• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Broken World RP [Semi-Vanilla] {1.12.2} {Roleplay} {Custom Fantasy Races} {Custom Models} {Unique Skills} {Narrative} {Whitelist}

    Minecraft Servers Broken World RP [Semi-Vanilla] {1.12.2} {Roleplay} {Custom Fantasy Races} {Custom Models} {Unique Skills} {Narrative} {Whitelist}

    Broken World RP [Semi-Vanilla] {1.12.2} {Roleplay} {Custom Fantasy Races} {Custom Models} {Unique Skills} {Narrative} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    This is a role-playing server. Our players work together and form communities to tell immersive stories. Nebelloren is the 4th world in its series and our server has been around for over 8 years.

    In the wake of undead hordes bringing about destruction and chaos, two factions flee their homeland. Setting themselves adrift upon the waves, they found a strange land in the mists where they seek to reestablish their societies, the continent of Nebelloren.

    Races and Factions

    • The Imeris Entente

    Comprised of the proud Dwarven clans of Votha, the star-gazing high-elves called Caeli, humans recently returned from Hell called The Lambent Front and more recently the mysterious Myriad; constructs who woke from what seems to be centuries long slumbers upon the arrival of newcomers on Nebelloren. The seat of their power is Parravon, a feudal city built in the northern fjords from which they base their operations in this new land.

    • The Wildchoir

    Made up of the comfort-loving halfling Cuthail, the plant-like elven Kihai, the spiritual and wise orcish Hjen and the traditionalist monster-hunting human Endless Spears, the Wildchoir prides itself on becoming one with nature. Having been driven from their first settlement on Nebelloren due to the risk of upsetting the strange forces of a malevolent forest, and driven from their home on the high reaching Savannah Plateau, The Wildchoir has taken refuge near Parravon and is working together with the Imeris Entente to reestablish a foothold on Nebelloren.

    The World

    A huge custom-made map, populated with over 100 wildlife mobs unique to our server, gorgeous biomes, and dotted with strange ruins and interesting vistas! Our Storytellers and Community Moderators provide support for personalized crafting and plot. With a plethora of mechanical combat abilities, profession based classes and opportunities for unique and custom skills, both mechanical and story based interactions are beyond the vanilla experience.


    On this server, you will be playing a character of your own design! Think of a backstory, which can be as detailed, or as sparse, as you want. What are your character's interests? How do they talk and act? Are they brave or cowardly? All these little nuances will add up to create a truly memorable character.

    You can be any profession you wish, from 10 mechanical professions such as blacksmiths, doctors, and alchemists, to roleplay-based professions, such as cobbler, explorers, or cheesemakers. Our team of Storytellers and Community Moderators will do their best to allow each player to form their own stories and make their own experiences.

    How To Join

    • Join our Discord server, via in the join tab of our website (Our website is under construction for the update) Information on each of the races can be found there as well!
    • Read our Rules
    • Fill in our short application
    • Get Whitelisted and Play!
    submitted by /u/BrokenWorldsST
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    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    If you enjoy a small, strong, mature and friendly community, you have come to the right place!

    • We will update to 1.17 as soon as Paper Releases a stable version! -

    We have recently worked on a trailer to showcase a few things we have built:


    This is a small vanilla server with a few vanilla tweaks. Sadly using paper doesn't count as Vanilla here. We try to stay as vanilla as possible, with a few quality of life changes and tweaks for more enjoyment.

    We started out as a small group of friends from Germany. We are in our mid 20s and have been enjoying Minecraft since our school years. We have always been keen on playing together and having fun in this virtual world.

    Living in a world not only by ourselves is a lot more enjoyable and fun! Seeing buildings grow and other things being built from other people is just a great feeling and gives so much joy.

    We have formed a very diverse community of people from all over the world in almost all age groups. Everyone is friendly and helpful. Most of us are Europe Based but anybody is welcome.

    There are many abandoned bases, depending on who's base it is, these bases may be claimed and brought back to life. If that is not your thing, there is near unlimited unclaimed land... just go anywhere! :) (We don't have any land claim plugins, if you see no base near the spot you like just place a few signs down)

    If you don't feel like building alone, I am happy to introduce my big mountain area project that needs a lot of work but is looking great already. Or just ask others to come help out or form a partnership! There are also a few groups around that you will learn to know that exist. There are some projects around spawn where we build together too! Getting involved with the community helps motivate everyone and you can definitely make new friends here! :)


    This is a vanilla server and there are no mods installed. We are running on papermc with a few little tweaks that visually don't change the vanilla gameplay but improve the vanilla experience on a server by a lot!

