• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Project Nebula [SMP] {1.16.3} {16+} {Whitelist} {Hermitcraft-like} {Discord} {LGBTQ+ Friendly} {UHC/Community Events & Projects} {Halloween Events} {Datapacks} {Paper MC}

    Minecraft Servers Project Nebula [SMP] {1.16.3} {16+} {Whitelist} {Hermitcraft-like} {Discord} {LGBTQ+ Friendly} {UHC/Community Events & Projects} {Halloween Events} {Datapacks} {Paper MC}

    Project Nebula [SMP] {1.16.3} {16+} {Whitelist} {Hermitcraft-like} {Discord} {LGBTQ+ Friendly} {UHC/Community Events & Projects} {Halloween Events} {Datapacks} {Paper MC}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    Project Nebula

    What's new on Project Nebula this week?

    Project Nebula is full steam ahead with Halloween season! We have plans to announce this week regarding decorating our spawn area, a Halloween build contest, a brand-new spooky town, a Halloween-themed UHC event, and more! Join us now for some spooky times!!

    We just hired a large number of new helpers and are working to train them through our staffing protocols! These helpers will be in charge of running new and exciting community projects, like an upcoming railway station, finishing our Nether tunnels, revamping our spawn area, marketplace upkeep and much more! We're excited to have them!

    Additionally, we are hosting our monthly Town Hall Open Forum this Sunday! These open forums are meant to gather community feedback and discuss the state of Project Nebula; what's going well and what could be improved. The Project Nebula staff care a lot about community feedback and we want to ensure we move this server in the right direction, to the benefit of everyone!

    Project Nebula is a Hermitcraft-style SMP started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi. We love playing as a community and generally interacting with new people, which is why we started a server. Our community is tight, welcoming, and full of personable, interesting people! I hope you give our server a shot!

    About Us

    Colin and RavingPlatypi are college students looking to play with new people! We're both engineering students and love to fiddle with redstone and farms; but we also love building beautiful structures and planning a nice base, and just generally hanging out and relaxing with some games. We encourage all playstyles and love to see the creative ways you guys play this game! We have experience hosting multiple servers in the past, such as Colincraft and Nebula Network, and have joined/played on many servers, too.

    Our goal is to not only create an active Minecraft server, but an active community and group of friends as well. While our community has a solid base, we are always looking to expand our group and we'd love to get to know you! We'd love to play other games with you in addition to Minecraft, such as Terraria, GTA V, Smash Ultimate, or whatever else you may have on Steam (or other consoles, like Switch). We've found that many of our players tend to be college students majoring in engineering, but of course, anyone is welcome and will feel at-home with us!

    You can reach our Discord and apply for Project Nebula by clicking this link!

    This community leans towards applicants that are 18+. However, this is not a strict rule, and we encourage everyone to apply, no matter their age. We base our whitelist decisions based on maturity rather than age, but simply prefer applicants that are a closer age to ourselves (which means 18 years and up).

    You will receive a private message upon joining with more detailed instructions on how to accept our rules and apply. Most of our channels are hidden until you become a member. You must first agree to our rules using !agree and will then be able to apply for whitelist. Upon acceptance you will be whitelisted and granted access to the rest of the Discord!

    Our Dynmap can be found here.


    We are hosting the following servers:

    • Minecraft 1.16.3 Vanilla - Started June 8th 2019

      -This server uses quality-of-life datapacks, which are designed to aid the experience and efficiency of the game without altering the Vanilla feel. Examples include one-player sleep, logical uncrafting, and Ender Dragon dropping elytra. A full list of datapacks can be found here! To improve server performance we've been running the latest builds of Paper MC because it has better chunk loading and is generally more stable than Vanilla. No game-changing plugins are used; we only use plugins to optimize villagers and pillagers, as well as core protect for admin purposes.

    We run Paper just for the better performance. Full Vanilla experience!

    • Minecraft 1.16.3 Creative

      -Flatworld for our community to test their builds and other creations. Uses the same datapacks and plugin configuration as the main server for consistency. Also has a limited world edit available to all players.

    • Terraria Server

      -We recently finished our playthrough of the Journey's End update, but we're willing to start a new playthrough if there's enough community interest!

    • Modded Minecraft server

      -We recently created a joint modded server with the Dominion community mentioned previously. We began this modded server on August 13th, running the FTB Revelations due to its emphasis on performance, stability, and easier learning curve for newer players. Just give yourself the Modded Minecraft role in our self-assign-roles channel once you are accepted onto our server to gain access!

    • Other Minecraft gamemodes & community events

      -We've hosted numerous UHC events and other gamemodes in the past and they always go down really well! These events are a great way to socialize with people on our server that you would've otherwise never spoken to before, so we hope you join us! We've also hosted other community events, like build battles on the Vanilla server. Let us know what you're interested in and we'll see what we can do!


    The complete list of rules can be found on our Discord. This is an abbreviated version of the official Project Nebula rules:

    • Don't be a dick (aka: the Golden Rule ™)

    • No griefing or stealing.

    • PvP is allowed only with consent from BOTH PARTIES.

    • No hacked clients or client-side mods that provide an unfair advantage. Ask a staff member if you are unsure.

    • No slurs, racism or offensive statements, period. We have a 0 tolerance policy for hate speech.

    • Discord and a working microphone are required.

    • Just be nice and friendly, we're all here to have a good time! :)

    A full list of rules can be found on our Discord.

    Server Specifications

    We host our main server using DedicatedMC! Here are the specs:

    • Ryzen 9 3900x - 3.8GHz; 2 dedicated cores

    • 10 GB RAM

    • 200 GB NVME SSD

    • Hosted in Los Angeles, California

    We seriously value input from all our applicants and members, so if you have any suggestions at all we'd love to hear them! Feel free to message us on Discord or Reddit with any questions you may have.

