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    Minecraft The wither needs to drop more than just 50 experience.

    Minecraft The wither needs to drop more than just 50 experience.

    The wither needs to drop more than just 50 experience.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:07 AM PST

    For a boss mob, 50 experience is completely and utterly worthless. I could kill 11 zombies and get more experience for less effort than from the wither. Just look at the ender dragon, who drops a maximum of 12,000 experience, and you'll realize the lack of continuity.

    submitted by /u/SoftAlmond
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    You can give an enchanted book to an iron golem to give them that property.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:16 PM PST

    For instance, you give a iron golem a enchanted book (say, fire aspect) and suddenly every time that golem strikes something it's on fire!

    Or how about a book of bane of arthropods, spiders die much quicker now!

    Or how about efficiency? Or protection? or loyalty?

    I'll let the comments expand on this idea

    submitted by /u/ajax-2000
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    End Music Disc Concept: Tall

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:58 AM PST

    I've seen a few posts on what the end music disc should be, so I decided to make my own original tune! Many people suggested the disc should be lofi or vaporwave, but I decided to go for more of a swing style... I guess...?

    Disclaimer: I made this over the course of 2 weeks on the trial version of FL studio, so it didn't come out exactly how I wanted (Tbh, it's kinda trash), but this is just the concept.


    Now, here's what makes my suggestion unique. So you know how you can play C418's "Dog" and "Cat" together and they would meld into each other? Well, I tried doing that with my song, too. I specifically made Tall to play alongside Pigstep. I was thinking that you would be able to take the two discs, put them into a crafting table, and make:


    submitted by /u/WueyWu75
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    New enchantment: Bane of the Swine

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:13 AM PST

    This sword and axe exclusive enchantment is used to deal extra damage to the following mobs:




    Piglin Brutes

    Zombified Piglins


    As you can see, this is centered towards dealing damage towards pig-like mobs.

    This is a rare enchantment, only being able to be found in nether fortresses (as a reference to the war between the piglins and wither skeletons).

    What do you think?

    P.S. the name is a work in progress, tell me if you have any better name suggestions

    Edit: changing the name to swine's blight

    submitted by /u/nonexistnt
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    bamboo that can't grow any further should have yellowish leaves.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:51 AM PST

    I always feel like I shouldn't chop down that bamboo, because it might grow further. But I'm unsure if that's such a good idea. It might work with the programming, because we have the same indicator for the Chorus Plants. So why can't we have the same for bamboo?

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Give the Wither a Unique Death Animation

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:08 PM PST

    Let me begin by saying that one thing I've always loved about the Ender Dragon fight is the Dragon's death animation. Believe me, I know the dragon fight has its problems, but even so, when you get that final hit on the ender dragon and it lifts into the sky, shooting beams of purple light out of itself, you really feel like you accomplished something! The same cannot be said for the Wither.

    I've always thought of the Wither as this dangerous foe, greater than the Dragon, and yet, whenever you kill it, it just turns red, falls over, and then disappears in a cloud of smoke like any normal mob, and honestly, that feels anti-climactic. I'd be happy even if the Wither got the same death animation as the Dragon, just give it something.

    Maybe you could have it so that upon death, the Wither looks straight up and a beacon beam shoots into the sky before the Wither explodes, or maybe the Wither kind of melts away, leaving the Nether Star floating in its place. Just some ideas.

    If you have any further ideas, I would love to hear them! Or, if you feel that the Wither's current death animation is satisfactory, or even that it needs to stay that way, I'd appreciate it if you told me why you feel that way! Thank you for reading my rambling nonsense.

    submitted by /u/IAmTheBushman
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    Crimson/warped boats, but they don't move in lava.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:12 PM PST

    It would be nice to be able to make crimson and warped boats for completionism, but to not make them have the same use as a strider, they wouldn't move in lava, they can still be placed in lava and be immune to it, you can sit in them while in lava (And maybe yes or maybe not take on fire) but they wouldn't move because the lava is too dense.

    submitted by /u/TheDarkShadow36
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    Hitting a blaze with Fire Aspect, or burning it at all should heal it.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:58 PM PST

    When blazes are hit with snowballs, they get damaged due to them being hot and the snowballs being extremely cold. It'd make sense if the heat healed them from the fire. This'd be a fun little addition that won't affect much in the game, but might make people reconsider the enchant. Mojang is doing a lot to stop people from tanking full netherite prot 5, and want people to vary in what they're wearing, like leather boots and gold armor. I think this would fit well with this theme Mojang has going on.

    submitted by /u/MilkyKarlson
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    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:02 PM PST

    This crossbow enchantment would make it do more damage at the cost of a longer reload,perfect for a sniper or something like that.

