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    Minecraft Using Bonemeal to Reverse Stripping Logs and Paths

    Minecraft Using Bonemeal to Reverse Stripping Logs and Paths

    Using Bonemeal to Reverse Stripping Logs and Paths

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    For people who like to build with logs, accidentally stripping logs is really annoying. If you did, you would have to get a new log to replace it. To solve this problem, bonemealing stripped logs should make the bark grow back.

    Bonemealing a grass path should also make the grass grow back. This wouldn't be too useful but still a fun addition.

    submitted by /u/_Barry123
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    New Achievement: Spelunker

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:07 AM PDT

    New Achievement: Spelunker (A spelunker is an explorer of caves.)

    How To Get: Explore every cave biome.

    submitted by /u/DreamDroids
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    Keep the ice cave mountain generation bug on bedrock and make it into a biome: The Ice Caverns

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    So basically what the title says but let me explain and expand upon it.

    Currently on bedrock edition betas, there is a bug with mountain generation that results in an "ice cave" type of generation. This has gotten the community super excited because we've been clamoring for more cave biomes, ice caves in particular, since the update was announced.

    This generation bug is a blessing because Mojang has said that they had no plans to implement more cave biomes, but they have inadvertently done just that while working on mountain generation, effectively killing 2 birds with one stone. All that's left to do is recreate it in Java edition and flesh out the biome a bit more.

    The Ice Caverns biome is a cave biome that only generates inside and beneath the new mountains. There is lots of snow and ice in this biome, with frequent and large blobs of powdered snow, packed ice and and blue ice. We can also potentially add new ice blocks to the generation and new ice building blocks. If you swim in this biome without leather armor, you will experience the freezing effect. Strays will sometimes replace skeleton spawns in this biome. Emerald, iron and coal ore spawns are all higher in this biome.

    submitted by /u/wielderofFire1051
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    The Sound Update

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    I posted this a year or two ago, but I feel it could still be fleshed out more.

    The sounds in the game are quite old, and many of them don't suit the blocks they're connected to. We're going in the right direction with the new blocks having unique sounds, but almost every block that can be mined with a pickaxe sounds like stone.

    General changes:

    • If a player is in the block cave_air, a variant of air that generates with caves (implemented in 1.13), sounds would have reverb. Ambient cave noises would not play if the player isn't near cave_air.
    • The nether would also be reverbed but less so (as it's bigger) and more echoey. Imagine ghast sounds echoing around the corner, all ominous and creepy.
    • The end would have a very quiet crackling sound, with music cutting in and out (think 2/3 of the way through disk 11)
    • Loads of ambient noises, like crickets chirping at night.
    • Sounds would fade out when a mob dies, or when its source can't make a sound anymore.
    • Anything with high enough motion would make a wooshing sound similar to elytra.
    • Rain would be changed to more subtle. Rain hitting different blocks would make different sounds.
    • Sounds are muffled underwater. This would be partially/fully negated by the conduit power effect.
    • Dropping items into water would make a deep or light splash depending on the item.
    • Falling from different heights would make different noises.

    Item-specific changes:

    • Trying to mine with the wrong tool would make a small breaking sound, like chips of that tool are flying off. It wouldn't affect durability.
    • Weapons and tools would make a swooshing sound when swung. Swords that miss their target would make a louder swooshing sound.
    • Different armour types such as leather boots would change the sounds blocks make when stepped on.
    • Player sounds echo when they are wearing a pumpkin.
    • Dropping items would play the "stepping on block" sound for that item's block, but fainter.
    • Very faint scraping sounds when walking next to a wall with armor on (only when pressed right up to the wall), and smashing sounds for running head-first.
    • Frost walker boots would make crackly ice sounds when they create cracked ice. Cracked ice would also have different levels of cracking when it breaks.
    • Different repairing and enchanting sounds for items in anvils and grindstones. The grindstone sound would be duller, or higher in pitch. Enchanting would play a new sound.

    Block-specific changes:

    No more reusing sounds for unique blocks. Walking on cobble shouldn't sound like bedrock, etc.

