minions. The next mob below would explain why.

    This is one I've been slowly thinking about, but I believe I have a good idea. There are two ways to execute this idea for this mob. The mob is called the Guardian Leviathan. It WILL be a new mini-boss in the game. Just like the other guardians, it will shoot damaging beams. This beam, however, will blind you, damage you, and give you slowness. It will be a very tough boss to beat. The catch is, it is blind as well and need movement to know where you are. The best-recommended tool to use is a trident rather than any other weapon. The trident has been unused and barely used for a long time, giving it a new use will be a good revival of the item.

    [How will the spawning mechanic work for the Guardian Leviathan?]

    I have been thinking about this as well and I think a good idea would be natural spawning in a huge underwater chamber. As I have said, the new generation is very dependent on how this works. A huge chamber that is big enough for this mini-boss will give it enough free roam. Another way is a spawning mechanism that requires little to no light in an underwater area, which, you either carve yourself or there are natural good areas to spawn it. I prefer the natural spawn of the mini-boss but either would work. If it were to be like the wither and players spawn it, I would prefer there be new blocks in the game + the requirement are a new elder guardian drop, perhaps their eyes?

    [What kind of biomes would we see in the Deep Sea?]

    Underwater "volcanos" (spires with magma block inside), underwater dark caves that have more chance of spawning ores, underwater mushroom biome (a new type of mushroom that spawns underwater ofc), new types of vegetation that would spawn under the water that spawn throughout the whole Deep Sea and a biome sorta like the Lush Caves (in the Caves and Cliffs update)

    [What else?]

    Above are the MAIN features, but there will also be new prismarine blocks. Built off the Guardian Minion idea, these new blocks will come from them, which also means there will be structures using these and maybe previous prismarine blocks in the Dark Sea.

    On top of that, a new enchantment for tridents will exist as well. I would like to call it the Guardian Slayer enchantment. As the name suggests, it helps kill guardian type mobs. ​

    On top of that, new water mobs could also come about. The ones I posted are the main ones. Let me know if you like this idea. :)

    submitted by /u/Badawan
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    When a warden approaches near you, the light sources should show a flicker effect.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    When I first saw warden during minecraft live, they showed us a new light dripping effect associated with it and I thought it would be cool if the light sources started flicking and could even extinguish when the effect took placed. This would add an extra layer of spookiness to the warden which is currently missing from it.

    submitted by /u/Qzimyion
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    Walking on carpet or wool you shouldn’t be detected by Wardens or skulk detectors

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    That's pretty much the whole suggestion. When you are on carpet or wool there should be no noise by walking.

    submitted by /u/Veaponsguy
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    Revamp of the Mineshaft structure to accompany the new cave generation of 1.17

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    As the announcement of the new cave generation being larger and more complex than what we have known for so long, there is one thing I did not see or mentioned at all within the reveal videos: Mineshafts.

    As we know, mineshafts have always been formed with a maze of 3x3 tunnels with simple wooden supports of oak fences and planks, some rails laid out along the tunnels with the occasional minecart chest and cave spiders spawners. The only updates we have gotten with the abandoned mineshafts were back in 1.10 when Mojang added the Mesa biome's variant of the abandoned mineshafts using dark oak blocks. No other changes were made with it.

    Now, I do not know the plans for the mineshaft structure for upcomming 1.17, but since we are finally getting our fabled cave update, I think the mineshafts should be enhanced/revamped themselves to accompany the new cave generation.

    Some ideas I believe should be added to mineshafts would be as follow:

    • The very rare occurance of skeleton skulls to appear inside the shafts for decrative purposes.
    • The use of lanterns and candles to light up the mineshafts instead of torches.
    • Additional rooms to be located within the shafts, those being storage rooms, breakrooms, and workshops.
    • Enhanced minecart systems, such as repairable junctions, switches, and sidings.
    • Skeletons with pickaxes. I want to see more mob varients occuring in the mineshafts that would be more exlcusive to them, such as normal skeletons appearing with pickaxes.
    • Enhanced rooms specificlly for Cave Spiders. We can't remove Cave Spiders from mineshafts, so I propose that for some of the additional rooms, you can sometimes find them infested with cave spiders with their signature web encasing with a spawner inside the room. For example, a storage room can spawn infested with a cave spider spawner in the back of the room. With the spawners in the back, it would make them more challanging and interesting to find and disable.
    • Enhanced supports. instead of the usually fences and planks, perhaps more detailed supports with the few instances of collapsed tunnels covered in gravel. These mineshafts are supposed to be abandoned and old, so they should look the age. For Mesa Mineshafts, the gravel can be red sand.
    • This idea is a streach, but perhaps specialized mineshafts for diffrent ores. In real life, you don't simply dig a hole in the ground for no reason, you mine because you found something specific. In Mesa biomes, gold spawns more frequently than usual, and you can find most of this gold ore in the Mesa Mineshafts. Perhaps ores such as Iron and Coal can spawn more frequently in proximity of regular mineshafts. How I propose this can work is as the mineshaft generates, the game will roll what kind of ore will appear, given on their exsisting rarity, with coal spawning more frequently, then iron, and even copper now that it is being added to the game. Gold in the Mesa biome mineshafts will be on top of coal in the roll since it already occurs more frequently in Mesas.

