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    Minecraft A nether star should float in between the Withers rib cage

    Minecraft A nether star should float in between the Withers rib cage

    A nether star should float in between the Withers rib cage

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 03:23 AM PST

    I personally think it would be badass to see that. Mabe the Wither could even have a black crown on it's head just to look cool.

    That's all folks!

    submitted by /u/Ace_Wash
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    Add Canyons to the Badlands

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 09:36 AM PST

    But OP, ravines are already a thing! Think about it: ravines are just ores. I'm thinking terracotta to the bottom, a little trickle of water at the bottom, and maybe even add a few chests at the bottom? This would add a new piece to Minecraft that would make badlands more relevant to visit, plus I can imagine what some of the very talented creators out there would build.

    submitted by /u/CREEPER_AWMAN420
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    Since the Herobrine seed has been found, the 1.17 update changelog should include "Herobrine found" (or something along those lines) instead of "Herobrine removed"

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 12:19 PM PST

    I found this suggestion in a comment under MinecraftAtHome's video announcing the discovery of the original Herobrine seed, and thought that it made a lot of sense. After all, these guys' work deserves at least some recognition by Mojang, and i think tweaking the usual "Herobrine removed" announcement would be a fun way to do it

    submitted by /u/_Alessandro
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    Glowing leather armor

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:50 AM PST

    Glowing ink sac plus any leather armor =glowing leather armor.

    Because it looks cool, and there is nothing to explain here read the title

    submitted by /u/N___THOR
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    Renamed items take longer to despawn

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 04:05 PM PST

    Renaming items requires a few xp levels. Thus, renaming items essentially means sacrificing a few xp levels to give your tool or something a fancy name.

    Because of this, I think renamed items should take longer to despawn than regular unnamed items. Three times as long as regular items to despawn would be the most reasonable. This means renamed items take 15 minutes to despawn instead of 5 minutes.

    If renamed items do not despawn at all, I think it would be too overpowered because it removes the risk of dying. Additionally, it would cause too much lag, especially in the multiplayer. Therefore, I think my post is pretty reasonable.

    submitted by /u/Evening-Cash-4183
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    Glow ink can be used to change enchantment overlay color

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 07:38 AM PST

    Simple as that. A mixture of glow squid ink & random color dye can be used on any enchanted armor or tool in order to change its enchantment overlay color.

    submitted by /u/NTTTTTT
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    End Update II

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 03:39 AM PST

    (II being the second update to it excluding the actual release of it)

    It only makes sense to update the End after the Nether got an update, and also that once you've defeated the Ender Dragon and gotten an Elytra, there's no reason to go to the End. At the time of typing this, there are one/two biomes(?) in the End, the main End Island which has a boss that needs to be improved, and the Outer End Islands which every once in a while will have End Cities, containing the second and last type of mob in this dimension, the Shulker.

    Some stuff here has already probably been suggested before, but these are some ideas, some of which are mine and some I found with some researching. My creativity isn't great, so here we go.


    We need some new biomes in this dimension, here are some ideas (mobs and specific blocks are later):

    • Purpur Jungle - Similar to Crimson Forests/Warped Forests in the Nether, with the End Stone being skinned with purple substance like Nylium is with red and blue-ish in their relevant biomes. There could also be Chorus Stems that are a purple version of Crimson/Warped Stems, something along those lines. Terrain generation should similar to what it already is, except with different heights and kind of 'cliffs' and layers (this has already been suggested).
    • Chorus Valleys - An extremely dense and harsh terrain with many plunges and rises containing Chorus Fruits (incidentally).
    • Dragon's Breath Lakes - I haven't heard of anyone who uses Lingering Potions/Arrows, simply because it isn't worth it. These lakes would be incredibly rare and there would be many mini puddles of Dragon Breath surrounding the main lake, all of which would be surrounded by Chorus Fruits/Stems.
    • Shulker Hollows - Similar to ravine generation, many large gaps going down and basic cave generation (maybe?). The only place where Shulker's respawn (I'll get onto that).
    • And of course we keep the generic End Islands like the Nether Wastes (I haven't got a name for that though).


