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    Minecraft Add moss to the jungle because Lush caves are not coming until december

    Minecraft Add moss to the jungle because Lush caves are not coming until december

    Add moss to the jungle because Lush caves are not coming until december

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Mojang recently announced that the Caves and Cliffs -update will be split in two. Summer relase is about blocks and mobs and holiday relase is about the generation and cave biomes. Currently it is not possible to get moss without the lush caves in survival (Mojang has plans for that, this is only my suggestion). Moss will be super usefull and I know lot of us will want to use it in survival before the holidays. I think jungle is the a good option. Have a nice day!✨

    submitted by /u/Hirmuinen2
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    When you trade with a wandering villager you should get the advancement ("A Questionable Investment")

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:10 AM PDT

    I know they can be pretty useful sometimes but some trades are just rip offs

    submitted by /u/BlueeLight
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    Copper oxidizes in water slightly faster than normal

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    I know that most metals oxidize faster in saltwater but I'm unsure about Copper, but I thought it would still be a nice addition as Copper is the only metal in the game to corrode.

    If it doesnt affect Copper, I'll most likely delete this post. It would still be fun to see anyway, like a faster way to corrode Copper.

    submitted by /u/ryyan1410
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    Optimize world should include deleting untouched chunks

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Traveling far and wide, generating loads of terrain is what skyrockets world sizes. The game should keep track of which chunks have been modified, and since there is an optimize world option, it should include deleting untouched terrain. Sure, this would mean having to generate it again, but what if it is some far away land we will not visit again but is still taking up space?

    submitted by /u/BlockOfDiamond
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    When standing next to a loaded jukebox, parrots should occasionally whistle a snippet of whatever disk is in it

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    Similar to how parrots irl will learn bits of songs if they are played frequently :)

    submitted by /u/Covapepsi
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    We should have biome dependent illager skins

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    We already have biome dependent villager skins. Why not illagers?

    It's fairly obvious illagers will change their clothing at least a little bit when they are in different and varying environments.

    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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    Add the possibility put map into books like so we can do map art or Atlas. ^^

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    This suggestion was inspired after i saw a book in terrarria witha spell on pixel art ^^ we could use map art to recreate this effect !

    submitted by /u/Albouche76
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    more mobs that use "super secret settings" vision types.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    1.8 had super secret settings with multiple strange visons already made, that are used when clicking into mob while in spectator (enderman, creeper, spider). It would be nice to see something like that in more mobs, like warden. It would be nice to add it even to some already existing mobs, like phantom. it is almost forgotten feature, it would be nice to be able to see a bit more of that.

    submitted by /u/MikePlays_
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    My idea for the future of archeology

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    With the latest news about the 1.17 future and with the fact that archeology will not be in the 1.17 .

    I had an idea about "the historical update", an update with the archeology stuff they showed us at Minecraft live 6 month ago and an update for all of the old structures of minecraft.

    Like the jungle temple (added in 2012 with not much changes to it), the desert temple (added at the same time as the jungle temple), the stronghold (with major changes in 2016, 5 years ago), the dungeon (also added in 2012 with the last tweek in 2016) the other structure that have a link to the past of the minecraft world could also be improved to suit the new archeology features.

    If my english isn't perfect sorry, i'm just a french who's trying to write his idea in english

    submitted by /u/Atorn_
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    More copper building blocks

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    Minecraft doesn't have very many metallic building blocks right now, and I am mildly disappointed that copper as a building resource has very limited blocks. I figured now would be a good time to give some ideas for it - I know there should typically be one suggestion per post but these blocks are all used for the same building theme and would work much better if all of them were together, so I'll risk it and hope this is okay.

    Copper Blocks
    1. Copper bars
    Copper bars are like iron bars but they oxidize. Unique look that's good for rust (even fresh could look like brown rust). Valuable for builders.

    1. Copper doors and trap doors
      They are doors that oxidize. Work like iron doors, or maybe has unique redstone functionality. If they have unique functionality, maybe they can open like wooden doors unless powered by redstone, where they will be locked.

    2. Copper fences, gates, and walls
      They are fences and walls that oxidize. These would be the first metallic fences and walls in the game, and would be useful for builders and map makers.

    3. Copper panels
      Kind of like pillars but for copper, these blocks can be placed on walls or the ground and it will affect their orientation. I don't know how to describe what I'm thinking without an example, so I will link one:
      A texture like this would be valuable because it would be the first copper block that doesn't have seams on all sides.

    4. Ornate Copper
      Chiseled block variant of copper. Could be cool.

    (Side note)
    Iron and gold variants of some of these blocks could also be considered.

    submitted by /u/omegavolt9
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    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    So with leather armour you can dye something one colour and then dye it another colour several more times to change the colour slightly. I think it would be cool if you could do the same with other items and sheep as well.

    submitted by /u/The-Alpha-Wyvern
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    There are all kinds of things they should do with wandering traders but for gods sake just make them take their lamas with them when they go

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    I have like 5 carpeted lamas stuck in a cave next to my house and it's so annoying having them everywhere after the trader is long gone. I DONT NEED ANY MORE LEADS GO HOME

    submitted by /u/althechicken
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    Lily Spider [ The Tiny water spider of the Lush Caves ]

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:58 PM PDT

    The lily spider is another member of the araquanid family that exists in the lush caves. However, unlike its fellow spiders this mob prefers to spend it's time in large pools of water.

