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    Minecraft Snow on stairs and roofs, and automatic snow moving mechanics that could be balanced.

    Minecraft Snow on stairs and roofs, and automatic snow moving mechanics that could be balanced.

    Snow on stairs and roofs, and automatic snow moving mechanics that could be balanced.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:49 AM PST

    I am currently building in a mountain biome and snow is going to be a large part of my idea. However whenever it snows I find that the snow on the rooftops is secluded to the nonstairs area. What results is patch roofs where parts are covered in snow, and the sloping parts where I used stairs are snowless. So, what I suggest, is snow for stairs. The snow would be a maximum of one layer thick, with one half of the snow layer being higher on the top step and the other step of the stair having a lower layer. This would result in a more universal look to snow covered builds, and hopefully look good. Now the snow layers wouldnt be able to get higher then one layer(maybe 2) and so I came up with a secondary idea. What if when a second layer attempted to generate on top of the stair, it would instead be transferred down the stair to the block diagonally below it. That way if the stair is on the roof of a house, after long enough it would gain slightly thicker snow around the roof on the ground, giving the appearance that the snow has slid down the steeper roof sections. This would also be able to be used in snow farms, as in if you set up a series of stairs during a snow storm, you could direct a lot of snow layers in a single area by having the snow grow on the stairs and then "slide" down a steep row of stairs to where you are. This would be a balanced way to get snowballs/layers, and seems like a balanced and fitting change for the mountain update. To summarize. Layers of snow on stairs. when the snow layer grows to thick then it "slides" down the stair to the next block below it. This effect can be transferred to many stairs to create snow funnels where you can farm snow.

    submitted by /u/Feedback_Loopius
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    A new painting about illagers

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:30 AM PST

    it would feature the pillager, evoker, vindicator, the illusioner, and the iceologer. The 3 by 4 blocks painting would spawn naturally in mansions. Just to add more details to the game.

    submitted by /u/spearojustice
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    Wearing chainmail boots prevent you slipping on ice.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:29 PM PST

    Like chains on tires, they prevent you slipping on ice. It will not crack the ice, and works with any ice.

    submitted by /u/stikcman
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    Feather falling should make drip leafs tilt slower when you stand on them

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:00 AM PST

    The title kind of explains it really. But it makes sense doesn't it? If you have feather falling it makes you lighter so you don't die from falling easily. Besides, even though feather falling is already really useful I feel like it could have an extra use.

    submitted by /u/beanmAn11
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    There should be a progress bar showing how many crafting recipes you have unlocked

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:24 AM PST

    Literally what the title says, a progress bar showing how many crafting recipes you have unlocked.

    submitted by /u/ifrit101
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    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:04 AM PST

    This new block would be crafted with 6 glass and 2 sand, and would act as a timer, showing a simple animation over the course of a minute as it filled the bottom chamber. Right clicking resets the timer, as does powering it with redstone. When full, it emits a power 15 redstone signal, and a comaparator emits a signal based on how full it is.

    submitted by /u/Mr-Dungeonmaster
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    Cracked glass

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:19 AM PST

    Perhaps there should be cracked variant of all colors of glass and panes.It will make ruined builds look way better

    submitted by /u/Tarbhaiscrack
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    Piglins and Piglin Brutes that are on fire or fall into lava drink potions of Fire Resistance

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:44 PM PST

    To me, it's never made sense why Piglins, some of the smartest and most human mobs in the game, just sit there popping up and down in lava until they die.

    (actually I've never understood why they're not fire-resistant like other nether mobs in the first place).

    It also doesn't make any sense seeing as the Piglins are literally carrying Fire Resistance potions that they barter to you! They have Fire Resistance potions on them! It makes no sense that they just burn up and die like that.

    They could even do a chance-based potion drink like with the axolotl playing dead. Where if they are on fire or in lava, they have a CHANCE to drink a Fire Resistance potion and survive.

    I just think it's so bizarre that they just let themselves burn.

    Also, Piglin Brutes are really easy to kill by just shoving them into lava and waiting for them to die. To make Bastions that bit more scary, they should also drink Fire Resistance whenever they're on fire or in lava.

    submitted by /u/FeelThePower999
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    Pillagers should be seen hunting animals for meat.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 05:00 AM PST

    I just wonder where they get their food outside from raids. And it would give them more life. To encounter hunters near outposts.

    Also, they can kill villagers, so why not hunting sheep, pigs and cows when you're desperate?

    Edit: to not ruin animal based things too much, they only hunt around their outposts. I didn't quite express myself clearly enough.

