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    Minecraft Torches should be usable as crossbow projectiles

    Minecraft Torches should be usable as crossbow projectiles

    Torches should be usable as crossbow projectiles

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:53 AM PST

    EDIT: Upvote this on the official suggestion site so Mojang sees! https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360077148612-Torches-should-be-usable-as-crossbow-projectiles

    The new caves are difficult to light up as it currently stands, which makes it easy for one to be overwhelmed by constant mob spawns while exploring. What if, similar to fireworks, torches could be launched from a crossbow? They wouldn't emit block light as an entity, but they would become a placed torch once they've landed.

    In addition, maybe they could have a special property when they collide with an entity. Either they'd deal very little/no damage, as they have no arrowhead, or they'd light the target on fire. This could be useful in combat, as crossbows can't use the flame enchantment.

    You might accidentally load a torch when you want an arrow, but the same goes for fireworks already. I don't think it'd be too much of an issue since you could just reorder the items to put the arrows first in your inventory once you realize your mistake.

    TL;DR Torches wouldn't emit light when flying as a projectile, but they would be placed down as a block and emit light upon landing.

    submitted by /u/thirddraftproblems
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    [ARCHAEOLOGY] Ceramic shards should include removed mobs

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 09:53 AM PST

    Archaeology could be a new gameplay mechanic which mantain in memory mobs (or other removed features) that were removed from the game. This would mean a real "history" for Minecraft.

    And if more features are removed in a future, archaeology would help them to be remembered.

    submitted by /u/razor1523
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    Large caves underneath mushroom fields could contain underground mushroom forests

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 09:41 AM PST

    Large caves underneath mushroom fields could contain underground mushroom forests

    Greetings fellow mushroom enthusiasts!

    Given that the new cave generation can create massive caverns I think this would fill them with life and a new thing to explore/find. The code for this kind of already exists within the warped and crimson fungus biomes in the nether.

    I just thought this might look nice so I quickly slapped together an example in a massive cave I found!

    I also applied glow lichen to all of them...because why not?!

    What do you think ? :D




    submitted by /u/LordBeacon
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    Let us customize shields

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 04:55 AM PST

    I never understood why they did it only to Java edition. I've alsways wanted to make a creeper shield. But I can't. I want to makemy own shield!!

    submitted by /u/9u5h33nc4t
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    Y level should be calculated from sea level

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:32 AM PST

    So i think this would make more sense as 1.17 is changing y levels of ores, and build height, and i think its more accurate to rhe real world. Essentially, i think sea level should be Y=0.

    Edit: so after alor of comments aaying the same thing, im not saying they should change anything with the generation code, im just saying that the number when you hit F3 should be based on sea level

    submitted by /u/Sub_At0mic
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    Better Cliffs! For 1.17, terrain generation should be updated for all biomes, not just mountains

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:28 AM PST

    Better Cliffs! For 1.17, terrain generation should be updated for all biomes, not just mountains

    Mountains are great, but they're only one biome type. Minecraft terrain is relatively flat and somewhat repetitive, and I think it's the perfect time to introduce more variation and height elevation when it comes to terrain noise.

    I've been tweaking values for the noise settings over the past few weeks/months to offer a demo of what a terrain generation overhaul could look like, given a revamp, since words only go so far:

    Here's some images to better illustrate the suggestion. Screenshots were taken with a datapack to show how it would look like in-game! If you've seen it before, that's because I've uploaded to Planet Minecraft, too.

    To be specific, I'm only proposing a tweak to the highlighted values, not to biomes themselves. If Mojang implements this change or something like it, rivers would probably need to be tweaked to better cut into hilly terrain.

    With a change like this, the hope is that we get cliffs, hills, valleys, plains, all spread out in all the biomes, including but not limited to mountains.

    You could have a relatively flat Forest biome, with a bumpy Plains biome next to it. Each biome could have a lot more variation just by changing the noise settings of the Overworld. You could have beautiful vistas wherever you look, and each new world would feel unique.

    I'm also talking about a reduction of floating terrain by increasing the density factor. Having slightly more amplified terrain generation would better use the new maximum height.

