• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Abattoir SMP [Vanilla] {1.16.5} {Whitelist} {Semi-Anarchy}

    Minecraft Servers Abattoir SMP [Vanilla] {1.16.5} {Whitelist} {Semi-Anarchy}

    Abattoir SMP [Vanilla] {1.16.5} {Whitelist} {Semi-Anarchy}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:55 AM PST

    My friend and I host a survival server that we just reset last weekend. We're all pretty casual players and enjoy the game, and we're working to expand our community with active and interested members. We have a few rules but mostly are centered around the principle that almost anything goes (with a few peaceful exceptions like spawn and nether roof). Either this week or next weekend will be our server-wide end fight, so now is the perfect time to join and prepare! Many of our members are very friendly and glad to partner up with others. Below is the invite and some of the rules:

    Edit (link): https://discord.gg/SuvkafPv


    1. Try to keep it civil. Arguing is allowed (and fun), but pushing it too far (will be determined by mods/owners) will be bannable.

    2. No hacking. If someone has proof of you hacking, you will get banned. No matter if its xray, bhop, or whatever. No hacks are allowed, period.

    3. No exploits are allowed. THIS INCLUDES DUPING. If you find an exploit, show a Mod or Owner to patch it. If you abuse ANY exploit, you will be banned.

    4. Grieving and PvP and teaming w/ other players ARE ALLOWED. Anything goes, as long as it was done legally. However, people will definitely judge you if you purposefully break a truce/agreement with someone.

    5. NO SOFTLOCKING (eg. Trapping someone's spawnpoint in obsidian)

    6. No monopolies can be held on any item, from dead bushes to end crystals.

    7. The spawn area within a 250 block square is a safe zone, as is the entirety of the nether roof and any mushroom islands. The MAIN END ISLAND (the one where the dragon spawns) is also a neutral zone. Treat these neutral zones with respect: feel free to build, but don't grief them and don't be a dick- leave space for others to build there as well.

    8. If you find the first stronghold, coordinates MUST BE GIVEN. Any other strongholds are free to be kept secret.

    9. The Ender Dragon will be a server-fight. It will happen with everyone that wishes to join, and the EXP will be shared, and no killing of each other will be allowed. The End Cities are off limits until the Ender Dragon is killed.

    10. Wither spawning IS ALLOWED but outside of the spawn/any safe zone region (excluding the end island).

    11. Ender Dragon rematches can be done solo12. THE USE OF LOCATOR MAPS IS PROHIBITED13. If you agree to a deal, you stick to the deal.14. No lag machines under the threat of a permanent ban. If you purposely lag the server, you will face punishment.

    submitted by /u/Xx_CheckM8_xX
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    Horizons [SMP]{1.16.4}{Whitelisted}{Discord}{JAVA}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:19 AM PST

    Welcome to Horizons!

    We are a Whitelist Vanilla SMP server and we had our last reset on December 19th, 2020! playing on hard difficulty and no exploration limits. We've gathered a lot of amazing and fun people during our first two seasons, but we are always looking for new players who can make our community even better! We are home to a lot of talented players, whose skills and talents range from (huge) builds to crazy Redstone contraptions. To become a part of our amazing community, please join our Discord server and use the template. You can start your application by heading over to the #applications channel. Here you can introduce yourself, to be considered for whitelisting! We hope to welcome you all on the server!

    Some facts:

    • We have a steady 20 players on at all times since launch day
    • We have a small but very dedicated staff team
    • Our server is hosted in Virginia
    • We have 100% uptime and a pretty constant 20 TPS
    • Our player base is from all over the world, about 50% EU | 40% US | 10% AUS/Asia
    • We have easy to follow rules and a zero-tolerance policy to griefing, hacking, stealing, and x-raying

    We are using the following Datapacks:

    Anti-Enderman Grief

    Anti-Creeper Grief

    Anti-Ghast Grief

    AFK display

    Playerhead Drops

    Custom Armor Stands

    Multiplayer Sleep

    For more info on the above, or applying, you can visit our Discord

    We hope to see you soon on Horizons!

    submitted by /u/HorizonsMC
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    Crusaders medieval smp [VANILLA]{roleplay}{pvp}{bedrock edition}{SMP}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:02 AM PST