    We hope you consider applying to our server!!!

    submitted by /u/princessviddi
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    EmpireCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Survival} {1.16.2}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    -- NOW UPDATED TO 1.16.3 --


    EmpireCraft is a community of casual players from across the world, though the server itself is based in Canada. We try to keep our server fairly vanilla, so no /tpa, /home, or similar commands. Our community has 10-20 active players. We are really looking for people that want to settle down with a server/community for a long time.

    Our ages range from 16 to 70, and we all share a love of Minecraft and a sense of community. We have a community shopping district, player created villages/towns, occasional events, and more.

    We have recently reset both the Nether and the End. We have also started a brand new area (the New World Order) for those players who are looking for a fresh new start, a new economy, etc. The rest of the Overworld is unaffected. You can choose to start in the brand new area or join our already established area with farms, shops, etc. It's up to you! We will have a full reset for version 1.17.

    Here is a photo album: https://imgur.com/a/fynyVl1

    If you'd like to see some videos on the server, you can check out the Wootaboots: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLR0Q21fVw3R-izeD2_JJHw


    Plugins Datapacks
    DiscordSRV AFKDisplay
    Dymap Armor Statues Book
    Essentials (for admins) Double Shulker Shells
    CoreProtect (for admins) Dragon Drops Elytra
    LuckPerms (for admins) Mob & Player Heads
    - Multiplayer Sleep
    - Wandering Trades
    - and a few more...


    • Applicants must be 16+ at this time

    • Be kind and respectful.

    • You must be fairly active in game (or at least the Discord server)

    • No Malicious Griefing of Other Players

    • Don't Steal From Others

    • Any Exploitive Clients or X-Ray is Strictly Prohibited

    • No Modifications Other Than Those Permitted By Staff

    • No Harassments, Racism or Other Derogatory Means of Hate Speech

    • If you are reading all this, make sure to mention the word "Starkiller" somewhere in your application.

    • Reference Sheet


    To apply for EmpireCraft, please add me on Discord (RedHeadJedi#3434) and DM me your application.

    Low effort applications and responses may be ignored.

    Here are the questions:

    • What is your Minecraft Username?

    • How old are you?

    • Where are you from?

    • How active will you be?

    • What do you think you can contribute to our community?

    • Is there anything I should know about you?

    • Do you have any questions?

    Once you have been accepted, I will send you a link to our Discord server, which contains all the necessary info including the IP.

    Thanks and we look forward to seeing you in-game!

    submitted by /u/RedHeadJedi34
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    NostalgiaCraft [SMP] {1.16.3 Java} {Survival} {No Resets} {Grief Rollbacks} {Quality of Life Features} {Active Community} {+Minigames}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    NostalgiaCraft was started to take Minecraft back to its roots: when a server was defined by the community... including you! Unlike many other servers, we plan to stick around ;)

    🗺️IP Address (1.16.3): 🎉Join our discord server: Check out our short trailer:
    play.NostalgiaCraft.fun https://discord.gg/rmNcuGX Check us out!

    General Information:We started NostalgiaCraft because we wanted a fun community based public server where you could enjoy the game during these tough times, and wanted to share our love of the game with you. We believe that vanilla Minecraft isn't necessarily the best for multiplayer, so we have made a few quality of life changes:

    • Homes: You may do /home to teleport to your preset home, this is because traveling back and forth to your home is one of the negatives of pure vanilla gameplay
    • Toggle Phantoms: One of the most controversial issues of all SMPs, NostalgiaCraft lets you choose how to play the game for yourself! No more phantom membrane shortages, no more annoying phantoms
    • Our Commitment to Vanilla Survival: No vanilla gameplay modifications. We only have "quality of life" improvements, such as death coordinates, sitting on stairs, right-clicking on beehives for info, etc

    Community:Our community is active, and there's never a shortage of people on the server to talk to! We hold weekly events (spawn building contest, photography contest, etc.) so that you can show off your skills to the community. If the survival gets boring for you occasionally, the community gets together and enjoys other games as well (Bedwars, Among Us, Jackbox, etc.) so you'll never feel burned out on NostalgiaCraft!

    Minigames:Survival can get borings sometimes, burnout is the worst and NostalgiaCraft understands! This is why we give you the option to do "/server" and switch instantly to our minigame servers! Same great community, just with more things to do!

    Our fair rules:

    • No Griefing (all griefs are rolled back with no permanent damage)
    • No Hacking
    • No Toxicity (be friendly and respectful to the community and you will be treated with it as well)

    If you have any questions, join the Discord and get a feel for the community! The community will answer any questions you may have :D 
    submitted by /u/No_Ads_Please
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    Hegemony [PVE] {1.15.2} {MMORPG} {Active Friendly Community} {Quests} {Skills} {Vocations}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Hegemony is a full blown MMORPG inside of Minecraft with a friendly and active community. We offer a full blown MMORPG experience with 100% custom plugins (no mods required) in a beautifully crafted Medieval world.

    Version: 1.15.2
    IP: play.hegemonymc.com
    Features Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqW2t_XXg08

    | 5000+ Items | 700+ Recipes | 24 Skills | Active and Friendly Community| Quests | Mobs | Bosses |Player Driven Economy | Hire NPCs | Own and Run your own Shop | Acquire Fame and Power| Engrossing Storylines and Quests | Jousting | Escort Minigame | Jobs | Vocations |

    Website: https://hegemonymc.com/
    Discord: https://discord.hegemonymc.com

    submitted by /u/HegemonMC
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    Wondercraft SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Close Community} {Weekly Events} {Discord} {1.16.3}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    About Us

    Hi there! Wondercraft is a whitelisted survival Minecraft server looking for long-term players who want to participate in an active and friendly community. The core of our server is the community; We pride ourselves on having a super friendly and welcoming group from all around the world. Everybody is welcome here! Many of us voice chat regularly, especially during our events.