    Tiers-Tier 1-Dose 15% more damage and takes 2 seconds to reload Tier 2-Dose 25% more damage and takes 3 seconds to reload Tier 3-Dose 50% more damage and takes 4 seconds to reload

    Recoil: Recoil would be a little knockback from firing a tautness crossbow, with tier 1 knocking you back half a block, tier 2 knocking you back one block, and tier 3 knocking you back one and a half blocks. You can use this as a jump boost by firing down to knock you up a few blocks.

    Other: To reload taut or regular crossbows faster you can look right now which then the players foot would apper to push down on the "stirrup" or the ring thing on the front of the crossbow. For unchanted crossbows it reduces the reload to .5 seconds. For tautness tier 1 it is reduced to one second. Tier 2 is reduced to two seconds. And tier three is three seconds. If a rocket is fired from a crossbow with tautness and if it hits a block or mob then it will explode on impact.

    submitted by /u/slenderender64
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    New Item: The Dowsing Rod

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:16 PM PST

    The Dowsing Rod is an item crafted using Netherite, Copper, and a Compass (went with Netherite since it's implied to be magnetic due to being used in making Lodestones). This item has an inventory of one slot, and what item is in the slot determines the function.

    When a block is placed inside the Dowsing Rod, the rod will react (either make a sound or have a change in its sprite) based on how close you are to another of that same block. I know this would be overpowered in regards to rare, powerful ores like Diamond ore and Ancient Debris, so to balance it the rod would either have a massively reduced radius for finding the aforementioned ores or just plain flat out not work in finding diamonds and netherite. I'd imagine its main intended use being for helping look for structures (looking for a dungeon to set up a mob farm? Plop a chest inside the rod and begin looking!)

    If an item is placed inside, it will highlight nearby inventories that have more of that item inside (Need to consolidate all your iron into one chest? This will quickly find what chests have iron!)

    There is an additional feature if a slimeball is placed inside the dowsing rod - it will react similarly to its block function if you are in a slime chunk, which can provide an in-world method of finding slime chunks.

    submitted by /u/RomanFlour24
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    Item Frames Should Take Less Sticks to Make

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:07 PM PST

    Hello there Minecraftees,

    The title really says it all. It's baloney that one item frame costs eight sticks. It should only cost four sticks, as only four sticks are shown being used in the item frame model.

    submitted by /u/YaBoyJenkinz
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    Pick tool

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:23 AM PST

    It's pretty self explanatory. You could bind a button to do what pick block does but instead it gives you the tool to break it

    submitted by /u/spruceyperson
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    A furnace for smelting stone, sand, clay, etc. faster, the Kiln.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:51 PM PST

    Let's be honest, waiting for your stone, sand or clay to smelt is pretty boring, so I think there should be a new furnace to smelt them faster, the kiln. It would be crafted with 4 brick blocks on each side of a furnace in the middle of the crafting grid. This would fit in well with the smoker and the blast furnace, as well as making it easier to smelt sand into glass or get stone blocks before you get silk touch.

    submitted by /u/thog6767
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    1.17 height limit

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:13 AM PST

    Height limit should be customisable when creating a world and it should start to 256 to 512 but setting it to higher will give you a warning that it cannot be changed once you created the world.

    submitted by /u/No_name-69
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    Walking on campfires

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:34 PM PST

    If you crouch you should be unable to walk on a campfire.

    submitted by /u/Carpet_smell
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    The Looter

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:47 PM PST

    The Looter

    (Warning: This is a very big post! If you do not want to read it, please go down to the TL,DR.)

