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    Minecraft A way to write item lore without commands

    Minecraft A way to write item lore without commands

    A way to write item lore without commands

    Posted: 12 May 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    A way to write item lore without commands

    Currently the only way to write item lore (descriptions) in game is through commands.
    My suggestion is to allow players to combine an item with a written book in an anvil to give that item the text written in that book as its lore.

    Hopefully this is a more intuitive way to make use of this already existing feature and allows it to be done without cheats.

    Example of this

    submitted by /u/Magical_Chicken
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    Add sounds near the top and bottom of the world.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    At the top, major choirs chords, tinkling bells, muffled sounds of the end, and quick little harp tunes.

    Near the bottom, minor choir chords, deep rumblings, scarier cave sounds, muffled sounds of the Nether, and scary harp tunes.

    submitted by /u/DrDMango
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    Worn out Roads Seemingly Leading Nowhere

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    Imagine this: You're casually strolling through a forest when you find a small dirt path. It soon peters out but after 20 blocks it picks back up again. After around 5 minutes you find yourself on the outskirts of a village.

    Worn out roads could really enhance finding villages and other structures. These roads could be connecting villages in a vague sense, with large patches of worn out areas. They could also be few and far between, with only some leading out of villages, as to not make the world seem like a large grid. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/Luciano0o
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    Improvements to Mineshafts (For 1.18 or Later)

    Posted: 12 May 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    This has been mentioned before, but mineshafts have looked outdated for a while now, and the updated caves only show the contrast more. I know Mojang has stated that they won't be updating the mineshaft or dungeon in 1.17, so this is a change that could happen either in 1.18, the second half of Caves and Cliffs, or in the update that adds archaeology.

    (Updating mineshafts isn't on the FPS list, and the posts that mention it don't usually give many details, so I think I'm safe to post this.)

    In the current mineshafts, there are only a few distinct features:

    • The square dirt room at the center of the structure
    • Straight corridors that eventually either lead to a fork or a dead end
    • Stairways that lead to a lower y-level
    • Occasional minecart loot chests
    • And occasional cave spider spawner rooms

    This eventually gets pretty boring, despite there being so much potential for these structures. As such, here are some ways mineshafts could be more visually interesting, varied, and fun to play in.

    New rooms:

    • An abandoned elevator shaft room would generate about as often as stairs. It could lead straight down 10-15 blocks, with more corridors at the bottom. Sometimes, an elevator-type lift would generate halfway up the shaft, suspended by chains from the top. This would help give mineshafts more depth, since they only currently cover 15 to 20 y-levels. Elevator shaft rooms shouldn't generate if more than 40% of it is exposed, since they would probably look really odd if that were the case.
    • A room containing piles of TNT would definitely add more variety to the mineshafts. It might contain anywhere from ten to twenty-five blocks of TNT, but players would have to be extra cautious about creepers.

    Changes and improvements to existing features:

    • Mineshafts should intersect with giant ore veins more often. In real life, the point of mineshafts are to extract materials from mineral-rich areas. Since we now have a similar feature in Minecraft, it would make a lot of sense to connect the two. Of course, having an almost completely intact ore vein would be very overpowered, so it would make sense if the tunnels followed the direction of the giant vein, leaving most of the ores mined out. This would probably be difficult to implement, though.
    • Above y=0, the wood generated in mineshafts should be dependent on the biome above it. This would make logical sense, given that whoever built the mineshafts would have likely harvested the wood nearby. However, below y=0, the wood type should always be dark oak. It blends much better with the deepslate and tuff, and at that depth, the biome above it would be so far away that it wouldn't matter as much.
    • Corridors shouldn't be so straight. They should occasionally meander slowly to the left and right, and possibly slightly up and down--this would make them harder to traverse, though, and less distinguishable from noodle caves.
    • The central dirt room should be more detailed. After all, it would've been the miners' center of operation, and it doesn't make sense that it's completely empty. There should be small stacks of raw ores scattered throughout the room, as well as chests, decorations, and possibly beds. The floor and walls should be made of a more decorative material, like stone bricks, and lanterns hanging from the ceiling would be a nice touch. The chests should contain slightly more valuable resources, as well as half-broken pickaxes, torches, and various supplies.
    • The spider spawner corridor should expand into a slightly bigger, cavern-like area. This would make it seem more like the spiders' nest and less like a regular mineshaft corridor that was /filled with cobwebs. And when a spider spawner hallway attempts to generate in the middle of a cave, it should check for how big the cave is. If it's a smaller cave, the cobwebs should fill the cave, but get less dense the further they are from the spawner. If it's a larger cave, like a giant cheese cave, it probably shouldn't generate--it wouldn't look natural in a megacave.
    • The spider spawner caves should also have some kind of reward--they're currently just a nuisance where you either break enough cobwebs or block up the tunnel and ignore the hissing. Adding a guaranteed loot chest, a raw ore block, or any other reward would give the player a reason to fully clear out the room. Sure, you could make a mob farm, but mobs that can poison you and climb walls are enough of a nuisance that most players would leave alone.
    • In the corridors, there should be occasional cave-in sites, where a chunk of the ceiling is gone and there's a pile of cobblestone underneath.
    • Sometimes, at the ends of corridors, there should be lone TNT blocks, implying that the mineshaft was still being mined out when it was abandoned.
    • Minecart chests should usually contain raw ores instead of ingots. This makes sense because it implies that the materials were mostly just being mined there, not necessarily being refined. The types of ores that are most common in the chests should be dependent on the mineshaft's y-level and proximity to ore veins. For example, in mineshafts on the surface of badlands biomes, the predominant ore type in chests should be gold, and it should usually be raw gold. If it's a mineshaft at, say, y=-40, the chances of getting diamonds from chests should be increased, as well as increased chances of getting other ores that generate at that level, and reduced chances of ores that don't generate in that level. There should still be a small chance of chests containing diamonds above diamond level and copper below copper level, though.
    • Zombies and skeletons that spawn in mineshafts should have a higher chance of wearing iron helmets, and the zombies should also have a higher chance of carrying a shovel or a pickaxe. This might imply that the zombies and skeletons in the caves are the undead bodies of the miners.
    • In long sections of wood plank bridges, there should occasionally be missing blocks, implying that the wooden bridges have decayed over time.
    • Instead of stairs that lead one block down for every one block forward, they should be more gradual, going down one block for every two or three blocks forward.
    • If extinguished lanterns were ever added to the game, they would fit great in the mineshaft corridors.

    Mineshafts are already incredibly fun to explore, but I think these changes will make them even better. If you have other ideas for improvements, let me know.

    submitted by /u/-HaelStegaria-
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    End Dust and Light Items

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    End Dust and Light Items


    This post is made in the spirit of an end update being released. It is a long suggestion and contains a lot of separate ideas that are all precluded by the player obtaining end dust.

    End Dust

    End Dust is a light-emitting block that is inversely affected by gravity. It is found in patches below the islands in the End dimension.

    An end dust block in item form


    Natural Generation

    End dust will generate in the End dimension in scar-like patches by replacing the underside surface layer of end stone. It will generate at y level 18 and below, in any of the outer end island biomes and only on the lower surface.


    End dust will generate rarely as loot in end cities.

    An example of how end dust might generate.


    End dust can be broken with any tool, but a shovel is the quickest. It takes twice as long to mine as gravel. Mining end dust with Silk Touch will always drop an end dust item. The player can also place a block like a torch in the position that a rising end dust entity would land and it will pop off as an item.

    When end dust is in item entity form it has inverted gravity and accelerates upwards, so you don't need to worry about losing it into the void as you harvest it.
    Mining end dust without Silk Touch will have a 50% chance to drop an end dust. The other 50% is split into a 1% chance to drop a piece of light flint and the other 49% to drop nothing at all. The chance to drop a light flint increases by 1% for each level of fortune. On average and with a fortune III shovel you will need 12.5 end dust to obtain 1 light flint.