    Its body is almost transparent, it wears a Lilypad as a disguise, and most importantly.... it's so incredibly small that its dwarfed by the Cave Spider. This makes the lily spider a slight hermit as it will flee from the player if they get close. Luckily it is an incredibly fast swimmer moving in quick burst, but it's also very slow on land. It will attempt to keep the player to go away by spitting tiny poisons needles at them from a distance. These needles deal pitiful damage and the poison effect is very short... but at least its trying it's best. It's nothing so dangerous as much as it wants player to get away from it. If that fails it will simply turn tail and run away unlike any other mob before it. In summary its just a smol spider that wants to be left alone.

    When killed it has a chance of dropping a Aquatic Membrane. This can be brewed into a potion that can allow the player to walk on water temporarily without Frost Walker. However, this is only an idea and I would like to hear any other suggestions on a better drop for this mob.

    Edit: I heard my idea was really popular, so I put it on the official minecraft feedback site. Link is below so you can support it if you really like it


    submitted by /u/Low-Ladder
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    A bat change for the upcoming update

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:37 PM PDT

    So as we all know there are certain types of bats that will eat fruit, vegetables, or insects I propose that upon killing a bat that you would have a chance to drop some fruits/vegetables actual seeds or the item itself for example you kill a bat and it drops some sweet berries.

    I also believe that that should Spawn in colonies opposed to just one or two at a time, also that witches will have a bat set to follow them for menacing affects. I also believe that bats should attract the new Mob the warden, and my last suggestion is that you should be able to tame bats and you can use them kind of like cats where as you can find them with an item in the morning or you can be heartless and use them as a warden bait.

    This could be also a good chance to add different types of species of bats ones that are naturally hostile or naturally peaceful or even neutral bats. And if they were to add hostile bats maybe witches could spawn some of those as attack bats.

    I wanted to leave this part of the suggestion out because it would be in bad taste due to the pandemic but I also think that bats should drop bat wings were you can make a bat wing soup.

    submitted by /u/TheElementalSniper
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    Copper Ore should drop more Raw Copper instead of Copper Blocks being cheaper

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    The fact that Copper Blocks use a 2x2 recipe is somewhat inelegant and also conflicts with the 3x3 Raw Copper Block recipe.

    A better solution to making Copper Blocks more available as a building material would be to have Copper Ore drop more (double?) Raw Copper

    submitted by /u/rick_rick_rick
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    Snowstorm improvements

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    While Minecraft has snowstorms, the snowfall doesn't look very "stormy". It looks more like light snowfall with thunder added in. I think snowstorms should have snowfalls that blow from the side depending on the players angle, having intense grey fog, and a loud, howling wind, which is much louder on mountains than other biomes. A snowstorm should also have the ability to spread snow layers into other biomes.

    Amount of snow spread per biome:

    Frozen: 100%

    Cold: 40 - 60%

    Normal: 5 - 25%

    Warm: 1%

    Dry: 2%

    Humid: 0%

    Nether: 0%

    End: 0%

    The warmer the biome, the faster the snow layers will melt. This factor is also affected by elevation - the higher it is, the slower it takes to melt.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Raw Ore and Ore blocks generate naturally

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:03 PM PDT

    We've recently learned about "Big ore veins" which are veins of ores that are, well, big. They are like the patches of granite or tuff in worlds, except that the blocks composing them are entirely ore and stone. These aren't released yet, but it's safe to say they will also be very rare.

    I think that blocks of ore should generate in small amounts at the center of these veins, only 2-4 blocks, this works because of their rarity, and will use raw ores blocks instead of iron, copper, and gold blocks in that case.

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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    Renaming item to its original name should remove its custom name tag

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    Mostly renamed items problem affects sorters. Since for sorter item data should exactly match the filter all renamed items can't be sorted automatically.

    In some cases you can use two way crafting to remove the name (like if you have renamed diamond you can get 8 more, craft and uncraft diamond block) or if it's not very important item you can just destroy it.

    The most annoying case is shulker boxes. Like tools, you can't uncraft them to reset the name. But unlike tools, you use a lot more shulkers. And because shulkers are quite valuable you can't burn them. So in long game you may end up with a lot of renamed shulkers with content not matching it's name.

    So I think you should be able to for example name white shulker "White Shulker Box" and the cursive name will reset

    submitted by /u/KikuGie
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    Mounting - New enchantment to boost mob-riding transport!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    Why this addition? How do you even obtain it?