    • Biome specific sounds, like a dryer crackling for grass in the desert, or wet squishy sounds for swamp grass.
    • TNT will have a much lower and rumbly sound with more emphasis on the boom. The rumble will continue for a few seconds after the explosion
    • Redstone ore makes a crackling sound when lit up, like static electricity. Same for walking on Redstone related blocks.
    • Redstone dust would also make a crackling sound, volume depending on the level.
    • Bell sounds should be loud, able to be heard from many blocks away. It should sound like a church bell, not a cowbell. Bells would react to weather, faintly ringing when it's raining (for wind) and quite fast when it's storming. If lightning hits the bell, it would make a clanging sound for 1-2 seconds.
    • Mining obsidian would make a glassy clunking sound.
    • Breaking metal-like blocks would make a clanging sound.
    • Walking on sand is way too loud, it should be way quieter and reserved. It would sound similar to gravel, but softer.
    • Walking on wooden stairs, planks, etc should occasionally produce a creaking sound, kind of like a door but quieter.
    • Wood should sound as if it is splintering when broken by an axe
    • Walking past crops or bushes should create the sound of brushing by leaves.
    • Punching a door would make a knocking sound. The sound would be dependent on the material.
    • Farmland should sound wet or crumbly, depending on its moisture.
    • Ice should produce quiet cracking noises when stepped on. Would possibly increase in volume the further away from solid land.
    • Walking on iron or gold blocks should create a metallic sound.
    • When a sticky piston's head comes into contact with a block, it should make a squelching sound, as if the block has been stuck to the slime of the piston head.
    • Slimes and slime blocks would make sticky, squelchy and bouncy sounds - they're very unique.

    Entity-specific changes

    • Baby chickens would chirp, not cluck.
    • Wolves would randomly howl when the moon is out.
    • Magma cubes would sound flamey and squishy, not like slimes.
    • Wooshing sounds for arrows passing by your head.
    • Charged creepers would have electric-sounding idle sound effects
    • Husks would sometimes cough or dry-wheeze in order to give the impression that they're dehydrated.

    Biome-specific changes

    • Beach biomes would play a sound of waves crashing. Stone beaches would sound more rocky.

    Food-specific eating sounds.

    Different foods would make different sounds when the player eats them.

    • Carrot: hard crunch
    • Potato: medium crunch
    • Cake: soft-squishy sound, like wool breaking
    • Apple: hard crunch
    • Meat: soft squishy sound, (with little crunches for bones?)
    • Bread: soft squishy sound
    • Baked potato: mediocre munching
    • Dried kelp: soft crunching
    • Melon slice: soft squishy sound
    • Golden Apple: hard crunch with sparkling sounds
    • Enchanted Golden Apple: hard crunch with super sparkling sounds, like a beacon hum
    • Golden carrot: hard crunch with slight boost-like-sound, similar to beacons.

    Villager-specific noises:

    Villagers would make different sounds to add more personality. They'd be based on profession. Still the classic "hurrs" and "hrrms", but some difference between them.

    • Armourers, Butchers, etc. would have gruffer, deeper voices to match their tougher jobs. "Hrmmph."
    • Farmers would have slower voices with a bit of a Southern twang. "hrrrrrrrrmmmmm"
    • Clerics and Librarians and Cartographers would sound higher pitched and more nasily, almost nerdy to match their more intellectual occupation. "hm. hm-hrm."
    • Nitwits would have deep, slow, Patrick Star-like voices since they're supposed to be very stupid. "hRMrmrmrMRm??"

    Please suggest things!

    submitted by /u/4P5mc
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    mine carts should make noise when going across Amethyst blocks

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    I love the addition of amethyst, walking across the amethyst blocks always feels so magical. I'd love to see the sounds from the crystals being stepped on also be made when a cart rolls across them. I figure since it's somewhat pressure based, it'd make sense that a cart rolling by would make some noise across them. it's a small detail, but i think it'd make the game more pleasant.

    submitted by /u/KingoftheUgly
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    Ice Stalactites and Stalagmites

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    Would it be cool with there were a frozen ice verison of stalactites and stalagmites it would be different were if the ice Stalactite hit you the player will get slowed down

    submitted by /u/bonzerlizard353
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    Puddle Block - a carpet with water properties

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    Imagine walking through a swamp, jungle, or dripstone cave and finding puddles on the ground. Not just water source blocks carved out of the ground, but puddles!

