• Breaking News

    Minecraft All mobs that have been named should get a death message in chat, not just tamed pets.

    Minecraft All mobs that have been named should get a death message in chat, not just tamed pets.

    All mobs that have been named should get a death message in chat, not just tamed pets.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:34 PM PST

    For example, in one of my worlds I had a zombie named Ryan as a joke with my friend. He had his own little house. Ryan was a cherished part of the world. One day, I went to bring a villager to Ryan for joke purposes but Ryan wasn't there. I later figured out that I had accidentally left a trapdoor open that led to a water source I used when building something, and Ryan had drowned. Sorry for the long, boring story, I just think it'd be helpful if every mob that was named got a death message.

    submitted by /u/FreakingOwOmyDudes
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    An Detailed, Unique, and Interesting Take on the Spear (Seriously)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:09 AM PST

    An Detailed, Unique, and Interesting Take on the Spear (Seriously)

    Many of us have thought that Minecraft needs new weapons. And I can assure you that the first thing that comes to mind is the spear. However, most spear suggestions are just a bit boring. You've seen land tridents, you've seen tridents but only ranged, you've seen tridents outright but for the early game. It's all a bit repetitive.

    So, how can you make a spear unique, useful, and separate from the trident? Recently, I've been thinking about an answer to that question, and I think I have one. Is it special enough to not be removed by mods for being on the FPS list? We shall see.

    Anyway, without further ado, I present the spear, a strong melee weapon good for outreaching and weakening your opponent.

    Crafting & Appearance

    The hoglin tusk (left) and the spear (right).

    Spears are crafted with 2 sticks and 1 hoglin tusk, which have a 7% chance to drop from hoglins. These would probably have some other uses (horned helmets, perhaps?), but we'll focus on the spear.


    The spear has two attacks: a quick stab attack and a powerful thrust attack.

    Left clicking with the spear will result in a fast melee attack. This deals ~6 damage, has an attack speed of 1.3, and has a lot of range (3-3.33 blocks, depending on attack cooldown). This makes it good for keeping an enemy away. Using this attack while sprinting slightly increases its knockback.

    Where the spear really shines is its special attack. Holding right click will charge your spear, sorta like a bow. When released, the player will perform a powerful thrust. The damage, range, and knockback depends on how long the player charges (1s max). At full charge, the spear can reach 3.75 blocks and deal ~9 damage. This attack can also hit multiple enemies at once, making it very helpful for knocking away hordes and giving you some breathing room. In addition to that, this attack has greater range on horseback, turning this into a lance of sorts you can use on horses. Note that this attack has a bit of endlag, so it shouldn't just be brainlessly spammed.

    If you're holding an item in the offhand, your attack speed will be greatly reduced. The normal attack's speed will go from 1.3 to 1, and the charge time for the special attack will increase to 1.5 seconds.


    Crippling (II) - The spear's special attack inflicts Slowness I for 2 seconds per level when an enemy is hit by the tip of the spear (if the target doesn't already have Slowness). This allows you to combo it into something else.

    Multistrike\* - Instead of one thrust, the spear's special attack will be divided into 3 strikes (bypassing damage immunity). Each hit dealing 40% of the original damage, giving you a 20% total damage boost and making it easier to keep enemies away.

    Puncturing (IV) - The spear bypasses damage reduction (from armor, enchantments, Resistance, etc.) by 10% of the original per level. At level IV, 40% of defense is ignored. This sort of counters Protection and the potion of the Turtle Master.

    Resistance (III) - When charging the spear, melee damage taken by the user is reduced by 10% of the past level per level. This means that 10/21/33% of damage taken is ignored at level I/II/III. With this enchantment, players are less vulnerable.

    Rush\* - Upon a fully charged thrust, the player will lunge forward, dealing damage during the lunge. This is basically a weaker version of Riptide (due to not being able to propel you vertically) that works anywhere. This also works on horses, causing it to charge forward.

    \Multistrike and Rush are incompatible.*


    So, why use the spear to begin with? Here are my reasons.

