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    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For September 2020! This Month's Theme is “Cave Mobs"!

    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For September 2020! This Month's Theme is “Cave Mobs"!

    [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For September 2020! This Month's Theme is “Cave Mobs"!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Your monthly reminder that you're breathtaking! Oh and that suggestions do get over 200+ upvotes! Crazy world we live in innit?

    As per usual this is where you'll find all the suggestions for the last month that achieved an upvote notoriety above 200, as well as 10 that were just short.

    Well, guess who's late (again). With school starting for a lot of our mods, things got a bit delayed. Fear not, we still make sure you get your monthly showcase of our community's best post.

    We'll also change up the TMS format just a bit. Tell us if you like the changes or not.

    So, without further ado, let's take a look at the month of September. This month we had a few less suggestions than usual, but still a lot of quality posts.

    This month we have 97 suggestions that made it to at least that sweet 200 mark, with 6 of those reaching 300+ upvotes (Luminous!), 4 reaching 400+ (Super Luminous!), 5 reaching 500+ (Brilliant!), 1 reaching 600+ (Fabulous!), 3 reaching 700+ (Enlightened!), 5 reaching 800+ -- 900+ (Grand!), 9 reaching from 1000+ -- 1500+ (Ascended!), 16 reaching from 1600+ -- 2000+ (Legendary!), 19 reaching from 2100+ -- 2500+ (Mythic!), 4 reaching from 2600+ -- 3000+ (Omnipotent!), and finally 1 reaching from 3100+ -- 3500+ (Omnipotent+!)

    A brief overview of what kinds of suggestions are in this TMS:

    • Mobs: 24

    • Blocks & Items: 20

    • AI Behavior: 9

    • General: 5

    • Structures: 4

    • Sounds: 4

    • User Interface: 4

    • Command: 4

    • Weather: 3

    • Combat: 3

    • Monthly Theme: 3

    • Plants & Food: 2

    • Redstone: 2

    • Gameplay: 2

    • Bedrock Edition: 2

    • High Quality Post: 2

    • Terrain: 1

    • Magic: 1

    • Dimensions: 1

    • Achievement: 1

    • Controls: 0

    • Java Edition: 0

    • Advancement: 0

    It seem like Mobs and Blocks & Items where the most popular this month just like last month. Controls and Advancement stand at the bottom with no posts this month.

    THEME: Cave Mobs

    Last month's theme originated a lot of posts, so this time we'll go with cave mobs. Since the Caves and Cliffs Update is coming, try coming up with ideas for new creatures that roam the underground.

    Monthly Challenges October 2020 1. Get a monthly theme post to 100+ upvotes. Share your post around and get support! (+25 & +5 for every 100 upvotes more, only valid for one post per person) 2. Get a monthly theme post to 20+ comments. Start a discussion and be active with your comments section! (+10 /post) 3. Include at least one piece of handmade visuals in a monthly theme post. Showcase your suggestion with visuals, it really helps! (+15 /post)

    Steps to participate: - Your post must be in r/minecraftsuggestions and you must be in the MCS official discord - Make sure your post has the monthly theme flair - Copy the link to your post and put in the Discord channel "monthly-workshop" and make sure to say that you are submitting the post to the Monthly Challenges - Most be posted within the correct month

    Special mentions

    Congrats to u/Nightfall-memer for being MVP of this month with their 3100+ post.

    The Underrated Post of the Month goes to this idea by u/_Koza.

    The Top Monthly Theme post this time was this one, by u/TheGreatGimmick.


    There's quite a few things to talk about this month.

    Firstly, a warm welcome for our 2 new moderators, u/MrOzone2020 (previously a Discord only moderator) and the lovely u/HelenAngel.

    We've also added a High Quality Posts wiki page, where all of the posts deemed worthy of that flair have been cataloged.

    Also also, this year's Minecraft Live has announced the "Caves and Cliffs Update". In case you missed the stream, you can still watch it here. The glowsquid won the mob vote too.

    There is always lots to do on the discord, so don't forget to check that out and hang out!

    This months wiki changes:

    Rejected ideas

    • Soul particles in the flames or smoke of soul fire. (source)

    • Copper tools

    FPS list

    • Shulker boxes drop all their items/netherite when destroyed by fire/lava/cacti etc

    Finally, here's your monthly reminder to please read the FPS list before making an idea, just to be sure your idea isn't already on there.