    We do everything in survival, no creative or other game modes. There will be no commands for items/levels/spawning etc. Literally the scoreboard command will be used, because we like to see how often someone dies when pressing tab. We use a few tweaks without destroying the vanilla experience, some are just plain fun or near essential for a SMP. None are final and voted on by the community:

    Mob Heads have a chance of dropping on a kill (Reason: Fun)

    Player Heads will drop if killed by a player (Reason: Fun)

    The Enderdragon will drop an elytra (Reason: this helps the long marches through the end when it's been raided for thousands of blocks already)

    Shulkers drop 2 shells each (Reason: Same as above)

    XYZ and Time Display (Reason: Ability to show only the Coordinates and Direction instead of the whole F3 screen, which is overwhelmed by information and text)

    AFK Display (Reason: To see if someone is afk and not active)

    Multiplayer Sleep (Reason: Only 50% of the people in the overworld have to sleep to skip the night)

    And a few more small changes, check them out on our discord server!

    As with every decision, I as a server owner will ask my fellow members and debate on new data packs or community projects. I'd love for you to help me out with new community projects and ideas! This is not just about my ideas, we are all working in this world together! (At least in the Community area, your bases and farms are all private property 👌🏻)

    If you are interested come join our discord server and introduce yourself to us: https://discord.gg/wtHquzkp3j

    See you soon in our LegoWelt!


    We will upgrade our current world, which is about a year old, to 1.17 when paper releases a stable version.

    submitted by /u/TeCK0808
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    VanillaPlusCivs [SMP] [Roleplay] {1.17} {Civilisation} {War} {Whitelisted} {Discord}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 12:23 AM PDT

    You've probably seen a bunch of these servers before. Make or join towns and nations, start wars, alliances, trade, etc. They're pretty common nowdays, you've probably seen a post about a server similar to this one before.

    Minecraft is a game about freedom and letting your imagination take control, but most servers rely on taking that freedom and creativity away for the sake of roleplay or very strict rules that often don't make much sense.

    Staff are hard to reach or contact, might abuse their power without anyone knowing and the whole thing seems like a copy-paste of something you've seen before. Everything feels soulless, rooted and unchanging, and new players have it the worst.

    But we're here because we're different.

    While most civilisation servers are really hard to get started with, have a lot of complicated rules, lots of plugins and very established lore and history, we at VanillaPlusCivs aim to be on the more simple side of things.

    Main Features:

    Alternative War System: Most servers that deal with towny and towny wars use that complicated thing with war flags, fence posts, town blocks and the whole thing. Here, we're different, and here's how:

    Three Lives War System: In a war, you have three lives. You die, you lose one. Lose all three, and you're temp-banned from the server for 20 minutes and you're out of the war.
    With this system, PvP is the main focus of a war, and they don't last forever because players can respawn as many times as they want.

    No Teleporting: No /home commands, no /fly and no fast travel shenanigans. Here we walk, sail or ride horses and minecarts. Distance and transport infrastructure are key elements of pretty much everything here, and heavily impacts all aspects of the server's experience.

    Unofficial Claims: Unofficial Claims are claims made by nations on what area they desire to control. Starting a town or a nation in these areas can lead to the nation knocking on your door demanding you join them, move out or get invaded.
    Unofficial Claims can overlap, causing wars or treaties to happen. They are also subject to change at a player's notice, but don't expect other nations will just give away their claims to you.

    Warmongering and War Rules: Imagine waking up to find your town was brutally griefed or completely destroyed by another nation. That's no fun.
    The same goes for surprise wars or wars without valid reasons. Imagine starting a war over a bucket or a footbal match, how unrealistic.
    Wars aren't fair in the real world, but this is a game and, being a game, it needs to be at least fun for both sides.

    Wiki Cataloguing: The history of this server is written as stuff happens. Events will most likely have a wiki page in less than 3 days, and towns and nations can create wiki pages describing how they are run, what their goals are, and other stuff they might find interesting to share. Nothing big goes unforgotten here.

    Unique Trade-Economy System: Trade is kind of a weird thing in these servers. Most nations want self-sufficiency, and can get that as soon as they have at least one of each crop.
    With biome-specific crops like we have here, trade becomes essential and nation expansion becomes fuelled by need rather than want.
    Our currency is called MilliDiamonds, MD for short. 1000 MD is worth a diamond in the admin shop, and is the only item available on the admin shop. Every other item must be obtained by collecting/crafting or trading with other players.

    Player Feedback and Staff: Player Feedback is what rules around here, staff work only on keeping everything working nicely and dealing with rule breakers. Our staff are also fellow players who play on the server frequently and do not abuse or cheat. Our rules are universal: no one's exempt from them.
    Player reports are also taken very seriously here. It's not always easy to find players breaking the rules, so when everyone's on the lookout, we only have to take action, and can act much faster.

