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    Minecraft Cats should act more like foxes

    Minecraft Cats should act more like foxes

    Cats should act more like foxes

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    Whenever a cat willingly sits on the furnace chest or bed it should be able to stand up when it wants too. I don't think it's the right thing to have them sit forever without you choosing. It would make more sense if they first sit on the bed them lay down and fall asleep or just get back up.

    If they are planning on doing a smaller update or adding some features into this update I think they should fix the animals.

    Other things like llamas,cows not eating grass or polar bears not hunting for food and even hoglins not foraging. I think small things like these will add more life and a sense of ecosystem into the game.


    cats should stand up at will

    submitted by /u/Melonman190463
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    We need the frostwalker enchantment oh horse saddles.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Getting over a river with your horse is a pain, but not with frostwalker!

    submitted by /u/mr_bones-
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    Goats shouldn’t have multiple babies per breeding, pigs should.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Having the mountain goats in the new snapshot have multiple offsprings for every time you breed them is interesting, but quite strange, seeing as the animal usually gives birth to one offspring and sometimes twins in real life.

    Meanwhile, pigs are currently close to useless, being outclassed by cows in every possible way as a farm animal and the riding mechanic being more for a bit of fun than anything.

    In real life, pigs give birth to large litters, which is one of the reasons why they are common livestock (in places that can handle their high demand for water, but that's a different story), so giving them the mechanic of multiple babies per breeding event could give them a use over cows in farms if the player only looks for food and nothing else.

    submitted by /u/Dodoraptor
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    Elytra Enchantments: Aviating, Windcatching

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Both have a weight value of 1 so they are very rare for books to get.

    Aviating is an un-levelled enchantment. When tapping spacebar while airborne will "flap" the wings, boosting the player upwards and in the direction they are facing (even if the elytra is already deployed). This costs 2 durability.

    Windcatching has three levels. When the player has downwards velocity, holding spacebar will orient the elytra into a horizontal "braking" position and slow your fall, with higher levels giving faster braking.

    submitted by /u/boltzmannman
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    Witch huts should come with potion recipes.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Witches are supposed to make potions, so they should always have the recipes in a book or a paper. So, instead of just potions in a cauldron, what if they put potion recipes in a chest as well? It would make more sense.

    submitted by /u/Te4lGenie
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    Goat Horns should be attachable to Netherite helmets.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    With the recently announced Goat Horn item in the Bedrock 1.17 Beta, I think it would be an incredibly cool feature to be able to attach these horns to your netherite helmet and become even more menacing when wearing full netherite gear. Much like the helmet of a viking.

    The Goat Horn currently has no use in the Beta, so I'm excited to see what Mojang actually has planned for this item.

    submitted by /u/Lyndorr
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    Shift clicking an empty armor stand deposits your current armor. Shift clicking a full armor stand attempts to equip that armor. (PC/Java)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    I play on PC/java, and its recently come across me how unremarkable armor stands are. They seem purely cosmetic, since it's almost as fast just to put them in a chest and grab them from there.

    Also, unless I'm missing something, there's no way to easily take off your armor and put it onto the stand: it requires a ton of inventory management and clicking.

    There is no current functionality to shift clicking an armor stand. This would be a nice start.

    What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/PM_SHORT_STORY_IDEAS
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    Furnace with lightning rod

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    A little idea I had for lighting rod in 1.17 is if you put a lighting rod on top of a furnace and lightning strike the lightings rod it would instantly smelt one item in the furnace.

    submitted by /u/Pawofthewild
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    Netherite Anvil

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Crafted like normal anvils but with Netherite

    Since it's VERY expensive it would last much longer (maybe forever)

    It would remove the "too expensive" blockade

    submitted by /u/FilipJestem
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    Fire charges and ender pearls should be able to be launched from the crossbow.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Fire charges launched by a crossbow would work similar to the Ghast's ones: same damage, will explode on impact.