    Hello Minecraftees,

    I think we can all agree that raids are really awesome. They were definitely needed and add a lot to the game. But, I still think there are a couple niches that could be filled. For example, even though it's called a raid, there is no one actually raiding or stealing from the village! Thus, I propose the looter: a new, raid- exclusive illager mob.

    An idea pf what the looter could look like (sorry I can't make it any bigger. If someone knows how to enlarge this, please tell me!)


    They would like like a regular illager. They would have thick, luxurious eyebrows (yes this is important.) They would wear a little leather cap thing and would wear the same maroon striped clothes the pillagers wear. They would also wear several emerald accessories, including emerald bands, emerald elbow pads, and an emerald piercing on their nose. They would be bent over (they would like they're crouching. Despite this, they would still be incredibly fast.) with a barrel on their back. They would hold the barrel on their back with one hand, and would use the other hand to pick up items. The barrel would also be attached to their body with a long rope of string.


    As previously stated, the looter would be a raid- exclusive mob. One looter each would spawn in round 4 and 7 (meaning they would spawn zero times in easy, once in normal, and twice in hard difficulty.) They would not have to be killed in order to end a wave (they would spawn as an extra mob of sorts.) Instead, they would disappear in a cloud of smoke (more on that later) after all the mobs in the wave they spawned in have died.


    This is the big part of this post. As such, I will divide this section into 2 parts: Looting and When Threatened.

    Looting- The main point of the looter is to, well, loot. The looter would have 8 hidden slots that can hold the same of one item 4 times (meaning the looter can hold up to 32 items, and can hold 32 of one item in theory.) The looter would look for items on the ground first. They would actively search for items they "love" (more on that later.) If they can't find any of those items, then they will go for items they "like." If they can't find any of those items either, then they will look in chests and other storage blocks (shulkers, trapped chests, barrels, and end chests,) and start the process again. They will only stop searching for items once they have a full inventory (or full enough.) Then, they will go and hide with other illagers, and eventually disappear if killed.

    Items looters love- Sugar cane; Sugar; Pumpkin pie; Cookies; Cake; Sweet berries; Honey bottle; Emeralds (let me know if there's anything else you think looters should love.)

    Items looters like- Crossbows; Enchantment books; Iron ingots; Iron nuggets; Iron blocks; Iron tools/ weapons/ armor (let me know if there's anything else you think looters should like.)

    Items looters hate- Mob heads; Shields (as a joke since most players use shields against pillagers. Again, let me know if there's anything else you think looters should hate.)

    Notes: A looter will never pick up a hated item, even if they have empty space they can fill. If looters can't find items they love or like anywhere in the village, they will grab other normal items. They will switch out any items they don't care about for items they like or love. If they pick up an item they don't care about, they will examine it for 3 seconds in their hand (like a piglin bartering) and then put in their inventory. They like sugary items because they have a sweet tooth. A good way to stop looters from taking important items is to throw down sweet items/ put sweet items in a chest. In Java edition, looters will not pick up the raid captain banner.

    When Threatened: When a looter sees any threatening mob (undead creatures, enderman, iron golems, the player, etc.) they will run away to other illagers (the illagers are less then pleased with this since they think the looters are annoying.) If a looter is attacked by a player, then they will run away and will eventually disappear in a cloud of smoke. This would pose a challenge as the player would have to kill the looter fairly quick before they disappeared (this wouldn't pose too much of a problem as the looter's health is fairly low.) Also, in hard mode, the looter would attack the player with a emerald encrusted wooden sword before disappearing (this is a unique sprite to the looter and couldn't be acquired in the game, even through commands or creative) which wouldn't do much damage, but would instill the effect "targeted," which would make all the illagers focus on the player with the effect for a couple seconds.


    On death, the looter would drop:

    • A barrel (100%)
    • All the items they looted (100%)
    • 1-3 Bottles o' Smoke (10%. The percent would increase by 5% every level of looting.)