    The CRUSADERS is a new a s fresh roleplay medieval style smp server with a friendly community.We have a organized shopping area .PvP is also a part of the server.the serve is suitable for casual and pvp players.as it is a new server more stuff will be added soon (discord)

    (Bedrock edition)(PvP)(smp)

    Our server contains the following rules:

    Rules: Shops: 1. currency will be diamonds 2. Shops should be decorated as medieval style 3. 10x10 plot 9 diamonds(weekly tax: 5) 4. 20x20 plot 25 diamonds (weekly tax 12)

    Play style: 1 builds should be medieval style. 2. No griefing of others bases 3 make a kingdom max in 1 king dom 4 players 4 do not steal from others even is someone dies in PvP 5. No Elytra(horses recommended)

    Nether: 1. Pls connect your portal to nether hub 2.make roads with ice and soul soil 3.ice and soul soil will be given in chest 4.trading with piglins in hub allowed 5.hoglin and basalt farm 6.600 blocks roads in each direction

    Redstone: 1. Do NOT create lag machines or farms that causes lag 2. All farms are acceptable as long as it doesn't create lag(no creeper and gold farm tho) 3.farms Should be underground 4. If a farm is above ground it should be covered by medieval structure

    PvP: 1. There r 3 ways to pvp

    A.Arena(in development): 1. Bring your best tools and armour and fight opponents face to face

    B.capture: 1.its sneaky sneak and breach the opponents base and try to kill him by setting trap or sneak attack.and try to win.no griefing of base btw 2.you can create traps to to prevent people from sneaking in to base if they die by the traps u win

    C.crusade: Attack the enemy base and fight with them and try to win

    If u win by these ways you will get victory points a d get special roles and respect+

    And the losing player have to give 1 I O U card to the person the lost from the winner can use it in any ways if it's reasonable and valid And u can't attack peace lover community

    submitted by /u/MurkyMed
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    Oasis SMP [Vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:03 AM PST

    Oasis SMP: What are we? A Minecraft Community with over 50 members who are seeking more active players! Unlike other servers players are noticed and appreciated, we take the time to form friendships or rivalry's to make the game more interactive and fun for the community! What are we looking for? At Oasis anyone can play as long as they are under 21. The majority of our community is 14-16 and we are seeking some older members to balance us out. What is the server like? The Minecraft server is currently 1 month (ish?) old. You will spawn in a quaint flower forest on a bridge, take a look around and find the map of our spawn, check out some of the houses and maybe settle in! We also have some light roleplay but you can play either way!

    Come check out the rules in the waiting room server!

    We hope you will join us by applying in our discord waiting room! https://discord.gg/b8scWtcM3J

    submitted by /u/weststate
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    DynastyCraft [SMP] {McMMO}{Lands}{Dragon Slayer}{economy}{1.16.4}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:54 AM PST

    DynastyCraft is a fun laid back community for a casual Minecrafter that may have some competitive nature but also doesn't actually care.

    We feature the following...

    • Protected Land (Create a Land and expand to make a great nation!)
    • Ender Dragon Respawn (Beat the Dragon and get the Dragon Slayer title!)
    • Server Shop & Player ran auction house
    • Minions (Add a little automation to your money making)
    • Limited number of players need to sleep to pass night faster!
    • Tree Feller (Take out an entire tree by taking out one block with an axe)
    • ShopGUI (Server controller shop prices)
    • AuctionGUI (Player controller auction house)
    • McMMO - Gain skills in just about everything you can imagine and gain perks for them along the way!

    Minecraft Server IP: lands.dynastycraft.net

    Discord Community: https://discord.dynastycraft.net

    submitted by /u/dlong93
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    Meliocraft [Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.16.5} {13+} {Hermitcraft-like} {For creators}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:19 AM PST

    Meliocraft is a Java Minecraft server for small youtubers who want to make family friendly videos. It is similar to Hermitcraft as we will be adding a shopping area and we ask for no stealing. We ask that you apply first and you will receive a discord notification if you have been accepted or not.

    Any questions ask me on discord at: GoneWithTheMilk#7769 or message me on reddit.

    Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvO7sg9tTdThFa03_N-L8RBHUzq7ojaUZwiqE9nX74kHATXg/viewform?usp=sf_link

    Thanks :D

    submitted by /u/Rhubarb_islife
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    The Grand [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {18+} {For Creators}

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:58 PM PST

    The Grand SMP is a small conglomerate of content creators who all have the same goal of simply creating content. This will be semi-scripted content, for the most part following bullet point scripts, and improving the rest of the way through storylines and events. The server has been live since January 9th, but we have lost some people so we are looking for more active members to join the community! The joining process consists of the following: 1. Join the discord https://discord.gg/rcM6k6vsph , and react to the prompts in the #role-assignments and #rules channels 2. After that, head to the #applications channel and fill out an application 3. Lastly, Innu will contact you to schedule a very short interview, just going over some basic questions about some things on the application. We are currently looking for 7 or so more people to join us, as we are looking forward to a total of 17 people.

    submitted by /u/ayoInnu
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    No Safe Haven [Anarchy] [Realms] {1.16.5} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:49 AM PST

    No Safe Haven, is looking for more members! A relatively new anarchy realm looking for players who want to shape the world. Other than hacked clients there is nothing off the table. Perhaps you'll fight to ensure order or maybe you will plunge the world into a further chaos. We have a discord community and several other world types as well. Upvote this post and comment below for joining information!

    submitted by /u/jillybob574
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    ProjectVanilla {SMP} {1.16.5} {Discord} {Dynmap} {Coreprotect} {Geyser}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:58 AM PST

    Server IP: ProjectVanilla.mc.gg

    Discord: https://discord.gg/8NYXrSVsX2


    • ProjectVanilla is a Vanilla minecraft server who's aim is to bring the classic experience of how multiplayer minecraft was made to be played.

    • The server is meant to be fun with projects to work together toward as the servers community grows.

    • ProjectVanilla originally started back in 2015 and is now being brought back to stay.


    1. Hacking, cheating, x-raying or any of the sort is not allowed.

    2. Stealing will result in a warning, but a second offense will result in a ban, at first you will be confronted, we use core protect to ensure people don't steal other players stuff without permission.

    3. Griefing will result in a permanent ban

    submitted by /u/Miller71playsBeta
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    Nightmare [SMP] { Java 1.16.4} {Super hard Survival}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:20 AM PST

    Allow me to keep this short and sweet: Nightmare is a survival server aimed at providing a challenging experience for older, more experienced players who find normal survival servers too easy and boring. Many people refer to the server as a "mini-version of RLCraft" but with no mods required. For a more detailed description, see below!

    IP: Nightmare.mcserver.us

    We use a combination of plugins to add several mechanics to vanilla Minecraft such as:
    - Custom items/crafting recipes

    - Thirst and nutrients (protein, carbs, vitamins, etc.)

    - Diseases and injuries (arrow wounds, swamp fever, chicken pox, etc.)

    - Monsters can be Elite Mobs (the higher level the monster, the harder they are and more health)

    - Night time is longer and day time is (slightly) shorter.

    - Teleportation is blocked when the player has blacklisted items in their inv (ores and other valuables)

    - Crops have a chance of dying, and melons and pumpkins are nerfed.

    - Every 14 in-game days, a blood moon occurs which means harder mobs, and total loss of inventory upon death during that night. (Players may choose to hide in their houses to wait it out or risk their inventory for the bonus loot dropped by mobs during blood moons)

    - We use the latest plugins to provide easy access to information such as a categorized help GUI menu, an interactive Guide book, and interactive automatic broadcasts and holograms.

    For more information, send me a message or join us on Discord!

    submitted by /u/RanrMC
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    Blue Moon [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} { Java 1.16.4} {14+}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:22 AM PST


    My name is dodo161 and I am looking to add new players to Blue Moon SMP (our server). We have a chill, mature, and friendly community.

    General Information

    The server is a vanilla server owned by Friendly Tophat that started about the middle of Jan. 2021. The general goal is to have a friendly and mature community that can play together. It is pure Vanilla and uses a randomly generated seed (the seed has not been and will not be given out). The server has 100 slots for players to join at any one time (if we have a great influx of active players then I will move it to a different / larger host but keep the same world). I may reset the world when the cave update comes out.


