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    Minecraft Bundles should also be found as loot

    Minecraft Bundles should also be found as loot

    Bundles should also be found as loot

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:11 AM PST

    Bundles are a really interesting item, but Rabbits may not be a reliable way of obtaining it sometimes... That's why i think that they should sometimes appear as loot in some Chests! This way adding a alternative to how you can obtain them without affecting how Rabbits can be the most effective and renewable source of it, besides Cat Gift Farms!

    In which Chests though? Well i think that Bundles should occasionaly be found in Pillager Outposts, Dungeons, Tanner's Chest in Villages, Woodland Mansions, Igloos and in Ocean Ruins! Simple structures that you may find during your journey, but that now would have more incentives to visit at early game in case you want a Bundle but didn't have any luck finding Rabbits...

    Adding different options to how you can obtain a item adds more variety to gameplay and in how you can progress, that's why i think that there should be alternatives to obtain Bundles! If you like this suggestion you can support it in the Feedback Site

    submitted by /u/JoKrun83
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    If Warped Wart Blocks are placed under a Juke Box, the music should play backwards

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 07:58 AM PST

    I just think this would be a fun feature, which could make Warped Wart Blocks more interesting (not that they weren't cool before but this would still make them more sought after). The Warped Forest is supposed to be- well- warped, almost stuck in some kind of weird, timey-wimey field. Hell, the Warped Forest even uses reversed and warped sounds as ambient noises. I think it would be cool if the warped affect of the Warped Forest had some affect on the Overworld, and I think that this would be a fun way to do it.

    submitted by /u/lilsnek_
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    Here's three ore ideas that would help increase variety in caves (yet not skew the game).

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 07:22 AM PST

    Inspired by everything happening with the ore textures, I thought it would be a shame if the cave and cliffs update only brought copper ore into the game. I think my suggestion is a good way to add features and variety to caves without adding any big items and mechanics that need additional fleshing out. I'm posting for discussion, so let me know what you think.

    Click the links to see my mock up textures - I had some fun designing these.

    Prismarine Ore

    • Found exposed in aquifers or underneath ocean biomes
    • Generates in large veins in Stone and Deepslate
    • Drops 1-4 Prismarine Shards when mined
    • Adds a non-renewable source of Prismarine - Guardian farms are much more productive if you're willing to put the work in
    • Becomes a way to obtain Prismarine in peaceful mode

    Amethyst Ore

    • Found within 10 blocks of an Amethyst Geode and only generates when exposed to air
    • Generates in Stone and Deepslate
    • Drops 1 Amethyst Shard when mined
    • Acts to inform the player that there is a geode nearby, as otherwise geodes are difficult to find in survival

    Deepslate Fossil

    • Found as single blocks generating in Deepslate underneath ocean biomes
    • Appearance of a regular Deepslate block, but top/bottom texture has a fossilised Nautilus Shell in it
    • 50% chance of dropping a Nautilus Shell when mined, 50% chance of dropping Cobbled Deepslate (effected by fortune)
    • Makes it possible Adds an alternative way to create a Conduit in peaceful mode
    • Adds some texture variety and interest to Deepslate caves
    submitted by /u/massive_potatoes
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    The new mountains should have hot springs.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 11:13 AM PST

    Now that the Bedrock Beta with the new mountain generation is out, we have a pretty clear idea of what they'll be like. What if, among the peaks of the mountains, there were small hot springs? Just small pockets of water, perhaps with a few blocks of magma at the bottom, and the water would not freeze in the area. If they wanted to go the traditional videogame route of hot springs, they could give you healing while you sit in them. It fits with the geology theme of the update quite well.

    submitted by /u/GoatGod997
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    Pillager Convoy

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:52 AM PST

    Pillager Convoy is a group of Pillagers and 1-2 Ravagers that have the same spawning conditions as Pillager Patrol, except this one is rarer. Ravagers in these convoys would have chests on them, which are lootable. To receive the loot from chests you would either have to:

    -Fight against the Convoy

    Don't expect easy fight (or expect it I dunno depends on your skill) again the convoy, as at the most convoy could have 10 Pillagers and 2 Ravagers. After killing Ravagers all the loot would spill out on the ground are be able to be picked up. However, fighting them and winning would give you Bad Omen II

    -Be stealthy

    Upon drinking Invisibility potion, you can come close towards the convoy, press right click on Ravager and loot the chests, simple as that, bear in mind Pillagers actually have brain and could spot you after a while because of particles or if you're holding something in your hand/offhand.