    Our server is heavily Hermitcraft inspired and is built on trust. The only plugins/datapacks we have are either for server maintenance or have been voted in by the community for quality of life improvements. The server will never stray too far from vanilla gameplay, this means no teleporting commands, we instead have an extensive nether hub which can be used for travelling around quickly.

    Weekly Events

    We have community events every other week! These events are open to the entire community and held via voice chat (although you don't have to speak if you're not comfortable doing so). We have done a huge variety of events over the past few months and are always looking to mix things up, so if you have an idea for an event then just let us know and we can make it happen! The events we have had in the past have been minigame events, PVP tournaments, an Easter Egg hunt, elytra race, swimming race and more! Details about each event will always be given out on Discord.

    We also have build events which last two weeks. Players are given a build theme and are tasked to build something matching the theme. At the end of the two weeks, all of the builds are voted on and the winner gets a multicoloured chat name for two weeks and a permanent golden name in Discord and the runner ups get prizes too!

    Check out our gallery for all the entries from the build themes as well as screenshots from each of the events!

    Vanilla Changes

    All changes to the server were voted on by the community!

    • Singleplayer Sleep
    • Coordinates HUD
    • Player-head Drops
    • Mob-head Drops
    • Customizable Armour Stands
    • Double Shulker Shells
    • Elytra Drop on first Dragon Kill

    For a full explanation on each of these, you can check here.


    You must read these before making an application!

    1. Chat rules:

    - Act maturely and be respectful and mindful of others.

    - Keep it positive – friendly banter is tolerated, but absolutely no drama in chat.

    - No offensive jokes or content in any form.

    - No irl politics in chat.

    - No spamming or use of excessive caps.

    - Swearing is allowed as long as it isn't excessive, obscene or immature.

    - English only in public chat please. Use /msg for other languages.

    2. Don't grief, steal or cheat.

    Cheating includes, but is not limited to: using x-ray, using full-bright, using any mods not mentioned on the approved mods list.

    3. If you're reading this include 'cereal' in your application.

    Just to make sure you've read the rules.

    4. Use common sense.

    We all have it, if you're not sure whether or not something is allowed, just ask.

    5. You must read the shop rules if you want to open a shop.

    Available here

    TNT duping, carpet duping & rail duping is allowed but other exploits are not.

    We have a very low tolerance policy for rule breakers.

    How to join

    If you want to apply just join the Discord and use the application format in #application-format. All applications should be made on the #whitelist-application channel! We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

    All applicants will be messaged about their application.

    Some links



    Testimonials from our players.

    submitted by /u/wondercraftsmp
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    Kytros' Forest [SMP] {1.16.3} {Java} {Whitelist} {RealisticWorldGen} {Community} {No Claims} {WorldBuilding}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    About us
    Kytros Forest's overworld map was pregenerated with a realistic world generation. We have mountains that go up to the sky limit, rivers that cut the continent, trees taller than vanilla and plains that stretches across far and wide. We just had a reset and the world is only a few days old. We plan to keep this world going for months to come.

    Our goal is to build a community of people who love to build or just hang out. Because our focus is on a bonded community, we discourage economy and encourage the culture of shared resources along with community farms. We have also reverted back to semi-vanilla with only a few quality of life plugins or fun ones. Hence, we have no teleport commands or dynmap to motivate people to build closer together at spawn and give purpose to projects like nether hub and vanilla maps.

    We have already gathered 20 active players from 15-20+ with majority of us in college and are working adults. We are looking for like-minded people who share an interest in world building, being part of a community and just wanting to have fun!


    • Unique and beautiful world to build in along with customized trees
    • QOL plugins (such as automatic chest/inventory sorting, multiplayer sleep/night fast-forward, backpacks, timber etc)
    • No block damage griefing from explosions in the overworld
    • No pay-to-win ranks to give an advantage over others
    • Discord to in-game chat
    • Vanilla tweaks (custom armor stands positioning, coordinates hud above hotbar, crafting tweaks that aren't op, gravestones)
    • Community suggestions-vote, bounty board, projects, events and competitions
    • No block claims or rules that limit you from building 100 blocks from one another.

    Find out more about us and the server! Join our discord now at https://discord.gg/cQ22MRj. We have pictures of our beautiful world there and we are very excited to share this amaaaazing place with you!

    Our rules are simple for now and will be expanded further based on everyone's needs

    1. Be Respectful
    2. No Griefing
    3. No Stealing
    4. No Cheating like with hacked clients (Where's the fun after that!)
    5. No Racism
    6. No Dirt Towers of any block
    submitted by /u/DragonFire4342
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    KastCraft [PVE] {Economy} {No Gambling or Crates} {Jobs} {Collectibles} {Lands} {1.16.3}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    IP: play.kastcraft.net

    Our Servers:
    - 1.16.3 Vanilla
    - 1.16.3 Economy
    - Parkour

    Our Focus:
    - Community-First
    - Not Pay To Win
    - Friendly Staff

    • No Crates

    Our Features:

    - Job-Based Economy
    - Trading
    - Player Shops
    - 50+ Collectible Items
    - Absolutely ZERO Donor Crates
    - Ability to buy donor perks with in-game money

    -A PURE Vanilla Experience
    - Land Claiming
    - Never Resets

    submitted by /u/RoboKast
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    StickyMC [SMP] {1.16.3} {Towny} {Jobs} {250+ Custom Items} {Ranks}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:41 PM PDT


    IP: play.stickymc.com

    Website: https://stickymc.com/

    Server Version: 1.16.x


    General Information:

    When we created this server, our goal was to create a unique and well balanced "custom" Towny experience. With our current team having over 5 years of Towny experience we aim to give players the best possible survival experience possible. With frequent updates and actively adding new features to the server, we can ensure you that this server has a lot to offer. Whilst our server is mostly based around Towny we have added a lot of game-play features that will enhance your experience, such as:

    • Jobs: Without having an admin shop on the server, your main income of money will be by using a job. Players are able to choose from 7 different and unique jobs that will give you money for executing various different tasks.
    • Rank up: With 15 possible in-game ranks, which you can purchase with in-game money. You will be able to unlock various different skills and perks.
    • Relics: Monsters spawn with random generated item. These is what we call Relics. They contain enchantments that are higher than vanilla levels.
    • Runestones: Very similar to custom enchants. Apply runestones to your armor and/or tools to improve its traits. Gain or deal potion effects or improve your equipments ecnahtnments level.
    • Custom GUI menu's
    • Gemstones
    • 250+ Custom items
    • Auctions
    • And much much more...



