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    Minecraft Clover, a new type of plant.

    Minecraft Clover, a new type of plant.

    Clover, a new type of plant.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:33 AM PDT


    The appearance of this plant would be a four leaf clover. It's model however doesn't use the cross model most plants use, instead using the sunflower's top model, basically the texture would face one direction. This texture was hastly made by using the status effect icon and sunflower's stem btw, it'd look much smaller and better if it was made by Mojang.


    The obvious use of a clover would be to brew potions of luck. You can also brew potions of luck with fermented spider eyes to make potions of bad luck. If the clover is given to a brown mooshroom or used in the suspicious stew crafting recipe, it'll give you a suspicious stew that upon drinking, will give you the luck effect. You can also compost the clover much like any flower. You can also craft lime or green dye using the clover.

    submitted by /u/emercraft573
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    If iceologer win, he should participate in village raids only in cold biomes

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Iceologer is a type of illager,it would make sense participate in village raids,if he wins the mob vote,but there would be a restriction: they should only raid villages if they're in the following cold biomes:

    Tundra,mountains (i don't know if villages spawn there),taiga and others

    sorry for bad english i'm from brazil

    submitted by /u/Kouto6
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    Quality of life: assign a button to cycle through the rows in your inventory

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Your in game hotbar consists of a row of nine spaces. In your inventory screen you have an additional three rows of nine spaces.

    I suggest being able to toggle between every row in your inventory with a button. So that each row of items take up the hotbar space. This would make building a lot easier, and a lot less finnicky. As it is tody you constantly have to move tools and items around so you can use them.

    submitted by /u/Oxyfool
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    Enchantable shields

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    You should be able to enchant shields.

    For example:

    If you put fire aspect on a shield, when your opponent/a mob attacks you while you're blocking them with your shield, they'll be set on fire.

    Putting knock back on a shield would increase the amount of blocks you're knocked back when hitting a player guarding themselves with a shield.

    There can be new enchanted books added specifically for shields as well.

    For example, an enchantment book named "Disarmer" which has a slight chance to make your opponent drop their weapon when they hit you with your shield. Only swords, axes, etc. Not bows or crossbows.

    The catch is though, since shields (in my opinion) are already OP without enchantments, shields break easier when they become enchanted. Their durability goes down depending on how powerful the enchantment is.

    submitted by /u/nivekinigo
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    Add all the mobs from vote

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    Everyone knows who would win this voting. But other two are just reskins+reworks of existing mobs and it is very easy to implement them in couple of hours for coders. It is sad that some useless enemy that nobody would search and that would be forgotten after the first killing going to move some beautyful and bright animals whose most of people like me want to carry at home.

    submitted by /u/Embebeber
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    Functionality of Mob Vote Mobs, NO MORE POLAR BEAR MOBS!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    With the vote coming up and the details given for the mobs being exceptionally sparse, I've the sneeking suspicion that these are gonna be mostly asthetics mobs.

    Icelogger being a regional enemy has sufficient enough functionality, but would benefit from having interesting or useful drops or properties. Dropping ice in particular would be great as that gives ice farming another option.

    Moobloom is simple, flower farms and some connection to bees. I could see some combination of Moobloom and bees creating specialized honey of some kind.

    Glowsquid by far is the most in need of functionality and has the opportunity to help solve one of the biggest problems in minecraft; lighting! The mob itself I don't think should produce block light, way to intensive to have a moving light source of that form. But the squid should drop some light related object. Glowing ink sac would probably be the best option. And having it added with dye and a redstone lamp to make colored lamps. Or a more extreme option, have this glowing ink sac be applied to blocks themselves and making them light blocks. That latter option would be very intensive though so I doubt it would happen. But I could see the former happening. Or even just dropping an entirely new item that can make a new light block.

    There is so much room for functionality in new mobs. They don't need to be game changers but they need to do something that warrants attention given to them. Polar Bears are nearly pure asthetics. Only an issue in rare circumstances in biomes most people rarely go to. And the mob itself has no reason to be captured save as a pet.

