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    Minecraft Candles could be used as an alternative recipe for lanterns

    Minecraft Candles could be used as an alternative recipe for lanterns

    Candles could be used as an alternative recipe for lanterns

    Posted: 03 May 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    Lanterns often have candles inside irl

    submitted by /u/mattia0113
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    Placing a bone in the mouth of a tamed dog makes it passive

    Posted: 03 May 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    It's happened to all of us that you hit a friend, your dog attacks him and dies for Thorns.

    I think a practical way to fix it would be to allow a bone to be placed in the dog's mouth, using the right click so that it can follow you but not attack any mob that attacks you or you at them.

    Since there is the fox's ability to hold items with his mouth he could reuse it to render the bone.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/randygil
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    Wandering traders should sell axolotls in buckets

    Posted: 03 May 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    This has probably been posted before, but I haven't seen it before and its not on FPS list so I am posting it. I mean I don't know why not. Wandering traders already sell fish in buckets, axolotls are just logical. 5 emeralds for an axolotl in a bucket. Honestly quite simple. I'm just making it this long so the auto mod doesn't take it down

    submitted by /u/Minecraftpro1025
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    Fishing needs more attention.

    Posted: 03 May 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    You fish for food and enchanted books, that's mostly it.

    Here is my idea for improving fishing.

    To make my idea below possible more types of fish needs to be added: rainbow trout, lionfish, colossal squid, swordfish, etc. About twelve + the existing fish.

    All of these aquatic animals spawns in their respective biomes (coral reefs, rivers, etc)

    A new block needs to be added: the fishing table.

    In this fishing table baits and floats could be crafted. With the baits you have more chance of catching specific fish. Baits can be used one time, when you fish something with it, the bait goes away. Baits and floats can be used together for different combinations. Baits are crafted with just one item.

    • Tropical bait. Used to catch fish that spawns in jungles and coral reefs. Crafted with sea ​​cucumber.
    • Cod bait. Used to catch fish that attack other fish. Made with cod.
    • Kelp bait. Used for catching salmon. Made with kelp.
    • Enchanted bait. Used to catch more enchanted boots. Crafted with one amethyst crystal.
    • Silver bait. Used to catch small fish. Crafted from silverfish skin ( dropped from silverfish).
    • Redstone bait. Used to catch junk. Made from one redstone.

    You can fish without bait and there would be more baits.

    Floats can be attached to fishing rods via anvil. Floats stay forever until the fishing rod breaks. Floats are used to fish better in particular biomes. ( hill variants and other variants)

    • Taiga floats. These are used best in taigas, mega taigas, big tree forest and mountains. In these biomes you get faster fish. Crafted with one white wool, one stick and one spruce leave.
    • Forest floats. Best used in forests, birch forests, swamps and most other temperate biomes. In these biomes you get faster fish. Crafted with one white wool, one stick and one oak leave/birch leave.
    • Tropical floats. Best used in jungles and savanna. In these biomes you get faster fish. Crafted with one white wool, one stick and one jungle leave/acacia leave.
    • Flat floats. These are best used in deserts, mesa's and plains. In these biomes you get faster fish. Crafted with one white wool, one stick and one cactus/oak leave.
    • Snow floats. Best used in tundras, ice bergs and snowy taigas. In these biomes you get faster fish. Crafted with one white wool, one stick and one snowball.
    • Ocean floats. These are best used in all ocean biomes and beaches. In these biomes you get faster fish. Crafted with one white wool, one stick and one flint.

    Like i said before, floats and bait can be combined. If you want a lot of salmon, you best use Kelp bait and the float where salmon spawns the most.

    More fish is needed to make fishing interesting. Like fish that spawns in specific biomes. Or fish that drops something needed for progression.

    This would increase interest in fishing. More tactics and ways to fish something specific could increase the interest in fishing.

    submitted by /u/Red_panda1130
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    Abandoned cabin

    Posted: 03 May 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    The abandoned cabin would be a small cabin that can be found rarely in the spruce forest. It would have a bed a crafting table and a chest with some basic materials in it but under the carpet there is a secret room underground with a potion stand and a large chest with potions, gear, and enchanted books. It would give some excitement to spruce forests other than villages, wolves, and mushrooms.

    submitted by /u/Expensive_Champion60
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    Cobblestone Slabs/Stairs can be smelted

    Posted: 03 May 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    I have those extra cobblestone stairs and i really needed stone stairs for construction but those cobblestone stairs arent fit for the design so i should need to mine more stone.