    To us the community is very important. With a basic set of rules that are listed on our website, we strive to keep the environment a fun and happy place for everyone! We can handle a few jokes here and there as long as they are not inappropriate. With lots of frequent both small and big events we try to keep this community together.

    Our Rules and guidelines can be found at: https://stickymc.com/rules/


    What are you waiting for? Join today!

    submitted by /u/SirKillianMC
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    ChillZone [SMP] {1.16.3} {Minimal plugins} {Homes} {Friendly Community} {No-Resets} {Events} {Anti-Griefing} {Land-Claims} {discord} {Vanilla-Tweaks} {Hermitcraft} {Shops}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Website :

    Our official website is https://chillzonemc.com, and we have a donation shop available at https://shop.chillzonemc.com !

    About us :

    ChillZone is a fun SMP server ran by myself founded around the start of the virus, around a year ago now! It was founded to help people get through lockdown etc and just have a fun place to make friends and enjoy Minecraft! We are currently on Season 3 but we have no plans to update so that everyone has the chance to fully finish all their projects and not have to re-do everything the next month!

    We have many custom made plugins, developed by myself, along with a Developer Verified discord and many web resources to make your experience the best possible! We also have a staff team always ready to assist you, ingame or in the Discord!

    Our server runs on a high end machine, hosted by Apex Hosting (Partner), and you will never experience any lag or connection issues! We are hosted in a world wide friendly location allowing everyone to have playable ping, ranging from 20 - 200!

    What we have :

    • Resource Worlds - These are worlds, the same dimensions as the primary 3, made purely for gathering resources! These are reset every 8 hours to make sure you can always raid end cities, bastions, nether fortresses and get Diamonds!
    • Dedicated Hosting - You will never experience lag, any issues would be fixed same day! We never dip below ~19TPS even with all your farms running!
    • Server Events! - We have many events hosted for the community to enjoy, with various in-game prizes! These are always hosted at the best times for all players :)
    • Welcoming / Tight-Nit community! - We are always welcoming to new players! Even if there was nobody online, come say hello in the discord and you will always be greeted with smiling faces by the community and management team!
    • Dynmap and other Web resources - We have a dynmap, listed in the discord and ingame, for all players to enjoy along with many various useful Web resources such as the website FAQ for players to utilise! I am very experienced with Web Development and always have new updates coming both ingame and for our Web Resources!
    • Enforced Rules ! - Whilst we don't have many restricting rules, the ones we have are enforced greatly! We do not limit what you can build with farms etc but we do have various chat rules etc to keep the community safe and welcoming/friendly for all newcomers! :)

    How Do I Connect? :

    Discord - https://discord.chillzonemc.com

    IP - chillzonesmp.com - this isn't the website link! see above.

    Specs for those Technical People :

    16GB DDR4 ram - Currently that is all we require, we are always ready and prepared to upgrade is necessary!

    Intel Xeon E5-1650v3 Processors,

    Extremely high DDOS protection,

    1GBPS uplink,

    RAID SSD storage - we do not have restrictions on our storage usage!,

    CentOS 64-Bit Linux dedicated server.

    Incase you have any questions, feel free to DM me on discord, mythiccal#0001, or you can even contact me VIA eMail, [myth@chillzonemc.com](mailto:myth@chillzonemc.com)

    submitted by /u/cw_127
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    Ponchique [Modded] {Whitelist} {Bluemap} {Simplex Terrain}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    The gist of it

    Ponchique is a minecraft 1.16.3 server I've been running since May this year. The map got wiped today and now has custom terrain and structures in such a way that players don't have to install any mods to connect. Ponchique is a hobby project, aimed at creating an enjoyable server for myself to play on, and one of the things I want in a server is community, thus this recruitment.

    Who we're looking for

    Active, mature-ish players who are comfortable chatting in English (EU preffered, as that's where the server is hosted). Keep in mind that newcommers are automatically purged from the whitelist if they don't log in for 14 days and there is very little tolerance toward rule violations from newbies. When applying, you don't need to disclose any personal info (age, name, location) and you are free to join the server via a VPN or a proxy, if you want to hide your IP.

    How to apply

    Shoot me a few lines about yourself here on reddit, or on discord at bplow#7382. You will have to agree to the server rules, which, I'm sure, you will find totally reasonable, after that I will invite you to the discord server and whitelist you :) Feel free to ask server-related questions as well, if you have any (I can also send you the webmap or some screenshots of the terrain). Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/b-plow
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    Handcraft [SMP] {1.16.3} {Hard Mode} {Jobs} {Player Economy} {Land Claiming} {Free Ranks} {Regular Events}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    Join at play.handcraftmc.org

    Handcraft is a chilled out survival server. We have an active community, a dedicated staff team and a carefully curated set of game-enhancing plugins that don't distract from the core gameplay style of survival Minecraft.

    The server was launched around 6 months ago and recently underwent a revamp around the time of the launch of 1.16. There's never been a better time to join!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/N4XTyzY

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

    submitted by /u/lewisflude
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    MONUMENTA [PVE] {MMO} {RPG} {CTM} {1.15.2} {Dungeons} {Classes} {Quests} {Bosses} {Survival}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    Monumenta is a free, Minecraft-based "Complete the Monument" MMORPG.