    Everyone is saying no hostile mobs this round, but that's not the issue, the issue is lack of reason to even bother finding the mob. For the mob vote coming up, vote for what mob gets the best functionality when it's discussed prior to the vote.


    submitted by /u/Salty4VariousReasons
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    Brew the Potion of Decay with Wither Roses

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Basically, it's what the title suggests. If you only play Java, you might not know what I'm talking about. The potion of decay is a Bedrock feature. It's a potion that applies the wither effect to anyone or any mob that is effected by it. However, it can't be obtained in survival and doesn't exist in Java at all. I propose that the wither rose be the brewing ingredient.Here's a link to the feedback site where this is posted. Now, that post isn't mine. Nor can I vote on it because my account is broken (long story), but you can!

    submitted by /u/non-taken-name
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    If Glow Squid Wins, it Should be Dyeable

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    The Glow Squid is one of the options for the mob vote 2020 and honestly, it's kind of boring. I've always thought that Minecraft needed more atmospheric mobs, but the glow squid seems kind of lazy, especially since it doesn't actually emit any light. All it is is a retextured squid.

    I think a good way to make the Glow Squid more interesting is to make it dyeable. I think having it glow different colors could make it immensely more interesting. You could capture a Squid and use it to match the color scheme of your build and make it look better. This way it can still remain an atmospheric mob while also employing some cool mechanics.

    submitted by /u/OleksaHryciw
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    Double-sided signs

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    I don't know if you've ever been in this situation, but I have been. The situation I'm talking about is needing to put a sign to 2 sides, for example on a road where you want to say something. You can of course put it to the side in line with the road, but it then doesn't stand out as much. I've had this several times and when I watched the end of the last hermitcraft episode of BDoublO100, I noticed he solved this by putting 2 signs close to each other, but I think that's not as pretty as it could be. I think this is a pretty easy-to-solve issue where a lot of people will be happy with.

    submitted by /u/RinsevdM
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    Maps giving comparator output

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    How about maps that give out comparator outputs depending on how filled they are. When placed in an item frame they should give a comparator output depending on how much area do they show.

    submitted by /u/Strikinglegend
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    New purpose for the phantom

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    So the phantom is annoying and makes you sleep everytime what if phantom was a part of your nightmare and in the middle of night you wake up attack the hallucination which is the phantom this is kind of short to understand fast here is full suggestion

    So there should be nightmares only nightmares. when you sleep you have a 25-35% to have a nightmare and the rest% is normal sleep when a nightmare happens you wake up in the middle of night or anytime before being day and in chat box there will be a message like "you had a nightmare it is coming for you" and then you can't sleep on any bed and the phantom comes to attack you the phantom design needs to be changed to be a little bit more bigger and the health should be increased a little bit and when the day comes the phantom fades away from your hallucination

    This could be next phantom mechanic instead of if you don't sleep it will attack instead if have a nightmare when you sleep the phantom is coming

    submitted by /u/game7111
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    Transfer villagers using llamas.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    I always wanted to be able to bring villagers from other villages to my village.

    It's a huge hassle because you can't lead villagers so I'd always use a boat to transfer them however you can't go up 1 block when leading a boat (at least on Bedrock you can't).

    The solution would be llamas. You can lead a llama next to a villager, then put a "villager saddle" on the llama, and the villager closest to the llama will automatically ride the llama.

    The llama will then be leaded onto your horse and you can transfer it that way.

    submitted by /u/nivekinigo
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    The Cave and Cliff update

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    We know mountains are being updated and we all want caves to get an update as well, I propose a revamp to how anything stone generates: The cave and cliff update!

    Firstly, the build limit should be doubled, making room for taller and pointer mountains. In addition, caves could go much deeper and supply a whole lot more ore.

    Also, terrain generation for different biomes should be more specific. For instance, Mesa's cliffs would be a whole lot steeper or hills would be rounded more.

    Caves need a lot more in general and we could talk about that all day but I have a test in an hour so let's just stick to biomes. The recent nether update showed us how caves could have biomes but the real question is what should they look like.

    I think jungles should have caves filled with water and large roots with dirt as the walls, deserts should have a lot less natural caves but they would be made of sandstone, swamps would have no caves but instead huge caverns to represent sinkholes, etc.

    I might be asking for a bit too much in one update but a major overhaul to terrain generation would fit both what we know is coming and what we want to come.

    submitted by /u/Strangest_things11
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    An idea for the glow squid.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    If the glow squid is added I think it would be cool if it effected all hostile mobs within a certain radius with the spectral effect for a couple of seconds. This would make people want to keep them around areas they stick around and would allow for prepared people to be surprised by mobs way less.

    submitted by /u/JamesGames5106
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    Half slabs should be able to cover redstone repeaters and comparators in a 1 block high space

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    It makes so much sense to my noob brain, I suspect I'm totally missing something otherwise it would already be done. I invite roasting at the cost of one upvote per hit to my ego.

