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    Minecraft Nether fortresses should have some soulfire torches to keep piglins away

    Minecraft Nether fortresses should have some soulfire torches to keep piglins away

    Nether fortresses should have some soulfire torches to keep piglins away

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Only 6-8 spawn cuz if more, theyll prevent mobs from spawning, this can add a lot to the lore like, they got tired of piglins so they put soulfire torches to keep them away

    submitted by /u/notabotpls
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    Amethyst Block makes Noteblocks play chimes

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    This feels so overlooked. Why on earth wouldn't placing an Amethyst block under a noteblock make it play chimes? It makes sense does it not? Packed ice already does this, but there are other instruments that you can get from multiple blocks, so why not?

    submitted by /u/Animastar
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    More uses for copper

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    More uses for copper

    1.Copper Handles

    Currently, Copper has only 3 uses, Decorative, Spyglass and a Lightning Rod, So i'll add more uses!, Introducing the Copper Handles!

    Copper handle's will be used in a smithing table, Place a Tool that needs to be Iron+ in the Smithing Table, place a Copper Ingot at the Smithing Table to advance the stick into a copper one, (there will be a stick texture, just the bottom will be copper and the part where the resource of the tool apears) What copper handles do is increase the attack speed and mining swing speed (for shovels, hoe, pickaxe, then swords and axes) It also increases the durabiity by 20, You can't upgrade a Copper handled tool into netherite, If you want to get it out, You'll have to wait for it to oxidize, Copper handles take 10 Minecraft Days to Fully Break, The Copper handles turn green over time.

    2.Copper Rails

    A New rail crafted by copper, it can be crafted by :

    Iron Iron

    Copper Stick Copper

    Copper Copper

    The Copper Rail is similiar to a Powered Rail but you don't need redstone to make it active and it's 30% less speed, But you can rotate it, Right click it with a stick changes it's directions.

    3.Copper Poles

    Copper pole is a new redstone machinery which can be used for an entrance, They look like this


    But they are copper colored and when activated with a redstone signal it will go down in the ground, if it's placed on a underside of a block it will go above that block, if it's placed at a side of a block it will go towards that block, think of it as a pole entrance

    submitted by /u/Not_WhiteShockX
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    Piglins should give higher chance for certain trades depending on biome

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    Let me explain;

    If a piglin is trading in a warped forest: it would give a higher chance for pearls

    If it was trading in a soulsand vally: higher chances for soul speed and soul sand

    If its in a bastion: then higher chances for blackstone

    You get the gist

    submitted by /u/Ner0Sips
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    Amethyst Amulet

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    In ancient times, the Greeks had a superstition that wearing an amulet made of amethyst would prevent you from getting drunk. In fact, that's where the name "amethyst" comes from.

    The Amethyst Amulet would be made with five strings and an amethyst crystal. Having it in your main hand or offhand would halve the duration of potion effects (including beneficial ones, so be careful!), or halve the level of instant effects, rounded down in both cases.

    submitted by /u/MinecraftIsMyLove
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    The Polp , a tasteful new cave mob

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 03:46 AM PDT

    (Name and texture are subject to change)

    Unlike most mob which uses sight, or Sculk that uses vibrations, Polps are eyeless mobs that uses smells and tastes.

    Spawning: They spawn alone or in small groups in lower light levels, sometimes they are found out in the cave, licking the rocks, and sometimes inside their nests. The nests are more common close to big ore veins.

    Behavior: Polps move quite slowly and not very upright, allmost as if they are tired, sometimes they even walk on all limbs. If you attack one, it might bite you, but don't look to kill you. As mentioned, they lick or scrape their mouth against the rocks in order to feed from the minerals. They don't actualy destroy the blocks, so don't worry about them ruining your builds.

    If the player give them some stone type blocks, the Polp might give the player some items, such as sand, gravel or iron ore.

    Apperence: Polps somewhat resemble a player in shape but shorter. They have a gray body, with some brown hair. They have large claws and tusks. They could look somethings like this:

    A polp in its' nest!

    Get the texture I used a player model, for practicality.

    submitted by /u/Mollof
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    New Curses And Where To Find Them

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    The title says it all.

    Curse of Ignition: This curse would make it so that, when ever you are hit there would be a 15% chance for the wearer to burst into flames. This can be found in the nether where the effects chance is also doubled.

