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    Minecraft Shipwreck barrels

    Minecraft Shipwreck barrels

    Shipwreck barrels

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    My suggestion is to replace the chests in shipwrecks with barrels. This would make sense because in real life barrels are also used for ships.

    submitted by /u/mrdsutte
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    New trap block: Rotting planks

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    Rotting planks would be a new trap block, similar to big dripleaf, the difference being rotting planks doesn't go back to its original state. Once it breaks, it's gone. When you stand on rotting planks for too long, it collapses. Perhaps the breaking speed could vary from almost instantly to as long as a big dripleaf.

    It would have an appearance similar to planks, but would have moss growing through the planks.

    Because a mossy plank block would be great for building, it would be possible to disable the collapsing with redstone.

    It would generate in zombie villages, mansions and mineshafts. This would add more danger to these structures if you don't see the rotting planks. Imagine sneaking through a mansion or a mineshaft hanging over a big cave in 1.18 and you suddenly fall through the floor.

    It would be obtainable with silk touch or by bonemealing a moss block next to planks.

    I think there is potential for this to be a fun addition to the game, I hope it is considered!

    EDIT: Someone posted this on the feedback site shortly before I did, but I still posted it there anyway.

    submitted by /u/General-Pikefish
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    "Its not made of cheese?"

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    I got inspiration from another suggestion to do this.

    If you point your spyglass to the moon you get the advancement "wot its not cheese?"

    and if you point it to the sun you get the advancement "MY EYES"

    EDIT: I read the comments and have another idea thanks to u/Enough-Agency3721 advancement "Into the frying pan out of the fire" Block any fireball with a shield, (The frying pan is the shield)

    "Backstabbed!" Take non environmental damage while blocking with a shield

    submitted by /u/timewarpdino
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    Allow Bedrock player to put the spyglass in their offhand

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    Lots of people have suggested adding a hotkey for the spyglass, but obviously at this point it doesn't seem like Mojang is open to that idea. A more elegant solution is simply just putting it in your offhand, and right clicking when necessary. On Bedrock, players are limited on what they can put in their offhand, but a spyglass seems like about as viable offhand choice as something like a map or shield, so Mojang should allow it.

    submitted by /u/U-Knighted
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    New Cave Biome: Coral Caves

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    I haven't really seen anyone suggest what I'm talking about, so here we go.

    With the new cave generation, I think that there should be underwater caves. Like deep trenches (I know that's on the FPS page). But what I'm suggesting are shallow caves underneath coral biomes that have lots of drowned, glow squids, and a new mob: the electric eel. The electric eel would be a neutral mob that when you come to close, it will shock the water, dealing damage to the area around them, and will take 1-2 hearts no matter your armor, making them pretty dangerous. I don't know what they could drop, but please let me know your ideas.

    I think that coral caves could be really fun to explore, and the electric eel could be really interesting. Feedback is appreciated!

    Edit: Woah this did well

    submitted by /u/_Hyve
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    Amethyst Noteblock Sounds

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 03:04 AM PDT

    Amethyst Noteblock Sounds would be nice

    submitted by /u/Colinniey
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    Hanging roots plus dirt should equal rooting dirt.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 01:31 AM PDT

    Rooted dirt is a really cool block, that is currently really hard to get a lot of. And I know when 1.18 drops I assume there'll be a lot more of it in lush caves.

    Since hanging roots are renewable in such a efficient way I think the same should be possible for rooted dirt, which is a block, therefore have a lot more uses than hanging roots.

    My suggestion is a recipe using 2 hanging roots and 2 blocks of dirt to make 2 blocks of rooted dirt. This would be a good way to give more uses for both hanging roots and rooted dirt.

    submitted by /u/athyrson06
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    Wither skeleton to skeleton

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    what if, when in powdered snow, wither skeletons became normal skeletons, then strays, like husks, zombies and drowned?

    submitted by /u/timewarpdino
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    Cricket ambiance should play at night.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:59 PM PDT

    Kinda what the title says but in lush areas like forests, plains and others of the likes some cricket ambiance would randomly play not loud but kinda silently and usually in places of not many hostile mobs. Would give nights more cozy vibes in times like that.

    submitted by /u/KingAlex105X
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    Wolves should howl

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    I was looking at the (Caves and Cliffs trailer)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0maWbr0FHKY] and there's a scene where the wolf & goat are barking/baa'ing at the moon when I thought "how cool would it be if wolves howled at night?"

    submitted by /u/PeleKen
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    An easier way to find/sort your worlds

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    • World description, a place under the name to add a discretion of the world
    • World tags, colored tags in the description box that you could add. Tags like Redstone, PvP, Test, Super-flat, House, Multiplayer, etc.
    • A search bar, A place to search for World tags, World names, and gamemode types (Survival, Creative, and Hardcore, Favorited)
    • Favoriting worlds, favoriting a world would keep it closer to the top of your world list and put a little icon next to the world name.