    1. It's a powerful weapon that can give you an advantage in combat if used right. I imagine that this would be pretty useful in both PvP and PvE due to its high range and damage output. Combined with enchantments like Crippling and Puncturing, the spear can allow you to deal a lot of damage and even function as a primary weapon.
    2. It's good for keeping enemies away. The spear's high reach and knockback is great for creating space between you and your opponent. Using the spear is great for giving you some room to rethink and regroup.

    I hope you found this suggestion worth an upvote! Tell me what you liked, what could be improved, and potential benefits and drawbacks of the spear in the comments.

    Change Log

    (1/10/2021) Posted!

    (1/10/2021) A bunch of changes:

    • Behavior
      • Normal attack's damage is set to 6.
      • Normal attack's range is set to 3-3.33 blocks, depending on attack cooldown.
      • Normal attack's speed is set to 1.3, 1 if an item is in the offhand.
      • Range of special attack is greatly increased when on horseback.
      • Special attack's max range is reduced from 4 to 3.75 blocks.
      • Time to fully charge special attack is 1.5 seconds if an item is in the offhand.
    • Enchantments
      • Crippling inflicts Slowness I instead of Slowness II.
      • Penetration's max level is IV instead of V.
      • Resistance only applies to melee damage.
      • Rush works on horseback.

    (1/10/2021) Penetration has been renamed to Puncturing. Forgot to do that in the last edit.

    submitted by /u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568
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    If you are invisible, mob spawners should become inactive.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:00 AM PST

    Because mob spawners only activate when a player is near, it would make sense for them to not activate if they can't detect a player nearby.

    This would simplify creating mob grinders.

    submitted by /u/1schlick
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    A basic idea

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:51 PM PST

    Make it so you can put banners on boats. The banner would go in the middle. The reason I suggested this is because it would be cool to have a pirate ship without mods. Put feedback in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Mystery-Fuel
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    Nether Weather - Soul Fog / Dimensional Anomaly / Lava Rain

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:09 AM PST

    These weather types would be added to the Nether, and almost each biome has a unique type of weather. To begin:

    Soul Fog: In Soul Sand Deserts, a grey fog fills the area, making it hard to see, the fog looks like souls flying upwards into the sky. Skeletons would be more common in Soul Sand Deserts, but their vision range would be heavily reduced

    Dimensional Anomaly: The anomaly that brought the warped biomes into the Nether has returned, and spectral ships appear in the sky, resembling clouds. These clouds will occasionally strike down a lightning strike, except the strike is light purple. These ghost ships are about 2x2x2 and look like the Shulker ships. Enderman spawns are heavily increased.

    Lava Rain: This one happens in any other biome, specifically basalt and crimson forests. This will make lava rain from blackened ash clouds, and does half a heart of damage unless fire resistance is equipped every 5 seconds. Mob spawns are heavily reduced in these biomes during this.

    submitted by /u/Solitary_Stars
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    Coal Blocks have the Infiniburn property

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:51 AM PST

    I feel it's precarious that only Netherrack and magma are the only blocks with infiniburn. It takes away some visual aspects when trying to build big torches or sconces that could be changed with some more blocks that have the infiniburn aspect, and coal having infiniburn makes sense, seeming torches never go out.

    submitted by /u/Monobloc_Chair
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    Make swiftness arrows travel faster in the air

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:47 AM PST

    Make it so when you shoot a swiftness arrow it goes 10% faster in the air and deals more a bit more damage/knockback. Make slowness arrows have opposite effects.

    submitted by /u/FeSiTa999
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    Burial Chamber/ Long Barrow

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:56 AM PST

    Burial Chamber/ Long Barrow

    The plains need more going on with them. Jungles and Deserts have their ancient temples so why not add some flavour to the plains as well!

    These burial mounds are common place in Europe especially the UK where I'm from. There are so main in the plains of Wiltshire surrounding Stonehenge. I feel this would give some needed intrigue to the plains. It also adds history to the world, which I like.

    In the chests could be some low level armour (Chain or Leather) and a sword. Perhaps one of them has a Diamond or Emerald in. Nothing much but enough to make them worth while going into should they be found.