    With this idea, it should let you smelt cobblestone slabs and stairs into stone to smooth stone slab/stairs and if you have plenty of cobble slabs and you really needed smooth stone slabs, instead you can reuse those cobble slabs by smelting it into stone then smooth stone and it gives use to those cobble slab/stairs again. without wasting your time mining more stone

    submitted by /u/Memex21
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    The Horse controls should be replaced with the boat controls so you can move your field of view.

    Posted: 03 May 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    The current horse controls function same as normal running controls, such that you run primarily in the direction you're facing. They should be changed so that your field of view may be independent of the horse's motion, as the boats' are. Whilst this is a small change, it would profoundly change the horse's dynamics.

    The purpose is to build on the mobility a horse is supposed to provide. By adding the independent FOV, you're provided more range of vision while moving, which improves the pacing of travel/scouting.

    Ultimately, this mechanical change will make traveling on. horse faster and more enjoyable.

    In addition, the head of a horse takes up >10% of the screen as is. This is somewhat true in IRL horse riding, but real riders can move their head so as their vision isn't obstructed, especially on their sides. By moving your FOV, you can scan your sides without constant obstruction.

    Ultimately, this independent FOV will drastically reduce the annoyance of the horse's head while using it, yet still, maintain its realism.

    This change would also greatly improve horse combat. In real life, cavalry was exceptional due to their mobility. However, this is not currently apparent in the game. With the horse's head in the way and the lack of mobility, aiming is very difficult.

    By adjusting your FOV, it would be much easier to aim at targets on the side rather than in front where the horse's head obstructs the foe. This would also promote more accurate combat. Instead of trying to strike your front as if unmounted, you may move on the side and attack while still moving; similar to a joust. This will make melee far easier and more beneficial on horseback.

    This is very important. Currently, it's awkward to move horizontally and remain still to hit a foe while mounted. This amplifies the horse's weaknesses. Because the horse spooks when hit, the horse dies too easily in combat, seeing as the horse requires you to move less in combat than while unmounted. By adjusting the FOV, the horse can be much more agile and evasive whilst you are still capable of aiming. This plays to the horse's strengths and assures the horse is harder to murder. Thus, a mounted combatant has an advantage over an unmounted.

    The horse currently is a liability in combat as the rider has their vision obstructed, is immobile while aiming, and is quickly dismounted due to spook. Each issue is greatly or completely alleviated by changing the control as such.

    The same is true for ranged combat. By keeping the field of view independent, it's far easier to track arrows on a target when your motion is more consistent. Additionally, when aiming at the side, the horse head isn't in the way, making the combat less cluttered and overwhelming.

    Ultimately, this change will make mounted combat smoother, less cluttered, more usable, more enjoyable, and complementary for weapons while capitalizing on the strengths a horse provides in combat. Thus, the horse has combative use rather than solely transportation.

    Finally, an additional benefit. The value of the horse and its items would surely increase drastically. The player would have further incentive to explore so that they may find the rarer horse armors and saddles. This would add another high level item for players in multiplayer servers to seek out for PVP.

    submitted by /u/Robertfc38601
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    Warlocks | Making Totems Of Undying More Valuable & Making Woodland Mansions More Rewarding

    Posted: 03 May 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    Warlocks | Making Totems Of Undying More Valuable & Making Woodland Mansions More Rewarding


    There are many issues in Minecraft that are overlooked by some or even many players. One of these issues has to do with Totems of Undying. Ever since 1.14 they have become substantially easier to obtain with the implementation of Raids. The irony is that they're so easy to obtain compared to before 1.14, that you could probably amass an excessive supply of them if you spent the time doing so. Another problem is... Woodland Mansions. The structures is very grand & extravagant indeed, but the incentive to travel hundreds-thousands of blocks to locate one isn't really held up by the loot you'll leave with after pillaging a Mansion. I do indeed want Mansions to receive some sort of update or rework- but for now I'll come up with relatively simpler solution to kill two birds with one stone.

    A Change to Evokers

    I do not intend to go insanely in depth of how I would change Evokers for their better, but there is one significant change I would definitely make. Evokers no longer drop Totems of Undying. Now hold on, that may sound bad but I'll get to it.