    Server IP (1.15.2) - server.playmonumenta.com

    Website - playmonumenta.com

    Trailer - https://youtu.be/nr-V4Ie5Dq8

    Discord - discord.gg/eep9qcu

    Centered around difficult, Survival-mode adventure and enhanced "Vanilla+" combat mechanics, Monumenta provides a unique experience to those looking for a cooperative extension to their vanilla experience.

    • Multiple vast, totally custom overworlds populated by scores of respawning mini-dungeons.
    • 18 huge, unique dungeons, each with their own theme, mobs, and loot
    • Seven player classes, each with special abilities, gear and playstyles to augment vanilla combat mechanics.
    • Dozens of quests, with puzzles, interactable dialogue, and a grand story connecting it all
    • Hundreds of named, custom gear pieces
    • Bosses, races, parkour, daily quests, periodic events, and more!

    Server Rules

    Join today!

    submitted by /u/MonumentaMMO
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    Pinchcliffe SMP [PvE] {1.16.3} {Survival} {MCMMO} {Economy} {GriefPrevention}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    About Us

    We aim to be a small-medium sized survival server with an oldschool feel. We like the relaxed community atmosphere that comes with being part of a small-medium sized survival server. The server has been around for about 9 years. Both the server and the community have evolved greatly over this time and still continues to do so.

    IP: play.pinchcliffesmp.com

    Server Features:


    Our server features an economy system, wherein players can buy, sell, and trade items and services between each other, the market place, or the shopkeeper. Our shopkeeper sells nearly every item ingame, and likewise players can /sell nearly every item ingame.

    In addition to money, we also use "Merit" points, earned through completing daily tasks and voting. These can be used to purchase ranks, lucky blocks, etc. through the website store.


    We run a PvE server, so you won't find PvP or griefing in the survival world. We have a land claiming plugin in place to help you protect your homes and keep your valuables safe.


    We have mcMMO on Pinchcliffe, a plugin which implements a levelling system for various minecraft tasks, such as mining, woodcutting, taming, and archery. Level up by simply performing these tasks in your play time, and watch as these skills become more and more powerful.

    Extra Hard:

    Our server difficulty is currently set to hard. We have a system in place to increase the amount of monsters that spawn near the player, truly making nights something to fear.

    Daily Tasks:

    To keep you supplied with a goal moving forward, we have a daily task NPC so that each day you log in, you have a goal from the get-go, and an extra means of earning item/money/point rewards.

    Server Info

    Slots: 100

    IP: play.pinchcliffesmp.com or

    Notable Plugins: Paper, Economy, CMI, GriefPrevention, MCMMO, EpicHoppers, EpicSpawners, PocketGames, and many custom features

    Discord: https://discord.gg/5A7Q5MB

    Website: http://www.pinchcliffesmp.com/


    1.) No hacking / bug abuse / exploits

    2.) No griefing / stealing from other players homes / chests

    3.) No spamming

    4.) Treat all players with respect

    5.) No cursing / foul language in excess

    6.) No advertising (Servers)

    7.) Don't beg for staff ranks / items

    8.) Don't impersonate staff members / lie about staff decisions

    9.) No overcrowded mob traps / animal farms

    IP: play.pinchcliffesmp.com

    submitted by /u/PinchcliffeSMP
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    Smart's Realm [Realms] [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Bedrock}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Hey! I own a Minecraft Bedrock realm that has been running for about 2 and a half months. We are looking for new, active and friendly players to join our community.

    The realm has become fairly advanced and we have made an awesome community. We have shopping district with lots of shops including an end shop and a new mall. At the moment we are working on lots of community projects together such as a gaming district and a spooky district for Halloween.

    The Bedrock seed it: 227043290, you can check it out :D.

    You can choose the style you play and your base location. The ender dragon has been defeated! The Realm is HermitCraft-like and SMP style. We have a couple of behavior packs, but it is still mostly a vanilla experience. You can see the Behavior packs below. We also have an application form to make sure you'll fit into the Realm. We have dedicated mining areas for sand, gravel and terracotta to so that the landscape close to spawn will stay beautiful.

    We have some rules to make sure everyone has a great time on the Realm. There are more rules about other stuff, but this is the Basic Rules.

    Basic Rules:

    1. Don't steal, grief or use farms without permission!
    2. PvP is allowed, but all parties must agree before it begins.
    3. Pranking is allowed, but there is a line between a prank and a griefer.
    4. Keep the Realm chat and Discord family friendly. No swearing and no NSFW.
    5. No racism, discrimination, harassment etc.
    6. No X-Ray texture packs, Duplication bugs, or any Hacked clients.
    7. Don't ask an admin to help you with commands!
    8. Gentleman's rules. Don't do stuff that you wouldn't like other people to do. Move at least 1000 blocks away before bed blasting for ancient debris. Think of the other members before doing something.
    9. Just don't leave UFO trees. Cut the whole tree down.

    The Behavior packs we have:

    • Foxy's Spectator Mode (v.2.0.2) (For Operators only) (this already includes one player sleep)
    • Foxy's Mob Heads (v.3.2.0)
    • Foxy's Mob Griefing (anti creeper explosions)
    • Foxy's Mini Blocks (v.1.0.5)

    Fire Spread is OFF!

    If you are interested, you can join the Discord server here: https://discord.gg/gTWFc5z

    Please read the rule document in the #rules channel. When you have applied with the form in #applications (pinned), please let us know in the applications channel. Applications can take up to 24 hours to be accepted.

    Thanks so much for reading! I hope to see you on the discord soon :D

    Have a great day!

    submitted by /u/VisualButton208
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    Pittcrew Land [Semi-vanilla] {1.16.2} {SMP} {Whitelist} {Discord}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:08 AM PDT


    Why join Pittcrew Land?

