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    Minecraft If an animal dies due to the Wither effect, it should drop rotten flesh instead of their regular meat drop.

    Minecraft If an animal dies due to the Wither effect, it should drop rotten flesh instead of their regular meat drop.

    If an animal dies due to the Wither effect, it should drop rotten flesh instead of their regular meat drop.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:28 AM PST

    The wither effect makes everything affected by it to start withering away, in other words, decay, or rot away. Because animal meat practically rots away due to wither, they should drop rotten flesh when they die.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    Ore should take on the appearance of nearby stones

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:14 PM PST

    For example, if a block of Iron Ore is touching a piece of granite, the 'stone' part of its texture is replaced with granite.

    This does not influence what the block drops, as that could easily clog up the inventory.

    It would make ores look more natural.

    The only issue I can think of is that it may make ores harder to see due to a similar background, but this is already the case with overworld ores and the regular stones.

    If there are several different 'stone type' blocks nearby, it takes whichever one has the most nearby.

    Blocks that can cause this: Granite, Diorite, Andesite, Sandstone, Dripstone, and all new stones that will be added in 1.17.

    submitted by /u/Waffles22-screaming
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    Frost walking Horse Armor Enchantment

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:01 AM PST

    I believe that horse armor needs an upgrade. Especially in the enchantment department. Just imagine how cool your horse would look with a glowing purple shine on its armor. Now for the enchantment itself, I believe frost walking would be a good enchantment to fix the hassle of crossing the river without sinking. Feel free to expand on the comments!

    submitted by /u/makiwithnobrim
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    Guardian Lasers should be a summonable entity

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:36 AM PST

    It would be so cool to control what it targets, and make it like a handheld weapon or wand with commands

    submitted by /u/ICanDoodle
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    Strays shouldn’t freeze in powdered snow

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:58 AM PST

    Snapshot 21w05a converts skeletons into strays when they die from freezing in powdered snow, which is great. However, the strays shouldn't continue to take damage in powdered snow, considering they live in cold environments anyway.

    submitted by /u/hummerrocket
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    Big beehive structure

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:30 AM PST

    Just a massive beehive made of beehives and honeycomb blocks, with some honey blocks on the inside.

    This would be a rare structure in the jungle. Hanging from a jungle tree.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    Hanging signs

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:41 AM PST

    It would give so much possibilitys for builds like maybe in a shop having a hanging sign would be great

    submitted by /u/jackaagje
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    Redstone Blueprints

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:25 AM PST

    Can be found as random items in Villages, Woodland Mansions, Mineshafts, and End Cities. Can have simple schematics like wiring up a dispenser to a pressure plate from a distance or piston door, or Jeb Door, to more rare and complex circuitry like a door that requires a pattern in levers or buttons to be correct to open.

    EDIT: I forgot to add that it wouldn't build it for you, it would simply highlight how to build it, like Rust for example when you're making a structure. It would only highlight when you had it in your hand or offhand and essentially be a guide. This is what I get for typing it in as soon as I think of it.

    submitted by /u/Bob_Box1997
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    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:15 AM PST

    One of the best things about console edition was the mini games. The better together update swapped console edition (except PS4) to bedrock, and replaced the mini games with servers. I would like to return the mini games to Minecraft bedrock, as they were much more streamlined, much less chaotic, and featured lots of fun features that were unique to the mini games. For example: Glide; the mini game I enjoyed the most. Glide had 2 modes and encouraged speed running and score getting. It was not only popular, but encouraged it's own community to form, a community that still exists to this day.

    The mini games would be separate from servers, and would be optimized for small groups of up to 16 (maybe). Another thing that they could feature is map selection. Servers don't usually allow players to select maps, they only have a randomly selected set of maps. Your group could vote for a singular map, and a person looking to join a public game could select what types of maps he/she would want to play. They would also be able to control what types of players are present in the game, PC, console, mobile, or all.

    Finally, there could be maps released for purchase and for release on the market place, (maybe one featuring only blocks and textures that existed in each update). Maybe there could be community challenges for people to make maps for the mini games, and the devs could optimize it and publish it.