    You ever wanted to ender pearl out of a sticky situation but the nearby platform is too far reach with a hand throw? Well, now you can put an ender pearl in the crossbow and shot it! The ender pearl would have the same reach a arrow fired from the crossbow does. Would only serve as a way to throw ender pearls farther.

    submitted by /u/iamuselessnoob
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    Wolf Update

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Seriously tho. All the tameable/companion animals have all received updates, and all of them has had unique behaviors, like the cats for example.

    It's time for our favorite dogg to get the update that they deserve, even if its just a small one. 🐺

    •Wolf behaviors.

    Basically just like the cat and foxes.

    *They sleep in any type of carpet, and they heal while doing so. *They howl whenever they are outside and if it's a full moon. *They sniff each others butts. Yeah. *When you die beside them, they will sit on top of where you died. *(1.17)They can help you dig up artifacts from dig sites 😳

    •Wolf tweaks and improvements

    Wolves need to be revamped, as much as I hate to say it, they're "kinda" useless in the game rn. I know that they can just serve as a companion while playing, but it'll be great to buff them.

    *More... Health. Maybe like +5-10 health. *Retreat mechanic like the axolotl, they can retreat back to you, or just back off from the enemy. Or you can do it on command by holding or right clicking with a bone. *To not die in stupid and annoying ways. Basically, changing their AI to avoid jumping off cliffs and Lava.

    •Most Important Feature

    Tail wags.

    Why do they not already wag their tails????

    Thank you for your time, I hope you like my suggestions. 🐺🐺🐺

    submitted by /u/Twitchy2002
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    Jukeboxes distract Wardens

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Jukeboxes make sound/play music.

    Wardens follow sounds made by players or other sources.

    So maybe you can use a jukebox to temporarily distract a hostile Warden.

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Pork and beef saturation should be swapped

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Currently, pigs are just worse cows. You have to find a village or get a rare zombie drop just to start breeding them, and beef is superior, even though it's easier to farm. You can just punch some tall grass and you get the crops you need. Thus, you have no reason to farm pigs over cows.

    submitted by /u/kubakuba007
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    Goat horns can be applied to helmets in a Smithing Table for a horned helmet.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Has no function but looks cool, like the iron Skyrim helmet. The horns currently serve no purpose and we need some visual diversity in armor.

    submitted by /u/ConsumerOfRamen
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    Ancient Debris is magnetic

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Ancient Debris blocks will pull Ancient Debris items towards them from up to 8 blocks away. If you're mining for the stuff, you can toss one down to see if another is nearby. This will help make netherite not take hours to get without bedmining. Note that melting a magnet removes its magnetic properties, hence why Netherite would not automatically be magnetic as well.

    submitted by /u/boltzmannman
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    Minecraft on the Switch needs to be optimized immensely.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Minecraft on the Nintendo Switch is the absolute worst version of Minecraft period. The performance even from loading the menu is at best, barely tolerable. Trying to load the marketplace, settings, or character cause intense lag, and even crashes (I had to hard shut-off my Switch multiple times.) The fact that this is an issue is unacceptable and unplayable.

    submitted by /u/UserNameTV
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    Geyser Biome for the Nether

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    This biome would spawn on cliff edges and as island on the lava seas. It would have a new natural structure, the Nether geyser, which shoots up fire, flames and embers randomly. Ghasts would also spawn the most in this biome, as well would magma cubes. A reason to go to this biome would be ghast tear farming and the overall gesyers, which can be mined with Netherite and used as a decoration in the overworld.

    submitted by /u/GeckioGaming
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    Stairs and slabs are used in cave generation but, when mined, drop the normal block

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    If you've ever added slabs and stairs to a cave and noticed that at looks really good then you may have also wondered why they don't just add that as part of the cave update

    Now the obvious answer is that it would just clutter up your inventory. But what if that was not the case? Maybe caves or even grasslands could use stone / dirt slabs and stairs to smooth out the terrain. Silk touch woukd still drop the full block too as to not discourage use of silk touch

