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    Minecraft Stop saying ideas are too modlike, it harms Minecraft's growth

    Minecraft Stop saying ideas are too modlike, it harms Minecraft's growth

    Stop saying ideas are too modlike, it harms Minecraft's growth

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    Now don't get me wrong, cars and machine guns definitely don't suit Minecraft. But as long as ideas fit into Minecraft's fantasy RPG feel, and if it is popular enough in the community, why not add it to the base game?

    I'd always encourage Mojang to be more daring with update ideas, it prevents Minecraft from becoming too stale and boring. Exciting ideas that keep the community alive. It's okay for them to stray away from vanilla Minecraft, if it ultimately makes Minecraft a better game that remains relevant for decades to come.

    People can't keep making excuses that "we should just play with mods". Mods can get buggy and incompatible with newer versions, and worse yet, Bedrock edition players don't have access to these mods. You can't rely on mods to improve your game. If anything, Mojang should take inspiration from popular mods and add something similar to vanilla, they're a culmination of what Minecraft players want in the game!

    Back then, players thought that redstone doesn't fit Minecraft, but it ultimately made Minecraft a better game, adding more depth into it. There's tons of exciting ideas out there. Challenging mobs to fight, dungeons and quests to explore, great building blocks like autumn leaves and framed glass... Let's give Mojang more freedom to explore interesting ideas, so that vanilla Minecraft can evolve further into a much better game!

    submitted by /u/LusterCrow
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    An End biome that hangs upside down

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    I think it would be awesome if there was an end biome that hangs upside down on the end islands. Maybe it could have barrels suspended on chains with loot in it. Maybe the biome could even have its own unique vegetation, with its own grass and trees.

    submitted by /u/Sufficient-Ad-6874
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    Burning Grass

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    Fire should burn on the tops of grass blocks, turning it into a dirt block when it's done burning. The dirt left behind could even have more fertility as is the case in real life. Not only would it be more realistic, it would add an additional use to Flint and Steel and give an extra option to make crops grow quicker.

    Edit: I am not a farmer, or a biologist, geologist, etc. I don't 100% know the affects of burning ground on plant growth. From a quick Google search and my knowledge playing civ6, it seems as though plant growth does benefit from recently burnt soil. The main point of the suggestion is simply that burnt grass should become dirt. I just figured giving it a utility use would be nicer than it being a basically useless feature.

    submitted by /u/DaxiusGaming
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    every animal should have different amounts of babies

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    in minecraft, I feel it's a bit weird to have only a single baby rabbit be bred from one of the fastest breeding animals on earth, but I suggest all animals have integers for how many babies they have, say sheep have 1-3 babies with 3 being rarer and horses having only about 1-2 with 2 being quite rare. It'd make sense and make establishing animal farms a lot easier (and it would certainly give a reason to breed rabbits with how fast they reproduce, 1-12 babies? come on)

    submitted by /u/aqua_rift
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    Iron Golems should NOT attack you if you throw a snowball at a villager.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    Dude, it's a snowball. It's not like it's doing any legitimate harm to the life of a villager. It would also avoid Iron Golems killing you for no reason at all when all you did was just throw a snowball at a villager.


    submitted by /u/BobBobba-
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    New Potion

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    Add a saturation potion. A saturation potion would work similarly to a regeneration potion, but regenerating your hunger bar instead. If you drink a saturation potion you will be able to not to be hungry for a determined time.

    submitted by /u/conelover1234
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    /gamerule doCropTrampling

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Title says it all. Why isn't this a thing? I'll proceed to write a literal essay as to why the game needs one, and also complain about the stagnation of the suggestion system. TL;DR at the bottom.

    There's nothing like building something magnificent and taking a hard look at what you've just brewed up. I've recently found making wheat fields in particular satisfying since you can just gaze at the absolute ocean of wheat in awe. Not only do they look good and are useful in a pinch, but they help you be immersed in the game. With some decent shaders they can come to life in a way that makes you want to dive head first into the crops and just overall a good wheat field becomes the main attraction of a medieval build when done properly.

    That is, until that wandering trader spawns on top of your windmill and comes crashing down with his lamas straight into the field, ruining everything. What once was an illustrious field has now become a desolate dirt landscape. Well, I'll just use a gamerule to disable that wandering annoyance since I can, and I never liked them in the first place so what's the big deal. How convenient. But I can't even finish typing the command until one of my free-roam villagers joins the party and jumps on the crops with their perfect and renowned AI, further increasing the dirt count.