    These puddle blocks would have the same dimensions of a carpet block, but with some properties of water blocks. They wouldn't slow you down or extinguish you being on fire, but they would allow dripping from the block it's on top of, splashing particle effects when walking on them, and would prevent mob spawns. Axolotls and fish would survive on them, as if they were water source blocks.

    submitted by /u/Quadropus
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    Diamond Armor or Tools should be the base of future armor/tool sets

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    Instead of an upgrade to netherite, in future updates, Minecraft should add a separate armor and tool set which you can make as a separate upgrade from diamond. The new material should be able to grant different abilities (such as how netherite cannot be burned by lava + grants some fire protection) like extra feather falling and combining the chestplate with an elytra, however the armor strength of the chestplate would have to go down when combined. (if it's something like end armor)

    I think it'll be interesting to see players choose which armor or tool path they prefer to use. The abilities between netherite and the newer armor should be different, but still on an even and comparable level that won't have an extreme majority of the playerbase preferring one set. Doing this also means that we can still stick to the importance of diamonds in Minecraft. After all, diamonds are one of the biggest aspects of the game itself.

    submitted by /u/parrotbenben
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    Powder snow gives mining fatigue

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    Powder snow gives you mining fatigue based on how frozen the player is. Powder snow, when mined with your bare hands, has a mining speed similar to wool/sand when the player isn't frozen, up to the mining speed similar to wood or even stone when completely frozen. Powder snow most often generates 3 or 4 blocks deep making it a danger to people that try to explore the new cliffs without leather armor. These can be features exclusive to hard mode if it seems too challenging for the average player to deal with.

    Frost walker should allow you to easily traverse powder snow as if you were wearing leather armor, although it should not give the same warming effect of wearing leather clothes when you stand in the snow.

    submitted by /u/DjLowqkz123
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    Dark Oak Leaves drop saplings more often

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    Like many other blocks in Minecraft, wood is supposed to be an infinite resource, given you pick up the saplings. The problem with dark oak is that you need four saplings per tree, and sometimes dark oak trees don't give a return of four or more. This isn't a problem with the other 2x2 tree types because they have plenty of leaves. So dark oak leaves should drop saplings more often. That's it.

    submitted by /u/senseipug
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    Iron and gold blocks should have stair/slab/cut variants to complement copper's

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    With the addition of copper blocks, Minecraft included a metal as one of the possible resources that could be turned into stairs, slabs, and bricks (cut copper).

    With this, I see it as an opportunity for iron and gold to have cut, stair, and slab variants as well.

    Especially with the addition of giant ore veins, this could also give extra uses to the excess iron and gold a player may find.

    Perhaps the stairs, slabs, and cut variants of iron and gold blocks could be crafted using standard iron/gold blocks, or it could use a theorical brand new block called "iron/gold plating" (which could be crafted from four iron/gold ingots, similar to the four copper ingots needed for their respective block), so building with iron and gold wouldn't be any more expensive than building with copper.

    Optionally, the iron-type blocks might oxidize or rust like copper blocks, giving opportunities for oxidizing and waxed variants of iron to exist as well.

    There is quite a lot of potential for iron and gold in this update, and I felt that if any other resource was getting stairs and slabs in this update, iron/gold wasn't too reasonably far-fetched.

    submitted by /u/Bluetangs_Rock
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    Spy glasses increase render distance.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    I dont know if this is just a mobile bedrock problem, but using a spyglass, and seeing nothing but space or sky where chunks didnt load is somewhat annoying. Youre practically just zooming into whats already on your screen. Spy Glasses would be much more enjoyable to use if you could see as far as the scope can zoom in.

    submitted by /u/BlueberryXXL
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    Make smelting raw ore blocks in rejected suggestions or the fps list

