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    Minecraft Outposts with kidnapped villagers

    Minecraft Outposts with kidnapped villagers

    Outposts with kidnapped villagers

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 01:04 AM PDT

    Outposts should have a secret room with kidnapped villagers. They are protected by vindicators to make sure they cant escape. If you do defeat the vindicators and free them they will give great deals.

    The loot you can find in the kidnapped villagers room is coal, wheat, xp bottles, iron, iron axes and emeralds.

    Every outpost will have an empty village around 50-75 blocks away from them, and when the villagers are free'd by you they will run to that village. Once they are back to the village they got kidnapped from they will become normal villagers again and you will get those amazing deals for helping them.

    submitted by /u/somethingidk123hh
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    A cross intersection for minecart rails.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    To make it easy for rail junctions and logistics to be built i suggest overlapping rails or a cross section.

    When you place 2 tracks on the same block, it becomes the + shape.

    Also should work for all types of track, powered, detector etc.

    Edit: and the barrier track, which works alongside the junction.

    submitted by /u/legalrick2
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    Climate and Weather Update

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    This update would be a major update to the characteristics of weather in minecraft. The weather system would be completely revamped and improved, such that the frequency and the way weather acts is now dependent on the biome. Ex. Jungle biomes would receive at least a few minutes of rainfall each day, whereas deserts would receive almost no rainfall, with the occasional thunderstorm.

    Clouds would now serve a purpose unlike before: you would now be able to see rain or storms coming before it reaches you. When rain is headed your way, a line of grey clouds will form in the distance, and slowly move west to east, with the rainfall only lasting while the clouds are above you. The size and length of these storms would depend on chance and on the biome you're in. Thunderstorm clouds would be dark grey/blue, and would be larger.

    As certain weather types move over different biomes, they will grow/dissipate. For example, a rain system will slowly dissipate when it moves over a desert, but it will likely form into a thunderstorm when it moves over plains.

    The growth of plants/flowers would now be affected by the biome and the recent weather trends. If rain has recently been frequent, new flowers and saplings will pop up, though the opposite will happen if it hasn't rained for a while. The option to have weather affect the performance of crop growth is toggleable, with crops growing slowly/dying in a long dry period, and growing quicker if it's been raining. However, if it rains/storms for a long period of time, this would cause your crops to die from over-hydration. Planting crops in a greenhouse would prevent them from being affected by the weather, causing them to grow at normal speed.

    New weather types:

    Overcast. Some climates, such as wet tropical climates, are very characteristic of their overcast weather. This weather type would be more frequent in wetter climates, and infrequent in dry climates. It would add a light grey hue to the sky, and the ambient light level would be slightly lower than that of clear weather, but it would still be brighter than that of rain.

    Fog. Fog would be more frequent in wet, temperate climates, like the temperate rainforest (as you'll hear more about below). It would be elevation-dependent, and entering foggy regions would bring your render distance down considerably. More common at night and early morning than at any other time of day, and after rainfall.

    Windstorms. Windstorms are similar to thunderstorms, but will only develop by chance when a thunderstorm passes over a plains or savanna biome. They can carry over into other biomes, however, after time they will dissipate back into a thunderstorm. They have a chance of breaking glass, fences, and crops. They will also push mobs and players around. Windstorm clouds have a dark green-grey hue, and move faster than normal thunderstorms.

    New biomes:

    Temperate rainforest. This biome would only exist along oceans, as this climate type is typically dependent on oceanic currents to feed its vegetation growth. It would be a dense mix of tall deciduous and coniferous trees, with a new tree type: redwood trees. These trees are very tall pine trees (20+ blocks tall) with a very wide trunk. The grass and leaves in this biome would be a lush green, similar to jungle leaves but slightly darker. The canopy would be dense and tall, similar to jungles, and the ground would be covered in shrubs and ferns. Moss would be very abundant in this biome. The weather would often be overcast, with periods of rainfall lasting days. Fog would also be very frequent in this biome.

    Monsoon forest. This biome would exist surrounding the jungle biome, and would have frequent overcast, with spouts of rain and thunderstorms lasting days. Put simply, it would be similar to the jungle, but a bit less dense and without the massive canopy trees. This biome would include a new plant type: palm trees and palm plants. Similar to cocoa in jungle trees, palm trees would contain a new food item at the top: coconuts. Bamboo would be very abundant in this biome.

    Mediterranean. Like temperate rainforests, this biome would only exist along oceans. This biome would be relatively dry, with lots of shrubs and sparse palm trees. Large rock cliffs would follow the coastline (think SoCal). It would often have clear weather, with a line of fog approaching the coast in the mornings. Short infrequent periods of overcast or rain.