    Gravity Affected Entities

    All of the new items / entities will be deleted 64 blocks above or below the respective world limits, if they have existed for 5 seconds.

    Items with zero-gravity properties

    These items would not be accelerated downwards, but they will experience a higher drag of 0.5/tick (See here for an explanation of drag) than normal items. This will essentially leave them floating in mid air after a short time.

    Light Flint

    Light flint is an item that is primarily used in crafting recipes. When dropped as an item entity it has inverted gravity. If it is crafted together with items that have gravity, it creates zero-gravity items. You will also have a small chance to find 1-2 of these in the chest of an end ship.

    Light Arrow


    A light arrow is crafted like a normal arrow, but with light flint instead of normal flint. The recipe also yields 16 arrows instead of 4.

    Crafting recipe for a light arrow


    A light arrow is not affected by gravity at all, however its speed is still multiplied by 0.99 every tick, so it will not fly forever. When shot from a bow / crossbow / dispenser its inaccuracy value is halved and its speed is increased by 20%. When dropped in item form it has zero-gravity properties.

    Light Ingot


    By crafting eight light flint around a diamond, the player will receive one light ingot.

    Crafting recipe for a light ingot


    This item has zero-gravity properties when dropped. It can also be sacrificed to activate a beacon. The light ingot can be used to upgrade chainmail armor and elytra at a smithing table, as well as being able to be crafted into a light block.

    Light Block

    A light block is the only block with zero-gravity properties. When dropped in item form it also has zero-gravity properties. It emits a light level of 15, can be used as a block in a beacon base and has the same hardness and mining speed as a diamond block.

    A light block next to netherite and iron blocks


    By crafting nine light ingots together in a crafting table, the player will receive one light block. It can also be un-crafted back into light ingots.

    Zero gravity block properties

    A zero-gravity block will behave like a normal block when placed. However, if it is pushed by a slime block, or an explosion, then it will become a falling block entity and continue to fly in the direction which it was pushed until it comes to rest. It will be affected by a drag of 0.1/tick. If it collides directly with a stationary block, or is moving below 0.05 blocks/second, then it will snap to the closest whole block and become stationary. It will also stick to honey if it is flying directly past it by snapping to the closest block next to the honey. An observer can detect when the block snaps in front of it.

    A zero-gravity block will stick to honey and slime blocks as it moves (just like a stone or other block block would), unless directly pushed by a slime block (ie, it is on the block that the slime block will occupy when the slime block moves forwards). If it is pushed by a slime block but there is another block in front, then it will act as a regular block and simply be pushed forwards.

    Light Elytra

    By combining a light ingot with an elytra at a smithing table, the player can can create a light elytra. A light elytra flies like a regular elytra the difference is that it has 50% more durability (648) and gives 5 protection and 2 armor lightness. It can be enchanted with all of the enchantments that a chestplate or elytra can be enchanted with. Light elytra has a similar color scheme to the light ingot but is the same shape as an elytra. It can be repaired at an anvil with a light ingot. When dropped as an item it will have zero-gravity properties.

    Light Mail

    By combining a light ingot with any chainmail armor piece, the player can create light mail armor. Each piece has 2 armor lightness, 2 armor toughness, and has the same protection values as iron armor. This armor gives protection somewhere in between iron and diamond, but the speed boost makes it useful in many situations. Light mail has a similar color scheme to the light ingot and a similar design to chain mail. Any light mail armor piece can be repaired at an anvil with a light ingot. When dropped as an item it will have zero-gravity properties.