    Curse of Stone: This would make it so that you would sink faster in water, making it harder to get air. This would be found in underwater locations like sunken ships and underwater ruins.

    Curse of Warping: This would make it so that when the wearer is hit, there would be a 25% chance that they are teleported to a random location up to fifteen blocks away. This would only be found in end city's.

    Curse of Detonation: Simaler to the creeper, when on half a heart, the wearer will explode, destroying their surroundings and possible items. This would be found from dungeon and desert temple loot.

    Curse of The Elements: This would make it so that when every the wearer is hit, a random potion effect would be given for ten seconds which can be good or bad. This would be only be found in masion loot.

    Other: These curses can be found on random enchanting books and from enchanting. If you have any balancing suggestions please let me know.

    submitted by /u/slenderender64
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    Blackstone dungeons

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    These structures generate in every Nether biome except warped forests, and they are the same shape and size as normal dungeons in the Overworld. Blackstone generates where cobblestone would generate, and gilded blackstone generates where mossy cobblestone would generate. The monster spawners in Blackstone dungeons have a 40% chance of being a zombified piglin spawner, a 30% chance of being a skeleton spawner, and a 30% chance of being a wither skeleton spawner. There's no chests or chest loot in Blackstone dungeons.

    submitted by /u/Sufficient-Ad-6874
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    global datapack folder

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    for now adding own datapacks while creating a new world is quite annoying, you have to open the temporary folder which keeps changing, find the datapack and move it there, it would be nice if instead of making a temporal folder, there would be a global folder that holds all your pre-downloaded datapacks and allows you to choose them before creating the world with 1 click

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Bronze Tools with a twist!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    What if bronze tools existed, but instead of having a durability based on usage, it would have a durability based on time? They could be created with bronze ingots, a combo of iron and copper. They could be "unbreakable" but only for a period of time- maybe 3 Minecraft days? I'd imagine they'd be similar to iron tier.

    submitted by /u/TheWhiteHairedOne
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    Red Pandas

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    Red pandas would be a mob found in regular jungles with a small chance to spawn in bamboo jungles. It's unique feature would be having 3 different diets: herbivorous, omnivorous and carnivorous.


    Red pandas with different diets would have different behaviours. Herbivorous red pandas would eat leaves, cocoa beans and bamboo, and would be totally passive, running away if attacked. Omnivorous red pandas would be neutral, and would eat all plants mentioned above plus chickens and rabbits. Carnivorous red pandas would still be neutral, but would deal more damage. They hunt cats, ocelots and pigs on top of chickens and rabbits.


    Herbivorous: Health: 6 Damage: 0

    Omnivorous: Health: 10 Damage: 1

    Carnivorous: Health: 20 Damage: 3


    Feeding two herbivorous or omnivorous red pandas cocoa beans will make them breed. Breeding two pandas with the same diet will result in a baby of the same diet. Breeding two parents with different diets together results in a 50% chance of a herbivorous panda, a 40% chance of an omnivorous panda and a 10% chance of a carnivorous panda.

    I feel this would be a cool addition to the jungles and a cool new mechanic for Minecraft in general. I hoped you liked this idea!

    submitted by /u/NickGamer333
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    Update Bedrock's food system to match Java's

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    Bedrock Edition still uses the Pre-1.11 food system.

    It makes you use a lot of food whenever doin things as running, jumping, etc.

    It was changed on Java on 1.11, but never got changed in Bedrock (since I believe Bedrock wasn't an only Version, it was Legacy on Console and PE and W10 separately), so Bedrock still uses the old system.

    I think it should be updated to match Java's system.

    Disclaimer: This is not refered to the Regeneration system, Java's one was changed during the combat update (1.9, so that's why it never got to Bedrock) however there's no reason to not have the new food system on Bedrock.

    submitted by /u/Zeta_ggwp
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    Ideas for cave monsters and features

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    1 - Now that caves are literally huge and cavernous, how about something that exploits those dark nooks and crannies? I was thinking of some kind of creature that DROPS from the dark ceiling onto you. Perhaps giving you a blind/darkness debuff and destroying all torches in within 10 blocks. But once on the ground it is slow and vulnerable. To not be completely unfair it can have a low growling sound or something.