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 03:11 PM PDT

    I mean there is bunch of people that wants this feature in the game. I've seen this a million times now. And none of them understand how op it is. You are smelting 9 of them with the same fuel and same time. That's too op. The raw or blocks are just decoration blocks, and players can get bunch of gold blocks and turn them into ingots or get bunch of iron. That's so op.

    submitted by /u/no_username6398
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    Brewing gives you exp

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    Brewing would give you a little bit of exp when you take out a potion

    Edit: I've made a forum for this https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-java-edition/suggestions/3078313-brewing-gives-exp#c1 check it out if u want

    submitted by /u/cxthey
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    Lush caves have a very small chance of having a "glow spore blossom"

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    The glow spore blossom looks like a regular spore blossom with glow berries in it.

    It gives players within its range (50 blocks) the health boost status effect (level 1). It also gives high levels of light and emits yellow particles instead of green ones.

    There can only be one per lush cave and they generate very rarely.

    submitted by /u/FeliElCruc
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    Corrupted Beacons 1.17

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    Ok, so I had a crazy idea for tinted glass in 1.17. What if crafting a beacon but instead of using glass you use tinted glass it creates a beacon that grants the opposite effects (on MOBS around the area!!!)

    Speed: slowness Haste: Mobs don't mine, so I assume more cooldown on attacks Resistance: take twice the damage Jump Boost: can only jump half a block Strength: weakness

    Of course, you would need a mega beacon for you to have all these defenses, so I like it

    Edit: the obsidian in the recipe could also be changed to crying obsidian for an extra menacing touch of corruption! Bonus by EnderFlyingLizard

    submitted by /u/Between3-20chrctrs
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    Farm update

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    Farm update

    I know that this has been suggested a lot, but i here are my ideas.

    Farming is cool but in end-game more and more useless. Farming is sometimes monotonous, the more crops the more strategy.

    -New crops and plants

    1. Corn is a crops that grows 2 blocks tall. When full grown you can harvest it for 1-3 corn. 1 corn restores 1 of your hunger. Works like potatoes and carrots.
    2. Chili pepper works like a berry bush. When right clicked, it drops 2-3 chili peppers. Chili peppers restore 1 hunger. When you harvest the chili pepper plant for the third time it dies, so you need to plant a new one.
    3. carambola or star fruit drops from decaying leaves from jungle trees. (the texture of jungle leaves has a sort of fruit on it, so why not?) Carambola restores 2 hunger.
    4. Cranberry's are half a block high and spawn in swamps in a 10 block range of water. The harvesting mechanics work like berry bushes. The cranberry bush drops 3-7 cranberry that restores 0,5 hunger each. Cranberry's have the lowest saturation.
    5. Apples drop now from apple trees. the apple trees spawn in plains and in villages. the stem is like a fence in size with some apple leave blocks on it. The stem can be crafted in apple wood. Apple leaves decay when not connected to the apple stem or apple leaves that are connected to the stem. You can harvest the apples when there are red dots on the leaves. One ripe apple leave block = 2-3 apples


    1. When you plant the same crop over and over again, the ground will become dry and the crops will grow slower. If you plant another species of crop on the same ground the ground will become fertile again.
    2. Weeds can grow next to your crops ( Weeds will grow on the same block of your crops, example: you plant wheat and randomly grasses generate on the same block of some of your wheat. you need to pull out the weed before the weed will grown on the whole block and replaces your crop).
    3. In deserts the range of water that can reach your crops decreases. you need to place more water to water your crops.


    1. animals need to have water in their pen to drink (just to make it a bit more realistic and challenging for beginners).
    2. Goats can be breed with sheep to make a geep (sheep and goat hybrid). They can be sheared and when killed, drop wool and milk. they don't attack you like sheeps. The positive ability's of the goat and the positive ability's of the sheep.