    Type Protection
    Helmet 2
    Chestplate 6
    Leggings 5
    Boots 2

    Armor Lightness

    Armor lightness gives the player a small speed and jump boost. The speed boost is a multiplier of 1 + lightness/40, for a maximum of a 20% speed boost with a lightness value of 8, which is equivalent to having Speed I. The jump boost is a multiplier of 1 + lightness/16, for a maximum of 50% with a lightness value of 8, which is equivalent to having Jump Boost I. These effects would stack with both Speed and Jump Boost.

    submitted by /u/maxdktron
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    Nautilus as a mob

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    they will live in under water ravines and are resistant to bubble columns

    babies will drop nothing (of course) because their shells are not developed enough

    they feed on any fish that get dragged down

    submitted by /u/DiamondsAreRareCoal
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    New enchantment: Slime's Blessing

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Tl;dr: Makes attacker take knockback when you're hit

    It would go on armor, and it would make it so that if you get hit, the attacker bounces off. There would be 2 levels, and a full set would be like KB 2 on a sword when you get hit. You couldn't have thorns with it, and it wouldn't KB if you get hit by projectiles.

    submitted by /u/antimetal86
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    Zombie Horse Natural Spawning and Rideability

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    The idea is simple, Zombie horses will naturally spawn in the deep dark.

    In the current state of the game Zombie horses are ultimately useless. Sure, they look cool but in terms of functionality they are lacking. This is why we should add this to the game. There isnt alot to write as its a simple concept and most of the code if not all of it is already there. Please PLEASE add this.

    submitted by /u/8SunStrike8
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    Soul TNT

    Posted: 12 May 2021 02:21 PM PDT

    Why would this be in the game? Easy. Right now, when looking for ancient debris, people usually use a bed, which is crafted with wood (crimson or warped) and wool (string from a strider). However, most players won't even dare to kill a strider, even less 4 of them for just one piece of wool.

    So I suggest soul tnt, which is crafted with soulsand instead of sand, and magma cream instead of gunpowder. Soul tnt does extra damage to nether blocks, and produces soul fire when it explodes, on all blocks, not just soul sand/soil.

    Soul tnt would be a light blue tnt with runes instead of tnt written into it, and I think it adds a little more fun to the nether

    submitted by /u/Between3-20chrctrs
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    Piglins and hoglins should start shivering when they are running away from a block

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:14 AM PDT

    piglins and hoglins are already scared of specific blocks. but they don't show any signs of fear, i mean they do run but it doesn't rlly look scared. it would make more sense for them to start shaking in fear while running. this could also show new players that piglins and hoglins are scared of specific blocks. this would probably use the same animation for when piglin shivers in overworld

    submitted by /u/TerrariaCreeper
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    S t u m p

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Bedrock has s t u m p, so why can't we have s t u m p?

    submitted by /u/ShakeWell42
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    End spikes biome

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    In the end there could be a new biome, this biome will have pointy obsidian formations on the top and bottom of the islands similar to ice spikes or giant dripstone structures but made from obsidian and not always straight. Thin rivers of acid flow through this biome as well.

    Acid is a yellowish greenish liquid. It slowly dissolves blocks it touches other than ends stone, obsidian, and goo. Acid will also do damage to most mobs.

    There are two new mobs in this biome and also endermen. The new mobs will not take damage from acid.

    The obsidian parasite would either be a worm or a mite made out if obsidian that lives on the spikes. It moves slow but has a lot of armor protecting it. It can stay still, looking like a block of obsidian. It is mostly neutral but attacks you if you get too close. It drops obsidian.

    The goo slug slowly crawls across the bottom of blocks and defies gravity, it lurks on the bottom of the end islands. The goo slug will spit acid at you and when you kill it it drops strange goo.

    Strange goo can be used for a few things. You can craft strange goo blocks which you can swim through similar to powder snow or other liquids. When water touches goo the goo hardens into a solid block, items inside of goo will be stuck in there and preserved when it hardens and they will not despawn. You can mine hardened goo to get the item. Goo can also be used to make a gooey bucket which is the only way to pick up acid. You can eat goo but it gives you nausea.

    submitted by /u/_Anonymous_Person_7
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    Bats should be able to sense vibration like the Warden.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    I think this would be a great addition. It shows them using one of their IRL skills in a nice way that makes them feel more alive. I would like to see this added to the game.

    submitted by /u/Dragonsapian7000
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    There is a small chance of both the sun being out and rain falling, creating a rainbow on the horizon

    Posted: 12 May 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    This wouldn't impact the game at all except for being a nice aesthetic occurrence

    submitted by /u/A_kirby_redditor
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    Raw iron/copper/gold blocks can be smelted in iron/co cozpper/gold blocks on FPS list.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    Can this be on the FPS list? It's a feature that's to hard to balance.