    2 - Very rare mushrooms. Maybe some can be used for new potions/food, but I was also thinking about having a mushroom creature that defends the mushrooms patch and/or perhaps a mushroom that releases toxic/healing gas in a proximity. Perhaps a funky underground mushroom biome.

    3 - Extremely rare treasure vaults. Encased in obsidian, perhaps containing treasure maps and an enchanted item and some emeralds? These are mostly found submerged in lava pools and are perhaps trapped, making them dangerous for those without fire protection or the unwary.

    4 - A new ore. Very, very rare. Teleportium. When mined it can be used for potions/enchanting and crafting and 'home' blocks. I was thinking the idea behind it is it can be applied to tools/armour and when you die they return to spawn on your 'home' block, rather than lost forever. Perhaps the ore can ONLY be mined with a netherite pick?

    5 - Underground ruins - Vast, spooky tunnels deep underground. Mainly empty, besides the occasional trap or loot chest or perhaps some useful furniture blocks and food barrels. This is just to expand the vastness of the game and to give players something good to explore. Maybe there's room in there for a new mob.

    submitted by /u/L3n777
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    Can wolves please not aggress foxes?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    I mean really. It hurts my heart. The little noises and stuff. Not cool.

    submitted by /u/cassigayle
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    Enchanted golden apples should restore full hunger

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 10:36 AM PDT

    Just what the title says. Its really weird that the most powerful food in the game literally gives the same hunger points as a normal apple. The amount of saturation it gives is fine, but it's honestly bizzare it doesn't give more hunger.

    submitted by /u/sl1dr_
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    Quivers and a new use for the Fletching Table!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Quivers and a new use for the Fletching Table!

    As some may know, quivers were intended to be a feature a long time ago but were never implemented. I think the quiver could be a cool item to not only store arrows without taking up inventory space but also to add a unique incentive for using multiple different bows during PvP. This will also add a new use for the fletching table, one of the blocks from 1.14 that has yet to have a purpose outside of a villager work station block.


    You can craft a quiver using 5 leather and 3 string in the pattern seen below:

    Quiver Crafting Recipe (could be subject to change)

    Quivers can also be dyed any color the player chooses.


    A quiver can hold up to three stacks of arrows. However, a quiver can only have 1 unique type of arrow, meaning poison arrows and normal arrows can't be in the same quiver. You move arrows in and out of the quiver in a similar fashion as you would bundles. If an unassigned quiver (we'll get in to what that means later) holding arrows is in a player's inventory, an unassigned bow will take from the first quiver in the inventory. The sorting order for which quiver is taken from first goes from left to right in the inventory, prioritizing any quiver in the hotbar and then checking each inventory row top to bottom to determine which quiver is used. A bow with the Infinity enchantment can still take from a quiver, but it will still consume arrows.

    Interaction with the Fletching Table:

    The fletching table can be used to assign a specific bow to a specific quiver, having that bow always prioritize taking arrows from that quiver, regardless of sorting order. An assigned bow will have a small texture change, giving it a small piece of leather wrapping around the top limb of the bow. The leather's color matches the current color of the assigned quiver. An assigned quiver or bow will also have a small inscription when hovering over the item (similar to enchantments), telling you which bow or quiver it is assigned to, using a number system for unnamed items (for example, the first bow and quiver you assigned would have the number 1, and so on) and using the custom item name every other time. Placing an assigned bow or quiver in the fletching table also gives you the option to unassign it.


    I feel like quivers would be an interesting idea for combat in the game. In singleplayer, quivers could help save inventory space being taken up by arrows, but the main use would be in multiplayer and PvP. You could have several different bows assigned to different quivers in order to easily sort which one uses what kind of arrow. For example, you could have a bow assigned to a red quiver holding harming arrows to pack an extra punch while also having a bow assigned to a pink quiver holding healing arrows so you can quickly heal teammates.

    Please leave your thoughts and any feedback on what should maybe be changed with this suggestion!

    submitted by /u/DisturbedWaffles2019
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    New Enchantment: Silence

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    Silence is an Enchantment for Boots that Allow the Players to Walk without making ANY Noise. But you're thinking: This is so OP! But, actually, it isnt:

    Piece: Boots
    Max Level: III
    Effect: With "Silence I", there's a 30% Chance of, when you Walk, Run, Swim or Climb, you make any noise. With "Silence II" there's a 60% Chance. And with "Silence III" there's only 80% Chance.