    I'm obviously a redstone novice. I understand enough to know why redstone dust can't be covered or considered "a half block."

    Based on my current knowledge, redstone repeaters and comparators don't transmit any signal vertically. So what's the harm in being able to cover them up? It would make compacting redstone machines much simpler.

    submitted by /u/J_Seidy
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    Wooly Cows

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Since the mob vote prooves Mojang is open to using mobs from Minectaft Earth I though I would pitch an idea for a modified version of one of their mobs. These mobs are found in tundra biomes. They can be sheared to get brown wool. These animals are commonly found in large herds and they travel together. If you attack a wooly cow the pack will stampede towards you and dart away. I'm ok with any criticism you have.

    submitted by /u/Nerdypie12345
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    Fishing rods should be able to be upgraded with netherite.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    This will allow you to fish in lava, you could catch fire fish and have a loot table specifically for lava.

    submitted by /u/MoebiusTwist
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    Potion Protection Enchantment

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    An rare enchantment that can go on any armour type and decreases length and damage of any negative potion effect.


    Potion Protection 1: 5% decrease of length and damage of any n. affect

    Potion Protection 2: 10%

    Potion Protection 3: 15%

    Altogether on all 4 armour pieces this would add up to 60% which i think would be acceptable.

    submitted by /u/MastarMastar
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    Lydiles - Friendly helpers

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    They will carry your stuff in a pouch, and if it notices you're hungry (no sprint left) it'll pick up any food item in a 10 block radius and drop it in front of you, as well as carry dogs, parrots, or cats on their back for you if you make them. Will back away if an enemy is too close; not confrontational. They are tamed with golden carrots and drop flowers (specifically pink + white kinds).

    Here's a picture of the concept.

    submitted by /u/vaporain
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    An overhaul of the birch forest biome

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    My idea for a Birch forest improvement would be this:

    1. New Mob, deer. Deer spawn in the birch forest, and are passive mobs. They would be a Nice aesthetic addition to the game.

    2. New food, I think more berries should be added to the game, specifically blueberries. I think blueberry bushes should be able to spawn in birch forest biomes, and they are basically the same as berries.

    3. Better generation, I think some birch forests should spawn as large birch forests, a new biome variant that goes on for longer, and has a mix of normal and tall birch trees.

    So what do you think? I think these three changes could be part of an update.

    submitted by /u/Bearmam123
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    Redstone Mace

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    The Redstone Mace is a weapon with 200 durability and spawns rarely in dungeon chests with 50 durability. It does 4 damage with a wide range of attack and it slowly does more damage the more damage it's dealt, it maxes out at 8. It can be repaired with redstone blocks.

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    The basic idea is simple. In snowy areas (taiga and snow plains biomes, tops of some mountains) frost will generate on glass or glass panes. This frost would somewhat obscure the player's vision through the glass. This is the general idea, but some other things that could go along with it:

    1. Frost would spawn in multiple stages, each one more vision obscuring than the last.
    2. If it is snowing, frost generation would become much faster.
    3. Right-clicking glass/glass panes that are frosted would clear the frost
    4. Only frost exposed to the elements would gain frost.
    5. Frost could spawn on multiple sides of glass, depending on which sides are exposed. Right-clicking the glass would only clear the side you click on of snow.
    6. Fire/Lava/Torches would prevent frost from forming.

    Say what you think in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Crazy_Duck_Thing
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    Customizable Beds

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Pretty simple idea actually, but I think the players of Minecraft should have the ability to customize our beds. For an item so important in a game that encourages creativity, you'd think we would be able to have options to decorate, but so far the most decorative we can be with beds is to change its color. The process to customize our beds won't be that hard either, no new block is needed, no new items need to be coded, you simply create the design you want on a banner, and put it with your bed in the crafting table to copy the design onto the bed, just as you would with a shield. Any kind of patterned bed would look better than a plain one, from something as simple as a creeper face to more creative and complex as a dragon design, what's great is the pattern doesn't have to just be for single beds, players can create special patterns that require a double bed to work. Since we could create custom shields in Minecraft, why not beds?

    submitted by /u/Bipolar-Idget
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    Netherite and diamond armor need more durability

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    Diamond armor has around 400 durability however a sword has about 1500 durability same is with netherite

    submitted by /u/MountainWeird1333
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