    Does this fit the scope of the update? Well, it's only one file, so yes. I just think we need some kind of better terrain to make worlds feel more unique and special, like how the old "Glacier" seed was cherished by the community back in the day.

    If you want the devs to see this, vote on the Feedback Site

    submitted by /u/is_not_robot
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    A new music disc

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 11:42 AM PST

    Since there is a disc for the Nether (Pigstep) and multiple in the overworld, I think there should be a music disc for The End. It would be collected by defeating the Ender Dragon and going to the End City. There would be a slight chance to get the music disc and it would sound happy and grand as you have just completed the game.

    submitted by /u/Didyaknowme
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    If you name your axolotl and put it in a bucket it should be called “bucket of [name axolotl]

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 09:42 AM PST

    It would help separate your axolotls from each other

    submitted by /u/Slappe-Edwin
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    Colonies of Bats, and an overall improvement of the mob

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 01:16 PM PST

    With the new large caves, bats look pretty insignificant especially since one or two only spawns.

    Instead, on the ceiling of huge pockets of the new Swiss cheese cave types, there should be colonies of bats, (12-20) that should spawn on the ceiling sleeping, when disturbed, the bats will fly erratically everywhere for a few seconds and then migrate in a group to a new area to rest.

    submitted by /u/Craftixal
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    Dense Ores, rare variations of normal ore

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:50 AM PST

    Dense Ores are just like normal ores but contains more of its' respective material. One single Dense Ore block have a small chance of generating in ore veins, they will be slightly more common lower in the world. Metals will give more ingots when melted, when other give more when mined.

    Without Fortune, the values could be something like this:

    Coal: 5-10

    Iron: 5-10

    Gold: 3-5

    Copper: 7-12

    Diamond: 3-6

    Emerald: 3-6

    Lapis: 40-64

    Redstone: 25-32

    submitted by /u/Mollof2
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    Copper should oxidise faster underwater

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 01:01 PM PST

    When you need a ton of oxidised copper blocks, getting them takes way too long. I'd suggest that copper blocks that are underwater oxidise 2x or maybe 3x faster due to water being an oxidant. This would make waxed oxidised copper blocks less of a pain to get a ton of.

    submitted by /u/incredibilis_invicta
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    Minecraft Biome Idea: Exposed Slime Caves

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:40 AM PST

    -(Introduction) Over the last few years in Minecraft, slimes have been some of the mobs that feel like they have been ignored by the dev team the most compared to others, but slimes also feel like they could have more purpose than what they are used for now, which is slime block farms used for red stone contraptions and such, but besides that they aren't very unique when it comes to how they spawn, where they spawn.

    Slimes tend to normally spawn around swamps or low Y levels that have been exposed by light, places like ravines and they can even be seen in your creative worlds because of that factor.

    -(Exposed Slime Caves) With all that in mind lets take a look at my idea: Recently I've been thinking of a new way to find slimes and with that a new reward for exploring, my idea is composed of the uniqueness of slimes like how they spawn in low Y levels, but i had an idea what if instead of only spawning in low Y levels and in Swamps what if they had their own biome? This biome would be similar to the new cave generation cave sizes but instead of being underground it would be exposed it could be found from Y 80-60 and would be like a ravine but wider and less steep, inside the exposed cave it would be filled with some slime blocks near the area were the slimes would spawn and their would also be shallow pond like bodies of liquid that would be known as Slimy Water along with this there would be tunnels on the sides of the cave in different variations that would go back up to the surface and also connect to other caves.

    -(The Item/resource) that being said there would have to be a new resource to gain from this and that is were slime powder comes in, Slime powder could obtained from slimy water and it can only be found in slime caves via Slimy water, how it would work is you would get a bowl and scoop slimy water up and you would have a chance if getting 3-5 powder each time, what is it used for? Powder would be used for things such as repairing your armor completely or weapons that you have damaged any craft able peace of armor or weapons can be fixed with it and how it would work is you hold out the slime powder in your hand and then click on the damaged item as many times as how many iron,gold or diamond ingots you used, For Example: Lets say you crafted an iron pickaxe with 3 ingots, and damaged it, it would take 3 Pieces of slime powder to fix it, another example, you crafted some diamond boots for 4 diamonds and you damaged them, it would take 4 pieces of slime powder to fix them.