    We've got the End Cities for structures (well that's it actually), so maybe it's time for some additional ones:

    • End Sanctuary - A half- deteriorated building that contains end-related loot and new Elytra-specific Enchantment Books that I'll get onto later.
    • End Vessels - Similar to the End Ships in End Cities except these ones look slightly different and generate in random parts of the void, contain loot similar to End Sanctuary's loot, like how Ruined Portals contain loot that is similar to Bastion Remnants.


    Some generation that will occur across most/all biomes (idrk):

    • Caves will generate similar to 'Nether Caves' in all biomes and can contain Enderite Ore and other stuff that has already been suggested before this post.
    • Different height levels of End Islands has also been suggested before.

    Mobs (+ updates to existing mobs)

    At the moment there are two types of mobs in the End, Endermen and Shulkers. Largely I believe that Endermen should remain unchanged, but that's my opinion.

    • Shulkers - They spawn in End Cities as we know, but once killed they will not respawn. Personally with the idea of Shulker Hollows, this should remain the same as Shulkers can respawn in that biome anyway. Maybe it would be interesting to see different colours of them spawning? Idk.
    • Endermites - As Silverfish spawn in Infested Stone and such, Endermites should not only spawn occasionally when Ender Pearls are used, but also spawn on occasion when Infested Purpur or something similar is broken in End Sancutaries.
    • No name as I don't have ideas - Some form of mob that can walk on Dragon Breath in the lakes, like the Striders in the Nether.
    • Phantoms - They should spawn in the End, here are my reasons:
    1. Their Phantom Membrane can be used to repair Elytras, an item found in the End.
    2. It would make sense if they come from the End to the Overworld (background to the mob) as such Endermen do, based on certain circumstances.
    3. It doesn't seem like a native mob to the Overworld if you ask me.
    4. People find them annoying and therefore this could allow for the spawning rate in the Overworld to be reduced.
    • Ender Dragon - Shouldn't be so easy to defeat (although on Bedrock it's admittedly harder), there needs to be stages and the fight needs to be made far more interesting rather than just increased difficulaty based on level difficulty.

    There should maybe be 1-2 more mobs but I haven't got the creativity to think of some hehe.

    Items (+ updates to existing items)

    We've got the Elytra and Dragon's Egg, and that's about it for End-exclusive items. Enderite has been talked about before, so I'm not going to go into that.

    • Elytra - I've seen before resource packs/mods that change the colour of it. It would be nice to be able to change the colour of it by dyeing it in a cauldron or something. Maybe the look should change over time based on its health? Just some ideas.
    • Enchantment Books (Elytra) - We need some Elytra specific Enchantment Books, here are my ideas other than ones have been suggested before:
    1. Speed - Allows for increased speed (!).
    2. Acceleration - Allows for increased acceleration.
    3. Resistance - Less damage when crashing into something because you weren't looking where you were going.
    • Vessel Wayfinder - Some form of item that can locate one of these boats? Personally I think this would be a cool item to have added, I don't know about you though.
    • Chorus Fruit on a Stick - To go around on the mob that can walk on Dragon's Breath Lakes
    • Potion of Teleportation - Made with Popped Chorus Fruits and probably wouldn't be useful unless turned into a Splash Potion. Although, since this is a potion, you'll be able to increase the strength and how far you go with this. Maybe it should teleport you to the nearest place of safety within a certain amount of blocks. Just an idea.


    Some exclusive blocks that aren't included in generation and have to be crafted (or found):

    • Island Jumper Block - 12 of these making a minimum of a 3*3 area (exactly like an End Portal in a stronhold or the End Portal on the main End Island. Somehow in some shape or form, these will be lit and be able to link to other portals that you place, to easily travel across the End. However, this will be hard to aquire. It might have to be found and not crafted to make it even harder to get.
    • Chours Planks - Purple wood will be very fun to use.
    • Respawn Anchors (for the End) - Like the one that's in the Nether except this one is for the End, charges with some block

    There should be more blocks than this, but again I don't have any ideas. Enderite Blocks not listed as the idea has already been suggested.

