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    Minecraft MCS Mod Applications Are Open!

    Minecraft MCS Mod Applications Are Open!

    MCS Mod Applications Are Open!

    Posted: 23 May 2021 03:21 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I hope you're all having a good day.

    As per the title, we're now looking for new subreddit moderators. As the subreddit has grown, the need for more moderators have increased. As a moderator, you will be actively approving/removing posts/comments, responding to modmails, dealing with problematic users, and potentially helping us out on whatever we happen to be doing at the time. Remember that this will mean you will have to invest quite a bit of time into MCS - only apply if you believe you have the time to do so and are willing to make MCS a better place.

    And another important thing:

    You must be in our discord if you wish to be a moderator.

    Discord is where all moderators communicate. If you become a moderator, you must be active in our staff channels so you are caught up on any changes and information you might need to know. This applies for subreddit moderators and discord moderators. Inactivity in the discord staff channels or subreddit moderation may cause you to be removed as a moderator.

    Once you have read the above, you may apply through the Subreddit mod application form.

    (Note: We also have a discord moderator application form. If you're reading this and you're active in our discord (hello!), you might be interested in it. If you wish to become both a discord moderator and subreddit moderator, you must apply through both forms. The same conditions apply for activity: inactivity may cause you to be removed as a moderator. Discord mod application form

    If you get chosen, you will receive a PM that you have been chosen as a moderator, likely through reddit. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.

    For those applying: good luck! :)

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    Arrows shot by bows with the Flame enchantment should activate Nether portals

    Posted: 23 May 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    If arrows shot by bows with Flame enchantment activate TNTs, then they should activate Nether portals too.

    submitted by /u/Demonboy2006
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    Rotatable Cartography Tables

    Posted: 22 May 2021 04:51 PM PDT

    Do I really need to say more? when having a cartography table I constantly have to remodel the entire room just so that the colored bits stand out.

    submitted by /u/monkeyworld_M
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    Skullcrabs: A new nether mob for soul sand valleys (better name pending)

    Posted: 23 May 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Skullcrabs: A new nether mob for soul sand valleys (better name pending)

    This months theme is arthropods, something that minecraft totally needs more of in my opinion - especially to justify Bane of Arthropods but also just because they're neat.

    Presenting my spin on this theme:

    Skullcrabs (better name pending)

    Skullcrabs are a new nether mob native to soul sand valley, a biome that desperately needs some love. Inspired by a mix of crustaceans, mainly hermit crabs, these critters scuttle around in huge skulls left over in the bone littered soulsand valleys.

    Concept art


    Characterised by the skulls on their back, skullcrabs mostly resemble real life hermit crabs with the disproportionate claws of fiddler crabs. Their exoskeleton is a dark red not unlike netherrack and their stalked eyes burn like blue soul fire. They walk on 2 pairs of legs sticking out below the skull.

    Skullcrabs are generally big but come in two sizes, 2x2 and 3x3 blocks (skull size).

    Concept sketches showing player for scale and offensive/defensive mode

    Concept sketches showing player for scale and offensive/defensive mode

    Concept sketches showing scale and offensive/defensive mode

    Behaviour & Combat

    Being native to the soul sand valleys, skullcrabs are unaffected by soulsand but still move rather slowly. They will occasionally scuttle aimlessly around but spend most of their time tucked in to their skull appearing as a solid mass of block (2x2 or 3x3). Stationary skullcrabs behave as a single, upscaled unbreakable block (like a larger shulker shell), they cannot be pushed or walked through like normal mobs but players can stand on top of them. They also have physics like sand and gravel.

    Skullcrabs are innately hostile but will not always rush directly at the player like most mobs, instead they rely on a defensive strategy using their giant skull. They are quite beefy (~24-28 HP?), pack a punch and should be regarded as tough encounters that may be better avoid. When attacking, they mostly use their oversized claw for punching and pinching, occasionally dealing knockback blows. Their smaller claw is not useless however, it is capable of shooting a spray of soul fire 3-4 blocks (seen as a stream of blue flame particles) to set the player on (soul) fire if out of melee range, e.g. if trying to pole out of reach.