    This absolutely does not need to be added imediately. Instead, Mojang should, if they like, take their time with it and release it later, much like how they added the Piglin Brute after 1.16's main launch. All I want is a mineshaft revamp so it can visually and gameplay-wise be on par with the new cave generation.

    submitted by /u/ErectPerfect
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    Update the mobestiary

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    i really would like to see a new bestiary

    submitted by /u/Impossible_Post
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    Orichalcum tools should be craftable at Smithing Tables as upgraded gold tools

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    The actual alloy orichalcum is a combination of gold & copper and has a historically mythological identity, being associated with the lost city of Atlantis. I think this is a perfect opportunity to introduce more utility to the smithing table, more utility for copper, more utility for gold tools, and make the game feel that much more mystical. The idea would be that you apply copper ingots to gold tools at a smithing table like you do netherite to diamond (maybe copper blocks, however would be balanced), and the resulting orichalcum tools would be functionally the same as gold in speed, mining level, and enchantability, but around as durable as iron, thus giving players a very solid midgame sidegrade dedicated to things like excavation instead of resource extraction, as well as opening the door to the best enchantments on something easier to replenish than diamond tools. Definitely open to adjustment but the idea of orichalcum just stood out to me immediately.

    submitted by /u/ChibladeWielder
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    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    We have sunken ships, buried treasure and telescopes, what's more fitting than pirates to be added in game? I feel they would behave similar to pillagers, they would travel by boat and come ashore to look for settlements to steal from (maybe kidnap a villager or two) I'd love to see the use of pirates in-game as it could add it more depth to story and adventure to players.

    submitted by /u/lapisDragon07
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    Phantom rework: Nightmares. Not the most original, but there are some ideas here I haven't seen before.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    As everyone knows, Phantoms have a problem. They're not the "Terror of the Night skies" as promised, they're annoying to fight, and their spawn mechanics are annoying. The spawn mechanic in particular goes against a large part of the game progression.

    Minecraft progression currently goes something along the lines of:

    • Scary mobs, I need to sleep.
    • I have better stuff now. I'll fight these guys.
    • Cool rewards (gunpowder, string, bones). Wait, let's build farms so I don't need to fight them.
    • I've got great armour and weapons now, so sleeping is a waste of time and mobs don't bother me (along with everything being lit up at this point).

    And phantoms act as a punishment for not sleeping, when in reality, if you want to expand on the progression list, it should reward players for sleeping, adding a new reason to sleep after you get good armour and a lit up base. I propose that every night there's a small chance of having a "nightmare", and that this chance would increase every time you sleep. Maybe starting at 0 for the first 2-3 nights just so you don't get the unlucky noob who has one the first time they sleep.

    This would have two functions:

    1. It would force players who don't want to go along the progression to actually brave the night at some point. You can't stay indoors sleeping forever, at some point you'll have to stay awake, or you'll have a nightmare.
    2. It adds an incentive for late game players to sleep, and gives them an additional challenge after they've done everything else.

    Having a nightmare should apply the "Insomnia" effect, along with giving a message of some sort. If you have this status effect when you try to sleep you automatically fail, and a mini-boss mob, The Phantom, spawns. Obviously the mechanics would have to be different from the current Phantom, I especially think the model and texture needs to be reworked, and they should take advantage of the size function that currently does nothing. But this mini-boss would be another late game goal, another mob that people want to fight.

    There would have to be some special drop that incentivises people to fight it. Personally I think there should be a chance to drop an elytra. Maybe 20-30% or smth. Low enough that it still makes sense to adventure to the end for one, but high enough that it creates a renewable source of elytra for multiplayer servers with many players. The fight itself should also be hard to discourage farming them.

    If you don't like that, you could make another recipe for phantom membranes. Their current function to repair elytra is almost useless, seing as almost everyone gets mending on their elytra ASAP, so a new item use would be a good idea IMO. Dreamcatchers. Sticks, phantom membrane, and string, maybe even cobweb would make sense. If you have a nightmare while there's a dreamcatcher by your bed you instead catch the nightmare, and can put it into a potion to get the blindness effect, something currently unobtainable in survival. In addition to this, in a similar vein to Night Vision (seeing better) being inverted to Invisibility (being seen worse) when a fermented spider eye is added, a blindness potion (seeing worse) could turn into a potion of glowing (being seen better) when a fermented spider eye is added. Spectral arrows apply the effect for such a short time that they're virtually useless, and they aren't exactly cheap. Allowing an actual potion for the effect, and by extention splash potion, would allow the effect some much needed versatility. You can apply it to youself if you want a friend to find you, you can throw a splash potion at an invisible player rather than having to try to shoot them only for them to disappear again in 10 seconds.