    Optional: Seasons. (I figure this option is posted often, but I thought I'd bring it up at the bottom anyway. It isn't entirely necessary to me, though I know some might find it to be a cool addition to this update.) Four seasons, which now effect the activity of weather depending on the biome. For example, jungle/monsoon biomes will now have a wet and dry period, and temperate biomes will now have four pronounced seasons, with their own weather characteristics. The option to have seasons effect plant/crop growth or player health would be toggleable.

    submitted by /u/andromedar35847
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    There should be a Cave Biome vote during Minecraft Live 2021

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    Since the new cave generation and cave biomes aren't coming until the second half of the Caves and Cliffs update--which will be released around the holiday season--Minecraft Live 2021 would be the perfect time to let the community vote on a fourth cave biome. The addition of more cave biomes is something the community has been asking for since the update was announced, and a vote would be a great way to implement another one--as long as two months is long enough to add the winning biome. This also works because, at that time, Mojang will still be working on Caves and Cliffs when normally they'd be moving on to the next update.

    Some possible options for cave biomes might be slime caves, mushroom caves, bio-luminescent caves, ice/mountain caves, lava-and-basalt caves, etc.; but obviously, the decision would be up to Mojang.

    submitted by /u/-HaelStegaria-
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    Blaze Powder Should Advance the Growth Stage of Nether Wart

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    This would make potion brewing a lot easier, and would make blazes even more helpful!

    submitted by /u/24afortenbacker
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    Postpone all of 1.17 until it’s all finished

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    I love Minecraft, I've waited for 8 years for a cave update and I can certainly wait another 8 months.

    I understand and sympathise with having to make the deadline and not wanting to disappoint Minecraft players, so it makes sense for Mojang to compromise by splitting the update, but I would rather see the whole thing released as one mega update.

    By releasing the update in pieces ruins part of the excitement of an update, especially one as momentous as the cave update, imagine if they had changed nether mobs, then 6 months later added the biomes, it just wouldn't have been the same. That's why I think that all of 1.17 should be postponed until it is all complete.

    submitted by /u/PostAwareConfusions
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    Chainmail helmets don't prevent zombies from burning in the sun.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 10:56 PM PDT

    Mojang should add the potion recipe book

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    It can be found in the witch hut so we can add more use to it

    submitted by /u/memer_69420_memes
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    Cavern Spiders- A Deep Dark Mob!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    The Cavern Spider spawns at y-0 and below, in caves taller than five blocks. They are ambush hunters, waiting at the ceiling until a player comes by, and then drops down on top of them, inflicting weakness. The cavern spider is the size of a cave spider but with white eyes- implying it is blind- and black coat. The health is the same as a normal spider. It doesn't take fall damage. When killed, it drops a bit of xp, sometimes string, and rarely(1/20) a new item called spider feet. When brewed, it turns to a potion of climbing, and it allows you to scale walls for 30 seconds and take reduced fall damage. This is useful for emergencies when you don't have a water bucket, or if you want to escape a large number of mobs. Given the rarity of the drop, the duration of the potion, and the fact that it is hard to farm because they are on ceilings. However, it is very useful if you have one.

    But what do you think? Feedback is appreciated

    submitted by /u/InfoNut1121
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    Cave Leech (New Cave Mob)

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:45 AM PDT

    Cave Leeches would be a new mob that dwells in areas in caves that have water.

    Cave Leeches can be seen swimming around, and when you exit from swimming in a cave lake, you might wanna check in third person as you might have some Cave Leeches stuck on you.

    Cave Leeches suck on the player's blood, they take a half a heart of damage every few seconds, and will get worse depending on the number of Leeches latched on.

    They won't get to the player if the player was inside a boat and will get off of the player if the player jumps, sprints and jumps, burns, and will naturally fall off the player when the player is down to a half a heart as they don't want to kill you but just want your blood.

    When bats are nearby, they will also help attack any Cave Leech they see suction-cupped onto the player, and will also eat Cave Leeches seen outside of their habitat as bats would be a natural predator to Cave Leeches.

    When the player kills a Cave Leech, they drop XP and the Cave Leech itself. You can feed a Cave Leech to a bat and the bat will guide you to the nearest ore rather it's on the surface or a few blocks into the ground.

    If you like the idea, please look at it on Minecraft Feedback: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360077717612-Cave-Leech-

    submitted by /u/No-Firefighter5661
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    Villagers closing eyes when sleeping

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 04:50 PM PDT


    Villagers would look a lot more peaceful if they closed their eyes while asleep. Either with skin-color eyelids or maybe lowering their huge brows completely over their eyes

    submitted by /u/alex22804
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    New enchantment, Shiny

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    Ok, the names a work in progress. Any better name suggestions would be great. Anyway. My ideanis for an enchantment you put on your armor, which I'm currently calling shiny.