    This New Mechanic could be really cool if added in 1.18 Update with the Warden. And 80% Isnt that OP. Every 5 Steps, 4 of them Don't make a Noise!

    submitted by /u/caco08vilar
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    Hitbox of lava could be one pixel lower, so that it doesn't get you when you're standing on soulsand.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    Basically, soulsand appears to be a full block, yet it's hitbox is slightly lower than a full block, this on its own wouldn't be much of a problem, but lava has the exact opposite: it looks like it's lower than a full block, but it's not.

    The fact that your hitbox touches lava when you stand on soulsand is unintuitive, as it looks like that shouldn't be the case, so I suggest the hitbox of lava is made to have the Same size as that of soulsand.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    More Zombie textures!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    It's always bothered me that every single zombie in the game went to the same "blue shirt blue jeans" store (aside from husks and zombie villagers). They all look just like green Steves and that just feels really dumb to me.

    If they were supposed to have been just like the players at some point, it would make sense for them to vary in outfits. That would make them feel like more fleshed out characters and it might even make them feel a little scarier. They could just be a lot more interesting than how they are now.

    submitted by /u/NodoBird
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    Scarecrow Golems but with an actually useful defensive purpose... and also scaring.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    Introduction: So this idea has been discussed before, but I believe that I have a new addition to it that will add a legitimate reason to use these spooky bois. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!

    Construction: Constructed by placing fences on either side of and below a hay bale with a carved pumpkin on top. Nether wood fences modify the golem's stats and jack o' lanterns can be used to make it glow.

    Appearance: The scarecrow golem is similar in appearance to an armor stand but with the chest covered in hay and the head covered by a carved pumpkin. On its shoulder rests a crow if the golem has existed for over a day. The type of fence changes the color of wood on the golem and a jack o' lantern on a nether wood golem will glow blue with soul fire.


    • 14 hit points (7 hearts), 8 (4 hearts) if constructed with nether wood
    • Doesn't attack
    • Passive mob type
    • Takes double damage from fire, immune to fire if constructed with nether wood

    What you would expect: They are scarecrows, they scare things.

    • Scare away small groups of hostile mobs and mobs that disrupt crops and cattle
    • Makes farm animals stay at least 1 block away from fences and gates
    • Scarecrow golems can be given a single tool/weapon to modify their scare aura's potency and range based on the tool's material, damage, and range
    • Hoes are the most effective tool to increase the potency of the aura and scarecrow golems cannot use these tools or weapons to attack

    The actual purpose: Scarecrows have a strategic purpose amongst the golems and act as a sort of support unit by disabling ranged enemies.

    • In combat, scarecrow golems will attract the fire of ranged mobs, but piercing based attacks (such as evoker fangs or arrows) do not harm the scarecrow golem as it is made of straw
    • Those who attack the scarecrow golem will be attacked by its crow and inflicted with blindness as the crow smothers them in feathers. This blindness significantly reduces the targeting range of mobs
    • This crow must briefly rest before it can attack again and a scarecrow golem must be animated for at least one day to get a crow

    Small little fun details: Just some niche interactions that are cool.

    • Creepers are attracted to them but don't explode once reaching them (cats overpower the scarecrow and scare away creepers)
    • If a scarecrow is set alight, nearby snow golems will throw snowballs to put the fire out, although putting the scarecrow in water accomplishes the same thing
    • Shearing a scarecrow golem removes the pumpkin to reveal a cute derpy face but also makes it no longer scare away mobs
    • The target practice scarecrows in Illager outposts have a small chance to be scarecrow golems instead
    submitted by /u/Oryyyyx_with4ys
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    Adding servers on consoles

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    This is exactly what the name says. I made an SMP and wanted my friends to join. One of them only has a PS4 and can't join because there is no add server button. My other friend has an XBOX and has the same problem. Plz Mojang add this! Why is it only on PC and mobile? PS4's and XBOX's have on-screen keyboards. Why isn't there an add server button on all consoles?

    submitted by /u/markc1707
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    Enchanted Carved Pumpkins keep enchantments after being placed.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:31 PM PDT

    I think that would be nice.

    submitted by /u/GameCenter101
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