    If you're looking for a casual, vanilla server where you can come hang out and build anytime! We have a Discord with a good amount of features, so you can voice chat with other players as well as stay up-to-date on the server/community announcements. We also have the in-game chat on the server integrated with a channel on our discord, so you can talk with those in-game even when you're not! While anyone can join, our server is hosted in North America and is on a 1 Gbps network, with 6GB of RAM, so we can support quite a decent amount of players! We have a whitelist enabled to better protect from random griefers.

    We have a few rules to keep in mind:


    • Griefing
    • Stealing
    • Cheating/hacks
    • Non-consensual PvP
    • Racism
    • Harassment
    • Try to keep the world looking natural, fix creeper holes whenever possible, please!

    If you're interested in joining (added to the whitelist), please leave a comment or private message me with your in-game name; and any other info you'd like to add :-) OR join the discord server and request access there

    Discord: https://discord.gg/duu78dP

    Server address: pittcrew.club

    Also if you have any questions, feel free to let me know as well! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Pittcrew
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    SwanCraft [SMP] {1.16.2} {Survival} {Community Focus} {Movie Events} {No Grief} {Monthly Events} {Collectible Series} {All Ages}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    🔹⬥🔶⬥🔹 ──── What Makes Us, Us ────🔹⬥🔶⬥🔹

    In a world full of soulless Minecraft Networks and "one-size-fits-all" hub servers, SwanCraft aims to give you something different: a place to call home. Our close-knit community is ready to welcome you into our family!

    Check the comments for testimonials from our players!

    🔹⬥🔶⬥🔹 ──── Basic Server Info ────🔹⬥🔶⬥🔹

    Name: SwanCraft
    IP: play.swancraftmc.com
    Version: 1.16.2
    Server Location: Canada
    Website: SwanCraft
    Discord: Use /discord in game for a link.
    Founded: Jan 22, 2017

    🔹⬥🔶⬥🔹 ────Features────🔹⬥🔶⬥🔹

    ➖Map Info➖

    Map Size
    Overworld: 50k x 50k
    Nether: 30k x 30k
    The End: 30k x 30k
    New Nether map as of September 5, 2020

    ➖"Semi" Vanilla➖

    We aim to keep gameplay itself as vanilla as possible, while providing access to some commands that make Minecraft life a little less mundane. For example, we have /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn.

    ➖Grief Prevention➖

    We utilize a plugin that allows you to claim your land and only give access to people that you trust! This prevents griefing and raiding, which gives you peace of mind and gives staff more free time to plan features and events!


    Our ranking system is determined by how many votes you accumulate for the server. There are 7 voting sites, so you can gain as many as 7 votes per 24 hours. As you rank higher, you gain access to additional features and some custom named items! Some additional features include /workbench, /nick, /enderchest, and kits. We also have 6 donator ranks that offer a broad range of added perks without being pay-to-win.

    Donation Store


    For every vote that you cast, you receive one SwanCrate Key. These may be used at spawn to open the SwanCrate. There are numerous rewards available in the crate. It is a gamble though! Sometimes you may win amazing prizes, other times...not so much. :P But that's the luck of the game! We also have a Donation Crate that has higher chances of getting OP items and heads with no "gag" items at all.


    We want everyone to enjoy their time on SwanCraft. We try to promote a friendly environment free from toxic energies. Players are encouraged to voice any suggestions or concerns they may have for the community.


    More than one event will be held monthly. Ideally, we like to hold events at different times of day to try to cover all of the time zones. Although sometimes that isn't possible, we certainly do try our best! Events Typically Include:

    • Falling Crate Keys
    • Map Art Contests
    • Movie Nights
    • Build Contests
    • Art Contests


    Fellowship Rules
    Be respectful to your fellow players and staff members.
    Do not instigate fights.
    Respect the decisions and requests of staff.
    We strive to be a friendly community, incessant trolls and troublemakers will be dealt with accordingly.
    Basically, don't be a jerk.

    Chat Rules
    Harassment, racism, and sexism will not be tolerated.
    Do not spam.
    No excessive swearing. (To be defined on a case by case basis by staff.)
    Do not beg for items or ranks.
    Do not impersonate staff or other players.
    English only in main chat.

    No Griefing or Raiding
    Griefing is defined as altering someone else's build without permission or killing their mobs without permission.
    Raiding is defined as stealing from chests that are not yours.
    Do not claim someone else's base.
    "Abandoned" buildings are off-limits.
    If it isn't yours and you don't have permission to build there, don't touch it.
    Do not build within 200 blocks of another player without permission.

    No Hacking or Cheating
    Do not use alt accounts to give yourself extra event rewards, vote rewards, etc.
    Do not use a mod or glitch that gives you an unfair advantage.
    These mods include, but are not limited to: x-ray, fly, speed, kill aura, jesus, tracers, litematica, etc.

    Click here for the rest of our rules.

    We are a community that is here to stay!

    🔸⬥🔷⬥🔸────Current Staff────🔸⬥🔷⬥🔸

    Staff work tirelessly to give you the best Minecraft experience possible!

    Owner > Siuan
    Admins > JustBlackBear, ObbyDobby
    Developers > tWizT3d_dreaMr, Louie216
    Senior Mods > ManiacMarc
    Moderators > Yoyoplex, psyduck54, Arrek_Fox, Bestly
    Helpers > Tygrax, Sarlori, LetsBenny, Bullen_99, NeonDragon84, minecraftmario19
    Retired Admins > JustAnts, Charismx, Olnessa

    submitted by /u/SwanCraft
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    Elijah's Kingdom [SMP] [Minigames] {1.16.3} {Land-Claim}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Ip: play.elijahkingdom.com

    Elijah's Kingdom Is an SMP server featuring the following:

    • A Survival Overworld/end,/nether.• Beloved plugins such as, Mcmmo, uShops, Crate rewards, LWC, Griefprevention, EssentialsX, DiscordSRV(Connection from discord to Minecraft server chat), LogBlock (used for checking griefs), Dynmap, Artmap, BetterRTP, and DeluxeTags• Voter/Donor Ranks with fancy RGB Coloring and fancy perks (including Creative mode! [​with some restrictions of course])• A Creative Plots world with each plot set to 100x100.• A custom resource pack that includes custom cosmetic hats• Optional Minigames in the form of PVPArenas. Games like Spleef, Skywars, and possibly one you've not heard about: Beatdown!• Frequent server maitenance to reduce lag!