    How do you get it: Villagers will trade it to you. This is the only way

    What does it do: basically, it will make undead mobs prioritize you over other entities. The mobs effected would be: Zombies and skeletons(and their variants) The wither Phantoms

    What would be some uses of this enchantment: Let's say you wanted to transport some villagers. This enchantment would help with that as the zombies would attack you before the villager. It could also help lure mobs away from places. Let's say a wither is really close to your base and you want to get it away from your base before disposing of it. This enchant will cause it to focus on you and chase you. It will prevent it from being distracted.

    Now I will explain some of the mechanics of this enchant: If another player attacks a mob that has target a player in shiny armor, it will attack the player that attack it. This enchant will only cause them to target the one wearing the enchant first.

    I hope you guys like this idea. Let me know your thoughts on it and if you have a better name

    Edit: zombie piglins are not affected as they are not naturally aggressive

    submitted by /u/TheGoldenDragon0
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    Holding down Right Click on a multi-step advancement will show you the things that you still have to do.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:16 PM PDT

    It is extremely annoying trying to complete multi-step advancements such as Two-by-Two, A Balanced Diet, or Monsters Hunted. Partly because they are super grindy but also because there isn't a built in way to track the ones you completed.

    Simply put, when you are in the advancement menu, you can click right click on say, A Balanced Diet, and it will show you which foods you still need to eat.

    Now I hear you datapack people. Whenever you want to create a new advancement, for each task you will have the option to enter a title for the task, allowing you to make your advancements also show a list of incomplete tasks!

    This would be a really nice QoL change and shouldn't be too hard to implement for the devs, also would save people from a lot of frustration of having 99/100 tasks completed or something.

    What is your feedback?

    submitted by /u/KreeperKiller117
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    Tinted Glass Panes

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    Just for consistency with other types of glass

    submitted by /u/Enderkool
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    Make creepers arthropods

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    As I said before, the ban of arthropods enchantment is useless in it's current state for being situational and only applying in 5 mobs, 2 easy to kill and 1 with no reason to kill it, but what if we add one of the most annoying mobs to the list? creepers, that way the annoying green things would be easier to deal with, more people would like to get it, and between the 4 mobs you find at the start (zombie, skeleton and spider) the creeper is the only one that isn't specially affected by an enchantment (spiders are arthropods and the other two are undead so they die to smite)

    submitted by /u/TravishDeGroot
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    Make Cave Spiders naturally spawn in 1.17 without spawners

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    Pretty self explanatory. I just basically want them to spawn naturally in the world because they only spawn with, well, spawners. Plus, it's fitting, considering it's the CAVES and Cliffs update!

    submitted by /u/WitherBlazeGaming
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    Tinted glass should hide beacon beam.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    Beacons beams don't fit in with so many different build styles. There should be a way to still have the effects but no ugly beam and I believe tinted glass in 1.17 is the perfect fit because it doesn't let light through but is still technically transparent.

    submitted by /u/Callumyoung101
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    The Aspen: a new, different type of tree

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:25 PM PDT

    Now, I know there's already four confirmed tree types on the way (azalea, mangrove, baobab and palm I believe they were?) But I think this type would add a new feature in its skinnier log types.

    Aspens would be taller than the average tree (probably between the height of the tallest 1x1 spruce and jungle trees) and would have a texture that would work nicely with the birch log, looking much like it but a bit less noisy. The bigger differences lie in their golden yellow leaves, about the color of a dandelion (which would run down a good portion of the tree one layer thick on each side), and their skinnier logs. The logs would be the thickness of a wall block, and can be stripped like any other type of log. Perhaps some weird branch texture connection thing could happen between the logs and the leaves, which would get rid of the gap between them. They would occasionally spawn in regular forests, about half as common as birch do, and have their own biome.

    Aspen planks would be a bright, pastel yellow in color, and though not entirely realistic, would probably be a nice contrast with dark oak, go well with jungle, and be nice next to the bee related items and anything else yellow. You would only get two per log due to the smaller size.

    Aspens in real life have the ability to clone themselves to create "forests" of trees with no genetic differences through a shared root system, so why not offset the lesser amount of wood gained from them with a new mechanic? Instead of using the sapling, players can regrow an aspen tree with just a log, as long as that log is within two or three blocks of a developed aspen tree. If overpowered, this mechanic could also be another use for rooted dirt by only allowing aspen regrowth on that when the two trees are connected with it. I also propose that an aspen's logs break similarly to how a chorus plant drops, where the logs all break quickly from the top. The Aspen, when grown this way, would have a very, very slightly longer growth time. I think this would make the wood a good choice for a sustainable tree farm early game, as while the yield wouldn't be as good as something like a spruce or jungle tree, aspens are more accessible through regular forests.