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    add reverb to caves and the nether

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:15 AM PST

    in the nether and caves, there should be reverb and other sound effects to better add to the feel of the game. like the mods "sound filters" and "sound physics" i think it will add more immersion and spookiness in caves

    submitted by /u/Graveripper666
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    Its weird that there is no Doctor Villager

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:49 AM PST

    They should sell golden apples, regen potions (though should be expensive), instant health, and some beneficial suspicious stews.

    They should give emeralds, for glistening melons, ghast tear (just 1), bottles, golden carrots, and maybe some other items.

    It should also go around healing villagers that are damaged with instant health potions.

    Jobsite Block: I would suggest brewing stand, but that is already taken by the cleric, so if this idea were to get implemented, then you would need a new jobsite block.

    submitted by /u/NINJA_ALCH_69
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    When struck by lightning, you get the Luck or Bad Luck status effect

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:03 PM PST

    I always thought it was such a shame that the Luck and Bad Luck effects were never used. They are still in the game, but don't function properly. For those who don't know, the Luck status effect improves the odds of getting better chest and fishing loot, and Bad Luck reduces the odds and makes you get worse loot.

    Such a good idea from many years ago that was never implemented fully.

    I suggest that if you are struck by lightning, you will get one of these status effects. And which one you get, is a coin toss. A heads or tails. 50/50. I really like this idea because you could say being struck by lightning is either incredibly lucky or incredibly unlucky.

    It's worth noting that standing on a lightning rod in order to get struck on purpose won't give you one of these effects. Neither will being hit by a Trident with Channelling. It has to be a completely random lightning strike that just happens to hit you.

    When you get one of these effects, they will last for one hour (3 in-game days).

    submitted by /u/FeelThePower999
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    Personalized Weapons!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 12:48 PM PST

    Wouldn't it be cool if your bow, sword, axe, etc could represent you and your journey? You could customize your weapon with specific materials and your weapon would change appearance depending on the places you went and experiences you had!

    Example: You've repaired your netherite sword countless times, cracks and veins of gold and daimond are visible on the sword too. You get 17 string to craft a ribbon, then you dye it red in a cauldron...

    Crafting table + sword + ribbon= sword with ribbon partially around it with the rest flailing in the wind...

    Example 2: You where trapped in the nether, and was desperate for a bow. So you chop down a crimson fungus tree and get to crafting! The bow strongly resembles the tree you make it from. Crimson red, with red veins all over it, the bow also has a more pointy shape. It still emits spores, it's like its alive...

    RNG: Weapons will have 3 variations. This is purely cosmetic though!

    Feel free to add on to my idea!

    submitted by /u/Ace_Wash
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    Music titles.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:35 AM PST

    The Minecraft OST is amazing, the issue is I know zero of the song names. My suggestion is whenever a song starts playing, you can press F3 to see what is playing.

    submitted by /u/Klinkero
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    Crafting a brighter lantern with a normal lantern and glowstone.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:45 AM PST

    Basically, if you put lantern and a piece of glowstone dust into a crafting table, you get a lantern with a higher light level. Maybe the light level you get could be the amount of glowstone you place in a crafting menu (so 8 different levels), or maybe you could place 1 glowstone and a lantern multiple times, and it would upper its level by 1 every time. It's not like a new item, just different levels (like with 1/2/3 level fireworks). It's just been pissing me off when I was building a storage room, and always had dark places where mobs were spawning. I didn't want to place torches, cause it would look ugly, so it could be cool if I could just make the lanterns brighter.

    submitted by /u/NameSyrname
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    Discs Pause Ambient Music when Played

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 02:23 PM PST

    Basically this is to prevent two songs from playing at once, so whenever you are near a playing jukebox the in game ambient track pauses to allow you to enjoy the disc, and continues playing when you leave to jukebox's radius.

    submitted by /u/Benny368
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    Endermen should occasionally spawn holding blocks

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:29 PM PST

    For those seeds where we're not lucky enough to spawn within a few thousand blocks of a desert or a warped forest, or we need more clay and are tired of waiting around for pillager patrols (Hero of the Village is currently the only renewable source of clay), why not give endermen a small chance to be holding a block when they spawn? Since they can teleport, it doesn't have to match the biome where they spawn -- maybe "spawning" is just teleporting from somewhere beyond the world limits. (It should probably still match the dimension where they spawn.) Endermen that spawned with a block would never place it, and might not drop it if not killed by a player.