    <>If there was a suggestion that was missed, please let us know below. Despite our best efforts, we haven't yet reached infallible perfection just yet (we're still trying, impossible as it might be), so some mistakes are still within the realm of possibility.<>

    And here are the 10 honorable ones:

    <>All Monthly Suggestion Posts are cataloged on the subreddit's TMS Catalog Wikipage.<>

    Note: The comments are not for posing ideas unless they pertain to the feedback theme. If an idea crops up in a discussion, then that's fine, but for posting a suggestion for the community and the developers, that is what the "submit" button at the top right is for.

    Finally, you can see some suggestions that have actually been implemented on the Successful Suggestions Wikipage! Maybe one of these will make it on there someday! If you have a suggestion that actually has been implemented in some form or another, please let us know so that we can update the list. Thanks!

    Until next time folks, have a fantastic day/night, and take care! :D

    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    I wish/hope Mojang kept/starts the tradition of every big update having a new music disk like how the Nether update had pigstep and Caves and Cliffs could have its own music disk

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Besides pig step, there hasn't been a new music disk for 8 or so years

    submitted by /u/327289
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    Smells like team spirit: Team up with 5 axolotls! (An actually decent effort advancement post!)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Updated from my previous post during the 1.16 snapshots suggesting this for bartering with piglins.

    To get this advancement, you must have five axolotls tamed and alive at the same time.

    I feel that this advancement would be necessary to teach players that axolotls are willing to be friends with them, and more than just cute pets. As it stands, I think it's a little unintuitive that they are willing to fight for you.

    The advancement is obviously a reference to Nirvana's hit song 'Smells like Teen Spirit'. I feel that Smells like Teen Spirit is as iconic as Take Me Home, Country Roads, which got added as an advancement in 1.16.

    As always, thanks for reading, and have a good one! :)

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    For 1.17, bundles should drop all their items when shot out of a dispenser, but the bundles should stay intact when shot out of a dropper

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    I feel like this would be a great way to add certain redstone functionality to bundles to make them more exciting for more redstone/technical minded players and maybe it would keep them interesting past the early game. I also think all the items popping out of the bundle when dispensed stays in line with how Mojang wants the bundles to feel and work.

    It gives dispensers yet another feature to distinguish them from droppers which I think is almost always good, and this could be used for emptying bundles into your storage system or for making contraptions that super quickly dispense items to players. The only thing I think I would want in combination with this would be a way to put items inside bundles automatically, but I'm not sure on a good way to implement that.

    (Reposted because of typo in the title)

    submitted by /u/friedkeenan
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    Mobile redesign

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Mobile redesign

    We need a mobile redesign. I want to be able to go into third person easily, and use pickblock. They said they don't want buttons to clutter up the screen, but they had no problem adding an emote button. And if they really care enough, just make it a toggleable option in the settings.

    Here's my low effort mock up of what I would like to see.


    submitted by /u/Chuckles9838
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    A scary advancement to go with the warden

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    You know how in some scary games everything seems fine and suddenly the game says something like "Press shift to sprint" and you're panicking wondering why it just told you that?

    What if Minecraft had an advancement when you are within earshot of a Warden. Something like "Don't Make a Sound..."

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Animal fossils can be found in archaeological sites and you can either display these skeletal systems or revive them in the form of zombie animals with a totem of undying and rotten flesh

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    This could be a good way to implement zombie reincarnations such as the zombie horse, as it's existence was beyond survival mode. These mobs will have different traits compared to their living counterparts. These will be hostile to all those who aren't the ones who summoned them. These frightening friends will include wolf, horse, cat, and any others you suggest. Commentary and suggestions welcome in the comments'

    submitted by /u/Maritow3rd
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    campfire features to make them different to other furnaces

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    1. if you're flying with an elytra and go over a camp fire's smoke it gives you a boost up. (a nice renewable way to fly)
    2. putting a campfire under a caldron full of potion will cause a lingering potion to appear around the caldron, and it should last longer than a lingering potion, can think of some nice Redstone based magic traps.
    submitted by /u/jimtheluster
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    Near-Water Growth