    Now what I can do is either A; Fence off the field completely. Keep in mind I always build them next to a river or an ocean for added realism, and the elevation differences in larger fields make for unsatisfying fences. All in all, this option is ugly and unwanted. Option B; Make sure nothing gets on the crops some other way. This would be jailing my villagers, stuffing my animals in pens, spawnproofing the land and the ocean because of drowneds and overall be completely paranoid. No good either. No mobs on land ruins the life it once had. Option C; Don't build the field in the first place, or build it underground where aesthetics don't matter. What's the fun in that? If only, only, I could type in a simple command to prevent all these drastic counter-measures even being considerable choices. And lastly, option D; Deal with it. Deal with the inefficiency of the suggestion system and the lack of a feature that should have been added years ago. Deal with patchy fields. Deal with my opinion not mattering anything.

    I mean. Farming crops has been in the game for years now, so has trampling. Why have we not even heard a mention of this? Everyone has farmed a crop, it's even more likely that more people have planted a crop than have been pestered by a phantom. How come they can be disabled with a gamerule months if not weeks after their release, and a "feature" that has been in the game for far longer cannot?

    Now, before you all mention it. /gamerule mobGreafing disables crop trampling. I know. But the command also disables the following; sheeps eating grass, creeper explosions, ghast explosions, endermen picking up blocks, villagers picking up items and also disables piglin bartering among other things. A whole heap of unwanted side-effects. All I want to do, is have my crops be unaffected by trampling. I don't want to make creepers' lives have no meaning, starve my sheep, stop villagers from reproducing and basically freeze a large chunk of the game, just because I wanted to change a minor part of the game. There are gamerules for lesser things. Some of them are basically invisible and don't even affect gameplay. How hard can it really be? Crop trampling shouldn't really even fall into mobGriefing since players can do it too. It's not mob specific.

    This feature has been suggested time and time again. Yet, no word of it has been mentioned. It shows a disgusting lack of respect towards the community and feedback. It's really a simple, optional idea. A literal toggle to affect a minor part of planting crops. No different than doFireTick or fireDamage in practice, the other of which wasn't even suggested by the community. It was just.. added.

    It's infuriating that I even have to make this post. To explain my suggestion like the developers are five and be desperate enough to do this. I'm not the first one to suggest this, either. Like I mentioned before, this has been suggested too frequently for anyone's liking. It's quite frankly frustrating how inefficient the system is. But that's my rant for now. Just add the darn gamerule. If anyone from the dev team is reading, do this for once. Listen to us. Please.


    This is a painfully obvious addition to the game that should've been added years ago. The lack of feedback incorporation is disgusting and I wouldn't have made this forest of text if I felt like a simple nudge would've sufficed.

    submitted by /u/Wibiz9000
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    Make non-fire resistant mobs run away from flowing lava and spreading fire

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    I know they already pathfind around it, but if lava is flowing, they don't actually care if its flowing towards them and it makes me sad because one of my wolves died from that. I guess slimes should still do their thing tho because they are stupid and don't care about living and only care about killing you

    submitted by /u/Minecraftpro1025
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    The end should have its own unique physics

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    In the nether, water evaporates as soon as you place it down, and lava flows much faster. This fundamentally changes the way you interact and build in the nether, and it's a fun problem to work around. I think It's weird the end doesn't have something like this, every new law of physics in the end is some weird middle ground between the 2 other dimensions.

    For example, maybe things would grow/happen twice as fast in the end. This would be an extremely useful late game mechanic, because you could grow crops/plants twice as fast, and pointed dripstone would grow twice as fast.

    submitted by /u/Sufficient-Ad-6874
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    Lit Redstone ore should give a redstone signal

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 02:48 AM PDT

    I mean, it only makes sense, i thought this was already implemented

    submitted by /u/nevryb0dy
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    carved pumpkin with curse of binding

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    basically if you put it on, you have to die since you can't completely break it, but you can't do it on hardcore, there are 2 ideas how to take it off:

    1. die with the totem of undying to automatically destroy this pumpkin

    2. get struck by lightning

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Make it so that you do more damage per block you fall with critical hits

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    As of right now you make a critical hit when you are "falling" which i think makes sense because it means you have more energy to put into the tool you're using.

    So I suggest that you do more damage if you fall from higher, this would be a small change since for it to have noticeable effects you would have to also take damage (or be very good at MLG water bucketing).

    But it can be super satisfying if you jump from super high and land on a black that negates fall damage whilst insta killing a mob

    Of course there would need to be limitations so you can't insta kill the wither by just jumping from very high.

    Also you could potentially add more intense knockback if you have horizontal energy with the Elytra.

    submitted by /u/-ComputerCat-
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    Make horses have a horizontal boost when executing a jump

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 03:36 PM PDT

    This is so horses are able to jump across rivers and ravines, which would solve one of the most tedious situations in the game that is trying to cross a river riding a horse, and it makes most players not want to use them at all. Also, it only makes sense as in real life they can make really long jumps.