    Anyway, what do you guys think? I really like the idea, but I made it, so I'm probably biased.

    submitted by /u/garrondumont
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    Piglins Mineshaft in Nether Cave ?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Actually there are no Nether cave. It will be good in the Cave and Climb update if they make cave in the Nether too.

    For example Nether Mineshaft will be big cave in the height of the Nether, similar to a Mineshaft but build differently by Piglins, it will be more big than an actual mineshaft where there will be more open space.

    Knowing it will be where piglins find gold. You will find piglins group with a single piglin brute has a leader, who will appear inside the cave or near the cave.

    Like i say the player will find more gold nuggets in this cave but even if it will be a dangerous place, the fact that you find more gold and a chance to find ancient debris will justified this difficulty.

    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    New Mob Votes should be done through the Minecraft Launcher, and not Twitter. The Voting Period should be over the course of 7 days.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    After the Glow Squid incident it has become apparent that Mojang's machinations for handling new mob voting is insufficient and exploitable.

    All future mob votes should occur through the Minecraft Launcher after logging in, and the voting period should be 7 days. 4 days for the initial breakdown and 3 days for the finals.

    With only a depressingly low 0.5% of Minecraft's userbase voting for the mobs, it is clear that the whole of the community is not being addressed or respected in this decision making. I believe the changes I am suggesting will remedy that to a large degree.

    submitted by /u/jarrybeansman
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    Squid Should be able to have Babies that Follow the Mother Around.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    Squid Should be able to have Babies that Follow the Mother Around.

    With the Glow Squid winning the mob vote, I had Squids on the brain, and thought about why Squids didn't have baby variants? I think this would be cool to give the AI something more to do than swim mindlessly, so maybe they'd have more of an objcetive of keeping their children safe. Obviously not every squid should have a line like this, so seeing it around would be quite nice. I also think if Mojang were to add dynamic lighting, the Glow Squid variant would look really really cool swimming in a formation like this. I know they have said already that they aren't adding dynamic lighting so that dream is dead.
    Still though, baby Squids. I think they look quite cool.

    Models and render by me. Barebones texturepack by RobotPantaloons.

    submitted by /u/SethTooQuick
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    Reduce the detection range of wardens when the player is wearing leather armour

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    Since the skulk blocks are blocked by wool, leather armour should also do the same to wardens, giving leather armour a use.

    I hope the suggestion is not too short

    submitted by /u/nachochips140807
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    New Mob Vote Polling Platform

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    Don't get me wrong, I wish Dream hadn't gotten involved in the way he did, but what really needs to be done is have the mob vote available on the Minecraft browser itself. This solves many problems.

    1. No comments, no influencing, just your pure opinion based on what you know.
    2. It's easy to buy votes or make new accounts to influence the vote on twitter. While you can still do this with multiple minecraft accounts, last I checked they are $25 each. Most people only have 1-3 accounts, and more than 1 isn't spectacularly common.
    3. People who are normally very uninformed about Minecraft news can have a voice too
    4. Maybe there could be a tab you could open to get all information about all the possible candidates before you vote. I know not everyone who voted for the glow-squid was uninformed, but there was a significant portion of voters there who just assumed that GLOW-squid meant dynamic lighting.

    I don't mean this to offend anyone, this has been my opinion for a while now, but the Dream incident made me decide to post this.

    So there's my idea :)

    submitted by /u/_DragonArmor_
    [link] [comments]

    Copper should be able to be used for beacon bases.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    Copper should be able to be used for beacon bases, just like most of the other mineral blocks, and this would give copper another use aside from telescopes and lightning rods.

    submitted by /u/MaximusMatrix
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    Bundels filled with multiple different placeable blocks or items should place them at random when you right click with that bundel in your hands

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    This will give builders an awesome randomization tool for building things like paths, walls or gardens.

    For example, when you fill a bundel with Dirt Blocks, Course Dirt Blocks and Gravel Blocks you can make quick and easy random paths.

    Or when you fill a bundel with Stone Brick Blocks, Cracked Stone Brick Blocks and Mossy Brick Blocks you can make quick random wall patterns.

    Or even when you fill a bundel with all kinds of flowers you can easily place them random in your garden with this bundel.

    Randomization should be based on the number of items in the bundel for each block or item type. So if you have 48 Stone Brick Blocks and 16 Mossy Stone Brick Blocks you have more change to place Stone Brick Blocks.

    submitted by /u/TryingDutchman
    [link] [comments]