    Other stuff

    • New Achivements - Such as Discover all End Regions or create an Island Jumper Portal for the first time (etc).
    • Mob Spawning rates - with the mobs said earlier, these need to be adjusted.
    • Ideally this would be the update after the Cave and Cliffs update, so around early Summer 2022
    • There's probably more stuff I'd add to this if I could remember everything

    All-in-all, I hope you enjoy my ideas of an Ender Update, don't forget that these are just my personal ideas, but please do give criticism. I'm sure some stuff here has been mentioned before (including this idea as a whole). Thank you.

    submitted by /u/ITSICYBTW
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    baby squids and baby squids in a bucket

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:51 AM PST

    alright, since the glow squid is added to the game, i got a cool idea:

    Glow squids are popular for being beautiful, their drop is meh (hope they make it more useful) especially for survival players, but, hey, they are beautiful, they can be really beautiful in aquariums, shing and brighting in and... wait, you can't lead a squid or use a bucket, then i got a cool idea: baby squids and baby squids in a bucket

    The baby squids can be found naturally (like in bedrock) or by feeding two squids with a fish (every fish since squids and cephalopodes in general eat them), feeding them will give you a baby squid, but what can you do with it? well, you know, take it with a bucket, after that, have fun decorating you aquarium with those shiny squids!

    and for those people who say "animal abuse!" let me remind you that you can tame a fox by stealing it from his parents in the game

    submitted by /u/Ennard115441
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    Piglins should be afraid of beacons

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:51 AM PST

    Since piglins are afraid of everything having to do with souls, it would only make sense for them to be afraid of beacons too. The wither is clearly made out of souls because of the 4 soulsand it has its body. The wither then drops a netherstar which then creates a beacon. It could definetly be argued that the beacon uses souls to get powered and the blue color only supports that claim. The only things in minecraft with that blue color are things that are connected to souls (soul lantern, soul lantern, the soul particle effects when you run with the soul speed enchantment) so it doesn't seem that far fetched that beacons are made out of souls as well.

    submitted by /u/holmnicolas
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    Random boulders

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:14 AM PST

    Boulder would appear randomly through every biome. That wouldn't be too common nor too rare.

    They would be made of mostly stone and sometimes they have a bit of diorite. But if you dig through them, you will find a gold block

    Edit: changed what should be inside of the Boulder

    submitted by /u/epic-yolo-swag
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    New Nether Biome Suggestion: Obsidian Barrens.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:37 AM PST

    You were chased by piglins. You see a dark place. You escape into it. You go deep into that place. The piglins finally stopped chasing. You explore this empty place, and find out that it's just like home. Why? This suggestion will explain the coldest place in the Nether: The Obsidian Barrens.

    The Obsidian Barrens basically has a 5-block deep obsidian floor, obsidian hills, and small netherrack islands. No mobs can spawn there, except bastion piglins. That's because bastions spawn there. The obsidian barrens' surface can show splotches of crying obsidian, magma blocks, and rarely, holes. Other than that, there are nether fossils everywhere, slightly more common than in Soul Sand Valleys.

    This is the most peaceful biome in the nether, but it's extremely rare, having the generation rate of Mushroom Islands. This biome has slightly lower temperature than the entire nether, but you still can't place water, although melting regular ice blocks will do. There is a rarer variant called Cold Obsidian Barrens, where it's cold enough that you can place water. However, it generates landlocked to Obsidian Barrens, but that almost never happens. Unlike regular obsidian barrens, it has no magma block splotches and holes to lava, but has higher crying obsidian spawn size.

    Fun fact: According to lore, the biome is created due to no lava currents flowing to the previous biome. Basically a dead zone.

    submitted by /u/BlackHoleEra_123
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    Now that the glow squid is out, I had an idea!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:40 AM PST

    I was thinking, after seeing the glow squid, what if they made a way for invisible ink? An ink to use on item frames so that the objects in it are all nice and displayed. Maybe a way to make leather armor invisible, as to be more defended while invisible, or be defended unknowingly to other players!

