• Breaking News

    Minecraft [FIRE RESISTANCE] Remove the burning effect.

    Minecraft [FIRE RESISTANCE] Remove the burning effect.

    [FIRE RESISTANCE] Remove the burning effect.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    It would be better if you drank the Fire Resistance potion that removes the burning effect that causes to cover your half of the screen, in fact, zombified piglins don't have this burning effect, they just swim like they're at the beach and relax. With this fire removal, you could see some diamonds very well inside lava you swim, in caves.

    submitted by /u/Nogiogo
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    Note blocks on top of copper blocks should play a cymbal sound

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Title says it all. I thought since real life cymbals are made from copper it just makes sense. It would be pretty helpful for music makers and just a bit of a fun addition.

    submitted by /u/liquidportal6199
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    Glow in the dark dog collars, need I say more?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    It would be kinda cool to see the puppers have a glow collar that can be seen in the dark, maybe even glow around the head and fade out the glow on the body.

    submitted by /u/External-Object
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    Wardens in spectate mode

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    Because wardens are blind making it normally pointless to spectate them, instead their spectate mode view would show a sound visualizer.

    submitted by /u/chrogleuser5million
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    Rooted Dirt should spawn under trees and decay like leaves

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Basically, whenever a tree is generated - whether it's during world creation or by a player with a sapling - 1-3 blocks of Dirt underneath it should become Rooted Dirt. Then after the tree is cut down, the Rooted Dirt will get a 'timer' like Leaves and decay into dirt if not collected. Obviously, player-placed Rooted Dirt will be permanent, just like Leaves.

    I think this idea could add some more realism to the game in a vanilla-friendly way and add an alternative way of obtaining Rooted Dirt. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/TheArcanist_
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    Snow Golems' snowballs should slow and eventually freeze enemies

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 06:19 PM PDT

    Just like the title says. Make each snowball work towards freezing the target, just like new powder snow does. The enemies could be thawed out by light or the sun coming up.

    submitted by /u/xoroark7
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    three plus three is four

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 05:27 AM PDT

    Combine two of the same enchantments in an anvil to create a higher level enchantment to get "three plus three is four"

    submitted by /u/timewarpdino
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    Geodes Added to /locate

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    Simple Idea so doesn't need much explanation but:

    They should add Amethyst Geodes to the /locate list.

    It would barely make a difference but it would be so much better for creative players or people in general that want to find the nearest geode to them - it's the reason why the command exists so I feel like they should add (amethyst) geodes to the list of stuff you can locate.

    What do you think?

    [Also at time of posting, I haven't seen this elsewhere, nor is this feature been announced but if either has happened please notify me. Thanks!]

    submitted by /u/TheEternalVortex
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    A funny visual gag with the Spyglass

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    If looking into the sun with a spy glass, the player will gain temporary blindness. Its not ground breaking but kinda funny at least.

    submitted by /u/Blueskysredbirds
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    The Iron Golem at Pillager outposts should head towards a village when freed

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    I have freed many Golems at Pillager outposts and followed them, but they never seem to go anywhere.

    It would be cool if instead of being just backup to help kill the Pillagers, it could also lead you to a village

    submitted by /u/AbcWhatever2
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    New gamemode: Builder mode

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    Upon typing /gamemode builder you enter noclip flight like in spectator mode, but you get full access to the creative inventory.

    Any block you place has 50% opacity (which could be adjusted in the menu) and cannot be interacted with, like a 3d projected schematic.

    Viewing these blocks can also be turned off in the menu, and perhaps even a setting which turn everybody except yours off.

    Switching to survival mode and filling in the correct block will remove the ghost block, and incorrect blocks simply overlay with the ghost blocks.

    submitted by /u/Scrubz_McDubz
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    Clam mob

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    Clams could be found in packs under the ocean and would be more common in underwater ravines. These mobs have similar positioning like a shulker would; either upside down, on the wall or on the ground. There would even be a rare variant of them thats purple. You could "feed" it sand and over time it could create sea pearls. They could be created into pearl blocks, stairs, slabs chiseled etc. In order to move them, you could use a bucket on them to transport them.

    Edit: feeding it red sand would make red variations of pearl blocks

    submitted by /u/IamNotSomeoneRandom
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    You should be able to place banners sideways

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    It would be a really cool feature

    submitted by /u/KALJUBOI
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    More moss mechanics

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    Bonemealing Moss should turn nearby cobblestone and stone brick into its mossy variant

    Moss should also be able to be grown underwater, to expand its building potential.