    Their combat strategy consists of slow but intense barrage of melee attacks ending off with a knockback blow allowing them to get in defensive position. When in block mode, skullcrabs are mostly invulnerable except for their undersite. If possible, they will try to go defensive at a chokepoint, blocking the players way.

    Small (2x2) crabs are proportionally quicker and weaker than their large (3x3) counterparts.


    Skullcrabs spawn rarely in soul sand valleys, more often near bone structures. They require some room to spawn. If a skullcrab spawns on a Nether fortress in soul sand valley, it has a chance to spawn with a giant wither skull as a shell. This is purely cosmetic.


    Once slain, skullcrabs leave behind their giant skull as a permanent multi-block. Empty skulls can be mined (mining the entire skull at once instead of breaking it up), dropping bones and sometimes skull fragment. These fragments can be combined to craft placeable, empty giant skull (4 for a small, 9 for a big one). In addition to the skull, the crab itself drops a small crab claw, an item used in brewing. Crab claws can be brewn into a potion of soul fire (feedback needed) that, when drunk, sets the player on soul fire or can be crafted into a splash potion for much the same effect on others.

    That about sums it up for this suggestions. Any questions or suggestions (especially for a better name) welcome!

    submitted by /u/Chris_The_Alligator
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    Nether Star should be visible in Beacons instead of sea lantern center.

    Posted: 23 May 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    I suggest that the beacon has a visible flat-lying nether star with the beam shooting out directly from the center of the star as a trophy to all your hard work in getting it.\*

    *(Let's be honest - to make a beacon you have to prepare to fight the terrifying abomination that is the wither in order to get an awesome looking nether star.

    However, once you create the beacon the awesome-looking nether star is gone and you are left with a sea lantern-like core.)

    submitted by /u/Tiny_Twist_5726
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    Wandering Traders' Llamas Should Have Chests.

    Posted: 22 May 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    Wandering Traders' Llamas Should Have Chests.

    Pretty much what the title says. I think that they should have chests attached because it would serve as a place for the Trader's goods, and maybe you could access that loot one time by killing the trader, but not the llamas. This could also teach new players about how you can add chests to llamas.


    submitted by /u/FervidBox75
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    Named arrows

    Posted: 23 May 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    If you named an arrow after shooting it Has mamÄ™ displayed. Would work for tridens too.

    submitted by /u/DoknS
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    Immune to fire nbt and effect interactions

    Posted: 23 May 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    So this is kind of two ideas in one, so here they are:

    immune to fire (and cactus?) nbt: as the name suggests, any item with this tag is... well... immune to fire, much like netherite items.

    This would allow map makers to create special items that can't really be destroyed and survival players who are tired of loosing their items to lava could also use this.

    Another similar idea is to set the item despawn timer with a gamerule

    effect interactions: this idea has less of a "Minecraft-y" feeling to it, but certain effects could interact with each other!

    An example would be maybe being on fire would cancel water breathing as well as poison, but amplify the effects of wither.

    Those are my ideas, thanks for reading! (Also apologies if I flaired this wrong)

    submitted by /u/Robster-the-Bobster
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    Ultraviolet redstone lamps

    Posted: 22 May 2021 10:56 PM PDT

    You know how annoying it is when your build looks amazing in the dark but you don't want mobs to spawn? Wouldn't it be cool if you could grow crops, pacify spiders, and prevent mob spawning without making it bright?

    Ultraviolet light isn't visible to humans, so it would make scientific sense. The crafting recipe would be similar to a redstone lamp but with quartz thrown in somewhere, because real UV lights require a quartz tube I think

    This idea was inspired by my cool waterfall that looked amazing until I lit it up and then it looked bad but I don't like creepers so I had no choice

    Maybe you guys can expand upon this in the comments idk

    submitted by /u/lunarfrogg
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    Pillager Ships in the Ocean

    Posted: 23 May 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    For every existing Ocean in a Minecraft World, there's a 1 in 45 (used to be 175) chance per every chunk that there's a Ship with Pillagers in them. But they don't move, and stay in place (It's more realistic for Minecraft)

    They're like the Shipwrecks, but they aren't destroyed. And contain the same loot you would get in a normal Shipwreck.