    Here's the process I thought of to get these "invisible ink sacks";

    First, get a squid. Next, feed it an invisiblity potion, and kill it while it's invisible. After that, you get an invisible ink sack!

    submitted by /u/Jpxfrd__
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    Warden Death Messages

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:00 PM PST

    [Username] was silenced — [Username] was silenced by Warden — [Username] Dug too deep —

    These are just a few that popped in my head but I'm sure there are many other clever death messages for the Warden

    submitted by /u/AlexAtHome
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    Signed and sealed bundles

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 10:33 AM PST

    If you craft a bundle with a piece of paper, it will tie off the bundle and it will be signed with your name. You can write a note on the paper, but you only have one page to write, not like a whole book. You could leave the note blank and it will just have your signature. The bundle remains sealed until it is opened. While it is sealed, the holder can read the note on the bundle. When it is opened, it converts back to a normal bundle and drops the paper as an item.

    The contents in a sealed bundle can be seen but not changed without opening it and breaking the seal. Since anyone can open sealed bundles, it can't stop someone from stealing whats inside, but because opening a sealed bundle destroys the signature and the note, it makes it possible to know if it had been opened and/or resealed by the different player based on the signature. You can't craft a signed bundle with someone else's name so signatures can't be forged.

    Signing and sealing bundles is useful for many things.

    • Presents: It gives players the opportunity to write a message for someone receiving the gift.
    • Organization or storage: It allows players to label individual bundles.
    • Mail and delivery: It is useful to mail items in because it is signed by the sender and they can include the recipient's name in the note, along with any other instructions. Contents are also protected by the seal of the sender
    • Crafting merchandise: It lets players write information or branding on the packaging.


    Support this suggestion on the feedback site:


    submitted by /u/n4rwhal_
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    Pillars for each metal should be added

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 11:50 AM PST

    This would help make more material available for construction. The iron/netherite pillars would make posts for giant table-like constructs, construction sites, and the like be able to look better. Copper pillars would have a use similar to both iron/netherite pillars and gold pillars, but for other decorative uses as well. Gold pillars would make gold structures more nice. It would also make pillar blocks more widespread in more constructional purposes.

    They would go as the below:

    • Iron pillar
    • Gold pillar (for consistency)
    • Netherite pillars
    • Copper pillars


    Diamond pillars and emerald pillars would also be nice, and would be useful for structures made of the said materials.

    EDIT: The crafting recipe for the iron/gold/netherite/diamond/emerald pillars should be the same as quartz pillars, but creating 2-3 pillars. The recipe for copper pillars should either be like the quartz pillar's recipe or the purpur pillar's recipe.

    submitted by /u/CelticTexan749
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    Glow Paintings

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 09:35 AM PST

    Hear me out, if we put glow wool in the crafting table to make a painting we should get different types of painting then the base game ones already. This would be a cool concept to maybe have them glow in the dark and have specific paintings that would make glow wool more interesting to use in builds and decorating. Like an underwater painting of a glow squid that glows when the painting is in a dark room or a reef painting that glows in the dark.

    submitted by /u/LimitS0L1S
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    Improved Wither spawn

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:09 PM PST

    When you spawn the Wither it should make a charging sound while his healthbar is filling, currently there's just silence before the battle starts, a sound would not only make him even more menacing but also be helpful to new players that don't know that he explodes.

    submitted by /u/Quazzaranimes
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    Flowers Dispersing Seeds

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:03 PM PST

    If you plant a flower, after a while, the plant should change texture to have little spots on it (seeds) and when right clicked, the texture changes back to normal and it should drop a copy of that flower (like in real life flowers produce seeds).

    This means that if you need to, you can get multiple copies of the flower you would like if you're struggling to find them in the wild.

    If you increase the random tick speed, it could happen faster. It should take as long as a tree sapling to grow.

    submitted by /u/MastarMastar
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    Potion of Glowing, Splash Potion of Glowing, Lingering Potion of Glowing and Tipped Arrow of Glowing

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:22 AM PST

    Ingredients: Glow Ink Sac and Awkward Potion

    It gives the Glowing effect for 3 minutes or 8 minutes (extended)

    Arrow of Glowing acts like a Spectral Arrow but for Bedrock codebase

    submitted by /u/OhioInvadesUSA
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    Piglin Cowardice

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 05:21 PM PST

    Piglins seem too brave for such greedy selfish creatures. Everyone knows that piglins are greedy (bartering, they kill you if you break gold, the overall fact they like gold.) Therefore, I think they should coward in battle when they know theyre loosing.