    The loot you would receive from these chests would mainly consist of:

    -Food, the convoy isn't just for bringing loot from the raid, in terms of food it would mainly consist of cooked meat and bread, also sweetberries, most common loot

    -Emeralds, main currency in Minecraft, second most common loot

    -Crossbows, backup weapons in case one of the Pillagers needs a new crossbow, bit less common

    -Saddles, brought for the other Ravagers, rare

    -Enchanted Books, item that is of great interest for Evokers, very rare (any enchanted book is able to spawn)

    -Totem of Undying, Evoker's creation that is being brought to other Evokers, extremely rare (atleast 1 would be able to spawn)

    What do you think about this suggestion? Is it okay, it could bring more action, of course that "more action" is questionable given the fact they are rare event

    submitted by /u/Nightfall-memer
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    Raise The Cloud Height

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:47 PM PST

    Its a simple idea and It only makes sense, With the new mountain update out it made me realize that with a height increase of 320 it only makes sense that Height of the clouds get increased too to make both worlds, and mountains look way better than with clouds going through mountain and cutting out the view

    Special thanks to wattles for the idea💡


    submitted by /u/HA5HGhosty
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    The Nature update

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 02:17 AM PST

    I think we can all agree that biome votes aren't very efficient considering the amount of biomes that need updating.

    A nature update could serve as a mass biome update. Mojang could take all the biomes that have lost a biome vote and a few more, then just update them all at once.

    This could be a cool way to kill a lot of birds with one stone. This makes double sense considering the amount of biome/mob related things that are top suggestions in Minecraft feedback.

    They could even add a volcano biome. The best part is, this update writes itself, they can just take the biome votes and the top post on minecraft feedback and mash them to gether into one update.

    submitted by /u/cookiepaca
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    Non-stackable items should be able to stack in the crafting table.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 08:53 AM PST

    Crafting things like dispensers and Honey Blocks can be really painful if you need mass quantities, so what if we could shift-click the unstackable items needed to craft these blocks, and have them "stack" in the crafting table.

    Now, I can see some issues with this, but I think I have some solutions. First of all, it would be horrible if someone were to accidentally use their fully enchanted bow to craft a dispenser, so this would NOT work with enchanted items.

    Second, items that can have different durability would still work, but the stack wouldn't display the durability bar. I often use the broken bows that I get from skeleton drops to craft my dispenser, so that should definitely still work, but the durability doesn't matter for crafting, so the bar wouldn't display in the crafting table.

    Lastly, if you were to take the stack out of the crafting table and attempt to put it in your inventory as a stack, it would automatically expand to fill all available spots, and any items that couldn't find a slot would be thrown out onto the floor. (Also, if you somehow obtained a stack of bows for instance they would not work while stacked.)

    submitted by /u/ValkWetenschap
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    You should be able to repair tridents with prismarine shards.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 02:52 PM PST

    Just another way to repair a trident other than finding another trident or getting the mending enchantment.

    submitted by /u/Chikin2
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    Cave spiders naturally spawning in the deep dark.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 01:11 AM PST

    It's called a cave spider for a reason and we needed a different mob that is unique to the cave (other than the warden) and is challenging to beat in the deep dark. (Below y -0)

    submitted by /u/emnetwiht-auguste
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    Revamp Leatherworkers

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 01:27 PM PST

    Leatherworkers aren't nearly as useful as the other villager professions, and the fact that I probably just reminded you of their very existence is proof of that.

    Leatherworkers trade, well, leather stuff. Leather armor, leather horse armor, and saddles. That's it. I don't know about you guys, but I have no use for leather armor or leather horse armor at any point in the game. Saddles are nice early/mid game, but explore a bit and you'll find plenty. They also trade rabbit hide, leather, flint, and scutes for emeralds. I'm sure nobody has ever consistently traded scutes or rabbit hide for emeralds, and you can trade flint to other, better villagers. That leaves leather and saddles as the only trades that are even remotely unique or useful (even though leather is probably better spent on books, and like I said, saddles are easy to get). On top of all of that, their workstation is one of the most expensive to craft (7 iron for a cauldron).