    However, the Vindicators have a 1 in 2 chance for there axe to be replaced by a sword. And they only use the sweeping edge attack. And Pillagers in general only use bows instead of crossbows.

    Please further modify this post by suggesting ideas (if you deem this to be even good).

    submitted by /u/Redioverz
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    Arctic variants of the fox exist, why not desert?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    I really think since there's an arctic version of the fox mob that only spawns in icy biomes, so why shouldn't there be a desert fox too? Or, more specifically, a fennec fox variant. It doesn't have to be a fennec fox (but it very well should be, cuz they're smol and cute!), but a desert fox just seems like a good idea.

    submitted by /u/SeniorFuzzyPants
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    Shields should have a unique enchantment

    Posted: 23 May 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    In my opinion, the best feeling in the game is when you feel like a god. Which leads me to my idea, unique shield enchantment. Something powerful like riptide or channeling. Or it could just be an ability added to shields, like how you can put fireworks in crossbows. Just anything really to make shields less boring. Leave suggestions if you have any cool ideas.

    submitted by /u/Smitherz55
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    Dyable bricks

    Posted: 23 May 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    A pretty simple suggestion. The ability to be able to dye bricks would allow buildings made with them to be able to look unique with varying colours. The original bricks would still be present. Colour wise, when dyed, they'd have similar colours to terracotta blocks. Dyed bricks would still be able to be turned into walls, slabs, stairs, etc.

    submitted by /u/GentlemanOctopus88
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    main flaws of wandering traders (and how to fix them)

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    there's a lot of wandering trader suggestions on this subreddit, the main reason is they're literally useless and people want to change it, but i don't think he has to be massively reworked to make him useful

    problem 1: spawning - the traders spawn very rarely, literally you hardly ever find them in the early game and in the endgame they're useless since you have explored a lot of the world, i think they should spawn much more frequently in the spawn chunks, so the player can just start working on a base, and the trader will be much more likely to spawn and sell plants to new players (when they need them)

    problem 2: emeralds - the wandering traders are literally supposed to help new players, and not late game ones, but they can't even get those emeralds if they didn't find a village or specific structures. my idea to fix this problem is to make the trader also buy stuff from the player, that would be useful for traveling (for example boats, spyglasses, ladders, food etc.), these items aren't really that hard to get for new players, and would allow to buy stuff

    problem 3: item quantities - wandering traders sometimes like to sell sand or flowers, but the amount of those items is literally a joke, what can i do with 12 cornflowers ? i can't even dye stuff, because i have so little of it, just double the amount of sold items per emerald AND quadruple the amount available trades for a single item, so the player can literally buy a stack of items instead of just 12, you can definitely do more things with it

    problem 4: some items are easily accessible anyways - it's really annoying when the trader spawns near the ocean and wants to sell me a kelp, i think traders shouldn't sell items that can be obtained from biomes in the 500 block radius, because who would buy an oak sapling or kelp if it's possible to get it for free in 10 seconds?

    problem 5: not enough offers - traders don't have a lot of possibilities, increasing the amount of offers would easily increase the probability of finding what you need

    problem 6: plants and seeds - you might get some useful plants to start growing them near your base, but not all, the trader is still missing some plants, just like bamboo or recently added glowberries, also if the trader can sell glowstone and has invisibility potions, that means he visited the nether, so maybe he also should sell items like soul sand and nether warts?

    problem 7: dyes - just why are you wasting his potential? he literally loses 2-3 trade slots because of those stupid dyes, people can just buy flowers and craft dyes with them, but at least flowers can be used to do more things than just dyes. his current form doesn't even make dye trades useful because you can't do anything with so little amounts (problem 3), just remove those dye trades and don't let him waste his trading slots.

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    rare loot table item - Lava Bottle

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    Lava bottles stack up to 16, and you place them like regular lava.

    It would place almost like a lava slab(lol), it would spread less and eventually go away.

    In terms of gameplay, it would be a lot of fun during PVP and even against mobs in regular survival. Maybe you just want to burn a forest down.. or an old wood house.

    Especially in survival based PVP, a spammable lava would be effective if you happen to have it. With regular lava buckets, you need to fill your hotbar.

    I think this could be a good item to spawn in deep lava caves in the next cave update.

    Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/AJVenom123
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    More astatic lever variations

    Posted: 22 May 2021 11:51 PM PDT

    Theres 1 type of lever in the game and when your building in ANY other style than the original cobble/wood one, it Sticks out like a sore thumb.

    How many variations would be up to the devs, but ones I would like to see in particular would be

    -More wood levers (acacia, warped, etc)

    -metal levers (iron, copper, etc handles with a smooth-stone base)

    submitted by /u/Buttered_TEA
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    Curse of distrust (semi-helpful curse)

    Posted: 23 May 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    Curses aren't exactly like enchantments, instead of changing how the item affects something on the outside, their damage or protection for example, curses change how the item itself acts, that being the inability to take something off, it vanishing upon death.

    Distrust is no different, here's what it does. Except for the player who applied (or first found) the item with the curse, it cannot be picked up, or taken out of a chest by anyone. It will not trust anyone but you to use it. The way it works, it can't physically enter another inventory.

    But like with the curses, there is a downside. Doing certain things makes it not trust you, notably getting it down to a very low durability (10 or below). Once you do this, every durability lost has an increasing chance for distrust (10-20-30%, etc). The item will throw itself out of your inventory in this case

    All in all, it is a very useful curse for someone to have on a tool, but they need to be careful so they won't lose it forever.

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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    Named cakes for special occasions!

    Posted: 23 May 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    Renaming a cake using an anvil will give it the special property of displaying the name above when placed down. It could be a simple and elegant way to represent real life cakes with writing on them.

    submitted by /u/iLoveNintend0
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    Right-Clicking Cauldrons Filled With Lava While Holding A Water Bucket Should Make Obsidian Instead Of Replacing The Lava With Water.

    Posted: 23 May 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    Right now, you have to manually extract the lava from cauldrons and break the obsidian manually, which makes farming obsidian painfully slow. My suggestion?

    When you right click a cauldron filled with lava while holding a water bucket , the lava should turn into obsidian instead of just replacing the water being replaced with lava.

    You should also be able to collect the obsidian stuck in the cauldron with a dispenser with a diamond+ pickaxe inside.

    Here Is A Video Demonstrating How It Would Work

    submitted by /u/GG1312
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    Thunder revamp (spotting, area effects and biome specific properties)

    Posted: 22 May 2021 03:12 AM PDT

    So, I've been thinking... thunder is cool, but honestly, it could be a lot cooler. Have more prestige.

    My first beef with it is that, just like rain, it spawns out of nowhere and just doesn't care about logic. Lightning is formed in HUMONGOUS cumulonimbi, anvil shaped clouds that can be up to kilometers in height. I'd suggest, intead of having rain and lightning spawn from the heavens (which they do, they don't even spawn from cloud height or even if there are clouds underneath to begin with), have a special type of cloud, larger, more opaque and grimmer, static, slowly fade into existance right over, and right before rainfall. Same for thunderstorms, but this time, the cloud can be up to 50 blocks tall and have that signature anvil look. I believe it would make for some nice change in the sky, create some impressive visuals while also warning the player to be on alert when visiting these places. But why be on alert ?

    Because my second beef is : lightning is really nothing when it comes to natural dangers in the game. Lighning bolts in real life is an actual threat, something to hide from. And we know how much Mojang like teaching children about real life through gameplay ! I would suggest multiple changes to the effects of lightning on the environment. First, area damage. You know this saying that, if you hear thunder, you should stay close to a tree, but not too close ? That's because the bolt will innevitably strike the tree, but the gigantic ammount of electricity will make the ground around it lethal as it spreads into the earth. So, similar to how blots can deoxidize copper in a small radius, I propose having lightning create an area effect in which damage is dealt the closer you are to the bolt. And should a bolt hit a tree, the entire thing should burst in flames intead of one block of leaves. Electricity + tree = no more tree. Which means both in game, and teaches children in life, that if you hear thunder when inside a forest, GET OUT OF THERE. But there is also another thing about lightning that is fun gameplay-wise, and one that could spread a fascinating fact on thunderbolts.