    I don't think this would take too much away from Raids since you're awarded with EXP & Hero of the Village already.


    Why do I hear Boss music? That's because it's time you hear about a new mob I've conceptualized- Warlocks. Warlocks are quite similar in appearance to Evokers, but can be easily told apart by their ruby-colored eyes and beards (along with some other features you'll notice).

    Warlock (I spent two minutes making this in MS Paint, can you tell?)

    They are more experienced magicians(?) and possess abilities not quite the same as Evokers. Warlocks will instead inflict you with the Levitation & Harming effects for 20 seconds each. Warlocks may even utilize a Totem of Undying when they're close to death (this doesn't effect whether or not they will drop one). Taking them on are purposefully meant to be more difficult & a hassle for several reason, one of those reasons being key to this post. Rather than Evokers, Warlocks would be the ones to drop Totems of Undying. They would spawn exclusively in Woodland Mansions (that means you wouldn't obtain Totems of Undying from Raids)!

    Valuableness of Woodland Mansions

    As aforementioned, Mansions aren't that rewarding. Sure you may obtain some variable items, notably Totems of Undying, but as of 1.14 there isn't any Mansion-exclusive loot. I believe this new addition could somewhat increase the valuableness of Woodland Mansions (there still could be much more done with it).

    Totems of Undying have made avoiding death in Minecraft survival much easier, especially in Hardcore mode. However I wouldn't say the game has become easier completely due to this fact, rather that player who have access to it have become more care free which makes it seem like survival is much easier at that stage. Making an item that can literally prevent your death as a one-time use should definitely be more difficult to obtain, or at least more of a challenge.


    I wish I could have been more detailed in this post; especially with details on the Warlocks such as how it would interact with the environment & other mobs, along with other things too. For this post I've established the basis of an idea to help: A.) Rebalance Totems of Undying to be more difficult to obtain & B.) Increase the incentive to travel to Woodland Mansions. I would love to hear your feedback on this idea; how you would change it, what you would add to it, what you dislike about it, etc. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/RealSnqwy
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    New enchantment for the leggings

    Posted: 03 May 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    I feel like leggings miss one or two unique to themselves enchantments Like boots have frost walker soul speed etc but leggings don't seem to have anything unique to them So I will simply suggest A new enchantment (that doesn't have a name yet) Would allow you to increase default walking speed by a bit It wouldn't overthrow sprint jumping but maybe make 2x1 travel in tunnels faster while walking

    (This feels wrong you can boo me now)

    submitted by /u/shasga_426
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    Blocks affected by gravity should launch into the air when pushed up by a Piston.

    Posted: 03 May 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    And if something is standing on that item or piston, they should go flying up as well. This affects sand, gravel, concrete powder, anvils, mobs, and more. It would be a devious trap or a simple detail that doesn't do much to the core mechanics of the game. This effect only works while the piston is pointing up.

    This even opens up more ideas for the future. Say if you took advantage of this effect while a cow was standing on the piston, you would get the achievement "Cow Tipping" and if you do it to another player, you get the achievement "Fire Away"

    submitted by /u/Accomplished-Key6686
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    Nether Archeology/Civilization, starring the Piglins!

    Posted: 03 May 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    As far as I can tell, Piglins are a hunter-gatherer race of sapient beings native to the nether; though they as of yet are most likely not fully "civilized", they certainly have a few signs of possibly becoming "civilized"-- use of golden tools, wearing of clothes, a gold-based bartering economy, large structures that they may or may not have built themselves, and an unexplained feud with Wither Skeletons. Because of this, once the Archeology Update rolls around, I believe that the Nether should get some updating as well as the Overworld.

    Due to the presence of water, clay pots are possible in the Overworld; however, as there is no water in the Nether, other items will most likely be used:

    --Cave Paintings created from Warped/Crimson plants

    --Golden/Blackstone/Quartz Artifacts

    On top of this, perhaps smallish piglin camps could exist in the Crimson Forests, possibly showing other kinds of non-hunter piglins: for example, Gatherer/Farmer Piglins collecting plants for painting or perhaps food, and Hoglin skull-wearing Shaman piglins who make potions from Crimson Fungus Nether wart blocks. (Farmers might be bartered with for plants/food, and Shamans for potions with use in the Nether/nether wart)

    I feel that these additions would add more interest in Piglins, rather than having them just mindless brutes who wander around and really love gold; instead, they could have an actual semi-civilization!

    submitted by /u/Anubis71904
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    add the old gen tutorial worlds as a free downloadable world on mc bedrock marketplace.