    I'm not very good a building and I'm sure someone could do better!

    The Exterior


    Main Chamber

    Side Chamber

    Would love to hear your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/MASunderc0ver
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    Brick Pyramid Ruins

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:15 AM PST

    In the early early access days of Minecraft, there was a structure used for testing purposes, the Brick Pyramid.

    It was a massive pyramid of bricks reaching the height limit(which back then was 128, I think)

    I suggest that we pay homage to this structure by having pieces of this ruined pyramid buried underground like fossils.

    submitted by /u/Pasta-hobo
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    Piglin Villages

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:54 AM PST

    They would resemble normal overworld villages, but would be made up of materials from the nether; like nether doors and such. They would spawn in Crimson and Warped Forests, and would contain a large building that would resemble a bank. In the bank, would be chests with gold blocks and ingots scattered around inside. This would provide a new Piglin-based structure that would be a good source of gold.

    submitted by /u/James-matthews2
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    Crying obsidian enhances end crystals powers

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:03 AM PST

    We know end crystals can be spawned on bedrock and obsidian, i would like to increase this list to include crying obsidian, which not only is a variant of obsidian but there's also some reasons why it would increase the explosion of the Crystal when it's placed onto it

    The first is that it's crying obsidian, many players have related this to Ghast tears because they both come from the nether, this is why Ghast tears are a common speculative recipe for crying obsidian. Since end crystals are crafted with Ghast tears, I think it would make sense for it to enhance their power

    The next reason is that crying obsidian seems to be infused with the nether portals power, and I believe that since nether portals can't be lit in the end it might result in crying obsidian being unstable in this dimension, so even though end crystals can be used outside of the end they are still related

    Lastly crying obsidian is used to craft respawn anchors, which explode in the overworld and end I believe, further enhancing the explosion

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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    Items should have tooltips

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:10 PM PST

    Minecraft has a problem with information.

    Experimentation from the player is good, but at times, the lack of direction can be frustrating. Especially for new players.

    The game allows items to have tooltips through commands (a little description under the item name). I feel these should be added to items with significance. Like in the game Terraria, some of the descriptions could have a comedic twist.

    Diamond Pickaxe- can mine anything for a small fortune

    Eye of Ender- it really wants to show you something

    Lodestone- compasses find it very attractive

    Chorus Fruit- may cause teleportation

    Warped fungus- striders seem to love these

    You could also shorten the really long item names

    Copper Stairs- cut, waxed

    Blackstone Stairs- polished

    Anyways, I'd love to hear some of your ideas.

    submitted by /u/VapeNathan
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    Throwing a potion of fire resistance at a blaze makes it unable to turn on fire and shoot fire.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:11 AM PST

    Pretty simple. Not much else to say. . .

    submitted by /u/Inevitable_Hedgehog7
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    Cave fish, a novel way to measure depth, + Images!

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:20 AM PST

    Cave fish, a novel way to measure depth, + Images!

    Currently in caves, food is quite difficult to scavenge for except for the glowberries of lush caves, and rotten flesh and spiders eyes in the deeper caves, I have found a possible solution to this dilemma along with a novel way to measure how deep you have gone into the overworld.

    Cave fish are a new passive mob that spawns in all caves above the deep dark, but what makes them interesting is the fact that they vary depending on how deep you are with the shallow form being found in lush caves, the medium in regular caves, and the deep form in deep caves above the deep dark. This is based off the fact that irl cave fish like the Mexican tetra are quite closely related to their surface counterparts with them even being able to crossbreed. Cavefish are prey to axolotls and when killed can drop either shallow, medium, or deep cavefish with shallow giving the most saturation/hunger and deep offering the least. A special feature of the cavefish is that their speed is also determined by the brightness of their environment, with shallow cavefish being able to swim fast in bright waters, but slow in dark, medium being a generalist in speed, and deep being the opposite to shallow.