    submitted by /u/Prom3th3an
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    If you have a hoe in your offhand, and seeds (or potatoes or carrots, etc.) in your main hand, right clicking a crop should automatically break and plant it at the same time.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 12:35 PM PST

    This also should maybe only work on full grown crops.

    submitted by /u/calamariclam_II
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    /gamerule MobHostility

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:04 PM PST

    Title. the Mob Hostility game rule can be triggered with true/false. It basically just makes all mobs docile, and won't aggro when hit, this includes wolves.

    submitted by /u/Monobloc_Chair
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    Using Feathers and leather to craft mattresses or pillows to make fournitures

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:05 AM PST

    If you have a chicken farm (automatic or not) you'll maybe relate to this. After a lot of uses, you can sometimes have one or many doubles chests filled with stacks of feathers.

    However, we only use them to craft arrows, book and quill, and some types of fireworks (star shape). We can also sell them to a fletcher villager for some emeralds.

    Moreover, even though Minecraft is very rich in term of variety of building blocks as well as decorative, I think that we may lack of furniture, such as tables, shelves or sofa/seats.

    So, here's my idea :

    What if we could use feathers with leather to create a pillow or a little mattress (like : one leather at the center of the crafting table, surrounded with 8 feathers). This "pillow' would look like a slab. You can place one next to another to link them just like a chest/double-chest does. (Maybe you could also right-click on them so seat, just like in a boat)

    If, for some reason, we want to go really far, we could dye those leather pillows as we do with leather armor, combining different colors and create a unique look. I think that would be a good way to create a really original furniture since there would be thousands of possibilities with different shapes, sizes and colors of sofas, seats,... (But tbh, I don't really see this happening).

    I believe that creating those can be a good way to greatly improve decoration in the game as long as they stay simple. It would give another reason to use feathers which are now a bit left out, since arrows can be easily obtained thanks to skeleton farms (or just killing skeleton regularly) and firework and books and quill are not something you craft everyday.

    submitted by /u/Right_Business5003
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    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:37 PM PST

    Maybe every couple Minecraft day and it has to rain it snows unless it's in a desert or savanna but the new snow won't freeze water

    submitted by /u/EVERY-SOMARAKIS
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    Totem of Undying Cooldown

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:22 AM PST

    As of 1.14, Totems of Undying have become very easily to renewably obtain through raid farms, and as of 1.16.2, now also give the user Fire Resistance. This makes them extremely overpowered - they were designed to be extremely rare, valuable items found only in vast, deadly structures - not a renewable resource that can be stockpiled from the comfort of your home village.

    In my survival world, I made a data pack that caused any player to trigger a totem to lose all of the totems in their inventory. The result was a massive improvement - I felt safer when taking risks without feeling completely invincible. The only downside I encountered was that when I triggered a totem whilst farming raids, making me lose the 5 or 6 I had yet to store - a mild inconvenience at worst.

    Instead, what I am proposing is 10 minute cooldown on Totems of Undying, much in the same way Ender Pearls have a short cooldown after they are thrown. This would make the endgame feel at least slightly challenging, without being too frustrating (losing your stuff is never fun).

    submitted by /u/Homicidal__Lemon
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    More birds for different biomes

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:20 PM PST

    I think that it doesn't make sense that birds (parrots) are only found in the jungle.

    So I was thinking that different types of birds should be added. How about in the plains biome, you find crows, blue jays, wrens and jackdaws.

    In the taiga biome, we'd find, robins, owls, woodpeckers and cross bills. How about in flowery biome we'd find humming birds.

    We could also get a few new blocks for birds. We could get the birds nest, where you'd occasionally find eggs, and after a while, the eggs will hatch.

    We could I also have the bird house block. It would attract birds near your base and you could bread them block with the birds inside and carry it elsewhere (much like the bed hives)

    We could also hear birds singing when we walk to the forest.

    submitted by /u/epic-yolo-swag
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    Wandering traders give emeralds for food.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:26 PM PST

    Wandering traders are useless because they give you early game things when you do not have any emeralds. This will not fix the wandering trader but it will make it better. The wandering trader has been wandering all over the world for a while so he must be very hungry so it just makes sense that he will pay you for some food. Also he liked his llamas so he will pay for food for them too. You can not use this trade too much because it would be too overpowered and also the trader will no longer be hungry. This should make wandering traders slightly more useful.

    TLDR: The wandering trader will pay you if you give him food because he is hungry from wandering around all the time.

    submitted by /u/_Anonymous_Person_7
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