    A way to elaborate on this is to imagine smooth plains where the side texture for grass has been lowered just enough so that you don't see those awkward dirty gaps accross what's meant to be a pleasant, hilly terrain. And when the grass is on a cliff, it still has the bottom of the side grass just below the middle so cliffs don't have a green to brown clear cut

    Another thing to take into account is that caves are meant to be round so that you can just walk right through them but instead you have to jump at what should just be a smooth incline

    So surely it just seems like the right thing: It provides quality of life, removes visual clutter and all the negatives are accounted for

    submitted by /u/A-mannn
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    Using the old tutorial worlds as giant dig sights.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    This would add in all the previous tutorial as massive archaeological dig sights.

    They would be on the surface but would be more dilapidated depending on how old the world is, like the first World would almost ve nothing while the newest one would be slightly more intact.

    submitted by /u/slenderender64
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    The basalt delta and soul sand valley should attempt to generate ancient debris an extra time per chunk.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    According to the official lore released by mojang, ancient debris is so rare because the piglins have mined it away. However, the basalt deltas do not generate bastion remnants, and soul sand valleys contain large amounts of soul fire, which scares away piglins. This would both fit with the lore and help balance biomes that are hard to mine in otherwise, as the basalt deltas contain non-instamineable basalt and the soul sand valley contains dangerous mobs and soul sand/soul soil, which cannot be replaced by ancient debris.

    submitted by /u/CarelessStruggle
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    Murals- a new place to put archaeology shards!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Murals should be a solid block in which archaeology shards should be able to be placed. They can be dyed in any color so they are no longer brownish like clay pots, any shard can be applied to them, with eight of them and a glazed terracotta block of any color you can copy the pattern on to the mural, and they can even have banner patterns applied to them in the same way using two blocks, one for each half of the banner.

    Murals would allow a better use for shards, as well as much better detailed blocks.

    submitted by /u/Necrosis_Jones
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    The Cultists

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    The Cultists

    Now you may be asking, why? Why would Minecraft need Cultists? And Ill tell you right off the bat, many of you may not like this feature, as it is in reference to Herobrine. But let me make this clear, I DO NOT want to add Herobrine to the game. I simply think after so many years, it would be a nice little nod to some history with the game.

    This is a faction of V-Illagers that spawn in underground camps. They are neutral to the player unless items are stolen from chests or their shrine is broken. You can barter with them much like Piglin using emeralds. Illagers do not attack them but Villagers will run from them.

    A small Cultist Camp in a ravine. (The shrine may be a little on the nose, maybe something else could go there to make it less obvious.)

    This would be a good place to find naturally generating skeleton heads!

    What a shady looking character!

    submitted by /u/EthanForeverAlone
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    The potion of muting

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    The potion of muting would be a new potion in the 1.17 update. It would be made by brewing a piece of wool with an awkward potion. It would only last 20 seconds to not make it OP though. What it would do is cause you to not make any sound. This would help with a warden fight because it wouldn't be able to detect you. Skulk sensors also wouldn't hear you. The splash potion version would temporarily deactivate all skulk sensors within a 15 block radius. But when using the potion, you wouldn't be able to hear anything either.

    submitted by /u/Stau1137
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    New Mob Idea For Caves And Cliffs Update

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    I know its unlikely Mojang add this, as they've already got enough to work on, but I thought it would be cool to add Eagles and Hawks to the game. The Eagles would spawn high up on the mountains. They can carry 4 items for you, and can lift players/mobs when attacked and drop them from small heights. The Hawk would spawn near the bottom of large mountains, or on small mountains and hills. They are smaller, but can pick up 1 item for you when commanded too, and attack with their talons when hurt by player/mob.

    To tame these mobs, you need meat of any kind, but the Eagles need more meat than the Hawks to be tamed. They will follow you, even when flying with elytra, but the Hawk will struggle to keep up if you go too fast.

    submitted by /u/Loki_Akita
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