    If it is in Vanilla Minecraft, it goes. Iron farms, gold farms, the whole nine yards. [Just make sure it looks nice when finalized please.]

    Be polite and respectful to all other players and staff. [This includes being respectful towards their builds, items, and inventories.]

    Do not grief or steal from anyone. This rule has a zero tolerance for breaking. [Pranks are fine, if non-destructive and done in good taste.]

    Please put some effort into your major builds so they look nice. [Ex. A one-by-one dirt tower to build height limit does not look nice.]

    PvP has to be consented to by both parties before it is initiated.

    Chill out. I want the server and its atmosphere to be as easy-going as possible, please and thank you.


    As you can see, the rules have been boiled down to the general whitelisted SMP rules. If you wish to apply (and please do if you are interested), the application is below (Fill out the Form). If you are accepted, then I or the other moderators will reply to your comment to let you know and will message you on Discord with a server.


    To apply click HERE


    dodo161, Tyson8111 and VexJynx

    submitted by /u/dodo161
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    SMP Homies [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {14+} {RP}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:00 AM PST

    -Hello there! So we've made a server about 3 weeks ago and currently, we are looking for some more members. Until now we were just a few friends playing Minecraft together, but now we are shifting to more of a roleplay SMP, so we are looking for some people that are into that. The server is heavily about socializing and about making friends, the majority of the server is great builders and we are a small nice community.

    -So we are looking for some people who want to make friends, chill and just have a good time. There are not many requirements to join. Just a few :

    1. Be above 14-15, just don't act like a toxic twelve-year-old

    2. Be able to vc, and prefer talking over vc.

      1. Be social, don't just play it like a singleplayer.

    -So if you're interested dm me on Cody#9960

    Small ´´interview´´ is required to join.

    submitted by /u/Sometype_ofguy
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    CougarCraftMC Modded SMP [Modded] [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:17 AM PST

    CougarCraftMC Modded SMP is an SMP sub-server of an work in progress server, CougarCraftMC. We are a modded SMP with themed seasons. We are currently in our first season, with the server launching yesterday. The current seasons theme is Arctic, and through the use of sever mods, the entire map is made of different Arctic biomes from the Biomes O' Plenty mod.

    We currently have a small player base of 8 players, with 4 being very active. We are looking for more members that will be active and actually play the server actively, without joining for a day or two then just disappearing.

    To join, you have to join the Discord server, read the rules, and then agree to them in a Whitelist applications. Afterwards, you will be added to the server whitelist and be allowed to play.

    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/C2GAkfCRDM

    submitted by /u/tufcat13
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    BoomCraft [SMP] {1.16.2} {Java} {Semi-Vanilla} {Whitelist} {16+}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:03 AM PST

    BoomCraft is a 3 months old Semi-Vanilla server. We have a strong community that loves to interact with each other. The server is slightly influenced of HermitCraft with the same datapacks etc. Since we started the community has been shaped the server to have some roleplaying influences, become the Mayor of spawn island, become the leader of an evil corporation or become a fisherman.

    Server Gallery --> https://imgur.com/a/oUlGQld

    What are we looking for?

    We're looking for mature people of any playstyles and that are long term players. Also people that loves to bring together the communities with events etc.

    Where to apply?

    Apply through this link it will take you to a google forms :D

    So ready your pickaxes and sharpen your swords and I hope I will be seeing you at the world of BoomCraft

    submitted by /u/flyingbroomsofdoom
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    TempesTek SMP {semi vannilla} {whitelist} {survival} {Bedrock}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:42 AM PST

    TempesTek is an SMP run by me I have 7 members currently and want to recruit more Rules are: No griefing/stealing Be nice! :)

    So kinda like hermitcraft Ideal age range around 12 - 17

    You'll spawn in the shopping district, where there'll be many shops, please refrain from building your base here

    So far we have: Built the town hall Defeated the ender dragon Beat the wither

    I plan to have around 20 members altogether PM me your name/nickname and age and we'll talk about it

    Note: it is a realm Extra note: tours for new members are in the weekends

    submitted by /u/Joelikestea
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    Tempo Smp [Smp] {Vanilla}{Whitelist}{16+}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:49 AM PST

    Hi im a moderator of Tempo SMP and we are looking for new players! We are about to start a new season, and we are looking to add some fresh faces to the community! The only requirements is that you are 16+, mature, and consistently active. Don't stop playing once we beat the dragon!