    All the ideas to make it good can be cheesed. Like only a coal blocks can smelt raw ore blocks. Longer wait time. Hopper would get useless, because if you want to smelt more than a stack (say 99) you just craft them in the raw ore blocks so there is room for every item, i mean that your furnace could have 9 times more the capacity of smelting ores.

    Don't add this.. It's a bad feature and it's to hard to balance.

    submitted by /u/Red_panda1130
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    Potion Effect: Vulnerablity?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    There should be a new potion effect that is similar to weakness, it can increase the amount of damage your enemy does to you e.g. if you punch a player with that effect then instead of half a heart it would probably be one and a half hearts of damage. (same with mobs)

    This could be very useful for map making and probably even pvp.

    submitted by /u/Feisty_Detective_160
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    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Bedbugs are rabbit sized little vampire bugs that only spawn on bedrock blocks. Naturally they are very scarce, as exposed bedrock is not a frequent sight, but in man made environment they can thrive. They mainly serve to increase immersion, and are fun little critters to start a far with.

    Just like real bedbugs, these bedrock bugs require blood. Every now and then they will take a 1 heart nibble out of a living creature (including the player) and run away for dear life. In doing so, they enter love mode. Now that they have the required blood sacrifice to create life, they get on with it like veterans, producing not a single offspring, but several. Between one and five babies are born from each couple, and when they grow up, they are hungry. It won't be long until you face an infestation, and it is time for a good old culling. The amount of exp dropped from a bedbug isn't heaps, but it adds up when you consider how much bedbugs a single (for example) pig can produce.

    submitted by /u/Martijndebakker
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    The Void

    Posted: 12 May 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    What if the void was made into it's own dimension? This is a long post, so get comfy and enjoy.

    The void would be accessible after beating the dragon and taking on a few end ships. You would require a Void Glider, made from an elytra, an eye of ender, and a shulker shell. It would protect you from damage in the void. Once you have that, travel back to the main island and dive under. You will encounter your first new mob, the Void Scourge, phantom like mobs that would try to fly over you and drop Dragon Fireballs on you. There will also be a bunch of bedrock pillars with end crystal-like structures at the bottom shooting beams at an upside down beacon. The crystals are called Void Shackles and you need to destroy all of them to activate the beacon, which is the portal. After that, the beacon will light up and you can enter it's beam to go to the void.

    You will take damage in the void unless you wear your void glider. The void will be comprised of a large bedrock sphere surrounded by small floating islands made of Voidstone (like end stone but with higher blast resistance). There is only one entrance to the sphere. The void boasts lots of void scourges, and two different mobs, the Void Aberration and the Void Caller. The Aberration is a large athropod mob that is hostile and knocks you back. The Void Caller is passive, but summons mobs called Wanderers that are hostile. The wanderers are super fast, can fly, and can detect you from a huge distance. Like the end, there is no escaping the void, except in the void you respawn at your void spawn point rather than in the Overworld. If you make it into the sphere, you will encounter the boss, the Void Core. It can shoot very powerful lasers much like a guardians, emit force fields that knock you back, and teleport other Void mobs into the sphere. If you kill it, you will instantly gain a lot of xp and a Void Matrix. You will be ejected back into the end, only the sky will be white instead of black and starry to signify the void's absence. The void portal will be gone.