    Currently, early game (aka when you would be using a stone or iron axe) a general wood as a basic block, for use in other recipes like chests, and fuel is kind of a challenge to get, as to get enough wood for such you either need to demolish a nearby forest, or travel a good distance to a jungle or tiaga, both of which are time consuming. This wouldn't get rid of that time, as it takes a while to grow an aspen forest farm, but it would be a much more passive thing to do while doing other stuff, most likely mining or base development. It would allow players easier storage (chests are quite annoying to get without a proper tree farming setup), and possibly a way to get fuel without digging underground or adventuring. It would be a really good source of charcoal for sure. The one caveat is that the wood, by nature, has a much less appealing color for many builds (it's not ugly or anything, it's just more situational to use a bright yellow plank)

    tl;dr: the Aspen would be both an aesthetically pleasing tree, and acts as an early-mid game renewable lumber source.

    submitted by /u/Communiconfidential
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    make a gamerule for stripping logs with an axe

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    i am creating this post on behalf of all mouseless and sausage-fingered java players (and also for people who hate stripped logs)

    if you are like me, without an actual mouse, and only have the sad trackpad to do anything, then you know how much of a pain it is to properly right click things (at least for me. maybe i just suck at the game).

    you're trying to get logs for a specific project with NO intent on turning them into planks, and chop down a tree. your finger slips pre-chop and you accidentally right click it, stripping the log.

    you are now down one log that you could have used to build your super cool project

    that is why i am proposing a gamerule (something called axeStripping or logStripping; i have no clue i am horrible at names) where if it is enabled, you are unable to right click on logs to make them strip, pretty self explainatory. this gamerule is turned off by default.

    submitted by /u/Neil-The-Deal
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    Cave spiders should give you different poison effects

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:58 AM PDT

    It seems to me that cave spiders need to add variety in their venoms. Some will have the effect of slowness, nausea, or even weakness. Perhaps it will depend on the biome or the depth at which they are located

    submitted by /u/Williams_comics
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    Automatic seeding

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 02:41 PM PDT

    We have ways to automatically harvest crops, typically through automated waterfalls, but no way to automate planting. So, triggered droppers adjacent and facing tilled land with seeds connected to them should be able to plant the seeds.

    submitted by /u/LordSnuffleFerret
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    Amethyst Totem - Deep Dark loot item (Resurrects Inventory After Death)

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    The Amethyst Totem is a new totem that is only a rare exclusive to loot chests found in the structures of The Deep Dark, similar to the Totem of Undying being exclusive to Woodland Mansions (Structure loot-wise).

    When a very luck player gains possession of the Amethyst Totem, when they die with the totem in their inventory the totem allows them to respawn with their items and XP levels, which then breaks the totem after.

    This is useful to avoid the very stressful situation of having your most valuable belongings you worked hard for despawn.

    But remember this is a very rare item so it wouldn't be farmable nor is it easy to obtain.

    If you like this idea, please consider checking out the original post on Minecraft Feedback: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360077723852-Amethyst-Totem-Rare-Deep-Dark-loot-item

    submitted by /u/No-Firefighter5661
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    Armour Enchantments needs a Rework

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    Everyone knows that the Protection enchanment is by far the best protection enchantment AND is the most OP one in my opinion. I mean if you have a full prot 4 Netherite armor you're basically invincible so i think it needs a rework and here is my idea;


    Let's take a look at protection enchantments first;

    Blast Protection: TNT, Creeper and firework rockets

    Fire Protection: Fire/Lava (idk if it protects you from campfires)

    Projectile Protection: Arrow, Trident, Shulker bullet, Llama spit and blaze, wither, ghast fireball

    Protection: EVERYTHING

    As you can see Protection is by far THE BEST option to choose, And because of this it kinda makes the other protection enchantments useless, And I think there is a way to both balance AND make other ones more usefull and here is how it is...

    2.Enchantment Rework:

    Do you guys remember between 1.14 - 14.3 Mojang made it so that we could combine different protection enchanments? yeah i think they should bring it back... it would both add an extra layer of depth to enchanting and make it harder to be OP...

    BUT with a catch, They should nerf Protection enchantment in a way so that it does NOT protect you from everything but from some kinds of damage

    Basically i mean this:

    Protection - ( Blast P.+ Fire P.+Projectile P.) So it would only Protect you from Melee, fall, suffication and drowning damage (there is probably more)

    "But wouldn't it kill Protection and make it useless?" uh, no actually it actually doesn't. The reason is because it gives the same value as other Prot. enchantments now and since they are compatible they compliment each other in a way so that all of them are required to have the best armor in the game

    Thanks you for coming to my Ted Talk

    submitted by /u/SakIzcI
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