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    Minecraft Flying into a bell causes it to ring

    Minecraft Flying into a bell causes it to ring

    Flying into a bell causes it to ring

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    Flying into a bell with you Elytra should cause it to ring. Thought it would be a funny suggestion and a small detail.

    submitted by /u/MassiveDong42069
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    Your respawn point should be the most recent bed you slept in that hasn’t been destroyed. It should not default back to the world spawn after destroying your most recent bed.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    Let's say your home/base is far away from your world spawn. You sleep in your home bed and then head out on an adventure on which you bring a bed and sleep through the nights, destroying the bed each time to carry it with you. Then you die and respawn at the world spawn, thousands of blocks away from your home. Wouldn't it have been nice to respawn at your home bed?

    I don't think it would be very complex or strenuous for the game to remember the series of beds that the player has slept in, so I don't get why this hasn't been implemented.

    submitted by /u/bowerpower3000
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    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Sunstone would be an extremely bright light source found in abundance in a small handful of large caverns, capable of shining a line of "sunlight" up to 16 blocks in a specific direction, depending on how it is oriented. this light would be able to burn undead just like normal sunlight. Caves that spawn with sunstone could serve as a bastion of safety in the deepest parts of the world. However, this safety would be temporary; as the sun sets and the sky grows dark aboveground, so too does the sunstone lose it's glow. The purpose of sunstone is to allow for caves that have a similar day/night cycle to the surface, allowing for interesting survival situations if players decide to live in the caves.

    submitted by /u/Mad_Science_Matt
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    We should be able to plant apples

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    I think we should be able to plant apples so then apples will become replenish-able. This would make me extremely happy with Mojang.

    submitted by /u/ARichie123
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    New Curse - Curse of Vibrations.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    I propose a new curse, mainly because we're still only on 2 curses. This curse could increase your noise, for the skulk sensors and warden, and possibly make mobs aggro farther away while you work.

    submitted by /u/PxoSquad
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    what if there where mushroom caves ?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    like normal caves but with mushrooms and they don't spawn as the tall type shown in the trailers, they only spawn in a more normal way but they are more wide, they have much less coridoors and are more horizontally open but they will have a low celling . the floors will be made of mycelium (maybe a little bit of the walls also) and there might be new types of mushrooms.

    submitted by /u/Shrekarmy
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    More dog variations!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Do I even need to explain why? Everyone knows the white fluffy Minecraft dog we all know and love. But what about our dogs on the other side of the screen? Why do the cats get special variations while dogs don't? I can't see a single reason why you wouldn't want more variations! Why can I have my ginger cat in Minecraft but not my Aussie dog? I can't address this enough, Minecraft dogs need more variations.

    submitted by /u/_aleksionreddit
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    More unique mob heads for modern mobs

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    It's been years since new mob heads were added, and since then, there have been many new mobs with uniquely shaped heads that can't just be created with player heads. I think there should be MANY new mob heads for almost any mob, and they shouldn't need a charged creeper to drop, they should drop like wither skeleton skulls. Here are some mobs that would make for some good mob heads.

    Piglin, Piglin Brute, Zombified Piglin

    Hoglin, Zoglin



    Shulker, Enderman




    Slime, Magma Cube

    Polar Bear, Panda

    Vex, Evoker, Vindicator, Pillager, Ravager, Witch

    Villager?, Iron Golem?, Wandering Trader?, Zombie Villager

    Squid, Drowned, Guardian

    Cow, Sheep, Pig, Rabbit, Chicken, Parrot, Fox, Mooshroom, Bat

    Cat, Ocelot, Wolf

    Horse, Donkey, Mule, Skeleton Horse, Zombie Horse


    also more if i forgot any

    submitted by /u/Infinite-3D
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    Soul jack-o-lanterns

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    You should be able to place a carved pumpkin on soul sand/soul and when lit it will be a blue colour instead of the average yellowish one. Just a little detail that could help with spooky builds

    submitted by /u/Dudepic4
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    Feeding Glowberries to Squids should turn them into GlowSquids.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    I don't know why you'd want this but just a suggestion. Feeding Glowberries to squids would turn them into glow squids overtime and very slowly. This would be useful/OP depending on what the glow squid will drop. ..

    submitted by /u/Dipper_Pines_2006
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    Horses that are harder to tame should come with better stats

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    We've all tamed an annoying horse that's kicked you off multiple times only to find out it was slow af or couldn't even jump that high. My idea is to make it so the stats are based on how much effort/time was put into the taming.

    For example: Easy to tame horses would come with low stats (low health, speed and jumping ability) whereas a difficult one would come with higher stats.