    My point with all this is, please do something with Leatherworkers Mojang. Fix their trades, remove them, whatever. Just do SOMETHING so that they're not a complete waste of a profession. Personally, I think they should remove the duplicate armor trades you unlock at the Journeyman and Master levels, and replace them with item frames and bundles for 1.17. They still wouldn't serve much of a purpose, but would at least have some uniqueness and usefulness.

    submitted by /u/Gavinator10000
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    Charged lightning rod

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 02:14 PM PST

    When lightning hits a lightning rod, we will get a charged lightning rod. This new state of the lightning rod will only last a few minutes and will give a redstone signal with an intensity of 30.

    (remember that the current maximum intensity is 15)

    Sorry for bad english I use google translate

    submitted by /u/SasuX_Crafter
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    End Biome: Chorus Valley

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 02:57 PM PST

    so I heard y'all making end biomes. Now while I could just do one and done, I'd love to explore multiple different biome ideas through multiple posts. Granted this might mean that certain features will feel less fleshed out than others.

    (also sorry if this idea is kinda unoriginal, I just like the idea of it)

    So without further ado lets just get into this thing!

    Chorus Valley

    A lush yet dangerous biome filled with Chorus Plants. A small ecosystem with plenty of fauna around to sustain yourself and the endermen. Trees are few and far between in this biome.

    Endermites rarely spawn here.


    Chorus Blossom: Grows on the sides and top of Chorus Flowers. Emits floating particles when placed on top of a block. Can be collected when the block breaks.

    Polium: The block that makes up the biome floor. Think of it as purple Warped Nylium. Chorus Plants can grow on this block (for obvious reasons)

    Spore Root: End equivalent of grass.

    Gel Cap: A translucent mushroom. Acts as a sapling to Gel Trees.

    Gel Stem: Dark purple end wood with a chorus flower pattern on the sides. Can be stripped or used to craft planks and the whole wood set. The wood set itself would give off a more flowery - vine theme.

    I guess a better way of describing it would be to show a irl reference. but seeing as Idk how to do that. Just think of irl tree vines as the pattern.

    Gel Block: A translucent block similar to honey and slime. Grows on the ends of Gel Trees. This block acts similarly to slime but you bounce from the sides of the block instead of the top.

    Okay, now that that's outta the way I'd like to take the time to introduce 2 new mobs found exclusively in this biome :)


    Harvester: A hostile mob that resembles a bee with a large, hanging back end that faces the front of the creature. Has purple and black stripes with red eyes. They have 15 health and deal 3 damage whilst inflicting the withered effect for 1 minute. Harvesters are 2.5 blocks tall and 1 block wide.

    This mob will go about it's daily life collecting pollen from Chorus Blossoms in order to bring back to the hive for food production. These guys are inherently hostile but will prioritize gathering first.

    While they don't drop anything (apart from xp) they do produce a new substance called Necturn, which can be collected using a glass bottle. Once collected, necturn can be used to lace your armor with a protective layer that will temporarily stop them from burning in lava. Necturn Bottles can be used to craft gel blocks.

    Harvesters that are inside their hive will become neutral if the hive is covered in water.

    Harvesters naturally destroy crops.

    Torg: Another hostile mob. Resembles that of a gigantic toad but is missing it's two eyeballs. Torgs come in Purple, Pink, Blue, Cyan, and Lime colors with a white belly. The tip of their tongue hangs out revealing one of it's many eyes. The Torg has 30 health. They are also naturally hostile to Harvesters

    Torg's are 2.5 blocks tall and 2 blocks wide. And as such they see you as a tasty snack. And will hop up to 15 blocks to reach you!

    The torg will use its tongue to pull the player into striking range. The tongue deals 1 damage and has a range of up to 10 blocks. The tongue will take your shield if it is in the off hand. Their basic attack deals 12 damage.

    Torg's also have the ability to expand their bodies in order to levitate. This move will knock all creatures within a 1 block radius of them back with the force of a knockback 2 sword. This deals 2 damage (and turns hostile and neutral mobs hostile towards them)

    Torg's drop Raw Torg Legs upon death. Which restores 0.5 hunger, 2.5 when cooked.