    So how would they coward out of battle? Well here is how:

    1. If they are below 5hp, they will run away. They will continue running away until they have more than 10hp of health. They will however stop for gold.

    2. They will run away when the player kills half the piglins in the piglin's group. They will then run in random direction, and will not care if any piglin dies. They will however stop for gold.

    3. They will run away if a nearby piglin brute dies, they find the piglin brute almost as a leader or a lawkeeper/guardian (a powerful being) and should run away if they die, after all, someone would have to be REALLY powerful to kill them.


    •Piglin Brutes will not do this.

    •50% of Piglins will not run away when at low hp if a piglin brute is nearby (they feel pressured to keep fighting). These piglins would be called "normal", the other 50% will be called "Cowards"

    •10% of those "normal" piglins will be "brave". Brave piglins will not ever run away from the player. As a young piglin, brave piglins will not run away from the player.

    •Piglin brutes will kill piglins who show cowardice in battle, they will however prioritize the attacker over the coward.

    Minecraft Feedback Site: (Link)

    *will only work when approved.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    An idea for renewable sand

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:33 AM PST

    An idea for renewable sand

    Sand is used to make important and handy building blocks such as sand stones, concrete and glass.

    Even though it is quite common since it can be find in large desert biomes and beaches, it doesn't change the fact that it not renewable.

    So, I know that ideas like Husk dropping sands exist, but I think it would be extremely long to get enough of these ressources. So I was thinking :

    The addition of piglins made a lot of items renewable like gravel, quarks, black stone AND : soul sand ! Since it is possible to convert soul sand into soul soil, I think there should be a way to convert soul soil into sand. In fact, let's look at the nether : it looks likes the opposite of the overworld : forest are twisted, ocean are now lava, the ground is no longer green grass but dry and rough netherrack.

    So, what if the soul sand valley would be a cursed version of the desert ? Then, what if we could convert soul soil "back" into sand ?For exemple, with the addition on lava cauldrons in 1.17, we could throw our stacks of soul soil in it and it would be converted into sand ? Or having a husk walking on it ? Or using crafting : one ghast tear surrounded by 8 soul soil gives you 8 sand ? Or just simply smelting it using a furnace ?

    Using Piglins to make sand

    So, to conclude, we would have renewable soul sand, which means renewable soul soil which means, with this idea : renewable sand

    And, it finally means : Renewable Glass - Renewable Concrete - Renewable Sandstone - Renewable TNT

    What do you think :

    • Do you think sand should be renewable or is it better for it to stay a finit ressource ?
    • What would be your idea to make it renewable ?
    • Using soul soil or soul sand, how would you convert it into sand ?
    submitted by /u/Right_Business5003
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    360 view in water and air.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:30 PM PST

    So it is slightly simple and would look really cool.

    It is pretty much a 360 full turn that you would be able to be upside down while flying or swimming. instead of just a 180 up and down radius you could actually (from the perspective of a mobile player) scroll up and be on your back and swim or fly upside down.

    Achievements: The achievements you could get can be the following.

    360: Do a full 360 with our using a rocket.

    Dizzy: Do a 720 with the use of rockets.

    WTH is are we doing: Do a 1420 (4 loops) without the use of rockets.

    submitted by /u/DRAGON_SNIPER
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    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:55 PM PST

    Mojang should add something similar to the petrified forest in Arizona (look it up)

    submitted by /u/Pidgeon11111
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    Extend the beacon distance.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 12:35 PM PST

    I'm sure many people have said this and for good reason. It is pretty expensive to make a fully powered beacon, even when using emeralds from villagers. I would say it should be 256 blocks in all directions. Not 50.

    submitted by /u/modomonstud
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