    -Note Slimy Water cannot be picked up through buckets and extracted for an infinite resource you can only find small shallow ponds of it in exposed caves, and 1 scoop with a wooden bowl would clear a whole block of slimy water

    How the Exposed Slime Cave Tunnels could look

    submitted by /u/HA5HGhosty
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    Cave Fungi

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:09 AM PST

    So the caves are pitch black and whilst the glow lichen does help they still need a new light so here are cave fungi.

    These new mushrooms will generate in clumps with 3 different types of colours being yellow, purple and a light blue. the can be planted on stones and may be on the top or sides of a block. they can be put together like sea pickles or candles. you can eat these neon fungi to get the glowing effect.

    they can also be bonemealed or just found in the giant form like all other mushrooms in the game.

    these could be found in almost any cave or be native to special mushroom caves or mushroom islands.

    submitted by /u/vGustaf-K
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    Walking with armor and weaponry makes according noise

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:21 AM PST

    The clapping of metal plates, or the leather of your boots scratching against itself would add so much atmosphere, maybe even being louder the heavier you are, and it being audible to other players, making you consider lighter armor when sneaking around.

    submitted by /u/not_dannyjesden
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    Glow squids should lose their glow when outside of water.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:17 AM PST

    This can be implemented in 3 ways.

    The first one is that the glow squid would just gradually lose their glow when out of water.

    The second one is the glow squid's glow would fade in and out, the longer the glow squid is out of water, the faster its glow will fade in and out until they die.

    The third one is the flickering one. They would flicker like a light bulb until the glow disappears, then they would start taking damage.

    Small details like this can make the game even better :)

    submitted by /u/RedAdventurer11
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    The wardens range should be longer than the players so you cant just tower up 5 blocks and kill it

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 11:43 PM PST

    It makes sense the wardens arms are much longer than the players and it would make the warden way scarier

    submitted by /u/Slappe-Edwin
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    Stripped oak wood as support pillars for mineshaft in the new 1.17 cave update

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:41 AM PST

    The current normal oak pillars used for supporting the mineshafts in the latest snapshot are ugly , stripped oak or oak fence pillars would be way better.

    submitted by /u/savemeHKV
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    Naturally Generated Powder Snow, and yet another Snow/Ice Variant!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:54 PM PST

    Naturally Generated Powder Snow, and yet another Snow/Ice Variant!

    Powder Snow has been in the snapshots for a while now, but we have yet to see it be included in natural worlds. While I do think it could be included in the new Mountains, I have a few other concepts for how it could generate naturally.

    The first is more straightforward. When natural Top Snow layers form a full block during a snow shower, there is a chance the block will become Powder Snow rather than normal Snow. It works with what we have in game, and doesn't intrude the current worldgen at all.

    The second involves natural generation upon biome creation. Pockets of Powder Snow could spawn in snow biomes in the place of Snowy Grass.

    The third and final one is a bit farfetched, and literally came to me while shoveling my driveway, when I noticed that the snow outside is more powdery than usual, and also had a layer of snow-like ice. This is why I introduce to you, the Icy Snow block!

    A texture concept. If it looks familiar, that would likely be because it is the Blue Ice texture with the brightness inverted, and everything much paler.

    This block would generate as a stone variant above y=50, and could maybe be a part of a future ice cave. It would also have a small chance of replacing an Ice block when snow falls on it. When 8 layers of top snow fall onto Icy Snow, they will have a 100% chance of becoming powder snow.

    If this sounds odd, I'm fine with that, this is just a little concept I may have put too much time into.

    submitted by /u/TerraGamer9384
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    Instead of giants spawning in caves, why not a unique mob/miniboss? Introducing the Cave Colossus

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 12:17 AM PST


    This mob would be a sort of ultra rare miniboss that you can sometimes find in those massive caverns that generate in 1.17

    Many people suggest making giants spawn in there, but I think that a unique mob would be better. Information about the mob such as stats and behavior is included in the image.