    Torg's are naturally hostile towards Harvesters.

    Sorry for their only being hostile mobs in this suggestion. I wanted this biome to mainly be a dangerous oasis of sorts to give players the choice to live solely in the end, while also facing some challenges.


    Harvester Hive: The home of the harvesters. These naturally grow on top of Gel Stems. This is where Necturn can be found and is produced. Hives are 2 blocks tall and 1 block wide. The hive can be broken for Necturn Combs. Which allows you to remake the hive elsewhere.

    Gel Trees: haha purple tree go brrr. These trees will generate in 2 x 2 blocks, their branches become 1 block. The branches will extend outward a maximum of 6 blocks and will go upwards as well for a maximum of 10 blocks. The branches grow after 4 blocks. Gel Blocks or hives grow at the ends of the branches.

    The main tree grows up to 20 blocks. Nothing spawns at the end of it.

    The End :)

    This is my first attempt at doing a biome from a dimension other than the overworld, so I apologize if this isn't itching your "end" senses.

    Also let me know what you think of my take on "purple forest"

    submitted by /u/singlepieceofcheddar
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    You can eat honeycomb

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:30 AM PST

    Unlike its other honey-related food, the honey bottle. The honeycomb would only restore 5 hunger points (2.5 gaunches). However, the honeycomb comes in bundles when you harvest and it can stack to 64 unlike the 16 the bottle can do. However, the honeycomb does have another downside which is it takes a bit longer than honey bottles (in the combat snapshots).

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    A new village biome for the Cliffs part in the Caves and Cliffs update

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:21 PM PST

    With the release of the new beta version in bedrock showcasing all the mountain biomes that are there, I feel like a village or camp would be appropriate to add to some of the large mountains. The place could have tents from villagers wanting to climb the mountain with loot, food, and leather armor there. Since the new mountains are pretty big, they could be situated on a small plateau within the mountain or maybe on a small cliff on the mountain. I would say that 4-5 tents along the mountain would be enough

    submitted by /u/Xtra_Awesome
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    Mist Particle Effect for Waterfalls

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:38 PM PST

    The idea is fairly simple. If flowing water falls a certain distance - say 5 to 10 blocks - white, misty particle effects appear around it that move downwards. When the column of water hits a block below, more white particle effects splash out to the side. I think this would be a really neat touch and add some realism to waterfalls, especially as they are becoming a more intentional part of generation in 1.17.

    I also think that there could be a roaring/white noise sound to go with this.

    submitted by /u/epidexipteryx1
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    The Underhang

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:59 PM PST

    The Underhang

    The Underhang

    The Underhang is a new End biome, rarely generating on the bottom of the biggest end islands. The chance of finding one is 0.5%. In this biome, there will be upside down trees, made of ender logs and leaves. (I couldn't think of a better name) The ender wood can be used like normal wood. Ender wood and Ender leaves are the chorus plant shades of purple. The only drop from ender leaves is ender saplings. These grow like normal saplings, but they can only be placed on the underside of an end stone block. The ender tree forest will be pretty thick, and around the center is the Ender Hut

    The Ender Hut

    Inside the Ender Hut you will find 2 things. The Exiled Enderman, and a chest. Lets start with the chest. Inside the chest there is a 100 percent chance of finding an elytra. Along with it there might be i few valuables and armor.

    Loot maybe

    The exiled enderman

    The ender hut

    The Exiled Enderman

    The Exiled Enderman is always angry at you. The Exiled Enderman has twice as much hp as normal enderman, and does 4 more damage then a normal enderman. The Exiled Enderman was once a normal enderman, except they had much better teleporting powers. They started to do some wrong things. He stole valuables from the End cities. Because normal enderman were kind, they let him keep what he stole. Upon death, they drop atleast 2 pearls, maxing at 4. With looting it can go to 7.

    submitted by /u/Voidrunner3
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    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:12 AM PST

    Sandstone doesn't look natural, it looks like weird bricks. I think we should change it to look similar to deep slate but more, sandy.

    submitted by /u/Melonman190463
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    An end biome close to the centre of the end, serving as the spawn area and putting some content before the actual end of the game.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 05:12 AM PST

    These islands would be a new smallest circle, or even just a line of islands leading up to the middle island where the boss battle takes place.
    While traversing these islands (if the enderdragon isn't dead yet), occasionally, dragon fireballs would fly at you from the direction of the middle island.
    There could be some cool purple trees that give a purple wood type on these islands too, but the biome would mainly serve as a buildup for the enderdragon.