    -Crafting The grid explains where items need to be put


    1. Fruit salad is crafted with an bowl in square 8. Apple in 6, sweet berry in 5 and starfruit in 4. Fruit salad restores 6 hunger.
    2. Chili is made with corn in square 5, raw pork in 2 and chili pepper in 4 and 6. Chili restores 3,5 hunger and gives a little bit of the effect resistance II for 4 seconds.
    3. Sweet cake is crafted like a cake but the outer two wheat replaced with sweet berry and the middle milk bucket is replaced with sugar. It can, like a normal cake be placed and restores 1 hunger. Sweet cake can be eaten eight times and gives a slight speed boost for two seconds
    4. Iron fruit is crafted with starfruit in square 5 and iron ingots all around it. Iron fruit restores 4 hunger. It's gives strength II and gravity I ( gravity is a new potion,it is the opposite of potion of leaping).
    5. you can get a potion of gravity when you put a potion of leaping in a brewing stand with Iron fruit.

    - extra features

    1. Crows spawn in the morning and will eat freshly placed seeds. When you put a carved pumpkin down no crows will come in a 15 block range around the carved pumpkin.
    2. If a wood block is burned up it drops ash. Ash work as bonemeal but only for crops.
    3. You can breed bats with a glowberry/cranberry/sweet berry and, like foxes the baby wont be afraid of you and it will follow you. These tame bat leads you to lush caves.
    submitted by /u/Red_panda1130
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    Revamping bats

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:20 AM PDT

    Bats have been in the game for a long time and yet they are quite forgettable. They rarely spawn, drop no loot, and drop no experience. With the cave update I think now is a great time to update bats.

    1. Bats should spawn near drip stone caves to help players find stalagmites and stalactites. Bats are unique as they are not hurt by stalagmites and stalactites.

    2. On rare occasions, vampire bats can spawn and attack unsuspecting players. They are a lot bigger than normal bats and have a reddish tint to them to help distinguish themselves from normal bats.

    3. Killing bats and vampire bats drop bat wings which can be used to turn into leather- similar to rabbit hides.

    4. Both types of bats drop experience.

    submitted by /u/DH0p3
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    A few dungeon suggestions

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    1. Make them easier to find. Currently it seems that the only time I find them (without seedmap) is once I've already gotten quite good and no longer would find the dungeon useful. While I don't necessarily think they should make dungeons more common (although I'm not against the idea) I do think there should be more predictable spawning rules (ie. Make them more common in certain biomes etc.)

    2. Make spawners moveable but only with pistons and potentially only within a certain radius or something like that. This means that while you can move them, it is quite hard to do and is only feasible in later game.

    3. Make maps that lead to dungeons. These could either be sold by villagers or found in loot chests somewhere.

    4. Make double spawner dungeons. These should be very rare and perhaps 1 in 3 (or any other number) normal dungeons could have a map that leads to these. This would make spawner farms more useful in later game.

    5. Do something to make dungeons more challenging when found. Potentially apply the blindness effect when first entering it, or maybe spawn extra mobs the first time the player goes in the vicinity of it.

    TlDr: make dungeons easier to find with either increased predictability or maps, make them more challenging for the first encounter, make them more useful for later game (either make moveable spawners or double spawner dungeons).

    submitted by /u/uniquename12346
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    If the player loses all of their absorption hearts, they should also lose the potion effect

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:30 AM PDT

    It's quite simple, rather than the player keeping all of the absorption effect after losing all of their golden hearts, why shouldn't the effect go away as well?

    This could also help in a fix a little inconvenience:

    -Eating a God apple then losing all of the gold hearts and then eating a regular gold apple doesn't give you golden hearts because the absorption effect given by the God apples are higher, thus preventing the lower level absorption provided by the regular gold apple from applying.

    submitted by /u/Daiyousei_
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    Deepslate stairs, slabs and walls

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    Now we have only cobbled deepslate stairs, slabs and walls. I think deepslate, like stone needs stairs, slabs and walls variant for caves buildings etc.

    submitted by /u/Crafterz_
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    Evokers need to be a LOT more fleshed out. Here is my far-fetched solution.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 07:46 AM PDT


    The Evoker mob could've been the best in the game. It is extremely unique, has some really amazing concepts, really sticks out from all the other mobs in the game in the best way possible...... yet at the same time feels incredibly half-baked. This is a mob that could've and should've been a mini-boss, but instead it just became an easy foe that can be punched to death even on hard mode.