    Free to Play, Free to Win: Our ranks are given by playtime, and Donator and Supporter ranks don't have anything you can't get by just playing. No /vanish or /fly or /tp commands, donations only serve to keep the server running and not to give any unfair advantages to other players.

    Whitelisted: If you're reading this after reading all of that, you might be thinking "this server is pretty cool, too bad it's whitelisted", you're making assumptions that are actually wrong.
    While we don't put our server address (IP) for the whole internet to see, we don't have those long forms or little interviews. We've just had some bad experiences of people joining our server and not caring at all about its rules or theme, so we want to be on the safe side.
    All we require is to join our Discord, where we have all our rules written down, make announcements and take player suggestions and reports. You can also find there information you otherwise wouldn't by just playing, like player shops, cool builds, unofficial claims and others.

    Join us and get whitelisted here: https://discord.gg/UtkammaDKs

    submitted by /u/KarlosGeek
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    Minecraft Freedom[SMP]{Jobs}{Economy}{Quests}{Custom Biomes}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    Who are we?

    Greetings! MinecraftFreedom was created in December 2020, we are a small-medium-sized community. We are a community-focused server where we aim to provide a unique experience for our players, and an inclusive community where all are welcome, interacting with like-minded people.

    Our Principals

    • Maturity - We expect a degree of maturity present from all players. This being a core principle of our server. This isn't an official rule present on the server, however, if followed your experience on this server will go much further.
    • Community Focused - Without you, the server can not be in the position is now. We do not just welcome but crave honest feedback. If we are making changes, to MinecraftFreedom, be it already announced content, new content, or minor/major changes, all be announced and reviewed by the community.
    • Collaboration - A crucial principle to the creation of this server, to create a space for players to come together, with our expansion of establishing community projects.
    • Updates - Providing new content is important to us, if it's a new major Minecraft update, new features. You won't have to wait around!


    Some of our features but arent limited to consist of:

    • Essential Commands (Tpa/Home Ect..)
    • A variety of tier-based quests, with 8 categories
    • There are 10 ranks that require specific McMMO Levels, Time Requirements, Item and Money requirements. Each rank progressively gives you access to
    • Pl3xMap , we consider it to have more charm B)
    • Your standards jobs have been balanced carefully, the economy is also balanced
    • Tutorial Section
    • Custom Made Playershopping district and arena at spawn, our spawn further consists of everything on floating islands.
    • Playershops - We use advancedregionmarket to allow players to rent regions in our shopping district.

    This is just some of the multitude of content present on the server.

    Overall & Server Information:

    I would highly appreciate all to come and join our server, due to the size of the development team (only being me) the server is still in current development however is still very operational with alot of key content already fully working. Thank you for your time, if you wish to join the following information is present below:

    IP : mc.minecraftfreedom.com

    Discord : https://discord.gg/jN29uCwAgk

    Website (Just created very rudimentary ) - MinecraftFreedom

    submitted by /u/Ashamed_Economy3010
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    ApeCraft [SMP] {1.17} {Whitelist} {New caves and cliffs update}{Java} {16+}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    ApreCraft is a Vanilla+ Minecraft server that started last week. We're a group of friends from all over the world and would love to meet more people. Most of us are 18+ . If you're easily offended don't join! We're a very lowkey server and a good place to chill. Hop in a voice chat and play minecraft with us!

    We don't have many rules. Just don't cheat, dupe and grief. As long as you're not an asshole you're welcome to join.

    We use the new Caves and Cliffs data pack. You don't have to wait till part 2 to play with the new world generation! We've optimized this to the best of our abilities for you to enjoy your time on our server.

    We're also using the following vanilla tweaks:

    - Double Shulker shells

    - Dragon drops Elytra

    - Mob and player heads

    - Multiplayer sleep

    - Durability Ping

    For more information about your application join our discord.


    submitted by /u/Yinkii
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    HYLOSCRAFT [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.17} {Java} {Community} {CoreProtect} {Aesthetic} {Playerheads}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 05:42 AM PDT


    HYLOSCRAFT is a Semi-Vanilla SMP centered around our community!! Our players are our priority. We want to create a friendly space where everyone feels welcomed and included!

    Every block has been mined and placed by hand. We run on a dedicated host located in Europe. Players get limited sethomes/warps, and we have some fun QOL plugins to enhance gameplay (Timber, Singleplayer Sleep, Playerheads, etc.)