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Minecraft is kind of realistic when it comes to plants with water. It's as if the water will make the dirt more growable. But it's also like the dirt already has some water/nutrients in it. It might sound very in depth, but it's very simple. Seeds can grow on the dirt because it has enough nutrients to grow. But near water, it can grow better. Saplings also prove that there are nutrients in the dirt. But some plants like sugarcane need a bigger amount of water/nutrients so it can only grow near water. So if crops grow better near water, why don't saplings and bamboo grow faster near water? I think all plants that can grow without being next to water should grow faster near water. These plants include saplings, bamboo, cactus, sweet berry bushes, chorus plants, mushrooms, nether mushroom/trees, and maybe even cocoa beans!

    submitted by /u/SirBlimp
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    Abyssal Ocean

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! Since we're getting cave update (and possibly bigger world height?) I would like to suggest "Abyssal Ocean" (Also my english is pretty bad sorry for any gramatical errors)

    What is it?

    "The Abyss" which is darker, scarier, and deeper ocean offers you few new features such as

    -Deep water mob spawning

    -few optional features (such as scuba gear)

    > Generation and function

    Abyss Ocean or Deep dark ocean would be a biome under cold ocean which you can freely swim to, but without proper gear you'll drown and/or won't get your gear because of enormous darkness surrounding you, if you try to escape Getting to the surface is your only option, when In abyssal darkness you get effect simmilar to mining fatigue and weakness which leaves you helpless and makes your standard armor/tools useless. If you think you can still survive with water breathing and not drown, you're wrong. Down in the abyss will spawn small group of guardians to find and kill you.

    When going down the abyss you can find some rewarding ores (Diamonds, Gold, Redstone, iron) in large quantities which is an interesting concept for deep sea mining, it would be challenging and quite rewarding.

    > Avoiding Abyss effects

    Only way to survive in Abyss is constructing conduits which keep darkness and bad effects away

    How do you get down in the first place without dying? Enchantments and potions! Using aqua affinity, water breathing/ night vision you can see through darkness and use your tools freely. Once you're in abyss and get water out of your vision (or build a conduit) you can see more clearly since water isn't the problem anymore

    > Avoiding Abyss part 2

    Well, you did it! cleared out the darkness! but there is still a lot of guardians, how do you survive them? It's very easy! just brew "Guardians Gate" Potion using prismarine and Guardians will simply ignore you... until you attack them

    -additional ideas:

    > Possible Abyss structures?

    > Scuba gear/enchantments?

    > New deep dark blocks

    > Abyssal weather/ Strong torrents which would damage players without proper equipment

    That's all, someone on minecraft discord told me to come here, so here I am :P Thanks for the read

    submitted by /u/HyperSeven17212
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    Chains attached to sticky pistons should be able to pull blocks.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    This would make redstone a lot cooler.

    submitted by /u/WowSuchMemes147
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    Different wood types being good at different things.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Whith more and more wooden items getting variants for different wood types I think that they should have some pros and cons based on the real world.

    Birch wood burns well so it would be a better fuel source, but fire would spread more easily on it. Oak wood is very hard, so tools made with oak would have more durability but it would take longer to break. Spruce would be the opposite to Oak, fast to break but spruce tools would have low durability.

    Thats all i could think of but if you have any more ideas for mare wood types please comment.

    submitted by /u/Svantlas
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    Riptide tridents working on blue Ice

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    So i figured if standing on blue ice you should be able to use a riptide trident, the would allow for riptide use in the nether and would add some cool new mechanics to blue ice and would increase its usage it could also really help parkour maps but would be really good for me cause i use riptide to launch myself into the air for elytra travel.

    submitted by /u/Johnathan-the-potato
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    You should be able to make a longer sound from a note block somehow.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Currently, you can only make the sound play from a single block for a set amount of time. It would be cool if there were some way to make the sound play for set longer amounts of time.

    submitted by /u/fallingleaf_271
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    Basic idea: you create something that represents an empty bouquet, which works as a container with maybe nine slots. In those slots, you can put all sorts of different flowers (except two block flowers such as peonies), combining them into a single item.

    A bouquet can be placed in a pot, but it can be also placed as itself. If so, it appears simply like a collection of those flowers, clustered together. Kind of like sea cucumbers look like. This should be done in a way in which it can represent 1. a vase with flowers in it, 2. flowers growing close together in the wilderness, 3. planted flowers as peoples tend to hang right outside their windows.

    Has no use other than to look pretty.