    Message me on discord "Caradhas#9968" or comment on this post/pm me. Looking to add quite a bit of people so feel free to hit me up!

    Server info:

    Fabric 1.16.5

    Datapacks: Armor Statues, Fast leaf decay, AFKdisplay, multiplayer sleep, anti creeper/enderman/ghast grief, double shulker shells, dragon drops, larger phantoms, more mob heads, wandering trades (blocks only).

    submitted by /u/LordOfTheIronHills
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    Lake smp [smp] {whitelist}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:33 AM PST

    I am creating the new lake smp which is gonna have story/plot writers, improv and it's gonna have small creators, this will have both bedrock and Java bedrock for role play and Java for just building and playing (they're the same but bedrock will have role play) so if you want to join, join the discord server take the google form once your done I will read it and then you're in the server but join soon because we are starting on Saturday https://discord.gg/urxgkANp

    submitted by /u/gungoon7
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    WebboMC [PVE] {McMMO} {PlayerShops} {Auction}

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 04:17 PM PST


    WebboMC is currently a survival server with additional plugins to better a players experience and differ from your standard survival gameplay. To do this we have introduced plugins such as McMMO and Playershops to give players something to work towards.

    Future Plans

    • Adding multiple servers including skyblock, factions and prison!
    • Adding more minigames to each of the gamemodes!


    1. Be respectful to other players and staff members.
    2. No hacking/cheating/exploiting of any kind.
    3. No Racism, sexism, spamming, scamming or griefing is tolerated.


    For more infortion on the server you can visit the website


    Or enter the Discord server


    IP - play.webbomc.com

    submitted by /u/wmwebster
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    OmegaVanilla {SMP} {1.16.4} {Community-Oriented} {Whitelist} {13+}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:30 AM PST

    Hi there!

    OmegaVanilla is a community-run 1.16.4 (mostly) vanilla server. We truly believe in the community and value all of our members. We are extremely active on discord and have built a sense of camaraderie in our community. We often have random conversations throughout the day and even play other games together. We all love Minecraft and just want to have a fun time with the game. If you're interested, feel free to check out our discord and whitelist there. The server isn't perfect but it's a work in progress that we are trying to improve through feedback and weekly polls. We hope to see you soon.

    Server Info

    Game Version: 1.16.4
    Difficulty: Hard
    Hosting Location: Hosted from US-East
    Map Start Date: 05 January 2021


    Anti-Xray - Pretty self-explanatory
    BetterSleeping - This allows us to skip the night without requiring everyone to sleep
    ClearLag - Manages laggy chunks and items
    CoreProtect - Allows us to rollback griefing, protects players
    Essentials - Back-end server plugin that helps everything work together without conflict
    LuckPerms - Permissions plugin for moderation
    LWC - Chest protection plugin to prevent theft (can be disabled at user's discretion)
    Parties - Allows you to have private group chats within the server
    WorldGuard - This allows us to protect the shopping district
    Back-to-Blocks - This allows you to craft stairs and slabs back into their original block
    Universal Dyeing - This allows you to dye multiple of the same block to a color
    Blackstone Cobblestone - This allows you to use Blackstone as cobblestone in most recipes
    Bedrock Armor Statues - This allows you to change the pose of armor statues using Redstone.
    Craftable Nametag - This allows you to craft name tags using paper, string, and iron


    1. Be Respectful towards all players. (No racism, sexism, or bigotry)
    2. Cursing is allowed but in moderation. Excessive and offensive cursing will be considered a violation of the rules.
    3. No griefing. (Taking someone's items, destroying their builds, and any other unsolicited prank is considered griefing)
    4. Any solicited and consensual pranks must end with both parties being happy. If the solicited prank causes any destruction of items or builds, you must be ready to replace it.
    5. PVP must be consensual. Killing someone without getting permission to engage in a duel is not allowed.
    6. No floating blocks. (This includes floating trees, dirt, and any other block that is randomly floating)
    7. No destroying server property (roads, shopping district, nether portals)
    8. No macroing or use of hacked clients. Small quality of life mods such as map mods and optifine are allowed. If you have any questions regarding if a mod is allowed please DM me.
    9. Use common sense (this captures every rule on this list. As long as you use common sense you should never get into any trouble)

    *Full List of Rules in Discord*

    State of the Server: We are currently expanding our shopping district more to accommodate for more players joining. We currently have a healthy amount of active players and tend to have 10+ players online at all times; at times reaching 25 players during peak hours. We are heading towards the later gamer, but it's still a perfect time to join for new player!