    This has been proposed in the past, but there is also a push on the suggestions page here:


    Rant aside, I would like to have the mini games back, because they provide a small escape from the game, and give you a nice break from the full game

    Thanks for reading, and feel free to express your own opinions in the comments

    submitted by /u/Accomplished-Crab932
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    Update the squid (2.0)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:51 PM PST

    Minecraft's mobs aren't supposed to be the most complex, but the squid is HEAVILY outdated..

    They constantly "glitch" through blocks, they beach themselves, and have no sense of "self preservation" (unlike the newer fish mobs). From what I've found these aren't bugs or intended features, but rather quirks of older mobs that weren't "fixed" for the squid. In fact, the squid has not changed since beta 1.2 (aside from spitting ink in 1.13). Every other mob has been updated in some capacity. So, I believe (with the recent squid variant being added) I'd be a good time for the squid to get it's time to shine...

    They should get

    -A better collision system (so they don't randomly go through blocks and/or beach themselves)

    -An AI more akin to the system used by fish (Avoiding air blocks, avoiding players, etc)

    -More fluid movement (as apposed to the clunky beta movement they've had for 10-ish years)

    submitted by /u/Buttered_TEA
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    Candles should be made from wax, which is a smelted version of honeycomb

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:06 AM PST

    In 1.17, candles are made from a piece of bee honeycomb and string. The reasoning behind this is because beeswax is often used to make candles in real life, and I do like that reasoning. however, to turn beeswax into a candle in real like you mix it with palm oil and melt it. Whilst, I don't think palm oil should be added to the game especially due to the ethical tensions surrounding palm oil farming today. Instead, I believe that honeycomb should be able to be smelted into wax, which is used instead in the candle crafting recipe, just to add a bit more realism. Also, wax would be used to wax copper as well instead of honeycombs.

    Edit: Quite a few people have said that there is no point in this being added if it's just gonna replace ingredients in crafting recipes, which I agree with. In response to this criticism, I propose that wax would also be able to be able to be crafted into dyeable wax blocks by combining 4 pieces of wax in a crafting table. This would provide the same texture as of candles, which is a bit less saturated than normal concrete so would be a useful block for builders. It would also be available in slab, stair and wall variants.

    submitted by /u/IFOUNDAHAZARD7
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    Stone henges/circles as archaeological dig sites

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:00 PM PST

    Stone, granite, andesite and diorite henges could be found around the world perhaps in plains biomes and others. The henges could be archaeologically accurate, with openings facing the east? (I can't remember right now). They would be perfect as dig sites for the soon to be added archaeology feature, and to find as structures around the world

    submitted by /u/Duck_Jam
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    It should be easier to simply play multiplayer minecraft survival with your friends.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:45 AM PST

    I don't know if someone has already said this, but, I find it incredibly ridiculous that you cannot play online with your friends. Minecraft is one of the biggest open world games and the fact that you can't easily and simply join your friends game within the click of a button (On java, the MAIN version) is really disappointing. I really hope they fix this and make it easier to play with your friends without having to go on a dragon quest just to play minecraft with my friends.

    submitted by /u/TehNewbster
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    hostile mobs with name tags don’t prevent you from sleeping if you’re too close to them

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:20 AM PST

    a lot of people keep named hostile mobs as pets dotted around their base. i think it'd be cool if once named, they don't prevent you from sleeping if you're too close to them

    submitted by /u/socksgrowonbushes
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    I got a new one. "taste of your own medicine"

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:25 AM PST

    kill a witch with only potans. it would be hard because there is a lot of things the witch can do but I think it would be cool. (sorry if this is a repost)

    submitted by /u/V3rsatilegaming
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    Sculk infection

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:41 AM PST

    I think the devs have confirmed this to some degree, but what if there was a consequence to bringing sculk out of the deep dark? What if it spread, both horizontally and vertically, as well as infecting mobs that come into contact with it for more than a few seconds? It would definitely add to the atmosphere.

    submitted by /u/-HaelStegaria-
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    Big Dripleaf tilt funcionality

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:27 PM PST

    Currently, if you keep jumping on a big dripleaf, this prevents it from tilt down. I think it must be changed: If you are on a dripleaf and jump, it should imediatly tilt down.