    The only way to return to the Void is to craft the Void Matrix into a Particle Accelerator. This machine will generate Void orbs when fueled. 8 void orbs can be crafted into a void sphere, and 8 void spheres can be crafted into a void singularity. The void singularity can be crafted into a void crystal with a diamond. If you place 12 void crystals on the exit portal the way you placed eyes of ender into the portal frame, then place a beacon in the center, you can then reenter the void through the portal, only this time you spawn inside the sphere and the void core sits inanimate. You can go back to the end by left clicking it, but you can fight the core again by right clicking it 5 times.


    Mobs (will add images soon)

    Void Scourge (drops 0-3 void orbs)

    Void Abberattion (drops 0-3 spider eyes and 1-4 carparace)

    Void Caller (drops 1 void crystal)


    Void Core (drops 1 void matrix)


    Voidstone (uncraftable)

    Void Shackle (uncraftable)

    Particle Accelerator (crafted from 6 blocks obsidian, 2 end rods, and a Void Matrix


    Void Orb

    Void Sphere (craft from 8 void orbs)

    Void Singularity (craft from 8 void spheres)

    Void Crystal (crafted from 1 void singularity and 1 diamond)

    Void tools (1 step up from Netherite, crafted using Void Crystals)

    Void Armour (1 step above Netherite, crafted using Carparace, immunity to void)

    Void Glider (crafted with 1 elytra,1 shulker shell, and 1 ender eye, removes void dmg)

    submitted by /u/CyberBeast99
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    Make Lodestones Moveable

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    I think it would be really cool if you could push lodestones with pistons so that compasses will point to their new location. The reason I think that this would be cool is so that you could put compasses in item frames like gauges and you could control which way they point. Would be cool for stuff like elevators and stuff. Probably a coding nightmare but I think that would be really cool.

    submitted by /u/Kagillion
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    1.19 End Update 2 Electric Boogaloo

    Posted: 12 May 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    1.19 End Update! (Or 1.18 but I think they said that 1.18 is Cliffs.)
    I've always wanted a End Update, and yes 1.9 was also a "End Update" but the end is still pretty barren.

    What I want in this update is, BIOMES, TOOLS, MOBS, VILLAGES (Ill get onto that soon cuz that might seem crazy)

    First ill get into the mobs.
    1. Glow Jellyfish
    Might not be able to add Glow Effect for reasons the Glow Squid can't glow but I was VERY disappointed that the glow squid didn't have the Hypnotization effect or whatever that made you look at it and no be able to move, so that's what I want the Glow Jelly fish to have. it will sting you if you get close and do 2 hearts if you don't have any armor. The jelly fish will be translucent and will be Light blue, pink, green or orange. (Almost forgot to mention, its a neutral mob and drops Glow Slime balls. You can make Glow Slime block and will work the same way as a normal slime block.)

    1. Glow Fish
      fish. just another type of fish. drops raw glow fish, you can pick it up with a bucket, you can cook and eat it. its just another fish,

    2. Dragonfly
      I love Dragonfly's and they would be a very cool edition for the End Dimension. It won't be a hostile mob, it will be neutral, if you hit it, it will bite you, but it will only do half a heart (without armor.) The Dragonfly will be translucent (if that's how you call it) and will be a light blue color, with "glowing" white eyes. Like the axolotl, it will have different colors. Here are the other colors: Pink body, blue eyes. Purple body, pink eyes, green body, white eyes, and a rare orange body, cyan eyes. It wont drop anything.

    3. End Slime, or something idk what to name it.

    It will be similar to the Magma Cube, it will be able to jump 5 blocks. does 5 hearts of damage if you aren't wearing armor. it will be purple with light blue eyes. It will drop Glow Slime balls. it will shoot a projectile out of its eyes 1 hitting you if you don't have any armor but it will work similar to whatever the shulker spits out. If you hit it with your sword it will disappear and it will be slow. You can also block it with your shield.

