• Breaking News

    Minecraft Now that the freezing effect is coming to the game, snowmen should be able to freeze enemy mobs with their snowballs

    Minecraft Now that the freezing effect is coming to the game, snowmen should be able to freeze enemy mobs with their snowballs

    Now that the freezing effect is coming to the game, snowmen should be able to freeze enemy mobs with their snowballs

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    each snowball could slow down an enemy and it could start freezing it if it got hit repeatedly

    submitted by /u/whhshchdn
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    If you will be inside the water in a frozen ocean, snowy tundras etc, you will start to freeze (the thing that happens to mobs when they are inside powder snow)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 05:45 AM PDT

    In my opinion, it would make sense that if you will be in water source that is under an ice berg or in the middle of a snowy biomes you will start to freeze

    But if you will wear leather armor, the time that it will take you to start freezing will increase, and that depends on how many pieces of lether armor you will be wearing and the type of piece that you will wear:

    Leather boots - will increase the time that it will take you to start freezing by 3 seconds.

    Leather pants - will increase the time that it will take you to start freezing by 5 seconds.

    Leather tunic - will increase the time that it will take you to start freezing by 8 seconds.

    Leather cap - will increase the time that it will take you to start freezing by 4 seconds.

    (full leather armor will increase the time that it will take you to start freezing by 20 seconds.)

    p.s. this feature should be added as an armor stats (like armor, armor toughness and knockback resistance)

    submitted by /u/genepaji1
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    Add Night Vision to Beacons for the new caves.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    Night vision is gonna be really useful in the game now. It's really easy to brew, so I'm not concerned with the balance of the game. But I think it could easily fit in with the beacon powers. I'm thinking it could be added as a Secondary Power (alongside Regeneration) that way we have a choice between the two now.

    submitted by /u/_Koza
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    You should be able to pick multiple biomes for world generation.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 05:16 PM PDT

    At the moment you only have the options of generating a world with all the biomes, or only choosing one biome for the entire world. There should be a custom world option that lets you check which biomes spawn, and maybe even sliders that let you choose the size and rarity of different biomes.

    submitted by /u/HappyLittleDelusion_
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    Vexes can’t phase through crying obsidian

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    This would give the block more purpose, because as of right now it's only use is crafting respawn anchors. Additionally, this could serve as a way to keep your villages and trading halls safe during raids.

    submitted by /u/electric_necropolis
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    Phantoms shouldn't spawn near Beacons

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    Phantoms are supposed to be a figment of your unconscious mind, but beacons are meant to keep you grounded and show you the way. Also, they emit light, which is something phantoms presumably don't like. I think this would prevent them from getting in the way when you just want to stroll around your base at nighttime.

    submitted by /u/VG_Chat
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    When a shield is hit, some nearby stalactites should fall

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    When a shield is hit, it should produce a vibration that only affects some nearby stalactites to fall off. This would make dripstone caves more challenging as stalactites can fall on you while you're fighting monsters so the player must avoid the stalactites.

    The way how this works is that the shield would create a loud echoing thud when there are stalactites within the player's radius. So, when players hear this echo from their shield, they would be alerted to nove away from their current spot. When this happens, some stalactites within that radius would fall. The radius within the player should be big enough to reach the higher stalactites.

    The number of stalactites that would fall depends on the damage the shield takes. The loudness of the echo from the shield also depends on the damage it takes. For example, when a zombie hits a shield, 2-3 stalactites would fall but if it's a creeper explosion, almost every stalactite within the player's radius would fall.

    This can teach the player some mechanics on how to survive in the dripstone caves. Players could run away after blocking an attack OR they can use the falling stalactites to their advantage by letting the stalactites fall on their enemies.

    Players can also choose to not equip a shield when they enter a dripstone caves biome to prevent activating the stalactites.

    To prevent this mechanic from breaking your builds, the stalactite shouldn't be placed beneath a dripstone block. If the stalactite is not placed beneath a dripstone block, the stalactite would not fall unless if its support block is broken.