    Link to official feedback site: Big Dripleaf tilt funcionality – Minecraft Feedback

    submitted by /u/DesolateElf
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    Glowberries should briefly give you the glowing effect.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:51 PM PST

    This such a desperately obvious suggestion that I wouldn't be surprised if it's already on the subreddit, but I scrolled through hot and new to have a quick look, but it wasn't, so I'll put it here in case.

    It's fairly self-explanatory, and perhaps it should provide a similar duration to spectral arrows. As it stands, however, this is definitely a missed opportunity!

    submitted by /u/MediocreExperience
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    Biomed Themed Caves 1.17

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:14 AM PST

    This has already been a mod that was somewhat like this (custom mineshafts), and I think it would be an excellent idea to implement in the game. The biome themed caves would change if any caves overlapped.

    Cave Themes:

    The Plains, Forest, Beach, Savanna, And Birch Forest would remain the same.

    The Desert caves would contain much more iron, gold, and coal than normal, but less redstone and lapis. There will also be an abundance of sandstone lining the caves, with deeper drops and more lava pools. The stalagmites and stalactites will also be duller colored

    The Badlands caves would contain an ABUNDANCE of gold, coal, and redstone, and a lack of iron. The walls of the cave will be lined with orange, brown, and yellow hardened terracotta with much more granite clusters spawning. Again, with a lot of lava just like the Desert Caves.

    Tundra caves would have an abundance of amethyst clusters and more diamonds than usual caves. They would lack lapis, redstone, coal, and gold. The stalagmites and stalactites will be more whiteish blue colored.

    The Taiga biome caves would have more dungeons and dirt leaking inside the caves. (More dungeons because those weird stone thingies on the ground always get me excited but nothing really happens) . This biome will be mostly balanced except with slightly more amethyst crystals.


    Each mineshaft will use the biome's specific wood.

    The desert Biome will use sandstone and sandstone walls.

    Badlands biomes will be very messily held up with little oak planks and fences without that much real support because there aren't many trees in the badlands biome.


    Dungeons will vary from biome to biome.

    Plains, Forest, Beach, and Birch Forest Dungeons will remain the same.

    Taiga dungeons will have an extra room, with another mob spawner that spawns a mob from these three: Zombie, Skeleton, Spider, Cave Spider, or Silverfish. The other room will have loot too.

    The Badlands biome will have 1 larger room with orange sandstone and some brown terracotta lining the walls. Much more spiderwebs. Same loot.

    The desert will have sandstone and randomized sand placement, so maybe some parts of the roof will fall out and crush you! 0.0 Same loot.

    Nether Dungeons have surprised you! I bet ya didn't see this coming. It will give more meaning to mining for netherite. Nether dungeons will be normal dungeons with two themes, Blackstone and nether brick.

    Blackstone Dungeons will be Blackstone cubes that are created in basalt biomes and look like normal dungeons with a Blackstone twist. The blocks will include all forms of Blackstone including gilded, and some crying obsidian. The spawner will be able to spawn piglins, zombified piglins, and wither skeletons. The loot includes all sorts of enchanted golden tools, golden ingots, and obsidian. Some may have occasional diamonds.

    Nether Brick Dungeons will be normal dungeons that are much bigger than normal dungeons. They will be lined with all forms of nether brick, and the occasional netherrack, and maybe even a few pieces of netherite. The mob spawner may spawn magma cubes (medium or large, this is why the dungeon is much bigger), hoglins, or zoglins.

    Tundra Dungeons will be lined with ice and spawn strays or silverfish ONLY. The loot will be the same, but it will be more of the diamonds than music discs and other rare stuff.

    Thats all if u got here thanks 4 reading if u skipped here well ok adios

    submitted by /u/IcyVoid
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    Candle light should flicker

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:27 PM PST

    since the fire on the candle flickers (and it would be cool) I think that they should make it so the light from candles flickers. I don't know if they could do this for performance reasons, but if that's the case then maybe only use it for fancy or fabulous graphics settings.

    submitted by /u/Poor_Productions
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    Chainmail Armour BUFF

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:02 AM PST

    Chainmail armor has been pretty much useless for all of Minecraft. Every other armor has had a good use except for chainmail.