    All are welcome, we'd love to have you join us :)

    Server address ~ play.HYLOSCRAFT.fun

    Read our rules on our Discord! https://discord.gg/5GazfQmgU6

    Instagram ~ hylosmete

    Tiktok ~ hyloscraft

    submitted by /u/HYLOSCRAFT
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    WolfSMP [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.17} {Weekly Events} {Pre-generated World}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    Hello WOLF welcome to the club!


    The server has an economy sistem based on diamonds fully driven by the community, you can get to know more about that on the discord.

    We decided to use a plugin called Chunky! to pregenerate the world to minimize the lag!

    We also have a griefing prevention plugin that let's us rollback a certain area in case of griefs and check chest in chase of items being stolen.

    We have a server map to view the biomes for a 4500x4500 area.

    We also have many datapacks:

    • 1.17 Crafting tweaks
    • AFK Display
    • Anti Enderman Grief
    • Anti Ghast Grief
    • Armour Statues
    • Caves And Cliffs Preview
    • Double Shulker Shells
    • Dragon Drops
    • Durability Ping
    • Invisible Item Frames V3
    • More Mob Heads
    • Multiplayer Sleep
    • Silence Mobs
    • Track Raw Statistics
    • Universal Dyeing
    • Unlock all recipes
    • Wandering Trades

    How to join us!

    To join the server you just need to get in the discord and write your IGN in the #whitelist channel:


    Also if you have time upvote this post!

    submitted by /u/annonymous503
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    Playblocks [SMP] {1.16} {1.17} {1:500 Earth Map} {Discord} {McMMO} {Land Claim} {Survival} {Custom Textures} {Custom Tools & Armor} {Bedrock Compatible}

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    Discord: https://discord.playblocks.org/

    Store: https://store.playblocks.org

    IP: mc.playblocks.org

    Rules: Rules

    Live Map: Map

    Who are we?

    Playblocks is a 1.16-1.17 Earth Survival server. The server features jobs, quests, a live map of Earth, weekly events, a custom texture pack with cool models and textures, and more! Meet new friends and create large towns with our awesome community. We're a recently launched server, with a lot of features to start off with. We've recently opened our new Survival realm with custom terrain called Survival Classic. Get on and experience the fun!

    We also support Bedrock clients. We're cross-play! Bedrock port is: 19132

    Server features:

    • Land Claiming
    • 1:500 Earth Map
    • 1.16-1.17 Version
    • Amazing Community
    • Jobs
    • Quests
    • Timed Ranks
    • Player Warps
    • Weekly Server Events
    • Crates
    • Voting Rewards
    • Friendly Community
    • 3D Models and Custom Texture Pack

    Play today! mc.playblocks.org

    submitted by /u/PhewoTV
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    Eclipse SMP [smp] [semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.17} {Plugins} {13+} {Discord} {Roleplay}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    Tired of the same old Minecraft SMP servers?

    well look no further you got lucky.

    Welcome to Eclipse SMP a completely new experience.

    The Eclipse SMP is a super friendly server with quite a few discord members. And a very active Minecraft server with a very active discord and Minecraft. We have started a brand new world earlier this week and reset alongside a huge server upgrade to deliver lag-free gameplay.

    We have some basic background plugins like essentialX and core core-protect etc. But main plug plugin that affects gameplay is Mythic mobs and Custom dungeons dotted around the map and some others like:


    Oh, The Dungeons You'll Go 9 Different types of dungeons with custom loot will spawn around the map both overworld nether and end, they have multiple levels. From battle towers to mazes.


    ReviveMe Revival plugin when you die you get knocked, your friends may revive you by crouching on you, you'll be down for 2 minutes before bleeding out, you may also suicide by crouching once downed.


    SetHome Set home with command /sethome and return home with /home


    Gravestones Upon death your death coords will be sent to you in chat. There will be a gravestone where you die which you may open to get your items back. This gravestone lasts for 3 hours before disappearing.


    LockettePro Lock chests and doors with right-clicking them with a sign, if you want to use sign normally shift crouch. To add more players (up to 3 including yourself) Shift-click a sign put [Private] on the top row and your name and your friends 1 on each following line.


    Extra stuff /sit - Sit Chance of mob/player head drop Entity and player health tag

    Moreover, the Co-owner of the server is currently working on Lore / Roleplay for us all, this will be optional for those who want it.

    We are a server with basic rules and do not allow hacking or griefing of any sort, the Discord server itself is quite friendly, lately very active too!

    Join us at https://discord.gg/r9qSFAVHC6 !!!!

    submitted by /u/Klowbye
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    DiplomacyCraft [SMP] {War} {Custom Plugins} {Survival} {1.7-1.16.5}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Trailer Link
    Server IP: play.diplomacycraft.com
    Discord: http://discord.gg/PZd9gdf
    Dynmap: http://play.diplomacycraft.com:8123/

    What Is DiplomacyCraft?