    So right now mob riding is usually... not very good in late game. It's mostly overshadowed by Elytra and pearl throwing and while of course buffing the rideable mobs themselves should be the main part of it (in fact I made a post for horses 2 days ago :P).

    This is not a place for suggestion listing so today I come with a different proposal, a more indirect but generalized buff to rideable mobs. A new, leggings-exclusive enchantment that buffs mob-riding speed when used.

    By 'expensive' I mean it'll only start appearing in the enchantment table after you reach something around lvl23 enchantment (that's Mounting I), Mounting II will only appear after something around lvl29 and you cannot get Mounting III in an enchantment table directly unless it's gold armor.

    Of course this wouldn't destroy elytra since they would still be so useful for so many situations like travelling through the End, killing ghasts, just covering distances from nether to overworld by ignoring most risks from above, etc.

    How does the enchantment work?

    Well it's pretty straight forward, if you're using the enchantment while riding on a horse, mule, strider, pig or literally any other rideable mob, your speed will be increased.

    By how much? Its growth is exponential, multiplying by 2 for each level starting by 60% and ending in level 3 (240%). So its:

    • Mounting I = +60% speed when riding mobs.
    • Mounting II = +120% speed when riding mobs.
    • Mounting III = +240% speed when riding mobs.

    Originally I thought it could give a jump boost for mobs that you can jump with too, but I'm a bit more skeptical about it right now... lemme know in the comments if you think it's a good idea.

    I am aware that a fast horse's speed with Mounting III still cannot beat very fast and down-pitched elytra gliding (at around 48m/s vs speeds like 67m/s) but those Elytra speeds are only obtainable for brief periods and take a bit toll on durability and rocket boosts to recover if you wanna keep long-distance journey. So in the long run, a horse could still be a better option for overworld exploration. It's much cheaper, easier to use correctly and requires less maintenance.

    Questions & Answers

    Why an expensive enchantment?

    I think an enchantment could work well since elytra are mostly endgame and have too many purposes right now, so by making this a very 'expensive' enchantment, you could mostly leave it to endgame stages and make the buff significant enough to make rideable mobs more useful than elytra for some situations.

    If it were accessible to all enchanting stages then the buff would have to be smaller to balance out midgame travel to not be too fast.

    Why leggings-exclusive?

    I think adding it to every single armor piece would just make it be much more annoying to obtain, specially for boots, I don't think those can take any other enchantments for now until some things are changed.

    Unlike the boots though, the leggings have no exclusive enchantments currently and with the 39-xp-cap they still have a lot of room for new ones, so since it makes sense with the whole 'riding' gimmick, I think making it only for leggings works well.

    Does this affect boats or minecarts?

    Nope. Boats already cover early game and midgame water travel which is currently not covered by anything else. Also can cover the already pre-explored distances you may usually go along, like from your house to a farm or to your friends house in multiplayer and stuff like that when used in ice.

    And minecarts are... well they're not great, they need several changes and upgrades, but this would not fix almost any of the issues with them and is just not the way to go about it. And I'm not gonna get into it in this post, I may leave that for another day.


    Mounting is a leggings-exclusive enchantment that buffs the speed at which you ride mobs by:

    • +60% at level 1
    • +120% at level 2
    • +240% at level 3.

    You can obtain it through high-level'd enchantment tables.

    Wanna thank u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568 for helping me work a bit on this idea many weeks ago, finally posted it but had details from that time noted. Thanks for the help :D

    Thanks for reading and have a nice day ;)

    submitted by /u/TheDragonWarrior2284
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    Sheep should not freeze in powdered snow

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    Sheeps are fluffy and have wool on them, so it makes sense why they should be warm and cant freeze.

    submitted by /u/smolColebob
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    /cameraposition :It positions your camera like you can type /cameraposition 1.5 and it will put your camera to be on 1 block and a slab height

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:27 AM PDT

    If this gets voted pls add it too bedrock edition too

    submitted by /u/Vukoslav0
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    Add trapdoor spiders variants.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:37 AM PDT

    Their 'trapdoors' and traps would be made of dirt and have cobwebs inside the pit. Stepping on the trapdoor makes it open like a dripleaf slowly releases an entity that stands too long on it, just much more quickly.

    The spider trapdoor would not be craftable but minable only with Silk Touch. It would be well-disguised to look similar to moss, grass, dirt or coarse dirt, but allows light to pass through to any areas below..

    Like all spiders, the trapdoor spiders would be hostile only at night. Wherever a trapdoor spider generates, it will spawn inside a lair surrounded on all sides by dirt and below ground level. The lair itself might have several trapdoors leading vertically to the surface.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Gamerules lavaFlowingSpeed and waterFlowingSpeed.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:45 AM PDT

    I think that you should be able to control the speed of flowing liquids. 0 would be the default speed.

    Edit: thanks to u/suggestionnetherite 0 would probably not be your default speed; it'd be way more practical to make it by default the number of ticks the liquids take to flow.

    submitted by /u/AnAwesomGuy
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