    I hope this feature can bring an interesting gameplay to the game. I always thought that stalactites should randomly fall in the dripstone caves to make it more dangerous because it is meant to be dangerous. This could add a personality to the biome where it is seen as a dangerous place.

    submitted by /u/RedAdventurer11
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    Spyglasses should be a part of buried treasure loot.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    What the title suggests, because pirates used spyglasses. XP

    submitted by /u/smolColebob
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    After a Raid, Librarians will splash you with Experience Bottles

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 05:30 PM PDT

    This would overall be very nice and would be a way to give a player raid awards without clogging their inventory AND having a more visual reward because right now the items villagers throw can sometimes be misunderstood as random drops the player left behind (such as inventory extras or mob drops).

    Additionally, I think armourers should "armour you" by putting armour on you if you don't have armor on (obviously no curses on said armor). This may however be a stretch.

    I also think the cleric should throw helpful potions at you including luck. This would be nice.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Villagers can ride llamas

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    I think IT would be really amazing and llamas will become really useful. How IT should work? I think that if villager will come close to llama that have carpet on it, The villager will sit on it. To get villager down again, just click on llama and villager will be on ground again. Similar to beds

    submitted by /u/LordGacie
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    Beetles in caves!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    I made how i think it will be look in minecraft. This is original idea


    The beetles would fly and much like turtles they'd breed by themselves but instead of laying eggs in the sand the beetles would lay eggs upside down on the cave ceiling! So yes the beetle would be able to walk on all surfaces but it should be doable since the beetle is so small. But just imagine a cave ceiling full of small glowing beetle eggs! When the eggs hatch the larvae would either stay on the ceiling or fall down (slowly) scaring the player sometimes. If a larvae wiggles its way to a glow bat the glow bat would move away in disgust.

    submitted by /u/BasiLe0
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    Caravan AI Improvements

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Joining a caravan

    To help distinguish a player's llamas from wild llamas and other players' llamas and make them more reliable overall, Llamas should have some factors to determine which caravan they're following and who joins first

    Priorities would go in the following order:

    1. Ownership: Llamas should always prioritize the person who tamed them when forming caravans, and can "kick out" wild llamas from a caravan to follow their owner. They cannot kick out tamed llamas.
    2. Carpet: If the llama cannot find the owner, or the owner has more than 10 llamas in the vicinity, llamas with the same carpet color as the llama the player is using a lead on on should have priority. They cannot kick out different carpeted llamas. If a player leads an uncarpeted llama, no color of llama gets priority.

    Staying in a caravan

    If a tamed llama gets too far away from its caravan, it should teleport to the leading llama.

    submitted by /u/MajorasYamask
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    waxed redstone: a solution to the "bluestone" problem

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    Redstone is an incredibly amazing tool that can carry out both simple and complex functions. One of the problems redstone engineers face is space management. A widely suggested solution is the addition of "bluestone", a stone that serves the same purpose but can run right next to redstone without interfering. However, there's a few problems with that: It would require the addition of a new, relatively un-unique item, and all of the associated ores and blocks. It would feel un-vanilla and look out of place on redstone builds. It would take away from the iconic building block that is redstone. That is why I propose using the new "waxing" game mechanic on redstone.

    For those who don't know, 1.17 introduces copper blocks that can weather and corrode. one can stop this from happening by waxing them. This mechanic allows you to keep your copper blocks in pristine condition and keeps them unaffected by outside forces. My suggestion is to extend this to redstone, using wax to work in the same way wire covers do in real life -- it would keep wires from connecting with each other. you can lay your redstone however you want, and once you wax it, it will no longer connect with any other redstone. Existing connections would remain, but new wires could be placed directly adjacent without interference. To add balance, the wax would act as a hindering force, subtracting two instead of one from all signals that pass through it. Effectively, this would render it half as effective at conducting energy as normal redstone and would require more repeaters.

    to wax redstone, you would right-click it with honeycomb. It would have a slightly lighter texture that indicates its waxed state. To keep it simple, waxed redstone would not be an item -- breaking waxed redstone would only drop regular redstone, meaning you lose your honeycomb. This makes it easy to correct accidentally waxing a wire by breaking it and placing it again, keeps your inventory from being cluttered with yet another item, and makes it expensive enough to not be op. This solves a problem that has existed since the early days of redstone, and I hope it's a good idea in the eyes of the community.

    submitted by /u/MomICantPauseReddit
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    Ice caves with example

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 11:24 AM PDT


    If they added a retextured dripstone to be icicles and used packed ice they could make a pretty cool frozen cave.