    DiplomacyCraft is a server that uses plugins I've developed myself in order to promote strategy and geopolitical competition between players, while also maintaining the "core Minecraft" gameplay and feel. Whether you're a super competitive world conquerer or a casual who just wants to build, there's a place for you.

    My inspiration to create this server came from myself playing on many different kinds of servers for many, many years, and always finding flaws that limit what multiplayer Minecraft could be. My goal is to take the best of what I've seen, then making it even better by making dozens of revolutionary never-done-before ideas a reality.

    Key features:


    • Can compete against other nations for land and resources
    • Have land protection that is strong enough to protect against griefers, allowing you to build cities, but not invincible, allowing for a more in-depth and complex level of geopolitical strategy.
    • Are fully customizable and utilizes streamlined GUIs/menus for ease of use. Nation names, classes, class permissions, and chat prefixes can all be customized within a nation to fit whatever theme or hierarchy is desired.
    • Spawnable "guards" can defend your territory for you while offline and can be leveled up to become more powerful.
    • No arbitrary "daily upkeep" or territory size restrictions that limit gameplay. Nations can be as big as you want as long as you are able to defend them.

    Custom World:

    • Large continents separated by oceans
    • A sub-world below the overworld with caves, mineshafts, and strongholds.
    • You can travel to the nether by digging all the way down to the bottom of the sub-world.


    • Dying has an actual consequence other than losing your XP. Unlike factions, PVP isn't the sole answer to everything because life is a limited resource. You must also use other political strategies to settle a conflict. You gain up to 5 lives each day you join, and running out of lives prevents you from joining until the next day begins.

    Minimal Rules

    • There are a minimal set of rules, allowing you to mostly play however you want.
    • No cheating is allowed, this is not anarchy.
    • Chat is mostly unfiltered, but there are still rules in place to keep it civil.


    • No donation ranks / pay2win
    • No loot crates / vote-crate keys / gambling
    • No kits, no warps, no keep inventory, and no set home (If you need somebody to hold your hand, this isn't the server for you)

    A dedicated Developer:

    • I am constantly working on the server in order to improve it for the benefit of the players.
    • I have TONS of ideas that I want to add in the future, and I am always listening to the community.
    • I plan on keeping this server running for as long as I live.

    Thank you for taking the time to read through this ad, I hope to see you around!

    submitted by /u/DiplomacyCraft
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    Maverick SMP [vanilla] {smp} {whitelist}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    This is a friendly SMP/Roleplay server. We are brand new and are very active. Looking for members who will help us fulfill the roles and play along! My discord is Masonb #0726

    Im a really active Owner and am on everyday. Updates every day on the server and this is a vanilla survival server. plugins only to prevent cheating and crashes. Resource packs added for different events taking place in the roleplay parts. Role play parts will be sort of auditioned for and given as you earn them. Please be respectful and nice to the other players or you will get kicked. I do not ban people I just take certain items from you as needed if necessary. I don't wanna be too rude or mean but I have to be strict to make it a fun environment for the rest of the players.

    Discord link


    submitted by /u/Interesting-Shine923
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    The Apollo Network [Semi-Vanilla] [Network] [SMP] {Pixelmon}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Hey, all! The Apollo Network Pixelmon Reforged Server recently came out of hiatus and just got a revamp! We'd love for you to check it out.

    Hub IP: play.apollonetwork.tk

    Direct Connect IP: pixel.apollonetwork.tk

    Our Discord Link: https://discord.gg/g7WHhmJ

    Our Pixelmon community is small, but very friendly and eager to grow! There are plenty of people willing to help you ingame or answer questions on our Discord server.

    Server Overview and Features:

    • Version 8.2
    • Dedicated server for optimal performance
    • Dedicated and helpful staff team: Easy to reach us on Discord. We're always looking for feedback to improve our servers!
    • Custom AND traditional starters with perfect IV's! (unbreedable)
    • Custom Player-built Gyms!
    • Competitive Player Gym League!
    • NPC Gym league with generous rewards for team-building! A great place to start if you're new to competitive battling.
    • Custom Launcher option for easy mod Installation!
    • Free Rank with /pc and /pokeheal
    • NOT P2W: Anything that isn't cosmetic can be obtained ingame

    To celebrate the revamp, we also have some events going on right now:

    • Referral Rewards, including bottle caps, mints, shiny conversions, and more!
    • Increased spawn rates for shinies and legendaries!

    Server Screenshots:

    submitted by /u/Nested_Array
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    Blackblock [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {Discord} {1.17} {18+}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 05:49 AM PDT

    Website: https://blackblock.rocks

    Version: Java 1.17

    Server Rules: https://blackblock.rocks/rules

    Blackblock is a server we started with a few friends back in the summer of 2019. We're a group of adult players who just love to play the game, and we'd love for some new mature players to join us.