    Thanks for all the comments on my last post about and way to make finding worlds easier for improving this potential system.

    submitted by /u/SteveyMcSteve07
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    Pottable Chorus Flowers

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 02:07 AM PDT

    I propose that you should be able to put a chorus flower bud into a pot to make a mini chorus plant in the pot.

    submitted by /u/breakfastmood
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    Placable Telescope

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 04:59 AM PDT

    Add a crafting recipe to be able to place the zoom thingy on the ground.

    submitted by /u/Albouche76
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    Pointed dripstone from dispenser

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    When activating a dispenser that is facing down and has pointed dripstone in it, the dripstone will come out falling onto the mobs to damage them.

    submitted by /u/l74321
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    Glowing Banners

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    Wouldn't it be cool to see your banners glowing?

    submitted by /u/Imitated_Happiness
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    Dyeing leather armor with glowing ink sac

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    I just tried new Minecraft 1.17, killed some glow squids and tried to dye my leather armor with glowing ink sac. Of course it didn't worked, so I came here with my idea - possibility of "lighting up" leather armor with ink sac - armor wouldn't change color, but it will glow e.g it will glow with blue color if the armor was dyed blue before. I think it would be a great addition to the game. Share your opinions in the comments. EDIT: It would work just like the new glowing signs and glowing item frames.

    submitted by /u/AssassinoDB
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    A way to put small descriptions of a world under the name.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:46 PM PDT

    I suggest a little pace under the world name to write out a small world disruption. This could include premade tags such as "Redstone", "Survival", "House", "Multiplayer", etc.

    When you have a lot of worlds and you can't remember all their name's it's hard to decide which worlds to delete or what world you want to go into. Loading each world up is a pain and takes a while so it would be nice to have a little thing about the world for you to add something.

    Link to new and improved version of this idea using the suggestions in the comments: An easier way to find/sort your worlds

    submitted by /u/SteveyMcSteve07
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    With the giant caves coming in 1.18, I think it would be perfect for a grapling hook to be introduced.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 04:14 AM PDT

    From the snapshots we've gotten, I found it pretty hard to traverse these without an elytra. So I propose a grapling hook, to swing around the caverns of your world. Just imagine going around swinging like a monkey from stalactite to stalagtite.

    This could work in multiple ways:

    It could work like a bow, you have to pull it for some seconds before using it. It could also work like some sort of fishing rod, you have to throw it and wait for it to land on something before right clicking again and swinging. Or maybe you have to wait for it to land and then jump to swing. I don't know how hard or easy it would be to introduce this, but I feel like it would be a worthwhile addition.

    submitted by /u/Espidelman
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    Biomes should generate grouped into "continents" so you can explore based on temperature

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Biomes are meant to generate near ones that have similar temperature. But this can hardly be used as a rule of thumb in game as you often find it likes to hover around a middle value and to find biomes like jungles, warm oceans or the like that are on the extreme spectrum you just need to get lucky with the draw. With the caves and cliffs update making caves better... I guess distributed with a range of large and small caverns I think biomes should also be changed to be less noisy. If you ever looked at a seed viewer you'll see that biomes generate in blotches that just looks like noise when you zoom out cause it is. It's just the noise the generation uses. Like caves I think this noise could do with some grouping.

    This grouping would be larger patches in the generation. They would be "continents". Seperated by mountains, Oceans, or perhaps large rivers. And thankfully with Caves and Cliffs both mountains and the update aquatic oceans would make for interesting/pretty biomes to turn up frequently. In these patches the game would choose a direction of which way the temperature changes are. If you cross a mountain and find a desert, you'll probably find plains or forests if you keep going. If you cross the ocean to an ice spikes biome, you'll probably find spruce not far inland. The rate of change in temperature could also be continent specific. So you might find a temperate plains and forests continent, or one that goes from tundra to badlands.

    Oceans have had a problem of being too large in the past and they are probably at the right size at the moment. You could probably compare the size of a "continent" to these large oceans we have generating right now. In turn there could be "continents" of oceans too which can also have this directional change in temperature.

    Of course if it's just the temperature change of the continent you'd just get bands of biomes so the current scale noise would also be applied to those biomes to make them less uniform. Also the type of border on the "continent" could play a role on the temperature of the biomes on the edge. Mountains and oceans allow for more extreme biomes to neighbour eachother, while rivers avarage out the temperature on the edge.