    Discord Link: https://discord.gg/7gR86HtrMs

    Welcome to OmegaVanilla!

    submitted by /u/TheOmegaDavid
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    EnviroCraft [SMP] {1.16.4} {Grief Prevention}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:03 AM PST


    Build Competition started!

    • Theme: a fantasy-based build inspired by Alice in Wonderland
    • Join us down the rabbit hole for a colorful build while making friends along the way!

    • Winners of each build competition will now see their builds featured right next to spawn!

    Coming soon: Our third huge Bed Wars Tournament!

    About us:

    Server age: 7+ years.

    Last map reset: Nether Update - we keep the server updated with all new versions.

    We are a Semi-Vanilla Survival server with plugins to protect your base/builds from griefing by claiming. Here are a few other highlights:

    • Warm gushy community feel
    • Holiday/Seasonal events and build competitions: prizes! plus seeing your build featured right next to spawn!
    • PVP & Mob Arenas if you like hitting things
    • Event World: Where we feature build competitions multiplayer or single-player games such as Parkour, Spleef, a Portal inspired puzzle game, Turkey Shoot, Connect 4, Bed Wars, Chess and Sir Daniel the Halloween Boss, and more
    • Player-Voted PMods: We have admin and permanent mods but also a chance for any player to try modding for a three month rotation. All of our staff play survival alongside players.
    • End Cities Reset: Resetting End Cities to allow everyone experience to loot!
    • Additional Plugins: Slime Chunk Finder, Pocket Horse to take your horses around with you, Single Player Sleep for skipping the night (with veto option), Dragon respawn, crop plot protection against mobs.
    • Discord Server Discord.gg/bpU67EF
    • Dynmap http://mc.envirocraft.net:8123/
    • Seasonal/Holiday Build Competitions and events with prizes: Our Winter Wonderland and Christmas Build Competition has now ended, but we'll be holding more events soon!

    Server Rules:

    1. Be respectful
    2. No Griefing
    3. No cheating. (X-ray, Duping, flying, etc.)
    4. No advertising

    A complete list can be found here

    Server Information:

    Server Address/IP: mc.envirocraft.net

    Server Locale: England

    Game Play Type: Semi-Vanilla Survival

    Version: 1.16.4

    submitted by /u/bad_nerd
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    Dusty [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {16+}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:44 AM PST

    Dusty-kingdom [Semi-Vanilla] {18+}

    BEDROCK SERVER ..this means you need the bedrock version

    You'll be able to join from any device: xbox, pc, ios, android, the switch. more on that on discord.

    nothing really special just a public server that's trying to give a hermitcraft feel.

    it is a whitelisted server, so you will have to apply in order to join.
    i know that having to apply kinda sucks, but it just makes for a better experience and really the only way to get something that is similar to hermitcraft/ all those other SMPs.

    you can find more info on the discord, if you want to see some pictures of what has been created in the seasons of Dusty you can check the mcpedl post. if you want to see more of what has been created on the server you can check out our website and go to the worlds page, .. we have seasons 1,2,4 there for viewing[rendered world map], do keep in mind that not all builds will be on the rendered map.


    • good performance (for the most part you wont experience lag, unless you are very far from where the server is being hosted)
    • 1 player sleep

    now with a group of people you'd never want to be caught with in real life

    Website: [WIP] http://dustyhub.net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/gu7NfV9
    mcpedl-post: https://mcpedl.com/servers/dusty-bedrock-smp/

    If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments.

    submitted by /u/SurvivalGuy52
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    Continuity Craft [Vanilla] {Vanilla+} {1.16.4} {PVP} {Hermit-like} {Greylist} {Close Community} {Events} {Active} {NA and EU+ Community}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:38 AM PST

    To join, please apply at https://discord.gg/RTKNcgbD38

    Photo Album of community progress

    Continuity Craft will grant you the closest experience to those looking to play a hermit-like server.