    More Work = More Reward

    submitted by /u/Internal_Recording
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    what if copper is just used to make new redstone machines

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    copper is used in allot of machines in real life so why not redstone ?

    stuff like entity detectors, fans that move entites and more.

    the entity detector will work in the following way. when an entity enters the block in front of the entity detector,when the entity despawns in front of the entity detector, when the entity gets damaged,, the entity detector will give of a 15 strong signal for 1 tick.

    the fans will have three version with limited amounts of strength. the first one will be able to levitate entities and player about 3-5 blocks in the air when turned on by a redstone source and will be able to only push light entities like small mobs and items not falling blocks. the second one will be able to levitate entities and player about 5-7 blocks in the air when turned on by a redstone source and will be able to push medium and small entities like small mobs and items ,falling blocks zombies, cows stuff like that. . the large ones will be able to push all entities at about 7-10 blocks into the air.

    submitted by /u/Shrekarmy
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    The Animal Update

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    So I think that the title is fairly self explanatory, I think Minecraft is lacking in character in its biomes, so I think that it would make sense to add some more life to the more bland biomes, specifically the Savannah, Taiga and jungle.

    So for the Taiga I think that firstly we should have more to do with polar bears, I personally like bears, especially those, so I think we should firstly be able to properly breed and feed them with fish. Speaking of which it would be cool if they, like actual polar bears could go into bodies of water and feed themselves with fish. Next I think we should have penguins, I know this is a fairly common suggestion, so I won't go into too much detail, just add penguins, breed them with fish. Finally a different dog/ wolf variant, these will attack anything around them, including the player, unless bribed with bones, then the wolf will become less hostile and over time will begin to trust the player, and eventually let them turn it into a tamed dog, I think a husky would make some sense.

    Next up the Savannah, firstly I think we should have elephants, the player can tame and ride these for no other reason than I think it'll be amusing to look at, now food will be simple as they are herbivores, so they'll eat tree bark and grass, if a log is eaten by an elephant then the log should become a stripped log. Next up, meerkats, I'm pretty sure that we missed up on an opportunity to have these added to the game before in a Minecraft vote. Now for the mechanics, since they eat invertebrates I thought it would be cool for meerkats to scare off spiders since they eat them in the wild, now for food, in both the wild and captivity they eat similar things, and none of them are in Minecraft, so I think we should have scorpions added, these would be eaten by meekats, and be in the same biome. The player can kill them and receive the item scorpion. Then meerkats can be fed and bred with them. For the characteristics of meerkats they can be shy but curious so I think that they should have similar behaviour to cats. They'll run away from the player if approached, but they'll also approach the player on their own accords if they decide too, whether or not the player has scorpions in their hand, and obviously the meerkat will come to the player if you're holding a scorpion. These should also be able to be tamed as pets because they're too cute not too.

    Finally the jungle. These are already pretty well stocked with mobs but I have one in mind I would love to see, the red panda. So red panda's aren't actually panda's, so firstly they shouldn't be able to crossbreed in the same way Mooshrooms and Cows can. They also don't eat the same as regular pandas, they in captivity favour bamboo leaves not stems, so I think bamboo should have a simple mechanic change, when you break a plant in addition to stems dropping leaves will drop too. Then they can be fed to red pandas to breed them. So the pandas mechanics, they are playful and curious in their youth, so I think they should approach players and jump on their shoulders like parrots do when tamed. When fully grown I think it would make a little more sense for them to act the same but not interact with the player as much.

    So these are just some features I would love to see, what are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/DomNessMonster07
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    Underground Villages in 1.17

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    With the larger caves coming in 1.17, cave villages should generate. Some houses could be on the ground, some in cave walls, and some hanging from the roof.

    To go along with it, a miner villager! They would have a special structure that would be a small, non-abandoned mineshaft. Just small, one or two levels.

    The miner villager would be assigned to crates, a barrel-like block that could be placed next to each other to make a double crate.

    The miner villager would buy and sell minerals and pickaxes.

    submitted by /u/brucethebatcat87684
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    Choosing between Illigers and villagers

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    My idea is that illigers aren't objectively the enemy but rather both illigers and villagers are two civilizations you can side with both with different technologies.

    submitted by /u/dac30
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    Copper pressure plate: weights how much armor the entity is wearing

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    When standing on the Copper Pressure Plate, it will give an output of 1 + however many items of armor the player/mob standing on it is wearing, as well as if they're carrying anything in their main or off hand slots (other inventory slots are ignored). For example, a player with a helmet and a chestplate gives out a signal of 3, a zombie with a helmet, boots, leggings and a sword gives out a signal of 5, a player with elytra, rockets in their main hand and shield in their off hand gives out a signal of 4, etc.