    Very simple changes

    submitted by /u/raspberrypieboi69
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    When on fire, your hearts should be orange.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    It's exactly like it says, when you are frozen, your hearts turn blue and white, when poisoned, your hearts turn green. When you are on fire your hearts should turn orange.

    submitted by /u/Shoot_them_all
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    Air bottles!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    quite a small simple suggestion: empty bottles are drinkable under water and give the player 2-4 extra air bubbles! this would allow players to have a backup plan if they swim for the surface too late. After "drinking" the empty bottle, the bottle would change to a water bottle, as opening the empty bottle underwater causes the water too fall in, and so that you can't use it a second time.

    an argument against this might be that someone could just drink the water bottle underwater so that it is empty and can be used for air; however, this could be longer than the seconds of air it actually gives. and it's actually very hard to empty a bottle underwater without actually filling it up with water on accident. if this would still be considered an issue, a change could be made that drinking any bottle underwater would just make it fill up with water anyway.

    submitted by /u/flameinthepinkpan
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    Sound for tinted glass

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 07:57 PM PDT

    How about making a note block on top of tinted glass play a lower-pitched version of the normal glass sound?

    submitted by /u/Vagdotcon-749
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    A Phantastic Phix Phor Phantoms

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    Stupid title, I know, but I would like to propose a(hopefully not annoying) fix for the very annoying phantoms: Phantom Swarms

    Instead of phantoms spawning and attacking in random places in the sky, have them spawn in groups depending on how many nights you havent slept(3 for the first night it happens, then 5, then 7) on easy and normal, and 5, 7, and 9 on hard.

    When spawned in a group, phantoms will circle the player similar to vultures circling prey, and they'll swoop down to attack one at a time. The next phantom in line won't attack until the one before it is flying back to the formation.

    The swarm will have a health bar similar to a raid, because the phantoms are all in cahoots with one another.

    I figured this would make it easier to keep track of phantoms, while still posing a bit of a challenge.

    For defense, phantoms will begin to fly in different patterns(I.e figure 8s) to avoid attacks.

    They still have the same drops and same base health.

    submitted by /u/DesertEagleBennett
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    Some ideas for copper and amethyst.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    New crafting recipes and uses for copper and amethyst I made. (explanation and uses in comments)

    I made these after playing 1.17 for a bit, and not finding many uses for copper and spy glasses. Copper has 3 uses and amethyst has 2 uses and doesn't feel necessary right now. I appreciate any (kind) criticism or suggestions. I made the Diving helmet, copper helmet, and ring sprite. Feel free to use them.

    Rings: You would have an accessory slot next to your off-hand in your inventory. Made with diamonds or amethyst. Permanently gives 1 extra heart when equipped.

    Allow the player to use copper as an iron replacement in redstone crafting recipes.

    Diving helmet: Night vision while under water

    Copper helmet/armor: Lightning lands on you, similar to lightning rods. You don't take damage from strikes and gain a speed boost when struck. Same defense as iron.

    Amethyst enchantment table: Different, more magical enchantments:

    • With the amethyst enchantment table, you can use different enchantments and curses on tools and armor.

    • Curse of destruction: Break block 2x faster, but 20% chance to not give items (pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe)

    • Curse of Silence: All mobs in a 5 block radius won't attack you, but you can't attack them (helmet)

    • Curse of light: Give you glowing, emits light like optifine torches. Mobs can see you further away.

    • Molten 1/2/3: Tools have a chance to smelt when breaking a block. Level 1 is 25%, level 2 is 50%, level 3 is 75%

    • Electrocution 1/2/3: chance to stun opponents for 0.5 seconds. The stun stops you from moving. Level 1 is 25%, level 2 is 50%, level 3 is 75%. (Iron sword, Iron axe, Golden sword, Golden Axe)

    • Gust 1/2: Gain a small boost when you start gliding with an elytra.

    • Magic protection 1/2/3/4: Reduced damage from potions and lightning. Nausea is more bearable, slowness doesn't slow as much, more sight range with blindness, wither and poison tick slower.

    • New normal enchantment: Quick shot 1/2: Arrows fly faster and more straight(Some of these are already in the form of mods, but I added them here because I felt like it was a good fit.)

    Slideshow where I made these: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NXNkQ-oJUg8Q7owkblUWRaamfVDsq8CroL7Xn8eoyY8/edit?usp=sharing

    submitted by /u/Jazper8000
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    Iron Golems... Freezing?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    I know it may seem miniscule: but Iron Golems freeze when in powder snow, and I don't think it makes much sense, Iron Golems not being warm blooded and whatnot.

    submitted by /u/Breadtheaddict
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