    • We have an extensive shopping district completely made in survival by our community that practices the same "diamond currency" that hermit craft does. We have absolutely no land protection whatsoever because we believe that land claiming takes away many aspects of community gameplay. Shopping Center Images
    • We have weekly events which are hosted on our connected Event server. Event coins are rewarded from these awesome events and can be used to traded for awesome custom rewards!
    • We have an awesome discord community with awesome rewards and daily updates including a 25$ steam gift card giveaway shortly after Christmas!

    We have a dedicated staff team with no abusive permissions in-game to tend to all your needs!

    About Me

    Hello I am Screams, the owner of Continuity Craft. I started playing Minecraft in 2012 and since 2017 I have been a professional builder employed by Entity Builds. Entity builds is an official partner of Minecraft. I have worked with the Entity Builds Build team for the past few years as a master builder specializing in organic design. Throughout my years working in creative, I have been fascinated with the creation of master-builds in survival mode. This is why I have created this server, I want to create a community where this is possible. I hope you give us a try, we need dedicated players who will contribute to our community. We are creating something outstanding.

    Dedicated Master Builders and Masters of Survival wanted, Do you have what it takes?

    Who are we?

    Continuity Craft is a large active community of players who want to experience Minecraft without the limitations like land claims. Our goal for this server is to create a community where massive group projects can be created and awesome events can be experienced. We focus on community by always taking feedback from our players and always trying to improve their experience. Our community is built on trust and friendship.

    Looking for amazing builders!

    Continuity Craft doesn't have land claim... How are you safe from griefers?

    We have a custom coded jail plugin that keeps all rule breakers at spawn in a displayable jail. There are public executions which all players can teleport to and see when a player is decided guilty of hacking. This plugin is very cool and is a great incentive not to hack!

    We use a whitelist administration process to filter who we allow onto the server.

    It can be found in our #how-to-apply channel on discord.

    This application will help us figure out who to admit! Take it seriously and answer honestly and there should not be a problem! Moderators and the owner are responsible for reviewing applications!

    In addition, we use coreprotect which is a very effective anti-grief plugin. We have helpers and moderators equipped with the knowledge of land recovery to keep players feeling safe.

    We have started a brand new map and we do not plan on resetting anytime soon, now is a perfect time to join. The server is only a little over a MONTH old!

    Continuity Craft's Mission Statement and Transparency

    We are going to provide you a great experience through vanilla Minecraft. That is our goal. We will never disgrace the server by adding in any plugins that are game-changing besides our few edits to accommodate our many active players.

    Here are our necessary edits and plugins

    • The dragon drops an elytra upon death, this is to prevent a massive disadvantage because the end has been rigorously busted. This will be changed soon however, when our custom end plugin is completed!
    • When 15% of the online player base sleeps at night, it will change to day.
    • MoreMobHeads to add a fun cosmetic aspect to our game, you can also trade with wandering villagers to trade for mini-blocks!
    • Voting: To accommodate for new players not having access to shulkers or sponges, we have added a 5% reward to our 6 daily votes to receive either of the two. This balances this aspect and accommodates all players while not causing an oversaturation within the community.

    Staff and Ranks

    On our server you an equal member of the community, everything we know you deserve to know. We do have an option to donate, and we have donator ranks. There is no in game items or commands provided to these players. Donators head's are placed at spawn and they are given a colored name.

    Well then what do donators get?

    Donators receive a colored name based on the rank they provide. MVP is orange and VIP is light blue.

    We have just recently added cosmetic crate keys which the community is very excited about!

    We have two ranks:

    MVP: $5.00 monthly

    VIP: $2.50 monthly

    The prices of these ranks are capped very low because we do not want a large amount of money from any singular player. We want the experience to be as low cost as possible for as many players as possible so by employing this donation system most players can play for free and those that do wish to support us do not have to pay much. We will always share how much we have received in donations and even how we are deciding to spend it.

    In addition, we are completely transparent about any dilemmas regarding media influencers, high ranked staff, or any fundamental changes within the server.

    Your Voice Matters!