    Elijah's Kingdom's aim is to provide a mature environment in which players can build in peace and have fun. So come check us out!~ Elijah

    **Community Links:**Discord: https://discord.gg/KzNXSP6

    Dynmap: http://map.elijahkingdom.com:8123/

    submitted by /u/elijahskingdom
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    Near Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Mature 18+} {Whitelisted} {Community} {1.16.3} {Survival}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Hey all, thanks for your interest in the Near Vanilla Server.

    If you're 18+ and looking for a fun, relaxed, and community driven server, then Near Vanilla is the place for you! We offer a Multiplayer experience in a Vanilla Minecraft world, where you can create and make whatever you like in a safe and positive environment.

    About the server:

    Oftentimes the multiplayer experience can negatively impact the vanilla minecraft experience, or vice versa. Therefore, the only plugins we have aid grief prevention, administration, and those that enhance the vanilla multiplayer experience. With a dedicated discord and an admin team, we're sure that you'll enjoy a great multiplayer experience on our server without issue. With the game difficulty set to hard, and PVP enabled (although only used for consensual purposes) you'll for sure need to make a friend or two to keep the zombies at bay!

    Who we are:

    We're a bunch of 18+ from all walks of life that have come together to play Minecraft to create, build, collect and explore. Near Vanilla provides that perfect place for us because we have an emphasis on putting real life first and so our server is kept as a place for fun and relaxation with friends. We act and communicate in a responsible manner and therefore expect that others do the same; and as such we are a server free from bullying, griefing, stealing, and general negative attitudes that can unfortunately be found in SMPs often.

    What you can expect:

    The moment you log on to Near Vanilla you can be sure you'll receive a warm welcome, instant offers of help and support, and a server that is really happy to have made an additional friend. Often we run community events and work on projects together, however playing more solo is fine too - there is no pressure! As a group we are extremely interested in your views and opinions, and so generally any changes made to the server are voted on first because we always put our community ahead. Expect to have a say and be heard!

    Lightweight add-ons:

    Deathlog: Let's you know where you died (coordinates), so you don't have to keep your F3 screen open

    Kickafk: Kicks players that afk more than 3 hours

    WanderfulAdditions: Let's you make item frames invisible and control armor stands

    And more, custom plugins created for our server.

    Criteria for being accepted:

    • 18+
    • Being a nice person

    Zero tolerance policy:

    No hacking, glitching or duping allowed. If we see a player do one of these three things there will be no mercy. This will result in a permanent ban.

    No griefing, bullying, insulting or being prejudice to others. Be mindful of the community that you're joining or expect to face disciplinary action.

    Server Specs:

    • Dedicated CPU reaching up to 4.4 Ghz
    • Fast NVME SSD storage in raid 1 with automatic backups
    • 10 GB of dedicated DDR4 RAM
    • Gigabit internet connection
    • DDOS protection
    • Dedicated server - not shared hosting!

    To apply fill in the following and post it below or use form on our website:

    1. Age:
    2. IGN:
    3. What brings you to our community?
    4. What are some of your goals for this server?
    5. Tell us a little about yourself!

    Our IP is: play.nearvanilla.com

    Our website: https://nearvanilla.com

    Finally, be sure you get yourself on discord and join us here so that you can really get the full Near Vanilla experience. We're friendly, fun and keen to meet you!

    No reddit account? Apply here!

    submitted by /u/OfficialNearVanilla
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    Volencraft [SMP] {Factions} {1.16.3} {No TNT} {Economy} {Dynmap} {Never Resets} {Community} {Discord} {Java}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    IP: play.volencraft.com

    Volencraft is a classic factions server with no TNT and a permanent map. The server started in August 2020 and is a nowadays unique take on the factions experience. If you fancy building a castle more than building an obsidian box and prefer to use skills and pvp to raid another faction instead of TNT, then you should give the server a try!

    You decide how you play, if you want to focus on conquering the map or just want to build a home for yourself, farm and trade. It's up to you!

    Our core features:

    • Classic factions
    • No TNT or raid tools
    • Economy, including shops
    • Dynmap
    • Crates
    • Discord
    • Auction house
    • Custom spawn
    • Homes
    • Backpacks
    • Crates

    If you are interested after reading this, feel free to check the server out. We currently have a small community and gladly welcome you to the server! Be sure to bring your friends!

    submitted by /u/RealBralien
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    Joeshcraft Season 4 [SMP] [semi-vanilla] {factions} {survival} {1.16}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Joeshcraft is a semi-serious nationRP SMP kinda thing, in which sovereign nations claim land, expand, go to war, participate in politics, etc, on a scale map of the real Earth

    Here you can expand, colonize and conquer till your hearts content or at least until you get captured and sent to a penal colony. You can found your own nation based on historical countries or fictional, customize it however you want, build your Capital city and grow your influence from there. There will be war, intrigue, chaos. Only the strong shall survive.


    submitted by /u/Shlargo4
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    The Hat [Minigames] {ChaosMurder} {Murder Mystery} {Bedwars} {TNT Run} {Hide and Seek} {Parkour} {1.16.3}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    Welcome to The Hat!

    IP: thehat.serv.nu

    We actually released an update for the server today, and we continue doing so every week!

    We have been building a server for the last 6 months, and we would love to see you join and enjoy the environment we created! You as a player are very important to us, and we hope you have a fun, amazing, but above all interesting experience on our server (in a good way). If you manage to find any bugs or exploits, please tell us. Our server is still very much in development! Be sure to join our Discord to stay up to date on the latest news about the server and when people are coming online!