    This could make exploration more consistent and mapping out the world could be easier as the larger scale continents would seperate better on huge map walls than the blotches of greens, beige and blue.

    submitted by /u/Dman20111
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    Axolotls shouldn't die on land, they should turn to salamanders and have mud to live

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 12:49 AM PDT

    Currently axolotls die after 1200 ticks on earth, I thought axolotls just most die when are on "dry" biomes like desert and mesa, while in all the other biomes they should turn to "adults" is meaning fully terrestrial salamanders.

    This also requires the addtion of mud, this idea also raises the addition of the mud block, a block similar to snow-powder that slows down mobs and is like quicksand, but does not freeze and allows adult axolotls to live inside, axolotls will transform dirt to mud if water is near.

    Adult axolotls will attack silverfish, spiders and bees if they can, they will still being able the swim better than the player but worse than the neotenics and the principal new feature that they get in this stage, is that they will be able to dig and break "soft" blocks, dirt variants, leaves and plants.

    The changes to the axolotl texture wouldn't much, just remove the gills, little changes to the head and become a little bit longer


    submitted by /u/DraKio-X
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    Squid Update

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 12:41 AM PDT

    This is a continuation of my post for June's Monthly Theme. I was thinking of how squids could be more useful and I came up with some ideas. First potion of blindness: since squids defend themselves with inc clouds, I think it would make sense that they could make blindness potions. Squids could either drop a new item called a potent inc gland, or you could craft a fermented inc sac. Whichever item it is, it could either be used to directly make a blindness potion from an awkward, mundane, or thick potion (to give use to the other base potions). Or it could be made from a night vision potion and one of the inc sac ideas (I like this better because it makes the potion slightly more expensive which balances how good the potion is). The blindness potion would reduce hostile mobs' detection range by 3 blocks (per potency level maybe), and they'll walking into walls, off ledges, etc (this sentence comes from u/firetruck256). I think the max length of the potion should be pretty short like 30 seconds.

    Second, a potion of Aquavision/Squid Sight/Seavision: Squids would drop a new item called a squid eye (perhaps as rare as a poppy drops from an iron golem, or a bit more common than a rabbit's foot dropping from a rabbit). The squid eye is used to brew a potion that clears the underwater fog. I like the name aquavision, but it's not unique enough.

    Third, what if squid are fish?: If so there wouldn't be any drops, but this could maybe be useful. At the very least it would be another cool mob among mob interaction. Maybe the bonemeal from the fish still drop, or the fish drop fish bones (which could craft 1 bonemeal)


    submitted by /u/canedpeanutshels
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    Make cave noises able to be shut off individually

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    Although cave noises can be shut off with the ambient sound option it shuts off or get sounds too, the cave sounds scare me when the go off and I want to be able to disable them

    submitted by /u/External-Object
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    About the cliffs

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    How about adding a new biome to the cliffs? Volcano. It has 3 types, no lava, half filled and over flowing (extinct, dormant, active).

    submitted by /u/weirdman07241
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    New Note Block Sound: Amethyst

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    As we all love the greeting Amethyst jingle I think it should be implemented as a note block sound as wool, emerald, stone and many other blocks have this feature and it would be used and loved by many people.

    submitted by /u/BioxTrillion
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    Make the powder snow Freezing zoom effect changeable through the "Distortion Effects" setting instead of the "FOV Effects" setting.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    As of right now, the Freezing zoom effect that occurs as a result of standing in powder snow for too long can only be changed using the FOV Effects slider in Video Settings. This is the same slider used to control a player's FOV with speed effects, which most notably affects sprinting.

    Here's the issue: I enjoy having that change in FOV when I sprint, but I'd also like to be able to disable the Freezing zoom effect. But because they are both affected by the FOV Effects setting, the two cannot be mutually exclusive.

    This is why I propose that the Freezing zoom effect be able to be changed through the Distortion Effects slider, which also resides in Video Settings. In my opinion, this makes most sense: the Freezing zoom effect is most similar to nausea and the Nether portal screen distortion effects, not a change in speed effects (which the FOV Effects description claims to change). In fact, the reason I wanted to disable the Freezing zoom effect in the first place was because it made me kind of nauseous, similar to the nausea and Nether Portal effect. In addition to being in a more categorically accurate setting, this would also fix the issue of not being able to change sprinting FOV effects and the Freezing zoom effect separately.

    I believe this would be a useful change, and I hope this is considered!

    submitted by /u/johan25_
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