    Leather - Easy to get, and in the new update 1.17 keeps you warm from the cold, able to color

    Gold - Protects you from piglins

    Iron - Easy to get, most common type of armor

    Diamond - Very strong, lets you take nearly 0 damage from arrow shows with no enchants

    Netherite - Very OP for obvious reasons

    Now, my idea is that we make chainmail have some use. For example, chainmail resists arrow damage by a lot or has a good chance of taking 0 damage from an arrow shot. My friend suggested that it negate sword damage, but swords are already weak enough due to axes, so... I don't think it'd be good to debuff them even more. In addition, we should have chainmail armor reduce knockback damage by a lot, due to being heavier. My last suggestion to chainmail armour is for it to be stackable with leather armor. Chainmail and leather are both silky objects and can be moved easily, unlike iron or diamond. Therefore, they should be able to stack pretty easily. So, imagine if you could stack both leather and chainmail to increase the protection, while still getting the cool looks of the leather and the protection of the chainmail. Obviously, if it were to just add, it would be more op than iron, so maybe stop the addition when it reaches a heart or half a heart below the amount of iron protection.

    Anyone who doesn't feel like reading that about or wants a clean sheet:

    - Lowers arrow damage/has a good chance of making arrows do 0 damage

    - Reduces knockback

    - Stacks with leather armor to increase some protection (still worse than iron) while still getting cool looks of leather and having the other benefits.

    - Someone in the comments also stated this. Invisibility potions turn chainmail armor invisible. I think this would be a great addition

    What do you guys think? Would this be a good update to include in a future update? Also, should a crafting recipe for chainmail be added?

    submitted by /u/HappyDragonBoy
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    Saltpeter ore exclusive to deserts

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:15 AM PST

    I have been wanting for years to see more biome-exclusive ores like Emerald ore exclusive to the Mountains.

    I think in a game called MINEcraft, the game could do with MANY new ores. I don't think each ore needs to have a groundbreaking use either. Just more ores to make mining more interesting.

    I've long thought Minecraft could do with ores that aren't necessarily in stone either, or found deep down or anything.

    Saltpeter ore could be an ore variant of SANDSTONE blocks, found only in the sandstone layer of the deserts. It would appear as large white chunks within the sandstone texture. It wouldn't be particularly rare, but it would serve a niche use - making gunpowder without having to farm creepers (and a way to obtain it on peaceful too). When you mine the saltpeter ore with any pickaxe, it drops 1 saltpeter (which can be increased with Fortune). This can then be crafted with coal to make 1 gunpowder.

    I really like this idea as it is simple, and adds a new ore in a place that you wouldn't expect. Minecraft is in desperate need of more variation of its ores.

    submitted by /u/FeelThePower999
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    Barrels make donkeys and mules buoyant, allowing players to ride them in water

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 05:50 PM PST

    My suggestion: allow donkeys and mules to be equipped with a barrel. This makes them to be extra buoyant, therefore allowing a player to ride them while they swim.

    Currently, the game has no way for mobs to be ridden in water. It makes sense why horses can't be ridden, however leads can be difficult to come by early game.

    Donkeys and mules are already nerfed in terms of speed, health, and jumping. Making them able to cross bodies of water— at a slight slower speed than boats— would make donkeys and mules very useful and unique in early game

    Edit: for clarity

    Edit to add: this feature isn't meant to be game changing. My only goal is to make donkeys and mules more attractive. Being able to cross rivers easily (that's mostly what i had in mind) without getting out a boat or zigzagging trying to find a narrow point would be a convenient enough offset to justify using a donkey/mule early game instead of a horse or llama train

    submitted by /u/J_Seidy
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    The ability to place vegetation on moss carpet

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:30 PM PST

    I think we should be able to place plants on moss carpets. Essentially, I think that moss carpets should act like a flower pot in that when you right click on it with a flower, bamboo, sapling, dead bush, or fern, that block will become part of the moss block. Removing the plant from the moss carpet would be the same as a flower pot as well - right clicking the moss carpet would pop off the plant. I feel like this would be a welcome change among the building community, as you would not only be able to cover up light sources with a grass like block, you could really sell the look with a flower or fern on it.

    submitted by /u/Hectoris919
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