    Conceptually, the Evoker is perhaps the best and most unique mob in Minecraft. It is the only mob that is capable of summoning another mob as an attack - the Vex, which in itself is one of the most unique and cool-looking mobs to date. It also conjures up fangs from the ground that ignore armour. It can even summon a ring of fangs around itself to defend itself. And it can turn sheep from red to blue. On top of that, the Evoker drops the best item of any mob drop in the game - the Totem of Undying.

    But when I do manage to take down an Evoker and it drops its totem..... I never feel like I've earned such a powerful item.

    The Problem with Evokers

    Here's the thing. The Evoker is absolutely fantastic on paper. But when you go head-to-head with one, you realise how much of a pushover they are. By the time you are facing Evokers, your bow is probably enchanted and can take them down in 2 hits. Their fang attack which evades armour... is one concentrated beam that often misses - I find I have to actively TRY and get hit by this attack. The Evoker rarely utilises the ring of fangs, and you will never need to use melee combat on these anyway. They are also weak to iron golems. When I fight Evokers, the fight is over very quickly and I grab my undeserved totem.

    The Evoker could be so much more. And given their role in secluded mansions and raids, they should be. To really make that totem feel earned, Evokers should put up MUCH more of a fight.

    Fleshing Out Evokers.... A Lot...

    Evokers are like wizards, and traditionally wizards have "levels" depending on how strong they are. I feel Evokers should have the same system. Evokers can be of level 1-5, each level they unlock more and more skills, have more health, and are harder to beat. The evoker's level is denoted similarly to a villager's level, by tiers which are visible by the colour of the seam on the Evoker's robe. Level 1 is stone (grey); Level 2 is iron (rusty colour); Level 3 is gold (yellow); Level 4 is emerald (green); Level 5 is diamond (cyan). Each level may also have an increasing amount of "stars" on their robe.

    Level 1 Evoker (Evoker I, Evoker Novice)

    Spawns - Commonly within the ground floor in Woodland Mansions; Patrols (Easy/Normal mode)

    Abilities - It can summon the single row of fangs and change the sheep colour, that's it. It can't summon vexes.

    Health - 16

    Drops - 0-1 emeralds; 5 exp

    Level 2 Evoker (Evoker II, Evoker Apprentice)

    Spawns - In the last level of Easy-mode raids; Patrols (Hard mode)

    Abilities - This is the evoker we currently know. It can summon a single row of fangs, summon vexes and change the colour of sheep.

    Health - 24

    Drops - 2-5 emeralds; 10 exp

    Level 3 Evoker (Evoker III, Evoker Mage)

    Spawns - Wave 4 of Normal/Hard-mode raids; in the upstairs of Woodland Mansions.

    Abilities - All the abilities of Evoker II, but has some additional defensive skills: it has a spell to reverse arrows and tridents straight back at you, possibly dealing damage to you. It has an anti-Iron Golem defense spell as well, being able to blow them back 16 blocks when an iron golem hits them.

    Health - 32

    Drops - 4-7 emeralds; 1 enchanted book (lesser enchants); 15 exp

    Level 4 Evoker (Evoker IV, Evoker Expert)

    Spawns - Wave 5 of Hard-mode raids; last wave of Normal-mode raids.

    Abilities - All the abilities of Evoker III, but now it attacks 25% faster (cooldown time = 3/4 that of previous levels). It has a regeneration I spell (that counts towards the spell cooldown). Its fang attacks are stronger: the offensive fang attack now forms 4 rows that fan out towards you. When summoning vexes, four now appear.

    Health - 40

    Drops - 8-12 emeralds; 1 enchanted book (more powerful enchants); 20 exp; 1 totem of undying (20% chance)

    Level 5 Evoker (Evoker V, Evoker Master)

    Spawns - Woodland Mansion: 0-1 (easy), 1-2 (normal), 2-3 (hard); Wave 7 of Hard-mode raids; 1 in each bonus wave in Normal (from what would be the 7th wave) and Hard-mode raids.