    They could also add Ice variants of Iron and the other ores. With the new changes to ores making them drop raw ores rather than the block it allows for more variance in ore blocks without cluttering your inventory in general mining.

    I think it just makes sense and looks pretty cool IMO.

    submitted by /u/CompControlled
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    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    The new 1.17 update will be adding new tall snowy mountains, snd snowier snow, so i think it would fit the update if they added ski's So you can ski on the new mountains, and get transported faster from the mountains in beggining of game when you dont have elytras.

    submitted by /u/T0biasCZE
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    also they would look sick

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 04:10 PM PDT


    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:06 PM PDT


    I think adding weeds to Minecraft would be a great idea. Probably not for the Caves and Cliffs though, but maybe adding weeds in a farming update or something would be excellent and perfect. It would add plenty of challenges to farming, as automated farming can be quite overpowered (using the dispensers for bone meal, making them grow fast, observers, etc.).

    Two of the most problematic weeds throughout many areas around the world include the Bermuda buttercup (oxalis pes caprae) along with Black mustard (brassica nigra). If you don't know anything about these weeds, here are a picture of these two weeds:



    So I'm thinking that there is a rare chance of actually one of these types of weeds being harvested when one crop is destroyed. Like a 3 percent chance would be the best.

    So basically these weeds would spread really fast and kill off crops. Much faster than the rate that the crops will grow. When the crops are killed, they won't drop anything, even if at full stage. You might think farming might be doomed though. But continue reading...

    These two weeds will actually battle each other, resulting in many areas of both weeds dying off and being killed! This means you can use this to your advantage!

    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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    Flower seeds

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    You get flower seeds by putting two of the same flowers side by side in a crafting table/inventory thing This makes four flower seeds of that kind of flower

    You can place flowers on regular grass and it has a three stage process before making a entire flower

    The purpose of this change is to make flowers farmable without having to use bonemeal

    submitted by /u/Its-your-boi-warden
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    Freeze enchantment

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    There should be a new freezing enchantment that you can put on swords and axes. If you hit a mob while your weapon has this enchantment, the mob will freeze and not be able to move. This enchantment has 2 levels, level 1 will make the mob freeze for 3 seconds and level 2 will make them freeze for 5 seconds. This enchantment can't be put on a weapon that already has fire aspect.

    This enchantment can also be on snowballs, but this one is different. You can't enchant the snowball through enchantment table, you will have to find them in chests like enchanted apples.

    submitted by /u/somethingidk123hh
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    If you ring a bell constantly for too long villagers will get annoyed and increase trade prices

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:53 PM PDT

    It makes sense wouldn't it the villages would get annoyed with the players shenanigans

    submitted by /u/Jakey_2004
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    We need a mob with a shield.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    Currently, there are no mobs with shields, rendering an axe useless in singleplayer late-game combat. Having a mob with a shield would make players use axes. Maybe the mob would be a new illager, or a new piglin, or something strong, but that is up for debate.

    submitted by /u/not_stupid249
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    The nether star truly is a star!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    If you don't know already, nether stars take 10 minutes to despawn instead of the usual 5 minutes. Therefore, this got me thinking of something.

    You can combine an item with the nether star on the smithing table to get an item that will never despawn.

    I don't think this can be used efficiently to lag out servers. Trollers will have a hard time trying to kill like hundreds of withers (to rename stacks of blocks) unless they have a efficient wither farm (which is probably unlikely).

    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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    Data storage commands being able to store raw json for use in tellraw commands

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    Currently if you put quotation marks around a target word in a data storage command, when you use it anywhere else, they disappear.

    Ex. /data modify storage test data set value {"text":"some text","color":"red"}

    'some text' and 'red' retain their quotation marks but 'text' and 'color' lose them. This would be useful in tellraw commands where you want to dynamically generate text in the regular data field, the hoverEvent data field, and the clickEvent data field. This would also apply to title commands.

    submitted by /u/bobbobb3746
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    Make Horse Armour Enchantable And Add Netherite Horse Armour

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    1. I Have Been Wanting This Feature For A Long Time And It Has Never Came To Minecraft.
    2. Also I Would Like Mojang To Add Netherite Horse Armour I Don't Know Why It Was Not Added In 1.16 There Is Netherite Armour And Tools But Not Netherite Horse Armour.
    submitted by /u/mantoniogz
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