    Posted: 03 May 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    i remembered those worlds, and goddamn i miss them, it would be cool to play them again, btw im posting here because i have no idea where i should post this

    submitted by /u/Henriquebao
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    Crafting CALCITE with AMETHYST and QUARTS (with feedback link)

    Posted: 03 May 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    Calcite is a beautiful new block and is really useful for building. The only downside is that it is quite rare to get, only in amethyst geodes. If you mined all the calcite, you need to find a new amethyst geode to get more, making it not a good block to use a lot in survival. The best way to solve this issue is to make it renewable, while you still need to find an amethyst geode for it. I think it should be craftable with amethyst crystals and quarts, since it generates with amethyst and it looks like quarts, amethyst is also a type of quarts in real life. Maybe instead of quartz it could be diorite, that would make it craftable from overworld materials only. This would not only solve the issue with calcite being to hard to obtain, but it would also make amethyst much more useful, which it currently not really is (only use is tinted glass and spyglass)

    feedback link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360077952452-Crafting-CALCITE-with-AMETHYST-and-QUARTS (if you can't open it, it means it's pending approval)

    Thanks for reading, vote for this idea and maybe share it if you want this to be in game :)

    submitted by /u/niekvdp
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    The Hunter (and some related things)

    Posted: 03 May 2021 12:41 AM PDT

    The world of Minecraft is filled with many colorful mobs that wants to eat, kill, or just be left alone, all of which gives it life. However, one can't help but feel lonely when exploring on your own, away from civilization. Enter the Hunter.


    The Hunter is a neutral mob who will attack passive and hostile mobs on sight, and is equipped with either a bow or a sword. They are a villager-type mob and will spawn in Cabins (see below) and can breed with other villagers given that proper conditions are met. Villagers that bred with the Hunter has a 12.5% chance of producing a baby Hunter instead of a baby villager.

    At morning, they will wander around their cabin, searching for mobs. Upon detecting one (probably 10-15 blocks away), they will try to kill it, putting the loot in their 8 slot hidden inventory. When their inventory is filled, they will put the extra items on a chest in their cabin.

    They will go back to their Cabin once they are 40-60 blocks away from it.

    At night, the Hunter will attempt to sleep, pathfinding to the nearest bed possible.

    The Hunter will remain neutral unless attacked. The Hunter will also attack players who open their chests within their vision (like piglins).

    The player can trade with the Hunter like it's a Wandering Trader. The Hunter will trade stuff that can be found from mob drops, such as meat, bones, wool, feathers, leathers, and even gunpowder.


    Like other villagers, Hunters also need to sleep. In their case, they live in the Cabin. Cabins will spawn in any biome where villages can spawn at the same frequency that villages spawn (not necessarily near a village). One Cabin can only spawn one Hunter.

    It will often be a medium-sized single story house (size of a blacksmith) with a furnace, a chest, and a bed inside.

    The chest can contain stuff that can be found in villages along with anything the Blacksmith places.

    Cabins have a 100% chance of spawning with a Hunter.


    Abandoned Cabins are like regular cabins except some floors and walls are missing and is surrounded by cobwebs. It spawns with hostile mobs.

    submitted by /u/FacelessPoet
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    Bat Update

    Posted: 02 May 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    Bat's as they are currently are useless and wander aimlessly, often burning themselves to death by flying straight into Lava. I suggest changing their behavior to better mimic them in real life.

    New Behavior

    Bats now sleep during the day. They will sleep in groups of 3-5. If a mob or player walks by, it will disturb them. They will fly around briefly before settling down again. Once it becomes dusk they will slowly stir. Once all the Bats in a group have awakened, they will fly toward the surface. This wouldn't directly help a player, however, a player could theoretically find their way out of a cave if they time their ascent correctly. They will then begin to fly around darting up and down. After 2 minutes, they will go back into caves and sleep/take shelter. They will actively avoid Lava, but will occasionally fly along/above water sources. They are attracted to Glow Berries and can often be found near vines with ripe fruit.