    Our fourth season launched 3 weeks ago! The end is only opening up next weekend, so there's plenty of time to catch up.

    The server is running on Fabric, with some performance mods & the Carpet mod. We're not going to activate all the Carpet mod features, but chainstone, movable block entities & autocrafting is enabled.

    The server is located in Germany, and most of our players come from Europe & North-America.

    Here's a short summary of our rules:

    • Be nice to each other!
    • No griefing or stealing
    • No hacking or exploiting glitches
    • No racism, no homophobia, no transphobia, no disrespecting pronouns, ...

    We're a very open-minded server, so if you have a problem with LGBTQ+ people this is probably not the server for you.

    Leave a comment if you have any questions. All applications should be made through the website at https://blackblock.rocks/apply

    submitted by /u/skerit
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    Dwarves! [SMP] [Roleplay] {1.16.5 Java} {SkillAPI} {Brewery} {Community} {Events}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 07:31 AM PDT


    Welcome To Dwarves!

    Play as one Dwarf amongst many, as you set out to establish new footholds to further the reaches of the Bormar nation!



    Continually send back Tribute to the Bormar nation in order to advance your Outpost's rank. The higher your rank, the more permissions and privileges you will get. Fail to send back anything and the results may be disastrous.


    🏹Fight! 🏹

    Peacefully co-exist with your fellow Dwarves or launch into civil war. PVE and PVP are both options in order to give a better roleplaying experience! Our unique aggression system means that the more mobs you kill, the safer the environment becomes. However, if you don't kill enough, they will gain sway over the island!



    Our custom-made map allows for players to immerse themselves in our world. Custom mobs and environments give a realistic, yet potentially dangerous experience! We also have a small amount of lore for our Dwarven nation, which will be expanded and updated as time goes on!



    Custom professions allow your character to actually become your chosen role! Each profession comes with a range of skills that allow you to find unique items, craft custom objects and help your Outpost flourish!

    Find custom ores as a miner, create alloys and forge slabs as a smith, cut gems and fashion rings as a jeweller, forage for plants and create potions as an apothecary, write, chronicle and research as a wordsmith or defend the Outpost as a Dwarf-At-Arms!

    Don't want to play any of those? No problem! You can play any profession you think of, but it'll be up to you to roleplay it in a suitable way.


    Join our Discord Server to get started!
    IP; play.dwarvesrp.com

    submitted by /u/DwarvesRoleplay
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    Soulmate Kingdom [Vanilla] {1.17} {NEW WORLD} {Whitelist} {Anti-Grief} {ChestSort} {Dynmap} {Discord} {Java} {EU}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    Server Info
    Soulmate Kingdom is part of the Soulmate Universe community. The server features a newly generated world started June 27th. The server only features plug-ins such as grief protection, dynmap and chest sorting which do not alter the gameplay beyond that of the vanilla Minecraft feel.

    Besides the up to date anti griefing and anti cheating plug-ins we have a strict no griefing and no cheating policy.


    • 1.17 • 21 GB RAM
    • 24/7 UPTIME

    Joining, Whitelist & Server IP

    To join the server, simply reply below with your IGN or send me a PM.


    Soulmate Universe is a dream turned into project, newly found community which aims to create a safe place for players of all kind to come together. Our goal is to create a safe, LGBTQ+ friendly, non-toxic place.

    As of today we have roughly 100 community members with 6-10 daily minecraft players.

    There is a lot of work planned. A website including forum, community events, multiple game servers with discord integration and much more.

    Rules and guidelines

    • Treat all players equally
    • No intentional griefing or harassment
    • Respect eachothers boundaries.

    submitted by /u/e_p_i_e_s
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    Cow [SMP] {Whitelist} {16+} {Community-Driven} {Pure Vanilla} {Player Economy} {Redstone Welcome} {LGBTQ+ Supporters} {No-Claim}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 07:13 AM PDT



    Been looking for a tight knit community? Been wanting a server away from the annoying little kids?

    Cow SMP might sound like a regular SMP, and in some instances it is, but weekly and monthly server-wide events and community builds strays Cow SMP away from the others. We are building a tight community where everyone knows each other and is comfortable around each other.