    The bottle o' smoke would be a new useful item used to escape combat. Obviously you wouldn't be able to actually disappear with it like the looter, but instead, when thrown, it would create a wall of smoke for a little bit. If a creature was chasing you, and walked through the smoke wall, it would de- aggro immediately until it could see you again. This could buy you precious seconds to get away, especially if you're low on health. This would also be useful in PvP, as you can't see through the smoke. You could also get a bottle of smoke by right- clicking a bottle at a campfire.


    "Sweet Escape" would be awarded to a player if a looter got away with only sugar- related items.

    (TL,DR: The looter would be a new raid- exclusive mob that would steal loot. It would drop some useful items and just add much more to the raid.)

    P.s. Please consider commenting or upvoting as this took me a very long time to post! =]

    Edit= u/-meep-meep-meep- and u/Pengwin0 suggested that the looter dropped bundles instead of barrels. This makes a lot of sense, but would require me to make a whole new sprite for the looter, so I will just keep the idea at the end of the post. Good ideas!

    submitted by /u/YaBoyJenkinz
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    Pointed Dripstone Pistons

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:08 AM PST

    Crafted like sticky pistons, but with pointed dripstone instead of slimeballs.

    They work like Java's 1-tick sticky pistons, but don't require the 1-tick.

    In other words:

    If they push a block, they won't retract any block in front of them.

    If they didn't push a block when extending, it will retract any block currently in front of them.

    The biggest reason for this is the same as the observer: take a previously unintentional mechanic as a dedicated block to be clearer, easier, more intuitive, and cross-platform.

    It also gives more utility to dripstone, which wouldn't be too hard to gather in large enough quantities.

    TL:DR? - create an 'observer'-esc block but instead of being based on BUD behavior it's based on Java's 1-tick sticky piston behavior.

    submitted by /u/Caasi_Rehctelf
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    A new use for lapis blocks?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:33 PM PST

    I was just thinking about how beautiful lapis blocks are as a building block and wondered why we can't put them in a stone cutter and make them into bricks, stairs, slabs, chiseled lapis, etc.. ? I would love more uses for lapis!

    submitted by /u/CrispyMammoth22
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    Creative Mode players

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:49 AM PST

    should be able to open iron doors and trapdoors manually

    submitted by /u/Embebeber
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    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:12 AM PST

    So, the idea is that you could tie any two tamed rideable animals together with a lead (as well as boats). You would be able to make a chain as long as you want with them, and you move them by either pulling the front one with a lead or riding the front one. This could be very useful by having mules carry items in chests and having a saddle on the front one. You could also make caravans out of striders, and be able to put chests on them (you wouldn't be able to ride striders with chests of course). Maybe you could also find naturally spawning caravans, consisting of wandering traders and llamas.

    submitted by /u/GZB2007
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    Villagers with jobs drop items specific to their job when they die, IE librarians drop a book, so that when one dies you know which one it was.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:04 PM PST

    I just think it would be much better than wondering which of your guys died. I'm not sure if this has been suggested before.

    submitted by /u/Tyler-LR
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    Curse of Sinking

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:12 PM PST

    A new curse enchantment for armor that makes the wearer sink in lava, water, and powder snow (even when wearing leather boots). Swimming upwards in lava or water will simply do nothing. Both the cursed book and cursed armor will sink in water when dropped, rather than floating to the surface. Additionally, when a player is wearing the cursed armor, standing on an ice block will cause it to slowly crack and eventually break like what happens with Frost Walker ice.

    submitted by /u/GuardianRedPanda
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    Give skeleton horses the ability to wear horse armor

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:55 AM PST

    The only rideable mob that can wear armor is the horse. Why not be able to give skeleton horses armor too?

    submitted by /u/RABALA
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    We need a button to sort our inventories!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:32 PM PST

    Sorting in minecraft is absolutely infuriating. Slowly moving items around, sorting them in your storage room, you know the deal. With the insane amount of items in the game right now and only more to come, this problem will only become worse and worse.

    I suggest a simple button, similar to Stardew Valley or Terraria, which simply sorts your inventory (except hotbar) based on item type. This button should also be present in storage blocks for more efficient large chest sorting. The items would simply rearrange themselves in the inventory

    Minecraft is about building. Not manual resource management

    submitted by /u/henkdemegatank
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