    (I don't really care about the particular recipe or interface or anything, shouldn't be that hard to come up with something. Even it being realized as a container is not something I need, just how I'd see it done.)

    Edit: Extend the list above by 4. Flower beds in a garden.

    Edit: Example for 3.: look at this scenery https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/Absolute_Maison_des_tanneurs_01.JPG, both at the red flowers outside the windows, but also the flowers in the lower right corner. The closest thing that can be done right now are single flowers in a pot. With the next update possibly also those leaf blocks with flowers, but still nothing like that.

    submitted by /u/Ksorkrax
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    New Farming Update

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Farming itself is pretty easy at the moment, simply get seeds, a hoe, and some water and you have a farm. I think it could be improved in many different ways being that it hasn't been updated in a very long time.

    -More Crops —To get into details, I think rice would be an amazing crop. Rice can serve as not only a food source but it can be used for fuel, fertilizer (I'll talk about this), and rice paper. Combined with fish and kelp you can make sushi as a food or you can combine a bowl and rice to have a simple dish. Rice is a pretty base food and could serve multiple purposes.

    -Improved Mechanics —Farming right now is pretty simplistic, but it can be improved definitely. The composter right now serves as a way to get bone meal from crops, but if that could be a way to get not only bone meal but fertilizer, then that would be better Fertilizer would serve as a way to grow crops at a faster rate. Even though there is bone meal to make crops grow, this would be idle, meaning you wouldn't have to mess with the crops, just put down fertilizer and your crops will grow fast without you having to watch them. This fertilizer could come from rice as rice is used in real life as one, but it could also come from a combination of other things.

    This isn't the best list, but these are things I pulled off the top of my head. Might go in depth another time but I think these two options would be a good start for farming.

    submitted by /u/KleinerKerl
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    The ender and render update

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    So the point of the render and ender update is just because the lighting and end need to be update so let's get into it

    Ok so the ender part

    This is going to be addressing the end city part not the ender dragon part

    The problem with the after end is that its so..plain. its litterly a bunch of flat islands made with 1 block that are scattered that rarely have these random citys

    So heres how I think it should change

    So the first problem the flat same level same block islands: So first we are going to change the same level part by makeing them randomly spawn at different levels but the big islands are only going to change about 20 blocks in hight from eachother and there is going to be tiny floating areas just scattered consisting at an average at 10 blocks total

    The made of 1 block part: So similar to the nether we are going to put in biomed but the difference is that these biomes are they arnt ment to help you survive they are ment for diversity(I only have 1 biome right no

    The void forests:these forests are similar to jungles in a way with tall trees but some smaller then others to create a treeline blanket so you cant see the sky or sky void, the wood would be wood would be black with small purple dots similar to obsidian but with less purple dots and more of 1 solid black and the tree leaves will be purple mostly dark purple background with alot of different shades of purple overtop these trees will be taller and spaced out in the middle but still covering the top with leaves and the outer part of the biomes trees are going to be shorter and closer together

    Added block for the void forests: in the middle of the void forest there will be void vines which will work as the rope physics in the game being a rope that can attach to 2 points of different block faces like a connector rope and the player can climb across it and can only connect to 1 block face to hand and for the player to swing on

    And a new mob will be "the ancient one": basicly this will be a big eye with a big black and purple "tail" or "stem" behind it with blue eyes and this mob will be massive like 30x30x30 (the eye is still a big cube) and it will passively fly across the after end just patrolling and if it sees you it will kill you (I don't know how yet) but it will just kinda fly around in a routine not like how other mobs do like bats and phantoms but it will use pathfinding techniques like a villagers to fly around a LARGE area and eventually go back to its little castle or nest and this whole thing is ment to just make you not able to just run around freely or fly around without any care

    There are more ideas I have to add to the end but I'm just going to get to the render part

    Render part of the update has to do with the lighting in the game

    So there would be an option in the settings to activate "dramatic lighting" which is basicly something that makes the dark darker and the light lighter

    The caves and the deep oceans will become so dark you cant actually see anything and different light sources become more defined like redstone lamps light goes 8 blocks glow stone goes 10 and torches go 5 and if you hold a light block In your hand or your offhand it glows around you

    submitted by /u/godzilla1713
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    Totem of duping (doesn't dupe items)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    This is a drop from the illusioner which still isn't in survival but if it comes this could make it useful What does it do? When you are at 3-4 hearts the totem will activate and copies your character 5 times just like the illusioner