    1. Be Kind.
    2. No Griefing.
    3. And just, don't be annoying, if you're applying, you're 16+, behave.


    1. No Claim, freedom to build wherever you want!
    2. Pure Vanilla (some data packs such as 1 player sleep and double shulkers)
    3. Player Shops
    4. Little to no lag(can't promise, don't know the farms some people be making these days)
    5. No limit to farms or building

    Application: https://forms.gle/wkzxiyraqD3hDA4B7

    Discord: https://discord.gg/vPUf5TwKA5

    submitted by /u/Diver-Chance
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    Survival Minecraft Server [Vanilla] {1.16.5} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    Hello! This server is extremely simple and to the point. Like many other vanilla and whitelisted servers, you could compare it to Hermitcraft. So, if you want a simple Minecraft experience, this is the one for you.

    The Whitelisting process is a bit different from other servers, I'll bring you into a voice channel and we'll have a chat (basically, just a mini-interview to get to know you).

    *The current world is about a day old

    *The server will update to 1.17 as soon as Paper is optimized for the newest version


    submitted by /u/xxxlaf
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    Newer Slender [factions][smp]{earth}{vehicles}{NoP2W}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    V2 Released!

    Do you want to start wars, take over land, and after that the world?

    Then this is the server for you!

    We play on a 1:1000 scale earth map with lot's of features such as:

    - Dynamic view of the map (you can see the whole map with claimed areas)

    - Weapons (ak47, rpg, minigun...)

    - Rewards (daily, weekly, and monthly rewards)

    - Vehicles (planes, submarines, helicopters...)

    IP: Play.Newer-Slender.eu

    Dynmap: http://play.newer-slender.eu:25576/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/kwZTTGH5tA

    We hope to see you around!

    submitted by /u/Jojessegaming
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    CharacterlimAges [Semi-vanilla] {Towny} {RPG} {Post-End Content} {1.16.5} {Custom} {Resource Pack}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    Characterlim Ages is a small, but growing, semi-vanilla server that started as a Towny server, but grew into something more. We have a growing staff with friendly moderators, active and welcoming players, and a beautiful spawn area that grows every week. Our server owner is dedicated to providing frequent content updates!

    Server IP: mc.characterlim-ages.com

    Discord link: https://discord.gg/J6QYHW74

    Some of the server features include:

    o Classes which give permanent buffs!

    o Custom armor and weapons so you can go up and beyond the good old reliable netherite!

    o Custom items, such as new ingots, and custom mobs!

    o Custom enchants to make your life easier!

    o Boss rushes! Try it out and see if you can beat some of the bosses on the server!

    o Got someone that maybe upset you? Set a bounty on them or declare war against their town!

    o A bunch of cosmetics that will help you stand out among other players!

    o Got some extra cash? Go to the casino and try out your luck!

    The server is still rather new, so you can expect a lot more updates happening and a lot more features being added that will make your time on the server all the better! We hope to see you soon!

    submitted by /u/soKKre
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    Prism SMP [smp] [realms] [pve] [vanilla] [modded] {whitelist}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    The Prism SMP is a new SMP opening very soon, so join now to be there from the beginning.

    Here's some info about the Prism SMP: The server has two realms, one vanilla realm and one modded realm. Both realms are ruled over by the President. The president changes once every 4 months, so you also have a chance to become president.

    The server also has its very own constitution written by the owner. By joining the server you agree to this constitution. The ip for the server is at the bottom of the constitution.

    Join now by joining this discord server: https://discord.gg/58PUgjSPAn

    submitted by /u/Shouga_
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    AllForOne [Vanilla]

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    I made a SMP for bedrock (its not a server so dont worry my console friends)come join the AllForOne SMP which will be live as soon as the owners say so (me and my friend) so dm if you are intrested my fellow PS pals,Xbox buddies,Mobile friends or Windows 10 chads! Hope to see you there!

    Whats it all about? Survival.We have made progress in the server but we encourage you to start from the bottom up until everyone on the world is ready to beat the game we are here for a good time new friends and just a chill time

    Rules? Just be polite we are very strict on insta banning you if you are toxic(includes not grieving no scamming etc etc) We wont exept anyone that isnt on the discord PM me for it if you want to join (rules apply with discord aswell)

    We hope to see you there friends godspeed!

    IP: play.allforone.com (note this isnt an actual IP we will make a server/realm eventually but for now we need it to be posted it is hosted on my world so console players can also join)

    submitted by /u/CuttleShift
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    The Dystopian Wastes [Anarchy] {No Anti-cheat} {1.16.5}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    Enter The Dystopian Wastes, the new Anarchy server!
    No rules, no limits. Hack clients, griefing, and raiding are allowed. No anti-cheat plugins are installed. Wanna destroy spawn? Go right ahead. Wanna grief ALL the bases? Be our guest.

    Run by 123gold1234 and Gazotey, admins will only intervene if the server becomes unplayable in some shape or form.

    IP: dystopian-wastes.org.