    Any changes to the server will be run through our community. No changes through executive decision will be made. The owner and staff agree that what is best for the server is what the majority decides.

    Big changes will be broadcasted to the community and feedback through polling and vocal opinions will be heavily considered.

    So it's a vanilla server, what is the big deal? What makes Continuity Craft different?

    Continuity Craft is a vanilla server. That being said, what makes Continuity Craft the best place to spend your time is due to how our community operates. The rules on our land claims are completely unique and you have not seen a server that successfully operates under the same parameters.

    • These are the rules, they are simple. There is absolutely no hacking or griefing. Chat must be kept appropriate to the liking of whichever staff member is online. There will be no racism or homophobic language. Duping will not be met with consequence as this is vanilla, but game breaking exploits will be dealt with by operators. Dupes that have been around for years such as carpet/rail dupes are allowed as this is a vanilla server.
    • There are community enforced property rights. Where you can build is organized by word of mouth. Owning an area of land is accomplished simply by building on it. The player that owns a piece of land has property rights. For example, if they do not want someone building close to them they are allowed to remove them by force. (Applies only if someone is building unnecessarily close) If they do not want someone on their land and someone is trespassing they are allowed to kill them. In unclaimed area on this server PVP is permissible but not looked well upon.
    • There are weekly events. For example, once a week we have the Continuity Cup where in our community made colosseum there is a large scale brawl. The kits are provided by the event host and the winner will receive awesome rewards. More importantly the winner will be able to possess the Victory Banner found in the center of the arena for a week before returning it for the next Cup. Other events include parkour, build battles, and more!
    • Griefing is handled by our many staff team members. To be honest with you, we have had no serious problems with griefing, our staff team and our community are a strong group and work very well together.
    • All players are on a global database, meaning if someone griefs all it takes is one command to completely remove their existence from the server!

    Join our discord and apply - we would love to have you! Cannot wait to see you there.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    -The Continuity Craft Staff Team

    submitted by /u/Summer20000
    [link] [comments]

    Tustlecraft [Semi-Vanilla] {1.16.3} {PvP} {PvE}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:16 AM PST

    Hello! I'm here to promote a server called Tustlecraft!

    Tustlecraft is a survival vanilla server with griefprevetion plugin. We are a relatively new server, and are now looking for more regular players. We can offer you a chill and competitive community, with nice staff and a small player base.

    We have player-made pvp arenas, lots of weekly and seasonal events, and a player run item based economy market. We welcome everyone of all ages! Our rules are simple no hacks and be decent to others.






    40% Sleep



    The server map is very fresh and we are always looking for new faces to join! Come join us at https://discord.gg/FkXVrtbGHm


    submitted by /u/666antichrist
    [link] [comments]

    RookGaard [vanilla]

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:10 AM PST

    I started a brand new server just a 1 Day ago. And now im looking for more players, im looking for mature peeps to play with so there for the rule 16+. If u are sick of joining a server when all the other peeps have full diamond armor this is the server for u.

    Im aiming for a server that is relaxed and hermitcraft inspired. i have barely done anything with the server otherwise then adding one player sleep system and adding a discord server.

    Rules or requirements



    From EU or around GMT


    How to join? Just click the link https://discord.gg/PhZKpA8wj8

    submitted by /u/Kapblomman
    [link] [comments]

    Phoxis {Claims} {1.16.5} {Survival} {Java}

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:53 AM PST

    We are a wholesome community who is looking for some active players. It is ofcourse Java 1.16.5 (newest version) and online 24/7. We help eachother, we have an arena for pvp and events (events happen every 2 weeks), we have a mining dimension which resets every month and a survival server with plug-ins. We are looking for some communty managers who is online during the night (GMT +1) and we are also considering adding guilds. There are some towns starting and alot of friendly players who are playing.

    Some includements:

    -Friendly community/players


    -Custom enchants

    -Staff online most of the time

    -We have crates/ranks and a store. (You don't need to pay to win, it's achievable without paying)

    -We have auction house and a shop for earning money.

    -And much much more.


     {IP: Phoxis.Mcraft.Pro} {Discord: Write /discord ingame} 


    submitted by /u/QuakkTheDuckling
    [link] [comments]