    Isometric render of shallow cavefish

    Isometric render of medium cavefish

    Isometric render of deep cavefish


    submitted by /u/The_Real_Diansu
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    Here's a bright idea

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:31 PM PST

    What if we had soul lava? It could burn things faster and help distinguish the cold nether biome. Crafting a bucket of lava and a bucket of soul lava makes obsidian, for when a player is lost in the nether. When any mob goes in it, the take 4 hearts off damage except striders, who move faster in it. https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.ixxcN6CjyumFWd6Hqc27cQHaD-?pid=Api&dpr=1.5

    submitted by /u/Spooderfan218
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    New Boss Mobs

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:18 AM PST

    All of us can agree, there are not enough boss mobs in the game. This is gonna be long, so there is a TL:DR at the bottom.

    Grave Master Zombie/Skeleton: They would behave like a normal zombie or skeleton.. They can be found in caves at Y=20 or below. They would destroy torches. They would have 10x the life of a normal one and 2x the damage. They wouldn't take knock back. They would drop 32 rotten flesh for zombies and 32 bones and 20 arrows for a skeleton. You could tell them apart by their size, being much larger than normal.

    Eon Guardian: A powered-up Elder Guardian. It's larger, faster, and stronger. It would be found in ocean monuments. They would only spawn on hard/hardcore. It would be neon green. It would drop a conduit. It would deal 3x damage of an Elder and 5x life. It wouldn't take damage from conduits, and would only spawn within 50 blocks of one and a monument, making them harder to farm.

    Ending Enderman: A buffed Enderman. It would be buffed and would drop 5 Eyes of Ender. It would be rare, spawning is strongholds in the End. It could teleport through walls. It would deal 2x damage and have 5x life.

    Piglin King: A buffed Piglin with a sword and crossbow. It would have 3x life of Piglin Brutes, and spawn in Bastions. It would drop a Netherite Scrap and a block of gold. It would only hurt you if you didn't wear gold or attacked it. Only 1 spawns per bastion.

    Nightmare Skeleton: A buffed Wither skeleton that would 100% drop a skull. It would have a Netherite sword and iron armor. It wouldn't drop the sword ever. It would make it easier (Harder?) to farm skulls. It and the Piglin King would fight. It would spawn in fortresses, and only one spawns per fortress.

    TL:DR: Buffed zombie, skeleton, guardian, enderman, piglin, and wither skeleton.

    Thanks for reading. Bye. You can suggest names in the comments.

    submitted by /u/antimetal86
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    New ocean mob idea: Sharks!

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:20 PM PST

    Sharks will be aquatic mobs that are neutral during the day and hostile at night. They also become hostile towards a player during the day if the player suffers damage in a 16 block radius around the shark.

    Sharks will always be hostile towards fish, squids, turtles and baby turtles. During the night they will also be hostile towards any non-aquatic mob (except for Drowned that are actually considered undead mobs)

    Guardians and Elder Guardians will be hostile towards Sharks, attacking them at sight. Sharks will attempt to retaliate but will never attack first.

    Dolphins will always be hostile towards Sharks and Sharks will attempt to flee from Dolphins within a radius of 8 blocks. Sharks will never retaliate against Dolphins.

    They will spawn in groups of one or two 7 blocks below sea level in oceans, deep oceans, lukewarm oceans, deep lukewarm oceans, warm oceans and deep warm oceans.

    As Sharks are aquatic mobs, they suffocate when placed outside of water and are affected by the 'Impaling' enchantment. Conduits also damage them. Their presence will be announced by big loud trails of bubbles on the surface and underwater.

    Sharks will attempt to break a player's boat when attacking them. They have 0% chance of success in easy mode, 50% chance of success in normal mode and 100% chance of success in hard mode.

    Sharks will have 40 hitpoints (20 hearts). They will deal 6 damage (3 hearts) on easy mode, 10 damage (5 hearts) on normal mode and 14 damage (7 hearts) on hard mode.