    Abilities - All the abilities of Evoker IV. The Evoker's attack cooldown speed is 50% faster than Evoker I-III. The regen spell is now regen II. Its fang attack now consists of 8 rows that fan out towards you, making the attack a lot harder to dodge. Its defensive fang attack now makes more rows of fangs reaching further out. When summoning vexes, five now appear. On top of all else, this evoker can teleport: it creates a cosmetic explosion (doing no damage to you or griefing any terrain) and disappears, then re-appears 1 second later with a similar cosmetic explosion up to 10 blocks away.

    Health - 48

    Drops - 16-20 emeralds; 1 enchanted book (powerful enchants); 25 exp; 1 totem of undying (100% chance).

    The two highest levels of Evokers are almost like mini-bosses, and are extremely tough to beat, requiring a lot of strategic attacking and alternate ways of attacking e.g. potions or explosions. Thus, obtaining a totem of undying will become a lot harder and feel a lot more deserved than the way they currently are.

    This new system seems far-fetched, sure, but only because the Evoker we have is quite frankly a bit lame in comparison to what we could have. Having tiered evokers is also a great way to introduce a much stronger evoker but keep the one we have now.

    And if you think this is too complicated for Vanilla Minecraft, remember Pandas have literal genetics and lots of different personalities, and Villagers have a very complex trading system.

    The Evoker is a mob that could really challenge the player's combat skills and have the player use a variety of different techniques and gain some really great rewards for doing so. But in their current state, that challenge is not there. It has the potential to be, but it's just not currently. I feel this tiered-evoker system also allows the evoker to unlock its full potential and become the all-time best mob it always wanted to be.

    The Evoker we have now is already a great mob, and it is already one of the best. But it's such a shame to see so much wasted potential and how much more the Evoker could have been.

    submitted by /u/FeelThePower999
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    Launcher rails: Move carts in single direction for extra power and useful for less complex stations.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    It is a type of rail that launches a cart in the specified direction. To make it different than powered, Launchers push the cart at 30% the power of a booster rail. It could be crafted with just one powered rail and one detector rail. It appears to be a powered rail but has a detector plate engraved with an arrow design which points the direction it is facing.

    When a cart is held in place by an unpowered launcher rail, when activated it will be propelled to the facing direction. If cart comes at an opposite direction of the where the rail unpowered faces, it will be halted in place. If that rail is powered, it will be forced to move the direction the rail faces. If that rail is unpowered, then it stops completely.

    A use for Launcher rails would be that it would be for one-way type rails or just a station system. A problem with using booster rails is that they don't always preserve the momentum of the cart, if the cart was stopped and a booster rail was turned on, the cart may not move until something nudges it. With launcher rails, this can solve that problem in which it is also saves some space. It would be useful for automated contraptions and more station designs.

    submitted by /u/Uncle_Neb
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    Barrels in shipwrecks

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 11:21 PM PDT

    this is inspired by u/ThePsionipath but in shipwrecks because barrels are related to the ocean i think you should find them in shipwrecks with the loot in them instead of chests.

    submitted by /u/Lachyfitz27
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    Soul and Soul harming potions

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    The soul potion (brewed with a totem of undying) makes you quickly lose levels, but in tern gives you health boost, which previously wouldn't be possible as an effect (maybe with sus stew?) anyways, each level you have will transform into a heart (2hp); and a Soul 1 potion will take 10 levels, 2 will take 20, allowing for double hp. XP is a consequence of this because it would otherwise be too OP, it relies on another resource because without it it would just be a health doubling potion.

    Soul harming, made from using a fermented spider eye on the soul potion, literally does the opposite, it takes 5 hp (lv 1) or 10 hp (lv 2) and gives you 2.5 and 5 levels, this could be OP but I see it as the same way, instead of levels being lost its health and food, and also, xp farms are definitely more efficient than this, but it can be used more like a harming potion that works on undead, and makes things drop extra levels when killed.

    So why does it need a totem? Although totem farms do exist, totems are difficult to get by design, this lets the health boost it gives be an alternative to using the actual totem itself because obviously the totem has very similar effects. I know totems don't have much to do with levels, but that is more for consistency with potion #2 which will increase level drops. It is also for balance because you can triple the work your totem does by brewing 3 akward potions instead of 1.

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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