    1. Goner Golem, Goner, Golem, whatever you wanna call it.
      It will look similar to the Redstone Monstrosity but it will be very slouched. it will be pitch black with black particles coming out of it. for its heart, it will have that soul texture on the soul sand, similar to the souls in the chest of the warden. the heart will be its weak point, it will do the same amount of damage the warden does, it will be slow, building up 4 blocks wont work, best bet is using a bow. its about the same size as the iron golem. This mob will be a mini boss that DOES drop something. it will drop a ore, you cant make armor, or tools out of it. but you can make a boomerang. IVE WANTED BOOMERANGS IN MINECRAFT FOR TOO LONG NOW!!!!! Idc if they don't make a end update all I want is a BOOMERANG! How you summon the Goner Golem or whatever you wanna call it is by finding a shrine, dropping a wither skeleton skull, a nether star and a soul sand, it will spawn. I think this idea is pretty neat.

    Those will be the mobs, now time for the biomes!

    1. Dazzling Forest
      This forest will add a new type of wood, Amaranth Wood! It will be purple, you can make everything you can make with Oak Wood. But the wood tools you make with it will have a tint of purple. The leaves will also be purple and the forest will be home to a new type of food into Minecraft! Dragonfruit, it will heal 4 food bar heart thingies idk what to call them. Also there will be a new Grass called Dazzling Grass (Bad name, ik.) IT will sparkle whenever you walk on it, it will be purple and light blue. little patches of water will be home to the Glow Jellyfish, this biome will also have the Dragonfly and the fish.

    2. Chorus Fruit Plains.
      This biome will be similar to the end we have now, but with a few changes. First instead of endstone, it will be the grass I mentioned earlier, and it will spawn the shrines where you can spawn the Goner Golem. And thats pretty much the entire biome.

    3. Crystal Hills.

    The Crystal Hills will be home to well, Crystals. You can break these Crystals you will get Crystal Shards. the crystal shards will be able to help create the boomerang! and also will be a upgrade to the Spyglass, if you put the spyglass and the crystal shards into a smithing table, it will make a Better Spyglass, I don't have a name for it. It will be able to spot all mobs, it will outline all the mobs like the glowing effect and you will be able to see where they are. Anyway, the Crystal hills terrain will look like the shattered savannas terrain which I think would look very cool.

    Those are all the biomes. Now for the villages.
    Before I start, I just wanna say that the villages will be a abandoned and no villagers or humanoids will be there. You will find the villages in the Chorus Fruit Plains. the loot there will be similar to the loot in the end citys.

    Anyway i'm getting lazy so thats my suggestion goodbyeee

    submitted by /u/loomybruh
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    New enchant: poison edge

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    This would be as rare as fire aspect but instead of fire it inflicts poison

    submitted by /u/Cosmicgamer2009
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    Ferrets mob

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    Ferrets are a great animal that can be in minecraft. The reason why ferrets could be added to minecraft is because ferrets are a interesting animal and the way that they can act can add a tiny bit of spice to minecraft. The ferrets could have 4 types. The first type could be the albino ferret, the albino ferret is just a white ferret but its a very common type because they are common in the wild and they can spawn in the plains, forests, desert, tundra, and the mountains. Next the black footed ferret. The black footed ferret is one of the most endangered mammals, The black footed ferret can spawn in the plains and they can spawn in holes because black footed ferrets make holes to live in. Cinnamon ferrets are a type of ferrets that are brown and also rare. Blaze ferrets are a ferret breed that haves a white face but mostly black body with white feet. Ferrets can kill rabbits because they eat rabbits just like how wolf kill sheep. you can tame a ferret with rabbit meat but they won't get something to know that it is tamed just like parrots. If there is more animals that are added like mice then ferrets can kill them too.

    submitted by /u/theoneandonlyhumun
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    Shrapnel TNT

    Posted: 12 May 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    You make it by surrounding TNT with iron nuggets it does more damage to players/mobs however only destroy half the number of blocks

    submitted by /u/Its-your-boi-warden
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    Remove the annoying border around glass.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    The border in the glass texture makes builds with glass look a lot worse because of the white borders everywhere. I know there are already texture packs for that but some people can't download them for various reasons.

    submitted by /u/awesometim0
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