    They will swim 3 times as fast as a player (same speed as a player walking on land or with Depth Strider III)

    Drops: 5-10 experience, 0-1 nautilus shells (10%), Dolphin's grace for 1 minute (50%)

    Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/TrainerGoshi
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    Mobs killed in the nether should drop the cooked variants of their food

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:55 PM PST

    An example is if I kill a pig in the nether it should drop cooked pork chops. This would encourage players to set up farms in the nether so players have a reason to expand their bases. This wouldn't work for mobs native to the nether like hoglins because their meat is already used to the temperature.

    submitted by /u/atomicman100
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    Making a map n the nether will map out the layer of the nether your in

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:52 AM PST

    Basically the title, and when I say layer, I mean which Y Axis you are on

    submitted by /u/Alansar_Trignot
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    Player and mob fire should be blue when in Soul Fire

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:09 PM PST

    Just a very simple change really, mostly aesthetic. Also applies to Soul Campfires. Also, despite Soul Fire emitting less light, it should melt meltable blocks like ice and snow in a larger 6 to 8 block radius compared to normal fire's 3 or 4-ish radius, cause blue fire is much hotter. Think of the gas flames on your stove, thats what Soul Fire is based on. Come to think of it, Soul Fire should have a gradient of white at the base, then to aqua then to cobalt near the top, then to a final purple shade, kinda like in real life.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that it should melt ice and other meltable blocks 50% faster.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Add new mob: Desert Tortoise

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 05:43 AM PST

    When you you explore in desert in the day, nothing except hopping rabbit. So I want a new mob in desert

    Desert Tortoise is a passive mob that you can breed with cactus the primary source of water in the desert. They wander to the the nearest cactus to eat it. If you don't feed water bucket(when feed a bucket drop as item) or cactus for 140 minutes they will die. The timer reset when fed or enter water block. They are also a source of scute. They drop scute every 10 to 5 minutes like chicken drops egg. You can also ride them if you have saddle though, they don't need cactus on a stick, just hold anything you want. And here their stat

    HP:16 Natural armor point:6 Speed: 0.12 Time to take drown damage in water: 1042 ticks Breeding cooldown: 5mins Taming food: Melon Taming success chance: 25%

    When tamed, the tortoise have to mode: idle and active. To switch mode like sit or stand for cats, you just right-click on the tortoise. Idle mode: shrink into shell and stay still like a sitting dog. Active mode: follow owner and debuff enemy. To restore health feed them some melon or cactus.

    EDITED:in the nether the timer decrease to 70mins

    What it's look like

    submitted by /u/blazter1324
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    The Totem of Undying should be able to be shift-clicked into the offhand.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:46 PM PST

    Currently, shift-clicking the Totem of Undying does not put in in the off-hand slot like the shield. When a Totem is shift-clicked, if the offhand slot is empty, it becomes occupied by the Totem.

    This would be useful when you are fighting a raid(only an example) and you use the Totem in your offhand, by the time you reach for another one, you might already be dead.

    submitted by /u/LiteratureAvailable4
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    This sure has been proposed before but what about sailor villagers?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:44 AM PST

    Craft a ship and in order for it to work, you have to add sailor villagers as crew. Of course enlarge oceanic maps as well. And there should also be specific blocks to make the ship moving. Like sails etc.

    submitted by /u/blacknotbeard
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    A "Trident room" In some ocean monuments

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:38 AM PST

    An ocean monument would have a 25% chance to generate with a trident room. This room would (you guessed it) contain a trident. However, the trident is locked with 4 keys. These keys would drop from elder guardians.


    • But there are only 3 elder guardians in a monument...
    • Wouldn't that be too OP?
    • I like the classic method of getting tridents better...


    • The Trident room would have its own elder guardian. Don't worry.
    • There is only a 25% chance for a trident room to generate in the monument. Additionally, it's so easy to get tridents in bedrock that i think a slight help for trident-finding in java would be needed.
    • Then use the classic method.

    The trident room would be located underneath the monument so you would have to check every monument you see, not just the ones with trident rooms.

    I think these tridents should have full durability, as they likely have not been used.

    Farm applications: Regular guardians spawn more frequently in trident rooms on hard mode.

    submitted by /u/Apple_noob_
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