    This feature I think is a pretty cool interaction that failed to be integrated into golden and iron pressure plates, and it also allows us to measure how much armor the entity is wearing, which previously nothing was capable of doing, or systems for doing so were overly complicated as far as I know.

    submitted by /u/Buster_therealone
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    Zombie Horses Implemented

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Horses killed by zombies become zombie horses and get a slight speed/jump buff(because zombies hit harder than players) This would be a good way to implement this mob unused for years into the game. They can also be cured like zombie villagers.

    submitted by /u/Lettes
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    Fallen Leaves

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    What do you think of the fallen leaf block? Here's my ideas of how it could be added to the game, let me know if you have any suggestions! Explanation video ----> https://youtu.be/6fTXMEJAvXI

    submitted by /u/MMMMMMMMagic
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    Granite should have a chance to drop quartz

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Granite in our world can contain quartz and other ores. Since granite is highly useless in most aspects of Minecraft, I think it would be a neat addition to add quartz in a way that isn't just another ACTUAL ore.

    submitted by /u/Angry_Memist
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    "UnderTowns" and Mines

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Alright, Cave Update.... WOOOO!!!!

    Here is an extension of an Idea from u/lazymanthe3rd
    I Present To you: Under Towns

    These will be found in the larger dripstone caves surrounding the Underground Lakes that are naturally generated in those vast caverns.

    What they Are: A collection of huts and tunnels (maybe small mines) built into the walls and cliff-face of the cavern (Think of the Anasazi Indians at Mesa Verde)

    Who Lives There: Either nobody (the dead Lost Civilization), or Illagers!!! The UnderTowns can be like the Strongholds of the Lost Civilization. Or it could be a basecamp for Illagers and their nasty Occult Research.

    Why: Following a lore pattern by Game Theory, The Illagers (being the exact opposite of villagers) are the mad scientists of minecraft. Messing with the summoning of spirits (Evoker), building wool portals, and even creating abominations (Ravager). The next logical point of evolution would be for them to venture underground.

    Loot: Various stone types and ores. Maybe Geode Crystals?

    Advancement: "Land Of The Lost..." description: Find and explore an Undertown

    Additional Thoughts:

    Not all Undertowns have to be Inhabited, some could be and some could just be empty. It would be interesting to see maybe mimics of UnderTowns by the illagers, not quite the same, maybe with a different build palate and slight variations.

    What are the Illagers Searching For?

    I thought it would be cool to add a dungeon right next to some of the uninhabited undertowns. The entrance would look like Petra (the temple built into the desert canyon wall in Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade). It would either contain an extremely rare artifact/item, or a structure like a portal frame (alternate end portals???).

    Anyways, these are my thoughts on additional structures for the Caves and Cliffs Update.

    u/brucethebatcat87684 (Originally posted Villager Mines)

    u/Lazymanthe3rd (Responded to Bruce with Illager Mines)

    Original Post:


    If this gets enough positive feedback I will create a suggestion link for suggestion votes.

    submitted by /u/Silvergiant22
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    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    This would be a rare mob found in the caves, usually residing in mildly deep caverns. The mob would resemble a Skeleton but with longer limbs, worse posture and some skin. The Scavenger would be found in semi-deep caverns, often lurking near structures or sources of food. It is an incredibly anti-social creature, fleeing from blocks that were recently placed by the player such as torches or campfires (It is not afraid of fire, it just figures that if that fire is still lit, someone else is nearby).

    If your quick you could rarely be able to see it lurking in a corner, studying you to satisfy its curiosity but once witnessed, it runs away making a wimp-ish cry, as to say 'Please don't kill me!'. These creatures also tend to roam near underground structures, scrounging for loot. If it finds a suitable weapon it may not study you, but stalk you for food. If being stalked, strange noises will be heard, the Scavenger using its speed to disorient its prey before pouncing.

    When killed, it will drop 3 Mystery Meat as well as an assortment of random loot. The Scavengers that spawn near structures will drop loot according to whatever structure they reside in. The Mystery Meat by itself will poison you for 4 seconds and heal for 2.5 meat shanks. It can be cooked into a Mystery Steak that does not poison and heals for 5 meat shanks.

    submitted by /u/Xoduox
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    It's already pretty much established that armor enchantments that allow you to easily avoid The Warden are bad ideas, but hear me out...

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    ...what if instead of an enchantment, you could instead equip an whole set of leather armor to eliminate your movement noise?

    It kinda makes sense from a realism perspective, but it really makes sense from a game balance perspective as it counterbalances you being safer from the warden with the fact that now you're equipping the weakest armor set in the game, and thus every other mob is almost a warden-level threat to you.

    submitted by /u/32624647
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    Mobs killed while glowing should drop glowing items.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    If a mob is killed with a spectral arrow or while glowing, the items it drops should glow. This could make it easier to find dropped items after killing blazes or ghasts, if you're willing to make or barter for spectral arrows. I think this would make a nice small change.

    submitted by /u/Tophat-person
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