    Some of the ambient "screaming enderman" sounds that are sometimes played in the warped forest biome in the nether could also be played here.

    This would probably require the enderdragon to have some kind of idle animation while it waits for the player,
    which would be pretty cool.

    It could be sitting on the exit portal until you reach the middle island, making the battle have a more "official" start than just when you start attacking it/when you enter the end.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    Pillager patrols return

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 09:30 AM PST

    It would be cool if after some time, pillager patrols start moving towards an outpost or woodland mansion (mansion would be rare), with this theres a new way of finding outposts or mansions.

    submitted by /u/Meepmeepmanker2
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    Infernal Wind: A deep dark wind that deafens Wardens and breaks torches

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 01:53 PM PST

    "Infernal" is a word that means "from the underworld". The Infernal Wind is a wind that comes from below. It blows roughly every 15 minutes in the Deep Dark, but the interval can be changed for better balance. It only lasts a couple seconds before it dies down and the Deep Dark becomes still and silent again.

    The Warden can hear this wind, so when it blows, it blocks all other vibrations, so its like its "seeing" static. For a few seconds, the Warden's hearing is disabled. This gives players a small window of opportunity to make a move because the wind will drown out the noise.

    While the wind is blowing, it also triggers all the Sculk sensors. For a brief moment, the Deep Dark will come to life with the cacophony of Sculk sensors and their flashing tentacles. The wind only blows in the Deep Dark so it shouldn't ruin your redstone contraptions, unless you are building it in the Deep Dark, but a unique comparator output would easily fix this.

    Torches will have a 50% chance of breaking during this event, and campfires and candles have a 50% chance of getting blown out. Because of this, the Deep Dark will once again be dark if you stay long enough. Other light sources like lanterns and redstone lamps are windproof so they can permanently illuminate the Deep Dark.

    Example: If you had 100 torches, after 15 min there would be ~50 left, after 30 min there would be ~25 left, and after an hour there would be ~6 left. (Its half life depends on how frequently the wind blows)


    Support this suggestion on the feedback site:


    submitted by /u/n4rwhal_
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    Goat horns can confuse or start a raid.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 10:38 AM PST

    1.17 added new goat horns, dropped when a goat rams into a block. When blowing into it, it makes the sound of a raid.Perhaps they can have a functional use in raids, such as when defending the village, blowing into the horn would confuse the raiders or perhaps bring toward you(we all understand how annoying it is when raiders disappear).

    It might also be used for other things, however. Suppose you have bad omen, but blow into the horn when nearby(not in, near) a village. This could make the pillagers think that you are their leader, and will follow you, protect you, and destroy the village in your name.

    It wouldn't be helpful with village reputation, as iron golems will hate you and villagers will refuse to trade with you during the ensuing battle.

    After the raid, when all is done and the villagers are all dead, the raiders can celebrate and give you loot. Although at a cost. the remaining villagers and golems(if they are still alive) will despise you, and will not trade or mark up costs incredibly, or even try to kill you after the raid.

    It might be a stretch, considering Village and Pillage was 3 updates ago, but I thought maybe the goat horn could serve a functional use, and found it interesting that it made the sound of the raid horn.

    submitted by /u/CreeperAsh07
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    Copper under noteblocks makes them make musical tesla coil sounds.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 01:28 PM PST

    Since copper is a widely used electricity conductor, and tesla coils use it a lot then why not get the noteblocks to make the musical tesla coil sounds!

    It's kinda logical :3

    submitted by /u/Able-Prior2019
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    Freeze damage or debuff in upper mountains

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 02:36 PM PST

    With the new 1.17 snapshot, the upper mountains are much higher and look much colder than they used to. I think there should be an effect that either slows the player, increases hunger, or does slow damage to naked players. Maybe when it snows the effect can worsen and also decrease the player's vision.

    submitted by /u/whyismypeewhite
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