    You can find us on Twitter @DystopianWastes. We're currently running a limited-time promotion where voting for The Dystopian Wastes will give sweet rewards in-game. Check out the details on our website, dystopian-wastes.org.

    submitted by /u/Gazotey
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    The Fish Bowl [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {1.16} {Whitelist} {Events}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 04:14 AM PDT

    ➤ ABOUT US

    The Fish Bowl is a semi-vanilla SMP Minecraft server similar to Hermitcraft. Our goal is to have a kind and long term community for people to play Minecraft and have fun. We also try to have weekly events too!


    Most of our top modifications can be found here:

    • Multiplayer Sleep
    • Double Shulker Shells
    • Custom Armor Stands
    • More Mob Heads
    • Player Heads
    • Anti Mob Greifing
    • Anti Cheat
    • Dynmap
    • Editable Signs
    • Show items in chat
    • Sit and Lay
    • AngelChest
    • Redye Plugin
    • Non Pay2Win Rank Cosmetics


    We have also recently created a new tiktok account. With a video already out! If you would like to see all of our cool features in use go check out our tiktok here https://www.tiktok.com/@thefishbowlmc?lang=en . We are also going to be creating an Instagram as well. I will keep you noted when we have done so.

    ➤ JOIN US!

    If you're interested in joining you can enter our Discord Server and apply today! We are now updated to 1.17! Can't wait to see you on the server soon!

    submitted by /u/randomposts7649
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    NeonAnarchy [PvP] [Anarchy] [Semi-Vanilla] {Java Edition 1.17}

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 07:35 AM PDT


    Do you want to play on a server with no rules whatsoever?


    Then this server is for you!

    NeonAnarchy is an anarchy server with no rules at all, you can use any mods or hacked clients and there is no anti-cheat! Neon Anarchy was only started today which means that the world is brand new (you should probably try to get out of spawn while you still can..), the server is in version 1.17.

    submitted by /u/ONYXtechMC
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    DragonBorn [SMP][Semi-Vanilla] {1.17} {Java/Bedrock}{15+} {Whitelist} {Friendly Non-Toxic}{Small Community}

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 07:32 PM PDT

    1.17 portion of our world just started last night. Upgraded world from 1.16

    We are a Java server but Bedrock edition can join as well using port 19134
    We have a small lobby with bedwars, skyblock, and party games, but just walk to the SMP words and go through the portal to get into the survival, as this is where our players all are basically.

    Come join our friendly community at DragonBorn.
    We prefer players 15+ in age, in general (we have players of all ages, young and older), but those who can be mature are considered if 13 or older. We do not allow anyone under 13 due to this being against Discord's TOS, and you must be in the discord to be on the server.

    We do NOT have any mechanics for voting or paying real money to play, that will never exist on our server. Gameplay is free, and always will be. We prefer player quality of quantity!

    Join discord first, then do the easy application inside discord. Discord: https://discord.gg/bhWpx6W9YT
    Server IP: play.dragonbornserver.com

    Live map of our world is here: https://map.dragonbornserver.com/

    Very small and friendly community, as far as active players.
    PVP is off in most of the survival world, but there is a designated area in the world (a large area) where PVP is allowed.

    We do not allow a toxic nature on our server. It's a great place to relax and have fun with a small group of great people. We are LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Gameplay in survival is mostly vanilla, with some quality of life perks.

    • High quality server hosted in USA with Owner and staff that care greatly about players and the server. Small server playerbase so our staff 90% of the time are basically just players too :)
    • Phantoms won't come after you if you're holding a torch
    • Iron Golems won't come after you if you're holding a poppy
    • 6 rows in your ender chest storage
    • Top of the nether roof access
    • Single Player Sleeping
    • Better mending mechanic (mending heals the most damage items first)
    • Totems work from anywhere within your inventory, doesn't have to be in your hand
    • Set 1 /home you can teleport to (15 minute cooldown between use), /tpa to other players if they accept
    • Combine elytra/chestplates on anvils (and have them fulled enchanted just like chestplates)
    • Pose armor stands
    • Rent plots at shopping district to sell items. Diamonds are our currency. (after you have played 4 or more hours you will have access to this area. This keeps griefers to a minimum)
    • Find slime chunks with /slimechunk
    • Death coordinates show in chat (to only you) and you can use a command as well to see them in case the chat scrolls it away
    • You can sit, lay, or crawl lol
    • Colored names using minecraft color codes or RGB Hex codes
    • Redye blocks that can be dyed to a different color
    • Un-craft slabs back into full blocks
    • Weather Voting
    • Sneaking while breaking a slab will break one half of the slab instead of the whole slab
    • Trampling crops is disabled
    submitted by /u/DragonBornServer
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