    Impression video (old ~juicy~ trailer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8j8HrPpRNQ&t=1s

    Discord: https://discord.gg/KjuTr2y

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=25484739

    E-mail: [thehatcontact@gmail.com](mailto:thehatcontact@gmail.com)

    Here is a list of our current minigames:

    • ChaosMurder (custom-coded)
    • Murder Mystery
    • Bedwars
    • TNT Run
    • Hide and Seek
    • Parkour
    • Knockback Arena (custom-coded, extremely fun with friends)

    See you soon!

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us in the comments!


    submitted by /u/MrFlovi2
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    Dwarves! [Semi-Vanilla] {1.12.2 Java} {Roleplaying} {Survival} {Classes/Skills} {Discord} {Custom World} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Welcome To Dwarves!
    We are a brand new roleplaying server!

    Play as one Dwarf amongst many, as you set out to establish a new Outpost to further the reaches of your nation; Bormar!

    You arrive at an island, completely free to build your Outpost with whatever vision you see fit, with your fellow Dwarves. A grand mountain-delving Fortress, or a golden-roofed city, the choice is yours!

    Earn reputation and fame in order to gain extra permissions and expand your Outpost across the island!

    You won't need to wait around for players to show up in order to have a good time!

    Use your profession and skills to contribute to the Tribute - a shipment of goods sent back to your Lords and Ladies every two weeks. Send a particularly hefty Tribute and receive fame and glory in return.

    Fail to send back any resources and face the consequences!

    Peacefully co-exist with your fellow Dwarves or launch into civil war. PVE and PVP are both options in order to give a better roleplaying experience!

    Fight hordes of the Grol - a bestial, proud warrior race who have infested the island. Kill more and the island will be a safer place. The fewer you leave, the more dangerous the world becomes!

    A unique, custom-made map with enemies you've never seen before!

    Our SkillAPI plugin allows you to choose from 6 unique professions, each with their own skills!

    Dig up ores and gems as a miner, smelt new alloys as a smith, craft necklaces and rings as a jeweller, brew powerful potions as an apothecary, pen great works as a wordsmith or defend the Outpost as a Dwarf-At-Arms!

    Custom metals, potions, armour, weapons, gems and more!

    Join our Discord Server to get started!

    submitted by /u/DwarvesRoleplay
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    Dragonborn Server [Semi-Vanilla] {15+} {discord}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    We prefer having players be 15 or older, but if you're close enough, and mature enough, that is ok.

    Hacking, X-ray, etc. is not allowed. Griefing is not allowed.

    This is a Java server, but bedrock edition players can join using phones, tablets, Xbox, and Windows 10. Redstone and game mechanics will function in the Java way for bedrock players. Yes, you heard right!

    Players will have shops as the season progresses. We use diamonds for currency.

    This season we plan to have everyone start near spawn and build together as a community during early game, rather than venturing out 1000s of blocks away spread out. This will make new players feel more welcome when they see others near spawn, and we will build up around spawn in survival over time!

    There will be no pre-made hubs or fancy setups at the start.

    It will simply be a plain survival start that we will build up as a community.

    Our seasons typically last 2-3 months.

    PVP is not a focus on our server. We are more about building, survival, and building farms, redstone, etc. We also prefer long term players, and would rather not bother with those who join once.

    Server uses Paper/Spigot, and is highly optimized. We can monitor who takes anything out of any chest at any time, rollback any world damage without restoring the whole world at any time, and monitor who placed or broke any blocks in the entire world at any time, due to server logging all these actions, which are available to all moderators with commands.

    A few plugins that we will keep are:

    • Single Player Sleep
    • /gsit , /glay , /gcrawl - (simple, you can sit, lay down, or have a crawl pose lol )
    • Anti-Xray
    • Be carried by another player by right clicking them with an empty hand (a bit buggy)

    Discord: https://discord.gg/v2BQW5A

    server IP: dragonborn.apexmc.co

    submitted by /u/Im_JuJu
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    Venturecraft [Semi-Vanilla]{Dynmap}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    A brand new server that looks for new players!

    Semi vanilla server with player driven economy.

    • Strong anti cheat and anti X-ray
    • Global market
    • Trades
    • Anti grief
    • Warps [HyperDrive]
    • Clan wars [Lands plugin]
    • Random teleport
    • Dynmap
    • Discord integration
    • Set bounties on other players
    • Friendly community

    How to earn in game money:

    1. Every hour a random player will gain a 1$.
    2. Selling your items to other players or trading
    3. Completing a bounty.
    4. Taxes or renting your land.

    Discord server: https://discord.gg/pBHm6cw

    submitted by /u/axilirate
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    [Wanted] [Semi-vanilla] {Mods Allowed} In Search of the Perfect Server

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a mostly casual player on Minecraft, I'm looking a more relaxed server to make my default multiplayer Minecraft experience. I am in search of a server that matches or at least come very close to my specific criteria and this looks like the perfect place to find it.

    First off, this is where I'm finding the most difficulty, and that is a server that allows me to use mods, specifically Xaero's Minimap. This is a mod that allows me to see a birds eye view of the game at all times, save coordinates, as well as teleport anywhere I want. This and Optifine is all I use.

    That's not all though. I would like this server to also be mostly vanilla as in does not stray too far from the original game in survival mode. I would hope teamwork is encouraged therefore PVP, griefing, and raiding other players is discouraged. Lastly I am searching for mostly mature players to play with, I'm an adult so a server full of 12-yr-olds would not be fun for me.

    As a last last request I would also prefer a less crowded server with say no more than 100 players, perhaps you have a tree chopper-esque function, and 1x1 towers aren't allowed to keep the world pretty. This part is optional.

    If your server meets this criteria please let me know! I'm looking forward to playing with you!

    submitted by /u/RedEquus
    [link] [comments]