    Advantages in pve

    Mobs that aren't blind would have 75% chance of trying to attack your copy

    Gives a little bit of regeneration and absorption

    Advantages in PvP

    When activated it gives blindness to the last person that hit you

    Again gives a little bit of regeneration and absorption

    Disadvantages in pve

    Non blind mobs will only try to hit your copy 1 or 2 and comes to hit you

    Blind mobs like the warden and other things aren't effected by this

    Disadvantages in PvP

    When you use ranged weapons like the bow or cb,trident the projectile will only come from you not your copies

    submitted by /u/game7111
    [link] [comments]

    Grinder and Compressor

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    The idea is simple: create two blocks, similar to furnaces, that can be powered by coal etc.
    The Grinder grinds stone to cobble, cobble to gravel, and gravel to sand.
    The Compressor works the other way round, turning sand to gravel, gravel to cobble etc.

    this would create the possibility of getting easy access to huge amounts of blocks that you would have to excavate by hand otherwise. You can create a sand/gravelfarm to create concrete without completely destroying whole deserts and gravel-biomes.

    submitted by /u/TJ_1236
    [link] [comments]

    1.17 more cave "biomes"

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Minecraft 1.17 is probably going to have more than the Minecon live featured. That is why I made the list below of other cave "biomes" that could come in the Caves & Cliffs update

    Fungi Cave- This cave would be large and filled with massive mushrooms and other fungi. It would even glow in the dark sometimes. These would spawn in or near mushroom islands.

    Villager cave-This mineshaft would still have villagers in it! They could add villagers that mine with this, and even a pillager cave as well.

    Mob Cavern- This cavern would have zombie, creeper, skeleton and spider spawners all around. The only ore in this cave would be redstone and iron. It would also have a few chests with random loot in them.

    Ice cave-Filled with ice, snow, and icicles this cave would generate in mountains and the arctic, and would have strays as hostile mobs. Copper would spawn a lot in this cave, and it could even snow inside.

    Glow Cavern-This cavern would fit in with the new glow squid mob. These caverns would have ceilings that make the plants and animals inside glow like the glow squid. These caves would also have rivers and ponds with glow squid in them.

    Your ideas!- Make sure to say your ideas for other 1.17 cave biomes in the comments!

    submitted by /u/GeckioGaming
    [link] [comments]

    Ruined battle grounds

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    These would be places where people fought and lost the battle with the ender dragon you would find sculk sensors growing their and dragon scales used to upgrade diamond armor they wouldnt be destroyed by explosions and reduce allmost all falldamage

    submitted by /u/LightningKicker76
    [link] [comments]

    The new chainmail

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I want green copper armor, to go well together with my turtle helmet exploring the sea with style.


    submitted by /u/Guy_Alvin_Cross
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    There should be an item that lets you tell what the weather is.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    It'd be kind of like a clock or compass but instead of telling you the time of day/spawn location, it'd tell you what the weather is maybe in a similar way to the clock. Maybe it could be made having something to do with copper or the lightning rod. (Thunderstorms especially) can be annoying to try and get to obtain things like mob heads and skeleton horses if you're trying to get them but miss the thunderstorm because you're in your house, caving, or exploring the Nether.

    submitted by /u/327289
    [link] [comments]

    Weather needs to be updated

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Weather in minecraft is currently bad. It's very limited, not diverse and poorly built; it needs to be changed.

    firstly, there is no variety of meteorological phenomenons, only rain, thunderstorm and snow, secondly, weather is global, meaning the selected weather will occur anywhere in the world excluding certain biomes(technically temperatures but temperature depends on the biome).

    Here are my ideas, for the first problem of no variety, simply add more meteorological phenomenons, add rainbow after rain, fog in colder biomes, tornado that can lift entities, dust storm in desert and badlands, strong winds in high altitudes that can move entities and disturb/help players with elytra and nether and end exclusive meteorological phenomenons(End update™) because they currently don't have any. For the second problem of global weather, make weather biome dependent, meaning that if in one biome some meteorological phenomenon occur it doesn't mean the biome next to it has one occuring.

    Any ideas, feedback and questions will be welcomed.

    submitted by /u/upalome
    [link] [comments]