    This could be implemented as a new trait to them like the speed and jump height attributes, or be dependent on the jump bar thing

    submitted by /u/sadpeei
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    Ruined nether portals should be linked.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 07:07 AM PDT

    If you step into a rebuilt ruined nether portal, it leads to another ruined nether portal in the other dimension.

    submitted by /u/Baptism_byAntimatter
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    Crying Obsidian tweak

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    Crying Obsidian works as a psuedo-water block. It could put you out if you walk on it and even turn lava to obsidian on the far end of the spectrum.

    Things like boats and Frost Walker wouldn't interact with it since it's not a full on water block

    submitted by /u/brolyhasfatnuts
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    Throwing a snowball at a snow villager should make it throw one back

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    Simple as that, throwing a snowball at a snowy villager should have it throw a snowball back at you, dealing 0 damage. I think it would be a nice little easter egg and could maybe make it an achievement.. ?

    submitted by /u/KidFriendlyArsonist
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    Crit enchantment

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    like an enchantment that increases your crit damage by 4 and can increase til level 3 and cannot be combined with sharpness, wouldnt that be lit for combat and shit

    submitted by /u/Raynerlute01
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    /camera command

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    A player should be able to type in a command to change their perspective to something other than 1st or 3rd person. It would look something like this.

    /camera @p (~x ~y ~z) (relative/follow/fixed)

    The player camera can be given coordinates outside of the body to view the avatar. Relative means that it follows the direction the player faces, follow means the camera faces the direction the player was when the command was entered and fixed means it follows the player as well as the direction they face.

    Hitting f5 would reset everything to 1st person.

    Think of the possibilities.

    A shrink command by sending the camera down.

    A customizable play style for individuals and servers because of the additional 3rd person views.

    First person body rendering in vanilla Minecraft by extending the camera forward from the face. You could see your arms and legs.

    Countless advantages for video and content creators.

    It's also a vanilla feeling way to add additional 3rd person perspectives.

    submitted by /u/JonTravis03
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    Renewable Calcite: How to do it right.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    Calcite is a block that's relatively difficult to get big handfuls of. You can't farm the stuff, and, if you want it in large quantities for a build you have to raid geodes and sure it sounds fun but it gets tiring after a while. I propose a new way to get calcite. Calcite Slivers!

    Breaking a fully grown amethyst plant drops not only amethyst shards but also drops 2-9 Calcite Slivers. Breaking an amethyst block drops 3-12 Calcite Slivers and breaking a Budding Amethyst block drops 5-13 Calcite Slivers.

    You can craft Calcite Slivers in a 4 by 4 crafting recipe to get a calcite block!

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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    Deeper Oceans

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    I know we had 1.13 fairly recently and it definitely made the oceans far better than their old form but I find oceans to still be quite boring and have no real point. (There are shipwrecks and such but that is quite useless late game.) So I propose the idea of oceans going far deeper (good time seeing as 1.18 is making the whole world deeper.) The further you go down, the darker it is and the faster you drown, making exploring down there quite difficult. To give a reward for getting so far down, there would be larger shipwrecks with better treasure.

    Just a random idea. Give feedback in comments

    submitted by /u/pifflwashere
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    Putting certain patterns on shields halves mobs detection radius

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    Shield patterns are currently serving an asthetic purpose only, what if when putting certain patterns that match a mobs design/ color scheme on a shield and then raising it it does what that mobs head does and halves the mobs detection radius( or maybe something else along those lines as long as it isn't too op), it can be more useful than heads as you do not need to forgo a helmet and you are probably using shields anyways as they are more accessible. It could be used in designing stealth games, and the patterns could maybe be obtained in game, for example rarely in dungeons a banner can be found containing the pattern for the mob that spawns from the dungeons spawner. I think there is a lot of merit to this idea without doing any drastic change. I hope this hasn't been thought of before and would love to hear your thoughts about it!

    submitted by /u/Slingshite
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    sword handling depending on what you are doing?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    had this idea, change how you hold your sword when in combat depending on what you are trying to do, like if you strafe or do nothing it does the sweeping edge animation thing and when you like are sprinting it should do a pierce animation, and maybe when doing crits it does a vertical sweep animation, could add more liveliness to the already boring combat system in minecraft

    submitted by /u/Raynerlute01
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    When we harvest wheat, the seeds should come in the hot bar, not the wheat

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    When we have one slot free in the hotbar, the harvested wheat takes it instead of the seed.

    Would be better the seed to win the free hotbar slot, so we can start planting them without opening the inventory to switch the wheat and seed with each-other.

    submitted by /u/Menzagitat
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