    EDIT: u/AltruisticJudge5281 suggested having it spawn inside some kind of structure, so perhaps it could spawn in its dormant state inside a giant underground sealed chamber, or something similar. And you would have to enter the chamber to wake it up/start the boss battle

    submitted by /u/_Haxington_
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    The Deep Dark Ocean

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 02:15 PM PST

    Ever since the world expanding snapshot I've seen TONS of people saying they should make the oceans deeper. While that would be great, I honestly think they're fine as is and instead there should be a new oven biome that's hella deep. It would essentially be the Mariana Trench of Minecraft, going down to y-12 and leading into the deep dark caves which house the warden.

    Some new features it would add would be: blue algae, the only thing that provides light in the depths; angler fish, large fish that give off the blindness effect similar to the elder guardian's mining fatigue; and lastly a darker stone (or the stone from the deep dark) that gives it a more cavernous felling. This could also be a good spot for glow squids as it'd be very dark and spoopy

    submitted by /u/yourgoodoldpal
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    Lemmings - an idea for a new mountain mob

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:39 AM PST


    In Minecraft, lemmings could be small skittish mobs with only a low amount of health (3 hearts). They resemble small hamsters and are of a similar colour; primarily being orange but with dark areas on their texture. In addition they have a very short, one pixel long tail.


    They spawn at very high altitudes in mountain biomes, well above the snow layer and would be encountered with other mountain mobs like goats (along with the classics). They occur in groups of 2-5, and are an infrequent mob being slightly less common that cows and chickens, for example. Likes untamed horses and wolves, they may despawn over time.


    Lemmings will try their best to remain in their groups, however they can be easily scared by the player and other mobs and will scamper off in any direction, which could ultimately lead to them falling of a ledge (a reference to the common misconception that lemmings will run off cliffs or into rivers and die). They cannot be bred, and simply only give a small amount of experience when killed, however if the player sneaks up to them, holding any food item (these mobs are not particularly fussy on what they eat) and feed it to them, the fed lemming will guide the player through the mountainous terrain, avoiding any powdered snow that may spawn, and eventually leading them to 'snow stacks', a structure that will naturally generate but can not easily be found without help. This is the lemming's food store, and it can be a good help to new players who may have spawned near a mountain biome (or even on it!) and possibly more experienced players exploring the terrain. The new brush, added with the whole archeology additions, can be used here to brush away at the snow blocks revealing a wide range of food. It could be bread, apples, carrots or even cake, but not cooked foods or those that may give an effect.

    All in all, I think this would be a neat little addition to make the mountains feels more alive and to give the player another reason to maybe travel up there. There could even be an additional advancement/ achievement!? With the new updates of the game really beginning to dive into the supposed 'lore' or Minecraft, I think the idea of lemmings taking food from past travellers in the world and hiding it for a new player to see is a cool concept. What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/SnailsUponThee
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    Cubistic Clouds

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:29 PM PST

    more varied clouds (procedurally generated) cloud landscapes
    (clouds actually made of blocks, or at least from 3D models)
    cloud layers (infinite overlapping variations)
    (infinite build height via cubic chunks)

    submitted by /u/bardzozlesieczuje
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    Oxidized Copper Blocks should increase the range of Beacons

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 12:13 PM PST

    Unlike all of the valuable blocks that can be used to make beacons, copper doesn't take nine ingots to make. However, copper is made of metal, so I do think it should have should be useful in the construction of beacons.

    My idea is that if you connect oxidized copper blocks to a beacon structure, you would be rewarded by the range of the beacon increasing by a little bit (per copper block).

    As for how they would connect, I think they should work as longs as all of the copper blocks were indirectly touching the metal (or gem) structure of the beacon. (So at least one would have to touch, and the rest could connect to each other.

    Plus, if it only worked with Oxidized Copper (or maybe oxidized copper just makes it work better), there would be a reward for playing in the world long enough to see your copper oxidize.

    submitted by /u/ValkWetenschap
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