    Should lightning strike the sand of a desert biome, a vein of around 3 blocks of sandy quartz ore should spawn in the struken sand. This comes from the amazing phenomenon known as FULGURITE : when lightning hits in such places as the Sahara desert, the sand melts and forms into natrual, opaque silicate glass. And what is quartz but pure silicate ? Not only would it give some positive use to lightning, spread this fascinating fact to the masses and give quartz a quirky, alomst mystical way of spawning in the overworld, but it would most importantly give desert some fine, unique features. Because right now... I know there were biome votes, and we didn't vote for it, but now mountains are done, it's time for deserts to be actually something for a change.

    And that's about it ! Thunderstorms have HUGE potential in an open world game such as Minecraft, with some amazing visuals which could warn for danger and signal potential treasure. I know it's incredibly rare for any fanmade idea to be into the game, but it really feels like this one has its place already made for it. Honestly, I'm more surprized Mojang didn't think of this first. Lemme know what you think ! Is it good ? Is it bad ? Do you have any other suggestions ? I'm curious of your opinion, don't be affraid to comment !

    submitted by /u/Moe-Mux-Hagi
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    Crystal quartz

    Posted: 22 May 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    You should be able to refine quartz and it's block variants into a clear quartz crystal variant that is more crystalline and maybe slightly transparent. They might even have variants such as smoky quartz, rose quartz and milky quartz. You night also m able to find them in in the overworld caves.

    submitted by /u/the-played-one
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    You can cook bread to make TOAST!

    Posted: 23 May 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    We want toast! Gives you 4 hunger shanks, instead of the 2.5 of bread!

    submitted by /u/18HillOli
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    Knockback shortens the attack cooldown

    Posted: 22 May 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    "Why would it shorten the cooldown?" you may be wondering.

    Well, when you stab something with a sword, it tends to stick inside them (that's why swords have a groove in the middle of the blade, to reduce this effect), and it takes effort to pull it out in order to attack again.

    However, because knockback pushes a target, it stands to reason that it would actually aid in pulling out your sword quicker, because the target moves off of the blade.

    Maybe increased swing speed of around 12-20% each level. Remember that knockback pushes the target out of attack range, so this doesn't really increase DPS. Instead, it does what knockback was always meant for, crowd control. Getting to attack sooner just means that you'll be able to keep groups of mobs at bay.

    To nerf it a little, Knockback Resistance from netherite armor and Iron Golems, and anything else resistant to knockback will lengthen the cooldown, depending on partial resistance or knockback immunity.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Desert flowers

    Posted: 22 May 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    I feel like there should be desert flowers as a food source for people who want to live in the desert. they would grow on cacti and drop 1-3 flowers when you pick the cacti (I also don't care or want to know if this was already suggested so don't start sating "repost" in the comments)

    submitted by /u/Pure_Independence763
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    Hybrid Amplified/Normal World

    Posted: 23 May 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    Me and my friends are starting a new survival world, but we don't want it to have entirely vanilla generation since we did that already. I wanted to make an amplified survival world, but because of how uneven the ground is, it's hard for people to build the stuff they've been planning. So I think a cool solution would be to add a new world type which blended amplified and normal generation together into one world, so you can get the best of both.

    It could work by having an additional noise map, which depending on it's value, would seamlessly blend together normal and amplified generation by gradually transitioning the world gen parameters between that of a normal world and an amplified world across the landscape. I supppose the equation would just be n1 + (n2 * v) where n1 is the world gen value for a normal world, n2 for an amplified world and v for the noise map value between 0 and 1 for that particular block, or chunk, or however the world gen works because I really have no idea.

    Amplified worlds look super cool, but they really restrict the amount of space you have if you want to make a more traditional city build without much elevation. If a hybrid world was added, you could have the flat areas for building, with the added backdrop of super high amplified mountains, or vice-versa depending on what you want to build. I know caves and cliffs is getting added soon, but the mountains are still not on amplified levels of craziness, so I think it would be a cool extra world type to be included.

    submitted by /u/Grimosaur
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    You should be able to enchant shields with knockback

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:08 AM PDT

    If you could enchant shields with knockback, the projectiles it blocks (such as arrows) could bounce back further and potientally deal damage to the enemy. It's not a really good suggestion, but I think it would be cool and give people a reason to make knockback II books.

    submitted by /u/IsItColasian
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