    Reasoning Behind New Behavior

    In real life, Bats are nocturnal and are only active for about 2 hours after dark/dusk. They eat their fill within that 2 hours and then take shelter in caves from predators. They will skim along the surface of ponds/lakes to drink on the fly. (Quite literally.) There are also species that eat fruit.

    Bat's will still not award Exp. nor drop an item when killed. (Because you shouldn't be actively hunting them.)

    submitted by /u/Bearkat1999
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    Display case

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:38 AM PDT

    Similar to the item frame, this is a 2 tall block that displays your item. However it's not just sitting, it's spinning around. Don't worry it won't respawn, it will stay there stationary. To craft this you will need one piece of glass and maybe wood or quarts. Anyway, when placing an item or taking an item it can trigger a block state so if you want to hook an alarm you can.

    submitted by /u/Charliepnda
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    Plains farms could use an improvement

    Posted: 03 May 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    The composter is on top of the farmland, and the farmers stand on top of the composter for whatever reason and then fall down and trample the crops, so how about making one or more of these changes: * Position the composter next to rather than on top of the farmland

    • Make villagers avoid standing on top of their job site blocks

    • Give farmers the ability to till farmland that gets trampled

    • Make farmers or villagers not be able to trample farmland (make farmland immune to farmers jumping or falling on it)

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    Add "Smelting raw ore blocks" to the FPS or rejected list

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    So I've seen lots of users suggest smelting raw ore blocks would be awesome and cool. But they are missing one point, they are smelting nine times faster. That's just plain overpowered. It's not just I've seen this like only a few times, but I've seen this suggestion like over 10 times in the past month. Really insane!

    I hope the moderators can look at this post and reply!

    submitted by /u/Evening-Cash-4183
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    Copper Pressure Plate

    Posted: 03 May 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    This pressure plate can be just like copper and slowly oxide over time but only be activated when a player steps on it

    submitted by /u/Colinmuldz15
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    Pet Immunity

    Posted: 02 May 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    Dogs and cats should be immune to the player who owns them. I've had the unfortunate experience of accidentally killing a pet a few times. It can make fighting mobs harder if you have to look out for your dog. Maybe you could sneak if you want to kill them or something.

    submitted by /u/Memo544
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    my warden idea (structure idea)

    Posted: 03 May 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    i think that the warden structure should be a maze so that you will need to navigate it. but since the warden is there you cant break the walls since it can hear you throw walls. the wall would be tall and it would be made of the new deep slate brick types along with the skulk growth. you would still get loot in the centre. although if someone were to bring wool then they can get the loot quick.

    this idea came when i was reading Percy Jackson the warden is like a Minotaur. Minotaur are beasts that can not see you, but can smell you. it is like the warden but the warden hears you. the Minotaur was the guard in the labyrinth.

    submitted by /u/zeke_williams
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    Attach items on tripwire hooks (mainly for decoration and storage-labelling)

    Posted: 02 May 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    -Simply use an item on a tripwire hook to attach it

    -When an item is attached the tripwire hook it retracts and the metal part faces straight forward like this: |[] with the item attached in front of it (| represents the iron, \ represents the stick and [] represents the base)

    -to take back the item simply interact with it and hold it or break the tripwire hook to make the item drop

    -items on tripwire hooks can't be rotated and you can't place maps on them

    -when an item is taken from a tripwire hook it outputs a redstone signal strength of 15

    -this is mainly a better way to label barrels and especially chests since it takes up significantly less space on their surface making it alot easier to open them from the same side that the label is on (this is also especially helpful for touchscreens)

    Edit: the tripwire hook is meant to look like this: | \ [] (but without the spaces in between. For some reason the backslash isn't showing)

    submitted by /u/Toasty-1st
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    Jack o lanterns scare zombies

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    I've heard a story in real life where on a dark and spooky Halloween night, a few ordinary people were being chased by infectious and fast zombies, but managed to get into the house. However, the zombies slowly started to break the house and infecting it, but the people managed to get some illuminated jack o lanterns. The zombies got scared at the faces and the light, so they scurried away. The people were happy.

    For the same reason, I think jack o lanterns in Minecraft should also scare zombies. But only that mob and no other mobs, or it would be a bit too OP. It would give a rather decorative and fairly unused light source an actual use.

    submitted by /u/Evening-Cash-4183
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